advances in software product quality measurement and its...

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Advances in Software Product Quality

Measurement and its Applications in

Software Evolution

Péter Heged¶s

Department of Software EngineeringUniversity of Szeged

Szeged, 2014


Dr. Rudolf Ferenc



University of Szeged

PhD School in Computer Science

�You don't write because you want to say something;

you write because you've got something to say.�

� F. Scott Fitzgerald


I clearly remember my �rst PC on which I typed in my �rst Pascal program code line.The processor ran at a speed of 33MHz with a Turbo function that could boost itto an impressive 40MHz. The PC had a physical memory of 2MB and a hard diskwith a capacity of almost 200MB. Nowadays, PCs typically have several processorsrunning at GHz speed, contain GBs of RAM and can store anything from GBs to TBsof data on their hard drives. I would have never imagined such an incredible changein the computer hardware world, nor that I might become a computer scientist someday. Now I have written my dissertation and I look forward to living through similar,unexpected changes in life.

Even though the thesis emphasizes the individual contributions of the author, noneof the research work presented here would have been realized without the help of oth-ers. Therefore I would like to thank all of those who helped me, one way or another,to get where I am now in my scienti�c and professional career. First, I would liketo thank my supervisor Dr. Rudolf Ferenc for guiding my studies and teaching memany indispensable things about research. Without his positive attitude to research-oriented thinking, I would probably have never even got involved in doing scienti�cresearch at all. I would also like to thank Dr. Tibor Gyimóthy, the head of SoftwareEngineering Department, for supporting my research work. My special thanks goes toDr. Lajos Jen® Fülöp, whom I regard as my second mentor. He motivated and encour-aged me at the beginning of my PhD studies. My many thanks also go to my colleaguesand article co-authors, namely Dr. Tibor Bakota, Dr. Árpád Beszédes, Dr. IstvánSiket, Dr. Judit Jász, Dr. Lajos Schrettner, Dr. Günter Kniesel, Alexander Binun,Dr. Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, Dr. Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Dr. Nikolaos Tsantalis,Gabriella Kakuja-Tóth, Árpád Ilia, Ádám Zoltán Végh, Péter Körtvélyesi, GergelyLadányi, Dénes Bán, István Kádár, Csaba Faragó, Béla Csaba and László Illés. Iwould also like to thank the anonymous reviewers of my papers for their useful com-ments and suggestions. And I would like to express my thanks to David P. Curley forreviewing and correcting this work from a linguistic point of view.

I wish to express my gratitude to my parents as well for providing a pleasantbackground conducive to my studies, and also for encouraging me to go on with myresearch. Last, but not least, my heartfelt thanks goes to my wife Marcsi for providinga vital, a�ectionate and supportive background and for having never-ending patienceand understanding towards me during the time spent writing this thesis.

It should also be mentioned that this research was supported by the European Unionand the State of Hungary, co-�nanced by the European Social Fund in the frameworkof TÁMOP-4.2.4.A/ 2-11/1-2012-0001 `National Excellence Program'.

Péter Heged¶s, 2014



Preface iii

1 Introduction 11.1 Structure of the Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.2 Summary of the Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Background 112.1 The History of Software Quality Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.2 The ISO/IEC Standards of Software Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 System Level Software Quality Models 153.1 Existing Practical Quality Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.1.1 Software QUALity Enhancement project (SQUALE) . . . . . . 163.1.2 Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations

(SQALE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173.1.3 Quamoco Quality Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173.1.4 SIG Maintainability Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.2 A Probabilistic Software Quality Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193.2.1 Validation of the Probabilistic Quality Model . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.3 Evaluation of the Presented Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253.4 The C# Quality Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.4.1 The Approach Applied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.4.2 Results and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.5 The Implementation of the Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323.5.1 QualityGate SourceAudit Tool in Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.6 Evaluation of Di�erent Quality Model Implementations . . . . . . . . . 373.6.1 The Compared Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383.6.2 The Features and Performance of the Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4 Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models 454.1 Empirical Investigation of Building Method Level Quality Models . . . 46

4.1.1 The First Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464.1.2 An Improved Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524.1.3 Some Key Conclusions of the Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4.2 A Drill-down Approach for Measuring Software Quality at the SourceCode Element Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564.2.1 The Drill-down Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564.2.2 Empirical Validation of the Drill-down Approach . . . . . . . . 58


4.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

5 Applications of the Proposed Quality Models 695.1 The Bug Localization Capability of the Drill-down Method . . . . . . . 70

5.1.1 Case Study Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705.1.2 Results on Bug Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725.1.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

5.2 A Cost Model Based on Software Maintainability . . . . . . . . . . . . 765.2.1 Formalizing the Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775.2.2 Empirical Validation of the Cost Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795.2.3 Possible Limitations of the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

5.3 Revealing the E�ect of Coding Practices on Software Maintainability . 845.3.1 Impact of Design Patterns on Maintainability . . . . . . . . . . 855.3.2 Further Investigation on Design Patterns and Maintainability . 885.3.3 Towards Revealing the E�ect of Other Practices on Maintainability 94

5.4 Other Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

6 Conclusions 101

Appendices 103

A Summary in English 105

B Magyar nyelv¶ összefoglaló 109

Bibliography 113


List of Tables

1.1 Thesis contributions and supporting publications . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.1 The ISO/IEC 9126 characteristics and sub-characteristics [103] . . . . . 142.2 The ISO/IEC 25010 (SQuaRE) characteristics and sub-characteristics [103] 14

3.1 The SIG quality characteristic mapping [103] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193.2 The quality properties of our model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213.3 Basic properties of the evaluated systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243.4 Averaged grades for maintainability and its ISO/IEC 9126 attributes

based on the developers' opinions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253.5 The properties of the various practical quality models . . . . . . . . . . 273.6 Sensor nodes in the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.7 Basic characteristics of the industrial partner's software components . . 303.8 The maintainability values and the average IT professional votes . . . . 323.9 The recalculated correlation values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323.10 The properties of the various evaluated tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.1 Pearson correlation between the code metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494.2 Pearson correlation between the code metrics and maintainability at-

tributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504.3 Rate of correctly classi�ed instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514.4 Statistics by classes in the case of Changeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514.5 Statistics of the evaluations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534.6 The deviation of the human scores for the properties . . . . . . . . . . 534.7 The MAE and correlation values of the regression techniques examined 544.8 E�ciency of the decision tree algorithm based on the di�erent surveys . 554.9 Basic metrics of the source code of jEdit and the methods evaluated . . 594.10 Statistics of the student votes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594.11 Spearman's correlations among the source code metrics and students'

opinions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594.12 Spearman's correlation values among the relative maintainability indices

and a manual evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624.13 The largest di�erences between the automatic rankings and manual

rankings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634.14 Methods with the worst and best maintainability indices . . . . . . . . 64

5.1 The low-level quality properties of the ISO/IEC 25010 model . . . . . . 715.2 Descriptive statistics of the analyzed systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735.3 Results of the Mann-Whitney U tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755.4 Results of the Fisher's exact tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75


5.5 Properties of the systems analyzed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795.6 Basic properties of the JHotDraw 7 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875.7 Software quality attribute tendencies in the case of design pattern changes 885.8 Correlation between maintainability and design pattern instances . . . 93


List of Figures

2.1 A brief history of software quality measurement [103] . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.1 Comparison of probability density functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.2 Java maintainability model (ADG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233.3 Empirical density function of the maintainability of benchmark systems 233.4 Distribution of the maintainability of benchmark systems . . . . . . . . 243.5 The C# maintainability model (ADG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293.6 Detailed results of a C# component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313.7 The benchmark tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343.8 The default Java quality model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343.9 Certi�cation view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353.10 The certi�cation details of a system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363.11 Annotations and source view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373.12 The SA Eclipse plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373.13 The quali�cation stamp logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373.14 The SQUALE tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383.15 The Sonar SQALE Maintainability Model plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . 393.16 The QUAMOCO quality report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403.17 The Sonar SIG Maintainability Model Plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.1 Metric Evaluation Framework screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474.2 Sample questions for Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494.3 The relative maintainability indices and corresponding ranks . . . . . . 614.4 The density function of the relative maintainability indices . . . . . . . 614.5 Correlations between the calculated and the manually assigned quality

attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

5.1 ColumbusQM � Java ADG according to ISO/IEC 25010 . . . . . . . . 715.2 Various bug coverage rates with RMI-based ordering . . . . . . . . . . 745.3 Average bug numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765.4 Estimated and real costs and maintainability as a function of time . . . 815.5 The calculated constant values for the various systems . . . . . . . . . 825.6 MSE and correlations between the linear and model predicted values . 835.7 The number of pattern classes relative to the total number of classes . . 875.8 The tendencies between pattern line density and maintainability . . . . 895.9 Creating a new domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965.10 Correctness criteria for duplicated code detectors . . . . . . . . . . . . 965.11 Bauhaus clone detector tool correctness statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . 975.12 Maintainability changes by the di�erent version control commits . . . . 98


To my wife,Marcsi

�An expert is a man who has made all the mis-

takes that can be made in a very narrow �eld.�

� Niels Bohr


In today's world, many important areas of our lives are supported and/or controlledby software systems. We rely on them and we entrust our lives to them in some cases(e.g. �ight control systems and software systems of nuclear facilities). Some famousexamples of catastrophic events caused by software bugs in the space shuttle and orbitcontrol systems are the data conversion error of Ariane 5 Flight 501 (1996) [6], theMars Climate Orbiter's unit conversion error (1999) [64], the STS-126 Shuttle SoftwareAnomaly (2008) [62] and others. However, there are several other examples taken froma diversity of other areas, too like air tra�c communication loss and power outage [62].

This growing dependence on software systems has helped to make the areas ofsoftware quality and reliability substantial and unavoidable areas of research. Unfortu-nately, software quality is such a complex and subjective concept that systematicallyexploring and modeling it is certainly beyond the scope of a single work like this. Thedivide-and-conquer concept is a common way of handling such complexity; i.e. we canfocus on some narrower and more speci�c aspects of quality �rst, and try to put thepieces together later.

This is exactly what we do, since this work focuses on the maintainability aspectsof software quality. According to the de�nition of the ISO/IEC 9126 standard [49](superseded by ISO/IEC 25010 [50]) for software quality, maintainability is �the ca-pability of the software product to be modi�ed". Based on this de�nition it is clearthat maintainability has a close connection with the cost of altering the behavior of asoftware system and it is closely related to the source code of the system. As such, itis a good indicator of �software health� (software integrity) and it is also related to theprobability of introducing errors into the source code; so we can think of it as the tech-nical quality of a software system. Hence maintainability has became a central issuein the modern software industry, and lots of recommendations and counter proposalsexist on how to write or modify programs to achieve high maintainability (e.g. designpatterns [67], anti-patterns [1] and refactoring techniques [39]).

Needless to say, the software industry today is a huge business driven entirelyby business concerns and pro�t. Thus the maintainability of the systems is oftenovershadowed by feature developments whose business value is more evident � at least


Chapter 1. Introduction

in the short term. As applying techniques that improve the maintainability of the codeor avoid structures that degrade systems has an additional cost without having a short-term �nancial bene�t, they are often neglected by the business stakeholders. By betterunderstanding the relation between di�erent coding practices and maintainability (andits e�ect on the long-term development cost), it should be possible to show the returnon investment by applying these techniques and making them more appealing to thebusiness stakeholders as well.

To achieve this, �rst we need to provide a high level, simple-to-interpret, convincing,consistent and meaningful measure of maintainability for decision makers and managersin high positions with no technical background because they decide which task e�ortsshould be directed (money spent on it). Low-level source code metrics in themselvesare not enough to make well-informed decisions as any metric combination is non-trivial and metrics are hard to interpret by non-technical persons. Hence, in order tomake the right decisions during software development, it is crucial for the managers tobe aware of the high-level quality attributes of their software systems. Although theISO/IEC standards mentioned above provide de�nitions of attributes that in�uencesoftware quality (i.e. quality characteristics), they do not de�ne how they should becomputed. Not being tangible notions, these characteristics can hardly be expected tobe represented by a single number. Our comparative study revealed [103] that existingquality models do not deal with ambiguity coming from subjective interpretations ofcharacteristics, which depend on the experience, knowledge, and intuition of experts.

Convincing managers about the importance of software maintainability is only the�rst step as the e�ective work of managing and improving maintainability is the re-sponsibility of software developers. As most of the developers prefer creative workto maintenance tasks like restructuring or refactoring, we should (i) ensure that theyget su�ciently technical, low-level guidelines on how to e�ectively improve the overallmaintainability of a system; (ii) show that the extra e�ort they put into increasingmaintainability indeed has a bene�cial e�ect (e.g. they will have fewer bugs after thesoftware release or they can perform developments in the future quicker). Thereforebesides expressing the source code maintainability in terms of numerical values at thesystem level, it is also important to provide explicable results for the developers, give a detailed list of source code fragments that should be improved in order toachieve higher overall quality. Current approaches usually just enumerate the mostcomplex methods, most coupled classes or other source code elements that have somevalue for some source code metric [103]. Unfortunately, this is not enough; di�erentcombinations of metrics should also be taken into consideration.

In order to show that applying techniques like coding best practices and avoid-ing common anti-patterns indeed lead to better quality software, we need concrete,empirical results that can convince even the most pragmatic and skeptic developers.These techniques are widely used with well-founded notions like the common viewthat applying design patterns leads to a better OO design, thus it improves softwaremaintainability as well; or the existence of anti-patterns makes it harder to maintaina system. However, surprisingly few studies have been conducted that examine therelation between coding practices and maintainability directly. In addition, there aresome controversial �ndings, where for instance some studies suggest that the use of de-sign patterns does not necessarily result in good design [67]. Similar to design patternsthere are controversial opinions about the e�ects of anti-patterns. For example, Abbeset al. found [1] that developers are able to handle one type of anti-pattern, while the


Chapter 1. Introduction

existence of more anti-pattern types signi�cantly reduces their productivity. Anotherpopular technique for improving maintainability is refactoring. Refactoring seeks tochange the internal structure of a software system without changing its external be-havior (i.e. its functionality). The reason for modifying a software system withoutchanging its functionality is to produce a package that is easier to maintain in the longterm; hence concrete evidence of the positive e�ect of refactoring on maintainabilitywould be of a great value as well.

In addition to the lack of advance practical quality models available for the objec-tive calculation of maintainability, the empirical evidence of the connection betweencoding practices and maintainability is vague due to the fact that �nding instances ofcoding primitives like design patterns and anti-patterns is not easy. A possible solu-tion for this might be to use reverse engineering tools that analyze the source code of asoftware system and automatically extract program parts corresponding to design pat-terns, anti-patterns and code clones. However, these tools usually present their resultsin di�erent formats, and this makes them very di�cult to compare. Moreover, thevalidation of these results is another major issue since it requires a manual evaluationor a prede�ned gold standard data set (i.e. a benchmark). Although some initiativeshave been proposed in the area of design pattern instance benchmarking [37, 43], theserepositories contain the manually evaluated pattern instances of just a few systems.In addition, this type of repository would also be needed for other reverse engineeringtools, not just for design pattern miners.

The present thesis attempts to solve the problems outlined so far by

• Providing a high-level measure for maintainability that improves the state-of-the-art methods and gives valuable information even to those who have no technicalknowledge (e.g. managers).

• Elaborating methods to learn useful (low-level) information about maintainabilityat the level of the source code elements that can be used to improve the overallsystem maintainability or help technical persons performing di�erent softwareevolution tasks like focusing on testing e�orts, guiding code reviews and estimat-ing development costs.

• Performing empirical case studies to reveal the concrete connection between cod-ing practices (like design patterns) and software maintainability, aided by a gen-eral benchmark for reverse engineering tools.

Below we provide a concise summary of the thesis, then we summarize the contri-butions of the author.


Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Structure of the Dissertation

This thesis is structured as follows. First, Chapter 1 provides a short introductionto the work presented in the thesis and describes the motivation and context of theauthor's contributions.

Chapter 2 provides the necessary background for the reader on the history of soft-ware quality modeling and measurement. It also presents the existing standards of thearea, which are important because they form the starting point of the research workto be introduced in the following chapters. The rest of the thesis has chapters thatdiscuss the recent results in software quality modeling and its applications, includingthe author's contributions relating to the di�erent thesis points.

In the �rst part, software product quality modeling is discussed at the system level.Chapter 3 presents a detailed evaluation of the currently existing practical approachesfor software quality modeling. After showing their advantages and drawbacks, a newprobabilistic approach is proposed that is able to eliminate most of the weaknesses ofthe existing approaches. We introduce a prototype model for Java, together with theempirical validation of the proposed models. Next, the C# version of the model isintroduced alongside an industrial case study in which over 300 components for a largeinternational company were evaluated using the model. Next, a tool implementing thenewly introduced concept is discussed in detail and compared to other similar existingtools.

In Chapter 4, we assess the high-level quality properties of individual source codeelements like classes and methods. It is a feature that is not really supported bycurrent quality models, but without it any improvement in the system level qualityis not straightforward. As a starting point, case studies involving human evaluationswere performed to collect empirical data on whether it was feasible to predict highlevel quality attributes. Based on the empirical results of these case studies, a newapproach is proposed for deriving source code element maintainability measures usingthe system-level quality model presented in Chapter 3. At the end of the chapter, theresults of the empirical validation of the new technique are provided.

Next, in Chapter 5 we discuss several possible applications of the newly proposedtechniques and models introduced earlier. Such applications include bug prediction, de-velopment cost estimation and an analysis of the e�ect of design pattern utilization onsoftware maintainability. This chapter also contains a short discussion on the long-termgoal of learning the e�ect of other coding practices (e.g. anti-patterns and refactoring)on the maintainability of software packages as well. A possible solution is presentedto the problem faced in analyzing design pattern utilization, namely that to exam-ine the relationship between maintainability and coding objects like design patternsand anti-patterns, we have to e�ciently extract these objects from the source code.Despite the fact that there are lots of automated tools for di�erent reverse engineer-ing tasks, their performance varies greatly. We propose to reuse our existing generalbenchmark called BEFRIEND (designed for evaluating reverse engineering tools) toovercome this problem by providing a source of appropriate quality coding objects forfuture investigations.

In Chapter 6, we round o� with some pertinent conclusions and suggest some futuredirections for further research. After, the appendix contains a summary of the thesisin English and Hungarian.


Chapter 1. Introduction

1.2 Summary of the Results

The main results presented in the thesis are related to software product quality model-ing and measurement as well as to the application of the newly proposed methods, toolsand techniques in software evolution. All the novel theoretical results and models werethoroughly validated via empirical case studies and successfully applied in practice.Some of the methods and tools presented in the thesis have been utilized in Hungarianand international R&D projects as well as by the industrial partners of the SoftwareEngineering Department of the University of Szeged.

The thesis result statements have been grouped into three major thesis points,where the author's contribution is clearly shown. The relation between thesis pointsand supporting publications is shown in Table 1.1.

I. System-level software quality models.

The contributions of this thesis point are related to software product qualitymeasurement at the system level and will be discussed in Chapter 3.

A probabilistic maintainability model and its validation. To eliminate the commonshortcomings of the existing maintainability models indicated in a survey [103],we provide a probabilistic approach [100] for computing high-level quality char-acteristics de�ned by the ISO/IEC 9126 [49] standard, which integrates expertknowledge, and handles ambiguity issues at the same time. This method appliesso-called �goodness" functions, which are continuous generalizations of threshold-based approaches. The computation of the high-level quality characteristics isbased on a directed acyclic graph, whose nodes correspond to quality propertiesthat can either be internal (low-level) or external (high-level). The probabilisticstatistical aggregation algorithm uses a benchmark as the basis of the quali�-cation, which is a source code metric repository database with 100 open sourceand industrial software systems. Examining two Java systems with the novelprobabilistic quality model, we learned that the changes in the results of themodel re�ect the development activities, i.e. during development the qualityusually decreases, while during maintenance the quality usually increases. Wealso found that the goodness values computed by the model display relativelyhigh correlation values with the expert votes.

A maintainability model for C#. Besides Java, we also devised a maintainabilitymodel for C# [101] in collaboration with one of our industrial partners, whosesta� were very pleased with the results achieved. The model was used to assess theoverall maintainability of over 300 components of the company, and to provide anordering among them. We compared the results of our model with the opinions ofdevelopers and although the average human votes were higher than the estimatedvalues, a Pearson correlation analysis gave a result of 0.92 at a signi�cance levelof 0.01, strongly suggesting a high correlation between the two data sets.

Implementation and evaluation of the approach. The novel probabilistic approachwas implemented in a tool named SourceAudit [102] as part of a continuous qual-ity monitoring framework called QualityGate. This tool was used in several Hun-garian and international R&D projects and it is an o�cial commercial productof FrontEndART Ltd. In addition, we compared and evaluated the tool againstother similar tools for software quality assessment purposes [103].


Chapter 1. Introduction

The author's contributions. The author performed a survey on existing practicalmodels and examined their theoretical basis. He performed the empirical valida-tion of a novel probabilistic quality assessment method, evaluated the results andimplemented the prototype tools supporting the empirical validation. The entireC# quality model is the author's work; that is, the creation of the C# speci�cmodel, the collection of expert weights and benchmark systems required for thequality assessment, the implementation of the necessary tools, carrying out andevaluating an empirical validation of the model. The author took part in design-ing the SourceAudit tool that implements the above approach. He also performedand evaluated the case study of software quality tools. The publications relatedto this thesis point are:

♦ T. Bakota, P. Heged¶s, P. Körtvélyesi, R. Ferenc, and T. Gyimóthy. AProbabilistic Software Quality Model. In Proceedings of the 27th IEEEInternational Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), pages 368�377,Williamsburg, VA, USA, 2011. IEEE Computer Society.

♦ P. Heged¶s. A Probabilistic Quality Model for C# � an Industrial CaseStudy. Acta Cybernetica, 21(1):135�147, 2013.

♦ T. Bakota, P. Heged¶s, I. Siket, G. Ladányi, and R. Ferenc. Quality-Gate SourceAudit: a Tool for Assessing the Technical Quality of Software.In 2014 Software Evolution Week � IEEE Conference on Software Mainte-nance, Reengineering and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE), pages 440�445. IEEE, 2014.

♦ R. Ferenc, P. Heged¶s, and T. Gyimóthy. Software Product Quality Models.In Tom Mens, Alexander Serebrenik, and Anthony Cleve, editors, EvolvingSoftware Systems, pages 65�100. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

II. Source code element-level software quality models.

The contributions of this thesis point are related to software product qualitymeasurement at the source code element level and will be discussed in Chapter 4.

Case studies for assessing the feasibility of quality measurement at the sourcecode element level. We performed three large case studies [105, 106] to examinethe feasibility of predicting software maintainability at the source code elementlevel, based on software product metrics. For this, we collected a large num-ber of subjective opinions on the quality characteristics of di�erent source codeelements from IT experts and students with various degrees of expertise. Thequality characteristics were those de�ned in the ISO/IEC 9126 standard and theevaluators rated the characteristics of many source code elements on a scale from0 to 10 (0 being the worst, 10 being the best). Using the average votes of theevaluators, we were able to build prediction models based on machine learningtechniques using source code metrics as predictors to predict the subjective opin-ions of humans on the various quality attributes of a software system. We foundthat metrics had the potential to predict high-level quality indicators assessed byhumans (the votes of the evaluators displayed a deviation of between 0.5 and 2 ona scale of 10). With the Changeability property, the decision tree-based classi�erhad a precision of nearly 77%. After reviewing the di�erent regression techniquesavailable, we can say that they are even more appropriate for building prediction


Chapter 1. Introduction

models than the standard classi�er methods, using a continuous scale insteadof classes. The best regression model trained on our evaluation data predictedMaintainability with a correlation of 0.72 and mean average error (MAE) of 0.83.

A drill-down approach to derive a source code element-level maintainability mea-sure and its validation. Based on the lessons learned from our empirical studies,we proposed a novel method for �drilling down� to the root causes of a qual-ity rating [104] and giving a relative maintainability index (RMI) of individualsource code elements (e.g. classes and methods) that in contrast to current ap-proaches [103] takes the combinations of di�erent metrics into account. Thisallows us to rank source code elements in such a way that the most critical ele-ments are at the top of the list; and this should allow system maintainers to utilizetheir resources better and achieve a maximal improvement in the source code withminimal investment. We validated the approach by comparing the model-basedmaintainability ranking with the manual ranking of 191 Java methods of thejEdit open source text editor tool. The manual maintainability evaluation ofthe methods performed by some 200 students displayed a Spearman correlationof 0.68 (p < 0.001) with the model-based evaluation. The drill-down algorithmwas later included in the SourceAudit [102] commercial quality monitoring toolmentioned above.

The author's contributions. The author devised the preliminary case study con-cepts, the survey questions and the basic principles of a Web-based metric eval-uation framework. He evaluated and compared the survey data and the resultsof the machine learning algorithms and drew some key conclusions. He estab-lished the theoretical basis for the drill-down approach, elaborated the validationmethod of the approach and performed a validation on open-source systems, thenevaluated the results. The publications related to this thesis point are:

♦ T. Bakota, P. Heged¶s, I. Siket, G. Ladányi, and R. Ferenc. QualityGateSourceAudit: a Tool for Assessing the Technical Quality of Software. In2014 Software Evolution Week-IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance,Reengineering and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE), pages 440�445.IEEE, 2014.

♦ R. Ferenc, P. Heged¶s, and T. Gyimóthy. Software Product Quality Models.In Tom Mens, Alexander Serebrenik, and Anthony Cleve, editors, EvolvingSoftware Systems, pages 65�100. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

♦ P. Heged¶s, T. Bakota, G. Ladányi, Cs. Faragó, and R. Ferenc. A Drill-Down Approach for Measuring Maintainability at Source Code ElementLevel. Electronic Communications of the EASST, 60:1�21, 2013.

♦ P. Heged¶s, T. Bakota, L. Illés, G. Ladányi, R. Ferenc, and T. Gyimóthy.Source Code Metrics and Maintainability: a Case Study. In Proceedings ofthe 2011 International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering & ItsApplications (ASEA 2011), pages 272�284. Springer-Verlag CCIS, 2011.

♦ P. Heged¶s, G. Ladányi, I. Siket, and R. Ferenc. Towards Building MethodLevel Maintainability Models Based on Expert Evaluations. In ComputerApplications for Software Engineering, Disaster Recovery, and BusinessContinuity, pages 146�154. Springer, 2012.


Chapter 1. Introduction

III. Applications of the proposed quality models.

The contributions of this thesis point are related to the utilization of the proposedtechniques, models and tools elaborated above. The results of the experimentswe performed will be discussed in Chapter 5.

Bug prediction capability of the drill-down method. Using a statistical analysis, weshowed that the relative maintainability measure is very e�ective in separatingfault-prone classes (i.e. classes containing many bugs) from classes which areunlikely to have faults (i.e. bugs) in them [109]. Our case study on 30 releasesof di�erent open-source systems revealed that on average 30% of classes with theworst maintainability contain more than 70% of the total bugs. Thus ranking theclasses based on their maintainability is a very good strategy for focusing testinge�orts or guiding code review.

A maintainability-based cost model and its validation. We also proposed a costmodel [108] that is able to predict future development e�ort based on the main-tainability change of a system. Using some simple assumptions and adopting theconcept of entropy from thermodynamics, we were able to show that the main-tainability of a system decreases exponentially with the invested developmente�ort if intentional code improvement actions are not performed. We made useof the revealed connection between maintainability and cost to assess the futuredevelopment costs of two systems that gave results that were very close to thereal invested e�ort.

Investigating the e�ect of design pattern usage on maintainability. Our proposedquality model can also be utilized to learn the concrete connection between main-tainability and coding practices (e.g. design patterns, anti-patterns, code clonesand refactoring techniques) that are considered to have a positive or negativeimpact on maintainability. In particular, the belief that utilizing design patternswill create better quality software is fairly widespread; however, there is relativelylittle evidence to objectively indicate that their usage is indeed bene�cial. In fact;some studies found that the use of design patterns can be quite risky [67]. As a�rst step towards empirically investigating the e�ect of design patterns, we ana-lyzed [107] some 300 revisions of JHotDraw, a Java GUI framework whose designrelies heavily on some well-known design patterns. We found that every patterninstance introduced caused an improvement in the di�erent quality attributes forJHotDraw. Moreover, the average design pattern line density displayed a highPearson correlation of 0.89 with the estimated maintainability at a signi�cancelevel of 0.05. To verify our initial �ndings, we repeated the study on 9 di�erentopen source systems using the design pattern results of 5 di�erent tools avail-able in the DPB [37] online benchmark. The pattern line densities displayed asimilarly high Pearson correlation (between 0.59 and 0.78) and Spearman cor-relation (between 0.68 and 0.82) with software maintainability at a signi�cancelevel of 0.05. Filtering out false positive instances based on publicly availablerepositories, we were able to improve the correlation values by about 10%.

A benchmark for reverse engineering tools. To support our long-term goal of em-pirically investigating the e�ect of other coding practices and patterns on softwaremaintainability, we propose to make use of our benchmark called BEFRIEND(BEnchmark For Reverse engInEering tools workiNg on source coDe) [111], whichprocesses, evaluates and compares the outputs of reverse engineering tools. It may


Chapter 1. Introduction

be viewed as a generalization of our DEEBEE design pattern benchmark [110].With the help of BEFRIEND, we can collect a large amount of precise input datato examine the e�ect of di�erent coding practices and patterns on maintainability.

The author's contributions. The author chose the statistical methods used toanalyze the bug prediction capability of the drill-down approach. He applied theseprocedures, evaluated and presented the results. He performed the empiricalvalidation of the cost model, implemented the prototype tools supporting thevalidation, analyzed and evaluated the results. He developed the approach toreveal the connection between design pattern utilization and the maintainabilityof a software system. An analysis of the subsequent revisions of JHotDraw andthe systems in the di�erent benchmarks, and also an evaluation of the empiricalresults were also his work. Except for the sibling algorithm, he implemented andpresented BEFRIEND, which is now a general benchmark for evaluating reverseengineering tools. The publications related to this thesis point are:

♦ P. Heged¶s, D. Bán, R. Ferenc, and T. Gyimóthy. Myth or Reality? Analyz-ing the E�ect of Design Patterns on Software Maintainability. In Proceedingsof the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering &Its Applications (ASEA 2012), pages 138�145. Springer-Verlag CCIS, 2012.

♦ T. Bakota, P. Heged¶s, G. Ladányi, P. Körtvélyesi, R. Ferenc, and T. Gy-imóthy. A Cost Model Based on Software Maintainability. In Proceedingsof the 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM2012), pages 316�325, 2012.

