adam millward advertising

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Adam Millward advertising. By Adam Millward. Our company produce good quality adverts with exciting and original ideas. We have done research and we now understand the needs of the products target audience. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Adam Millward advertisingBy Adam Millward

• Our company produce good quality adverts with exciting and original ideas.

• We have done research and we now understand the needs of the products target audience.

• The ideas that we have will work as they have an entertaining appeal which will appeal to the age group required.

• We will use the technique of mirroring and repetition in our adverts to make them memorable and convince consumers to buy the product.

• Our research shows that prime time and evening telly is the best time to reach our target audience.

•Compared to other campaigns this advert gives a more light hearted and fun compared to the controversy of past adverts.

Synopsis• The use of stop motion – has a fun, cartoony vibe.

• The bottle will move by itself and fill a glass by itself.

• The main focus will be on the logo with a fade out towards the end.

• The shots will be close ups to show the logo of the product being sold.

• The lighting will be bright to emphasise the joyfulness of the video.

• There will be a popular piece of music used to try and appeal to a variety of audiences.

• It will take place in someone’s kitchen.


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