adp architects-st. bart's east facade

Post on 31-Jul-2016






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St. Bartholomew’s ChurchEast Façade �e church exterior is composed mainly of brick masonry and limestone. �e masonry includes bricks of multiple sizes rather than a single standard brick unit as well as an array of iron spot colors randomly placed throughout. �e result is a rich interplay of mottled brick colors, sizes, and patterns and motifs. Interspersed within the brick �elds is an array of limestone and marble units, including dimensioned blocks, quoins, molded sills, ledges, carved friezes, columns, capitols, and window tracery. Marble, granite and limestone columns are most notably integrated into the rampart colonnades located at the top of the building. �e mortar joints are surprisingly thin, given the visibly coarse nature of the sand, but a signi�cant percentage require repointing-- enough to consider raking and repointing 100% of the brick and limestone façade so that a uniform result is achieved. It has been noted that of the several brick sizes found on the church façade, the largest brick size was found to consistently display deterioration as a result of surface exfoliation.�is condition is endemic to all façades and, because of its localized nature, it is expected that the best recourse to address remediation of this particular condition is to take the minimally invasive approach of treating each brick in place to arrest the exfoliation. �e stone ornamentation, including the rose window tracery, has undergone similar deterioration and will need to be replaced. In addition, in some areas the masonry is experiencing buckling and will need to be restored.

Sanctuary Clerestory Windows- �e ring of clerestory windows crowning the apse lends an important contemplative light to the church’s sanctuary. However, years of exposure to the elements have clouded them and obscured their light, making it necessary to clean and restore them.

Brick and Limestone Masonry Repairs- �e celebrated Byzantine-Revival style brick and limestone masonry has made St. Bart’s one of New York’s most beautiful and recognized buildings. Due to the age of the structure, as well as weathering and other damages, the masonry is in need of repair in order to restore the structure to its former grandeur.

Gallery Colonnade - O�ering stunning views of the city below, the gallery colonnade is one of the more unque--and celebrated--features of St. Bart’s. Restoration work is planned to repair the limestone columns that have su�ered from weathering.

East Façade Restoration Items



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