♦ G. Ladányi, P. Heged¶s, R. Ferenc, I. Siket, and T. Gyimóthy. The Connec-tion of the Bug Density and Maintainability of Classes. In 8th InternationalWorkshop on Software Quality and Maintainability, SQM, 2014 (presenta-tion only).

♦ L. J. Fülöp, Á. Ilia, Á. Z. Végh, P Heged¶s, and R Ferenc. Comparingand Evaluating Design Pattern Miner Tools. ANNALES UNIVERSITATISSCIENTIARUM DE ROLANDO EÖTVÖS NOMINATAE Sectio Compu-tatorica, XXXI:167�184, 2009.

♦ L. J. Fülöp, P. Heged¶s, and R. Ferenc. BEFRIEND � a Benchmark forEvaluating Reverse Engineering Tools. Periodica Polytechnica ElectricalEngineering, 52(3-4):153�162, 2008.

Here, we also summarize the main publications related to the various thesis pointsin the table below.

N o. [100] [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108] [109] [110] [111]I • • • •II • • • • •III • • • • •

Table 1.1. Thesis contributions and supporting publications


�If I have seen further, it is by standing

on the shoulders of giants.�

� Isaac Newton


The need to measure the quality of software products is almost as old as software engi-neering itself. Software product quality monitoring has become one of the central issuesof software development and evolution. Both for software developers and managers, itis crucial to have some idea of the di�erent aspects of quality of their systems. Thisinformation is mainly used in making decisions during software evolution (e.g. to starta refactoring phase or re-implement a system because of wear-out), estimating futurecosts and assessing risks.

Thanks to the common e�ort by the research and industrial community, remarkableresults have been achieved in the past decade concerning high-level software maintain-ability measurement. The need for standardized, objective and easy-to-apply softwarequality measurement is best re�ected by the huge e�ort put into standardizing the ter-minology and structure of software quality [49, 50]. The existence of the new standardsmotivated the appearance of new approaches that adapt the standard to practical, ev-eryday use.

However, despite the abundance of existing solutions today, there is still plenty ofroom for improving software quality measurement. Some of the common shortcomingsof the state-of-the-art approaches include the following:

• Handling ambiguity coming from the subjective notion of software quality is notproperly addressed. Most of the models assign a single number to maintainability,which is surely insu�cient to describe such a complex and subjective concept.

• Support of a wide range of software languages is not common. Most of the currentsolutions just focus on the Java language.

• Providing low-level guidance on how to improve the quality of the software systemis not included in most of the models. Therefore it is hard to improve the overallsystem quality based on the model results.

The next chapter presents some ideas on improving the state-of-the-art methods ofquality measurement, while Chapter 4 introduces novel approaches for deriving sourcecode element level quality indicators that can be used to improve software systems.


Chapter 2. Background

Here, we give a brief overview of the history of software quality measurement andintroduce the current standards of the area [49, 50].

2.1 The History of Software Quality Measurement

A large number of models and approaches have been introduced in the past tomeasure software quality. These software quality assessment models can be groupedinto the following categories:

1. Software Process Quality Models � the idea behind these models is that they mea-sure and improve the software development process. These models are based onthe assumption that better development processes lead to better quality softwareproducts. These models produce their estimates based on di�erent process met-rics (e.g. defect removal e�ciency, percentage of management e�ort for a givenproject size and average age of unresolved issues). Some of the well-known pro-cess quality models are SPICE [32], ISO/IEC 9001 (Quality management systems� Requirements) [51] and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) [22].

2. Software Product Quality Models � these models measure aspects of the softwareproduct itself. They measure di�erent kinds of source code metrics (e.g. Linesof Code, McCabe's cyclomatic complexity and coupling) and somehow combinethem to assess the quality of the product. Early quality models include Mc-Call's [66] and Boehm's [17] models followed by the standard ISO/IEC 9126 [49]and its successor ISO/IEC 25010 (SQuaRE) [50]. Many practical product qual-ity models have been derived from these standards since then (e.g. Colum-busQM [100], SIG [47], SQALE [61], SQUALE [70] and QUAMOCO [95]).

3. Hybrid Software Quality Models � these models combine the above approaches;namely, they calculate both product- and process-based metrics to assess thequality of software systems, as in the work of Nagappan et al.[73]. In particular,they added line changes, code churn and other process metrics to software productmetrics and built a hybrid model for post-release failure prediction.

In the thesis we shall focus on the second type of models and their applications,which assess software quality based on software product metrics. The software productquality measurement approaches have undergone a vigorous evolution over the past �ftyyears. The history of software product quality measurement is presented as a timelinein Figure 2.1.

The �rst tools for assessing product quality were simple metrics like Lines Of Code,McCabe complexity and Halstead's metrics. They started to appear from the mid1960's, and the growing number of metrics inspired the appearance of the early the-oretical quality models like McCall's [66] and Boehm's model [17] at the end of the1970's. They all tried to capture high-level quality properties based on a hierarchi-cal model. In the 1990's all these theoretical models were merged into the robustISO/IEC 9126 [49] software product quality standard; and it had a big in�uence onsubsequent quality models. The standard was later revised, resulting in a new editionin 2005, and called ISO/IEC 25010 (Systems and software Quality Requirements andEvaluation � SQuaRE) [50].


Chapter 2. Background

Figure 2.1. A brief history of software quality measurement [103]

Another set of quality assessment approaches that appeared from the mid 1990'sis a collection of empirical prediction models that use software metrics as predictors.These approaches try to predict software quality by using di�erent techniques likeregression [77], neural networks [99] and Naive-Bayes classi�ers [92] based on empiricalstudies. One such well-known model is the Maintainability Index [76].

To overcome the complexity and lack of low-level details of the ISO standards aswell as the unclear interpretation and explicability of the empirical prediction models, awhole set of new practical quality models have been introduced over the past few years(e.g. ColumbusQM [100], SIG [47], SQALE [61], SQUALE [70] and QUAMOCO [95]).Most of these models follow the structure of the ISO standards, but also de�ne concretesource code metrics and algorithms to aggregate them to higher levels of the hierarchicalmodel. The problem of the unclear interpretation of the results has been addressedby utilizing so-called reference systems (benchmarks) that serve as the basis of thequali�cation. As another possible solution, namely the concept of technical debt [19],was introduced. This term was coined by Ward Cunningham to describe the obligationthat a software organization incurs when it chooses a design or construction approachthat is expedient in the short term, but which increases the complexity and is morecostly in the long term.

2.2 The ISO/IEC Standards of Software Quality

A complete detailed description of all the early theoretical models of software quality isoutside the scope of this thesis. However, we will give some insights into the ISO/IECstandards of software product quality, as they form the core part of many practicalmodels. Moreover, our new approaches for quality measurement rely heavily on thesestandards.

ISO/IEC 9126 [49] is an international standard for the evaluation of software prod-uct quality. The standard is divided into four parts which address, respectively, thefollowing: quality model; external metrics; internal metrics; and quality-in-use metrics.ISO/IEC 9126 Part one, referred to as ISO/IEC 9126-1 is an extension of the work doneby McCall, Boehm, Grady (see Section 2.1) and others in de�ning a set of softwarequality characteristics. The standard de�nes six high-level product quality character-istics which are widely accepted both by industrial experts and academic researchers.These characteristics are: functionality, reliability, usability, e�ciency, maintainability


Chapter 2. Background

and portability. The characteristics are a�ected by low-level quality properties, whichcan either be internal (measured by looking inside the product e.g. by analyzing thesource code) or external (measured by execution of the product e.g. by performingtesting). Table 2.1 shows the characteristics de�ned by the standard together withtheir sub-characteristics.

Characteristics Sub-characteristics Characteristics Sub-characteristicsFunctionality Suitability Maintainability Analyzability

Accuracy ChangeabilityInteroperability StabilitySecurity TestabilityFunctionality Compliance Maintainability Compliance

Reliability Maturity E�ciency Time BehaviorFault Tolerance Resource UtilizationRecoverability E�ciency ComplianceReliability Compliance

Usability Understandability Portability AdaptabilityLearnability InstallabilityOperability Co-ExistenceAttractiveness ReplaceabilityUsability Compliance Portability Compliance

Table 2.1. The ISO/IEC 9126 characteristics and sub-characteristics [103]

The appearance of the standard has encouraged research in the area of qualitymodels. Numerous papers, ranging from highly theoretical to purely practical ones,deal with this important research area. Some of the research has focused on developinga methodology for adapting the ISO/IEC 9126 model in practice (i.e. they provideguidelines or a framework for constructing e�ective quality models) [16, 87], whileothers propose concrete practical adaptations of the standard [47, 61, 70].

Characteristics Sub-characteristics Characteristics Sub-characteristicsFunctional suitability Funct. Appropriateness Portability Adaptability

Funct. Correctness InstallabilityFunct. Completeness Replaceability

Security Con�dentalility Usability AppropriatenessIntegrity RecognisabilityNon-repudiation LearnabilityAccountability OperabilityAuthenticity User error protection

User interface aestheticsAccessibility

Maintainability Modularity Reliability AvailabilityReusability Fault toleranceAnalysability RecoverabilityModi�ability MaturityTestability

Performance e�ciency Time-bahaviour Compatibility Co-existenceResource utilisation InteroperabilityCapability

Table 2.2. The ISO/IEC 25010 (SQuaRE) characteristics and sub-characteristics [103]

The successor of the ISO/IEC 9126 standard family is the ISO/IEC 25010 (SQuaRE)family [50]. It introduces modi�cations to the previous standard, which are mainly ter-minology changes. Table 2.2 lists the quality characteristics and sub-characteristics ofthe most recent standard.


�All models are wrong, but some are useful.�

� George Box

3System Level Software Quality Models

Here, we �rst present the currently existing state-of-the-art practical models for system-level software product quality measurement [103]. Then, in Section 3.2 a new proba-bilistic approach is presented that is able to handle the subjective interpretation of theterm �software quality� and it translates it into a probabilistic distribution. The theo-retical background of the base model was elaborated on by Bakota [10] with the author'sparticipation primarily in the implementation and validation of the approach. Aftera short introduction to the mathematical formalism of the approach, in Section 3.4we present the model created for measuring the quality of C# programs. Section 3.5provides details of the implementation of the new model that has been adapted so thatit conforms with the latest standards of software quality. Then we present a case studyin Section 3.6, where we compare the state-of-the-art quality model implementationsincluding ours.

3.1 Existing Practical Quality Models

Maintainability is probably the most attractive, studied and evaluated quality char-acteristic of all. The importance of maintainability lies in its very obvious and directconnection with the cost of altering the behavior of the software [108]. Although thequality of source code unquestionably a�ects maintainability, the standard does notprovide a common set of source code measures as internal quality properties. Thestandard also does not specify how the aggregation of quality attributes should be per-formed. These are not de�ciencies of the standard; rather it o�ers a degree of freedomto adapt the model to speci�c needs.

Many researchers took the advantage of this freedom and a number of practicalquality models have been proposed so far [2, 7, 12, 47, 61, 70, 95, 100]. Most of themodels discussed here share some basic common principles. Namely,

• They extract information from the source code, hence they assess quality proper-ties related to software maintainability. However, we often refer to these modelsas quality models as they use the term quality synonymous with the maintain-ability of the code.


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

• Each of them uses a hierarchical model (like that in Figure 3.2) to estimatequality with several metrics at the lowest level. In the case of each given sourcecode metric, its distribution over the source code elements is taken. Either thewhole distribution, or a number (e.g. average), or a category (based on thresholdvalues) is used for representation.

• The number or category is aggregated �upwards� in the model by using somekind of aggregation mechanism (like weighting or linear combination).

Many of these practical quality models have been implemented and integrated intomodern tools supporting software evolution. They allow a continuous insight intothe quality of the software product under development. Moreover, many other directapplications of these models exist. Besides system level quali�cation, some of themprovide a list of critical elements that programmers should �x in order to improve theoverall maintainability of the source code. Section 4.2 presents our drill-down approachfor deriving maintainability values at the source code element level. Another populararea of application of these models is in the cost estimation of future developmente�ort, on which we also made advancements [108].

Here, we focus on existing models that are applicable to assess the quality of soft-ware systems in practice. Using the results of static source code analysis is one com-mon solution for calculating an external quality attribute based on internal qualityattributes [13]. There are several case studies that examine whether metrics are ap-propriate indicators for external quality attributes like code fault proneness [44, 75],maintainability [9] and attractiveness of the user interface [68].

The majority of these practical models just consider the maintainability aspect ofquality, because it is the easiest characteristic to assess based on pure source codeanalysis. Some of the models consider other quality attributes as well, like usability(often requiring manual input for the quali�cation). As regards the terminology, wewill treat the terms quality model and maintainability model as synonyms throughoutthe thesis.

3.1.1 Software QUALity Enhancement project (SQUALE)

The SQUALE model presented by Mordal et al. [70] introduces so-called practices tolink the ISO/IEC 9126 characteristics with metrics. A practice in a source code elementexpresses a low-level rule and the reparation cost of violating this rule. The reparationcost of a source code element is calculated by the sum of the reparation costs of its ruleviolations. These practices can use multiple source code measures like complexity, linesof code and coding rule violations (e.g., the comment rate practice uses the measurescyclomatic complexity v(G) and source code lines, SLOC). Based on these measures, apractice rating in the [0;3] interval can be calculated, where 3 means the fully achievedgoal, 0 means not achieved goal, 1 and 2 means partly achieved goal. In the case ofthe comment rate practice, the rating can be determined according to Listing 3.1.

A criterion assesses one principle of software quality (e.g., safety, simplicity ormodularity) and it aggregates a set of practices. A criterion mark is computed asthe weighted average of the composed practice marks. There are di�erent weightingpro�les like hard, medium or soft.

A factor represents the highest quality assessment to provide an overview of projecthealth (e.g. functional capacity or reliability). A factor aggregates a set of criteria and


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

Listing 3.1 Comment rate practice

if v(G) < 5 and SLOC < 30 thenrating = 3

elserating = %_comments_per_loc


end if

its mark is computed as the average of the composed criteria marks.The model also de�nes a so-called improvement plan that gives the order in which

the elements should be improved. The plan is based on how to achieve the biggestimprovement in the rating with the lowest invested e�ort.

3.1.2 Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expec-tations (SQALE)

The SQALE quality model introduced by Letouzey and Coq [61] is basically a require-ments model. Assessing software source code is therefore similar to measuring thedistance that separates it from its quality target.

The model consists of quality characteristics built on top of development activitiesfollowing one another. The characteristics are taken from the ISO/IEC 9126 stan-dard; however, they are grouped di�erently and their sub-characteristics are changedcompletely. Each sub-characteristic is measured by a number of di�erent controlpoints. The control points are base measures (indicators) that measure di�erent non-compliance aspects of the source code; e.g. an understandability (a sub-characteristicof maintainability) indicator is the �le comment ratio. If it is below SQALE's defaultthreshold of 25%, a violation is counted.

Every rule violation has a remediation e�ort (which depends on the rule). Themodel calculates an index for every characteristic which is the sum of all the remediatione�orts of its rule violations. The index represents the remediation e�ort which would benecessary to correct the non-compliances detected in the component, versus the modelrequirements. Since the remediation index represents work e�ort, the consolidation ofthe indices is a simple addition of uniform information. In this way coding rule violationnon-compliances, threshold violations for a metric or the presence of an anti-patternnon-compliance can be compared using their relative impact on the index.

Besides these remediation indices the model presents a �ve level rating for thedi�erent components or the system as a whole. The ratings are A, B, C, D, E (Abeing the best, E the worst) and they can be calculated by summing the remediationcosts of the rule violations for a component divided by the average development cost ofreimplementing the same component (estimated from LOC). Based on preset thresholdsfor this ratio, a rating can be derived (e.g., if the ratio is less than 0.1% then the ratingis A).

3.1.3 Quamoco Quality Model

The Quamoco quality framework [95] is the outcome of a German national researchproject carried out between 2009 and 2011. The Quamoco Consortium � consisting ofresearch institutions and companies � developed a quality standard applicable in prac-


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

tice that makes the performance and e�ciency of software products made in Germanyassessable and accountable.

Quamoco is based on practical experiences learned from existing quality models.The high-level of detail of this approach for the quali�ed certi�cation of softwareprojects also takes into account the diversity of di�erent software products. This meansthat Quamoco contains a basic standard of quality that is complemented by domain-speci�c quality standards. The quality of software products can thus be modeled�exibly. At the same time, Quamoco ensures that all identi�ed quality requirementsare fully integrated.

The Quamoco approach uses the following de�nitions:

• Quality Model : a model with the objective to describe, assess and/or predictquality.

• Quality Meta Model : a model of the constructs and rules needed to build speci�cquality models.

• Quality Modeling Framework : a framework to de�ne, evaluate and improve qual-ity. This usually includes a quality meta-model as well as a methodology thatdescribes how to instantiate the meta-model and use the model instances forde�ning, assessing, predicting and improving quality.

The main concepts of the quality model are Factors. A factor expresses a propertyof an entity. Entities are the things that are important for quality. Properties describethe attributes of the entities. This concept of a factor is rather general. Thus, theQuamoco model uses it on two levels of abstraction:

• Quality Aspects describe abstract quality goals de�ned for the whole product.The quality model uses the �-ilities" of ISO/IEC 25010 as quality aspects. Typ-ical examples for such quality aspects are Maintainability, Analyzability, andModi�ability.

• Product Factors describe concrete, measurable properties of concrete entities. Anexample for a factor is the Complexity of a method, which can be measured bythe cyclomatic complexity number, or by the nesting depth of the method.

To close the gap between abstract quality aspects and measurable product factors,the product factors need to be set in relation to the quality aspects. This is donevia Impacts. An impact is either positive or negative and describes how the degree ofpresence or absence of a product factor in�uences a quality aspect.

A third layer in the levels of abstraction areMeasures, which describe how a speci�cproduct factor can be quanti�ed. To realize the connection to concrete tools in a qual-ity assessment, the approach further introduces Instruments. An instrument describesa concrete implementation of a measure. For an example of the nesting depth, an in-strument is the corresponding metric as implemented in the quality analysis frameworkConQAT [29]. This way, di�erent tools can be used for a single measure.

In order to fully utilize the quality model, aggregation formulas need to be speci�ed.They are called Evaluations and they are assigned to the factors in the quality model.


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

3.1.4 SIG Maintainability Model

Kuipers and Visser introduced a maintainability model [58] as a replacement for theMaintainability Index by Oman and Hagemeister [76]. Based on this work Heitlageret al. [47], members of the Software Improvement Group (SIG) company, proposed anextension of the ISO/IEC 9126 model that uses source code metrics at a low level.Metric values are split into �ve categories, from poor (--) to excellent (++). Theevaluation in their model means summing the values for each attribute (having thevalues between -2 and +2) and then aggregating the values for characteristics using themapping presented in Table 3.1. The model was recently adapted to the ISO/IEC 25010standard.

Volume Complexity Duplications Unit size Unit testsAnalyzability X X X XChangeability X X

Stability XTestability X X X

Table 3.1. The SIG quality characteristic mapping [103]

Correia and Visser [25] presented a benchmark that collects measurements of awide selection of systems. This benchmark enables systematic comparison of technicalquality of (groups of) software products. Alves et al. presented a technique for deriv-ing metric thresholds from benchmark data [4]. This method is used to derive morereasonable thresholds for the SIG model as well.

Correia and Visser [26] introduced a certi�cation method that is based on the SIGquality model. The method makes it possible to certify technical quality of softwaresystems. Each system can get a rating of one to �ve stars (-- corresponds to one star,++ to �ve stars). Baggen et al. [8] re�ned this certi�cation process by performing aregular re-calibration of the thresholds based on the benchmark.

The SIG model uses a binary relation between system properties and characteristics.Correia et al. created a survey [24] to elicit weights for their model. The survey was�lled out by IT professionals, but the authors �nally concluded that using weights didnot improve their quality model because of the lack of consensus among developers.

The validation of the model was carried out through an empirical case study. Luijtenand Visser [63] showed that the metrics of the SIG quality model correlate with thetime needed to resolve a defect in a software.

3.2 A Probabilistic Software Quality Model

During our systematic evaluation, we found that there were serious shortcomings ofthe existing approaches introduced brie�y in the previous sections. Namely,

• The quality is ambiguous, hence a simple class or number is unlikely to describe itwell (a probabilistic distribution would be more sophisticated). This is also truefor the lowest levels of the models, where they use only the average or intervalbased categories of the source code metrics.

• Most of the models do not have any objective basis for comparison (i.e. theyaggregate raw metrics without having an interpretation).


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

• De�ning source code metric ranges or categories is often based on �magic� for-mulas or thresholds without clear interpretations.

• Most of the models use a binary relation only between quality properties andweighting of the dependencies is very limited.

• The technique for aggregating measures to higher levels is often oversimpli�ed(e.g. sum, average), which might cause information loss.

• Most of the models support the Java language only.

To reduce these unwanted properties, we devised a set of requirements that a qualitymodel is expected to satisfy. According to these requirements, a quality model shouldbe:

1. Interpretable � applying the model should provide information for high levelquality characteristics which is meaningful, i.e. conclusions can be drawn withthe help of it.

2. Explicable � there should be a way to e�ciently evaluate the root causes, i.e. asimple way to break down information got for high-level characteristics to at-tributes or even to properties.

3. Consistent � the information got for higher level characteristics should not con-tradict lower level information.

4. Scalable � the model should provide valuable information even for large systemsin a reasonable time.

5. Extendible � there should be an easy way to extend the model with new charac-teristics and its attributes or derive models for di�erent languages.

6. Comparable � information got for the quality characteristics of two di�erent sys-tems should be comparable and should correlate with an intuitive meaning of thecharacteristics.

Based on these requirements, we created a novel probabilistic approach that ful�llsall these requirements and thus improves the state-of-the-art methods. The theoret-ical background of the base model was elaborated by Bakota [10] with the author'sparticipation primarily in the implementation and validation of the approach.

The very �rst version of our probabilistic software quality model called Colum-busQM [100] is based on the quality characteristics de�ned by the ISO/IEC 9126 [49]standard similar to other solutions, but the current version has been modi�ed to itssuccessor, the ISO/IEC 25010 [50]. In our approach, the relations between qualityattributes and characteristics at di�erent levels are represented by an acyclic directedgraph called the attribute dependency graph (ADG). The nodes at the lowest level (i.e.without incoming edges) are called sensor nodes, while the others are called aggregatenodes. Figure 3.2 shows the �rst version of an instance of the Java ADG. A descriptionof the various quality attributes can be found in Table 3.2.

The sensor nodes in our approach represent source code metrics that can be readilyobtained from the source code. In the case of a software system, each source code metriccan be treated as a random variable that can take real values with particular probability


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

Sensor nodesMcCabe McCabe cyclomatic complexity [65] de�ned for the methods of the system.CBO Coupling between object classes, which is de�ned for the classes of the

system.NII Number of incoming invocations (method calls), de�ned for the methods of

the system.LLOC Logical lines of code of the methods.Error Number of serious PMD [79] coding rule violations, computed for the meth-

ods of the system.1

Warning Number of suspicious PMD coding rule violations, computed for the meth-ods of the system.

CC Clone coverage [15]. The percentage of copied and pasted source codeparts, computed for the methods of the system.

Aggregated nodes de�ned by usCode complex-ity

Represents the overall complexity (internal and external) of a source codeelement.

Comprehension Expresses how easy it is to understand the source code.Fault prone-ness

Represents the possibility of having a faulty code segment.

E�ectiveness Measures how e�ectively the source code can be changed. The source canbe changed e�ectively if it is easy to change and changes will likely not haveunexpected side-e�ects.

Aggregated nodes de�ned by the ISO/IEC 9126Analyzability The capability of the software product to be diagnosed for de�ciencies or

causes of failures in the software, or for the parts to be modi�ed.Changeability The capability of the software product to enable a speci�ed modi�cation

to be implemented, where implementation includes coding, designing anddocumenting changes.

Stability The capability of the software product to avoid unexpected e�ects frommodi�cations of the software.

Testability The capability of the software product to enable modi�ed software to bevalidated.

Maintainability The capability of the software product to be modi�ed. Modi�cations mayinclude corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software to changesin environment, and in requirements and functional speci�cations.

Table 3.2. The quality properties of our model

values. For two di�erent software systems, let h1 (t) and h2 (t) be the probability densityfunctions corresponding to the same metric. Now, the relative goodness value (fromthe perspective of the particular metric) of one system with respect to the other, isde�ned as

D (h1, h2) =

∫ ∞−∞

(h1 (t)− h2 (t))ω (t) dt,

where ω (t) is the weight function that determines the notion of goodness, i.e. whereon the horizontal axis the di�erences matter more. Figure 3.1 helps us understand themeaning of the formula: it computes the non-symmetrical signed area between the twofunctions weighted by the function ω (t).

For a �xed probability density function h, D (h,_) is a random variable, which isindependent of any other particular system. We will call it the absolute goodness ofthe system (from the perspective of the metric that corresponds to h). The empiricaldistribution of the absolute goodness can be approximated by substituting a number

1The full list of applied PMD rules is available online:


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

Figure 3.1. Comparison of probability density functions

of samples for its second parameter, i.e. by making use of a repository of source codemetrics of other software systems. We created a repository containing the metric resultsof 100 Java systems. The probability density function of the absolute goodness is calledthe goodness function. The expected value of the absolute goodness will be called thegoodness value. Following the path described above, the goodness functions for thesensor nodes can be easily computed.

For the edges of the ADG, a survey was prepared, where the IT experts and re-searchers who �lled it were asked to assign weights to the edges, based on how theyfelt about the importance of the dependency. They were asked to assign scalars to in-coming edges of each aggregate node, such that the sum is equal to one. Consequently,a multi-dimensional random variable ~Yv = (Y 1

v , Y2v , . . . , Y

nv ) will correspond to each

aggregate node v. We de�ne the aggregated goodness function for the node v in thefollowing way:

gv (t) =

∫t = ~q~r

~q = (q1, . . . , qn) ∈ ∆n−1

~r = (r1, . . . , rn) ∈ Cn

~f~Yv(~q) g1 (r1) . . . gn (rn) d~rd~q, (3.1)

where ~f~Yv(~q) is the probability density function of ~Yv, g1, g2, . . . gn are the goodness

functions corresponding to the incoming nodes, ∆n−1 is the (n− 1)-standard simplexin <n and Cn is the standard unit n-cube in <n.

Although the formula may look frightening at �rst glance, it is just a generalizationof how aggregation is performed in the classical approaches. Classically, a linear combi-nation of goodness values and weights is taken, and it is assigned to the aggregate node.When dealing with probability values, one needs to take every possible combinationof goodness values and weights, and also the probability values of their outcome intoaccount. Now, we are able to compute goodness functions for each aggregate node; inparticular the goodness function corresponding to the Maintainability node.

We have introduced a prototype ADG (see Figure 3.2) for Java language. Tobe able to perform the construction of goodness functions in practice, we have built asource code metric repository database, where we uploaded source code metrics of morethan 100 open source and industrial software systems. Unfortunately, the probabilisticdistributions calculated by the algorithm are unbounded, as the di�erences of themetric values between two systems can be arbitrarily large. As this would seriouslyharm the explicable and comparable requirements, we developed a method to easilyand meaningfully translate these unbounded values into the (0,1) interval which isbounded, and the values are easy to interpret and compare.


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

Figure 3.2. Java maintainability model (ADG)

To get this absolute and bounded measure for software maintainability, we calcu-lated all the unbounded maintainability values of the systems in the repository (i.e.we used the average values of the resulted probabilistic distributions for each system).The resulting empirical density function of the values are shown in Figure 3.3. Thex-axis shows the original, unbounded values of maintainability, while the y-axis re�ectsthe number of systems having a maintainability value in the same interval (we used 0.5long equidistant intervals). As can be seen, the density function is close to a normaldensity function.

Figure 3.3. Empirical density function of the maintainability of benchmark systems

While the density function cannot be used to convert the values, the distributionfunction is of great use (see Figure 3.4). We can assign to each system a rank valueaccording to this distribution function. The rank is a real value between 0 and 1 thatobjectively re�ects the absolute maintainability of a system based on the repositorydatabase used. Note that the rank is exactly the proportion of the systems in therepository that have worse maintainability value than the subject system. For example,the converted value of 0.5 means that the subject system is better than half (i.e. 50%) ofthe systems from a maintainability point of view (i.e. it has an average maintainability).


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

Figure 3.4. Distribution of the maintainability of benchmark systems

3.2.1 Validation of the Probabilistic Quality Model

The prototype implementation of the quality model was evaluated on two softwaresystems implemented in the Java programming language. The �rst one is an industrialsystem being developed (for over 6 years) by a Hungarian company. Due to a non-disclosure agreement we have to refer to this system as System-1. For the results tobe reproducible, we also evaluated the model on an open source software being devel-oped at the University of Szeged. The REM framework is a persistence engine whosedevelopment began in 2010 from scratch, and being a green�eld and well-documentedproject, the di�erent development phases are easy to isolate from the beginning. Ourintention was to compare the results of the quality model with the subjective opinionsof the people involved in the development. For this, we had to choose the kind ofsystems where the developers were accessible for interviews. In the case of System-1,three versions were considered, called versions 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5, released in 2009, 2010and 2011, respectively. In the case of REM, four versions were considered; namely ver-sions 0.1, 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. Table 3.3 summarizes some basic properties of the evaluatedsystems.

System Size (TLLOC) Nr. of pkg. Nr. of cl.System-1 v1.3 35,723 24 336System-1 v1.4 53,406 27 477System-1 v1.5 48,128 27 454REM v0.1 6,262 14 82REM v1.0 7,188 22 83REM v1.1 5,737 21 66REM v1.2 8,335 21 94

Table 3.3. Basic properties of the evaluated systems

To validate the results, the developers were asked to rank maintainability and itsISO/IEC 9126 attributes of their systems on a 0 to 10 scale, based on the de�nitionsprovided by the standard. In the case of System-1, six developers answered the ques-tions, four of them having between one and three years, and two of them having morethan seven years of experience. In the case of REM, �ve developers �lled out thesurvey, three of them having less than one year and two of them having more than


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

seven years of experience. Table 3.4 shows the averages of the ranks (divided by ten)for every version of both software. The values in the brackets are the goodness valuescomputed by the model.

Version Changeab. Stability Analysab. Testab. Maintainab.

