actions to ensure the integrity and continuity of the scholarly record

Post on 31-Jul-2015






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1. Actions to Ensure the Integrity and Continuity of the Scholarly Record Peter Burnhill with Adam Rusbridge & Muriel Mewissen, EDINA, University of Edinburgh, UK Herbert Van De Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library, USA Gaelle Bequet, ISSN International Centre, France 09:40 10:00 Towards Open Science, LIBER, London, June 2015 2. Overview 1. The Scholarly (& Cultural) Record 2. Threat to the Continuity of the Scholarly (& Cultural) Record 3. Threat to the Integrity of our Scholarly Record 4. Ensuring the Integrity & Continuity of the Scholarly Record 5. Actions to Ensure the Integrity & Continuity of the Scholarly Record Keywords: Stewardship, Collection, Cooperation, Advocacy, Spend 3. The Scholarly Record has a fuzzy edge e-journals book-length work 1. The (digital) Scholarly Record conference proceedings data as findings New research objects 4. The Scholarly Record has a fuzzy edge (resources needed for scholarship) e-journals Websites, Databases, Repositories book-length work Gov Docs 1. The (digital) Scholarly Record conference proceedings e-magazines e-newsmedia data as findings New research objects 5. Online Continuing Resources ISSN The (published) Scholarly Record resources needed for scholarship Issued in Parts (Serials) Content changes over time (Integrating) e-journals Websites, Databases, Repositories Book-length work Gov Docs Focus on what is published and that content that is issued online as a continuing resource Conference proceedings e-magazines e-newsmedia New research objects 6. to ensure researchers, students & their teachers have ease and continuing access to online resources needed for open scholarship licence to use access to content & tools Our Shared Task is 2. Threat to Continuity of the Scholarly (& Cultural) Record 7. what was once available in print, on-shelf locally is now online & accessed remotely, anytime/anywhere Weve seen improved Ease of Access But what of Continuity of Access? (this is mostly due to publishers) 8. Digital back copy is not in the custody of libraries Picture credit: 9. Digital back copy is not in the custody of libraries Picture credit: Libraries boast of e-collections, but do they only have e-connections? 10. access to content & services We need to have some digital shelving for the Record 11. Ensuring ease and continuing access to the digital back copy access to content & services We need to have some digital shelving for the Record 12. National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences Emergence of Keepers of digital content Web-scale not-for-profit archiving agencies: National libraries Research libraries: consortia & specialist centres National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences 13. access to content & services 3. Threat to Integrity of our Scholarly Record 14. Uncovering the Threat of Reference Rot when links to web resources no longer point to what was intended This is a combination of two factors: 15. Link Rot Link Rot: Link stops working 16. + Content Drift: What is at end of URI has changed, or gone! 2000 2004 2005 2008 (a) Dynamic content as values on webpage changes over time (b) Static content but very different (often unrelated) web pages 17. Project 2 years: March 2013 to June 2015 Funder Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Partners University of Edinburgh EDINA Peter Burnhill, Muriel Mewissen, Richard Wincewicz, Paul Walk, Tim Stickland, [Christine Rees] Language Technology Group, Informatics Claire Grover, Beatrice Alex, Richard Tobin, Colin Matheson, [Ke Adam Zhou] Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library Herbert Van de Sompel, Harihar Shankar, [Martin Klein, Rob Sanderson] 18. Scholarly Articles increasingly link to Web Resources, not just back to other Articles 19. References in Web-Based Scholarly Communication To Scholarly Resources To Web at Large Resources Link Rot DOI, HTTP version of DOI Web today, gone tomorrow Content Decay Has fixity How to add fixity to the dynamic Archiving: CLOCKSS, Portico, LOCKSS, etc, as per Keepers Registry Focus for Hiberlink 20. Findings: Status of Referenced URIs, PMC corpus Klein M, Van de Sompel H, Sanderson R, Shankar H, Balakireva L, et al. (2014) Scholarly Context Not Found: One in Five Articles Suffers from Reference Rot. PLoS ONE 9(12): e115253. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115253 6 publicly accessible web archives for lookup: Internet Archive, (, Archive-It, BL Web Archive, UK National Archives Web Archive & Icelandic National Archive 21. Klein M, Van de Sompel H, Sanderson R, Shankar H, Balakireva L, et al. (2014) Scholarly Context Not Found: One in Five Articles Suffers from Reference Rot. PLoS ONE 9(12): e115253. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115253 Findings: Status of Referenced URIs, Elsevier corpus 6 publicly accessible web archives for lookup: Internet Archive, (, Archive-It, BL Web Archive, UK National Archives Web Archive & Icelandic National Archive 22. what is then a rotten article! sale of rotten goods undermes the integrity of the scholarly record - especially for open scholarship 23. References in Web-Based Scholarly Communication To Scholarly Resources To Web at Large Resources Link Rot DOI, HTTP version of DOI Web today, gone tomorrow Content Decay Has fixity How to add fixity to the dynamic Archiving: CLOCKSS, Portico, LOCKSS, etc, as per Keepers Registry The diverse world of web-archiving: How to enable pro-active archiving of what is regarded as important Think Hiberlink There are issues here too; how happy should we be? 24. 4. Ensuring the Integrity & Continuity of the Scholarly Record Good that the likes of CLOCKSS & Portico, the BL & KB (Netherlands) and some others are doing something But to what extent is the scholarly record still at risk of loss? How can we know? NB: Check out David Rosenthals blog posts . 