‘experience of implementation’ · 2019. 3. 19. · 50%, programmes implemented within probation...

Post on 19-Aug-2020






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Implementation Network

November 2015Probation Service, Haymarket, Dublin

The Probation Service ‘Experience of Implementation’


• Overview of Probation Service

• Use of Programmes in Probation Service

• PDU/Bridge Case Study

• Learning from an implementation framework

Saragh McGarrigle – Probation Officer

David Williamson – Senior Probation Officer

• Reduce level of Crime

• Increase Public Safety

• Reduce likelihood of reoffending

• Make good the harm caused by


• Manage Court Orders

Probation Service Role


Probation Service overview

Probation Team or Sub Team Office

CBO/Contact Office/Other

8,500 offenders

in the community

395 staff

€37.3 million budget



Probation Service Offices in Prison

How we do it

General principles

Social Work ethos

Risk Assessment tools

Level of intervention = Level of risk

Intervention to target identified risk factors

Use of specialised programmes

Multi Agency

Periodic review of progress

Cost Effective

The programmes context

In order to achieve reductions in offender recidivism in the range of10% to 50%, programmes implemented within probation and parole must adhere

to specific principles for effective intervention.

Paparozzi What Works debate

Programmes found to be effective

Provide measurable outcomes

Wide application – offence type, location


Programmes used in the service since 2000 – sex offender, group work programmes, local initiatives

Examples: Choice & Challenge, Alcohol Awareness, Alcohol & Offending, Anger management, Living with Life

Programmes Team


• History of using accredited programmes & designing programmes

• Some experience of evaluation of programmes

•Established culture of CBO working in Partnership with Probation Team

Programme Process - 1

•Programme target area identified by Probation Service

•Options reviewed – Revise existing programme, utilize external programme, in house design

•Proposal put to Probation Service

•Direction on preferred option

Programme Process - 2

•PDU – Design/revises/reviews selected programme

•PDU team deliver programme to identified group

•Programme and process evaluated by Bridge

•Programme revised by PDU

•PDU lead pilot of programme with identified Probation Teams

•Pilot evaluated by Bridge and report to Probation Service

•When Programme Approved•Final revision, •Published and distributed

Evaluation Process

Process evaluated – content/ PDU interaction/Deadlines etc

What measures of effectiveness were selected and uilised

Feedback obtained by quesionaires and interviews

Feedback from – staff, participants

Ongoing monitoring

Support Role

SMT presentation

Regional meetings and presentations

Team meetings and presentations

Individual contact and support

Developing a centre of excellence

Programme Implementation

1.Exploring & Preparing

•Strategic Goal Set: Implement identified programmes nationally

•Informed by best practice/ outcomes focused/ value for money

•Consultation with C.B.O., Bridge

•Plan lead by identified team

•Resources reconfigured to support plan

• Could have benefited from:-wider consultation of stakeholders at this stage-Leaders with knowledge of implementation theory

2. Planning & Resourcing

• Stakeholder consultation extended when programmes piloted –

included both practioners and offenders

• Use of peer support at pilot stage – impliementation champions

• Staff skills/readiness at different stages

• Availablity of PDU team to individual staff was core

• Difficult to have realistic timelines for implemntation plan initally

• Organisational culture – resistence to move from professional

autonomy to ‘manulaised’ approach

• Need for national communication strategy at this stage

3. Implementing & Operationalising

• Progamme Implementation Plan 2015 – 2016 focused on this stage

•Staff capacity – skill development- overcome obstacles - support

•Imbedding within the current policies, structures, organisational culture

•Imbedding within current assessment and supervision appraches

•Clear communication flow up ad down, active and passive

•Communication of programes to offenders, families, partner agencies

•Review and evaluation as part of plan

4. Business as Usual

• Some programmes are at this stage

•Programme Implementation Plan 2015 – 2016

• When plan is completed, we should be at this stage……


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