REM v0.10.625 0.4 0.675 0.825 0.625

(0.7494) (0.7249) (0.7323) (0.7409) (0.7520)

REM v1.00.6 0.65 0.75 0.8 0.75

(0.7542) (0.7427) (0.7517) (0.7063) (0.7539)

REM v1.10.6 0.66 0.7 0.66 0.633

(0.7533) (0.7445) (0.7419) (0.6954) (0.7402)

REM v1.20.65 0.65 0.8 0.775 0.7

(0.7677) (0.7543) (0.7480) (0.7059) (0.7482)

Correlation 0.71 0.9 0.81 0.74 0.53

System-1 v1.30.48 0.33 0.35 0.43 0.55

(0.4458) (0.4535) (0.4382) (0.4627) (0.4526)

System-1 v1.40.6 0.55 0.52 0.4 0.533

(0.4556) (0.4602) (0.4482) (0.4235) (0.4484)

System-1 v1.50.64 0.64 0.56 0.46 0.716

(0.4792) (0.4966) (0.4578) (0.4511) (0.4542)

Correlation 0.87 0.81 0.94 0.61 0.77

Table 3.4. Averaged grades for maintainability and its ISO/IEC 9126 attributes basedon the developers' opinions

The results show that the experts' rankings di�er signi�cantly from the goodnessvalues provided by the model in many cases. Actually, there are large di�erences amongthe opinions of experts as well, depending on the experience, knowledge, measure ofinvolvement and so on. There were cases when one of the developers having littleexperience ranked testability to 9, while another having more than seven years ofexperience ranked it to 4. In spite of the di�erences between the expert rankings and thegoodness values, they show a relatively high correlation with each other, meaning thatthey vary in a similar way. The bold lines in Table 3.4 show the Pearson's correlationof the rankings and the goodness values. The positive (and relatively high) correlationsindicate that the quality model partially expresses the same changes as the developerswould expect. Owing to the ambiguity of the notions, this was the best we could hopefor.

Another important feedback from the developers was that they recognized somepatterns in the maintainability trends provided by the model. They could identifyperiods of hiring new developers causing a short but sharp drop in the overall main-tainability. Another clear pattern was the sudden rise in maintainability when thedevelopers performed a major refactoring in one of the projects.

3.3 Evaluation of the Presented Models

To get a picture of how this new approach relates to the existing state-of-the-art mod-els, we performed a case study [103]. The aim of the case study was to compare allthe practical quality models introduced in Section 3.1 together with our previouslyproposed ColumbusQM approach concerning the initial requirements we laid down inSection 3.2. Besides these complex models, we also included the Quality Index [81] incomparison, which is a variant of the well-known Maintainability Index [76] empiricalaggregated formula. In addition to the Interpretable, Explicable, Consistent, Scalable,Extendible and Comparable requirements, we added the following evaluation criteria:


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

1. Reproducible � applying the model on the same system twice should result in thesame information.

2. Aggregation type � the way of acquiring quality values for high-level characteristicsbased on low-level values. The possible values are:

• Linear combination (LC) � a simple linear combination of the values

• General function (GF) � combination of the values with an arbitrary (notnecessarily linear) function

• Fixed threshold (FT) � the values are categorized based on �xed thresholds

• Benchmark-based threshold (BT) � the values are categorized based onthresholds derived from a benchmark

• Benchmark based (B) � the aggregation is done in some sophisticated waybased on a repository of other systems (benchmark)

3. Input measures � what type of source code measures are considered in the model.The possible values are:

• Metrics (M)

• Rule violations (R)

• Code clones (C)

• Unit tests (T)

4. Base model � which theoretical model serves as the base concept of the practicalmodel.

5. Rating � what kind of quali�cation or rating the model provides to express thelevel of maintainability. The possible values are:

• Ordinal � discrete quality categories (like 1 to 5 stars)

• Scale � a continuous value from an interval (e.g. a real number between 0and 10)

Table 3.5 presents a summary of the model evaluations against the above crite-ria. We should mention that the most popular base model is the one de�ned in theISO/IEC 9126 standard. Despite the fact that it already has a successor � ISO/IEC 25010� only one model supports it to some extent besides ColumbusQM. Probably mostmodels will be adapted to this new standard in the future.

As regards the rating of the models, the scale type appears to be the most commonchoice that is able to express the maintainability in a more precise, continuous way.Another advantage of the scale type ratings is that it is easy to convert the ratingof one model into the rating of the other. In contrast, ordinal ratings are harder toconvert due to the di�erent number of rates.

One would expect that a model should use all the possible static source code in-formation: metrics, rule violations, code clones and unit tests as its input measures.However, only the Quality Index seems to use all this information. Metrics are con-sidered by all the examined models and rule violations are taken into account by allmodels except SIG.


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models


Interpretable X X X X X XExplicable X X �2 � X XConsistent X X X X X XScalable N/A3 X X X X4 XExtendible � X � � � XComparable X X X X X XReproducible X X X X X XAggregation type FT B BT LC FT+GF FTInput measures M, R M, R, C M, C, T M, R, C, T M, R M, RBase model ISO 9126 ISO 9126, ISO 9126 McCall, partly ISO 9126,

ISO/IEC 25010 ISO 9126 ISO 25010Rating Ordinal Scale Ordinal Scale Scale Scale

A, B, C, D, E [0..1] [-2..2] [0..10] [0..3] [1..6]

Table 3.5. The properties of the various practical quality models

The models vary in the way they aggregate the source code measures. The mostcommon approach is to use a �xed threshold to categorize metric values. However, aconstant improvement is shown in this area by introducing complex aggregation formu-las [83] and deriving dynamic thresholds based on a benchmark [4]. The ColumbusQMuses the benchmark in an even more sophisticated way to aggregate quality properties.

Most of the models failed to ful�ll the Extendable requirement as they provide noeasy way to extend the base model. Another requirement that two models could notmeet is the Explicable one. The results of the models that do not ful�ll this requirementare hard to trace back to the root causes in the source code.

3.4 The C# Quality Model

We introduced a practical quality model in Section 3.2 that di�ers from the othermodels (e.g. [12, 20, 23, 47, 76]) in many ways. That is,

• It uses a large number of other systems as benchmark for the quali�cation.

• The approach takes into account di�erent opinions of many experts, and thealgorithm integrates the ambiguity originating from di�erent points of view in anatural way.

• The method uses probabilistic distributions instead of average metric values,hence providing a more meaningful result, not just a single number.

Although the presented model proved to be useful and was accepted by the scien-ti�c community, real industrial settings and evaluations are required to show that oursolution is useful and applicable in real environments as well. In addition, the �rstpublished model was only a prototype for the Java language and it was weighted by asmall number of researchers and practitioners.

Next, a method and model [101] developed by the author are presented to estimatethe maintainability of the C# systems of a large international company. To achieveour goal, the following tasks were performed:

2Refers to the free version of the model which does not allow one to drill down the quali�cations.3SQALE quali�cations were already available in the Sonar Nemo quality assurance environment.4We found performance issues with the default embedded database, but we did not try it with

other suggested database servers.


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

• Together with the industrial partner, we introduced a new maintainability model(i.e. ADG) for systems written in the C# language.

• A benchmark from the C# systems of the company was created (almost a millionC# code lines have been analyzed).

• A method and tool was developed to qualify the smaller components of the com-pany's software using the benchmark � producing a relative measure for maintain-ability of the components (we were able to rank the components of the company).

• A new weighting was created involving the developers and managers.

• With the help of the new method and model, a large number of components wereevaluated.

The results were discussed after our evaluation and compared with the developers'opinions. The industrial application of the method and model was successful, as theopinions of the developers closely correlated with the maintainability values producedby the C# maintainability model. This result shows that our probabilistic qualitymodel is applicable in industry, as the industrial partner accepted the results providedand found our approach and tool quite useful.

3.4.1 The Approach Applied

Thanks to the prescribed requirements of the base model, we were able to introduceextensions and improvements fairly easily. First, to qualify the C# components of ourindustrial partner, we introduced a new ADG. Based on a joint work, the ADG shownin Figure 3.5 was developed. It is much larger than the Java prototype ADG andcontains some C# speci�c rule violations too. We chose FxCop [41] as a rule checkerand built the number of di�erent rule violations into the model as sensor nodes.

The reason why we chose FxCop was that it is a widely accepted rule checker in theC# world and our industrial partners already used this checker at the time of modelconstruction. To calculate the source code metrics, the Columbus toolset [34] developedat the Software Engineering Department was used. The sensor nodes included in themodel can be seen in Table 3.6.

DIT Depth of inheritance tree NLE Nesting levelNOI Number of outgoing invocations IR Interoperbility RulesCBO Coupling between object classes NR Naming RulesMcCabe McCabe's cyclomatic complexity CC Clone coverageLCOM5 Lack of cohesion on methods PR Performance RulesDR, UR Design Rules and Usage Rules5 SR Security RulesNII Number of incoming invocations LLOC Logical code lines ofLLOC Logical code lines of (class) classes(method) methods

Table 3.6. Sensor nodes in the model

5All the rule sensor nodes refer to the number of FxCop rule violations of that group found in thesystem.


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

Figure 3.5. The C# maintainability model (ADG)

The model contains the following intermediate aggregated nodes:

• Unit Complexity � the class level complexity of the system.

• System Complexity � the complexity of the system as a whole.

• Code Complexity � the general complexity of the source code.

• OO design � the ful�llment of OO design principles.

• Fault-proneness � the fault proneness of the code due to dangerous programconstructs.

• Comprehension � how easy it is to comprehend the code of the system.

• Implementation �aws � the implementation problems in the system.

• Implementation quality � the low level quality of the code implementation.

• E�ectiveness � the e�ectiveness of the code change.

The ISO/IEC 9126 quality characteristics in the model are the following:

• Testability � the capability of the software product to enable modi�ed softwareto be validated.


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

• Analyzability � the capability of the software product to be diagnosed for de�-ciencies or causes of failures in the software, or for parts to be modi�ed.

• Changeability � the capability of the software product to enable a speci�ed modi-�cation to be implemented, where the implementation includes coding, designingand documenting changes.

• Stability � the capability of the software product to avoid unexpected e�ects frommodi�cations of the software.

• Functionality � the capability of the software product to provide functions whichmeet stated and implied needs when the software is used under speci�ed condi-tions. The functions satisfy the formulated or supposed conditions.

• Maintainability � the capability of the software product to be modi�ed. Modi�-cations may include corrections, improvements or adaptation of the software tochanges in environment, and in requirements and functional speci�cations.

• Quality � the overall quality of the software system.

3.4.2 Results and Evaluation

To make the maintainability model work, a benchmark database from di�erent C#systems had to be built. Since our approach of creating benchmark database fromlarge number of open source systems was not applicable as there are very few opensource systems written in C#, in this case we needed a new idea. As our industrialpartner owns a huge amount of C# code itself and they were only interested in thecode maintainability of their components compared to each other, we decided to builda benchmark from their over 300 components.6 This way we were able to give a relativemaintainability value for each component (estimate the component's maintainabilityin comparison to other components). Moreover, we could de�ne a ranking based onthe relative maintainability between the components. Some basic properties of ourpartner's source code can be seen in Table 3.7.

Property ValueTotal number of logical lines of code 711 944Total number of classes in the system 4 942Total number of methods in the system 48 787Number of components in the system 315

Table 3.7. Basic characteristics of the industrial partner's software components

As a �nal step before the quali�cation of the components, a weighting was intro-duced on the created C# ADG. 7 IT professionals from our industrial partner and5 academical co-workers voted on the importance of each dependency among qualityattributes. The distribution of the votes were assigned to each edge in the ADG asweights to be able to execute the aggregation algorithm.

6Here, we refer to the source code of a self-compilable dll or exe as a component.


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

With the help of the created model, benchmark and votes we calculated the main-tainability values of each component. The results of 10 selected components can beseen in Table 3.8. The detailed results of the best out of these 10 components is shownin Figure 3.6. On the left hand side, the goodness values of low-level quality properties(i.e. sensor nodes) of the system are presented. Although the model works with good-ness functions, we can get a single value by simply taking the average of the samples.0 means the worst, while 1 means the best achievable result. On the right side, thegoodness values of high level quality attributes (i.e. aggregate nodes) are shown. Themethod level code lines (LLOC) got the worst quali�cation from the sensor nodes. Thegoodness value below 0.2 means that the average length of the methods in this compo-nent is longer than the average length in more than 80% of the other components. Outof the ISO characteristics, Functionality got the best score according to the model.

Figure 3.6. Detailed results of a C# component

The maintainability values of the 10 presented components were manually evalu-ated by 7 IT professionals of the company. We chose components that each of the ITprofessionals knew well. So they were able to subjectively assess the maintainabilityof these components. Every IT professional scored the maintainability of the 10 com-ponents on a scale from 0 to 10. 0 means the worst possible maintainability, 10 thebest. After collecting all the votes we calculated the average of these votes and dividedthe value by 10 to convert the value to the [0,1] interval. In this way, we were ableto compare the maintainability values provided by the model with the average votesof the IT professionals. Table 3.8 shows the maintainability values together with thenormalized average subjective votes. Although the average human votes are higherthan the estimated values, the Pearson correlation analysis gave a value of 0.92, whichmeans there is a very high correlation between the two data sets. Since our model doesnot calculate an absolute maintainability measure, the values cannot be compared di-rectly. However, the correlation analysis revealed that our model was able to assess themaintainability of the components relative to each other, which was our initial goal.

Due to the small sample size and low variance in the values, we performed a testwhere we randomly excluded two out of the ten cases and recalculated the Pearson's andSpearman's rank correlation values. We wanted to rule out that the high correlationwas caused by a few dominant values. Table 3.9 shows the recalculated correlationvalues for ten cases.


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

Maintainability 0.311 0.261 0.261 0.261 0.26Avg. expert vote 0.56 0.48 0.473 0.53 0.47

Maintainability 0.26 0.221 0.221 0.216 0.178Avg. expert vote 0.49 0.4 0.44 0.45 0.3

Table 3.8. The maintainability values and the average IT professional votes

The last column shows the case where the largest and smallest values are removed.Even in this case the correlation values remain fairly high. But in general we can saythat there is little variation in the original and recalculated values, meaning that thehigh correlation is not caused by some dominant values. Moreover, Spearman's rankcorrelation is even more stable than Pearson's correlation. This is good because itrelies only on the ordering of the values and the ordering of the quali�cations was themost important in this case study.

Pearson's 0.879 0.925 0.879 0.924 0.948Spearman's 0.896 0.896 0.896 0.854 0.970

Pearson's 0.925 0.924 0.923 0.901 0.777Spearman's 0.812 0.854 0.916 0.896 0.766

Table 3.9. The recalculated correlation values

Apart from the subjective voting, we discussed the results of all these componentswith the IT professionals in detail. Every extreme sensor values was justi�ed and foreach component we reached a consensual acceptance of the goodness values of high-level quality characteristics. Moreover, all the IT professionals agreed with the rankingof the components suggested by the maintainability values.

3.5 The Implementation of the Method

After the great success of the novel quali�cation method and many industrial requests,we decided to replace our prototype implementation of the quality model with a fulland complete application. The outcome was the SourceAudit tool [102], a member ofthe QualityGate product family [80], which is a software quality management tool thatpermits the immediate, automatic, and objective assessment of software quality.7 Theusefulness and demand for our new quali�cation method is demonstrated by the factthat SourceAudit is now an o�cial commercial product of FrontEndART Ltd. Thetool measures source code maintainability using the introduced ColumbusQM [100]maintainability model and provides a holistic view on the change of software quality.It issues a warning �ag on source code maintainability decline and helps in improvingthe source code quality and performance of development teams. The tool also supportssoftware operating companies by automatically monitoring the source code quality oftheir software systems.

SourceAudit includes the important features of other existing tools (e.g. SIG main-tainability model, QUAMOCO, Sonar SQALE, or SQUALE) and extends them with

7Developed in collaboration with FrontEndART Ltd. (


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

trend analysis, maintenance cost estimation, and a drill-down mechanism [104] (dis-cussed later in sections 4.2 and 5.2) for assessing the maintainability of individualsource code elements (e.g. classes and methods).

3.5.1 QualityGate SourceAudit Tool in Action

The QualityGate product family comes with continuous integration support in the formof a Jenkins plug-in.8 The plug-in is capable of managing the whole analysis processby performing the following steps:

• It regularly checks for altered source code in the version control system.

• It performs a static analysis of the source code by using the QualityGate Code-Analyzer tool (the successor of the Columbus static analysis tool set), whichcomputes source code metrics, and detects coding rule violations and code dupli-cations.

• It uploads the analysis results to the central QualityGate repository.

• It computes the source code maintainability based on the models and benchmarksin the repository.

• It visualizes the results on the SourceAudit web-based graphical user interface.

The user interface of SourceAudit provides a holistic view of the quality of softwaresystems. After logging in, the user can see the three main function groups of thesystem, appearing as tabs on the top of the page: Certi�cation, Quality Model, andBenchmark (see e.g. Figure 3.7).

In the following, the main use-cases of the application will be described in detail.

Benchmark Management

To measure software maintainability, a reference database (the so-called benchmark)is needed (see Section 3.2). The quality of a system can be quanti�ed relative tothe systems in this reference database. SourceAudit provides a default benchmarkdatabase which contains one hundred open- and closed-source software systems andtheir analysis results.

Viewing benchmark details. By clicking on the information box of a benchmarklisted on the Benchmark tab (see Figure 3.7), statistical data of the particular bench-mark can be seen. The page lists the name, description, the number of systems in thebenchmark, as well as the list of systems in it and the date of the last modi�cation.The mean and range values of some important source code metrics (number of linesof code, packages, classes, methods, etc.) of systems in the benchmark can be seen aswell. The related quality models are also listed, as well as the metric values, which areshown on pie charts.

Creating new benchmarks. The users are able to create new benchmarks byselecting the systems that should be included. After creating a benchmark, a newinformation box representing the newly created reference database appears on theBenchmark site.



Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

Figure 3.7. The benchmark tab

Editing and deleting benchmarks. The name, description and the systems con-tained in the benchmark can be modi�ed at any time. Deleting an existing benchmarkis also possible but this operation can be executed only if there is no quality modelapplying this particular benchmark.

Quality Model Management

Software quality assessment is carried out using a quality model (see Section 3.2). Amodel is a directed acyclic graph (see Figure 3.2), consisting of low- and high-levelcharacteristics. The quality model management tab provides an option for the usersto create and calibrate their own models.

Figure 3.8. The default Java quality model

Viewing quality model details. Details of a quality model appearing on theQuality model tab can be viewed by clicking on the information box representing theparticular model. Apart from the basic information (like model name, description,


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

benchmark used and number of nodes), a graph of the model can also be seen. Bydouble-clicking on the nodes of the model, supplementary information for the modelelement can be gained (e.g. name, description, for what type of source code elements itis applicable). In addition, the distribution of expert votes on a given dependency canalso be seen. The elements of the quality model can be rearranged in any way desiredfor a better overview.

Creating a quality model. It is possible to create a new quality model using theQuality model tab. After assigning a name and a description of the new model, it isnecessary to assign a benchmark to it (each model may use only one benchmark). Thenew model can be created with the help of the graphical editor shown in Figure 3.8.

In order to make the model suitable for quality assessment, weighing the relationsamong model nodes is required (see Section 3.2), which can be done by assigning votesfor the edges of the model.

Editing and deleting quality models. Editing an existing model is possibleonly if there are no votes already assigned to its edges. Users can also delete a qualitymodel if they wish.

Figure 3.9. Certi�cation view

Certi�cation View

Maintainability assessments based on the di�erent models in SourceAudit can be viewedon the Certi�cation tab (see Figure 3.9). Each information box represents an evaluationof a system's maintainability according to a speci�ed model. Apart from the name ofthe system and the model used for validation, the latest assessment date and the resultof the assessment can be seen. The value of the evaluation is de�ned on a ten-pointscale (0 is the worst, 10 the best) and it expresses the quality of the given systemcompared to the systems in the benchmark used by the model. The most importantsystem-level metrics of the latest assessed source code version can also be displayed(e.g. total lines of code, number of classes and copy-paste ratio).

Viewing certi�cation details. By choosing the appropriate information box onthe Certi�cation tab the evaluation results of the system according to the given modelcan be seen (see Figure 3.10). The stars at the top of the page indicate the qualityrating of the system.


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

The timeline, located in the middle of the page, shows the system's quality changeover time. By clicking on the points on the timeline, details regarding the root causesof the change appear (a green color indicates quality improvement, while red meansa quality decrease). By clicking on the cost icon ($), the user can toggle betweenthe quality and the relative maintenance cost computed for the system [108], whichis shown in percentage terms and indicates the cost of maintenance compared to anaverage, maintainable system (100% stands for the maintenance cost of a system witha quality value of 5; see Section 5.2 for more details).

Figure 3.10. The certi�cation details of a system.

Certi�cation breakdown. It is possible to view not only the high-level qualitychanges over time, but to select a particular version of the source code and break itdown to the root causes of the certi�cation results. The main bene�t of this functionis that low-level technical information can be obtained without having to generate areport as the concrete source code parts of the a�ected elements can also be displayed.

The tool provides an overview table with the following items of information: codingrule violations introduced in the current version, changes in source code metrics causinga change in the system-level maintainability, the newly introduced copy-paste codeparts and other similar things. Besides this overview, the actual source code of thea�ected source code elements can be downloaded from the version control system anddisplayed along with the rule violations and copy-paste parts existing in them (seeFigure 3.11). What is more, users can directly annotate code parts or create ticketsfor a particular issue. This data is uploaded into a central database, which is also readby an Eclipse plug-in that fetches the created issues and annotations and displays thedata to the developers right in the IDE (see Figure 3.12). This is an especially usefulfeature as there is no need for extra communication between managers, architects, andlead developers (who are quite likely to use SourceAudit to get a quality overview of asystem) and programmers (who typically use IDEs).


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

Figure 3.11. Annotations and source view Figure 3.12. The SA Eclipse plug-in

Executing quality assessments. In general, quality assessments are executedautomatically by Jenkins, as described above. However, it is also possible to manuallycommence assessments of systems that were uploaded earlier to SourceAudit. Afterselecting a quality model, the versions of the system for which the validation is to beperformed should be given. Next, the user returns to the Certi�cation tab showing thenew information box corresponding to this certi�cation. It is also possible to deleteany assessment of a system. By deleting a certi�cation, the source code characteristicsof the software are not deleted; hence a validation can be restarted.

Generating reports. It is possible to generate a PDF report of the quality ofa given system for stakeholders and managers, or an Excel report, which provides atechnical-level overview of the quality for a given version of the system.

Generating a widget code. The widget code is an HTML code that can beembedded in a website, and which keeps track of the source code quality in the formof a stamp logo. The name of the validated system, the latest validation date and theactual quality value appear on the stamp (see Figure 3.13).

Figure 3.13. The quali�cation stamp logo

3.6 Evaluation of Di�erent Quality Model Implemen-


In Section 3.3, we compared the reviewed models from a theoretical point of view(e.g. their base models, aggregation technique, or source code measures applied). Yet,their application in practice (in the form of implemented tools) is also as important astheir theoretical capabilities. A lot of technical information exists that may in�uencethe ease of use or popularity of the implementation of a model. Factors such as the


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

availability of free implementations of a model, its completeness, the required inputformat and the performance of the analysis are all crucial and may di�er slightlyamong tools even if their underlying technology is similar.

Therefore here we introduce the results of a case study that seeks to evaluate andcompare the features and performance-related properties of di�erent quality modelimplementations. First, we provide the list of tools we included in the case study.These tools are implementations of the practical quality models presented in Section 3.1and our own tool, SourceAudit (implementation of the ColumbusQM probabilisticapproach, see Section 3.5.1). Then we describe on what subject systems and how thecase study was performed and after give a summary of the results we collected.

3.6.1 The Compared Tools

Software QUALity Enhancement project (SQUALE). The implementationof the SQUALE model (see Section 3.1.1) is available as an open-source tool.9 Theproject o�cially started in June 2008, funded by the French Government. The �rsto�cial open-source version was released in January 2009.

Figure 3.14. The SQUALE tool

The Software QUALity Enhancement project � SQUALE focused on two main as-pects. First, it works on enhanced quality models inspired by existing approaches(GQM [93], McCall et al.[66]) and standards (ISO/IEC 9126 [49]), validated and im-proved by researchers, focusing on technical and economical aspects of quality. Second,the development of an open-source application that helps one in assessing softwarequality and improving it over time based on third party technologies (commercial oropen-source) that produce raw quality data (like metrics), using the quality modelsto aggregate this raw data into high-level quality factors, all this targeting di�erentlanguages.



Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

The tool provides a Web-based interface for con�guring the quali�cations of newapplications. The quali�cation process is run as a part of a scheduled audit of the sourcecode. The quality results are displayed in the same Web application. Figure 3.14 showsthe overview page of a quality audit result of SQUALE.

Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations (SQALE).According to the o�cial site10, the following tools implement the SQALE model (seeSection 3.1.2):

• Insite SaaS by Metrixware (

• Sonar by SonarSource (


• Mia-Quality by Mia-Software (

Figure 3.15. The Sonar SQALE Maintainability Model plug-in

The results of the tool evaluation in the next section relate to the Sonar imple-mentation of the model. Sonar is an open platform designed to manage code quality.11

Using an extensive plug-in mechanism, it is fairly easy to extend the basic functionalityof the framework (e.g. to support an analysis for new languages and add new metrics).

The Technical Debt Evaluation (SQALE) Sonar plug-in is a full implementation ofthe SQALE methodology. This method contains both a Quality Model and an Analysis



Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

Model. The Technical Debt Evaluation (SQALE) plug-in comes with a number offeatures, including custom widgets, visualizations, rules and drill-downs. Figure 3.15shows the typical summary page output of the tool.

QUAMOCO Quality Model. The QUAMOCO framework (see Section 3.1.3) isavailable as an open-source Eclipse extension.12 The Quamoco Consortium provides atoolchain [28] for the creation/editing of quality models and for the automatic analysisof software products. The main components are:

• A Quality Model Editor: This editor permits the easy creation of quality models.

• ConQAT-Integration: By integrating the quality model into the analysis frame-work ConQAT [29], automatic quality assessments for the programming lan-guages Java, C#, and C/C++ can be carried out.

Figure 3.16. The QUAMOCO quality report

A quality analysis with a given quality models can be initiated interactively fromEclipse or run from the command line, allowing it to be integrated into the buildprocesses. The tool presents its results in Eclipse and also creates a detailed HTMLquality report (see Figure 3.16).

SIG Maintainability Model. The Software Improvement Group13 o�ers softwareproduct certi�cation based on the implementation of their maintainability model (seeSection 3.1.4) as a commercial service. No o�cial trial or free version of the tool existson their homepage.

However, the SIG Maintainability Model is implemented as a freely accessible Sonarplug-in. The results of the tool evaluation in the next section relate to this Sonar plug-in implementation of the model. The SIG plug-in provides a high-level overview of thefollowing ISO/IEC 9126 maintainability sub-characteristics: Analyzability, Change-ability, Stability and Testability. The values range from -- (very bad) to ++ (verygood). Figure 3.17 shows a screenshot of the results of the plug-in.



Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

Figure 3.17. The Sonar SIG Maintainability Model Plug-in

QualityGate SourceAudit. This is the implementation of our probabilistic ap-proach, ColumbusQM (see Section 3.2). For a detailed description of the SourceAudittool, see Section 3.5.1.

3.6.2 The Features and Performance of the Tools

To evaluate and compare the di�erent models and the tools that implement them,we installed and ran them on several projects. As two of the tools were available asSonar plug-ins, we decided to perform a maintainability assessment on the open-sourceprojects presented in Sonar's Nemo demo application.14 The bene�t of doing so wastwofold: the data in Nemo already contained the quality analysis results of the SQALEmodel commercial plug-in; and we could readily identify the exact source code locationsand versions from Sonar then we were able to run the other tools on the same sourcecode.

As the SIG model is not part of Nemo, we also installed and con�gured our own localversion of Sonar. In addition to the SQALE and SIG models, we decided to include theSonar Quality Index plug-in15 in the evaluation as well. It is a Maintainability Indexstyle combination of di�erent metrics and not a hierarchical quality model. Moreover,we were interested in the relation between QI and other sophisticated models.

Altogether 97 open-source Java projects were analyzed with six tools. AlthoughNemo contains almost 200 systems, 50 of them did not have any version control data,hence we could not locate their source. For another 50 projects, the version control datahad changed after the Sonar analysis, so we also left them out from our experiment.Except for SQUALE, all the analyzes were run in an automated way with defaultmodels and con�gurations. In the case of SQUALE, we found no way of automatingthe quali�cation process, so all the projects were con�gured and analyzed manuallythrough its Web interface. When a quali�cation analysis failed, we tried to manually�x the cause of the problem and re-run the analysis. If a more complex error occurred �which we could not �x easily � we marked the analysis as failed.

An evaluation of the tools was performed based on the following aspects:

1. Supported languages � the languages supported by the tool (or it is languageindependent).

2. Stability � the number of projects successfully analyzed from all projects (97projects were analyzed in total).



Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

3. Input type � the input data of the tool, i.e. requires only sources or binaries.

4. Type � the type of the application (e.g. a plug-in to an existing framework or aWeb application).

5. Supported build processes � the type of common build frameworks into which thequali�cation can be integrated.

6. OS platform � the supported OS platforms.

7. Proprietary � is the evaluated tool free or proprietary?

8. Presentation of the results � the mode of the presentation of the quali�cationresults (e.g. in a Web application or HTML)

SQALE QualityGate SIGSourceAudit

Supported languages Lang. independent Lang. independent Lang. independentStability 100% (97/97) 100% (97/97) 77% (75/97)Input type Sources, Sources only Sources,

binaries are optional binaries are optionalType Sonar plug-in Web application Sonar plug-in

and web serviceSupported build processes ant, maven, batch ant, maven, batch ant, maven, batchOS platform Windows & Linux Windows & Linux Windows & LinuxProprietary Yes Yes Yes 16

Presentation of the results Web application Web application, Web applicationExcel, PDF reports

QI SQUALE QUAMOCOSupported languages Java Java Java, C#, C/C++Stability 77% (75/97) 31% (30/97) 63% (61/97)Input type Sources, Sources and binaries Sources and binaries

binaries are optionalType Sonar plug-in Web application Eclipse plug-inSupported build processes ant, maven, batch ant batchOS platform Windows & Linux Windows & Linux Windows & LinuxProprietary No No NoPresentation of the results Web application Web application, Eclipse GUI,

PDF reports HTML report

Table 3.10. The properties of the various evaluated tools

Table 3.10 gives a summary of the evaluation of the tools based on the aspects listedabove. The stability line needs some further explanation. In the case of SQALE, all theprojects were successfully analyzed because it was already in the Sonar Nemo system.The other tool that was able to parse all the systems is QualityGate SourceAudit,because it is able to analyze projects without having to compile the code. In the caseof the two Sonar plug-ins (the SIG model and Quality Index), the cause of unsuccessfulquali�cation was that some of the projects could not be compiled and it was not thefailure of the models. As we used the maven wrapper to upload the results into Sonar,it caused the failure of the quali�cation too. The other two tools (QUAMOCO and

16An uno�cial free Sonar plugin is available.


