adr fisheries infrastructure(1)

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  • 8/2/2019 ADR Fisheries Infrastructure(1)


    ADR Aceh Barat 5/06 PPI and Facilities Page 1

    ETESP Fisheries





    PPI, Ujong Drien, Johan Palawan, Aceh Barat

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    C O N T E N T SPage

    A. Introduction, Background and Existing Situation 3 1. Introduction 3 2. Objectives and Scope 3 3. Fisheries Activity 3 4. Fisheries Infrastructure 4 5. Village and Fishery Organization 5 6. Consultation 6

    B. Sub Project Description 6 1. Project Location Map 6 2. Physical Work and Technical Design 6 3. Options 7 4. Bill of Quantity (BoQ) 8 5. Budget 8 6. Environmental Assessment 8 7. Social Assessment 8

    C. Implementation Arrangements 8 1. Project Implementation Unit 8 2. Detailed Implementation Mechanisms and Schedule 8 3. Procurement, Tendering and Award of Contracts 9 4. Construction Supervision 10 5. Payment 10 6. Legal Aspects 11 7. Management of Mini PPI 11 8. Accounting and Auditing 1 9. Monitoring and Reporting 11

    List of TablesTable 1 Aceh Barat fishing fleet, 2004 3 Table 2 Current and expected fishing fleet 4 Table 3 Fisheries infrastructure planned by ETESP and other agencies 5 Table 4 Panglima Laot and government officers 5

    Annex 1: Mini-PPI, Arongan Lambalek Annex 2: PPI facilities Meureubo Annex 3: PPI facilities Johan Pahlawan Annex 4. Site plans for three PPI locations Annex 5. Rapid environmental assessment

    Figure 1 Subdistricts of Aceh BaratCode Kecamatan

    050 Johan Pahlawan060 Samatiga061 Bubon

    062 Arongan Lambalek 070 Woyla071 Woyla Barat072 Woyla Timur080 Kaway Xvi081 Meureubo082 Pantai Ceuremen090 Sungai Mas

    Source: MapFrame












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    A. Introduction, Background and Existing Situation

    1. Introduction

    In terms of restoring livelihoods to the fisheries community, a range of facilities are beingsupported through ETESP Fisheries. The facilities that are needed could be fuel stations, iceplants, fish landing places, fish marketing halls, fisher meeting rooms, offices and other facilities required by fishers and input suppliers.

    2. Objectives and Scope

    This activity will construct Mini PPI facilities and a jetty to assist in supporting and servicingthe fishing fleet and in marketing its catch at Meureubo and Johan Pahlawan in Aceh BaratDistrict. In ADR6, a fuel depot (SPDN) is also proposed for Johan Pahlawan. It is expectedthat around 100 vessels will benefit from the activity with around 300 fishers in Meureuboand 150 vessels and 450 fishers in Ujong Baroh.

    Mini PPI at Peuribu, Arongan Lambalek N 04 17.473 E 095 58.768PPI facilities, Ujong Baroh, Johan Palawan N 04 08.517 E 096 07.908

    PPI facilities, Ujong Drien, MeureuboN 04 08.813 E 096 08.928

    3. Fisheries Activity

    The fleet recorded by DKP in 2004 for Aceh Barat district is as shown in Table1, as follows:

    Table 1 Aceh Barat fishing fleet, 2004

    Kecamatan Jaringinsang


    Pancing Rawai tuna Pukat KantongBagnet

    gillnet Purse seine Handline Tuna longline Lampara Other Johan Pahlawan 264 4 150 16Sama Tiga 129 0 80 10 0 0

    Arongan Lambalek 27 0 20 0 0 0Meureubo 92 0 50 13 2 0

    Total 512 4 300 39 2 0Source: DKP Aceh Barat

    Based on average crew numbers per vessel, the sector previously provided employment for around 2,500 fishers. Many other associated livelihoods such as victuallers, ice plants,traders, processors, transporters were dependent on the existence and success of the localfleet. Fish has long formed a significant part of the local diet and the basis of export to thecity of Medan and beyond. Past, present and expected future fishing activity in the vicinity of the planned facilities is as shown in Table 2:

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    Table 2 Current and expected fishing fleet

