
Post on 03-Aug-2015






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A.D.D.I.EDanielle Darmo




Instructional Goals:

Students will apply knowledge of ratio, volume, surface area, and expressions to a real life situation.

Instructional Analysis:


Learner Analysis:All students are 7th graders

Students have received prior instruction in surface area, ratio, and volume

All students are English speakers

Students have little to no prior knowledge of shipping containers

Learner Objectives:Use variables to write expressions to express the relationship between cost and the number of containers used.

Determine the ratio between the dimensions of their models and the actual dimensions (scale factor).

Use scale factor to determine size and placement of windows and doors in their model.

Design and build a home using model shipping containers and calculate overall cost of materials.

Use area formula to calculate square footage for ordering floor and paint.

Present final model to class and explain final cost analysis



Assessment Design:

Class participation

Small group collaboration

Mathematical expressions and calculations

Design of model home

Presentation of home with explanation of cost analysis

Learners will be assessed through:

Course Format

Collaborative Group Work

Video presentation and online examples

Smart Board Activities

Hands-on exploration and


Pre-Instructional Strategies:

Watch Science Friday video: http://www.sciencefriday.com/video/05/03/2013/living-inside-the-box.html

Discuss pros and cons of homes built with re-purposed materials

Generate a list of the benefits and limitations of using shipping containers to build a home

Content Presentation:


SmartBoard instruction/review of mathematical concepts

Group discussion

Small group activities

Learner Participation:

Learners will participate through class discussions, small group activities, model design, and cost analysis calculations

Feedback will be provided through class discussions, rubrics, and teacher-small group meetings


Ability to apply mathematical concepts

Model home rubric

Participation in discussions

Small group collaboration

Peer assessment of presentations

Follow-through Activities:

Group discussion and small group collaboration

Scale model of home

Calculation of cost analysis and square footage

Revision based on peer evaluation of presentation



Sample:Day 1: Monday

Watch “Life Inside the Box” video and ask students their opinions about homes built of re-purposed materials.

As a class, use the video discussion to generate a list of the benefits and limitations of using shipping containers to build homes.

Discuss types of shipping containers and introduce the upcoming design challenge: design their own model home and estimate it’s building cost.

Have students investigate container building designs online and create a design scoring sheet for evaluating the finished projects. We will use these tomorrow to create a class rubric for teacher and peer evaluations of the finished projects.

Materials Needed:“Life Inside the Box” video

Smart Board and Projector

iPad cart with internet access

Shipping Container Cut Outs (3-6 per student)

Cost sheet Printout

Scissors, tape, markers, and glue sticks


Lesson Flow:Day 1:

• Watch “Life Inside the Box” Video

• Generate Pros and Cons List

• Investigate building designs online and develop scoring criteria

Day 2:

• Whole class discussion on evaluation criteria, use to develop scoring rubric

• Students are divided into collaborative groups for this project

• Review mathematic concepts on SmartBoard

• Students complete building container handout

Lesson Flow:Day 3-6:

• Students work with collaborative groups on design process, determining scale factor and using it to determine the size of windows and doors

• Draw rough draft of model design

• Build scale model

• Determine cost of building materials and labor to create cost analysis

• Calculate square footage of their model

• Prepare group presentations following rubric criteria

Day 7-8:

• Groups present models and cost analysis to class

• Students peer-evaluate using rubric, revise information, and teacher conference

Prior Knowledge

Students have had prior instruction on variables, expressions, ratios, surface area, and scale.

Students have worked in small groups on projects before this unit.

Students are familiar with scoring criteria used in rubrics for various subject areas.

Formative Assessments

Observation of group collaboration

Participation in discussions

Model Design

Group presentation with calculations

Technology Used:


Smart Board



End of Course Summary:

Students will take an online survey to evaluate the unit.



Preparing the Learners:

All students will be familiar with general classroom procedures and expectations, and have worked in small groups prior to this unit

At the start of each day, every group will have a check-in with the teacher to discuss what they plan to accomplish during that class period and ask any questions they may have on the project

At the end of each class period, every group will have a meeting with the teacher to discuss what was accomplished

Students will be given detailed written and verbal instructions throughout the unit

Students will have a copy of the class generated rubric as they work on their projects

Arrange the Learning Space:

Student desks will be arranged in small groups for this unit

SmartBoard lessons will be prepared and SmartBoard/projector ready for use each day

“Life Inside the Box” video will prepared for playing the first day of the unit

iPad cart will be reserved and in the classroom for the duration of the unit

Handouts and craft materials will be stored in an organized location

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