Chapter 3. System Level Software Quality Models

SQUALE) were also a�ected by the compilation errors as they required the binaries forthe quali�cation. Apart from the build errors, QUAMOCO failed with a non-trivialparser error for about 10 projects. The most unstable tool was SQUALE, at leastaccording to our experiences; however, it should be noted that we used the programwith just the default settings.

In summary, most tools were able to analyze the majority of the projects withminimal invested e�ort. Therefore they can be a great help both for managers anddevelopers in software evolution activities. However, there are aspects for which onetool is better than another, so knowing the exact purpose and requirements of theapplication beforehand, one can use the optimal tool for an analysis session.

3.7 Summary

In this chapter, we �rst presented the currently available models that apply one of thesoftware product quality standards described in Chapter 2. Based on a survey dis-cussed brie�y, all of these models su�er from some shortcoming or oversimpli�cationof measuring software quality. As an improvement on the state-of-the-art of this area,we presented our probabilistic approach for measuring software quality. It is able tohandle the subjective notion of quality by involving expert weights and a referencedatabase (i.e. benchmark) in the quality assessment. Models both for Java and C#were presented together with systematic case studies that validated the newly intro-duced models. In the case of Java, the model had Pearson's correlation of 0.53 and0.77 with the expert ratings on two systems, while in the case of the C# model, acorrelation as high as 0.92 was observed between the calculated maintainability andthe expert assessments on an industrial system. Afterwards, the implementation of thepresented probabilistic concept was discussed along with the results of a comparativestudy that evaluated the features of di�erent quality model implementations.

Contributions. The new results presented in this chapter in which the main contri-bution was the author's are as follows:

• The survey of existing practical models and their theoretical background (Sec-tion 3.1).

• An empirical validation of the novel probabilistic quality assessment method,implementation of the prototype tools supporting the empirical validation andan evaluation of the results (Section 3.2.1).

• The entire C# quality model: creating C# speci�c ADG, eliciting model weights,collecting benchmark systems, implementing the necessary tools, carrying out andevaluating an empirical validation of the model (Section 3.4).

• Performing and evaluating the case study of actual quality model tool implemen-tations (Section 3.6).


�There's no sense being exact about something if you

don't even know what you're talking about.�

� John von Neumann

4Source Code Element-Level Software

Quality Models

After reading the last chapter, it might be imagined that software quality modeling isquite a mature area today. There are standards, various approaches to adapting themand also tool implementations where methods can be readily applied. Although true inmany respects, there are unresolved issues in software quality measurement (see Chap-ter 2), some of them are addressed by our novel probabilistic approach and C# qualitymodel. Nevertheless, while it seems that system level quality assessment has been wellexplored, the results on �ner grained maintainability estimations are surprisingly in-complete. It is a problem because having a number or even a probabilistic distributiondescribing the system level quality of a software often proves to be insu�cient. Besidesexpressing source code maintainability in terms of numerical values, the models arealso expected to provide explicable results, i.e. to give a detailed list of source codefragments that should be improved by the programmers in order to attain a higheroverall quality.

Current approaches usually just enumerate the most complex methods, most cou-pled classes or other source code elements that have certain metric values. Unfor-tunately, this is not enough; combinations of the metrics should also be taken intoconsideration. For example, a source code method with a moderate McCabe's com-plexity [65] value might be more important from a maintenance point of view thananother method with a higher complexity, if the �rst one has several copies and con-tains coding problems as well. It follows that a more sophisticated approach is requiredfor measuring the e�ect of individual source code elements on the overall maintainabil-ity of a system.

In this chapter we summarize the contributions made in the area of source code el-ement level quality assessment. The process of introducing a new, more comprehensiveapproach to measure quality at the level of individual source code elements consistedof several steps. First, we devised questionnaires and performed a number of case stud-ies [105, 106] to get a general idea of whether it was feasible to predict the subjectiveopinions of developers on maintainability based on source code product metrics. After


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

a thorough evaluation of di�erent classi�cation and regression models, we came to theconclusion that product metrics are quite good predictors of source code element levelmaintainability. Next, based on the results of empirical experiments, we developeda novel algorithm for drilling down to the source code element level and deriving arelative maintainability index [104] based on the system level quality value calculatedusing the probabilistic model described in Section 3.2.

In the rest of the chapter we present the results we obtained in our studies andexperiments.

4.1 Empirical Investigation of Building Method Level

Quality Models

We thought the very �rst step for quality assessment at the source code element levelshould involve human opinions and we should study their connection with the sourcecode metrics we intended to use as quality predictors. Here, we provide detailed re-sults of two case studies where we collected a very large number of subjective opinionson the quality of individual source code elements from IT experts, project managers,testers and students. Our primary focus was to learn how the well-known and widelyused software product source code metrics (like lines of code, number of parameters,incoming calls, cyclomatic complexity and code cloning) are related to the high-levelquality attributes like changeability, stability, testability, analyzability and maintain-ability evaluated by humans. In the case studies, we used the quality attributes de�nedby the ISO/IES 9126 standard (see Section 2.2).

In addition to examining the correlation of source code metrics with software qualityattributes, we were quite interested in the predictive power of metrics in assessingquality attributes using di�erent machine learning methods. Hence we carried outexperiments on various classi�cation and regression models to get an impression of thesuitability of using source code metrics to assess high-level quality attributes. Belowwe will describe the case studies we performed and our �ndings, then we will drawsome conclusions based on the empirical results.

4.1.1 The First Case Study

As a �rst step towards analyzing the relationship between the source code metricsand the high-level maintainability attributes, we performed a rather lengthy manualevaluation task [105]. 35 IT experts evaluated 570 class methods of two Java systemsbased on �ve di�erent aspects of quality. The purpose of the evaluation was to collectsubjective ranks for di�erent quality attributes for a large number of methods. Toease the evaluation process, we developed a Web-based framework to collect, store,and organize the evaluation results. Next we will give a brief overview of the evaluatedsystems, the evaluation process, and the developed framework itself.

Evaluated systems. One of the evaluated systems was jEdit1, a well-known texteditor designed for programmers. It is a powerful tool written in Java to ease writingsource code in di�erent languages. It includes syntax highlight, built-in macros andplug-in support. The system contains more than 700 methods (over 20,000 lines of



Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

code), from which we selected 320 for evaluation purposes. The main interest of theselection was the length of methods, e.g. we skipped the getter/setter methods andthe generated ones.

The other evaluated system was an industrial software product, which containedmore than 20,000 methods and over 200,000 lines of code. From this abundance ofmethods, we selected 250 for evaluation purposes. The evaluation was performed by 35experts, who were of di�erent ages and had di�erent levels of programming experience.

The evaluation framework. The developed Metric Evaluation Framework is acomplex system, capable of analyzing Java source code, storing and visualizing ar-tifacts, and guiding the user through the evaluation process. The system consists offour modules:

• AnalyzeManager - the module controls the Columbus analyzer tools [33, 34, 36]which we used to compute low-level source code metrics and other analysis re-sults.2

• Uploader - the module uploads the source code artifacts into a database.

• AdminPages - Web interface to manage and control the analysis process.

• EvalPages - Web interface that provides necessary metrical data and allows theusers to evaluate the methods.

The Columbus analyzer tools produce metric data based on the source code andits structure. The results of this process are then handled by the Uploader component,which processes and uploads the information into a database. The AnalyzeManagerand Uploader modules are hidden from the users (i.e. from the experts involved in theevaluation task).

(a) Item selector screen (b) Evaluator screen

Figure 4.1. Metric Evaluation Framework screens

From a user's point of view, the other two modules are more important. The Ad-minPages module is a Web interface where the users and the projects can be managed.An analysis of Java sources can also be initialized from this interface. The most im-portant module is the EvalPages, where the user can evaluate the source code of the

2QualityGate SourceAudit was not implemented at that time, so we could not use it here.


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

projects. First, the user has to select a method and an aspect from which the eval-uation is performed. This can be done using the item (method) selector screen (seeFigure 4.1(a)). The questions are organized into the following �ve categories:

• Analyzability - How easy is it to diagnose the system for de�ciencies or to identifywhere to make a change?

• Changeability - How easy is it to make a change in the system (includes designing,coding and documenting changes)?

• Stability - How well does the system avoid unexpected e�ects after a change?

• Testability - How easy is it to validate the software after a change?

• Comprehension - How easy is it to comprehend the source code of a method(understanding its algorithm)?

The �rst four aspects are de�ned by the ISO/IEC 9126 standard as sub-characteristicsof the Maintainability characteristic. The standard de�nes a �fth sub-characteristic,namely Compliance, but it has no practical meaning to a programmer so we left it out.Furthermore, Comprehension is not part of the standard, but the experts agreed thatit should be included.

After selecting an item and an aspect, the evaluator panel appears, where theevaluation can be performed (see Figure 4.1(b)). On the left-hand side of the screen,the item's source code can be seen. On the bottom left, there are two tables with themetric values and rule violations (if present) for the current item. On the right-handside, the questions and text boxes for textual answers can be seen. With the help ofthese questions the user can form his own opinion regarding the item. It should bementioned that every aspect has its own questions. Furthermore, the questions askeddepend on the user's previous answers. An example can be seen on Figure 4.2. Eachnode of the graph represents a question (starting from the white colored node) thatis asked from the evaluators. The edges of the graph show the next question asked,based on the evaluator's answer (the possible answers are the labels of the edges).

After a user completes the evaluation, the given answers and ratings are stored inthe project's database. The information collected is then used to build models that areable to predict high-level quality characteristics based on the metric values obtained.

Results of the First Experiment

Here, we present the results of the �rst case study. During the evaluation processall of the 570 methods mentioned above were evaluated one by one using the MetricEvaluation Framework and the results were stored in a database. Besides the codemetric values we stored the high-level attribute values (for the learning we categorizedthe answers into the poor, average, and good classes) assessed by one of the 35 ITexperts involved in the evaluation process. We imported these data sets into the WekaExperimenter [45] to build models using di�erent machine learning algorithms. First,we will present the source code metrics that were calculated and used as predictors forthe machine learning algorithms, then we will list the correlation of the metric valuescalculated in our test projects.


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

Figure 4.2. Sample questions for Stability

The Source Code Metrics Applied. The method-level source code metrics that weexamined and used as predictors for the machine learning algorithms in the case studyare the following: Number of Outgoing Invocations (NOI ); Lines Of Code (LOC );Logical Lines Of Code (LLOC ); Number Of Statements (NOS ); Number of LocalMethods Accessed (NLMA); Nesting Level (NL); Number of Foreign Methods Accessed(NFMA); Number of Incoming Invocations (NII ); Number of Parameters (NPAR);McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity (McCC ); Clone Coverage (CC ); Number of PMDwarnings3 in a method (PMD).


NOI 1.00 0.17 0.12 0.10 0.38 0.01 0.80 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01LOC 1.00 0.97 0.89 0.09 0.21 0.12 0.00 0.01 0.73 0.00 0.54

LLOC 1.00 0.95 0.08 0.20 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.82 0.00 0.64

NOS 1.00 0.08 0.19 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.00 0.72

NLMA 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.03NL 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 0.03

NFMA 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00NII 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00

NPAR 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00McCC 1.00 0.00 0.79

CC 1.00 0.00PMD 1.00

Table 4.1. Pearson correlation between the code metrics

Table 4.1 shows the Pearson correlation (R2: coe�cient of determination) amongthe metrical values measured for the methods of the Java projects (see Section 4.1.1).



Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

We found a very high correlation among the following metrics: LOC, LLOC, NOS,McCC and PMD. The correlation among the LOC, LLOC and NOS metrics is notsurprising, since they are similar code size measures. The high correlation among themethod size measures, McCC and PMD warnings is more interesting. It tells us thatfor our test projects the larger and more complex the code of a method was, the morecoding rule violations it contained and vice versa.

The NOI metric also correlates well with NFMA. This is again not so surprisingsince NOI is a generalization of NFMA.

Relationship of Individual Metrics and High Level Attributes. We also ex-amined the correlation between the code metrics and the high-level maintainabilityattributes.


Analyzab. -0.38 -0.41 -0.38 -0.34 -0.23 -0.16 -0.35 -0.03 -0.05 -0.27 0.12 -0.22Changeab. -0.35 -0.41 -0.38 -0.35 -0.20 -0.17 -0.33 -0.02 -0.10 -0.29 0.09 -0.21Stability -0.28 -0.35 -0.34 -0.31 -0.19 -0.13 -0.24 0.00 -0.06 -0.26 0.07 -0.22Testab. -0.25 -0.38 -0.37 -0.34 -0.16 -0.34 -0.22 0.01 -0.07 -0.29 -0.02 -0.24Compr. -0.34 -0.38 -0.36 -0.33 -0.22 -0.15 -0.30 0.02 -0.10 -0.26 0.09 -0.21

Table 4.2. Pearson correlation between the code metrics and maintainability attributes

Table 4.2 shows that the source code metrics applied have no statistically signi�cantcorrelation with any of the maintainability properties. Hence, there is no particularsource code metric that in itself would predict the subjective human opinions of high-level quality attributes. We note however, that almost all of the Pearson correlation (R)values are negative. This tells us that smaller metric values mean a better subjectiveopinion of the maintainability properties. This is in accordance with our intuitiveexpectations.

Relationship between Metric-based Models and High-Level Attributes. Tolearn more about the combined e�ect of source code metrics, we built several modelsusing di�erent machine learning algorithms and evaluated the strength of their predic-tions.

To perform the machine learning algorithms on the data gathered, we used thewell-known data mining software package called Weka. It is a collection of machinelearning algorithms for data mining tasks. It contains tools for data pre-processing,classi�cation, regression, clustering, association rules and visualization.

The chief goal of the �rst case study was to examine the connection between thecode metrics and high level maintainability properties of methods. We did not foundany well-known source code metric that could predict the subjective opinions of the ITexperts by itself. Next, we will see how well the basic multivariate machine learningalgorithms perform in predicting the subjective opinions of the IT experts.

Before each classi�cation process, we carried out a principal component analysis(PCA) [54] which reduced the dimension of the problem. We applied the Weka's PCAattribute selector function with the following parameters: variance = 0.97, centerData= TRUE. The latter parameter means that Weka subtracts the column's mean fromeach column, so each variable has a zero mean. To get the proper number of dimensions,we set the variance parameter to 0.97.


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

After our PCA, we tested the well-known basic classi�ers: logistic regression, J48decision tree and neural networks. We used the ZeroR algorithm as a baseline forthe e�ectiveness in our experiments. This is the simplest classi�er that chooses theclass that has the most elements in the training data set. Table 4.3 shows the rate ofcorrectly classi�ed instances for each maintainability property. In our experiments, weapplied 10-fold cross-validation.

ZeroR J48 Decision Tree Log. Regression Neural NetworkAnalyzability 67.93% 73.68% 70.97% 70.25%Changeability 66.79% 76.65% 73.00% 74.26%

Stability 70.20% 73.12% 70.55% 70.92%Testability 66.55% 64.72% 69.45% 70.54%

Comprehension 70.92% 76.68% 70.93% 73.99%

Table 4.3. Rate of correctly classi�ed instances

We found that the best classi�er was the J48 (Weka implementation of C4.5) de-cision tree algorithm in four out of �ve cases. It performed very poorly in the clas-si�cation of Testability, which may be attributed to the very general de�nition of thesub-characteristic. The IT experts involved in the survey had di�erent degree of testingskills, so it is possible that they interpreted the concept di�erently.

In the case of Changeability, the precision of the J48 classi�er was 10% better thanthat for ZeroR. Here, the Logistic Regression and the Neural Network algorithms alsoperformed well. Precision is a good way to measure the e�ciency, but if we examinethe precision and recall values separately for classes it appears that the J48 algorithmis more useful than ZeroR.

J48 decision tree ZeroR

Class TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall

Bad 0.238 0.011 0.455 0.238 0 0 0 0Average 0.640 0.160 0.624 0.640 0 0 0 0Good 0.852 0.330 0.839 0.852 1 1 0.668 1

Table 4.4. Statistics by classes in the case of Changeability

Table 4.4 shows the precision and recall values for the ZeroR and J48 algorithmsin the case of Changeability. The precision of the J48 algorithm is 17% higher for theGood class than that for ZeroR's. Moreover, it found 64% of the Average and 23.8%of the Poor instances, while ZeroR missed them completely.

During the evaluation, experts were asked to explain their opinion about the di�er-ent maintainability properties in a textual format as well. Based on their comments,we created some simple new predictors (that were not covered by any of our metrics):

• Indenting - number of lines divided by the sum of the tabulate characters.

• Logging - true if there are "log", "logger", "Log" or "Logger" strings in the sourcecode; false otherwise.

• Comments - sum of the lines starting with "/*" or "//".

• Naming - number of elements of the set of PMD naming-related rule violations.


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

After adding these predictors to the learning process, the results improved slightly; forexample, the precision score of Comprehension rose to 77.04%. This surely means thatmore sophisticated predictors could be successfully extracted from the textual answersto increase the precision of the estimate.

4.1.2 An Improved Case Study

In the �rst case study [105] presented above we built maintainability models basedon the ISO/IEC 9126 standard by applying classi�cation algorithms (i.e. using sourcecode metrics as predictors) to manually labeled methods. For the open-source system,the labeling of 320 Java methods was performed by 35 IT experts in such a way thateach expert evaluated 10 di�erent methods each. Although the classi�cation modelsworked well in classifying the maintainability of methods using 3 classes (good, average,bad), using a �ner scale decreased the precision of the models. We found out that thiswas due to a deviation in the experts' votes and because the classi�cation performsbadly with an unbalanced training set (almost 70% of the labeled methods fell into thegood category). To overcome this, we improved our surveys [106] in two di�erent ways.Firstly, just one expert was asked to evaluate lots of methods while in the other case onemethod was evaluated by more participants and the evaluation scores of the methodswere calculated as the averages of the votes. Secondly, instead of using classi�cationwe applied regression techniques to assess the tendency of maintainability on a much�ner scale. As de�ned in the paper of Uysal et al. [91], predicting the values of numericor continuous attributes is known as regression in the statistics �eld. Regression di�ersfrom classi�cation in that the output or predicted feature in regression problems iscontinuous. However, many standard classi�cation techniques (like neural networksand decision trees) can be adapted to regression. In this improved case study, wepresent and compare the results of the regression models based on the following threesurveys:

• Experts' evaluation. More experts evaluated the methods; each method wasevaluated by just one expert.

• One person's evaluation. One expert evaluated all the methods; each methodwas evaluated by this expert.

• Students' evaluation. A large number of students evaluated the methods; eachmethod was evaluated by at least 7 students.

Our regression models were built based on approximately 150 000 responses from268 persons. These models were able to estimate the maintainability of methods witha Pearson-correlation of 0.72 and a mean absolute error of 0.83 on a continuous [0,10]scale, where 0 means the absolutely unmaintainable and 10 means the perfectly main-tainable source code. The focus of the improved case study was to �nd out i) how e�ec-tively we could apply regression techniques to predict maintainability sub-characteristicon a continuous scale; and ii) how the prediction scores from regression models werea�ected by the underlying surveys (i.e. the way we collect human evaluations).

The Applied Surveys in the Improved Case Study

268 participants took part in the three surveys described above and some 150 000 ques-tions were answered (for the evaluation statistics, see Table 4.5). The participants had


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

to score the sub-characteristics of Maintainability de�ned by the ISO/IEC 9126 stan-dard (Analyzability, Changeability, Testability, Stability) and a new quality attribute,Comprehensibility, introduced in the previous case study, described in Section 4.1.1.Apart from these quality attributes, the students had to evaluate the maintainabilityof the methods as well. The evaluation was performed with the help of an online surveysystem called Metric Evaluation Framework, which was used in the previous case studyas well. For details of this application and technical questions, see Section 4.1.1.

Experts' evaluation. First, we reused the data of the �rst case study, where 35experienced software engineers concerned with software quality at our Software Engi-neering Department evaluated the 5 sub-characteristics of 320 di�erent methods of thejEdit open source text editor.4 One method was evaluated by just one participant andeach participant evaluated 10 methods. The results indicated that there was a largedeviation in the judgments of the sub-characteristics which a�ected the e�ciency of theprediction models we constructed. The cause of the large deviation might be that dif-ferent experts have di�erent subjective scales and di�erent interpretations of the samequality concepts. We attempted to resolve this issue in two di�erent ways. Firstly,just one expert was asked to evaluate lots of methods, while in the other case onemethod was evaluated by more participants and the evaluation scores of the methodswere computed as the averages of the votes.



Evaluators 35 1 232Questions 13 407 11 901 125 097Methods 320 250 200System jEdit Industrial jEdit

Table 4.5. Statistics of the evaluations

Property Deviation

Analyzability 1.87Changeability 2.01Stability 2.22Testability 2.04Comprehensibility 1.89Maintainability 1.97

Table 4.6. The deviation of the hu-man scores for the properties

One person's evaluation. Our �rst attempt to eliminate the large deviations in theresponses was by asking a software engineer with 2 years experience to evaluate 250methods of a closed source industrial system. Although we were able to build a moree�ective model (see Section 4.1.2), this result could not be viewed as a representativeas it might be speci�c to the given system and evaluator.

Students' evaluation. The next step was that 232 students that had some Javaexperience were asked to evaluate 200 methods. Because of the large number of par-ticipants, almost all methods were evaluated by at least 7 di�erent students and thosemethods which had fewer than 7 evaluations were excluded (about 10%). For eachmethod, the averages of the scores were calculated, which approximated the opinionsof students on the given sub-characteristics and the maintainability. Table 4.6 showsthe deviations of the scores assigned to the di�erent maintainability characteristics. Ascan be seen, the deviation is about 2 in each case, which is surprisingly large consid-ering that the scores range from 0 to 10. This helps explain why it was di�cult tobuild an e�ective model based on human evaluations. However, we should remark thatexperts usually judge the methods similarly, so they should have given more similar



Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

scores and the deviation should have been smaller. Alas, we would have to ask lots ofexperts to prove this hypothesis, which would be quite expensive.

Results of the Improved Case Study

Applied regression techniques. We applied method level metrics as predictors inthis improved case study as well, which we calculated for each method that was evalu-ated. The identical set of metrics as in the �rst case study was considered. This way,we had all the necessary information to build models that could predict maintainabilityand its sub-characteristics based on method-level metrics. We then used 10-fold cross-validation to evaluate the models. This meant that the training data set was split into10 disjoint parts and 9 of them were used to build the model and its usefulness wastested on the 10th part. After, this process was repeated ten times so that the setswere divided up in di�erent ways.

In the classical form of machine learning, the unknown value being predicted isnominal, which means that it can have �nite possible values and there is neither ordernor ratio among them. In the �rst case study, we used three categories (good, average,bad) to classify the methods. One of the best performance measures of this kind oflearning is the rate of the correctly classi�ed elements. Unfortunately, in that casealmost 70% of the methods belonged to the good class and hence the model classi�edalmost all methods into the good category so too few bad methods were found thatwould have been much more important from a maintainability point of view.

Regression [91] is another frequently used technique to build models, where theunknown variable can be an arbitrary real number. Pearson's correlation and themean absolute error (MAE) are used to measure the usefulness of the model; moreprecisely, to measure the di�erences between the expected values and the values givenby the model. One of the advantages of regression is that we use a continuous scaleso we can expect more precise results. Furthermore, the correlation tells us how wellthe model approximates the trend of the data points while MAE tells us how muchthe model di�ers from the expected values, which is more useful information than thatgot in the nominal case. This is why we did not use the standard IR measures likeprecision and recall.

ZeroR Neural Network Linear Reg. Decision Tree

MAE Corr. MAE Corr. MAE Corr. MAE Corr.

Analyzability 1.201 -0.162 1.076 0.408 1.076 0.466 0.884 0.660Changeability 1.026 -0.116 1.088 0.362 0.965 0.437 0.861 0.571Comprehens. 1.574 -0.153 1.387 0.275 1.188 0.491 1.048 0.621Stability 0.822 -0.239 0.824 0.297 0.833 0.360 0.670 0.572Testability 1.189 -0.118 1.168 0.427 1.145 0.363 0.926 0.639Maintainability 1.187 -0.122 1.193 0.587 0.909 0.615 0.831 0.723Average 1.166 -0.152 1.123 0.393 1.019 0.455 0.870 0.631

Table 4.7. The MAE and correlation values of the regression techniques examined

Comparing the di�erent algorithms. In this case study, we applied neural net-works, linear regression and decision tree techniques. We used the Weka data miningtool [45] to build the appropriate models. First, we examined the performance of thethree techniques on the results of the students' evaluation, then we compared the re-sults of the three di�erent surveys. Weka o�ers only one option for neural networksand linear regression, but in the case of decision trees we chose the one that workedthe best for us. This was the REPTree algorithm; but it was further improved with a


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

bagging technique [18] that builds more trees based on the learning data set and theprediction is combined by taking the average of their predictions. Besides the correla-tion and MAE, the goodness of the results can be measured by comparing them withresults got from the ZeroR algorithm, whose predicted value is always the average ofthe values in the training set. Without using the metrics as predictors, this techniquegives the prediction with the smallest average error, so we can compare how much theresult is improved when the metrics are used.

First, we compared the results got from the di�erent regression algorithms trainedon the data from the students' evaluation. We calculated the correlation values andthe MAEs of each model (see Table 4.7). As can be seen, the decision tree has asigni�cantly larger average correlation value (0.631) and signi�cantly smaller MAEvalue (0.870) than the others.

Next, we compared the di�erent evaluations as well. Since the decision tree gavethe best results, we applied only that in our further investigations.

Experts One Person Students

MAE Corr. MAE Corr. MAE Corr.

Analyzability 1.792 0.479 0.896 0.660 0.884 0.660Changeability 1.656 0.445 1.011 0.758 0.861 0.571Comprehensibility 1.867 0.395 1.063 0.712 1.048 0.621Stability 1.712 0.509 1.154 0.453 0.670 0.572Testability 1.910 0.520 1.781 0.476 0.926 0.639Average 1.787 0.469 1.181 0.612 0.878 0.612

Table 4.8. E�ciency of the decision tree algorithm based on the di�erent surveys

Comparing the evaluations. We compared the models trained on the three di�er-ent survey data to see which one gave the best results. The results of the model builtby the decision tree are listed in Table 4.8.

The average correlation value of 0.469 and the average MAE value of 1.787 for themodel trained on experts' evaluation reveal that the decision tree algorithm could notbuild an e�ective model in this case. Yet, it is interesting that if we just consider thecorrelation, the model based on experts' evaluation predicts Stability and Testabilitybetter than the model based on the result of one person's evaluation. The averagecorrelation of the other two models is the same, but the average MAE value of thestudents' evaluation is much smaller � meaning that this model best matches the humanopinions.

Summary of results for the improved case study. Neural network and linearregression performed poorly in our experiment compared to the decision tree basedapproach. Thus we can conclude that they are not the best choices for predictingmaintainability e�ciently. However, the REPTree decision tree method gave goodresults in each case examined, so it may be regarded as an e�ective regression techniquebased on source code metrics.

As for the students' survey data, the decision tree-based model performed uniformlywell, while on the one person's evaluation it predicted Stability and Testability valueswith a lower correlation and higher average error. It also predicted the results of theexperts' evaluation with big error, but with an acceptable degree of correlation.


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

4.1.3 Some Key Conclusions of the Case Studies

Based on the above described case studies and large amount of survey data, we mayconclude that assessing subjective maintainability feelings of humans at the level ofsource code elements is no easier than estimating it at the system level. We saw thathuman opinions are frequently very diverse and predicting them based on softwaremetrics is meaningful only in the context of having a large number of evaluations forthe same source code element (which decreases the uncertainty in the votes). Wemay also conclude that the best we can hope for is to get a comparable, continuousestimation of maintainability that predicts the tendency of human opinions with anacceptable mean average error. This means that we can order the elements accordingto their maintainability or compare them and decide which one is better, but assigningan absolute measure to them seems unadvisable.

Nevertheless, there is a real hope for deriving such a meaningful relative measure,as demonstrated by the decision tree-based regression algorithm. However, it is clearthat we need to take the distribution of a large number of human opinions into accountto be able to overcome the above-described problem.

4.2 A Drill-down Approach for Measuring Software

Quality at the Source Code Element Level

Based on the conclusions of the empirical investigation, a method for deriving a relativemaintainability measure from the system level quality calculated via the probabilisticapproach introduced in Section 3.2 (that takes a large number of human votes into ac-count), appeared to be a promising approach. Here, we propose a general method [104]for drilling down to the root causes of maintainability problems of a software system.With this approach, a relative maintainability index (RMI) is calculated for each sourcecode element, which measures the extent to which the overall maintainability of thesystem is being in�uenced by it.

We empirically validated the approach on the jEdit open source tool by comparingthe results with the opinions of software engineering students. The case study revealedthat there was a high Spearman's correlation of 0.68 with a p < 0.001 signi�cance level,which suggests that relative maintainability indices assigned by our method express thesubjective feelings of humans quite well.

4.2.1 The Drill-down Methodology

To drill down to lower levels in the source code and to get a maintainability measurefor the building blocks of the code base (like classes or methods), we de�ned therelative maintainability index for the source code elements, which measures the extentto which they a�ect the system-level goodness values. The basic idea is to calculatethe system-level goodness values, leaving out the source code elements one by one.After leaving out a particular source code element, the system-level goodness valueswill change slightly for each node in the ADG. The di�erence between the originalgoodness value computed for the system, and the goodness value computed withoutthe particular source code element, will be called the relative maintainability index ofthe source code element itself. The relative maintainability index is a small numberthat is either positive when it improves the overall rating or negative when it decreases


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

the system-level maintainability. The absolute value of the index measures the extentof the in�uence on the overall system-level maintainability. Also, a relative index canbe computed for each node of the ADG, meaning that source code elements can a�ectvarious quality aspects in di�erent ways and to a di�erent extent.

Calculating the system-level maintainability is computationally very expensive. Toget the relative indices, it is su�cient to compute just the goodness values for each nodein the ADG; we do not need to construct the goodness functions. Luckily, computingthe goodness values without knowing the goodness functions is feasible. It can beshown that calculating goodness functions and taking their averages is equivalent tojust using the goodness values throughout the aggregation.

In the following, we will assume that ω (t) is equal to t for each sensor node (seethe system-level quality computation in Section 3.2), which means that e.g. metricvalue twice as big means code twice as bad. While this linear function might notbe appropriate for every metric, it is a very reasonable weight function consideringthe metrics used by the quality model. However, our approach is independent ofthe particular weight function used, and the formalization can be easily extended todi�erent weight functions. Next, we will provide a step-by-step description of theapproach used for a particular source code element.