    Ujong Drien Ujong BarohAronganLambalek Meureubo Johan Pahlawan

    Main offshore fishing activity Gillnet Gillnet Purse seineMain inshore fishing activity Gillnet/handline Gillnet/handline Gillnet/handline

    Pre-tsunamiNumber of large vessels (>5 GT) 6 145Number of small vessels (5 GT) 6 77Number of small vessels (5 GT) 5 15 100Number of small vessels (

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    Table 3 Fisheries infrastructure planned by ETESP and other agencies

    Planned Infrastructure Agenciesconstructing

    AronganLambalek Johan Palawan Meureubo

    Fence - ETESP -

    Lighting - ETESP -

    Deep well - ETESP Mercy Corps

    Packaging shed(s) - ETESP -

    Landing place ETESP APBN Mercy Corps

    Slipway - TEAR FUND ETESP

    Jetty / Wharf ETESP APBN -

    Ice plant - - Mercy Corps

    Fish auction/market hall ETESP APBN ETESP

    Fishers meeting room TEAR FUND - ETESP

    SPDN (fuel depot) - ETESP ADR6 -

    The main reason for supporting PPI development in Arongan Lambalek is that there iscurrently no NGO or institution providing fisheries infrastructure to service the fisherslivelihoods there. Considering the number of fishers to be supported is lower at present thanin other kecamatan, the scale of infrastructure planned is smaller in dimension, and willcomprise of a timber jetty/wharf for landing place, waiting shelter for fishers and trader. For fisheries community development purposes and a small meeting hall are needed, whilst postharvest equipment will provide additional livelihoods opportunities.

    5. Village and Fishery Organization

    The Panglima Laot is the institutionalized fishers organization recognized officially by DKP.The organizations officers and current membership are listed in Table 3 below together with

    key government officers:

    Table 4 Panglima Laot and government officers

    Kecamatan/Organisation/Position Name PhoneDistrictPanglima Laut Kabupaten : T. Amin BasyahSekretaris Ir. T. Risman 0815 34044035Arongan LambalekCamat Arifin Yahya, SH 0813 60718350

    0813 60830526Sekcam Rustam, SEPanglima Laut Amirudin 0813 60272991

    - Sekretaris panglima laut Samsuri- Bendahara Panglima laut Farijal

    Panglima Lhok Cot Kumbang Hamid Ali 0813 60830504Panglima Lhok Suak Ulee Zulfitri 0852 62585562Number of members 287Kades Peuribu M. Yusuf MKepala Mukim Arongan Abu yee Itam 0815 34290276Kepala Mukim Lambalek M. IsaJohan PahlawanCamat Pjs. Tgk.Nofrizal, S.Stp 0812 6939975Sekcam Tgk. Nofrizal, S.Stp 0812 6939975Panglima Laut H.M Amin UbatNumber of members 1680Panglima Lhok Panggong Fajri Nur

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    Kecamatan/Organisation/Position Name PhonePanglima Lhok Suak Ribee YahyaPanglima Lhok Padang Seurahet M. Yunus 085260335355Kades Ujung Baroh Ibnu Umar, S.pdMeureuboCamat Moh. Djamin G, SE 0813 60530424Sekcam Idrus 0813 60049035Panglima Laut M. Husni B

    - Sekretaris panglima laut Bustami A- Bendahara Panglima laut Yusran

    Number of members 400Panglima Lhok Meurebu RuslanPanglima Lhok langung Anhar Kades Ujung Drien Zainuddin

    6. Consultation

    The consultative process commenced with a meeting in November 2005 during preparationof the District Concept Note. The ongoing consultation process is tabled below:

    Date ETSP Staff Meeting AttendedNovember 2005 ETESP Fisheries consultants Panglima laot and fishers2 February 2005 Team / PMU / Bina Swadaya Meeting with DKP, Panglima Laot and

    fishers13-15 June 2006 Consultant Team/DKP/DIU Meeting with Panglima Laot, fishers and

    NGO for PPI siting30 June-1 July 2006 SA Meeting with DKP to discuss PPIJuly 2006 onwards Bina Swadaya, PIU, SA Facilitation of community empowerment

    B. Sub Project Description

    1. Project Location Map

    A description of the three locations is provided in Annex 1 to 3, together with a number of photos of the site. Location sketch maps are included in Annex 4 relating to the facilities for development under this activity. In the case of Johan Pahlawan and Meureubo, the facilitieswill be built within existing PPI, and thus there are no issues of land ownership or transfer.No land reclamation or resettlement will be required at the sites.

