
Post on 27-Jan-2016






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2 ind of numbers in python: integers (int) and floating point (float).

Function print shows anything after it, if it is a number there is no need for ‘ ‘ and a , will separate the values with a space. If it is a string (text) then the ‘ ‘ is needed.

Function type() tells which kind of number we are using.

Function int() or float() will convert a number to that format. In the integer conversion it just take the whole part (eg 3.14 to 3 or 2.89 to 2). Float() just puts a .0 in a whole number.

Python represent float values up to a 15 decimal accuracy.

Arithmetic operators

+ plus (which also serves to join string data); - minu; / divided by; * times; ** power

Division in Python 2:

If one operand is a decimal then the answer is decimal (eg 1.0/3 = 0.3333333333333)

If both operands are integers then the answer is an integer rounded down (eg 1/3=0)

Operator precedence – (), **, *, /, +, -


Valid variable names correspond to letters, numbers and underscore _

The name has to start with either a letter or an underscore (cant start with a number) and are case sensitive.

= is used to assign a value to the variable; == is used as an equality test.

Variables can be used in expression to assign a value to another value (equations) without the use of ‘’

Operator += takes the value in the variable to the left and sums it to the operator on the right and then it stores it on the variable to the left.

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