1. For each sensor node n, the goodness value of the system without the source codeelement e can be calculated via the following formula:

ge,nrel =Kgnabs +m

K − 1− 1




K − 1

where gnabs is the original goodness value computed for the system, m is themetric value of the source code element corresponding to the sensor node, K isthe number of source code elements in the subject system, N is the number ofsystems in the benchmark, and Mj (j = 1, . . . , N) are the averages of the metricsfor the systems in the benchmark.

2. The goodness value obtained in this way is transformed to the (0, 1) intervalby using the characteristic function which is the distribution function of thegoodness values of a particular ADG node across the benchmark systems (seee.g. Figure 3.4) of the sensor node n. For the sake of simplicity, we shall assumethat from now on ge,nrel stands for the transformed goodness value and it will bereferred to as the goodness value as well.

3. Due to the linearity of the expected value of a random variable, it can be shownthat Formula 3.1 (which is used for aggregating goodness functions in the originalalgorithm) simpli�es to a linear combination, provided that just the expectedvalue needs to be computed. Therefore, the goodness value of an aggregate noden can be computed in the following way:

ge,nrel =∑i

girelE(Y iv

)where girel (i = 1, . . . ) are the transformed goodness values of the nodes that areon the other sides of the incoming edges and E (Y i

v ) is the expected value ofthe votes on the ith incoming edge. Note here that since

∑iE (Y i

v ) = 1, and


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

∀i, girel ∈ (0, 1), the value of ge,nrel will always lie in the (0, 1) interval, hence notransformation is needed at this point.

4. The relative maintainability index for the source code element e and for a par-ticular ADG node n is de�ned as

ge,nidx = gnabs − ge,nrel

The relative maintainability index measures the e�ect of the particular source codeelement on the system level maintainability computed via the probabilistic model. Itshould be mentioned here that this measure determines an ordering among the sourcecode elements of the system, i.e. they become comparable to each other. What is more,because the system-level maintainability is an absolute measure of maintainability, therelative index values become absolute measures of all the source code elements in thebenchmark. In other words, computing all the relative indices for each software systemin the benchmark will produce an absolute ordering among them.

4.2.2 Empirical Validation of the Drill-down Approach

We evaluated our new approach on the jEdit v4.3.2 open source text editor tool, byexamining a large number of its methods in the source code.5 The basic properties ofjEdit's source code and the selected methods are shown in Table 4.9. These and all theother source code metrics were calculated by the Columbus Code Analyzer tool [34]. Alarge number of students were asked to rate the maintainability and lower-level qualityaspects of 191 di�erent methods. Here, we reused the data of our earlier empirical casestudies [105, 106] described in Section 4.1, where over 200 students manually evaluatedthe di�erent ISO/IEC 9126 quality attributes of the methods in the jEdit tool. Eventhough we also conducted a survey with IT experts, due to the problem of having aninsu�cient number of votes on the same methods (see Section 4.1.3), we chose to use thestudent evaluation for validation purposes. For the empirical validation, the averagesof students' votes were taken and they were compared with the set of numerical values(i.e. relative maintainability indices) computed by this approach.6

We calculated the Spearman's rank correlation coe�cient for the two sets of num-bers. This coe�cient can take its values from the range [−1, 1]. The closer this valueis to 1, the greater the similarity between the manual rankings and the automaticallycalculated values will be.

Manual Evaluation

The students who took part in the evaluation were third year undergraduate studentswho had completed several programming courses. Some of them already had someindustrial experience as well. Each of the students were asked to rank the quality at-tributes of 10 di�erent methods of jEdit v4.3.2 subjectively. Altogether 191 methodswere distributed among them. For the evaluation, a Web-based graphical user inter-face was constructed and deployed, which provided the source code fragment underevaluation together with the questionnaire on the quality properties of the methods.

5 repeated experiment using the median of the votes yielded very similar results.


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

Metrics ValueLogical Lines of Code (LLOC) 93744Number of Methods (NM) 7096Number of Classes (NCL) 881Number of Packages (NPKG) 49Number of evaluated methods 191Average LLOC of the 26.41evaluated methodsAverage McCC complexity 5.52of the evaluated methods

Table 4.9. Basic metrics of the source code of jEdit and the methods evaluated

The methods for the manual evaluation were chosen at random. We assigned themethods to students in such a way that each method was always evaluated by at leastseven persons. The students were asked to rate the sub-characteristics of maintainabil-ity de�ned by the ISO/IEC 9126 standard on a scale of zero to ten; zero meant theworst, while ten was the best. More details regarding the data collection process andthe Web application used can be found in Section 4.1.

Quality attribute Avg. Max.

Analyzability 1.87 3.93 0.00Comprehensibility 1.89 4.44 0.44Stability 2.22 4.31 0.53Testability 2.04 3.82 0.32Changeability 2.01 3.62 0.00Maintainability 1.97 3.93 0.00

Table 4.10. Statistics of the student votes

Table 4.10 shows some basic statistics of the student votes we collected. The �rstcolumn shows the average standard deviation values of student votes for the variousquality attributes. The next two columns show the maximum and minimum of thestandard deviations. The maxima are approximately twice as high as the averages,but the minimum values are very close to zero. For the Analyzability, Changeabilityand Maintainability attributes, the minimum is exactly zero, meaning that there wasat least one method that got exactly the same rating from each student.

Comprehen- Analyzability Changeability Stability Testability Maintain-

sibility ability

Metric R p-val. R p-val. R p-val. R p-val. R p-val. R p-val.

CC 0.02 0.39 0.03 0.37 0.01 0.46 0.04 0.30 0.02 0.41 0.04 0.29LLOC -0.63 0.00 -0.68 0.00 -0.57 0.00 -0.55 0.00 -0.63 0.00 -0.72 0.00McCC -0.46 0.00 -0.48 0.00 -0.41 0.00 -0.49 0.00 -0.45 0.00 -0.53 0.00NII -0.03 0.33 -0.01 0.42 -0.02 0.40 -0.09 0.10 -0.02 0.38 -0.03 0.34Error -0.17 0.01 -0.15 0.02 -0.07 0.15 -0.10 0.08 -0.08 0.13 -0.19 0.00Warning -0.21 0.00 -0.25 0.00 -0.22 0.00 -0.21 0.00 -0.23 0.00 -0.19 0.00

Table 4.11. Spearman's correlations among the source code metrics and students'opinions


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

Table 4.11 shows the Spearman's correlation coe�cients for the di�erent metricvalues used in our quality model (see Table 3.2) and the average votes of the stu-dents for the high-level quality attributes (the CBO metric is not listed because it is ametric de�ned for classes and not for methods). Based on these results, a number ofobservations can be made:

• All of the signi�cant Spearman's correlation coe�cients (R values) are negative.This means that the greater the metric values are, the worse the di�erent qualityproperties. This accords with our expectations, as lower metrical values areusually desirable, while higher values may suggest implementation or design-related �aws. The same observation is true for the expert votes (see Table 4.2).

• The quality attributes correlate mostly with the logical lines of code (LLOC) andthe McCabe's cyclomatic complexity (McCC) metrics. The reason for this mightbe that these are very intuitive and straightforward metrics that can be observedlocally, by just looking at the code of the method's body.

• Analogous to the previous observation, being hard to interpret the metrics locally,the clone coverage (CC) and the number of incoming invocations (NII) metricshave no correlation with the students' votes (i.e. the p-values are high).

• The number of rule violations also shows a noticeable correlation with the qualityratings. Surprisingly, the suspicious rule violations show a higher correlationthan the really serious ones. This might be because the students treated di�erentviolations as serious or the fact that the number of the most serious rule violationswas low (�ve times lower than suspicious violations), which may have biased theanalysis.

Model-Based Evaluation

We calculated the quality attributes for each method of jEdit by using an implemen-tation of the algorithm presented in Section 4.2.1. The relative maintainability indicesare, typically, small positive or negative numbers. The negative values indicate a neg-ative impact on the maintainability of the system, while positive indices suggest apositive e�ect. As we are mainly interested in the order of the methods based on theirimpact on the maintainability, we assigned an integer rank to each method by simplysorting them according to their relative maintainability index in decreasing order. Themethod having the largest positive impact on the maintainability got the best rank(number 1), while the worst method got the worst rank (which is the same as thenumber of methods in the system). Therefore, the most critical elements were movedto the end of the relative maintainability-based order (i.e. larger rank means worsemaintainability).

Figure 4.3 depicts the relative maintainability indices of the methods of jEdit andtheir corresponding ranks. It can be seen that there are more methods that increasethe overall maintainability than those which decrease it. However, methods havinga positive impact only slightly improved the overall maintainability, while there areabout 500 methods that had a signi�cant negative impact on the maintainability. Intheory, these are the most critical methods that should be improved �rst, to achieve abetter system-level maintainability.


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

Figure 4.3. The relative maintainability indices and corresponding ranks

Figure 4.4 shows the density function of the computed relative maintainabilityindices. In accordance with our previous observations, we see that there are moremethods that increase the maintainability, but, their maintainability index values areclose to zero. This means that they have only a small positive impact. The skewedleft side indicates that there is a smaller number of methods that decrease the main-tainability, but they have a signi�cantly larger negative e�ect (their index is furtheraway from zero). This accords with the well-known Pareto principle [82]: about 20%of the source code elements have negative maintainability indices, but around 80% ofthe total maintainability degradation is caused by them.

Figure 4.4. The density function of the relative maintainability indices

In order to evaluate the e�ectiveness of our approach, we calculated the qualityattributes for each of the manually evaluated methods. Our belief was that the model-based assessment of quality rankings would not di�er much from the values got man-


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

ually. If this proved to be the case, a list of the most critical methods could alwaysbe generated automatically, which ought to correlate well with the opinion's of thedevelopers.

Since most complexity metrics used in the model are not necessarily independent,we cannot assume that the probabilistic density functions follow normal distributionseven if the observations seem to support it. Moreover, as we are interested in thesimilarity between the rankings produced by our algorithm and the rankings obtainedvia a manual evaluation, we performed a Spearman's rank correlation analysis insteadof a Pearson's correlation.

The Spearman's correlation coe�cient is de�ned as the Pearson's correlation coe�-cient between the ranked variables. Identical values (rank ties or value duplicates) areassigned a rank equal to the average of their positions in the ascending order of thevalues.

First, we analyzed the relationship between the quality ranking calculated by ouralgorithm and the rankings assigned by the students. The Spearman's correlationcoe�cients and the corresponding p-values can be seen in Table 4.12. In statisticalhypothesis testing, the p-value is the probability of obtaining a test statistic thatis at least as extreme as the one that was actually observed, assuming that the nullhypothesis is true. In our case, the null hypothesis was that there is no relation betweenthe rankings calculated by the algorithm and the one obtained by a manual evaluation.

Quality attribute Correlation with students' p-valueopinions (R value)

Analyzability 0.64 <0.001Comprehensibility 0.62 <0.001Changeability 0.49 <0.001Stability 0.49 <0.001Testability 0.61 <0.001Maintainability 0.68 <0.001

Table 4.12. Spearman's correlation values among the relative maintainability indicesand a manual evaluation

As can be seen, the R values of the correlation analysis are relatively high foreach quality attribute. All the values are signi�cant at the 0.001 level. This meansthat there is a signi�cant relationship between the automatically got rankings and theone derived from the students' evaluations. The best correlation was found betweenthe data series of the Maintainability characteristic. Based on the results, we canautomatically identify those critical source code elements that decrease the system'smaintainability the most. These are the source code elements at the end of the rankedlist (having the worst relative maintainability indices). A list of critical elements iscrucial to improve the quality of a system, or at least to decrease the rate of its erosion.It is also useful for focusing testing e�orts or guiding code reviews.

Evaluation of the Largest Deviations in the Manual and Model BasedRankings

Although the results are promising in their current form, we tried to track down thedi�erences between the manually and automatically got rankings. We collected andmanually examined several methods that had the largest di�erences in their rankings.


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

Method name Students' Model Rank CC LLOC McCabe NII Err. Warn.

ranking ranking di�.

invokeSuperclassMethodImpl 177 57 120 0 17 2 1 0 0�reContentInserted 29 139 110 1 18 3 2 0 1�reEndUndo 13 121 108 1 15 3 0 0 1move 168 66 102 0 16 3 0 0 0�reTransactionComplete 42 142 100 1 16 3 5 0 1read 113 16 97 0 10 2 0 0 0

Table 4.13. The largest di�erences between the automatic rankings and manual rank-ings

Table 4.13 lists the assessed methods, their rankings and their metrical values (exceptfor CBO, which is not de�ned for methods). In the following, we will provide a moredetailed explanation regarding the di�erences, considering the methods one-by-one:

• org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.ClassGeneratorImpl.invokeSuperclassMethodImpl(BshClassManager,Object, String, Object[])

This method attempts to �nd and invoke a particular method in the superclassof another class. While our algorithm found this method rather easy to maintain,the students gave it a very low ranking. Despite the fact that syntactically thisprogram fragment is very simple, it uses Java re�ection � which means it is �di�cult to read and comprehend by humans.

• org.gjt.sp.jedit.bu�er.JEditBu�er.�reContentInserted(int, int, int, int)

This method is a fairly simple function at �rst glance, which �res an event to eachlistener of an object. However, from a maintainability point of view, changingthe method might be risky as it has four clones (copy&paste). All the �re eventsare duplications of each other. The code also contains a medium rule violation;a catch block that catches all Throwable objects. It can hide problems like run-time exceptions or errors. Nevertheless, human evaluators tend to give moresigni�cance to local properties, like the lines of code or McCabe's complexity,because it is hard to explore the whole environment of the code fragment.

• org.gjt.sp.jedit.Bu�er.�reEndUndo()

This is exactly the same type of method as the previous one. Therefore, the samereasoning applies here as well.

• org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSBrowser.move(String)

This method is responsible for moving a toolbox. It is short and has a lowcomplexity, hence our algorithm ranked it as a well-maintainable code. However,human evaluators found it hard to maintain. The code is indeed quite hard toread because of the unusual indentation (every expression goes to new line) ofthe logical operators, which might be the cause of the low human ranking.

• org.gjt.sp.jedit.bu�er.JEditBu�er.�reTransactionComplete()

This is another method responsible for �ring events, just like the two above. Thesame reasoning applies here as well.

•[], int, int)

This method reads a number of characters and puts them into an array. The im-plementation itself is short and clear (not complex at all), so our algorithm ranked


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

it as well-maintainable. However, the comment above the method starts with thefollowing statement: �This is a degenerate implementation�. Human evaluatorsprobably read the comment and marked the method as hard to maintain.

The manual assessment shed light on the fact that human evaluators tend to takeinto consideration a range of source code properties that is di�erent from the givenquality model. The di�erences include code formatting, semantic meaning of the com-ments and special language constructs like Java re�ection. The automatic qualityassessment should be extended with measurements of these properties to achieve moreprecise results.

In spite of the above, the automatic quality assessment may exploit the fact thatit is able to take the whole environment of a method into account for maintainabilityprediction. We found that human evaluators had di�culty in discovering non-localproperties like clone fragments and incoming method invocations. Another issue wasthat while the algorithm considered all the methods at the same time, the humanevaluators assigned their ranks based only on the methods they evaluated. For example,while the best method will get a maximal score from the model, the evaluators maynot recognize it as the best one, as they have not seen all the others at the moment ofevaluating that particular method.

Method name Students' Model Rank CC LLOC McCabe NII Err. Warn.

ranking ranking di�.

processKeyEvent 152 190 38 0 171 39 1 1 2checkDependencies 187 189 2 0 163 25 3 0 1doSu�x 190 182 8 0 50 14 1 0 2getState 1 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 0UtilTargetError 13 2 11 0 3 1 0 0 0getDefaultProperty 2 5 3 0 4 1 1 0 0

Table 4.14. Methods with the worst and best maintainability indices

Evaluation of the Methods with the Worst and Best Maintainability Indices

Besides analyzing methods that had the largest di�erences in their rankings, it is alsohelpful to evaluate the methods that got the worst or best rankings both from studentsand the model. It is interesting to see what kind of properties these methods have. The�rst three rows of Table 4.14 list the methods with the worst maintainability indices,while the last three rows list the easiest to maintain methods together with their sourcecode metrics.

The methods with the worst maintainability are as follows:

• org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSDirectoryEntryTable.processKeyEvent(KeyEvent)

This is a very large and complex event handler method with many branches anda deep control structure nesting. It also contains one serious and two suspiciouscoding rule violations. Our model ranked it as the worst method and the studentsgave it a very low ranking too. However, from the students' point of view it wasnot the hardest code to maintain. The reason for this might be that the largecomplexity is mostly caused by long, but well structured switch statements. Thestudents might have perceived a lower complexity than the McCabe's cyclomaticcomplexity metric would suggest.


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

• org.gjt.sp.jedit.PluginJAR.checkDependencies()

This method checks the dependencies among di�erent jEdit plug-ins. It has asimilar complexity to the previous method, but its high complexity is causedalmost entirely by nested if...else statements. The method is also very long andin it deeply nested try...catch blocks are quite common. The model ranked it assecond, while the students as the fourth worst maintainable method.

• org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.BSHPrimarySu�x.doSu�x(Object, boolean, CallStack, Inter-preter

The method performs some kind of su�x operation. It is algorithmically complexwith many type casts, self-de�ned parameter types and outgoing invocations.Despite the fact that the method is not drastically long and fairly well commented,the students found it the hardest to maintain piece of code. The model also rankedit as the 8th worst method.

The best maintainable methods are the following:

• org.gjt.sp.jedit.msg.PropertiesChanging.getState()

This method is a simple getter that returns the value of a private data memberof type State, which is an internal enum. Being one line long, it is not surprisingthat both students and the model ranked it as the easiest-to-maintain method.

• org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.UtilTargetError.UtilTargetError(Throwable)

This is the constructor of an error class in jEdit. It has only one line, whichis a call to the two parameter version of the constructor UtilTargetError(String,Throwable) with null as the �rst parameter. Its metric values are identical tothose of the previous method and the model ranked it as the second best main-tainable method accordingly. Although the students also found the method tobe easily maintainable, they ranked it only 13th. They might have taken intoaccount the fact that changing this one line may also cause changes in the calledconstructor (i.e. they considered the number of outgoing invocations metric).Probably it would be worthwhile to consider extending the model with the NOImetric.

• org.gjt.sp.jedit.bu�er.JEditBu�er.getDefaultProperty(String)

This is again a very simple method. It returns a null value regardless of the pa-rameter it gets. The students ranked it as the second best maintainable method,while the model ranked it as 5th. This di�erence might be caused by the fact thatthe model took into account the fact that the method has an incoming invocationthat might be a�ected by a change in the getDefaultProperty method.

Correlation Analysis of the Model Based and Student Assigned QualityAttributes

We also analyzed the correlations between the lower-level quality attributes calculatedby the algorithm and those assigned by the students. Figure 4.5 shows a plot of thecorrelations. Here, the names of the quality attributes are shown in the diagonal.The quality attributes starting with the Stud_ pre�x refer to those resulting fromthe manual evaluation; the rest of the attributes are computed by the model. In the


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

upper right triangle of the diagram, the Spearman's correlation values of the di�erentattributes can be seen. On the side, a visual representation of the correlation coe�cientsis shown, where the darker shade means a higher correlation. All the correlation valuesare signi�cant at or above the 0.01 level.

Figure 4.5. Correlations between the calculated and the manually assigned qualityattributes

Based on the diagram, the following observations can be made:

• The dark triangle in the upper left corner tells us that there is a very highcorrelation among the quality attributes calculated by our model. This is notsurprising, since the model is hierarchical and the higher level attributes dependon the lower-level ones.

• In a similar way, the lower right corner display a high correlation among thequality attributes evaluated by the students. However, the correlation coe�cientsare smaller than the coe�cients among the attributes of the model. This suggeststhat students probably evaluated the di�erent quality properties independentlyof each other, and did not strictly follow the ISO/IEC 9126 standard's hierarchy.

• Interestingly, the maintainability property evaluated by the students displays aslightly higher correlation with the algorithm-based approximation of compre-hensibility and testability than with the maintainability value of the model. Thereason might be that the comprehensibility and testability of the code are moreexact concepts than the others (like stability and analyzability). While compre-hensibility is easier for the students to understand or evaluate, it makes themprone to equate maintainability with comprehensibility.

• It is nice here that the model-based maintainability attribute displays the high-est correlation with the maintainability property got from the manually assessedones. It means that our model interprets the quality on a broader scale thanstudents do, i.e. it takes more factors into consideration. This might be be-cause the students do not take into account all the hard-to-get concepts of theISO/IEC 9126 standard. Based on our previous observations, the students tendfocus on comprehensibility. This accords with the fact that students prefer locallyinterpretable properties like the lines of code and McCabe's complexity.


Chapter 4. Source Code Element-Level Software Quality Models

4.3 Summary

In this chapter, we presented more results on software product quality estimation.Apart from system-level measures, �ner grained information on the high-level qualityattributes is also desirable, which means that quality models should provide softwarequality measures for individual source code elements (e.g. for classes or methods).This �ne-grained information can be used directly for technical improvements of asoftware system. At the beginning we presented several case studies and our aim was toempirically investigate whether the prediction of subjective human quality assessmentwas feasible at the method level. Based on several hundreds of evaluated methods bystudents and IT experts and a set of machine learning models built for predicting thehuman evaluations, we concluded that predicting maintainability at the method level ispossible, but it is not that straightforward. As the best prediction results were providedby regression-based techniques, we turned our attention to relative maintainabilityassessment instead of trying to precisely classify the maintainability of methods. Thedrill-down approach presented in this chapter proved to be quite e�cient in orderingthe methods of a system based on their maintainability (i.e. by providing a relativemaintainability index derived from the original system level measure). This orderingwas su�ciently good to reveal the most problematic methods of a system, which alsocorrelated with the opinions of human evaluators. Based on the data collected in thecase studies, the model-based ordering of methods had a Spearman's correlation of 0.68with the human votes.

Contributions. The new results presented in this chapter in which the main contri-bution was the author's are as follows:

• Development of the concepts of the empirical case studies, elaboration of thesurvey questions and the basic principles of the metric evaluation frameworkapplication (Section 4.1).

• Evaluation and comparison of the survey data and the results of the machinelearning algorithms and drawing pertinent conclusions (Section 4.1).

• Establishment of the theoretical background of the drill-down approach (Sec-tion 4.2.1).

• Elaboration of the validation method of the drill-down method, performing thevalidation on open-source systems, interpreting and evaluating the results (Sec-tion 4.2.2).


�There is not now, nor has there ever been, nor will there

ever be, any programming language in which it is the

least bit di�cult to write bad code.�

� Flon's Law

5Applications of the Proposed Quality


In the previous chapters we presented our research results and contributions in thearea of maintainability measurement at system-level and source code-element level aswell. Although the importance of maintainability models is well motivated and shouldbe clear to the reader by now, in this chapter we give concrete practical applicationsof these theoretical results that help software developers to perform various softwareevolution tasks.

We present some practical problems that can be successfully solved with our pro-posed techniques, models and tools. First, we will show how the fault-prone classes(i.e. classes with many bugs) can be separated from the ones that are less prone toerrors by applying our drill-down method. This can be extremely useful for dividingup the limited software testing e�orts during software evolution.

As another direct application of the proposed quality model, we will present acost-estimation model that is able to predict future development costs based on themaintainability decrease (i.e. software erosion or software aging [78]) of the code. Itturns out that maintainability decreases exponentially with the invested developmente�ort, and that based on this close connection between maintainability and e�ort, thefuture development costs can be estimated quite accurately.

In addition to direct applications of the techniques, we will also show how themaintainability models help reveal the e�ect of coding practices (e.g. design patterns)on the maintainability of the source code. There has been surprisingly few studies thatdirectly examine the relationship between coding practices and maintainability. Thisis partly due to the lack of objective measures of maintainability and partly becauseof the di�culties involved in recovering coding primitives like design patterns from thesource code. For a possible solution of the latter, we will introduce the concept of designpattern benchmarks and our generalization of them, namely a reverse engineering toolsbenchmark.


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

5.1 The Bug Localization Capability of the Drill-down


Maintainability has a direct connection with many factors that in�uence the overallcost of a software system, such as the e�ort required for new developments [85], meantime between failures of the system [48], bug �xing time [96] and operational costs [72].However, it is still an open question of whether maintainability of the code itself is anindicator of the fault-proneness of the source code. Owing to the drill-down approachintroduced in Section 4.2, we can now derive a relative maintainability index (RMI)for source code classes and examine their connection with the number of post-releasedefects (i.e. bugs) in these classes.

Here, we present a case study [109] with the goal of �nding empirical evidence forthe hypothesis that the critical elements from maintainability point of view (havingthe largest negative maintainability values) have a direct, traceable connection withthe number of bugs in their source code. A con�rmed correlation would mean thatcorrecting the critical elements should dramatically decrease the likelihood of bugs.Moreover, it would also reduce costs by directing code review and testing e�orts tothe most critical elements, while assuring that no high risk code (i.e. code with manybugs) is overlooked. To collect bug data we used the PROMISE [69] open-access bugrepository.

Our results indicate that there is a signi�cantly larger amount of bugs in classes witha negative RMI. More precisely, on average more than 80% of the bugs are containedin the classes with a negative RMI, which typically take up less than half of the totalnumber of classes in a system. Therefore testing and improving these classes in orderof increasing RMI values might be a good strategy for revealing and reducing bugs.

5.1.1 Case Study Background

In order to examine the connection between maintainability of source code classes andtheir bug densities, we used the open-source systems and their bug data collected inthe PROMISE [69] public bug repository. This public dataset contains bug data formany proprietary and open-source systems provided by the research community. Weused only those systems where bugs were mapped to classes and not �les or packages(i.e. the class names appeared explicitly in the bug data �le). Moreover, as we neededthe exact version of the source code to be able to calculate the maintainability scoresfor classes with ColumbusQM, we did not use the data of closed-source proprietarysystems.

From the remaining systems we �ltered out the very small ones (i.e. systems withfewer than 6 classes) and those having a very high ratio of buggy classes (i.e. over75% of the classes containing bugs) so as to decrease any possible bias in the statisticalanalysis. The dataset contained 30 versions of 13 di�erent open-source systems in totalthat ful�lled these requirements. Thus our �nal subject dataset consisted of these 30versions of 13 di�erent open-source systems with around 2M lines of code in total.

For each Java class identi�ed in these systems, we calculated the class-level RMI val-ues (relative maintainability index) based on our drill-down approach (see Section 4.2).For this, we used the updated version of our Java ADG (Attribute Dependency Graph)that follows the structure of the ISO/IEC 25010 standard (see Section 3.2), not theoriginally published one [100] based on the ISO/IEC 9126 standard. This version of the


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

ADG is shown in Figure 5.1. A detailed description of the di�erent quality attributesused in the model can be found in Table 5.1.


WarningP1 WarningP2 WarningP3





ComplexityCode documentationFault proneness

Stability Changeability

Modifyability Testability Analyzability


Figure 5.1. ColumbusQM � Java ADG according to ISO/IEC 25010

Sensor nodesCC Clone coverage. The percentage of copied and pasted source code parts, com-

puted for the classes of the system.NOA Number of Ancestors. Number of classes, interfaces, enums and annotations

from which the class is directly or indirectly inherited.WarningP1 The number of critical rule violations in the class.WarningP2 The number of major rule violations in the class.WarningP3 The number of minor rule violations in the class.AD API Documentation. Ratio of the number of documented public methods in the

class.CLOC Comment Lines of Code. Number of comment and documentation code lines of

the class.CD Comment Density. The ratio of comment lines compared to the sum of its

comment and logical lines of code.TLOC Total Lines of Code. Number of code lines of the class, including empty and

comment lines.NA Number of attributes in the class.WMC Weighted Methods per Class. Complexity of the class expressed as the number of

independent control �ow paths in it. It is calculated as the sum of the McCabe'sCyclomatic Complexity (McCC) values of its local methods and init blocks.

NLE Nesting Level Else-If. Complexity of the class expressed as the depth of themaximum embeddedness of its conditional and iteration block scopes, where inthe if-else-if construct only the �rst if instruction is considered.

NII Number of Incoming Invocations. Number of other methods and attribute ini-tializations, which directly call the local methods of the class.

RFC Response set For Class. Number of local (i.e. not inherited) methods in the classplus the number of directly invoked other methods by its methods or attributeinitializations.

TNLM Total Number of Local Methods. Number of local (i.e. not inherited) methodsin the class, including the local methods of its nested, anonymous, and localclasses.

CBO Coupling Between Object classes. Number of directly used other classes ( inheritance, function call, type reference, attribute reference).

Table 5.1. The low-level quality properties of the ISO/IEC 25010 model


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Statistical Data Analysis. Recall that RMI is a small positive or negative number,where a negative value means that the particular source code element causes a decreasein the overall maintainability, while a positive value means it causes an improvementin the system-level maintainability. Therefore we should examine whether classes thathave a negative impact on maintainability contain a higher portion of the bugs thanclasses with positive maintainability values.

With the Mann-Whitney U test, we can test whether one of the class groups isexpected to contain a higher number of bugs in general, i.e. whether the number of bugsis signi�cantly higher in the classes with lower maintainability scores. Unfortunatelythe number of bugs does not follow a normal distribution for either of the groups (i.e.classes with negative or positive maintainability scores) or for the systems as a whole.The distribution of the bugs is heavily skewed and asymmetric, as most of the classescontain 0 or very few bugs. Therefore to test whether one group of classes containsmore bugs than the other, we will apply the Mann-Whitney U test, which is a non-parametric test; hence it making no assumptions on the distribution of the underlyingdata.

Formally, the null and alternative hypothesis are as follows:H0: There is no di�erence in the number of bugs contained by classes having nega-

tive relative maintainability scores and classes having positive relative maintainabilityscores.

H1: One of the two class groups contains signi�cantly higher number of bugs thanthe other.

With this test we will be able not just to determine if there is a di�erence in thebug numbers between the two class groups, but also to ascertain which group containsmore bugs in general.

To corroborate our �ndings, we will also perform a Fisher's exact test [90]. Thetest is useful for categorical data that result from classifying objects in two di�erentways (buggy � non-buggy classes; negative � positive RMI); it is used to examine thesigni�cance of the association (contingency) between the two kinds of classi�cation.

5.1.2 Results on Bug Localization

For each version of the subject systems, we calculated the system-level quality (seeSection 3.2) and all the relative maintainability scores for classes, as described in Sec-tion 4.2 using ColumbusQM. Unfortunately there were classes in the downloaded sourcecode of the systems that did not appear in the bug database for some reason and viceversa. We simply left out these classes from any further analysis. Although the pro-portion of such classes was negligible, we treated it as a potential external threat tothe validity of our results.