    2. Physical Work and Technical Design

    Construction designs will follow standard designs which have been agreed by the geuchik(village head), Panglima laot, head of sub district and District Fisheries and Marine Dinas.Design consultants will be recruited during August 2006 to undertake the detailed design of the proposed facilities.

    The small-scale fish landing designs will prioritise basic infrastructure such as wharf, jettyand access road, as well as functional facilities such as marketing hall, water supply andsanitation and fisher meeting hall: The facilities planned for Meureubo and Johan Palawanare listed below: Design consultants will be recruited during August 2006 to undertake thedetailed design of the infrastructure and facilities. The list in this ADR is therefore tentativeand will be refined by the consultants, depending on finalized local requirements and theavailable budget.

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    1. Wharf or Jetty:Designed in reinforced concrete; the structure system will take account of river bank,bed and width to determine whether structure will be a jetty or wharf. Design criteriaare based on:

    a. SNI-2 Peraturan Beton Indonesia 1971 (Indonesian Concrete Manual)

    b. Regulation of Reinforced concrete Structure Design, Ministry of Public WorkSKSNI T-15-1991-03

    2. Access Road: Adequate access to the PPIs is required. Design of road and pavement usingstandard AASHTO Guide for design of Pavement Structures, 1993 and Road DesignSystem 5.00

    3. SlipwaySlipway construction will be undertaken in 3 stages: i) preparation work such as landclearing and measurement; ii) slipway base preparation such as earth work, stonemasonry; reinforced concrete and lorry rail work; iii) shed construction to provide all-weather protection for the slipway and consists of earth work for the foundation, stonemasonry work, floor, roof, timber work for door and window frames, power installation

    and painting. In case of limited budget, only basic slipway facilities i) and ii) will beconstructed.

    4. Fence & GateFor safety and security, the fence and gate in the case of PPI Ujung Baroh is veryimportant. The PPI buildings are close to other buildings so many people can visitthe area possibly disturbing work or removing materials. The fence made from bothmasonry and steel with height of 2 meters.

    5. Packaging PlaceThe building for post harvest packaging will be made from reinforced concrete withstone masonry foundation and cast in situ concrete floor, beams and columns. Thematerial for the walls is brick, with doors, window frames and roof trusses from timber.

    Corrugated galvanized sheeting for roof and gypsum for internal ceiling panels.Drainage work will be made for waste drains and septic tanks, separating human andfish wastes. Other works include finishing, painting, water supply and power installation.

    6. TPI/Fish Marketing HallTPI building will use reinforced concrete with stone masonry foundation. Thestructure will consist of an office and a shelter for marketing activity.

    7. Fisher Meeting HallThe meeting hall will be used as a meeting place for fishers. The building is a raisedplatform with half wall and specifications as for TPI above.

    8. Water and Sanitation

    Water supply is required to support marketing, any small scale processing andablution facilities. A well equipped with a water tank is included; the well will beremote from drains and septic tanks.

    3. Options

    The technical and locational aspects of this ADR will be carefully rechecked during detaileddesign. In particular, the Kabupaten Action Plan for Johan Pahlawan suggests that PPIdevelopment will take place at Panggong, close to the main harbour. At this location there isa TPI supported by ACTED who also planned to build a slipway although it is understood that

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    the NGO has now withdrawn. This site has not been reviewed in detail by ETESP Fisheriesstaff, but since it is open to the ocean, it may be too exposed for some periods each year.However, the respondents to the Spatial Planning and Environmental management team (of ETESP) nominated the site and it will be carefully reviewed by the DIU and by the designteam before a final decision is made. Current ETESP plans call for construction of PPIfacilities at the market site up the Krueng Meureubo (Meureubo river).

    4. Bill of Quantity (BoQ)

    Bills of quantity will be developed under the detailed design contracts.

    5. Budget

    The total cost of constructions will be funded by ETESP Fisheries on a grant basis. The 2006DIPA includes budgets of Rp500 million for each of Ujong Baroh and Johan Pahlawan, and afurther Rp600 million for Meureubo. The budget for the mini-PPI at Peuribu is Rp1 billion.

