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Education research

Acquisition of Science Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Initial Teacher Training

October 2011

Acquisition of Science Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Initial Teacher Training

Report to the Wellcome Trust

by Roger Lock, David Salt and Allan Soares, University of Birmingham

October 2011


Contents Executive summary 2 Introduction 5 Research context 7 Methodology 11 Findings and discussion 23 Conclusion 45 Acknowledgements 46 References 48 Glossary 53


Executive summary There is concern about how trainee science teachers acquire subject knowledge and

pedagogy to teach across the sciences in secondary schools. This report addresses

the question: How do one-year postgraduate Initial Teacher Training (ITT) courses in

England and Wales support trainees’ acquisition of subject knowledge and topic

specific pedagogy across the sciences? This study is the first that has attempted to investigate the acquisition of subject

knowledge and topic specific pedagogy by trainee science teachers in secondary ITT

courses and has benefited from comprehensive support by science ITT tutors in

England and Wales.

The findings are presented in four sections:

• The qualifications of trainees and Higher Education Institution (HEI) course

intentions (Section A);

• The extent to which subject knowledge and topic-specific pedagogy are

addressed on one-year science ITT courses (Section B);

• The ways in which trainees acquire and use subject knowledge and topic

specific pedagogy (Section C);

• The extent to which the subject specific course elements meet trainees’

perceived needs for the Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) year (Section D).

A. Qualifications and course intentions

• Most HEI tutors said their trainees were being prepared to teach across the

sciences to Key Stage (KS) 4 (age 16 – GCSE equivalent).

• There is an imbalance of specialists on ITT courses, with the number of

biologists far exceeding chemists and physicists (approx 5:3:2).

• The minimum degree requirement HEI tutors accept for a trainee biological

science teacher is higher than for a trainee physical science teacher.


• Nearly one-third of trainees who regard themselves as physics specialists

have a degree with limited identified physics content.

B. Addressing subject knowledge (SK) and topic specific pedagogy (TSP)

• The HEI is the main location for formal engagement with subject knowledge

and topic specific pedagogy.

• HEIs provide formal sessions that are a mix of subject knowledge and topic

specific pedagogy with greater emphasis placed on topic specific pedagogy.

• Subject knowledge and topic specific pedagogy sessions in HEIs are mainly

workshops led by tutors, most of whom stated they were actively engaged in

science education research.

• The amount of teaching time allocated to science appears to be very variable

between HEIs.

• How Science Works (practical and enquiry skills, critical understanding of

evidence, applications and implications of science and communication),

taught in separate sessions, does not appear to be a major identifiable focus

in the HEI-based parts of courses.

• HEI tutors expect school mentors to monitor and set targets for subject

knowledge and topic specific pedagogy.

• A minority of HEI tutors expect subject knowledge and topic specific

pedagogy to be routinely addressed in formal mentor meetings.

C. Trainees’ acquisition and use of subject knowledge and topic specific pedagogy

• Subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) courses led by ITT staff are

perceived by trainees as more useful than those led by academics in science


• Trainees view the subject knowledge audit process as inefficient and



• Most trainees identify the best time for developing subject knowledge as the

point at which they are required to teach it.

• Trainees mainly use material resources to develop their subject knowledge

whereas they use human resources to develop topic specific pedagogy.

• Trainees rate peers high in the rank order of resources used to access both

subject knowledge and pedagogy.

• The classroom teacher is an important resource for subject knowledge and

topic specific pedagogy development.

• HEI sessions rank highly as a resource for developing topic specific


D. Trainees and the Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) year

• For Science NQTs, physics topics were a high priority for continued

professional development (CPD) courses in the first year of teaching.

• Trainees identify behaviour management and assessment as priorities for

CPD courses in their NQT year.

• Processes to address subject knowledge and topic specific pedagogy are

considered by trainees and HEI tutors to be transferable to unfamiliar topics.

ITT courses provide a sound basis for developing subject knowledge and topic specific pedagogy in key topics. However, it is unrealistic to expect trainees to develop secure subject knowledge and topic specific pedagogy in all topics in their specialist and non-specialist areas at Key Stages 3 and 4 (11–16 years) during a one-year ITT course.


Introduction Trainees entering a one-year Initial Teacher Training (ITT) course in secondary

science in England and Wales usually have a first degree in some aspect of either

the biological or physical sciences. Some undergraduate science degree courses

take a ‘pick and mix’ approach leading to graduates with experience of a range of

sciences, but with relatively limited in-depth knowledge of physics, chemistry or

biology. Few trainee teachers will have studied all three science subjects to A-level

(Institute of Physics, 2002). Many may have only studied one science to A-level and

for these trainees their study of other sciences will have been limited to GCSE.

Although the Training and Development Agency (TDA, 2010) requirement is that

trainees are prepared to teach across the sciences to Key Stage 3 and in their

specialism at GCSE onwards, studies by Lock and Soares (2005), Lock, Soares and

Foster (2009) and the House of Commons Children, Schools and Families

Committee (2010) report that schools require many NQTs to be competent to teach

all sciences to GCSE level. This places a considerable demand on trainees

developing their subject knowledge and ways of transforming this knowledge into

effective teaching during a one-year ITT course. Even in teaching their subject

specialism, trainee teachers need pedagogical content knowledge to transform good

subject matter knowledge into effective lessons (Van Driel, De Jong and Verloop,

2002; Kind, 2009).

DfES (2006) proposed that staff qualified in the subjects they are teaching are likely

to generate more Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

qualified learners and since the number of physical science graduates entering

teaching is low this may be a cause for concern. The Report of the Science and

Learning Expert Group (Department for Business Innovation and Skills, 2010)

stresses the importance of providing subject specific training in ITT, specifically

recommending that there should be further investigation into:

‘..the consistency between initial teacher training [ITT] providers in the

balance between subject-specific and general pedagogical training to


ensure that subject specific pedagogical training receives a high priority.’

(Recommendation 4, p 10)

Our research is therefore timely in that as well as addressing this recommendation it

also comes at a time when there is an increased demand for recruiting specialist

teachers of physics and chemistry.

In this report the terms ‘physicist’, ‘chemist’ and ‘biologist’ are used in line with the

NFER (2006) definition of a specialist. The NFER defines a subject specialist as one

who has university qualifications in the subject at degree level or above or

undertakes training in the subject during their ITT year. For example, a physics

specialist (physicist) may have a physics degree or be a graduate of an unrelated

subject enrolled on an ITT course specialising in physics.

This study distinguishes between formal (timetabled) and informal provision of SK

and TSP support in ITT secondary science courses. The term ‘informal’ is applied to

all contexts that are not part of trainees’ timetabled entitlement in HEI and school-

based components of the course, matching Eraut’s ‘non-formal’ support (Eraut,


To summarise, this study focuses on the following question: How do one-year

postgraduate Initial Teacher Training (ITT) courses in England and Wales support

trainees’ acquisition of subject knowledge and topic specific pedagogy across the


The working documents from which this report was compiled and the research

instruments are available at and on the University of

Birmingham, School of Education website at


Research context The Royal Society (2007) views teachers’ science subject knowledge as one of the

critical indicators of the quality of teaching. Grossman, Wilson and Shulman (1989, p

27) suggest that there are four dimensions of subject knowledge, or what they term

‘subject matter knowledge’, that affect the teaching and learning of prospective

teachers: content knowledge (factual information); substantive knowledge

(explanatory frameworks); syntactic knowledge (how new knowledge evolves); and

beliefs about the subject matter. Other studies (Shallcross, Spink, Stephenson and

Warwick, 2002) interpret science subject knowledge in terms of Schwab’s (1978)

definition of substantive knowledge (the facts, theories and disciplines of science)

and syntactic knowledge (the procedures of investigating and experimenting) which

Roberts, Gott and Glaesser (2010, p 378) also call ‘procedural knowledge’.