Table 5.2 shows some basic statistics of the systems we analyzed. The second col-umn contains the total number of classes in the systems (that we could successfully mapto bug numbers), while the third column shows the total number of bugs. The fourthcolumn shows the number of classes containing at least one bug. Columns �ve and sixlist the number (and ratio) of classes having negative relative maintainability indices(RMIs) and the number (and ratio) of bugs contained in these classes, respectively.

It can be seen that, on average, fewer than half (48.47%) of the classes have anegative RMI value, and these classes contain 80.82% of the bugs. For pbeans v2.0,11 classes have negative relative maintainability scores (which is only 29.73% of the


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

System Nr. of Nr. of Buggy RMIneg classes Bugs in RMInegclasses bugs classes

ant-1.3 115 33 20 67 (58.26%) 30 (90.91%)

ant-1.4 163 45 38 85 (52.15%) 29 (64.44%)

ant-1.5 266 35 32 142 (53.38%) 28 (80.00%)

ant-1.6 319 183 91 167 (52.35%) 167 (91.26%)

ant-1.7 681 337 165 359 (52.72%) 298 (88.43%)

camel-1.0 295 11 10 170 (57.63%) 10 (90.91%)

camel-1.2 506 484 191 282 (55.73%) 373 (77.07%)

camel-1.4 724 312 134 408 (56.35%) 272 (87.18%)

camel-1.6 795 440 170 470 (59.12%) 379 (86.14%)

ivy-1.4 209 17 15 97 (46.41%) 17 (100.00%)

ivy-2.0 294 53 37 130 (44.22%) 48 (90.57%)

jedit-3.2 255 380 89 124 (48.63%) 328 (86.32%)

jedit-4.0 288 226 75 145 (50.35%) 205 (90.71%)

jedit-4.1 295 215 78 156 (52.88%) 182 (84.65%)

jedit-4.2 344 106 48 186 (54.07%) 99 (93.40%)

jedit-4.3 439 12 11 243 (55.35%) 8 (66.67%)

log4j-1.0 118 60 33 45 (38.14%) 50 (83.33%)

log4j-1.1 100 84 35 41 (41.00%) 72 (85.71%)

lucene-2.0 180 261 87 86 (47.78%) 211 (80.84%)

pbeans-2.0 37 16 8 11 (29.73%) 13 (81.25%)

poi-2.0 289 39 37 125 (43.25%) 25 (64.10%)

synapse-1.0 139 20 15 85 (61.15%) 17 (85.00%)

synapse-1.1 197 96 57 122 (61.93%) 76 (79.17%)

synapse-1.2 228 143 84 133 (58.33%) 115 (80.42%)

tomcat-6.0 732 114 77 291 (39.75%) 102 (89.47%)

velocity-1.6 189 161 66 88 (46.56%) 129 (80.12%)

xalan-2.4 634 154 108 218 (34.38%) 114 (74.03%)

xalan-2.6 816 605 395 350 (42.89%) 368 (60.83%)

xerces-1.2 291 61 43 85 (29.21%) 32 (52.46%)

xerces-1.3 302 186 65 92 (30.46%) 110 (59.14%)

Average 341.33 162.97 77.13 48.47% 80.82%

Table 5.2. Descriptive statistics of the analyzed systems

total classes), but contain 81.25% of the total bugs in the system. What is even moreinteresting is that in the case of ivy v1.4 all the bugs are contained in the 46.41% ofthe total classes with the worst maintainability scores.

Examining the Pareto principle. Although the values in Table 5.2 seem promis-ing, the fact that almost half of the classes should be examined makes the applicationof the results ine�ective from a practical point of view. Therefore we looked into thedetails of how we could reduce the amount of classes needed to be analyzed while stillcontaining a signi�cant portion of the total bugs. We were driven by the well-knownPareto principle [82], shown to be a common rule of thumb in many �elds from eco-nomics to informatics. It states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the e�ects comefrom 20% of the causes. In this case it can be interpreted so that quite large amountof bugs are concentrated in a small fraction of the total classes.


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Figure 5.2 shows the percentage of total bugs contained in the di�erent portions ofthe total number of classes ordered by their RMI. A key observation is that, accordingto the chart, a �weaker version� of the Pareto principle holds; i.e. the worst 30% ofthe classes contain about 70% of the total bugs (or its dual that 80% of the bugs arecontained in the worst 40% of the classes). These values are even more attractivefor practical applications, and a nice aspect of the results is that one can balance theamount of classes to be examined and the proportion of bugs to be covered. Theordering ensures that the amount of bugs covered is signi�cantly larger than just alinear function of the examined classes (e.g. taking into consideration as small portionof the classes as 10% will cover approximately one third of the total number of bugs).

Figure 5.2. Various bug coverage rates with RMI-based ordering

Statistical Data Analysis Results Although Table 5.2 already provides some hintsabout the relationship between the bugs and RMI values, to verify it statistically weperformedMann-Whitney U tests on the subject systems, as described in Section 5.1.1.The results of the tests are shown in the Table 5.3. In 28 out of 30 cases, the testproduced signi�cant results. The two exceptions were ant v1.4 and jedit v4.3. It isinteresting that with all the other 4 versions of ant, the test gave a very signi�cantresult; but it can also be seen in Table 5.2 that ant v1.4 di�ers in its RMI resultsfrom the other versions as well. As far as jedit v4.3 is concerned, the problem mightbe due to the very small number of bugs in the system (only 12 bugs in 439 classes),which is an extreme case according to Table 5.2. In spite of this, we can reject the nullhypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis H1 that one of the two class groupscontain signi�cantly more bugs than the other.

To decide which group contains more bugs, we need to compare the mean rankvalues calculated for the bugs in the negative and positive maintainability index classes(see columns 2, 3, 6, and 7 in Table 5.3). In each case the mean ranks for negative RMIclasses are higher than those for positive RMI classes (i.e. the expected bug numbersare higher in the classes with a negative RMI than in the classes with a positive RMI).Very similar results were obtained using Fisher's exact test (see Table 5.4). Based onthese observations, we may cautiously conclude that there is a signi�cant di�erencein the expected number of bugs between positive and negative RMI classes. Moreover,


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

the expected bug numbers are signi�cantly higher in the classes with negative relativemaintainability scores, than in those with positive maintainability scores.

System RMIneg RMIpos p-value System RMIneg RMIpos p-value

rank rank rank rank

ant-1.3 63.463 50.375 0.002* jedit-4.3 220.831 218.969 0.572

ant-1.4 85.282 78.423 0.208 log4j-1.0 77.378 48.479 0.000*

ant-1.5 140.989 124.923 0.003* log4j-1.1 67.732 38.525 0.000*

ant-1.6 189.569 127.513 0.000* lucene-2.0 110.779 71.947 0.000*

ant-1.7 388.403 288.151 0.000* pbeans-2 25.182 16.385 0.002*

camel-1.0 150.812 144.176 0.035 poi-2.0 154.2 137.988 0.005*

camel-1.2 269.411 233.469 0.002* synapse-1.0 73.082 65.148 0.035

camel-1.4 391.54 325.005 0.000* synapse-1.1 105.684 88.127 0.008*

camel-1.6 420.318 365.725 0.000* synapse-1.2 128.538 94.847 0.000*

ivy-1.4 113.66 97.5 0.000* tomcat-1 410.206 337.66 0.000*

ivy-2.0 165.415 133.299 0.000* velocity-1.6 115.017 77.559 0.000*

jedit-3.2 149.202 107.931 0.000* xalan-2.4 372.161 288.856 0.000*

jedit-4.0 166.262 122.434 0.000* xalan-2.6 468.437 363.483 0.000*

jedit-4.1 167.548 126.061 0.000* xerces-1.2 159.582 140.396 0.004*

jedit-4.2 187.581 154.747 0.000* xerces-1.3 165.043 145.567 0.013

Table 5.3. Results of the Mann-Whitney U tests

Visualizing the expected bug numbers. To help visualize the di�erences betweenthe number of bugs in negative and positive RMI classes in the dataset we analyzed, inFigure 5.3 we made a boxplot. The plot shows the maximum, minimum and median ofthe average number of bugs in the positive and negative RMI classes of the systems inthe dataset. It is clear that the expected number of bugs (i.e. the median of the averagebug numbers) is much higher in the classes with negative relative maintainability indicesthan in those with positive relative maintainability indices.

System p-value System p-value

ant-1.3 0.001* jedit-4.3 0.405

ant-1.4 0.002* log4j-1.0 0.000*

ant-1.5 0.002* log4j-1.1 0.000*

ant-1.6 0.000* lucene-2.0 0.000*

ant-1.7 0.000* pbeans-2 0.0041*

camel-1.0 0.0315 poi-2.0 0.004*

camel-1.2 0.0683 synapse-1.0 0.0262

camel-1.4 0.000* synapse-1.1 0.009*

camel-1.6 0.000* synapse-1.2 0.000*

ivy-1.4 0.000* tomcat-1 0.000*

ivy-2.0 0.000* velocity-1.6 0.000*

jedit-3.2 0.000* xalan-2.4 0.000*

jedit-4.0 0.000* xalan-2.6 0.000*

jedit-4.1 0.000* xerces-1.2 0.0071*

jedit-4.2 0.000* xerces-1.3 0.0053*

Table 5.4. Results of the Fisher's exact tests


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Figure 5.3. Average bug numbers

5.1.3 Discussion

The case study involving open source systems from the PROMISE open bug datasetrevealed that there was a statistically signi�cant di�erence between the expected bugnumbers in negative and positive RMI classes. Therefore ordering the classes of asystem according to their RMI values calculated by our drill-down algorithm will resultin an ordering where fault-prone classes are at the top of the list. This is a verypromising result, as the ordering can be used to guide the testing e�ort distributionor code reviews. However, we note that the quality of the PROMISE dataset is anexternal threat to this result as we took the correctness of the bug data for granted.To verify the soundness of our �ndings, the case study could be repeated using otherbug repositories as well, such as the bug prediction dataset of D'Ambros et al. [27].

5.2 A Cost Model Based on Software Maintainability

Next, we present a simple model [108] for relating development costs to the maintain-ability of the source code. In our approach, we will adopt the concept of entropy inthermodynamics, which is used to measure the disorder of a system. In the case ofsoftware systems, maintainability is an appropriate candidate for measuring disorderor entropy [52].

Our model is based on two simple assumptions:

A1. When making changes to a software system without explicitly seeking to improveit (e.g. adding a new functionality), its maintainability will decrease (i.e. itsdisorder will increase), or at least it will remain unchanged.

A2. Performing changes in a software system with a lower maintainability (i.e. higherdisorder) is more expensive.

Only these two assumptions were used to derive a system of equations which serveas a model for relating maintainability to development cost. We will introduce the


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

concept of erosion factor, which is a vital parameter of the model that measures theamount of �damage� caused by changing source code lines of a software. As we willshow later in Section 5.2.1, the erosion factor may also serve as a measure for processquality. Model parameters can be computed from historical data like development costsin the past. After the estimates for the parameters have been calculated, predictionsfor the future can be made using the model.

We evaluated the model on �ve software systems implemented in the Java pro-gramming language. Three of these are commercial, closed-source systems. In order tofacilitate the repeatability of the experiments, we performed an analysis on two opensource systems as well. All the data is available as an online appendix to the originalpaper [108] at:∼ferenc/papers/ICSM2012

Our �ndings can be summarized as follows:

• The maintainability of an evolving software package decreases over time, whichis also in accordance with Lehman's laws of software evolution [60].

• Maintainability and development costs are related to each other in an exponentialway.

• Our model is able to predict future development costs to high accuracy, based onan estimated change rate of the code.

5.2.1 Formalizing the Assumptions

The formalization of the proposed model is credited to Bakota [10]. As the author'smain contribution is related to the empirical validation of the model, only a shortsummary of the formal approach is given in the thesis. For full details, the readershould peruse the original paper [108].

In the following we shall assume that modi�cations are not explicitly intended forcode improvement, meaning that only new functionality is being added to the systemand no refactoring or other explicit improvements is carried out. In this case, the twoassumptions that our model is based on can be formalized in the following way:

A1:dM (t)

dt= −qS (t)λ (t) (q ≥ 0) , (5.1)

A2:dC (t)

dt= kS (t)λ (t)

M (t). (5.2)

The notions used here are as follows:

• S (t) - the size of the source code at time t, measured in lines of code.

• λ (t) - the change rate of the source code at time t; i.e. the probability of changingany line independently. S (t)λ (t) equals the number of lines changed at time t.

• k - a constant for the conversion between di�erent units of measure. Our ap-proach contains two scalar measures, namely maintainability and cost. We willnot choose any particular units of measure for either, but we will introduce the


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

conversion constant k. In the following, we may assume without the loss of gen-erality that cost is expressed by any measure of e�ort (like salary, person monthor time), while maintainability may have any other scalar measure. In practice,after �xing the unit measure for each, k can be estimated from historical projectdata.

• q - the constant factor q is called the erosion factor, which represents the amountof �damage� (decrease in maintainability) caused by changing one line of the code.The erosion factor depends on many internal and external factors like the experi-ence and knowledge of the developers, maturity of development processes, qualityinsurance processes used, tools and development environments, the programminglanguage and the application domain. The q ≥ 0 assumption makes it impossiblefor the code to improve by itself just by adding new functionality. The assump-tion is in accordance with Lehman's laws of software evolution, which state thatthe complexity of evolving software increases, while its quality decreases at thesame time.

• C (t) - the cost invested in changing the system up to time t, measured from aninitial time t = 0. Obviously, C (0) = 0.

• M (t) - maintainability (i.e. disorder) of the system at time t.

Without going into the mathematical details, through some simple steps we can ex-pressM (t) from the equations derived from the basic assumptions to get the followingmain result:

M (t1) =M (t0) e− q

k(C(t1)−C(t0)), (5.3)

which suggests that the maintainability of a system decreases exponentially with theinvested cost to change the system. The erosion factor q determines the decrease rateof maintainability. It is obvious that for a higher erosion factor, the decrease rate willbe higher as well. It is crucial for software development companies to drive the erosionfactor as low as possible, for instance by training the employees, improving processesand utilizing sophisticated quality assurance technologies.

The model parameters (k and C (t)) can be readily computed from historical dataand the erosion factor (which measures the �damage� caused by changing one line) couldbe computed using Equation 5.3 and supposing that we have an absolute measure formaintainability. To measure maintainability, we will use our probabilistic quality modelintroduced in Section 3.2. Furthermore, by having an absolute measure for q as well,the erosion factors of di�erent projects, organizations can be compared. An analysisof the reasons for the di�erences would enable us to lower the erosion factor e.g. byimproving the processes and training people.

In addition, the overall cost of development could also be explicitly derived fromthe model:

C (t) = −kq


∣∣∣∣1− q

M (0)

∫ t


S (s)λ (s) ds

∣∣∣∣. (5.4)

To compute future development costs, all that would be required would be to havean estimate for the change rate λ (t) over a given time period.


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

5.2.2 Empirical Validation of the Cost Model

In order to evaluate the above cost model, we analyzed a large number of consecutiveversions (i.e. subsequent commits to the version control system) of �ve di�erent Javaprojects. Three of these were commercial, closed source systems, which are referred toas System-1, System-2 and System-3. To facilitate the repeatability of the experiments,we performed an analysis of two open source systems as well. Some of the relevantdetails concerning the analyzed systems are listed in Table 5.5.

To compute the k and q parameters of the model, one needs to know C (T0) for someT0 > 0, i.e. the cost of development up to time T0. This can usually be estimated byusing historical project records, but it can also be approximated in other ways. Afterk and q are computed for some time T0 (i.e. the model is trained), the model can beused to make predictions for C (t) , t > T0. As it happens, historical records for thedevelopment costs were not available in any of the cases. Therefore, in order to conductthe evaluation, we were forced to make assumptions regarding the costs: we assumedthat the costs of the development were proportional to the elapsed time. Providedthat, in case of industrial systems, �xed teams work on a project with relatively fewvariations in their size, the assumption does not seem too restrictive. Unfortunately,this might not be the case with open source systems: there is usually no stakeholderenforcing steady expectations regarding the invested e�ort. We will treat the case ofopen source systems as a threat to validity because of this assumption.

System # First date Last date System size1 #Rev. interval Auth.

System-1 149 06/03/2011 01/31/2012 14175-24861 7System-2 357 05/09/2008 03/09/2010 53262-143017 21System-3 641 11/05/2010 10/12/2010 128653-148903 12jEdit2 1370 09/02/2001 07/25/2006 30986-96203 18log4j3 1889 12/14/2000 08/15/2007 1464-25642 17

Table 5.5. Properties of the systems analyzed

Here, we performed the evaluation according to the following steps:

Step 1. First, we checked out every revision of the source code of each systemfrom their version control systems.

Step 2. We calculated the maintainability of each source code revision via theColumbusQM probabilistic software quality model (introduced in Section 3.2).We used this number as an approximation forM (t).

Step 3. For each source code revision, we computed the number of changedsource code lines (added, deleted and modi�ed), compared to the previous revi-sion. The value obtained in this way is exactly equal to S (t)λ (t), so computingS (t) explicitly was not really necessary.

Step 4. We computed estimates for k and q from Equation 5.2 and Equation 5.3,respectively, for some �xed time T0 > 0.

1Measured by the total of non-empty non-comment lines of code.2


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Step 5. These estimates, being constants according to our model, are valid fortime t > T0, and can be used to make predictions using Equation 5.4. Thepredicted costs will be denoted by C̃ (t).

To compute the number of modi�ed lines of code, in Step 3 we used a heuristic algorithmthat combines di�s returned by the Subversion (SVN) client. We consider this as athreat to validity as well.

Di�erent aspects of our �ndings are summarized below.

The maintainability of evolving software is decreasing over time

The dark lines on the right-hand-side diagrams of Figure 5.4 show how maintainabilityM (t) varies as a function of time t, measured in number of revisions. All of thecharts show a decreasing tendency of maintainability as more e�ort is put into thedevelopment of these systems. To corroborate this, the linear regression lines and theirequations are also visible in the diagrams. All the coe�cients of x being negative, theaverage decrease in maintainability follows in each case, which is in accordance withLehman's laws [60].

Maintainability and development costs are in exponential relationship witheach other

Let M̃ (t) denote the predicted maintainability computed by using Equation 5.3 andC̃ (t) (the cost function predicted by the model). Clearly, M̃ (t) decreases exponentiallyas a function of C̃ (t). It is su�cient to show that the real cost C (t) closely correlateswith the predicted cost C̃ (t) and real maintainabilityM (t) with the predicted main-tainability M̃ (t) for some �xed k and q. It would mean that for some parametersthe model describes the real world quite well. Consequently, measured maintainabilityshould decrease exponentially as a function of real costs (at least to high correlation).

We may compute estimates for any time T0 > 0, as suggested in Step 4 above.Obviously, for larger T0 values, the estimates are better, provided that more historicaldata is available for training the model. By taking the last revisions (i.e. the biggestpossible T0), we get the best estimates for k and q. These constants can then be usedto compute C̃ (t) and M̃ (t) for any t ≥ 0.

The left-hand-side diagrams of Figure 5.4 show both C (t) (dark) and C̃ (t) (light)functions. On the right hand side, the dark lines represent the changes in M (t),while the light ones show M̃ (t). The diagrams also show the Pearson's correlationvalues between the real and the predicted curves. The high correlations indicate thatboth cost and maintainability are nicely described by the model, at the same time. Itfollows that maintainability and cost are exponentially related to each other, like thatprescribed by the model. In the case of System-3 and log4j the correlations are slightlyworse than in the other cases. The reason for this might be that the time period of theanalysis was relatively short, and according to the SVN logs, a lot of refactoring workwas performed.

The new model is able to predict future development costs based on changerate of the code to a high accuracy

Above we showed that the model parameters k and q can be chosen in such a waythat the model describes real world costs and maintainability to a high correlation.


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Figure 5.4. Estimated and real costs and maintainability as a function of time

Figure 5.5 shows the estimated k, q and q/k values for each system.Based on the diagram, most damage is caused in System-1 when changing one line,

as the erosion factor q is the largest in this case. This might be due to the rapid andintensive development of System-1 during the given period. This is also the systemwhose maintainability decreases the most, provided that the applied e�ort was thesame, because the q/k is also the largest in this case. The conversion constant k is thelargest for log4j, meaning that same amount of e�ort induced fewer changes comparedto the other systems.

To estimate the cost of a new development, Equation 5.2 of the model requires that


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Figure 5.5. The calculated constant values for the various systems

we have an estimate of the total amount of lines that will change, and the functiondescribing maintainability change in the future. Although the total number of changescan be estimated in advance, based on requirement and impact analysis [59], maintain-ability is obviously unavailable before the changes would have been committed, andmaintainability should have been measured. Fortunately, the erosion factor introducedby Equation 5.1 in Section 5.2.1 makes it possible to approximate future maintainabil-ity based on estimated change rates. Future development costs can be computed usingEquation 5.4, without having to know the change of maintainability in advance.

To validate the predictive power of our model, we performed future estimationswith di�erent window sizes measured in time. For a particular window size n > 0, weused the model to compute the estimated cost at time t, based on the already knowncost at t − n (≥ 0) and the planned amount of changes between t − n and t. In otherwords, at time t− n we attempt to estimate the overall cost at time t, by knowing theoverall cost up to time t−n and the planned amount of future changes. In this way, fora particular window of size n we get a sequence of predicted costs, for time n+1, n+2,etc. Window sizes vary from 1 to the largest possible ones, i.e. the number of revisionsavailable. When the window size is 1, it means that the development cost of a revisionis being approximated based on the previous revision, and the changes between them.In the case of the largest possible window, the overall development cost of the wholeperiod is estimated based on the initial cost (which is zero), and the future changes.For each window size, we computed both the mean squared error [3] and Pearson'scorrelation between the real costs and the ones predicted by the model.

For the sake of comparability, we also performed another, classical type of costestimation. Namely, to estimate future costs, we computed the average cost of a changeup to time t− n, then interpolated the future cost by multiplying the average changecost with the amount of overall change up to time t. In other words, we computedthe average change cost based on historical data, and expected it to remain the samein the future. This classical model di�ers from ours as it does not take the change ofmaintainability over time into account, which makes the changes evermore expensive.We will refer to this classical type of cost estimation as linear prediction.

The left-hand-side diagrams of Figure 5.6 show how the mean squared errors (MSE )behave for various window sizes, while on the right hand side the correlations of thepredicted and real costs can be seen. In both cases, the x-axis stands for the size ofthe window, measured in number of revisions (i.e. time) and the y-axis stands for theMSE and Pearson's correlation values, respectively.

Apparently, both models become increasingly precise for larger window sizes, butthis happens only because the prediction sequences get shorter. For example, in thecase of the largest possible window size, only one cost value is predicted, namely thelast one.


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

It can be seen that the predictions made by our model outperform the classicallinear model, which does not take the changes of maintainability into account. Thedi�erences are especially noticeable for larger window sizes, i.e. long-term predictions.Actually, this is expected because changes in maintainability are more signi�cant overlonger periods of time.

Figure 5.6. MSE and correlations between the linear and model predicted values


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

5.2.3 Possible Limitations of the Model

First of all, our cost model is based on two assumptions stated in Section 5.2. If theseassumptions do not hold, our cost model may be invalid. However, our experience andthe feedback from our industrial and research partners tell us that these assumptionsare quite reasonable.

Another threat to the validity is that we assumed that the k conversion and qerosion factors in the model were constants. It might be possible that these factorsactually vary over time. But even if this were the case, it only means that furtherimprovements in the prediction model can be made. Our aim was to validate a newapproach for software maintainability-based cost estimation and not to model it in everydetail. The new model is a simplistic cost model that appears to be very expressive inits current form, base on the empirical results given in Section 5.2.2.

Due to the lack of real data, we had to apply heuristics several times in the study.To calculate the total amount of changed lines between two revisions of the system,we used the SVN di� command that returns only added and removed lines. Modi�edlines are shown by consecutive inserted and deleted lines. Although our algorithm forcalculating modi�ed lines might not be totally accurate, it does not a�ect the resultsobtained too much. The results of our experiments revealed that we get similarly goodresults using just the number of inserted lines as a measure of the total changes.

Not being able to collect real e�orts from tracking systems, we assumed that theamount of invested cost in the development was proportional to the elapsed time. Thereason for this is that usually there is a �xed team that develops the software, puttinga constant amount of e�ort into the development. This was the case for the threeproprietary systems that we analyzed, but a possible threat to validity might be thatthis assumption is not valid for open source systems.

Apparently, the model cannot handle refactoring and other improvements, as itassumes that only pure feature developments are allowed. Fortunately, treating theseactivities as part of the development or quality assurance processes, which are meantto moderate quality degradation, they are implicitly encoded in the erosion factorq. In particular, q is smaller in cases where refactoring and other improvements areperformed regularly or even occasionally. Hence, we do not consider this as a threatto validity.

A major limitation of the approach is that the predictions are made based on theamount of changes of lines in the system, which makes the model less useful in practice.This restriction follows from the simplicity of the model. However, the model can beeasily modi�ed to use function points instead of line changes, yielding a more practicalprediction model. We chose to use line changes here as they can easily be extractedfrom a version control system, which is not the case with function points.

5.3 Revealing the E�ect of Coding Practices on

Software Maintainability

Above we presented software evolution tasks (bug localization and cost estimation,respectively) that can bene�t from the methods, models and tools introduced in chap-ters 3 and 4. Besides these applications, one interesting potential of an easy-to-calculateand direct measure of maintainability is that of empirically investigating the e�ect ofdi�erent coding practices and design techniques (e.g. design patterns, anti-patterns,


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

refactoring and code cloning) that are thought to have either a positive or negativeimpact on the maintainability of a software package. However, there are some con-troversial �ndings, e.g. some studies suggest that the use of design patterns does notnecessarily result in good design [67]. Similar to design patterns, there are contro-versial opinions about the e�ects of anti-patterns; e.g. Abbes et al. found [1] thatdevelopers are able to handle one type of anti-patterns, while the existence of moreanti-pattern types signi�cantly decrease their productivity. Therefore additional em-pirical evidence concerning the connection between these practices and maintainabilityis highly desirable. The two sections below present empirical case studies on the e�ectof design patterns in the code, which lead to some interesting and persuasive results.Then in Section 5.3.3 we introduce a so-called reverse engineering benchmark that canbe of great help in performing further studies by providing validated results of di�erentreverse engineering tools.

5.3.1 Impact of Design Patterns on Maintainability

Since their introduction by Gamma et al. [42], there has been a growing interest inthe use of design patterns. Object-Oriented (OO) design patterns represent well-knownsolutions to common design problems in a given context. The common belief is thatapplying design patterns results in a better OO design, hence they improve softwarequality as well [42, 94].

However, there is only a small amount of empirical evidence available so far thatdesign patterns really do improve code quality. Moreover, some studies suggest that theuse of design patterns does not necessarily result in good design [67, 98]. The problemof empirical validation is that it is very hard to assess the e�ect of design patterns onhigh-level quality characteristics like maintainability, reusability and understandability.There are some approaches that manually evaluate the impact of certain design patternson di�erent quality attributes [57].

We will also try to show the connection between design patterns and softwarequality, but here we will focus on the maintainability of the source code and use amore direct approach. To get an absolute measure for the maintainability of a system,we used our probabilistic quality model [100], as described in Section 3.2. Our subjectsystem was JHotDraw 7, a Java GUI framework for technical and structured graphics4,whose design relies heavily on some well-known design patterns. Instead of usingdi�erent design pattern mining tools we parsed the javadoc entries of the system directlyto get all the applied design patterns that were explicitly documented in the code. Weanalyzed over 300 revisions of JHotDraw, calculated the maintainability values andmined the design pattern instances. We then collected this empirical data with thefollowing concrete research questions in mind:

• Is there any traceable impact of the application of design patterns on softwaremaintainability?

• What kind of relationship exists between the design pattern density and themaintainability of a software package?



Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Based on our maintainability model we achieved some promising results [107] byshowing that applying design patterns should improve the di�erent quality attributes.In addition, the ratio of the source code lines present in some design patterns in thesystem has a close correlation with the maintainability in the case of JHotDraw. How-ever, these results are still only a preliminary step towards a comprehensive empiricalanalysis of design patterns and software quality.

Analysis Approach

To analyze the relationship between design patterns and maintainability, we will cal-culate the following measures for each revision of the JHotDraw system:

• Mr - an absolute measure of maintainability for the revision r of the system. Weused our probabilistic quality model [100] to get this absolute measure.

• TLLOC - the total number of logical lines of code in the system (computed bythe Columbus toolset [34]).

• TNCL - the total number of classes in the system.

• PInr - the number of pattern instances in revision r of the system.

• PClr - the number of classes playing a role in any pattern instances in revisionr of the system.

• PLnr - the total number of logical lines of classes playing a role in any patterninstances in revision r of the system.

• PDensr - the pattern line density of the system de�ned by the following formula:PLnr


We will examine the tendency of Mr compared to the pattern-related metrics andchanges in the number of pattern instances. The pattern-related metrics will be cal-culated by using our own prototype tool that is able to process the structured javadoccomments.

Mining Design Patterns. Instead of applying one of the design pattern miner tools(e.g. [31, 97]), we used a more direct way to extract pattern instances from di�erentJHotDraw versions. Since every design pattern instance is documented in JHotDraw 7,we were easily able to build a text parser application to collect all of the patterns. Thisapproach guarantees that no false positive instances are included and no true negativeinstances are left out from the empirical analysis. A sample of design pattern javadocdocumentation can be seen in Listing 5.1.

Listing 5.1. A design pattern documentation in JHotDraw/∗∗. . .∗ <b>Design Patterns </b>∗∗ <p><em>Strategy </em><br>∗ The d i f f e r e n t behavior s t a t e s o f the s e l e c t i o n t o o l are implemented by∗ t r a c k e r s . Context : {@link Se l e c t i onToo l } ; State : {@link DragTracker } ,∗ {@link HandleTracker } , {@link Se lectAreaTracker } .. . .∗∗/


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

The text parser processes the two types of pattern comments appearing in the source,the above listing being one of them. Then � using regular expressions � it gets the namesof the patterns and a list of the participants. This list contains the name of both theroles and the classes that match them. Afterwards, all fully quali�ed name referencesare trimmed (e.g. foo.Bar becomes Bar), the lists are alphabetically ordered, convertedto a unique string and added to a set in order to avoid pattern instance duplicationeven if a pattern is documented in several of its participants' codes. We ran the parseron all relevant revisions of JHotDraw7 to track the changes.

Results of the Analysis

We analyzed all the 779 revisions of the JHotDraw 7 subversion branch5 and calculatedthe measures presented above. The documentation of design patterns was introducedin revision 522, hence the empirical evaluation was performed on 258 revisions (betweenrevision 522 and 779). Some basic properties of the starting and end revision of theJHotDraw system we analyzed can be seen in Table 5.6.

