advantages of xamarin for cross platform mobile development

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Advantages of Xamarin For Cross Platform Mobile Development


1. Introduction2. A Unique Way To Build Applications3. Simplified Development4. Faster Development5. Component Store6. Simplified Testing7. Scalable Applications

Introduction ● The usage of mobile applications is growing at a phenomenal rate globally. ● This calls for quick development of new and improved mobile applications.

A Unique Way To Build Applications● On the one hand developing mobile applications with web standards like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript is already quite

popular. But at the same time, many prefer to build native applications which provide better features. ● Xamarin provides a unique way to build native iOS and Android applications.

Simplified Development● Xamarin simplifies code sharing across platforms. This helps in cutting the development cycle short.● Xamarin provides the benefits of native UI helping in retaining the features of native application


Faster Development● Xamarin makes sharing of application across platforms really simple.● Xamarin enables binding of common APIs and UI controls for iOS, MAc and Android. With Xamarin, portable class libraries are

used for cross platform Windows app development.

Component Store● The Xamarin component store is a really helpful resource to find useful stuff for developers – cross platform

libraries, UI controls and third party web services.● Cross platform application testing requires a lot of extra time and effort.

Simplified Testing● The Xamarin test cloud enables testing of applications on the cloud, making the process simpler and

shorter.● The applications built with Xamarin provide a better experience to users with standardized UI controls. No

additional plug-ins are required by developers, while enabling device processing.

Scalable Applications● Large, complex and scalable mobile application projects are now made possible with Xamarin.● Looking to hire expert teams for Xamarin Development? Trust ValueCoders for all kinds of cross platform

development with Xamarin.

Choosing The Right PartnerHere are tips on how to build the right culture for managing remote teams. Hiring an agency like ValueCoders is helpful in getting only handpicked developers to choose from.

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