action-items lxxxviii [potpourri]

Post on 27-May-2017






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Another day passes, another day awaiting the Commonwealth Court decision on Guzzardi’s ballot…. Thus, self-explanatory hyperlinks have been accumulated that generally corroborate prior conclusions; six having import statewide [Dems’-approval-exceeds-corbett’s, state-sen-scott-wagner interviewed, New Mexico challenges its public-sector unions [as Corbett hasn’t done during his term], corruption seemingly wasn’t investigated, Corbett's broken promise on taxes/fees will cost him in November, and FEDS NEVER WEIGHED IN ON STING CASE. In Philly, $890 million was spent for Overtime for Five Years and city-controller-faulted-secrecy-of-school-district’s-financial-mess. And after the SCOTUS ruled in Citizens United that government couldn’t limit “independent expenditures” in elections, deep-pocketed political organizations [“Super PACs”] elbowed into state elections, supersizing the already dominating role unions play. {Read why Cris Carter is Firm On His Comments About Eagles and DeSean Jackson.}

The six contradictions of socialism in the United States of America: 1. America is capitalist and greedy – yet half of the population is subsidized. 2. Half of the population is subsidized – yet they think they are victims. 3. They think they are victims – yet their representatives run the government. 4. Their representatives run the government – yet the poor keep getting poorer. 5. The poor keep getting poorer – yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about. 6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about – yet they want America to be more like those other countries. And that pretty much sums up the USA in the 21st century.

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Illegal Immigration: BOEHNER 'CONFIDENT' HOUSE GOP WILL RE-ELECT HIM AS SPEAKER Schumer: We'll Have Amnesty in 2014 Thanks to Liberal Republicans SPIKE IN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT ARRESTS AT BORDER REPORT: NEW MASSIVE WAVE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION COMING Texas: 50 Illegal Immigrant Convicted Criminals Arrested in 3 Days Congressman Steve King spoke on the House Floor on April 4, 2014 about immigration and against the possibility of granting illegal immigrants citizenship if they enlist in the military.

Abortion: Documents: Tanning Salons Inspected More Often Than NYC Abortion Clinics Strengthen-the-BornAlive-Infants-Protection-Act

BHO’s Scandal-Sheet NC election officials identify hundreds of cases of potential voter fraud Lois Lerner Pleads Fifth, Congress Moves to Hold in Contempt wapo-fact-checker-slams-irs-claim-that-they-did-not-target-tea-party-groups House Committee: Possible Crimes by IRS Official Boehner on IRS Scandal: 'I Don't Care Who Is Going to Be Fired. I Want to Know Who Is Going to Jail' Holder claims 'vast amount' of discretion in enforcing laws and Clashes With Rep on Contempt ['You Don't Want to Go There, Buddy']; during a House Judiciary Committee Hearing, Attorney General Eric Holder became visibly upset when Rep. Louis Gohmert suggested that being in contempt of Congress didn’t appear to matter to the Attorney General. Eric Holder Feb 2013: 'Contempt Vote Didn't Have Huge Impact On Me' Eric Holder: ATF Planning To Use Drones 'Trying To Cover Their Ass': Scarborough Slams Feinstein's 'Preposterous' Senate Intelligence Report

CIA's Interrogations Worked

Media/Culture: FALLON'S SURPRISING CENTRIST STYLE jimmy-fallon’s-top-10-reasons-david-letterman-is-retiring; no-4-takes-a-jab-at-obamacare Howard Stern said Gutfeld would make a fine replacement for the departing David Letterman NEW YORK TIMES BLUNTS EZRA KLEIN INSULT OF WASHINGTON POST Hollywood's "Noah's Ark" Really, Really Stunk "Noah" – The Bible Meets The Lorax The Subversion of God in Aronofsky’s Noah noah’s-co-writer-explains-film’s-controversial-theology