As trainee secondary science teachers in England and Wales cannot be expected to

have studied all aspects of the sciences they will be teaching, their subject

knowledge, both substantive and syntactic, will need to be addressed, to varying

extents, during their initial teacher education programme.

However, developing into an effective teacher requires more than just the

substantive and syntactic knowledge of the subject.

‘…just knowing the content well was really important, just knowing

the general pedagogy was really important and yet when you

added the two together, you didn’t get the teacher.’ (Shulman in an

interview reported in Berry, Loughran and van Driel, 2008)

This suggests that a graduate of a particular subject is only likely to start their

transformation into a teacher of that subject when they begin to consider how best to

teach the subject content in order to make it learnable by others. To account for this,

Shulman (1986) introduced the term pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) (Figure

1) and proposed that such considerations included:


‘…the most powerful analogies, illustrations, examples,

explanations, and demonstrations… the ways of representing

and formulating the subject that makes it comprehensible to

others.’ (Shulman, 1986, p 9)

Figure 1. Relationship between subject knowledge, generic pedagogy and PCK

While teacher educators and researchers agree that PCK is a useful construct (e.g.

van Driel, Verloop and de Vos, 1998; Loughran, Mulhall and Berry, 2008; Kind,

2009), it is also acknowledged that there are differences in its definition and

conceptualisation (Nilsson, 2008). Nevertheless, even though PCK appears to be a

common component of the teacher knowledge needed to be an effective teacher of a

subject (van Dijk and Kattmann, 2007; Nilsson, 2008), it is not a commonly used

term by teachers. This is unsurprising as even guidance provided for teachers

through government agencies does not explicitly refer to the term (DCSF, 2008)

(Figure 2).

Loughran, Mulhall and Berry (2008) proposed a framework called ‘Content

Representations’ (CoRes) – key content ideas, known alternative conceptions,

known points of confusion, ways of framing ideas to support learning, ways of testing

for understanding – and ‘Pedagogical and Professional-experience Repertoires’

(PaPeRs) – specific aspects of teaching the topic – to explicitly introduce PCK to

beginning teachers. This framework appears to amalgamate the substantive,

syntactic and PCK components and introduces a further dimension, specific aspects

of teaching a topic.


knowledge Generic


PCK Pedagogical Content



Figure 2. Talking Science Pedagogy (DCSF, 2008)

Geddis (1993) proposed that developing teachers need to address pedagogical

issues that are content specific:

‘Beginning teachers need to learn not just “how to teach” but rather

“how to teach electricity.”’ (p 675)

This suggests that to be an effective teacher of physics it is necessary to not only

know the content (subject knowledge) of the various topics (e.g. forces, energy etc),

but also ‘…the particular teaching and learning demands of that particular topic’

(Bucat, 2004, p 217), the topic specific PCK.


Subject knowledge

Skills and techniques

Teaching and


Conditions for learning

Key concepts; progression misconceptions; contemporary applications

Managing classes, a group, an individual; how to react with pupils of different ages, previous learning, prior attainment, preferences in learning environment

Models and sequences; theories about learning and how they relate to sequences such as inductive enquiry, model construction, concept attainment, constructivism

Skills – how to question, explain, guide, model, structure learning; Techniques – how to engage through classifying, DARTs, analogy


In this report, subject knowledge (SK) is the subject content knowledge related to a

particular topic, a term also used by Childs and McNicholl (2007), and topic specific

pedagogy (TSP) is the associated specific pedagogy needed to transform the

particular content of that topic to make it understandable to learners (Lock, Soares

and Foster, 2009). This corresponds to the term subject specific pedagogical

knowledge used by Burn, Childs and McNicholl (2007). Figure 3 illustrates our

conceptualisation of TSP as ways of re-working the particular topic specific subject

knowledge to make it more understandable.

Figure 3. Aspects contributing to topic specific pedagogy

In other words, although the use of illustrations, analogies, misconceptions etc may

be applicable to all topics, there are specific and unique pedagogies of these aspects

related to each particular topic (e.g. electricity, genetics, chemical bonding), and this

we term topic specific pedagogy (TSP).

Topic specific pedagogy Examples




Progression of key ideas Resources

Practical work


Teaching difficulties


Methodology The study employed a mixed methods approach with progressive focusing between

the research instruments (document analysis/questionnaires/interviews) and phases

in the work (Creswell, 2009). Such an approach was used as it combines the

strengths of quantitative and semi-quantitative data derived from large size samples

with the richness of interpretive elements derived from more qualitative work with

smaller samples. This permits triangulation between methods and allows issues and

questions arising from one research instrument to be more closely focused upon as

the study progresses. The methods and sample sizes are summarised in Table 1.

Table 1. Research instruments: sample sizes, return rates and data collection periods Research instrument Sample

size Responses

received % return Data collection

period Phase 1 Document analysis Tutor questionnaire



24 HEIs/81

documents 72



Dec 2009

to Jan 2010 May 2010

Phase 2 Trainee questionnaire Trainee interview Tutor interview

300 24


245 22


82 92


Jun 2010 Jul–Aug 2010

Aug–Sep 2010

Document analysis All HEIs in England and Wales offering a one-year ITT course in science (including

biology, chemistry, physics, geology and psychology) covering KS2–3, KS3–4 and

KS3–5) were identified from the Graduate Teacher Training Registry website (GTTR,

2009) (n=64). Science staff were identified from the HEI websites and, where


contacts were not clear, by telephoning the HEI. All colleagues on this list (n=160)

were emailed in December 2009 informing them of the nature of the research,

requesting copies of their documentation relating to university and school-based

programmes and assuring them of anonymity. Where no reply was received, a follow

up request was made in January 2010. Documents were received from 24 HEIs. In

total 81 documents were made available.

The representativeness of this sample was investigated according to a number of

parameters (Table 2). Documentation was received from HEIs across England and

Wales with no regional bias. Pre and post 1992 universities were both well

represented and there were responses from HEIs offering the full range of secondary

subject specialisms and key stages (KS). The data in Table 2 suggest that there was

no bias with regard to geography, HEI type, KS or specialism.

Table 2. Representativeness of the sample

Criterion Description Geography 2 East, 8 South and London, 3 South

West, 4 North, 5 Midlands, 2 Wales HEI type 12 of 29 pre 1992 universities (41%

return); 12 of 35 post 1992 universities

(34% return) Key Stage KS2–3, KS3–4, KS3–5 Specialism Science, biology, chemistry, physics

geology and psychology

In developing a usable, valid and reliable method of analysing the documents the

following procedure was adopted. Analysis criteria were independently drawn up by

the three investigators each using the same, randomly, selected document. The

criteria were discussed and conflated to a single agreed list of criteria. These

preliminary criteria were used by the three investigators to independently analyse the

same documents from two, further, randomly selected, HEIs and the analyses were

shared. Any differences that arose were discussed, solutions proposed and

agreement reached regarding interpretation. As a result of this process, criteria were


refined, definitions of terms clarified and a coding system developed for further

analyses. The revised criteria (Figure 4) were used to independently analyse

documents from a further HEI to determine inter-rater reliability. This showed a

reasonable consistency between the investigators.