Revision Lines of Nr. of Nr. of Nr. of PInr PClr(r) code packages classes methods TNCL522 72472 54 630 6117 45 11.58%779 81686 70 685 6573 54 13.28 %

Table 5.6. Basic properties of the JHotDraw 7 system

Figure 5.7 depicts the ratio of classes playing a role in some pattern instances andthe total number of classes in the system. We note that the deliberate design patterninstances yield a very high ratio (about 13% of the classes are part of a design pattern).

Figure 5.7. The number of pattern classes relative to the total number of classes

First, we analyzed those particular revisions where the number of design patterninstances had changed. After �ltering out the changes that did not introduce or re-move real pattern instances (e.g. comments are added to an already existing pattern



Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

instance), �ve revisions remained. We also made sure that these change sets did notcontain a lot of source code that was unrelated to patterns as it is important to be ableto clearly separate the e�ect of design pattern changes on maintainability. In all �vecases over 90% of the code changes were related to the pattern implementations. Thetendency of di�erent quality attributes for these revisions can be seen in Table 5.7.

Revision Pattern Pattern Maintain- Test- Analyz- Stability Change-(r) Line Density ability ability ability ability

(PDensr) (Mr)531 +3 ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗574 +1 ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗609 �1 ↘ � � � � �716 +1 ↘ ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗758 +1 ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗

Table 5.7. Software quality attribute tendencies in the case of design pattern changes

In four out of �ve cases there was growth in the number of pattern instances.In all four cases, each quality characteristic (including the maintainability) increasedcompared to the previous revision. This was true even for revision 716, where thepattern line ratio decreased despite the addition of a design pattern. In the caseof revision 609, a Framework pattern was removed, but the quality characteristicsremained unaltered. This is not so surprising since this pattern (which is not part ofthe GoF patterns) consists of a simple interface. Therefore its removal would not a�ectthe low-level source code metrics on which our maintainability model is based on.

As we showed in Section 5.2, a system's maintainability does not improve duringdevelopment without applying explicit refactorings. Hence the application of designpatterns can be viewed as applying refactorings on the source code. These resultssupport the hypothesis that design patterns do have a traceable impact on maintain-ability. In addition, our empirical analysis on JHotDraw indicated that this impactwas positive overall.

To shed light on the relationship between design pattern density and maintainabil-ity, we performed a correlation analysis on pattern line density (PDensr) and main-tainability (Mr). We chose pattern line density instead of pattern instance or patternclass density because it is the �nest-grained measure that shows precisely the amountof source code related to design patterns in the system. Figure 5.8 shows the tendenciesof pattern line density and maintainability. Here, the two curves have a similar shape,meaning that they move together. The Pearson correlation analysis of the entire dataset (from revision 522 to 779) gave the same result; i.e. that the pattern line densityand maintainability had a correlation of 0.89, which is quite high. This indicates thatthere is a close connection between the rate of design patterns in the source code andmaintainability. However, based on this system alone we can hardly generalize theresults without performing further empirical evaluations.

5.3.2 Further Investigation on Design Patterns andMaintainability

After the nice results shown in Section 5.3.1, we wanted to go further and increase ourcon�dence in the connection between design pattern density and system-level maintain-ability of systems. As we examined the versions of one system only, the next obvious


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Figure 5.8. The tendencies between pattern line density and maintainability

step was to analyze more systems and more design pattern instances. However, whileit was relatively easy to extract precise design pattern information from the JHotDrawsystem created speci�cally for educational purposes (i.e. every design pattern is doc-umented in the source code), �nding design pattern instances in arbitrary systems isquite hard in general.

There are tools that use various techniques to extract design patterns from a soft-ware package [114]. However, the precision and recall of these tools may vary and whatis more problematic, they are often impossible to measure (i.e. a huge manual e�ortwould be required to evaluate the tool results). Therefore, we resorted to using designpattern benchmarks that serve as baselines to assess the precision and recall of patternidenti�cation tools. They contain a large number of manually validated design patternresults on which new tools and techniques can be evaluated.

In our investigations, we examined DEEBEE [110], P-MARt [43] and DPB [5, 37]benchmarks and performed a correlation analysis between the design pattern densityand maintainability of the subject systems contained in the benchmarks. First, wewill describe these benchmarks and their properties, then give a short summary ofthe methodology we used to collect and compare the design pattern information andquality results of ColumbusQM. After, we present the results of the case study andargue that the initial results are corroborated by this additional analysis.

Design Pattern Benchmarks

DEsign pattern Evaluation BEnchmark Environment (DEEBEE). DEEBEEis a Web-based tool [110] created speci�cally to help organize, compare and evaluate thedesign pattern instances recognized by tools based on di�erent mining techniques. Itwas developed at the Software Engineering Department of the University of Szeged witha contribution by the author. It contains a collection of design pattern instances thatcan be manually validated using the features of DEEBEE and it serves as a benchmarkfor design pattern miner tools. The lack of manually validated gold standard sets fordesign patterns at the time of its creation made the tool very useful.

The well-known issue and bug tracking system called Trac [88] (version 0.9.6) was


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

used as the basis for the benchmark. Trac is written in Python and it is an easilyextendible and customizable plug-in oriented system. The aim of Trac is to providean easy and e�cient way to track bugs and issues. Issue tracking is based on tickets,where a ticket stores all the information on an issue or a bug. A ticket is identi�ed bya unique number.

Although the Trac system provides many useful services, a lot of customizationand extension work had to be done to create a benchmark from it. The two majorextensions were the customization of the graphical user interface and the customizationof the system's tickets. In the case of the tickets, they had to be extended to beable to describe design pattern instances (name of the pattern, information about itsparticipants, information about its evaluation, etc). In the case of the graphical userinterface, some core classes of the Trac system needed to be inherited and implemented.A description of the user interface can be found on the Wiki pages of the benchmark6

and in the study comparing the Columbus and Maisa [35] design pattern miner tools.The benchmark contains three main features; namely evaluation, upload and reg-

ister. From the evaluation menu point three important views can be accessed. Theseare the statistics view, comparison view and the instance view. In the instance viewthe pattern instances can be categorized by two aspects; namely, correctness and com-pleteness. Completeness means how complete the evaluated pattern instance is in astructural sense. More precisely, it means how many pattern participants can be foundin the instance. Correctness means how correct the evaluated pattern instance is in abehavioral sense. More precisely, it means to what degree the pattern instance matchesthe original intent of the design pattern. Registration is required to evaluate patterninstances. From the upload menu point the new language functionality, the new soft-ware functionality, the new tool functionality and the new instances functionality canbe accessed. Instances recovered by people can be uploaded as well, but in this casethe name of the tool should be �Human�.

The benchmark calculates two well-known and important accuracy measures calledprecision and recall. Explaining the meaning of precision and recall requires the fol-lowing de�nitions.

• True Positives (TP): true instances found by a tool (correctly).

• False Positives (FP): false instances found by a tool (incorrectly).

• False Negatives (FN): true instances not found by a tool (incorrectly).

The precision value is de�ned as TP/TP+FP , which means the ratio of correctlyidenti�ed instances with respect to all found instances. The recall value is de�ned asTP/TP+FN , which means the ratio of correctly identi�ed instances with respect toall existing real instances. These measures are calculated according to the manuallyevaluated instances in the benchmark as follows. All the instances for a particularsubject system found by any of the design pattern miner tools or uploaded as a manuallyfound instance having correctness above 50% are considered to be a true instance.Therefore the union of all the found instances in a subject system having su�cientlyhigh correctness votes form the gold standard set for that system. Based on this goldstandard, DEEBEE can easily calculate the above-mentioned precision and correctnessvalues for the instances reported by a new tool for the same subject system.



Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Currently, the benchmark contains 1274 design pattern instances taken from threeC++ software systems (Mozilla [71], NotePad++ [74] and FormulaManager [38]), threeJava software systems (JHotDraw [53], JRefactory [55] and JUnit [56]) and C++ ref-erence implementations of design patterns. The uploaded design pattern instancesare recovered by three design pattern miner tools called Columbus (C++), Maisa(C++) [35] and Design Pattern Detection Tool (Java) [30, 89].

P-MARt. The purpose of P-MARt7 (Pattern-like Micro Architecture Repository) [43]is similar to that of DEEBEE, namely to serve as a baseline to assess the precisionand recall of pattern identi�cation tools. It is not an interactive tool; rather it simplycollects some veri�ed instances of micro-architectures (i.e. design patterns) in the formof static XML �les. The XML �les describe the language of the subject system and theparticipants of the a�ected micro-architecture. The XML �les can be easily traversedand it is easy to collect metrics from them. A sample XML �le from P-MARt is shownin Listing 5.2.

Listing 5.2. XML structure used by P-MARt

<program type="LANGUAGE"><name>NAME</name><des ignMot i f name="NAME">

<microArch i tec tures><microArch i t ec ture n="NUMBER">

<ro l e s ><ROLES1>

<ROLE1><c l a s s >

NAME</c l a s s >

</ROLE1>. . .

</ROLES1>. . .

</ro l e s ></microArch i tecture>. . .

</microArch i tec tures></des ignMoti f>. . .


Design Pattern detection tools Benchmark platform (DPB). DPB [5, 37] isa similar benchmark to the previous ones. The platform is available online8 and it issubdivided into:

• the documentation section that contains some references and guides for using theplatform; in addition the home page brie�y introduces the system functionalitiesand provides a step-by-step tutorial;



Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

• the search section, which lets the user �nd the results of a particular analysis,based on di�erent parameters;

• the compare section, which allows one to compare the instances found by di�erenttools on the same input project;

• the browse section, which provides a tree-like view of the contents of the platform.

Through these di�erent kinds of exploration tools the user can obtain a detailed viewof each pattern instance, which includes two di�erent types of graphic visualizationand a simple forum for the evaluation of the instance by the users. All the abovefunctionalities can be seen by all users; if a user wants to upload new pattern instancesinto the platform he must be registered, log onto the platform, and submit the XML�le containing the instances and some meta-data. In the platform, an analysis consistsof a combination of the set of the instances, their description, the name of the designpattern miner tool applied and the name of the project to be analyzed.

The authors of DPB also provide a schema for representing design pattern instances.They implemented an XML-based schema similar to that used by P-MARt.

Methodology of the Correlation Analysis

In our experiment, we used the pattern instances contained in P-MARt and DPB.The reason why we could not use our DEEBEE benchmark was that it containedmostly C++ design pattern instances at the time of the analysis. But fortunately P-MARt and DPB benchmarks contain the design pattern instances of the same 11 Javasubject systems. These systems are: JHotDraw 5.1, JRefactory 2.6.24, JUnit 3.7, Lexi0.1.1 alpha, MapperXML 1.9.7, Netbeans 1.0.x, Nutch 0.4, PMD 1.8, QuickUML 2001.As P-MARt is rather a repository of manually validated design pattern instances, itmay be viewed as a design pattern detection tool with only true positive instances(i.e. manually extracted patterns). Therefore DPB benchmark collects the patterninstances contained by P-MARt and treats it as a design pattern detection tool. We willfollow this practice and consider P-MARt as a tool similar to the other design patterndetection tools collected in DPB. Thus the design pattern instances of the DPD Tool4.5, MARPLE-DPD 0.0.20120718.dpd, P-MARt and Web Of Patterns (WOP) 1.4.3tools were examined during our analysis. Unfortunately, for JRefactory and NetBeansthe benchmark contained results of one tool only, so we excluded them from any furtheranalysis.

The purpose of DPB is not just to collect the design pattern instances found bydi�erent tools in the subject systems, but also to provide a way to manually evaluatethese results. Hence all the design pattern instances in the benchmark were evaluatedby several experts of the area by assigning a rating from one to �ve stars, re�ectingthe precision of the pattern. Therefore, we can restrict the design pattern instancesto those having a su�ciently high average rating by human evaluators to get a moreprecise picture of the true positive instances. During our correlation analysis we usedboth values: (i) the raw number of design patterns found by a tool (ii) the restrictednumber of design patterns having an average vote above 4 stars. This way, we had thenumber of all patterns found by 4 di�erent tools in 9 systems, as well as the �good�instances validated by humans.

For the next step, we calculated all the system level quality values for the appro-priate versions of these 9 systems with ColumbusQM, using its implementation (see


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Tool DPD WOPSystem QM DP DPnorm DP ∗ DP ∗

norm DP DPnorm DP ∗ DP ∗norm

JHotDraw 6,38 84 0,00950 56 0,00634 139 0,01573 76 0,00860JUnit 6,63 18 0,00364 13 0,00263 42 0,00849 21 0,00424Lexi 5,16 25 0,00352 10 0,00141 5 0,00070 1 0,00014

MapperXML 6,86 53 0,00357 50 0,00336 90 0,00605 60 0,00404Nutch 3,88 67 0,00285 36 0,00153 4 0,00017 3 0,00013PMD 3,16 33 0,00080 21 0,00051 15 0,00036 8 0,00019

QuickUML 5,59 46 0,00500 18 0,00196 19 0,00206 8 0,00087Pearson 0,59 0,70 0,70 0,71p-value 0,08 0,04 0,04 0,04

Spearman 0,68 0,86 0,82 0,75p-value 0,05 0,01 0,01 0,03

Tool P-MARt MARPLESystem QM DP DPnorm DP ∗ DP ∗

norm DP DPnorm DP ∗ DP ∗norm

JHotDraw 6,38 22 0,00249 216 0,02444 146 0,01652JUnit 6,63 8 0,00162 94 0,01900 24 0,00485Lexi 5,16 5 0,00070 90 0,01268 57 0,00803

MapperXML 6,86 15 0,00101 250 0,01682 95 0,00639Nutch 3,88 15 0,00064 323 0,01374 174 0,00740PMD 3,16 14 0,00034 389 0,00938 141 0,00340

QuickUML 5,59 7 0,00076 151 0,01640 46 0,00500Pearson 0,02 0,69 0,78 0,34p-value 0,48 0,04 0,02 0,23

Spearman 0,20 0,86 0,82 0,14p-value 0,34 0,01 0,01 0,38

Table 5.8. Correlation between maintainability and design pattern instances

Section 3.5). After, for each tool we performed a Pearson's and Spearman's correlationanalysis between the total number of design pattern instances in the subject systems,normalized by their lines of code and the system-level maintainability.

Results of the Correlation Analysis

The results of the correlation analysis performed according to the methodology de-scribed above are summarized in Table 5.8.

The QM column contains the system level quality (the value ranging from 0 to 10)calculated by ColumbusQM. DP stands for the number of all the design pattern in-stances detected by a tool in the subject system. DP ∗ denotes the number of instanceshaving an average rating of 4 stars or more in the DPB benchmark. The norm columnsrefer to the number of pattern instances divided by the total logical lines of code ofthe system.

For DPD and WOP tools, both the DPnorm and DP ∗norm values show a signi�cantcorrelation with system-level maintainability. It means that systems with a high designpattern density also have a high maintainability and vice versa. Moreover, concerningthe Pearson's correlation, DP ∗norm displays an even higher correlation than DPnorm.This was what we expected, as DP ∗norm contains only those patterns that were foundto be true positive instances by experts.

The situation is very similar in the case of P-MARt and MARPLE. As P-MARtcontains only manually evaluated instances, it has only DP ∗norm values, which displaya high correlation with the maintainability signi�cant for a level p < 0.05. MARPLEis a bit controversial. The total number of instances display a high Pearson's and


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Spearman's correlation with maintainability, but the DP ∗ values do not. This mightbe due to an insu�cient number of human evaluations in the DPB benchmark, hencewe might have �ltered out pattern instances incorrectly.

However, overall the results seem quite promising. This extended study on the rela-tionship of design pattern density and system-level maintainability supports our initialresults presented in Section 5.3.1, namely that there is a signi�cant positive correlationbetween the design pattern density of a system and its high-level maintainability. Thisresult suggests that, in accordance with common belief, applying design patterns doesindeed have a positive e�ect on the maintainability aspect of a software system.

5.3.3 Towards Revealing the E�ect of Other Practices onMaintainability

There are plenty of other design and development techniques and patterns that shouldbe empirically validated as their application is often based on a general belief, that hasnot been validated in real-world environments. Besides design patterns, such techniquesand coding patterns include refactoring, coding rules and guidelines, anti-patterns andcode duplications. Our long-term goal is to empirically investigate the e�ect of allthese coding practices and patterns on software maintainability.

To attain this goal, we need to ensure that su�cient input data is available. But aswe saw in Section 5.3.2, manual extraction or validation of the required data like designpatterns or copy-paste parts in software is simply not applicable on real-world scalesystems. Fortunately, lots of tools exist to extract information like this. However,we also mentioned that the problem cannot be solved by simply using tools for theautomatic extraction of the objects we are interested in. This is because the tools mayproduce false results, they can mark objects to have a certain structural or behavioralproperty when they do not (false positive instances); or they can miss objects withsuch properties (false negative instances). Thus to get precise results, the accuracy ofsuch tools �rst needs to be evaluated and veri�ed.

To resolve this issue, we will introduce a general purpose benchmark that can beused to (semi-)automatically compare and evaluate the accuracy of tools like this. Wecan view this benchmark as a generalization of our DEEBEE design pattern benchmark(see Section 5.3.2). When the results of reverse engineering tools are evaluated andfound to be su�ciently accurate, we can produce a large amount of input data toexamine the e�ect of di�erent coding practices and patterns on maintainability.

A Generalized Reverse Engineering Benchmark

To provide a similar functionality as DEEBEE but for a much wider spectrum ofreverse engineering tools, we introduced its further development which has become morewidely applicable by generalizing the evaluation aspects and the data to be indicated.Designing the new system called BEFRIEND (BEnchmark For Reverse engInEeringtools workiNg on source coDe) [111] was the author's contribution. With BEFRIEND,the results of reverse engineering tools from di�erent domains that recognize arbitrarycharacteristics of source code can be subjectively evaluated and compared with eachother. In this thesis, �reverse engineering tool� is used as a collective term for toolsthat operate on the source code of some software system (i.e. the input of the toolis source code regardless of the inner representation that is built from the code), and


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

results in a list of source code fragments or objects (identi�ed by their source codeposition) that ful�ll certain structural or behavioral requirements. Such tools includeanti-pattern [39] miners, duplicated code detectors and coding rule violation checkers.

BEFRIEND mainly di�ers from its predecessor in �ve respects. These are that

1. it permits uploading and evaluating results related to di�erent domains,

2. it permits adding and deleting the evaluation aspects of the results arbitrarily,

3. it has a new user interface,

4. it generalizes the de�nition of sibling relationships, and

5. it permits the uploading of �les in di�erent formats (e.g. the DPDX [115] �leformat for describing design patterns) by adding the appropriate uploading plug-in.

BEFRIEND is a freely accessible online system.9 Its current version contains the evalu-ation results of �ve clone detector tools [111]. Moreover, we imported the design patterninstances we evaluated with DEEBEE in our previous study [40] as well. In addition,the system contains coding rule violation instances found by PMD and CheckStyle rulecheckers.

BEFRIEND serves the evaluation of reverse engineering tools working on sourcecode, which hereafter will be called tools. The tools can be classi�ed into domains. Adomain may be a tool family searching e.g. for design patterns, code clones, anti-patterns, or rule violations. Stated brie�y, design pattern searching tools includeDPD [30], Columbus [11] and Maisa [35], and duplicated code searching tools includeBauhaus [14], CCFinder [21] and Simian [84]. The tools in a given domain producedi�erent results which refer to one or more positions in the source code analyzed. Werefer to these positions as result instances. The instances found may include otherelements in certain domains, which are called participants. For example, in the caseof a Strategy design pattern instance [42], several ConcreteStrategy participants mayoccur. For each instance, the participants can be typed according to roles. In the caseof the Strategy design pattern, the roles are Context, Strategy, and ConcreteStrategy.For the evaluation of tools, several evaluation criteria can be de�ned. With the helpof the evaluation criteria, we can evaluate the extracted instances of the tools fromvarious desired aspects.

It frequently happens that several instances can be grouped together, which canhelp speed up their evaluation. For example, if two clone detecting tools together �nd500 clone pairs (most clone detecting tools �nd clone pairs), then by grouping them,the number of clone pairs can be reduced to a fraction of the original instance number.In another case, if one of the clone detectors �nds groups of instances (e.g. 30), andthe other one �nds clone pairs (e.g. 400), the reason for the latter tool �nding moreinstances is that its output is de�ned di�erently. Based on these observations, we cansay that without grouping, the interpretation of tool results may sometimes lead tofalse conclusions. BEFRIEND implements a sophisticated algorithm to connect suchsibling instances.

Figure 5.9 demonstrates how we can create a completely new domain of tools inBEFRIEND. In the �gure, a new domain called Duplicated Code is created. As a result,



Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

the actual domain is set to the newly created Duplicated Code. If we have created morethan one domain, we can select the domain we would like to activate from the Selectactive domain drop-down list.

Figure 5.9. Creating a new domain

In order to be able to evaluate the uploaded data, appropriate evaluation criteriaare needed. The user can create an arbitrary number of criteria for each domain. Thenthe uploaded instances can be evaluated according to these criteria. In one evaluationcriterion, one question has to be given to which an arbitrary number of answers can bede�ned. Figure 5.10 shows a new criteria used to evaluate the correctness of the toolsin the duplicated code domain.

Figure 5.10. Correctness criteria for duplicated code detectors

BEFRIEND provides several views for collecting the user evaluations and it alsoanalyzes the evaluation results. For example, in the statistics view the user is providedwith statistics based on the evaluation criteria and the user votes obtained earlier (seeFigure 5.11). One table that comprises the vote statistics referring to all of the con-cerned instances belongs to each evaluation criterion. Each row of the table correspondsto an instance of the tool (e.g. a duplicated code part in this case) and contains thebasic statistics of the user votes of that instance.

For full technical details concerning the sibling algorithm and the usage scenariosof the tool, see the original publication [111]. According to two proof-of-concept casestudies for evaluating duplicated code �nder tools [111] and impact analysis tools [116],we may conclude that this benchmark is capable of evaluating the accuracy of thedi�erent tools. Thus, we can use its results to automatically collect a large number ofcoding objects from the source code and perform meaningful empirical case studies toanalyze the connection between instances of these coding objects and maintainabilityof the overall system.

5.4 Other Applications

In addition to the applications of the proposed techniques presented so far, we carriedout many other research studies using our method of measuring software quality at


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

Figure 5.11. Bauhaus clone detector tool correctness statistics

various levels. Since the author's contributions in these studies was minor, this sectiongives only a brief summary of the applied concepts and the main results achieved inthese studies.

Clusterization and maintainability. A dependence cluster is a set of programelements that mutually depend on each other [46]. Their existence in source codehas gained increasing attention recently because it has been demonstrated in variousmaintenance-related contexts that they may be detrimental to code comprehension,maintenance and evolution, impact analysis, and testing. However, it has not yet beeninvestigated systematically whether the extent a system exhibits dependence clusterscan be used to predict quality issues.

In a joint study [112] with a group at the Software Engineering Department inSzeged, we attempted to show the relation between the clusterization of the systemswith their high-level maintainability properties given by the ColumbusQM model pre-sented earlier. Clusterization is a kind of metric that gives us an overall rating of thenumber and sizes of the dependence clusters a given software system contains. Wede�ned several di�erent metrics to measure clusterization and compared their valueswith the high-level quality attributes given by the ColumbusQM using a correlationanalysis and a mutual information analysis [86].

Empirical evidence from earlier reports showed that the degree of clusterization inprograms is related to various aspects of software quality. We presented a �rst steptowards a better understanding of clusterization by comparing it with quality model-based attributes. Interestingly, a signi�cant correlation could be identi�ed only withlow-level metrics, but mutual information analysis also displayed a relationship withsome of the higher-level attributes. This result suggests that the latter method couldbe used in future studies instead of just a simple correlation.


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

The impact of version control operations on the quality change. Softwareerosion is a well-known phenomena [78], meaning that software quality is continuouslydecreasing due to the constant modi�cations in the source code. In a joint researchstudy with Faragó and Ferenc [113], we investigated this phenomena by studying theimpact of version control commit operations (add, update, delete) on the quality of thecode.

We calculated the ISO/IEC 9126 quality attributes for thousands of revisions of anindustrial and three open-source software systems with the help of ColumbusQM (seeSection 3.2). We also collected the cardinality of each version control operation typesfor each revision investigated. We performed chi-squared tests on contingency tableswith the quality changes in the rows and version control operation commit types in thecolumns. We compared the results with random data as well.

Figure 5.12. Maintainability changes by the di�erent version control commits

We found a close connection between the version control operations and qualitychanges. Figure 5.12 gives a nice overview (All, A, D, U+, U1 denotes all commits,commits containing at least one addition but no deletion, commits containing at leastone deletion, commits containing two or more updates only, and commits consisting ofexactly one update, respectively) of the conclusions we can draw here:

• The middle bars (gray bars showing the proportion of no quality changes) aresmaller than expected in the case of A, D and U+, and higher in the case of U1.


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

• Great maintainability improvements are mostly caused by commits containingadd operations � the upper bar (light gray bar showing the proportion of qualityincreases) is the tallest in the case of A in each diagram.

• Commits containing �le updates only tend to have a negative impact on thequality � in the case of U+ and U1 the lower bars (dark gray bar showing theproportion of quality decreases) are bigger than the upper ones (light gray) inmost cases.

• Deletions have a weak connection with quality, and we could not formulate anygeneral statement about them.

5.5 Summary

In this chapter, possible applications of the introduced system level and source codeelement level quality measurements were discussed. First, we showed how the relativemaintainability index of source code classes can be used to separate fault-prone classesfrom non-fault-prone classes to a high probability. This method aids software evolutionby providing a strategy for focusing testing and code review e�ort on a (smaller) partof the source code that is likely to contain the most bugs. Our case study showed thatapproximately 30% of the total classes in the system contained over 70% of the totalbugs. We also presented a cost model that is able to predict future development costbased on the relationship that we discovered between maintainability and developmente�ort. The validation of our approach shows that the model works to a good accuracy.Another application of the maintainability measurement was to show the connectionbetween the utilization of design patterns in the source code and system-level main-tainability. Based on two case studies, the common belief that design patterns improvethe long-term maintainability of a software system seemed to be borne out. We founda strong positive correlation between the design pattern density and high-level main-tainability of several di�erent open source systems. To support further research in thisarea, we also developed a general benchmark called BEFRIEND to help the evalua-tion of di�erent reverse engineering tools. These tools are potential sources of codingobjects (like design patterns, code clones and anti-patterns), whose relationship withmaintainability is to be studied, hence their accuracy is of major concern. After, webrie�y introduced other possible applications of measuring maintainability like reveal-ing its correlation with the clusterization of a program and the e�ect of di�erent versioncontrol operations on the sizes of maintainability changes.

Contributions. The new results presented in this chapter in which the main contri-bution was the author's are as follows:

• The statistical methods for analyzing the bug localization capability of the drill-down approach, execution of the statistical methods, evaluating and visualizingthe results (Section 5.1).

• Empirical validation of the cost model, implementing prototype tools supportingthe validation, analyzing and evaluating validation results (Section 5.2.2).


Chapter 5. Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

• Developing the approach for revealing the connection between design patternutilization and maintainability of a software system, analyzing the subsequentrevisions of JHotDraw, evaluating the empirical results and drawing conclusions(Section 5.3.1).

• Analyzing the systems in the di�erent design pattern benchmarks, performinga correlation analysis, evaluating the empirical results and drawing conclusions(Section 5.3.2).

• Implementation and presentation of BEFRIEND, a generalization of the DEE-BEE design pattern benchmark; development of domain handling, general eval-uation criteria, and plug-in based upload mechanism (Section 5.3.3).


�Simplicity is hard to build, easy to use, and hard

to charge for. Complexity is easy to build, hard to

use, and easy to charge for.�

� Chris Sacca


Because it has a direct impact on the risks and costs of operating and changing a sys-tem, software maintainability is receiving increasing attention both from the researchcommunity and industry. As maintainability is considered to be an important factorof software quality in general [49, 50], and it is directly related to the source code of asystem, most of the studies target the modeling of maintainability instead of the fullspectrum of quality including usability, functionality, portability and other aspects.Despite the acknowledged importance of maintainability, the software industry still of-ten neglects investing any extra e�ort in preventing a decline in maintainability causedby software erosion.

This ignorance about maintainability mostly comes from the fact that managersare unaware of the overall quality of their system and �nd no justi�cation for spendingresources on improving it. One of the problems is that measuring source code proper-ties with static analysis tools produces a huge amount of data (i.e. from source codemetrics) that is hard to interpret and requires deep technical knowledge, especially inthe light of the fact that software quality is itself a subjective concept. As strategicdecisions are often made by managers and other non-technical personnel in higher po-sitions, it is a great challenge to provide a high level, meaningful and easy-to-interpretmeasure of maintainability for them to aid understanding and realizing its return oninvestment in the mid- to long-term. However, we must not forget that maintainabil-ity models and measures should also provide lower-level technical information for thedevelopers who will eventually perform maintenance tasks, so they should be able totake direct steps to increase maintainability. Moreover, to underline the importanceof maintainability for the industrial stakeholders, researchers must support the claimsabout the importance of maintainability with concrete, empirical evidence, since with-out a proven return on investment, business-oriented parties will never sacri�ce goodmoney for the sake of higher quality.

In this thesis, we summarized the results of the research work of over 6 years in thearea of software product quality modeling and its applications in software evolution.The contributions are grouped into three major thesis points. First, we examinedthe current practical approaches of software maintainability modeling and proposed a


Chapter 6. Conclusions

novel probabilistic approach that eliminates most of the shortcomings of the existingapproaches by taking the subjective opinions of experts into account and by applyinga benchmark of other systems as the baseline of maintainability assessment. Theseresults could be of great help for managers and other non-technical personnel to get anoverall picture of the maintainability of their system. Based on the prototype modelfor Java, we established a C# maintainability model that was successfully applied inan industrial environment. The model results re�ected the expert opinions to a greatextent. To help apply the new research results in practice, we also provided a fullimplementation of our approach that can be downloaded.

To provide lower-level technical information to developers who wish to improve themaintainability of a system based on the model results, we introduced a so-called drill-down approach with which maintainability measures can be derived for each individualsource code element, and not just for the system as a whole. With this measure onecan pinpoint those problematic source code elements that should be corrected quicklyin order to achieve a substantial increase in system-level maintainability. Moreover,this low-level information can help in identifying fault-prone hot-spots, focusing testinge�orts and guiding code reviews. Besides the theoretical results, we presented practicalapplications of the proposed maintainability measures in software evolution. With thehelp of empirical case studies, we demonstrated that the maintainability measure ofclasses is a good indicator of fault-proneness. We also introduced a cost model that isbased on the maintainability changes of a system and it is able to predict the e�ortrequired for future developments.

