adventure the choice

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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8/20/2019 Adventure the Choice 1/5

An adventure for the



“The hoi!e" #ritten $y Allen Sho!% 


This scenario is designed for the crew of a Starfleet ship. It takes place in the year 2371 (Stardate 48213.7).

ne of the crew will !e faced with a diffic"lt choice# while the others $"st !attle hostile %ardassians.


The character&s ship has !een sent to s"r'ey the eta %orallis star syste$ # which is located 2 light years

fro$ the !order of the %ardassian e$ilitari*ed +one. Starfleet is partic"larly interested in the fifth planet.

The syste$ contains fi'e planets, three are gas giants# one is a %lass - planet# essentially an at$osphereless

rock!all. The fo"rth planet is %lass . r!ital sensor scans (a /o"tine Ship!oard Syste$s (Sensors) task)will re'eal that the planet is 'ery arid (less than 10 s"rface water) and contains no significant reso"rces.

nother Ship!oard Syste$s (Sensors) task at a iffic"lty of oderate () will detect ano$alo"s energy

readings on the northern continent. "e to shielding# eact analysis is not possi!le# !"t it can !e deter$ined

it is !elow the s"rface. The %aptain $ay wish to (and pro!a!ly sho"ld) send down an way Tea$ toin'estigate.

The way Tea$ will $ateriali*e in an area approi$ately 100 $eters fro$ the detected energy so"rce. The

area is filled with nat"ral rock for$ations# ca'erns and cliffs. 5ersonal 6"ip$ent (Tricorder) readings

(iffic"lty of %hallenging (10)) will re'eal the energy so"rce to !e a!o"t 0 $eters !elow the$# in one of

the ca'erns ahead. If they try to co$$"nicate with the ship# they will find their co$$"nicators !eing

 9a$$ed. efore they ha'e a chance to try to clear the 9a$$ing# they will !e attacked. There are three

attackers for each character. The assailants are ar$ed with phasers (5erception check at oderate (7) to

note they are Starfleet iss"e phasers) set on hea'y st"n. If they are "na!le to st"n all the characters on the

first ro"nd# so$e of the$ will r"n into a near!y ca'ern, they are trying to l"re the characters into an areawhere they can !e a$!"shed. If they are s"ccessf"l in st"nning all the 5%&s# those characters will wake "p30 $in"tes later..!"t one of their n"$!er will !e $issing:

'N#E*O+E O+,AN-

t a!o"t the sa$e ti$e that the way Tea$ is !eing attacked# ship&s sensors will pick "p a 'essel $o'ing

toward the planet. It will !e identified as a %ardassian ;alor class <arship. It&s presence in -ederation

space is a 'iolation of the -ederation=%ardassian Treaty. If hailed# a %ardassian na$ed ;"l Takal responds.

>e says he has co$e seeking a cell of terrorists who !elong to the a"is# who recently raided a

%ardassian o"tpost. ?ong=range sensors tracked the$ to this world. If challenged# ;"l Takal will state thatsince the -ederation can&t see$ to root o"t these terrorists# the %ardassian @nion will e$ploy $ore efficient

$ethods, his ship is carrying a load of elta o$!s (sensors can confir$ this). >e intends to !o$!ard the

 planet, this wo"ld !e s"ccessf"l in annihilating anything li'ing on this planet# e'en if "ndergro"nd. If

infor$ed that there is an way Tea$ on the planet# he will tell the %aptain to re$o'e the$, if infor$ed that

they cannot (the 9a$$ing is affecting their sensors# $aking transport i$possi!le)# the %ardassian will say

that this is "nfort"nate# !"t he will not let this deter hi$ fro$ his $ission. >e will warn the ship not to

interfere# or he will destroy the$ witho"t hesitation.

The %aptain# of co"rse# cannot let this happen. If he hesitates# ha'e so$eone who $akes a ?aw (Starfleet/eg"lations) roll re$ind hi$ that elta o$!s are an illegal weapon according to n"$ero"s treaties# and

Starfleet reg"lations re"ire hi$ to safeg"ard the li'es of his crew$e$!ers on the planet. <hen infor$ed

that they will not !e allowed to carry o"t their $ission# the %ardassian will say AThen prepare to die:B


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8/20/2019 Adventure the Choice 3/5

Str"ct"ral 5oints in da$age# or loses it&s shields and weapons# it will atte$pt to escape. "rora will order

 p"rs"it, it will re"ire an pposed pers"asion test with a iffic"lty of 10 to talk her o"t of this.


If all goes well# and the %ardassian ship is defeated or destroyed# "rora will contact the Starfleet ship andoffer assistance. The %aptain will ha'e to decide at this point what to do a!o"t the a"is ship. n the one

hand# they are wanted cri$inals. n the other hand# they pro!a!ly sa'ed the li'es of e'eryone on the ship.if the %aptain asks a!o"t his $issing officer# he will !e allowed to speak to hi$. efore he does# tho"gh#

"rora will ask to speak to hi$. AEo"&re good, we co"ld "se so$eone like yo". ake no $istake# it&s no

ad'ent"re, we&re h"nted !y !oth sides# and we&ll ne'er get any $edals. "t so$eone has to stop the

%ardassians# and the -ederation has lost the will to do so. Eo" can 9oin "s# or we&ll send yo" !ack to yo"r

ship. Eo"r choice.B

Hoining# of co"rse# $eans the character is effecti'ely o"t of the ca$paign# as well as now !eing consideredan ene$y of the -ederation.