The criteria, definitions and coding, complete with two contrasting analyses, were

shared and discussed with the project advisory group which verified the methodology

and suggested minor modifications. The final criteria used to analyse documents

(n=81) from all 24 HEIs are shown in Figure 4.

Spreadsheets were constructed to collate the data from each HEI. The spreadsheets

consisted of three pages: the first related to the HEI-based phase of the ITT course;

the second to school-based training; and the third to any aspect of self-help

(individual study and peer support). Each criterion had a column in the spreadsheet

and this facilitated easier cross comparison between HEIs.

As Figure 4 shows, common criteria were used to analyse the course content

devoted to How Science Works (HSW), biology, chemistry, physics and earth

science. Topics were recorded as described in the documents and where these were

accompanied by descriptions of the session content, it was possible to identify if

subject knowledge and/or topic specific pedagogy were involved. In the same way it

was possible to identify the key stage on which the work was focused and how it was


Where documents identified details of the subject knowledge audit these were

recorded, as was any focus on the audit of topic specific pedagogy. In some

documents course assignments were used in assessing and/or validating subject

knowledge and pedagogy and information on these approaches was also recorded.

Comments from the documents were noted in order to provide qualitative evidence

complete with page numbers, allowing the researchers to easily revisit the original

documents should this be necessary, for example during tutor and trainee interviews.

Possible points which required further investigation or clarification were noted in

order to progressively focus the research questions through other research


instruments. A course synopsis for each HEI was recorded in order to facilitate the

development of a typology of courses.

Although the method was felt to be rigorous, limitations with the methodology

encountered during the analyses were noted. There were three main limitations:

1. The documents received were not written for the purposes of this research.

2. Documents varied in their completeness.

3. Documents varied in the level of detail provided on different course aspects.

Figure 4. Criteria used for the analyses of HEI documents

Sheet 1 (university-based part of the course)

Course – code (anonymised)

Overall teaching time (hrs)

Science teaching time (hrs)

Separate sections on: How Science Works, biology, chemistry, physics and earth science

Content analysed for:


Subject knowledge and/or pedagogy involved

Key Stage

How covered? (lecture, seminar, workshop, peer presentation)

By whom? (university tutor, mentor/teacher, external speaker)

Time (hours)

Stage in course (early [weeks 1 to 10]; middle [weeks 11 to 20]; late [weeks 21+])

Subject knowledge audit

Subject knowledge/pedagogy audited


By whom? (university tutor, mentor, self)

How often?

Who with? (university tutor/mentor/other)


Action/follow up/use

Support for action


Assignment including SK/TSP

SK/TSP audit

Comments/quotations and page numbers for later reference

Possible points for exploration by questionnaire/interviews

Methodology limitation notes

Course synopsis

An apparent absence of data in a document might not mean that an activity does not

take place or a topic is not addressed. Conversely, a course may not be run as it

appears to be set out in the documents analysed. For these reasons the document

analysis was not primarily used to produce quantitative outcomes but to generate

semi-quantitative and qualitative data. The main purpose was to generate questions

to explore in more detail (e.g. about the nature of the SK audit and peer support)

using other research instruments (questionnaires and interviews).

In addition, the strategy employed is likely to underestimate the extent of the focus

on SK and topic specific pedagogy (TSP) because where only generic titles were

given for sessions, e.g. ‘Questioning’ it was unclear what subject matter might have

been addressed in that session and how it was addressed.

Questionnaires (tutor and trainee) A common approach was used for most aspects of the trainee and tutor

questionnaire development. Where there were differences in approach, these are

reported separately in the relevant section of the research methods.


Broad areas under which questions might be asked were drawn up using the

research questions contained in the original research proposal, discussions between

the investigators, aspects requiring more detailed exploration arising from the

document analysis (and, in the case of the trainee questionnaire, findings from the

tutor questionnaire) and consultation with the advisory group. The questionnaires

were developed over several versions (six tutor and four trainee versions) before

being piloted with advisory board members and research colleagues. Comments

were invited on the content, layout and completion time. All suggestions were

considered and implemented as appropriate, particularly where points were made

consistently or related to clarity and validity.

Trials of the questionnaires were undertaken by ITT tutors from a range of subject

disciplines (tutor questionnaire) and ten science NQTs from a 2008–2009 cohort of

trainees (trainee questionnaire). Trial findings were used to improve clarity and

validity. The number of mandatory questions was reduced in order to encourage

respondents to complete the survey in a reasonable time period. The balance of

open and closed questions was adjusted in order to match the time taken to

complete the questionnaire with the opportunity for more detailed responses. Paired

opposites and repeat questions were included to check the consistency of


Responses to open questions and where the option ‘other, please give details’ had

been used were independently examined by the investigators and treated in two

ways. Firstly, where appropriate, responses were discussed and a coding system

developed which was then checked for consistency of use by the investigators. This

process resulted in the re-allocation of some ‘other, please give details’ responses to

ensure validity. Secondly, prose comments were selected for potential inclusion as

qualitative evidence. Tutor questionnaires (only) An electronic questionnaire using the Bristol Online Survey (BOS) (BOS, 2010) was

chosen rather than a paper-based format in order to increase the response rate. This

had the advantage of a site licence at the investigating institution, online support and

internal expertise.


All science tutors within HEIs in England and Wales offering one-year science ITT

courses (n=160) were sent questionnaires with a supporting email. A two-week

period for completion was provided during which two email reminders were sent.

Replies to the email indicated that the sample size was smaller than 160 due to

maternity leave, sabbaticals, non-involvement in ITT, leaving post etc. This reduced

the working sample to 134.

During the questionnaire window all queries were responded to and solutions

provided to local problems; when asked, investigators encouraged individual

responses. However, in some HEIs a nominated tutor responded on behalf of all

colleagues. A total of 72 responses were received from the working sample of 134

(54 per cent). Enquiries with the software providers (Bristol Online Survey) indicated

that 20 to 30 per cent is the expected return rate for a topical survey (BOS, 2010)

suggesting that the response rate to this investigation was good.

The questionnaire provided opportunities for respondents to voluntarily identify

themselves and their institution as an indication of willingness to be involved in

phase two of the research. Colleagues from 33 different HEIs completed this option

showing that at least half of HEIs offering one-year ITT courses in the sciences in

England and Wales were represented. The identified HEIs contributed from one to

four respondents each (median one) and came from a wide geographical range

within England and Wales (Table 3), with all regions represented. They represented

pre-1992 universities (12), post-1992 universities (21) and reflected the range of

secondary course providers: Key Stage 2–3 (8), 3–4 (25) and 3–5 (50). HEI

respondents represented a variety of specialisms including science (27), biology

(38), chemistry (39) physics (38) and earth science (1). Overall, the researchers felt

that the respondents who chose to identify themselves were representative of

provision for secondary ITT in England and Wales and this gave support for

generalising data collected by the tutor questionnaire to the wider population.


Table 3. Number of identified HEI institutions responding from regions

Region Number of institutions responding London 4 Midlands 6 North East 6 North West 4 South East 7 South West 4 Wales 2

Examples of questions designed to check the consistency of response are identified

in Table 4. These take the form of paired opposites (examples 1 and 2) and a

repeated question (example 3). The data indicate that there is good agreement

which demonstrates acceptable levels of internal consistency.

