additive micromanufacturing for engineered materials by llnl engineer, christopher spadaccini

Post on 17-Jun-2015






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You will hear about cutting edge micromanufacturing techniques being developed and the novel engineered materials they enable.


  • 1. This work was performed under the auspices of theU.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLCChristopher Spadaccini

2. Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-5284742Additive Manufacturing is the process of joining materials to make objects from 3Dmodel data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturingmethodologies, such as traditional machining. 3. Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-5284743 4. Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-5284744Stereolithography:3D SystemsFused DepositionModeling: StratasysDirect Metal Laser Sintering:Morris TechnologiesLaser Engineered NetShaping: OptomecPowder Bed 3DPrinting: Ex OneSelective LaserSintering: 3D SystemsPolyJet Process:ObjetElectron Beam Melting:Arcam 5. Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-5284745Projection Microstereolithography Direct Ink WritingElectrophoretic Deposition300 mm 6. Thermal Expansion Poissons RatioSteeves, C.A., et al., J. Mech.and Phys. of Solids, (2007)Electrical & ThermalConductorsLawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryMicrofluidicsSigmund, et. al., Int. J.Numer. Meth. Fluids (2009)AntennasErentok & Sigmund, IEEEAntennas Propag., (2008)LLNL-PRES-5284746Lakes, Science, (1987)PiezoelectricitySigmund & Torquato,Smart Mater. Struct. (1999)Photonic CrystalsMaldovan & Thomas,Nature Mater. (2004)MetamaterialsZhou, et al., IEEE Trans.Microwave Theory Tech. (2010)Although these novel structures can be conceived and designed, they cannotcurrently be fabricated with the appropriate materials and size scalesTorquato, et al., PRL (2002) 7. Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-5284747Highly three-dimensionalMicroscalelattices withextremepropertiesover wideareasMulti-scaleFunctional materialsNanoscalecontrolUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 8. Benefits of additive manufacturing techniques:Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-528474 Speed & efficiency Reduced waste Reduced energy usage Manufacturing for function and shapedesigningmaterials with unprecedented properties Where does this type of personalized manufacturing fitinto the marketplace? Near-term applications to help existing small business8 9. Charity Follettfollett2@llnl.govLawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-5284749

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