    6. Environmental Assessment

    The activities should have no significant negative environmental impacts since they arelocated in traditional fishing port areas and are not near any sensitive ecosystems. Inpractice, the investments should improve the environment, by allowing improved hygienemanagement of the fish landing places. Local harbour regulations will be drawn up by thePPI committee. A Rapid Environmental Appraisal (REA) for the activity and theseconstructions is included in Annex 5.

    7. Social Assessment

    PPI construction is fully supported by fishers who appreciate the importance of infrastructureand its good management to support their fishing and related livelihoods. No particular socialissues have been identified which will adversely affect the development or operation of thelanding places or facilities. The PPIs will be located at sites where fishers indicate the arewilling to land and which are not too distant from the local population.

    Care will be required that provision is made at the PPIs for all classes of vessel that will usethem. By ensuring that small vessels can unload and load safely without risk of damage bylarger vessels, possible causes of user conflict will be avoided.

    C. Implementation Arrangements

    1. Project Implementation Unit

    The implementation process will begin with document preparation for tender after aprequalification process to select qualified contractors for landing place construction.

    A pre-construction Meeting (PCM) will be held after contract award and this will be attended

    by the contractor, the contracting agency (Satker), consultant, and PIU and also if possible,the future manager as supervisor.

    2. Detailed Implementation Mechanisms and Schedule

    Schedule and mechanism for project implementation is shown below.

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    MonthNo Activity1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

    1. Bidding process until contract award2. Project Construction3. Project Supervision4. Commissioning5. Final Hand Over 6. Training7. Monitoring and Reporting

    3. Procurement, Tendering and Award of Contracts

    The tender process will be completed by the Satker, through a tender committee. Thebidding procedure consists of five stages as follows:

    1. Prequalification of bidders2. Pre-award meeting3. Submission of tender 4. Tender opening and evaluation5. Award of contract

    The procurement process begins with tender document preparation that should be preparedby committee. Tender documents include:

    Instruction to Bidders: usually the instructions will include the source of funds,qualification of bidders, tender closing date and phases, tender bond, site information,performance bond and pricing requirements.

    Forms of Tender: the documents to be filled in by the bidders and submitted along withseveral appendices include:

    o Form of Contract Agreement

    o Form of Performance Bond

    o Form of Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment

    General Conditions of Contract: based on Presidential decree No. 80 of 2003 onProcurement of Government Goods and Services.

    General and Technical Specifications: will cover all the works involved in theconstruction. The use of available local materials and equipment will be givenpreference in the specifications.

    Tender Drawings: the tender drawings should be compiled after removing thoseunsuitable and/or deemed unnecessary for tendering purposes from the complete setof design drawings.

    Bill of Quantities (BoQ); will be tabulated in the following columns:

    o Item number o Description of worko Unito Volumeo Rate (unit price)o Amount

    Work items shall comprise all the works to be executed to complete the project.

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    Award of Contract will begin with evaluation of the bid documents in relation to severalaspects such as: completeness of documents, technical liability, and competitiveness of bidding price. Technical evaluation will emphasize the method of construction to be adoptedor engineering aspects that are proposed by the prospective bidder.

    If the tender committee is doubtful that the contract can be successfully completed within thebid price or time stipulated the bidder will be asked to clarify these points.

    If there is any doubt within the tender committee concerning the technical proposal, thebidder will be asked to clarify the technical and/or the financial proposal

    4. Construction Supervision

    The supervision team for construction consists of the DIU and technical team from the BRRSatker and a representative of the intended users group.

    The supervision team reserves the right to reject items incorporated into the works which failto meet the specified minimum requirements. The supervision team further reserves theright, and without prejudice to other recourse to accept non-complying items subject to anadjustment in the Unit Price or Amount for that item.

    Within 15 days of the Pre-Construction Meeting, the Contractor shall prepare, submit andobtain the technical supervision approval of Construction Schedules to the detail showing thesequence in which he proposes to carry out the Works.

    Construction Schedules are required for proper planning, execution and monitoring of thework. They are needed to describe the work activities after the activities in the MobilizationProgram are completed.

    In procuring all items used in this Work, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to verify thedetailed requirements of the specifically named codes and standards and to verify that theitems procured for use in this Work meet or exceed the specified requirements.

    By the end of each month, the Contractor shall provide the Construction Schedules to theSupervision to accurately depict the actual progress up to the end of the 25 th day of thatmonth.