Table 4. Paired opposite questions and repeated question incorporated into q. 27 shown with response (%) Example First question Second question Theme 1 27a

16% 27o 16%

Adequacy of SK of trainees

before commencing ITT

courses 2 27b

61% 27l 51%

Value of teaching SK in

university-based sessions 3 27e

64% 27p 63%

Transfer of TSP skills to new


Case studies For institutions to be selected for phase two of the research they had to have

provided documents for analysis and submitted an identified tutor questionnaire

response offering further involvement with the trainee questionnaire, interview and

tutor interview. Twelve institutions met these criteria. A typology of courses had been


developed from the document analysis and from this there was a spectrum of

courses with different amounts of explicit teaching focused on science SK and TSP

(high >27hours, low <27 hours HEI-based provision). In addition, the provision of

some courses appeared to be different from most others, for example with a strong

focus on misconceptions or with the provision of school-based SK and TSP teaching.

Of the 12 HEIs, seven offered ‘apparent high’ and four ‘apparent low’ explicit

provision of SK and TSP teaching, with one in the middle. When this factor was

combined with a desire to have case studies that reflected the geographical

distribution, institution type, course type and cohort size of HEI institutions, the six

institutions shown in Table 5 were selected.

Table 5. HEIs selected for phase two of the study




PCB/ combined


range Pre/


1992 HEI


location Possible





High (school-



PCB 11–18 Pre Midlands 45 H024

Low Combined 11–16 Post South 21 H025 Mid PCB 11–18 Pre West 70 H027 High Combined 11–18 Pre Midlands 90 H030 High

(misconception) PCB 11–18 Pre North 51 H032

Low Combined 11–16 Post South 23 H036 Trainee questionnaire (only) A questionnaire containing open and closed questions was developed to address the

research questions and to enable triangulation with, and deeper exploration of, data

from the document analysis and HEI tutor questionnaire.

A paper-based questionnaire was used in preference to an online survey in order to

maximise the return rate with a completion time restricted to 30 minutes.


The questionnaires were dispatched to the course tutors at each case study HEI and

completed between 11th and 28th June 2010 mostly in the final week of the ITT

course. The response rate across all six HEI case studies (overall, 245/300) ranged

from 71 to 100 per cent (Table 6).

Table 6. Trainee questionnaire response rates

A number of paired opposites and repeated questions were incorporated into the

questionnaire to check the consistency of the responses. The data indicate that the

responses showed consistency.

Analysis of the data sought to explore patterns in trainees’ responses within each of

the six institutions and patterns across the six institutions.

Interviews (trainee and tutor) The questions for the interviews were agreed amongst the investigators based on

discussions between themselves and the advisory group and on questions or data

derived from tutor and trainee questionnaires, the document analyses and, in the

case of the tutor interviews, the trainee interviews.

Trials were carried out with five trainees and three tutors drawn from two HEIs and

this resulted in modified protocols. This protocol took the form of a flow diagram

containing key interview questions, with space to annotate verbatim comments as

necessary. Before the interview, the specific HEI trainee and tutor questionnaire(s),

course documents and, in the case of the tutor interviews only, trainee interviews,

were consulted for course specific aspects which could be investigated further during

the interview.

H024 H025 H027 H030 H032 H036


rate (%) 100







Interviews were digitally recorded in order to facilitate further listening, reliability

analysis and transcription if required. Recordings of the trials were listened to by

more than one investigator with subsequent modifications made to protocols as well

as checks on the consistency of data recorded in the template.

The interviews lasted approximately 30 and 40 minutes (trainees and tutors

respectively). One investigator carried out all the interviews and another listened to

two trainee and two tutor interviews. Differences regarding interpretation were

discussed and resolved to arrive at a consistent interpretation in order to enhance

the reliability of the analysis.

Trainee interviews (only) Trainees offering interviews from the questionnaires were contacted by email. Those

responding to the email were then contacted by telephone to arrange a convenient

time for an interview to take place. Four volunteer trainees in five of the six case

study HEIs were interviewed. In one HEI two trainees were interviewed owing to

fewer trainees volunteering. Interviews (n=22) were conducted in the period between

completion of the ITT course and the start of the NQT year.

Interviews for trainees focused on how the trainee had prepared or would prepare to

teach in three contexts:

1. A topic the trainee had taught on placement and was comfortable with


2. A topic the trainee had taught on placement and was less comfortable with


3. A topic to be taught in the next few weeks of their NQT year which they had

not previously taught.

For each of these topics, the reasons for the topic being either more or less

comfortable to teach were probed. Also for each of these areas, information was

collected on how the HEI-based elements and school-based elements of their ITT

course had contributed to the trainee preparing to teach those topics. In this context,

the role of the SK audit was investigated. Finally the trainee was asked to identify

their current CPD needs.


After listening to the recording and referring to any contemporaneous notes, findings

from the trainee interviews were collated for each HEI case study. Tutor interviews (only) Interviews were carried out with eight tutors from the six case study HEIs. The

schedule of questions covered five main areas: course philosophy, SK audit, mentor

role/school based training, course structure and perception of continuing

needs/transferability of skills. Interviews covered both generic and also

institution/course specific questions.

This research project has raised awareness amongst HEI tutors of the project’s

focus, through sharing the aims of the project in a widely read publication (Lock,

2010) and at a conference. Such information, together with involvement in the

interviews, may have made tutors consider and articulate their practice in a way that

they might not have done before, which may impact on the validity of the method. In

addition, at institutions where there were multiple tutors and where colleagues had

been previously interviewed, discussion between them may have led to development

of ideas before interview. Therefore the opinions expressed may be, to some extent,

an artefact of the research methodology.

At all stages of the work, the research ethics requirements of the University of

Birmingham and the other universities involved were met.


Findings and discussion The main findings within each section are identified in bold and are followed by

supporting evidence. Direct quotations from research data are identified as follows:

H0 – document analysis; UT– university tutor questionnaires and interviews; and TT

– trainee teacher questionnaires and interviews.

A. Qualifications and course intentions Most HEI tutors said their trainees were being prepared to teach across the sciences to Key Stage 4 (age 16 – GCSE equivalent).

Most HEIs are engaged in preparing trainee teachers to teach all three sciences to

age 16. The Training and Development Agency (TDA) requirement is that secondary

courses prepare trainees to teach across the sciences at KS3 and their subject

specialism beyond that point (TDA, 2010). From the data in Table 7 it is evident that

58 per cent of HEI tutors participating in this study go beyond the TDA requirement,

in that they are preparing trainees to teach at least two sciences to KS4. It could be

that ITT courses are providing what most schools appear to want and this strategy

may increase the employability of trainees taught on these courses.

Table 7. Levels to which HEI training courses prepare to train teachers

Training to teach across the

sciences to KS3 plus… Number of

HEIs % of HEIs

Specialism to GCSE 6 8 Two sciences to GCSE 3 4 Dual award to GCSE 8 11 Specialism to GCSE + A level 21 29 Two sciences to GCSE + A level 10 14 Dual award to GCSE + A level 21 29 Other 2 3 No response 1 1


There is an imbalance of specialists on ITT courses with the number of biologists far exceeding chemists and physicists (approx 5:3:2).

While the majority of HEI tutors say they are preparing trainees to teach across the

sciences to Key Stage 4, the number of biologists in the HEIs in our sample vastly

outnumbers the number of physicists (1273 biologists, 836 chemists, 543 physicists).

This imbalance in the number of specialists is likely to mean that there will be more

biologists teaching outside their specialist area beyond Key Stage 3 including triple

award science to GCSE. This has implications for SK and TSP development

especially in the light of the Ofsted finding reported by DfE (2010b) that where the

match between qualifications and subjects taught was good, the quality of teaching

far exceeded cases where the match was poor.