Next, we presented case studies where we analyzed the relationship between main-tainability and design pattern utilization in the source code because applying designpatterns is thought to be a good coding practice for attaining high maintainability. Wefound that design pattern density and technical quality of the source code are indeedclosely related. These �ndings are only the �rst step towards empirically investigat-ing the common belief concerning the e�ect of di�erent coding practices (e.g. designpatterns, anti-patterns and refactoring) on software maintainability that is needed toconvince the industrial stakeholders on a return on investment in maintainability. Toencourage further research in this area by the community, we also proposed to makeuse of our general benchmark called BEFRIEND to aid the evaluation of di�erent re-verse engineering tools and publish our results. These tools may help in automaticallyextracting coding objects (e.g. coding rule violations, code clones and anti-patterns),whose e�ect on software maintainability we wish to study, hence their accuracy is ofgreat concern to us.

Despite the results of many years of research, there is still work left to do in thefuture. Similar to the analysis of design pattern utilization, we plan to empiricallyinvestigate the e�ect of other coding practices on software maintainability. For this, asu�ciently large amount of data should be collected with the help of BEFRIEND andother benchmarks.

Other re�nements of the proposed quality measurement approaches are also planned,such as extending the system-level measurement capability with process metrics andtaking other quality aspects like functionality and usability into account. There arealso other programming languages for which a maintainability model ought to be elab-orated. We plan to introduce the C++ version of the quality model in the near future.Lastly, we are continually looking for other possible applications of the proposed modelsto support an increasing number of software evolution tasks.



ASummary in English

The growing dependence on software systems (e.g. �ight control systems and softwaresystems in nuclear facilities) has helped to make the areas of software quality andreliability vital for research. Unfortunately, software quality is such a complex andsubjective concept that systematically exploring and modeling it is quite hard.

In this thesis, we focus on the maintainability aspect of software quality. Accordingto the de�nition of the ISO/IEC 9126 standard [49] (superseded by ISO/IEC 25010[50]) for software quality, maintainability is �the capability of the software productto be modi�ed". Based on this de�nition it is clear that maintainability has a closeconnection with the cost of altering the behavior of a software system and it is closelyrelated to the source code of the system. As such, it is a good indicator of �softwarehealth� (software integrity) and it is also related to the probability of introducing errorsinto the source code; so we can think of it as the technical quality of a software system.Hence maintainability has become a central issue in the modern software industry,and lots of recommendations and counter proposals exist on how to write or modifyprograms to achieve better maintainability (e.g. design patterns [67], anti-patterns [1]and refactoring techniques [39]).

Nevertheless, in the software industry maintainability is often overshadowed by fea-ture developments (adding functionality), whose business value is more evident � atleast in the short term. Because applying techniques that improve the maintainabilityof the code or avoid structures that degrade systems has an additional cost withouthaving a short-term �nancial bene�t, they are often neglected by the business stake-holders. By better understanding the relation between di�erent coding practices andmaintainability (and its e�ect on the long-term development cost), it should be possibleto show a return on investments by applying these techniques and making them moreappealing to the business stakeholders as well. In addition, we should (i) ensure thatsoftware developers who will perform the maintenance tasks get su�ciently technical,low-level guidelines on how to e�ectively improve the overall maintainability of a sys-tem; (ii) demonstrate that the extra e�ort they put into increasing maintainability hasa noticeable, bene�cial e�ect (e.g. they have fewer bugs after the software release orthey can perform developments in the future quicker).


Chapter A. Summary in English

We will focus on solving the problems outlined above by making use of the resultspresented in the dissertation; namely by

• Providing a high-level measure for maintainability that eliminates most of theshortcomings of the existing solutions like the lack of an objective baseline forquality assessment and lack of support of languages other than Java; and itgives valuable information even to those who have no technical knowledge (e.g.managers).

• Elaborating methods in order to get useful low-level information on maintain-ability at the source-code element level, which can be used to improve the overallsystem maintainability or help technical persons perform di�erent software evo-lution tasks like focusing on testing e�orts, guiding code reviews and estimatingdevelopment costs.

• Performing empirical case studies to learn the concrete connection between codingpractices (like design patterns) and software maintainability, aided by a generalbenchmark for reverse engineering tools.

System-Level Maintainability Modeling

According to our survey [103], the currently available practical software maintainabil-ity models that adapt one of the above software product quality standards su�er fromshortcomings or an oversimpli�cation of measuring software quality. As an improve-ment on the state-of-the-art methods of this area, we present our probabilistic approachfor measuring software quality. It is able to handle the subjective notion of quality byinvolving expert weights and a reference database (i.e. benchmark) in the quality as-sessment. Similar to others, we also based our approach on the ISO/IEC standards(ISO/IEC 9126 and its successor ISO/IEC 25010) of software product quality. In-stead of just providing a simple �gure that expresses the high-level maintainability ofa system, the approach approximates maintainability by a probabilistic function thatinterprets human opinions of quality and places the maintainability of the subject sys-tem into a particular context by using a large number of sample systems taken fromthe real world. The method was validated by a prototype Java model that showeda Pearson correlation of 0.53 and a 0.77 with the expert ratings on two systems. Inaddition, the general tendencies in the maintainability value calculated by the modelre�ected our expectations; e.g. we observed a sharp drop in the maintainability rightafter new members joined the development team; and a clear improvement occurred inthe maintainability after an intentional refactoring phase.

We also present a model for C# that �lls a gap in the current software industryas most of the existing models just support Java language (or treat all object-orientedlanguages in the same way). The C# model was successfully applied in an industrialsetting where a company producing a large number of C# components addressed theproblem of comparing the high-level quality of their components. As a validationof our approach, we asked the developers of some components to manually evaluatethe maintainability of their source code. A correlation of 0.92 was found betweenthe calculated maintainability and the expert assessments on some components of theindustrial system.


Chapter A. Summary in English

After a prototype implementation of the Java model, and successful application ofthe C# model in an industrial setting, we also provided a full implementation of theapproach in collaboration with FrontEndART Ltd. and created a tool called Quality-Gate SourceAudit to help make the new method easier to apply. This tool is now ano�cial commercial product of FrontEndART Ltd., which demonstrates the usefulnessof our new method.

Source Code Element Level Maintainability Modeling

Apart from system-level measures, �ner-grained information on the high-level qualityattributes is also desirable, which means that quality models should provide softwarequality measures for individual source code elements like classes and methods. This�ne-grained information can be used directly in technical improvements of a softwaresystem. One of the common weaknesses of the existing approaches is that they donot provide such low-level information (or simply list the elements according to aparticular source code property), hence the issue of how we should improve the overallmaintainability is not at all clear.

First, we present case studies whose aim is to empirically investigate whether theprediction of subjective human quality assessment is feasible at the method level. Basedon several hundred methods evaluated by students and IT experts and a number ofmachine learning models built to predict the human evaluations, we concluded thatpredicting maintainability at the method level was possible, but it is not that straight-forward. The best prediction results were provided by regression-based techniques, thebest regression model trained on our evaluation data predicting Maintainability witha correlation of 0.72 and mean average error of 0.83. This is why we turned our at-tention to relative maintainability assessment instead of trying to precisely classify themaintainability of methods.

Based on the lessons learned from the case studies, we present a so-called drill-downapproach. This algorithm proved to be e�cient in ordering the source code elements ofa system based on their relative maintainability index derived from the original system-level maintainability value. With the help of this ordering we were able to discoverthe most problematic methods of a system, whose ordering also correlated with theopinion of human evaluators. Based on the data collected in these case studies, themodel-based ordering of methods had a Spearman correlation of 0.68 with the humanvotes for the JEdit system.

Applications of the Proposed Quality Models

We also describe possible applications of the proposed system- and source code element-level quality measurements in software evolution. First, we show how the relativemaintainability index of source code classes can be used to separate fault-prone classesfrom non-fault-prone classes to a high degree of probability. This method aids softwareevolution by providing a strategy that helps one focus testing and code review e�orton a smaller portion of the source code that is likely to contain the most bugs. Ourcase study showed that approximately 30% of the total classes in the system containedover 70% of the total bugs, following the well-known Pareto principle [82].

We also present a cost model that is able to predict future development cost based


Chapter A. Summary in English

on the relationship that we discovered between maintainability and development e�ort.Using some simple assumptions and adopting the concept of entropy from thermody-namics, we were able to show that the maintainability of a system decreases exponen-tially with the invested development e�ort if intentional code improvement actions arenot performed. The validation of the approach on several open source systems andindustrial systems demonstrated that the model produced accurate results.

Another area where we can apply maintainability modeling is in the evaluation ofthe e�ect of di�erent coding and design practices (like design patterns, anti-patternsand refactoring) on the overall maintainability of a system. As a �rst step, usingour model as an absolute and direct measure of maintainability we analyzed the re-lation between the utilization of design patterns in the source code and system-levelmaintainability. According to two case studies, the common belief that design pat-terns improved the long-term maintainability of a software seems to be justi�ed. Wefound a strong positive correlation between the design pattern density and high-levelmaintainability of several di�erent open source systems. Moreover, we also manuallyanalyzed the changes in the source code repository where new design patterns wereintroduced. All these modi�cations led to an increase in the di�erent maintainabilitysub-characteristics de�ned by the ISO/IEC 9126 standard.

To encourage further research in this area by the community, we also propose tomake use of our general benchmark (following the concept of design pattern bench-marks) called BEFRIEND to help the evaluation of di�erent reverse engineering toolsand publish our results. These tools may help in automatically extracting coding ob-jects (e.g. design patterns, code clones and anti-patterns), whose e�ect on softwaremaintainability we would like to study, hence their accuracy is of major concern. Wehope that BEFRIEND can serve as a reliable repository of such coding objects andthat we can focus our research e�orts on examining the relationship between theseobjects and maintainability.

Lastly, we brie�y introduced other possible applications of measuring maintainabil-ity like discovering the correlation between the clusterization measure of a programand its maintainability attributes, or learning the e�ect of di�erent version controloperations on the size of the maintainability changes.


BMagyar nyelv¶ összefoglaló

A napjainkra jellemz® szoftverrendszerekt®l való egyre nagyobb függés (gondoljunkcsak a repülés irányító szoftverekre vagy nukleáris létesítmények vezérl® rendszereire)megkerülhetetlen kutatási területté tette a szoftverek min®ségének és megbízhatóságá-nak elemzését. Sajnos a szoftverek min®sége olyan összetett fogalom, amelynek teljesfeltérképezése és modellezése nagyon nehéz feladat.

Jelen munka a szoftverek min®ségének egyik aspektusára, a karbantarthatóságraösszpontosít. Az ISO/IEC 9126 szoftvermin®ség szabvány [49] (utódja az ISO/IEC25010 [50]) de�níciója szerint a karbantarthatóság a �szoftverrendszer azon képessége,hogy milyen könny¶ azt módosítani�. A de�níció alapján máris világossá válik, hogy akarbantarthatóság közvetlen kapcsolatban áll a rendszer m¶ködésének megváltoztatá-sához szükséges költségekkel, és hogy szorosan kapcsolódik a rendszer forráskódjához.Mint ilyen, a karbantarthatóság a �szoftver egészségének� (integritásának) egy jó mu-tatója lehet, ráadásul szoros összefüggésben áll a hibák rendszer forráskódjába történ®bekerülésének valószín¶ségével, azaz tekinthetünk rá úgy is, mint a szoftver m¶szakimin®ségére. Ezáltal a karbantarthatóság a modern szoftveripar egyik központi elemévévált, és számos javaslat és ellenjavallat született azzal kapcsolatban, hogy hogyan írjunkjól karbantartható rendszereket (például a tervezési minták [67] vagy refaktoring [39]alkalmazása, vagy a tervezési ellenminták [1] elkerülése).

Mindazonáltal jelenleg a szoftveriparban a karbantarthatóságot sokszor háttérbeszorítja az új funkciók fejlesztése, amelyek üzleti értéke sokkal nyilvánvalóbb, legalábbisrövid távon. Mivel a karbantarthatóság fenntartása a megfelel® irányelvek követésével,illetve a nem javasolt konstrukciók elkerülésével szintén er®forrást igényelnek, ám nemhoznak rövid távon külön bevételt, így az üzleti szerepl®k hajlamosak azt �gyelmenkívül hagyni. A karbantarthatóság mibenlétének mélyebb megértése által, illetve akülönböz® kódolási gyakorlatokhoz és a hosszú távú fejlesztési költségekhez való viszo-nyának feltárásával rávilágíthatunk a karbantarthatóság fenntartásának megtérülésére,ami az üzleti felek számára is sokkal vonzóbbá teheti azt. Az üzleti szerepl®k meggy®-zése mellett azonban az is nagyon fontos, hogy (i) a fejleszt®k, akik végül elvégzik akonkrét programozási feladatokat megkapjanak minden szükséges alacsony szint¶ in-formációt ahhoz, hogy a rendszerek karbantarthatóságát ténylegesen javítani tudják;


Chapter B. Magyar nyelv¶ összefoglaló

illetve (ii) megbizonyosodjanak arról, hogy a karbantarthatóság javítására tett er®fe-szítéseiknek valóban van hasznuk (például a rendszerben kevesebb kiadás utáni hibakeletkezik, vagy a jöv®beni fejlesztéseket sokkal kisebb ráfordítással tudják elvégezni).

A doktori munkában közölt alábbi eredmények nyújthatnak segítséget a fentiekbenvázolt problémák megoldásához:

• Megalkottunk egy magas szint¶ karbantarthatósági mutatót, amely kiküszöbölia jelenleg létez® karbantarthatóságot modellez® megoldások jelent®s hátrányait(mint például a min®sítés alapjául szolgáló viszonyítási rendszerek hiányát, vagya Java nyelven túl más nyelvek támogatását), és értékes információval szolgál atechnikai tudással nem rendelkez® személyek számára is, mint például a mene-dzserek.

• Kidolgoztunk egy módszert, amely segítségével olyan komplex mér®számokat ad-hatunk az egyes forráskód elemekhez, amelyek alapján a szoftverfejleszt®k közvet-lenül el tudják kezdeni a teljes rendszer karbantarthatóságának javítását. Ezenfelül a kidolgozott karbantarthatósági mutató jól hasznosítható a szoftverevo-lúció során felmerül® feladatok elvégzésekor is, például a tesztelési er®forrásokösszpontosítására, a kód átvizsgálások célpontjainak kiválasztására vagy a jöv®-beni fejlesztések költségeinek becslésére.

• Esettanulmányokat végeztünk annak felderítésére, hogy az egyes kódolási gya-korlatok, mint például a tervezési minták alkalmazása milyen hatással vannak akarbantarthatóságra, a további empirikus vizsgálatok támogatására pedig javasol-tuk egy általános benchmark-unk használatát a különböz® visszatervez® eszközökkiértékelésének megkönnyítésére.

Rendszer szint¶ karbantarthatóság modellezése

Egy általunk végzett felmérés szerint [103] a legtöbb létez®, gyakorlatban is használtszoftver karbantarthatósági modellnek, amely a korábbiakban említett min®ségi szab-ványok valamelyikén alapul van valamilyen hiányossága, vagy csak túlságosan leegysze-r¶síti a min®ség mérését, amely így nem hordozza magában a kell® információt. A kar-bantarthatóság modellezésének területén eddig elért eredmények továbbfejlesztésekéntbemutatunk egy olyan valószín¶ség számításon alapuló szoftver min®ség mér® mód-szert, amely képes kezelni a min®ség szubjektív de�níciójából adódó bizonytalanságotszakemberek véleményének bevonásával, és egy viszonyítási alapul szolgáló adatbázis(úgynevezett benchmark) felhasználásával. A többiekhez hasonlóan mi is a szoftver-min®ség modellezés etalonjának számító ISO/IEC szabványokból (ISO/IEC 9126 ésutódja az ISO/IEC 25010) indultunk ki. A módszerrel ahelyett, hogy egyetlen szám-szer¶ értékkel próbálnánk a rendszerek karbantarthatóságát kifejezni, egy valószín¶ségieloszlás függvénnyel közelítjük annak értékét, amely magában foglalja az egyes szakér-t®i véleményeket a szoftver min®ségr®l, és a karbantarthatóság értékét a valós világbólvett nagyszámú egyéb rendszerrel történ® összehasonlítás által értelmezzük. A validá-lás elvégzéséhez elkészítettünk egy prototípus modellt Java nyelvre, amellyel végzettmérési eredmények 0,53 és 0,77-es Pearson korrelációs értéket mutattak a szakért®i ki-értékelésekkel két vizsgált rendszeren. Ezen felül azt is megvizsgáltuk, hogy a modelláltal számolt karbantarthatóság alakulása hogyan tükrözi a szoftverfejlesztés külön-böz® fázisait, például a fejleszt®i csapat új emberekkel történ® b®vülésével egyid®ben


Chapter B. Magyar nyelv¶ összefoglaló

egy észrevehet® esés következett be a karbantarthatóságban, valamint egy határozottmin®ségi ugrást �gyeltünk meg abban az id®szakban, amikor a projekten belül egyjelent®sebb szerkezeti átszervezés (refaktoring) történt.

A dolgozatban szintén bemutatásra kerül egy C# nyelvre kidolgozott karbantartha-tósági modell, amely a szoftveripar ezen területén jelentkez® ¶rt próbálja meg betölteni,hiszen a legtöbb jelenlegi megoldás a Java nyelvet támogatja csak (vagy egyszer¶en min-den objektum orientált nyelvet egyformán kezel). A C# modellt sikeresen alkalmaztukipari környezetben, ahol a feladat egy cég által fejlesztett nagyszámú C# komponensmin®ségének magas szint¶ kiértékelése és összehasonlítása volt. A modellünkkel vég-zett min®sítés validálásaként megkértük néhány komponens fejleszt®it, hogy kézzel isértékeljék ki az általuk fejlesztett programok min®ségét. A fejleszt®i vélemények, ésa modell által számított értékek között 0,92-es korrelációt találtunk, ami rendkívülmagas értéknek számít.

Miután bemutattuk az új módszerünket a Java modell segítségével, és sikeresenalkalmaztuk a C# modellt ipari környezetben, a FrontEndART Kft. munkatársaivalközösen elkészítettük a min®sít® algoritmus teljes kör¶ implementációját, amelynekeredményeként létrejött a QualityGate SourceAudit nev¶ min®ség monitorozó eszköz,mellyel megkönnyítettük a módszerünk gyakorlati alkalmazását.

Forráskód elemek karbantarthatóságának modellezése

A rendszer szint¶ mér®szám mellett részletesebb információra is szükségünk van azabsztrakt min®ségi jellemz®ket illet®en, azaz egy min®ségi modellt®l elvárás az is, hogya rendszerben található forráskód elemek (például osztályok vagy metódusok) szintjénis szolgáltasson min®ségi mér®számokat. Ez a sokkal részletesebb információ közvet-lenül felhasználható a szoftverek min®ségének javításához. A jelenlegi megközelítésekegyik leggyakoribb hiányossága, hogy nem nyújtanak hasonló alacsony szint¶ infor-mációt (vagy egyszer¶en csak felsorolják a forráskód elemeket azok valamely egyszer¶tulajdonsága alapján), így pusztán a rendszer szint¶ min®ségi érték alapján nem egy-értelm¶, hogy a rendszer mely pontján, és milyen jelleg¶ módosítások szükségesek amin®ség javításához.

A dolgozatban bemutatunk több esettanulmányt is, amelyek els®dleges célja, hogyfelderítsék mennyire kivitelezhet® a min®ségi jellemz®k szubjektív emberi megítélésé-nek automatikus el®rejelzése a forráskód metódusok szintjén. A hallgatók és infor-matikai szakemberek által kiértékelt néhány száz metódust felhasználó gépi tanulásimódszerekkel épített modellek eredményei alapján kijelenthetjük, hogy bár a metódusszint¶ karbantarthatóság el®rejelzése lehetséges, ám ez a feladat közel sem triviális. Alegjobb eredményeket a regresszió alapú technikák nyújtották, az emberi kiértékelé-sek eredményein betanított legjobb regressziós modell 0,72-es korrelációval és 0,83-asátlagos hibával közelítette a Karbantarthatóságot. A �gyelmünket ezen eredmények fé-nyében a relatív karbantarthatóság felé fordítottuk ahelyett, hogy megpróbáltuk volnaa metódusok karbantarthatóságát abszolút kategóriákba besorolni.

Az esettanulmányok tapasztalatait összegy¶jtve, kidolgozásra került egy úgyneve-zett drill-down módszer. Ez az algoritmus nagyon hatékonynak bizonyult a forrás-kód elemek karbantarthatóságuk alapján történ® sorba rendezésében, amit egy rela-tív karbantarthatósági mutató kiszámításával valósítottunk meg, mely mutató a rend-szer szint¶ értékb®l származtatható. Ezzel a fajta sorba rendezéssel képesek vagyunkegy rendszer karbantarthatóság szempontjából legkritikusabb elemeinek felderítésére.


Chapter B. Magyar nyelv¶ összefoglaló

A korábbi esettanulmányok adatait felhasználva azt is megállapítottuk, hogy a sorbarendezés nagymértékben megegyezik az emberek véleményéb®l összeállított rangsorral.Egészen pontosan a modellünk által adott rangsor, és az emberi vélemények alapjánkialakult rangsor 0,68-as Spearman korrelációt mutatott a jEdit rendszeren, azaz a kétsorrend nagymértékben fedte egymást.

A kidolgozott módszerek alkalmazásai

A doktori munkában bemutatásra kerülnek a rendszer és forráskód elemek min®ségimérésének szoftverevolúció során történ® lehetséges alkalmazási módjai is. Els®kéntismertetjük, hogy hogyan használható fel a drill-down módszerrel kiszámított relatívkarbantarthatósági mutató a hibára hajlamos osztályok nagy valószín¶séggel történ®elkülönítéséhez a hibára nem hajlamos osztályoktól. A módszer támogatást nyújthata szoftverevolúció során például azáltal, hogy segít a forráskód egy olyan kisebb ré-szére összpontosítani a tesztelési er®forrásokat, amelyek nagy valószín¶séggel a legtöbbhibát tartalmazzák. Esettanulmányunk azt mutatja, hogy átlagosan az osztályok kar-bantarthatóság szempontjából legrosszabb 30%-a tartalmazza az összes program hibatöbb, mint 70%-át, nagyjából megfelelve ezzel a közismert Pareto-elvnek [82].

Bevezetünk egy költségbecsl® modellt is, mely a karbantarthatóság és fejlesztésiköltségek között feltárt kapcsolat segítségével képes a jöv®beni fejlesztések er®forrás-igényének el®rejelzésére. A módszer a termodinamikából átvett két egyszer¶ feltéte-lezésen alapul, amelyekb®l néhány lépésben levezethet®, hogy a fejlesztési költségekexponenciális kapcsolatban állnak a rendszer karbantarthatóságával (azaz amennyibenegy rendszeren pusztán funkcionális fejlesztéseket hajtunk végre, annak karbantart-hatósága exponenciális mértékben fog csökkenni). A néhány nyílt forrású és iparirendszeren végzett kísérlet azt mutatja, hogy a modell nagy pontossággal jelzi el®re atényleges fejlesztési költségeket.

A karbantarthatóság mérésének egy másik lehetséges felhasználási területe a kódo-lási és tervezési elvek (mint például a tervezési minták, ellenminták vagy refaktorá-lás) alkalmazásának rendszer szint¶ min®ségre gyakorolt hatásainak felderítése. Ezenösszefüggések felderítésének els® lépéseként, modellünk eredményeit a karbantartható-ság közvetlen és abszolút mértékeként használva, empirikus úton vizsgáltuk a kódbanfellelhet® tervezési minták gyakoriságának a rendszer karbantarthatóságára gyakorolthatását. Két esettanulmány eredményeit elemezve meger®sítést látszik nyerni az azáltalános nézet, miszerint a tervezési minták intenzív használata növeli a hosszú távúkarbantarthatóságot. Er®s, pozitív korrelációt találtunk a kódban lév® tervezési min-ták s¶r¶sége, és a rendszer szint¶ karbantarthatóság között különböz® nyílt forráskódúprogramokat elemezve. Ráadásul kézzel is megvizsgáltunk minden olyan módosításta forráskódban, amely új tervezési minta bevezetését tartalmazta, és minden egyesilyen esetben növekedést �gyeltünk meg az ISO/IEC 9126-os szabvány által de�niáltkarbantarthatósági jellemz®k modell által számított értékében is.

Bemutatunk továbbá egy, a terület további kutatását segít® általános benchmarkot(a tervezési minták benchmarkjainak mintájára) BEFRIEND néven, amellyel kényel-mesen kiértékelhet®k a különböz® visszatervez® eszközök. Ezen eszközök segítségévelolyan különböz® programbeli struktúrák (mint például a tervezési minták, kód má-solatok vagy ellenminták) fedezhet®k fel automatikusan, amelyek karbantarthatóság-ra gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálatát el szeretnénk végezni, így az automatikus kinyer®eszközök találati pontossága központi kérdés. Reményeink szerint a BEFRIEND egy


Magyar nyelv¶ összefoglaló

megbízható tárhelye lesz a fent említett programbeli struktúra példányoknak, és ezál-tal a kutatási er®forrásokat ezen példányok karbantarthatóságra gyakorolt hatásánakvizsgálatára fordíthatjuk a struktúrák felderítése helyett.

A karbantarthatóság mérés alkalmazásait bemutató rész zárásaként megemlítünknéhány egyéb lehetséges területet, amely pro�tálhat a bevezetett modellekb®l, mint pél-dául a rendszerek klaszterezettségének karbantarthatóságra gyakorolt hatásának vizs-gálata, vagy az egyes verziókövet® m¶veletek által okozott karbantarthatósági változásmértékének meghatározása.



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Corresponding Publications of the Author

[100] Tibor Bakota, Péter Heged¶s, Péter Körtvélyesi, Rudolf Ferenc, and Tibor Gy-imóthy. A Probabilistic Software Quality Model. In Proceedings of the 27th IEEEInternational Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2011), pages 368�377,Williamsburg, VA, USA, 2011. IEEE Computer Society.

[101] Péter Heged¶s. A Probabilistic Quality Model for C# � an Industrial Case Study.Acta Cybernetica, 21(1):135�147, 2013.

[102] Tibor Bakota, Péter Heged¶s, István Siket, Gergely Ladányi, and Rudolf Ferenc.QualityGate SourceAudit: a Tool for Assessing the Technical Quality of Software.In 2014 Software Evolution Week-IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance,Reengineering and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE), pages 440�445. IEEE,2014.



[103] Rudolf Ferenc, Péter Heged¶s, and Tibor Gyimóthy. Software Product Qual-ity Models. In Tom Mens, Alexander Serebrenik, and Anthony Cleve, editors,Evolving Software Systems, pages 65�100. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

[104] Péter Heged¶s, Tibor Bakota, Gergely Ladányi, Csaba Faragó, and Rudolf Fer-enc. A Drill-Down Approach for Measuring Maintainability at Source Code Ele-ment Level. Electronic Communications of the EASST, 60:1�21, 2013.

[105] Péter Heged¶s, Tibor Bakota, László Illés, Gergely Ladányi, Rudolf Ferenc, andTibor Gyimóthy. Source Code Metrics and Maintainability: a Case Study. InProceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Advanced Software Engi-neering & Its Applications (ASEA 2011), pages 272�284. Springer-Verlag CCIS,2011.

[106] Péter Heged¶s, Gergely Ladányi, István Siket, and Rudolf Ferenc. Towards Build-ing Method Level Maintainability Models Based on Expert Evaluations. In Com-puter Applications for Software Engineering, Disaster Recovery, and BusinessContinuity, pages 146�154. Springer, 2012.

[107] Péter Heged¶s, Dénes Bán, Rudolf Ferenc, and Tibor Gyimóthy. Myth or Re-ality? Analyzing the E�ect of Design Patterns on Software Maintainability. InProceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Software Engi-neering & Its Applications (ASEA 2012), pages 138�145. Springer-Verlag CCIS,2012.

[108] Tibor Bakota, Péter Heged¶s, Gergely Ladányi, Péter Körtvélyesi, Rudolf Ferenc,and Tibor Gyimóthy. A Cost Model Based on Software Maintainability. InProceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance(ICSM 2012), pages 316�325, 2012.

[109] Gergely Ladányi, Péter Heged¶s, Rudolf Ferenc, István Siket, and Tibor Gy-imóthy. The Connection of the Bug Density and Maintainability of Classes. In8th International Workshop on Software Quality and Maintainability, SQM, 2014(presentation only).

[110] Lajos Jen® Fülöp, Árpád Ilia, Ádám Zoltán Végh, Péter Heged¶s, and RudolfFerenc. Comparing and Evaluating Design Pattern Miner Tools. ANNALES UNI-VERSITATIS SCIENTIARUM DE ROLANDO EÖTVÖS NOMINATAE SectioComputatorica, XXXI:167�184, 2009.

[111] Lajos Jen® Fülöp, Péter Heged¶s, and Rudolf Ferenc. BEFRIEND � a Bench-mark for Evaluating Reverse Engineering Tools. Periodica Polytechnica ElectricalEngineering, 52(3-4):153�162, 2008.

[112] Béla Csaba, Lajos Schrettner, Árpád Beszédes, Judit Jász, Péter Heged¶s, andTibor Gyimóthy. Relating Clusterization Measures and Software Quality. InProceedings of the 2013 17th European Conference on Software Maintenance andReengineering (CSMR), pages 345�348. IEEE, 2013.

[113] Csaba Faragó, Péter Heged¶s, Ádám Zoltán Végh, and Rudolf Ferenc. Con-nection Between Version Control Operations and Quality Change of the SourceCode. Acta Cybernetica, accepted, to appear, 2014.



[114] Günter Kniesel, Alexander Binun, Péter Heged¶s, Lajos Jen® Fülöp, AlexanderChatzigeorgiou, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, and Nikolaos Tsantalis. A Common Ex-change Format for Design Pattern Detection Tools. Technical report, Universityof Bonn, 2009. IAI-TR-2009-03.

[115] Günter Kniesel, Alexander Binun, Péter Heged¶s, Lajos Jen® Fülöp, AlexanderChatzigeorgiou, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, and Nikolaos Tsantalis. DPDX � A Com-mon Exchange Format for Design Pattern Detection Tools. In Proceedings of the14th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR2010), pages 232�235, March 2010.

[116] Gabriella Tóth, Péter Heged¶s, Judit Jász, Árpád Beszédes, and Tibor Gyimóthy.Comparison of Di�erent Impact Analysis Methods and Programmer's Opinion� an Empirical Study. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference onthe Principles and Practice of Programming in Java (PPPJ'10), pages 109�118.ACM, September 2010.


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