    At weekly intervals the Contractor shall submit to the Supervision an Activity Schedule onMonday morning showing the locations of all operations and activities intended to be carriedout during the following week.

    5. Payment

    The Contractor shall construct the Works to the details given in the Contract Drawings, andto the directions of the supervision technical team, under a predominantly unit price system.Payments to the Contractor will be made for the actual measured quantities of Contract PayItems performed in accordance with the relevant Sections of these Specifications concerningmeasurement and payment. Payments will also be made on the basis of the measurementand payment provisions of the lump sums for Mobilization and Demobilization, and RoutineMaintenance Works as well as for Works authorized an a Day work basis.

    Payment will be made after letter of progress has been approved by the technicalsupervision team Satker and continued process by KPA/PKK .

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    6. Legal Aspects

    The main references in relation to legal aspects are:

    Presidents decree No. 80/2003 on Procurement of Government Goods and Services, Decision of President No. 61 year 2004 updating Decision No. 80/2003

    Regulation on Construction Services No. 18/19997. Management of Mini PPI

    The landing places are not expected to have a high demand for management. The mainareas to be covered include:

    1. Maintenance of hygiene, clearing of rubbish2. Monitoring and enforcement of regulations relating to dumping of septic wastes, fish

    wastes, rubbish, disposal of oil and the pumping of bilges3. Maintenance of buildings4. Cleaning of facilities including toilets5. Ordering, and sale (including recording of sales) of diesel, other fuels and oils

    6. (Optionally) ordering of ice, storage in ice boxes and sale of ice7. Collection of revenues and fees for sustainable operation and maintenance

    While in principle it would be desirable for the fishers to manage their own landing facilities,in practice DKP as owner of the facilities, on behalf of the State, will be responsible for management. This is likely to mean the appointment of a PPI manager and payment of hissalary, and DKP taking responsibility for major maintenance. The manager should beappointed with the agreement of the fishers community through a fishers cooperative,fishers group or coastal community economic development institution (LEPP).

    The potential to establish a PPI committee to direct the management of the facility will beassessed by the DIU and DKP during the construction period. It is expected that thecommittee (if established) would comprise around four persons, including fishers and

    possibly other users of the facility such as marketers or processors. The committee shouldwork closely with the manager to address issues in port management and plan future portdevelopment, as well as the difficult issue of user fees to cover maintenance and operationalcosts. Frequency of committee and port management group meetings will be defined by thestakeholders.

    8. Accounting and Auditing

    The port manager will report to the District DKP and to the PPI committee on financialmatters.

    9. Monitoring and Reporting

    Monitoring will be undertaken to check:1. Appropriate implementation2. Port business development3. PPI benefit and positive impact for community4. Issues arising during construction and operation

    Unit Monitoring Period ReportingTechnical Team on site Progress of civil

    worksweekly Report to SATKER


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    Technical Team from Satker Progress of civilworks

    CommissioningFinal Handover

    2 weekly Report to Satker

    Post-construction monitoring and supervision will be the responsibility of DKP and the PPIcommittee of the district.

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    The site at Peuribu village, Arongan Lambalek is located on the left bank of the KreungWoyla river near the main Meulaboh Calang road. The distance by road from Meulaboh toCalang is around 90 Km

    Other fisher villages in the area which will benefit from this planned PPI come fromsurrounding villages, ie. Cot Kumbang, Suwak Seumasih, Suwak Geudeubang and Peuribu.

    Previously this landing site had a fishers shelter which is now seriously damaged and therewere areas set out for fish processing (sun drying).

    There are no NGOs or other agencies building a PPI in or near this location. Although theoverall number of fishers in this locality is not as many as in other kecamatan, the small scaleinfrastructure which is planned eg. timber jetty or wharf for landing place and all-weather shelter for fishers and traders, is fully justified in order to fully restore fisheries dependentlivelihoods. For fisheries community development purposes, a small meeting hall will beprovided, and post harvest fish drying racks will provide other livelihoods opportunities.

    PPI site

    Woyla river

    Road bridge

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    1. Northern part of PPI site

    2. Site next to road bridge

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    PPI Meureubo is located in Ujung Drein village. There is already a timber jetty and 1.5 tpd iceplant supported by Mercy Corps. A shallow well to support the ice plant also exists together with a generator and water tank. There is small fish kiosk located about 50 m away near theexisting landing place. The unpaved access road runs for around 400 meters from mainroad Jalan Raya Meulaboh Tapak Tuan and is approximately 4m in width.