DfE (2010b) also reports that a target of 25 per cent of science teachers should have

a physics specialism by 2014. Based on our study, in which only 20 per cent of

trainees have a physics specialism, a marked improvement in recruitment of physics

specialists would be required to reach this target.

The minimum degree requirement HEI tutors accept for a trainee biological science teacher is higher than for a trainee physical science teacher.

Seventy-nine per cent of tutors regard class of degree as important (Table 8).

However, tutor interviews revealed that other personal qualities such as overcoming

personal difficulties, working with young people and previous successful teaching

experiences also contribute to the makings of a teacher, leading to offers to

applicants with third class degrees or lower. One possible explanation for this may

be that physics and chemistry trainees coming through the SKE routes are accepted

with initial qualifications that are a good deal lower than for trainees directly admitted

to ITT courses.

Forty-two per cent of HEI tutors regard the institution awarding the degree as

unimportant for acceptance on to an ITT course. This contrasts with the White


Paper’s apparent focus on good quality graduates from Russell Group universities

training to become teachers (DfE, 2010a).

Table 8. Importance of degree class and awarding institution (n, % in parentheses) Importance of… Unimportant Important No response Degree class 15 (21) 57 (79) 0 Awarding institution 30 (42) 42 (58) 0

The minimum class of degree required for physical science trainees accepted on to

courses appears to be lower than that for biological science trainees (Table 9). Over

50 per cent of tutors are prepared to accept physical science trainees with a third

class degree or less, whereas only one-third of tutors are prepared to accept these

classes of degree from biological science trainees. While this could be a reflection of

the market and the relative abundance of people wanting to train as biology

teachers, there might be serious implications arising from the proposal to cease

funding for applicants with degrees lower than a 2.2 classification (DfE, 2010a, 2011)

which are likely to reduce even further the supply of physical science teachers.

Table 9. Minimum class of degree required by HEI tutors for biological and physical science trainees

Minimum class of

degree required by

HEI tutors

For biological

science trainees n (%)

For physical

science trainees n (%)

First 0 (0) 0 (0) Upper second 6 (8) 0 (0) Lower second 35 (49) 26 (36) Third 18 (25) 29 (40) Ordinary 6 (8) 11 (15) Other 4 (6) 4 (6) No response 3 (4) 2 (3)


Confirmation that HEI tutors accept a lower class of degree for physical science

trainees than for biological science trainees can be found in Smithers and

Robinson’s (2010) Good Teacher Training Guide.

Nearly one-third of trainees who regard themselves as physics specialists have a degree with limited identified physics content.

Data from the trainee questionnaire indicate that 31 per cent of physicists possess

degrees with titles suggesting they have limited identified physics content. These

titles include: Psychology, Applied Microbiology, Environmental Management,

Archaeology, Forensics, Psychology and Sports Science. There are two principal

ways in which possible limitations in SK might be addressed, by completing a subject

knowledge enhancement (SKE) course either prior to their initial teacher training or

during the HEI and school-based elements of an ITT course. Most HEI tutors (83 per

cent) say they are prepared to make completion of an SKE course a condition of

acceptance for candidates with degrees containing less than 50 per cent of the

specialism they are training to teach, but trainee feedback on the quality and

suitability of SKE courses is variable (see section C).

It is questionable whether a graduate with a degree containing less than 50 per cent

of the specialist component can, following the completion of subject specific SKE

and ITT courses, claim to be a specialist teacher of their subject to A level. A

specialist teacher of physics, chemistry or biology should possess a degree in their

specialism or a closely allied subject and study a specialist ITT course (physics,

chemistry or biology) which would qualify them to teach their specialism to A level.

A science graduate with a degree containing less than 50 per cent of physics or

chemistry but who has successfully completed specialist SKE (minimum 24 weeks)

and ITT courses could be termed an associate specialist teacher of physics or

chemistry qualifying them to teach physics or chemistry to Key Stage 4.

These categories of specialist teachers are similar in nature but different in detail

from those described by SCORE (2011).


B. Addressing subject knowledge (SK) and topic specific pedagogy (TSP) The HEI is the main location for formal engagement with SK and TSP.

The evidence for the main location for the development of SK and TSP residing

within the HEI-based parts of the course was first obtained from the document

analysis. In contrast, there is limited evidence of formal provision (timetabled

teaching sessions) in support of SK and TSP on the school-based parts of the

course via, for example, mentor meetings, written lesson appraisals or through

observation of teachers.

Responses to tutor questionnaires and interviews also show that development of SK

and TSP underpin the bulk of HEI-work with trainees. This finding reflects the

importance of the HEI’s contributions to SK and TSP development (House of

Commons Children, Schools and Families Committee Report, 2010). This has

implications for the proposal in the recent White Paper (DfE, 2010a) that less time is

spent by trainees in HEIs as it raises the question of where trainees would obtain

support for developing SK and TSP.

The document analyses illustrate ways in which HEI tutors view their role in relation

to subject knowledge acquisition by trainees that vary from those who see it as

having no part in a one-year initial teacher training course – ‘…subject knowledge

acquisition is your responsibility’ (H039) – through to those where sessions

dedicated to subject knowledge acquisition are an integral part of the course. For the

majority of institutions the focus is mainly on TSP but getting the subject knowledge

right may be also be part of the course:

‘Although we are not principally teaching content in university sessions, quite

frequently, in attempting to teach a topic, students discover that they don’t

really understand part of the subject. Inevitably then the course is, at times,

concerned with getting the science right.’ (H024)


HEIs provide formal sessions that are a mix of SK and TSP with greater emphasis placed on TSP.

HEI tutor (Table 10) and trainee (Figure 4) questionnaire data both show that the

greatest proportion of time in formal HEI science method sessions is perceived to be

devoted to TSP.

Table 10. Numbers of HEI tutors reporting on the proportion of time spent on addressing SK, TSP and generic issues Proportion of time

spent Number of HEI tutors reporting SK TSP Generic issues

>30% 53 85 44 <30% 47 15 56

Perceptions differ slightly between HEI tutors and trainees where the latter perceive

more time spent on SK than generic issues while tutors perceive the opposite,

although differences are small.

Within the six case study HEIs, there is variation in trainees’ perceptions of the

proportion of time devoted to the three separate components (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Trainees’ perceptions of the proportion of science method time spent on addressing SK, TSP and generic issues in the six case study HEIs




spent (%)

There are two ways in which SK and TSP are addressed. One is where the primary

focus is the subject knowledge, before addressing TSP, for example:

‘Recap subject knowledge at Key Stage 3/4 in relation to patterns of reactivity

and balancing equations. Think about differentiation and active learning.

Chemistry for non-specialist sessions usually has a dual purpose, to revise

one aspect of subject knowledge and to think about practical examples of an

aspect of education that we have been looking at more generally.’ (UT32)

The other is where TSP is the primary focus, for example:

‘To learn about perceptions students bring to the learning of particles. To

critically evaluate a range of common science activities used to teach particle

theory in order to give trainees some guiding principles into how to select

appropriate activities to promote progression in students’ learning. To

develop, where necessary, subject knowledge in the area of particles up to

Key Stage 4.’ (UT01)








HO24 HO25 HO27 HO30 HO32 HO36 Overall

Subject knowledge

Topic specific pedagogy

Generic pedagogy


Trainee interviews suggested that trainees felt reasonably well prepared for

addressing SK and TSP in their NQT year irrespective of the approach adopted by

the ITT course.

