advantage and disadvantage of social media

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Social Media



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Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.

Integrated Marketing Communication And Design

Advantage and Disadvantage ofSocial Media


o Definition of Social Media

o Classification of social media platforms.

o Disadvantage and advantage in Entertainment, Education, Business and Marketing

o Conclusion

o Bibliography

What is Social Media?

It is computer-mediated technologies that allow individuals, companies, NGOs, governments, and other organizations to view, create and share information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression. The idea that social media are defined by their ability to bring people together has been seen as too broad a definition

Educational & Professional Social Media Platform

Entertainment Social Media Platform

Quora Behance



Dribble Devianart






o Example like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat

o People forget talking on phone more. They wish birthdays on Facebook.

o People do text and drive

o On twitter people do not communicate , they talk what they believe.

o Good for information but how do you know information is right or wrong.

o People post there opinion without researching about it.

o Self esteem goes down as people start comparing themselves.

o Privacy Concerns

Disadvantage of Social Media in Entertainment

o Instagram is great platform to showcase photography.

o You are connected with people.

o Created lot of employment.

o Easy analysis of data on social media.

o Great platform for advertising.

o Anyone can make money on it.

o Social media connect people to government.

Advantage of Social Media in Entertainment

o Some researchers have correlated heavy Internet use with greater impulsivity, less patience, less tenacity, and weaker critical thinking skills 

o Shorter vocabulary like lol, Ty, thx

o Encourages exploitation and abuse: We all know that social networking is a product of technology and technology brings new kinds of crime.

o Behavioural tendencies and consequences: It's much easier for young people to verbally abuse each other online than it is face to face.

Disadvantage of Social Media in Students

o It encourage students to interact with each other, share ideas and to express their creativity.

o Establish enduring relationships with real people.

o Social media can provide a richer experience for resources. Videos, resource websites, and tutorials can be shared very easily with the entire classroom at the click of the button. 

o It is easier for them just to communicate online and not in person. 

o Example Quora, Behance, Youtube, Pinterest

Advantage of Social Media in Students


o Increase brand awareness and loyalty: When you have a presence on social media, you make it easier for your customers to find and connect with you.

o Cheaper marketing tool

o Worldwide Connectivity

o Exposes brand to bigger audience.

o Run targeted ads with real-time results: Social ads are an inexpensive way to promote your business and distribute content.

o Increase website traffic and search ranking: One of the biggest benefits of social media for business is using it to increase your website traffic.

Advantage of Social Media in Business

o Customer can approach directly to the company.

o Gain valuable customer insights:You can gather information across all your social networks in real time allowing you to gauge customer sentiment, find the conversations happening around your brand, and run real-time reports.

o Coverage: Internet advertising is ideal for businesses with a national or international target market and large-scale distribution capabilities.

o Low Cost: The low costs of electronic communication reduce the cost of displaying online advertisements compared to offline ads

o Multimedia: Advertisers have a wide variety of ways of presenting their promotional messages, including the ability to convey images, video, audio, and links.

Advantage of Social Media in Advertising

Creative ad of Paper Boat on Facebook

o False Feedback: Chances of false feedback on social media platforms are much higher than other forms of advertising 

o Time: Social media marketing requires patience as well as long term focus.

o Bad Branding:  The wrong online brand strategy can doom a company, and put you at a huge viral social disadvantage.

Disadvantage of Social Media in Advertising


Social Media made it easier for people to express themselves but a coin has two sides. Social media is broader than Facebook and twitter. It is a great platform for learning as well. If one uses it efficiently, it can result in a positive way.






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