    The existing landing place currently is being used by fishers from the surrounding site withabout 108 fishing boats and visiting fishers from Ujung Baroh, Johan Pahlawan.

    1. Jetty 2. Meureubo fleet

    3. Water tank for support small ice plant 4. Planned Slipway location

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    As a district level landing place, PPI Johan Pahlawan which is located at Ujung Baroh villageplays an important role as a growth center for fisheries activity and provides increasingrevenue (PAD) for local government.

    The existing basic and functional facilities have been constructed and funded by centralgovernment using APBN funds and consist of wharf, auction hall, access road, meeting hall,ice plant, revetment, parking area, office and storage.

    The number of fishing vessels of various types and sizes, landing at this PPI, is around 434.

    1. Wharf and fishing fleet 2. TPI

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    PPI Area

    140 m

    70 m

    To Calang


    Cot KumbangVillage


    To kec.Bubon

    Swak SeumasihVillage


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    PPI area

    Kreung Meureubo

    To Nagan RayaJl. Raya Meulaboh Tapak Tuan



    400 m

    Meureubo village

    Ujung Drain village

    Pasi PinangVillage

    400 m

    Ujung Drain village

    Timber Jetty


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    Environmental issue Yes No1 A. Project Siting2 Is the activity area adjacent to or within

    any of the following environmentallysensitive areas?

    3 Cultural heritage site Not applicable4 Protected Area Not applicable5 Wetland None of the facilities covered by this

    ADR will be in wetlands6 Mangrove No facilities in mangroves.7 Estuarine Facilities are located adjacent to

    estuaries. Measures will beincorporated into the design tominimize any negative impact in theestuaries.

    8 Buffer zone of protected area No facilities are within buffer zones9 Special area for protecting biodiversity Not applicable

    10 B. Potential Environmental Impacts11 Will the Project cause 12 Over exploitation of fish stocks and

    long-term degradation of resourcebase?

    Fishing effort is below pre-tsunamilevels in all areas. Improved facilitieswould be expected to increase thenumber of vessels fishing from a localport to some degree, but much of thegrowth would be from movement of vessels from nearby areas, and wouldnot result in significant increase inoverall fishing effort.

    13 Capture of non-target species andhabitat damage through use of destructive fishing methods and gears?

    Not applicable

    14 Accidental damage to coral reefs bydivers and fishing vessel anchors?

    Not applicable

    15 Pollution from oil and fuel spills andbilge flushing?

    Where relevant, facilities will includemeasures for waste collection andwaste management

    17 Ecological protection resulting fromclearing for conversion of coastalwetlands to fishponds?

    Not applicable

    18 Social problems arising from conflictswith other site uses?

    No conflicts are envisaged. Facilitiesshould benefit the entire community,directly or indirectly

    19 Downstream water pollution from

    discharge of pond effluents with drainwater?

    Not applicable

    20 Reduction of water supplies for competing uses (e.g., irrigation or domestic)?

    Not applicable

    21 Restriction of water circulation,obstruction to navigation by fishpens/cages, and reduction of streamcapacity from siltation?

    Not applicable

    22 dislocation or involuntary resettlementof people

    No resettlement required

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    23 Social problems due to land tenure anduse conflicts?

    No, TPI location not own private

    24 Soil erosion and siltation duringconstruction?

    No erosion or siltation problemsanticipated

    25 Noise and dust from construction? Construction needs are basic, and willnot cause excessive noise and dust.Construction sites are not in the

    immediate vicinity of residential areas26 Social problems especially when

    workers from other areas are hired? Not applicable

    27 Reduction of water available to down-stream users during peak seasons?

    Not applicable

    28 Pollution of nearby aquaticenvironments by pond drainage water and inadequate farm management?

    Not applicable

    29 Depletion of local fish populations bystocking of wild fry/fingerlings inponds?

    Not applicable

    30 Spread of diseases and parasites fromexotic cultured species or escape of pond fish to the wild?

    Not applicable

    31 Increased public health risks due to theincreased incidence or introduction of waterborne or water-related diseases?

    Not applicable

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