Document analysis, tutor and trainee questionnaires and interview responses

indicated that most HEI-based sessions involved practical workshops organised in

groups with mixed specialisms. HEI tutors and trainees also indicated that in formal

elements of the course as a whole there is greater emphasis on TSP than on SK.

SK and TSP sessions in HEIs are mainly workshops led by tutors, most of whom stated they were actively engaged in science education research.

The document analyses show that SK and TSP sessions in HEIs are mainly

workshops led by HEI tutors except for earth science, where visiting speakers were

more commonly involved. While the House of Commons Children, Schools and

Families Committee Report (2010) suggested that the majority of teachers were

trained in HEIs where tutors were not research-active, in our sample most HEI tutors

(66 per cent) reported themselves as being actively involved in science education

research (Table 11).

Table 11. Research status of HEI respondents (RAE = Research Assessment Exercise). Research status Number of HEI tutors % HEI tutors Research-active in RAE 16 22 Research-active not in RAE 32 44 Not research-active 15 21 Teaching/admin only 9 13 No response 0 0

The amount of teaching time allocated to science appears to be very variable between HEIs.


The amount of HEI-based teaching time devoted to science method is very variable,

with some HEIs devoting more than four times as many hours to science methods

than others. Whilst some degree of variation might be appropriate in order to reflect

the level of subject knowledge of the trainees recruited, this raises the question as to

whether there should be more standardisation across HEIs of science method

teaching time in one-year ITT courses. This could justify the call for wider research

into how HEIs develop subject pedagogies in order to share practice (House of

Commons Children, Schools and Families Committee Report, 2010). However, any

additional teaching time required by HEIs may have implications for tutors’


How Science Works (practical and enquiry skills, critical understanding of evidence, applications and implications of science and communication), taught in separate sessions, does not appear to be a major identifiable focus in the HEI-based parts of courses. Document analysis suggests that most courses devote a single, three-hour session

to How Science Works. If this is the only time devoted to How Science Works in the

HEI-based component, then the question arises as to whether this is adequate for

engagement with the issues involved. How Science Works is a more recent

curriculum innovation and some elements of it may be new, even to the graduates

who have gone straight from school to university to an ITT course. Cultural

understanding and examining the ethical and moral implications of science may not

have featured prominently in many trainees’ school experiences and this may have

also been the case for some aspects of practical and enquiry skills. It is likely that in

the school-based element of the course they would gain some experience of

investigations. However, this experience is likely to be focused on assessment rather

than pedagogies relating to How Science Works, which is broader than

investigations. This calls into question the limited time devoted to How Science


HEI tutors expect school mentors to monitor and set targets for SK and TSP.


As the school-based component in an ITT course takes up two-thirds of the year, it

might be expected to make a major contribution to formally addressing SK and TSP

development of trainee teachers. This does not appear to be the case.

The document analysis appeared to suggest that SK development is left to the

student to address during the school-based component of the course, with mentors

monitoring this development.

‘Your science mentor in school may be able to help you with suitable

references but don’t expect them to “teach” you about the topic.’ (H036)

While TSP appears to have a clear place in formal HEI-based teaching, in all HEIs in

our sample, its position in the school-based component is less clear in the

documents analysed.

Most HEI tutors expect school mentors to monitor trainees’ SK and TSP (71 per cent

and 69 per cent respectively), while the expectation to set targets in the two areas is

slightly less, at 56 per cent for SK and 65 per cent for TSP (Table 12).

Table 12. Tutor expectation of mentor involvement in monitoring and setting targets for SK and TSP (n, % in parentheses) Do you expect mentors

to: SK n (%)

TSP n (%)

Monitor: Yes 51 (71) 50 (69) Monitor: No 1 (1) 4 (6) Monitor: No response 20 (28) 18 (25)

Set targets: Yes 40 (56) 47 (65) Set targets: No 12 (17) 6 (8) Set targets: No response 20 (28) 19 (26)

A minority of HEI tutors expect SK and TSP to be routinely addressed in formal mentor meetings.


Although HEI tutors expect TSP (61 per cent) to feature more than SK (56 per cent)

in lesson feedback from school mentors (Table 13), this contrasts with research

which suggests that mentors focus their writing, in roughly equal proportions, on

class management and other generic issues, with a very limited focus on subject

knowledge (Shallcross et al, 2002) and topic specific pedagogy (Lock, Soares and

Foster, 2009).

Table 13. Tutor expectations of frequency of TSP and SK covered in lesson feedback by mentors (n, % in parentheses)

Frequency of

addressing TSP and SK

in lesson feedback

TSP SK n (%) n (%)

Every lesson 19 (26) 10 (14) Most lessons 25 (35) 30 (42) Few lessons 9 (13) 13 (18) Never 0 (0) 0 (0) No response 19 (26) 19 (26)

Only a small number of the 72 HEI tutors responding expect TSP (26 per cent) and

SK (14 per cent) to be a routine part of the formal weekly meetings with mentors

(Table 13) and the findings from trainees in the six HEI case studies confirm this.

Data in Table 14 show that trainees see TSP (24 per cent) and SK (41 per cent)

being addressed only at the trainee request. This suggests that HEI tutors may need

to reinforce the routine development of TSP and SK through the formal weekly

meetings with mentors.


Table 14. Addressing TSP and SK in formal mentor meetings (n, % in parentheses)

When is TSP and SK

addressed in mentor


TSP SK HEI tutor Trainees HEI tutor Trainees n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)

As part of every meeting 19 (26) 76 (31) 11 (15) 8 (3) As/when mentor deems

appropriate 33 (46) 102 (42) 37 (51) 86 (35)

Only at trainee request 1 (1) 59 (24) 5 (7) 101 (41) Not at all 0 (0) 6 (2) 1 (1) 47 (19) No response 19 (26) 2 (1) 18 (25) 3 (1)

HEI tutors help to support SK and TSP development for trainees on school

placements, typically through two school visits to a trainee, where TSP and SK are

included in discussions by 75 per cent and 63 per cent of tutors respectively.

In concluding this section of the findings, the view of Ofsted (2010, para 188, p 60)

that SK is a relative strength for HEI providers due to the strong focus on ensuring

trainees’ SK is audited, developed and monitored closely throughout the ITT year

must be regarded with a degree of scepticism.

C. Trainees’ acquisition and use of SK and TSP SKE courses led by ITT staff are perceived by trainees as more useful than those led by academics in science departments.

Trainees reported a range of SKE courses, including those led by ITT tutors,

academic science departments and professional institutions. In telephone interviews,

trainees who had attended 24 or 36 week SKE courses run by tutors involved in ITT

were much more positive about the value of courses than those who had attended

courses run by academic science departments. When the reasons for this dichotomy

were explored, it emerged that trainees attending courses led by academic science


departments were often taught with students on foundation courses and were

dissatisfied with the relevance of the content and the level courses were aimed at:

‘...we were put in with foundation students and thrown at what they were

thrown at, which was kind of not what we needed, we needed [SK

enhancement] more tailored to teaching...’ (TT30/61)

This could be because trainees need to see a more direct relevance to the material

they are likely to teach.