If the character ret"rns to his ship# the $o$ent of tr"th arri'es, will the %aptain let the a"is ship go If

he tries to apprehend the$# it&s another space !attle# this ti$e with a a"is raider. (It is possi!le that the

Starfleet ship will !e too da$aged fro$ the fight with the %ardassians to e'en !e a!le to stop the a"is.)

if not# and it is needed# the a"is ship will tractor !ea$ the Starfleet ship o"t of the asteroid field# "sing

their sensor logs to retrace a safe ro"te. They will then warp o"t of the syste$.


6perience 5ointsF

if the characters s"r'i'e the ad'ent"re F 1 pt.

If the characters pre'ent the %ardassians fro$ !o$!ing the planet F 1 pt.

If the characters defeat the %ardassian witho"t a"is helpF 2 pts.

if the characters defeat the %ardassians with a"is helpF 1 pt.

if the characters defeat the a"is shipF 1 pt.

/enownFIf the characters defeat the %ardassians witho"t a"is helpF G3 Skill /enown

If the characters defeat the %ardassians with a"is helpF G 2 Skill /enown

if the characters apprehend the a"isF G2 iscipline /enownIf the characters allow the a"is to escapeF =2 iscipline

If the capt"red character chooses to 9oin the a"is# he gains the <anted disad'antage (!"t not the points

thereof)# and =10 iscipline. >e also lea'es the ca$paign as an acti'e character (!"t $ight !e good for a

a"is ca$paign when the SJ ga$e co$es o"t.)

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Name) "rora Tho$as Spe!ie3) >"$an Type) for$er %o$$ander in Starfleet


-itness 3

Ditality G1%oordination 3

/eaction G1

Intellect 2

5resence 4

<illpower G1

5si 0


d$inistration (Starfleet) 2 (3)# (Starship) (4)

thletics (H"$ping) 2 (3)# (/"g!y) (3)

%o$$and (%o$!at ?eadership) 2 (3)# (Starship) (4)

%o$p"ter (/esearch) 1 (2)

%"lt"re (>"$an) 2 (3)

odge 26nergy <eapon (5haser) 1 (2)

>istory (-ederation) 1 (2)# (>"$an) (2)Cnowledge (%ardassian Technology) 1 (2)# (a"is perations) (2)


-ederation Standard 3

?aw (Starfleet /eg"lations) 2 (3)

5ersonal 6"ip$ent (Tricorder) 1 (2)

5lanetside S"r'i'al (@r!an) 1 (2)

Ship!oard Syste$s (%o$$and) 3 (4)# (ps g$t) (4)# (Sensors) (4)# (-light %ontrol) (4)#

  (Tactical) (4)Space Sciences (strono$y) 1 (2)# (Stellar %artography) (2)

Starship Tactics (%ardassian) 2 (4)# (-ederation) (4)# (a"is) (4)

@nar$ed %o$!at (Starfleet artial rts) 2 (3)Dehicle perations (Sh"ttlecraft) 1 (3)

<orld Cnowledge (Corellia D) 1 (2)


%ontact (Starfleet ?ie"tenant Hohn Tho$as# her !rother) G1# %ontact (Starfleet %aptain lan Tho$as# herfather)# 5ro$otion G8 (%o$$ander)# ept. >ead (ps) G4 (for$erly)# /i'al (%o$$ander "drey Hones)#

Intolerant (%ardassians) =2# Dengef"l (%ardassians) =3# ;"ilt (o'er lea'ing Starfleet) =1# <anted (!y the

-ederation and %ardassians) =4# Species 6ne$y (%ardassians) =4

RENO#N) 45

ggressionF 18# isciplineF =12# Initiati'eF =2# pennessF 2# SkillF12


#O'N& *E6E*S) 4K4K4K4K4K4K0

,ERSONA*IT-7(AKGRO'N&) "rora was a Starfleet rat who spent $ost of her life on a Starfleet

or!ital station at Corellia ID# a colony world which is now part of the %ardassian @nion thanks to the treaty

the -ederation signed with the$. "rora resigned her co$$ission in 238 !eca"se she considers the treaty

a !etrayal of -ederation ideals. She drifted for awhile "ntil she $et another for$er Starfleet officer who had

resigned for si$ilar reasons, %hakotay. >e recr"ited her into the a"is# where her co$$and a!ilities

"ickly ele'ated her to a position of a"thority.

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She is a !rilliant co$$ander# !"t so$eti$es lets her hatred of %ardassians !lind her to the right thing to do.

E8uipment) Starfleet 5haser II# Starfleet co$$"nicator# Starfleet Tricorder.

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