Education: Common Core: Growing Fracture Between Teachers' Unions and State School Chiefs Wendy Davis' Smears of Abbott's Education Plan Fall Flat Wendy Davis Welcomed By ‘Crickets’ In Midland 7th Grader Suspended and Subjected to Psychological Evaluation for…Twirling a Pencil idiotic-common-core-assignment-of-the-day


Ancient Chinese Jewish Community to Hold First Traditional Seder in China Documentary shedding further light on reports that the Nazis' systematic genocide against Jewish Europeans was even more widespread than initially thought. Drawing evidence from a film archive found in a Russian vault and diary extracts written by people on both sides of the conflict, the programsuggests that German police occupying Stalin's territories killed more than one million Soviet Jews before the Holocaust was even thought to have begun. 15 photos of Israel that will blow your mind world’s fastest growing Jewish community is Berlin the-faith-of-fallen-jews; conforming-doesn’t-work Peace Now ‘Haggadah’ Compares Israel to Pharaoh the-man-who-voluntarily-got-captured-and-sent-to-auschwitz play-about-muslim-man-who-discovers-his-parents-are-jewish-seeking-funds

Ukraine: FIST FIGHT BREAKS OUT DURING UKRAINE'S PARLIAMENT MEETING Kerry: Won't Hesitate to Use 21st Century Tools to Hold Russia Accountable for 19th Century Behavior PUTIN'S RESET Ukraine's Security Service Claims Pro-Russians Have 60 Hostages in Luhansk White House Tells Russia Not to Act in Ukraine, Kerry Will Meet With Diplomats Leader: Moldova's Breakaway Region 'Dreams of Being with Russia' Pro- And Anti-Russian Protesters Demonstrate In Moldovan Capital Video Shows Ousted Ukraine Officials Fight Security at Airport Pro-Russians in Kharkiv Announce Independence from Ukraine Chevron Will Honor Fracking Contract with Ukraine Russia to Ukraine: Stop Blaming Us and Become a Federation Violent Pro-Russian Rioters Egging, Fire-Bombing Buildings in Eastern Ukraine

Pro-Russians in Donestk Declare Region Independent from Ukraine U.S. issues fresh warning to Russia over turmoil in Ukraine Sam Rohrer interviews Ken Timmerman on the Situation in Ukraine BHO’s Neo-Isolationism: US not to seek extension of contract for its air base in Kyrgyzstan

United States Naval Academy Middle-East & Israel: Palestinians: American 'Jewish Advisers' to blame for failure of talks, Hamas 'never a terror group' American Muslims for Palestine's Telling Choice of Heroes CRUZ ANTI-TERRORIST UN AMBASSADOR BILL CLEARS SENATE jimmy-carter-us-should-give-visa-to-iran-embassy-hostage-taker ISRAEL: ASSAD USING CHEMICAL WEAPONS AGAIN Syria's Assad Says Political Islam Project Has Failed At least 29 rebels died in a blast Sunday in the central Syrian city of Homs as they primed a car bomb for an attack Hamas Celebrates AKP Win; Relies on Turkish Support Unintended Consequences of Israel Boycotts bds-a-war-of-attrition-against-israelis The annual Israel Day Parade on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue, which will take place on June 1, is facing a crisis over the inclusion of three "Jewish groups" that promote the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement targeting the Jewish state. Danny Ayalon reported on April 6 at 5:57am that, over this past weekend, rockets were fired from Gaza on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On Friday, a terrorist stabbing attempt was thwarted in Ma'ale Adumim. On Saturday, four firebombs were thrown at a night club in Jerusalem's French Hill. These are our "partners in peace," who have once again revealed that they do not want peace, their real goal is to destroy Israel as a Jewish state. Harriet Sherwood of the Guardian Wants Israeli Jews to Feel the ‘Pain’ of Exclusion; endorsed BDS Jordanian Sheikh: Israel Belongs To The Jews! Jerusalem’s French Hill Residents Feel Abandoned, Terrorized by Arab Thugs - Arab extremists hurled four fire bombs at a Conservative synagogue Saturday evening, in fourth such attack this year. Bodyguard: Arafat Would Lie When Denouncing Killing of Israeli Civilians what-peace-looks-like-and-requires “The Purpose of Radical Islam is…to Replace Judeo-Christian Values…” hamas-linked-group-cair-shuts-down-film-on-university-of-michigan-campus-calls-documentary-on-abuse-of-muslim-women-islamophobic-video State Dept. scrambles to correct Kerry testimony coverage, emphasizes Israeli PM's "courageous decisions" on peace process REPUBLICAN JEWISH COALITION BLASTS KERRY'S STATEMENTS BLAMING ISRAEL iran’s-new-u-n-ambassador-exploited-american-hostages Tom Friedman Shamefully Equates Sheldon Adelson With Iran Friedman tells us nothing about who is a friend or an enemy of Israel, but a lot about his own lack of intellectual rigor Boeing gets permission by Obama administration to sell spare parts to Iran Sanctions-busting Iran-Russia oil deal would open door for "bomber-killing missile," "sanctioned nuclear equipment," "military hardware"