Trainees view the SK audit process as inefficient and ineffective. Guidance linked to QTS standards Q14 and Q15 states that trainees are:

‘…able to teach all the science specified in the programme of study… at Key

Stage 3. Trainees on 14–16 and 16–19 programmes should have the

knowledge and understanding that would enable them to teach biology,

physics or chemistry as a single subject at the appropriate level.’ (TDA, 2010)

HEIs appear to require their trainees to carry out a subject knowledge audit of

National Curriculum content across the sciences at Key Stage 3 and 4, and where

appropriate a specialist subject audit post 16. Tutors responding to the questionnaire

indicated that subject knowledge audits were used to develop action plans and most

tutors (71 per cent) claimed that audits were updated periodically.

Generally trainees found the subject knowledge audit process of limited value.

Addressing any action plan detached from their immediate teaching commitment, so

was considered inefficient in terms of workload and thus ineffective:

‘…I just think it’s [SK development] as you go along… pointless spending

hours and hours on it when you might not even teach it during the year… so

mine was very much as the lessons came, when I was told “Your next topic is

going to be…”’ (TT27/66)


Most trainees focused on what they were about to teach irrespective of the outcome

of the audit:

‘You learn it to teach it. It’s only once you’re in the school when engrossed in

the situation you can recognise which areas you really need to improve on.’


This finding for secondary trainee science teachers is similar to that found for

primary trainees, where planning for and implementing teaching was the most

effective strategy for acquiring and developing subject knowledge (Shallcross et al,


In summary, the evidence suggests that action plans per se are of limited value.

Most trainees identify the best time for developing SK as the point at which they are required to teach it.

Trainees were asked how much use they made in their classroom teaching of the SK

learned in specific time periods. Data from trainees in the six HEI case studies

(Table 15) indicate that at least 80 per cent of the trainees make ‘lots’ of use of SK

learned during school-based periods compared to 66 per cent, at most, making ‘lots’

of use of SK learned during university-based science teaching sessions although

many see the latter as useful.

Table 15. Reported use made by trainees of SK development ‘Lots’ of use made in classroom

teaching of SK developed % Trainees in case study HEIs H024 H025 H027 H030 H032 H036

On school placements 91 93 80 80 89 95 In university sessions 51 40 51 66 66 38

It could be that the front-loaded nature of the HEI-based components, combined with

the point in the course at which the questionnaires were administered, led to a lower

percentage of trainees reporting making ‘lots’ of use of SK developed in HEI


sessions in their teaching. This may indicate that the best time to address SK is

during the school-based training where the development is directly targeted to

specific areas trainees are asked to teach; a ‘point of need’ strategy advocated

elsewhere (Lock and Soares, 2006) and reaffirmed in the trainee interviews:

‘…I think it is important [to address weaknesses in SK] before you start

your placement but I didn’t find I did it thoroughly or properly until I

actually had to teach it… the most useful time was in the process as I

was teaching it’ (TT27/76)

When interviewed, HEI tutors also indicated that the best time to address SK was

when trainees came to teach a topic:

‘…a lot of their subject knowledge [development] comes through

preparing for specific lessons and specific topics while they are in

school… it’s as if they do the subject knowledge on a ‘need to know’

basis while in school.’ (UT25).

These perceptions contrast with tutors’ views, from the questionnaire (Table 16), that

the best time to address SK was during the HEI-based phase (28 per cent) rather

than in schools prior to teaching (14 per cent). This anomaly might merit further


Table 16. Optimum time to address weaknesses identified through SK audit as reported by HEI tutors Optimum time to address weaknesses

identified through SK audit Number of HEI

tutors % of HEI

tutors Undergraduate degree 3 4 Enhancement course 14 19 University-based ITT course 20 28 In schools prior to teaching 10 14 Other 8 11 No response 17 24


Trainees mainly use material resources to develop their SK whereas they use human resources to develop TSP.

Responses to two questions in the trainee questionnaire, one open (Table 17) and

the other closed (Table 18), showed internal consistency with respect to the

resources trainees use to develop SK. Responses to the open question show that

the actions taken following SK audits tended to use more material-based resources

than people-based resources for developing SK.

Table 17. Resources used for SK audit action by trainees at case study HEIs

Resources used for SK audit

action % trainees

HE024 HE025 HE027 HE030 HE032 HE036

Material-based 44 60 58 86 60 48 People-based 7 0 0 2 4 5 Both people and material-based 27 27 20 9 16 33 No response 22 13 22 3 20 14

This finding was consistent with closed question responses where trainees were

asked to rank the six most important sources used when trying to address SK and

TSP development from a given list (Table 18). The mean rank for each resource for

SK and TSP development was calculated across the six case study HEIs. The rank

order for SK development shows that the two most popular sources for SK

development were material-based, confirming the findings of the open question. The

mean rank order for SK and TSP development closely matched the HEI tutors’

perceptions of trainee resource use.


Table 18. Ranking of resources identified by trainees used in SK and TSP development (high to low)

Ranking of resources used in SK

development Ranking of resources used in TSP

development 1. Textbooks 2. Internet 3. Class teachers 4. Peers =5. Teacher guides

=5. Technicians 7. HEI sessions 8. Mentors 9. CDs and DVDs 10. Science National Strategy 11. Journals 12. HEI tutors

1. Class teachers 2. HEI sessions 3. Mentor 4. Peers 5. Teacher guides 6. Internet 7. HEI tutors 8. Textbooks 9. Technicians 10. Science National Strategy 11. Journals 12. CDs and DVDs

Material-based resources ranked high for development of SK and human resources

for the development of TSP.

Trainees rate peers high in the rank order of resources used to access both SK and TSP. For both SK and TSP development, ‘peers’ are ranked in the top four of resources

used. This may be because trainees work together in groups in many of the formal

and informal HEI-based components; where trainees are paired on school

placements, they may discuss SK and TSP as well as jointly planning lessons and

sharing resources.

The classroom teacher is an important resource for SK and TSP development. The classroom teacher is the top ranked resource for TSP development and third for

SK, above mentors and HEI tutors. The reason the classroom teacher is ranked

more highly may be that for any given class, the teacher is likely to have the best


knowledge of the pupils, the level they are working at and resources available in the


It could also be that classroom teachers are ranked more highly than mentors or HEI

tutors because trainees are aware of the assessment roles of mentors and tutors

(Youens and McCarthy, 2007) and may be concerned that consultation about SK

and TSP could affect them adversely.

The dependence on classroom teachers might require HEI tutors to devote time to

working with whole departments, providing guidance on how best to support trainees

with SK and TSP development. ‘Training departments’ are mentioned in some HEI

documentation, but in most cases appear not to be associated with any formal

training or, at best, dependent on informal cascading from mentors. Training

departments might be components within the ‘teaching schools’ proposed in the

recent White Paper (DfE, 2010a).

In one HEI this notion of a training department has been developed to a position

where some class teachers have been specifically trained to provide coaching in SK

and TSP development. These trained coaches provide SK and TSP support for

trainees in the topics they are about to teach. Such an arrangement may provide a

mechanism for formalising classroom teacher support at ‘point of need’, enhancing

the support provided by the mentor.

HEI sessions rank highly as a resource for developing TSP. Data in Table 18 show that HEI sessions are highly ranked as a resource used in

TSP development. These findings resonate strongly with evidence offered by Ofsted

(2010). The data also suggest a mismatch in the ranking of HEI tutors and HEI

sessions with respect to both SK and TSP. This may be because the contribution to

both SK and TSP by HEI tutors is mediated through taught sessions and not

individually. This contrasts with the individual contributions made by mentors and

class teachers to individual trainees.


HEI tutors organise sessions where trainees work in small groups, of between two

and ten, as one way of developing subject knowledge and topic specific pedagogy.

