active & enquiry-based approaches to learning and teaching · active & enquiry-based...

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Active & enquiry-based approaches to learning and

teachingPractice and Scholarship Group

Gareth Williams, Nicky-Jane Kerr-Gilbert, Udamarti Pope, Mhairi Bowe, Helen Puntha

Transforming learning through scholarship, TILT Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2016

Nottingham Trent University

Session outline

When How Long To do09:35 – 09:40 5 minutes Welcome and outline the session09:40 – 09:55 15 minutes Five tables, discussion, and poster fill09:55 – 10:00 5 minutes One key take home from each poster10:00 – 10:05 5 minutes Close

Each table had posters with the contents from the slidesAnnotations written on each poster have are now been attached to the relevant slide

Active and enquiry-based approaches to learning and

teaching:Research-Informed Teaching

Dr Mhairi BoweDivision of Psychology


• Teaching and Research: Pedagogic Context and Academic Context • Research Informed Teaching – A typology • Research-based teaching: An example• PSYC40390: Theory and Applications to Mental Health• Aims and Delivery• Reflection and Feedback• Future Directions

Research-Informed Teaching

Figure 1. Healy (2005) The Research-Teaching Nexus

PSYC30680Advanced Social


PSYC40390Theory and

Applications to Mental Health

An Example: PSYC40390 Theory and Applications to Mental Health

Aims & Learning Outcomes• Students critically apply their theoretical understanding to 'real world' problems

situated within applied mental health contexts.• Students develop skill set for use in practice and employment settings, appreciate how

psychological knowledge interacts with knowledge from other disciplines, policy, and the real-world.

• Increase range of transferable skills and increasing employability

Delivery and Assessment• Weekly formative feedback workshops and presentation• Conference presentation, organisational collaboration,

and consultancy on CV

Reflections and Feedback

‘I enjoyed the practical aspect of the assessment ’

‘The assessment is very different and interesting and I think it is useful and relevant to clinical practice, psychology, and mental health, and useful for employment.’

‘The presentation section was really helpful and the teaching was so useful as we were constantly made to talk about our progress.’

‘The module was very good in that it allows you to apply your academic skills and tailor them to a presentation for a lay audience. It's brilliant being able to actually work on real life topics that could occur during a future career path’

Success and Future Directions

• Student confidence and engagement with research processes and employment

• Recommendations put into organisational practice

• Continuing links with organisations facilitating staff research and student roles and involvement

Improvements: Students as partners in EBL training

scenariosMore organisational feedbackDissemination of process and extension to

more organisations

TILT 2016: Using SCALE-Up to support Employability for Undergraduates training to be Primary Teachers

Nicky-Jane Kerr-Gilbert With thanks to Alison Murphy

The scale up sessions were an amazing opportunity to prepare for the application process. Having head teachers, lecturers and students brainstorm and draft letters, tasks and interviews was invaluable and greatly supported

me for my successful job application. My application letter was strengthened by drafting it with others, plus the sessions where everyone contributed a

variety of interview responses on a shared format equipped me with a bank of high quality answers.

Final year undergrad BA (hons) primary Education June 2016

The Issue:

Active Learning:












Early MarchLate MarchEarly AprilLate AprilEarly MayMid MayLate MayMid JuneLate JuneEarly JulyLate JulyMid August

2013 leavers

2014 leavers

2015 leavers

2016 leavers


18 July 2016 14

Student Voice:

‘the chance to sit together and talk about the tasks made the process much less scary..’

‘scale up was a great opportunity for me as an individual to prepare for my interview. It was a quick, easy and effective way to get ideas from the whole group, with everyone having the opportunity to speak. Made me feel confident and it prepared me to go into the interview knowing what I wanted to say.It obviously worked very well as I only had one interview and succeeded!’

‘extremely helpful experience, especially having the opportunity to meet with heads after their lectures..’

‘I found the scale-up sessions extremely useful in helping me to apply for jobs. We could practice interview questions as well as talk to professionals about expectations for interviews. It really helped me prepare for interview.’

References:Beetham (2007, 2014)

Beichner, R.J. (2006) Beichner, R. J (2008)

Beichner, R.J.(2014)

Bell et al (2009)

Brett and Cousin (2011

Binkley, M. et al (2011)

JISC (2007, 2011)

Kolb (1984)

Mann,S., Robinson,A.(2009)

Pachler and Daly (2009)

Prensky (2001)

Ramsden (2005)

Vygotsky (1986)

18 July 2016 15

Notes from the interactive session

Notes from the interactive session

• That the project focus of Sustainability in Practice is a good way of driving enquiry based learning

What is enquiry based learning?

• An alternative to didactic delivery of taught material

• Asking questions• Learning journey with students• Over one taught session or over


What is distinctive about this form of learning?

What is the role of the teacher/facilitator?

• Values• What values does the teacher set for

a different approach?• Environment

• How is the environment structured• Scale Up isn’t necessarily the same as

EBL• Is this group or individual?

• How are groups organised?

• Parameters• What limits are set around the

journey?• Process

• To what extent has the journey been mapped out?

• Knowledge Acquisition• Is new knowledge the aim or the

discovery of a pre-set library of knowledge

• Outcome• How do we know if we have met a

satisfactory outcome?

Final points from our interactive session

• Student at the centre means giving up control as an educator.• Are there ways methods we can use to do this safely?

• EBL gives us an opportunity to make learning a ‘real’ experience?• What might this mean for different subjects

• How do we endure there is buy in from staff as well as students.• In EBL the project might be a useful vehicle for learning• Active learning changes the way an educator engages with learning

and teaching and can challenge traditional roles

Active & enquiry-based approaches to learning and

teachingPractice and Scholarship Group

Gareth Williams, Nicky-Jane Kerr-Gilbert, Udamarti Pope, Mhairi Bowe, Helen Puntha

Transforming learning through scholarship, TILT Annual Learning and Teaching Conference,

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