Citing election results, Turkey PM claims mandate to "liquidate" rivals One week later, Iran still lashing out at European Parliament over human rights criticism

Op-Ed: Jonathan Pollard Saves Israel – Again

Published: Sunday, April 06, 2014 1:39 AM Waiving of parole seen to nix Obama Administration scheme to release of hundreds of terrorists in exchange for Pollard as part of a deal to insure continuation of US. Mideast initiative.

Barouch Levy The writer is an American immigrant who lives in the beautiful Shomron (Samaria) and raises strawberries. ► More from this writer

Obama knows little about Jonathan Pollard, or any other real Jews for that matter. For them, the Torah of Israel, the Land anof Israel, and the Jewish people are holy and demand sacrifice.

As is well known, or should be well known by now, Jonathan Pollard, working more than 30 yeas ago as a U. S. Navy civilian intelligence analyst, became privy to information which indicated that some state or states in the Arab world had obtained or were developing weapons capabilities which were or would have been at the level of posing grave dangers to the citizenry of Israel, if not an existential threat. This information was denied to Israel by the then U.S government's violation of an existent American Israeli security agreement. Acting without authorization, i.e., illegally, Pollard warned Israel of the dangers. Most notable in these disclosures were the Iraqi chemical weapons and the accompanying delivery systems, not unlike those chemical weapons of Syria that the Obama administration stridently warned the world about how dangerous there were, or are, only a few short months ago. Disclosure or passage of information from Pollard to Israel became revealed and Jonathan Pollard was arrested and imprisoned, at times -

particularly now - in ways that are cruel and unusual. He has been denigrated by every U.S. administration since then as criminal if not traitorous. Some years ago I attended a lecture on the plight of Jonathan Pollard in one of the communities in Samaria. The activist who gave the lecture, quoted Jonathan Pollard as he revealed his thoughts as an intelligence analyst at the time he became aware of the dangers to Israel and at the point he decided to take the action he did. "I would rather sit in jail the whole rest of my life than sit (shiva) for thousands of Israelis as a result of my cowardice". That statement , more than anything else, reveals the motivations, the nature of his activity and information disclosures, and the courage, integrity and the faith of Jonathan Pollard as a man and as a Jew. Again, over thirty years later, in a state of health which was described by Jonathan Pollard himself, by way of his wife, Esther, as "wretched", Jonathan Pollard displays the same qualities of character strength to foil another plot to endanger Israel and its people. The media were abuzz about the potential to release Pollard as some kind of Obama-Kerry Mideast package. In a move conjuring up images of Samson in Philistine captivity. Jonathan Pollard, who should have been powerless with both hands tied behind his back in a Butner, North Carolina prison, seems to have brought down the roof on this current intrigue, with its architects, Obama and Kerry, significantly bruised in the rubble. Victims of their own hubris and their own misconceptions, not only is the Obama-Kerry plan going astray, but Pollard and Israel, in this affair, are appearing to be the opposite of how the Obama administration perceived them and had hoped them to be portrayed. Most people, after years of ordeals in prison and the failing health engendered by them, would jump at the chance to escape by answering a few formalities at a parole board hearing. However, it was reported that a member of the U.S. parole commission said that Pollard waived the hearing. Apparently, Pollard, aware that his release would bring pressure on the Israeli Prime Minister to approve of a deal that would obligate Israel to release scores of terrorists and revive the Obama Kerry plan - which is a great danger in itself to Israel - in exchange for his freedom, wanted none of it. In fact last summer in a published article, Pollard decried the release of terrorists by Israel and warned that to do so would, "dishonor its dead", "betray its bereaved" and "disgrace its citizenry" by the "release of unrepentant murders". He called such a move an "affront to human decency" for "political expediency". Thus not only is the nobility of Pollard's character demonstrated by his adherence to Jewish and human values, but the motivations for the original deed that he has punished for unjustly, have been reiterated. Obama has been quoted as saying that "I know more about Jews than any other previous President." He seems believe this is so. Actually he knows very little about them. He certainly doesn't know Jonathan Pollard. He thought that by now, with no

