adeena samoni neha peddi peter mosaad scott bleeker ...the main goal of bodybuilding was to be the...

Post on 26-Sep-2020






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Group #4: Scott Bleeker Peter Mosaad

Neha Peddi Adeena Samoni

Amisha PatelSteven Abdelmalak

Performance Enhancing DrugsAnd their detrimental effects on sports and society

Societal Impacts

Golden Era of Bodybuilding

“Get bigger at any cost”

● The main goal of bodybuilding was to be the biggest

● Steroids were legal, and could easily have been obtained from a doctor

● At the time much of society cracked under the pressure

Societal Implications

● Bodybuilders are role models to young adults

● The methods they use to get big are widely popularized

Pro-athletes influence on teens- About one in 20 teenagers have used steroids to increase their muscle mass.- Many kids see steroids as a tool to speed up the process of achieving their ideal

body type and enhancing their athletic performance.- 57% said professional athletes influenced their decision to use the drugs and 63%

said pro athletes influenced their friends' decision to use them.

Use of steroids by teens

Counter Arguments

● It’s not possible to win without PEDs.

● PEDs can be used to compensate for disadvantages.

● It’s not possible to create PEDs-free athletic environment.

● PEDs would make spectators enjoy more.

● It’s not possible to win without PEDs.

“Doping wasn't the exception, it was the norm. . . .Right or wrong, in my mind the choice was "Do it, or go home."

Levi Leipheimer

Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Would-be winner

7th 10th 4th 10th 5th 8th 8th

● It’s not possible to win without PEDs.

● PEDs can be used to compensate for disadvantages.

● Recovery● Financial disadvantage

● It is not possible to create a PEDs-free athletic environment.

“Providing a guaranteed drug-free competitive arena is justifiable… though it’s completely unrealistic at this point in time.” -Doug Brignole

● PEDs and spectators.

Why not let civilians use PEDs?

“Unnatural” SupplementationTechnology and its effect on the body

What is Unnatural?

Defined as use of synthesized products or atypical techniques that would give you an edge

Ex. Natural amount of testosterone in your body (natural) vs. injecting more testosterone in yourself (unnatural)


-Since beginning of olympics there has been a use of “enhancers”

Examples include certain herbs/ mushrooms and testicle consumption

Two Sides

Those in favor of enhancements say realistically it will happen anyway so might as well make it legal and allow it to be practiced in a safe, monitored environment

Those against enhancements say the point of sports is not to see how good you are with enhancements but with your own “natural” abilities

Commonly Used Banned Substances

- Testosterone creams for accelerated recovery- Hormone erythropoitein (EPO) for more reps during training- Human Growth Hormone for recovery- Liothyronine for decreasing slugishness- Narcolepsy drugs like modafinil for increased mental alertness/ reaction time

Of these testosterone, human growth hormone, and anabolic steroids are used to increase strength while EPO and practices like blood doping increase stamina for endurance athletes

Side Effects

- Steroids can cause high bp, thickening of heart valves, decreased fertility/ libido.

- With EPOs, you get a boost of red blood cells, which thickens the blood, which can result in greater chances of stroke

Possible Psychological Disturbances

● Mood swings (including manic-like symptoms leading to violence)● Impaired judgment (stemming from feelings of invincibility)● Depression● Nervousness● Extreme irritability● Delusions● Hostility and aggression

Gender side effects

Male Side Effects Female Side Effects

- Breast tissue development - Deepening of the voice

- Shrinking of the testicles - Cessation of breast development

- Impotence - Growth of hair on the face, and the body

- Reduction in sperm production - Abnormal menstrual cycles

- Enlarged clitoris

The Future of Enhancements (Hypothetical)

- Gene Doping, essentially enhancing athletes’ DNA to allow for things like increased muscle growth, increased oxygen delivery, and greater endurance

- Problem: Severe immune reactions to viruses carrying new DNA into cells

The Future of Enhancements (Hypothetical) Cont.- Surgery/ Technological Augmentation so with advancements in engineering of skin,

tendons, and other replacement body parts, you can enhance an actual person

- Ex. Use skin grafts to increase webbing between fingers and toes, giving athletes like swimmers an edge, no matter how slight, as records are made/ broken in a matter of milliseconds

- These are possibilities that need to be considered that can really change the world of sports unless appropriate decisions are made specifically saying what is and isn’t allowed

Spirit of the Sport


What is the spirit of sports?

As per the World Anti-Doping Agency:

● Celebration of human spirit, body, and mind

● However, there is still an issue of interpretation

○ Different for the player, coach, spectator, etc.

*Definition by WADA


Key Characteristics

● Ethics● Health● Excellence in performance● Teamwork● Character● Dedication and commitment● Respect towards rules● Respect towards self and other participants● Honesty and fair play

What do we actually see?

● Critics complain what we actually see in sports is the opposite of the characteristic listed such as:

○ Competition○ Illness and injury○ Cheating○ Cowardice○ Egoism

Ethics/Honesty/ Character

● Cheating undermines ethical behavior and an honest character○ Doping - creates an unfair advantage for a single participant○ Undermines the spirit of the game by creating an uneven playing field

Counter Argument

● Actually evens the playing field for those competing against people with better genetics

○ Allows those with an inferior genetic makeup to “catch up”


● Taking illegal supplements has been proven to cause a decline in health in the long term aspect

● Can lead to death too


● By making doping illegal, there is pressure to make sure that PEDS are undetectable, rather than safe

○ If legal, manufactures can openly show what is in the products and have them tested for safety

Respect towards Self

● If a person takes illegal supplements are they portraying respect for themselves?

○ Can come across as though they do not believe in their own natural skills and abilities○ Portrayed as someone with a dishonest character who lacks sportsmanship


● Can show an immense amount of courage and dedication○ Willing to sacrifice anything for the sport


● Sports are about human vices and virtues● Includes the benefits but also the risks involved in playing them● Like any other human practice, there is always the good and bad side● The values and characteristics listed are what we should aim for to create

and ideal of sports which we can be proud of



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