affect the growth and behavior of living things

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Environment Effects and Food Chains

Environmental FactorsAffect the growth and behavior of living things.

Migration and Dormancy Including HibernationIn animals can be caused by changes in temperature, precipitation, or daylight hours.

EnvironmentAll of the living and nonliving things around an organism

Growth Increase in age, size, or development

BehaviorAn action that is seen

MigrationThe seasonal movement of animals from one place to another place

HibernationThe state of being still in an enclosed space to conserve (save) energy

DormancyThe rest or be inactive

HabitatNatural environment of plants and animals

Plants and AnimalsDepend on each other in many ways

Food Chains Show the flow of energy from one organism to another

Are found in many habitats including: parks, beaches, gardens, lakes and forests

Food Chain If an animal is removed from the chain explain what would happen to the other animals and plants.

If a plant was removed from the chain explain what would happen to the animals in the chain.

Food WebA connection of food chains with many food energy paths in an ecosystem

OrganismA living thing

GardenAn area where flowers, vegetables, or shrubs grow

ParkA recreation are open to the public

Beach An area along the shore covered with sand

LakeA large body of water surrounded by land

Wooded AreaAn area filled with many trees

ProducerAn organism that uses sunlight to make its own food for energy

ConsumerAn organism that gets energy by eating other organisms

DecomposerAn organism that gets energy by eating dead organisms, nonliving material, or waste

HerbivoreAn animal that gets its energy by eating only plants

CarnivoreAn animal that gets its energy by only eating other animals

OminvoreAn animal that gets energy by eating both plants and animals

PredatorAn organism that hunts or feeds on another organism

Prey An animal that is hunted by another animal

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