second thought, Pollard would jettison everything Jews believe is dear, in return for a Boeing to Israel, the best Jewish doctors, a five star hotel in Jerusalem and this year's Passover soup as a free man. He couldn't be more wrong. He knows little about Jonathan Pollard, or any other real Jews for that matter. For them, the Torah of Israel, the Land of Israel, and the Jewish people are holy and demand sacrifice. While the Obama administration tries to use Jonathan Pollard as a conveniently available bargaining chip in order to obtain a new Middle Eastern political reality, conducive to it own self-serving agenda and world view, Pollard's selfless refusal to be manipulated by the ploy, puts a new focus on the Obama administration's values, or lack of them, at this late date in this sad saga of the Pollard affair. He quite correctly is seen as ready to give all for what he believes in. In contrast, Obama appears to be wheeling and dealing in this "great security liability", as the detractors of Pollard characterize him. Israel gets Pollard in exchange for release of terrorists. The end goal of this move is rather transparent. The Obama Administration hopes that by the releasing of terrorists in such a stunt, world stability and security will be promoted. He is willing to pander to elements in the Arab Islamic world, that are basically similar in outlook, if not identical in their view of the West, to those who destroyed the World Trade Center. Surrender of a dedicated Israeli agent, or a criminal guilty of serious security infractions, depending on the view, for release of terrorists, will not be seen by anyone, as strengthening the security of the U.S., Israel, or anyone else. But it is consistent with the Obama doctrine of achieving stability through confrontation avoidance and appeasement, most vividly demonstrated in the Benghazi stand-down fiasco, which resulted in the murder of the U.S. ambassador there. To be sure, one should address the allegation that Jonathan Pollard greatly compromised American security vis-à-vis the U.S.'s Cold War adversaries. Many people have said many things about Jonathan Pollard with little or no verification. Much of the accusing documentation is still legally unavailable for legal defense and public scrutiny. However there are few indications that Pollard had any need or motivation to endanger American security. It is quite obvious that he had a great need and motivation to protect Israel from real and considerable dangers. This is clear from his principles, words, and deeds. The thrust of the Obama Administration in the present Mideast negotiations was more than contrary to the basic security of Israel. Now, again, we see Jonathan Pollard conducting himself in a way most similar to how he acted more than 30 years ago. Then, by violating regulations he endangered himself for what he believed in, and now, he is sacrificing himself for those very same beliefs by parole waiving. Thus, the Obama Administration has quite unwittingly created a situation where the sterling character and motivations of Pollard are reaffirmed. At the same time, the Obama Administration is reaffirmed as made up of manipulative opportunists of

expediency, devoid of of the values to which Jews, Israelis, Americans and decent people everywhere are dedicated.

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