Such sessions are mostly used in the period between school practices when those

trainees who have taught a topic can share their ‘expertise’ in SK and TSP. It is,

however, rare for these sessions to be formally validated by HEI tutors. The value of

such sessions may be called into question with respect to the levels of accuracy with

the SK and appropriateness of associated TSP; a point raised by Shallcross et al

(2002) where primary trainees, engaged in peer support, perpetuated


Trainees reported that virtual learning environments (VLEs) and pages on social

networking sites set up to share information between trainees were found to be

valuable. Tutors recognised that these were being used by trainees but were unable

to identify the extent of use or to provide validation of the shared materials.

In summary, the formal engagement with SK and TSP in school-based training is

limited and their acquisition appears to be complex and addressed informally.

D. Trainees and the NQT year For science NQTs, physics topics were a high priority for CPD courses in their first year of teaching.

Trainees (n=245) were asked to identify three courses for further development in

their NQT year. Physicists and chemists identified Key Stage 5 content in their

specialist and Key Stage 4 content in their non-specialist areas. This may reflect the

greater likelihood of physicists and chemists being asked to teach post 16 classes in

their NQT year and teaching outside their specialism to Key Stage 4. Biologists, in

contrast, may be less likely to be required to teach post 16 biology, and more likely

to be asked to teach all sciences to 16.


Table 19. Course topics nominated by trainees for development in NQT year Course type Topic Number of trainees

Science-based courses

Biology 36 Chemistry 59 Physics 86 HSW 5 Learning outside classrooms 10 Practicals (unspecified) 37 Total 233

Generic courses

Behaviour management 75 Special Educational Needs 34 Assessment (AfL, APP) 87 Differentiation 37 Gifted and Talented 21 EAL 8 Other 167 Total 429

Of the science-based courses identified, physics topics were most in demand (Table

19). Biology specialists were much more likely than their chemistry and physics

counterparts to identify courses outside their specialism; this may reflect the greater

likelihood of biologists having to teach outside their specialism in the NQT year.

Although the document analysis shows that How Science Works was typically

covered in a single science method session, it is surprising that there was little

demand for courses in teaching this aspect in the NQT year.

The development of subject knowledge and topic specific pedagogy can, and should,

be a long term and continuous process through structured early professional

development building on the ITT year. Such progression and continuity within and

between initial, induction and in-service training should form a part of the career

development for all teachers.


Trainees identify behaviour management and assessment as priorities for CPD courses in their NQT year. Data in Table 19 show that trainees were nearly twice as likely to identify generic

courses rather than science-based courses. The most popular generic courses were

linked to assessment issues, with Assessment for Learning (AfL) and Assessing

Pupil Progress (APP) frequently identified, closely followed by behaviour

management (Table 19).

These findings suggest that CPD providers should focus on courses that address:

• Behaviour management.

• AfL and APP.

• KS4 physics and chemistry content for non-specialists.

• KS5 content for specialists in physics and chemistry.

Processes to address SK and TSP are considered by trainees and HEI tutors to be transferable to unfamiliar topics.

In the questionnaire responses few trainees identified specific science topics on

which courses should focus in their NQT year. This could be because their

experience with topics studied during the ITT year gives them the confidence to

apply the processes used in planning for teaching to unfamiliar science topics.

Trainees who were interviewed confirmed that when asked to teach unfamiliar topics

in their NQT year they would adopt the same approaches that they learned for

addressing SK and TSP during their ITT course. Some also referred to specific tools

that provided a model for developing SK and TSP.

‘…rather than necessarily teaching us a topic it [HEI-based component] has

taught us where to look for help.’ (TT36/168).


Interviews with HEI tutors indicated an expectation that trainees would approach

teaching unfamiliar topics in their NQT year in broadly the same way as they

addressed topics during the ITT course.

HEI tutors generally regarded the NQT year as a continuation of the ITT year and

suggested that a high level of support is needed to make the NQT year successful.

Such support might be similar to the additional mentoring provided by the ‘Starting

Out programme’ (Learning and Skills Network, 2010), and HEI tutors, through

involvement in such a programme, could provide progression and continuity from the

ITT year into the induction year.


Conclusion Trainees and HEI tutors suggest that a limited number of topics addressed during

their ITT course provide a heuristic device (Childs and McNicholl, 2007) or models of

working which can be applied when they encounter unfamiliar topics during their

NQT year and beyond. These models of working require human resources for

support that include HEI tutors, mentors and classroom teachers. HEI tutors have a

role in providing CPD support for mentors and classroom teachers with respect to

developing the mentoring skills necessary to help secondary trainee science

teachers’ acquisition of subject knowledge and topic specific pedagogy.

Further research is required into the apparent differences in the teaching time and

the content in the HEI and the school-based parts of ITT courses, as well as the

needs of NQTs at the end of their induction year with respect to subject knowledge

and topic specific pedagogy.


Acknowledgements We would like to thank:

All ITT colleagues who supported us in this research through providing documents

and completing questionnaires and especially to those colleagues in the six case

study HEIs who participated in interviews and supported us in administering

questionnaires to their trainees.

The trainees in the six case study HEIs who completed questionnaires and

participated in interviews.

Derek Bell, Head of Education at the Wellcome Trust (at the time the report was

commissioned), for help, support and advice in the development of this project.

Professor Sir John Holman, Senior Fellow for Education at the Wellcome Trust.

The members of the project advisory group for their support at all stages of the

project and, in particular, for advice and comments on pilot versions of all the

research instruments, drafts of the working documents and report. However, the data

reported and interpretations made of these data are the sole responsibility of the

research team:

• Chris King (Chair), University of Keele.

• Hannah Baker, Wellcome Trust.

• Sara Candy, Wellcome Trust.

• Laura Harper, Wellcome Trust.

• Christine Harrison, King's College, London.

• Vanessa Kind, Durham University.

• David Lambert, Institute of Education, London.

• Liz Newman, Training and Development Agency.

• Mary Ratcliffe, National Network of Science Learning Centres, National STEM

Centre, University of York.


• Mark Stockdale, Department for Education.

• Rob Toplis, Brunel University.

• Warren Turner, Training and Development Agency.

Vikki Firmstone, a Research Fellow colleague, for advice and support with ethics

approval and developing protocols for the questionnaires and interviews.

- Ian Davison, a Research Fellow colleague, for advice on using the Bristol Online

Survey (BOS).

The BoS online help team.

Daniel Sandford-Smith, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, for advice on subject


ITT secondary colleagues at the University of Birmingham for trialling the HEI tutor

questionnaires and interviews.

Former trainees at the University of Birmingham for trialling the trainee

questionnaires and interviews.


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Glossary AfL Assessment for Learning APP Assessing Pupil Progress ASE Association for Science Education ATSE Association for Tutors in Science Education CPD Continuing Professional Development DfE Department for Education GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education GTTR Graduate Teacher Training Register HEI Higher Education Institution INSET In-service Education and Training ITT Initial Teacher Training KS Key Stage KS2-3 Key Stage 2–3 (age 9–14) KS3-4 Key Stage 3–4 (11–16) KS3-5 Key Stage 3–5 (11–18) NQT Newly Qualified Teacher PCK Pedagogical Content Knowledge QTS Qualified Teacher Status RAE Research Assessment Exercise SK Subject Knowledge SKE Subject Knowledge Enhancement TDA Training and Development Agency TSP Topic Specific Pedagogy TTRB Teacher Training Resource Bank VLE Virtual Learning Environment

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