25. National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences All praise to those who have stepped forward to act as digital shelves! Web-scale not-for-profit archiving agencies: National libraries Research libraries: consortia & specialist centres National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences 26. Many archiving organisations is a Good Thing Digital information is best preserved by replicating it at multiple archives run by autonomous organizations B. Cooper and H. Garcia-Molina (2002) As with Magna Carta, lots of copies 27. ISSN Register E-J Preservation Registry Service E-Journal Preservation Registry SERVICES: user requirements (a) (b) ISSN Register at heart of the Data Model; ISSN-L as kernel field METADATA on extant e-journals METADATA on preservation action How to know who is looking after what & how? (and uncover what is still at risk) Digital Preservation Agencies e.g. CLOCKSS, Portico; BL, KB; UK LOCKSS Alliance etc. (Taken from Figure 1 in reference paper in Serials, March 2009) Piloting an E-journal Preservation Registry Service 28. as Global Monitor to discover who is looking after what 29. Two Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Ingest Ratio = titles ingested by one or more Keeper / online serials in ISSN Register = 28,103 / 165,949 [as of June 2015] => 17% KeepSafe Ratio = titles being ingested by 3+ Keepers / online serials in ISSN Register = 9,836 / 165,949 => 6% 30. with usage logs for the UK OpenURL Router* 8.5m full text requests in UK during 2012 => 53,311 online titles requested Analysis in 2013: Ingest Ratio = 32% (16,985/53,311) => over two thirds 68% (36,326 titles) held by none! Archival Status of e-Serials Requested * As reported in Keepers Registry Blog, OpenURL Router passes discovery requests to commercial OpenURL resolver services; developed & delivered by EDINA as part of Jisc support for UK universities & colleges 31. with usage logs for the UK OpenURL Router* 8.5m full text requests in UK during 2012 53,311 online titles requested Analysis carried out again in 2015: Ingest Ratio = 36% (19,231/53,311) ; up by 2,246 (4%) => but still, 64% (34,080 titles) held by none! KeepSafe Ratio = 20% (10,847/53,311) ; up by 2,985 (5%) Archival Status of Requested e-Serials: Update 32. Known Archival Status of Online Continuing Resources assigned ISSN, by Country, June 2015 33. Known Archival Status of Online Continuing Resources assigned ISSN, by Country, June 2015 If its being kept safe then tell the Keepers Registry 34. Known Archival Status of Online Continuing Resources assigned ISSN, by Country, June 2015 If its being kept safe then tell the Keepers Registry Researchers (and therefore libraries) in any one country are dependent upon content written and published as serials in countries other than their own 35. very many at risk e-journals from many (small & not so small) publishers BIG publishers act early but incompletely Priority: find economic way to archive content from 36. 5a. Actions to Ensure the Integrity & Continuity of the Scholarly Record What should be done? Accept responsibility for stewardship of collections 1. Use the Keepers Registry 2. Commit financial support for web-scale agencies, such as CLOCKSS & Portico: invest 1% 3. Contribute your collection development expertise 4. Tell publishers, archiving agencies & national library 5. Consider options for collaborative action as LIBER 6. Avoid the 2020 Vision where you get the blame! 37. Upload list of ISSN & titles Receive back report on what is being archived & what is not Register now for Member Services: New Service: [just launched this week] Title List Comparison 1. Use the Keepers Registry to check the archival status of the journals that are of key importance to you 38. 5b. Actions to Ensure the Integrity & Continuity of the Scholarly Record What should be done? Accept responsibility for stewardship of collections Think Hiberlink: what about Reference Rot? 1. Good News is that there is Remedy (coming out of R&D) to create snapshots of referenced content to store in web archives to include in the citations: Original URI Snapshot URI [obtained from a web archive] Date/Time of snapshot 2. Role for research librarians is to alert publishers, editors and authors and support new initiatives : HiberActive infrastructure 39. Help authors do the right thing via a reference manager (eg EndNote, Reference Manager, Zotero, Mendeley) archiving of referenced web content when noted use Datetime URI for archived content in the citation Hiberlink Plug-in developed for Zotero 1. Hiberlink Remedy To Avoid Reference Rot Help editors & publishers do the right thing, having parsed the document to extract URIs archiving of referenced web content [having author check] use Datetime URI for archived content in the citation Hiberlink Plug-in developed for OJS 40. for what an Author regards as significant 41. or needs to provide as evidence 42. 2. HiberActive Service Demonstrator Martin Klein et al. (2014) HiberActive: Pro-Active Archiving of web references from scholarly articles Open Repositories 2014 43. Cite with Robust References For Open Science, the Scholarly Record Must Include: Original URI, as it was at the time of reading Snapshot URI, to revisit the content that was noted Date/Time that Snapshot was taken of what was noted Date/Time & Original URI enables access to snapshots created near the Date/Time in any web archive around the world using Memento infrastructure (2015) Robust Links - Motivation 44. Well Published References with Robust Links 45. Thanks for listening 1. The Scholarly (& Cultural) Record 2. Threat to the Continuity of the Scholarly (& Cultural) Record 3. Threat to the Integrity of our Scholarly Record 4. Ensuring the Integrity & Continuity of the Scholarly Record 5. Actions to Ensure the Integrity & Continuity of the Scholarly Record Keywords: Stewardship, Collection, Cooperation, Advocacy, Spend

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