acid rain these notes are from 2010 - atmospheric and...

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Acid Rain

These notes are from 2010

Cap and Trade Working AlreadyDecember 15, 2009 10:14 AM - Roger Greenway, ENN

The US already has years of experience with Cap and Trade. A sulfur dioxide (SO2) Cap and Trade program has proven an effective control strategy to lower SO2 emissions. It provides elements of market incentives and provides flexibility to facilities that emit large quantities of the pollutant in several ways. One of the most important ways is that it permits older facilities which may need to operate for a limited number of years to purchase “emissions credits” to continue operating without installing un-economic emissions controls by purchasing credits. The credits are created by other sources which control their emissions MORE than required under regulations. There is also an overall reduction in the program to benefit the environment so we are not just transferring emission from one plant to another. A reflection of the effectiveness is that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that power plants across the country decreased emissions of SO2, a precursor to acid rain, to 7.6 million tons in 2008.

Overview of Acid Rain Phenomenon

Most common term for acidification of the environment, which can

occur from a wide variety of processes, including precipitation, fog, dry

deposition, aerosol sedimentation

Acids in the environment originate largely from pollutants such as

nitrogen and sulfur oxides, which, in turn are generally by-products of

combustion activities

Research into environmental acidity started in the late 1800’s in Britain

and Scandinavia; widespread effects seen as early as the 1950’s

The first large-scale (multi-national) environmental issue, requiring

cooperation among states and countries (e.g., US and Canada)

Effects include "death" of many mountain lakes and severe damage to


Good case study in regulation and international cooperation

The Basics: Acidity and pH

Need a refresher on acid/base chemistry? Try this web based tutorial!

Recall that water dissociates weakly: H2O OH-+ H+

What is an acid? - A substance that, when dissolved in water,

increases the concentration of hydrogen ion (H+). Similarly a base is a

substance that, when dissolved in water, increases the concentration

of the hydroxide ion (OH-).

In an acidic solution, [H+] > 1.00 x 10-7 M (M moles L-1)

In a neutral solution, [H+] = 1.00 x 10-7 M

In a basic solution, [H+] < 1.00 x 10-7 M

The pH scale

For convenience, the pH (potential hydrogen) scale was developed.

This relates the [H+] to an easier number to manipulate, via:

pH = -log10[H+]

So, if the [H+] of a solution is 1 x 10-4 M, the pH would be

pH = -log10(1 x 10-4) = 4

If the [H+] of a solution is 1 x 10-3 M, the pH would be

pH = -log10(1 x 10-3) = 3

If the [H+] is 3 x 10-4 M, the pH would be somewhere in between:

pH = -log10(3 x 10-3) = 3.52

Acids (and Bases) in Water

Called aqueous solutions; ions given subscript (aq)

Let’s take a generic acid, HA:

HA(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq)+ A-


Since the water concentration does not change (it is 55.5 moles L-1.

since there is 1 kg of water in 1 L), it can be combined with K:

The chemical equation is typically shortened to HA(aq) H+(aq)+ A-


so Ka = [H+][A-]/[HA]









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What about [OH]-?

Called the self-ionization of water, to some small degree, water will

break down into ions as well. So water has its own equilibrium


H2O + H2O H3O+ + OH-

Kw = [H+][OH-] = 1 x 10-14 M2

So if pH = 7

[H+] = 1 x 10-7 M

[OH] = 1 x 10-14 M2/ (1 x 10-7 M) = 1 x 10-7 M

pOH = -log10[OH-] = 7

This result is nice, because we can always calculate [OH-] if we know


Sample Problem: The pH of blood is 7.40. What is the hydrogen

ion concentration? What is the hydroxide ion concentration?

pH = -log[H+], so [H+] = 10-pH

[H+] = 10-7.4 = 3.98 x 10-8 M

To determine the [OH-], one can take either of two paths:

(a) pH + pOH = 14.0, so pOH = 14.0 - pH = 6.6

Then [OH-] = 10-pOH = 10-6.6 = 2.51 x 10-7 M

(b) [H+][OH-] = 1 x 10-14, so [OH-] = 1 x 10-14/[H+]

Then [OH-] = 1 x 10-14/3.98 x 10-8 = 2.51 x 10-7 M

We typically deal with two classes of acids.

For strong acids, Ka >> 1 (can even assume infinity!)

So that the demoninator is so small that essentially the acid

completely dissociates into ions.

For weak acids, Ka is finite, and there will be some undissolved

parent acid (HA) in solution. We can use the equilibrium (or

acidity) constant to determine the ions in solution, although the

math may be a bit cumbersome (involving a quadratic


Sample of a Weak Acid Problem

A 0.01 M solution of hydrofluoric acid (HF) is used in an

experiment. If Ka = 6.8 x 10-4, what is the pH of this solution?

HF H+(aq) + F-


initial: 0.01 0 0

change: -x +x +x

final: 0.01-x x x


Ka = [H+][F-]/[HF]

6.8 x 10-4 = x2/(0.01-x)

If x is small compared to 0.01, we can disregard it in the denominator.

x2 = 6.8 x 10-6

x = 2.61 x 10-3 M

pH = -log [2.61 x 10-3] = 2.58

Note that we can solve this exactly by using the

quadratic equation:

6.8 x 10-4 = x2/(0.01-x)

x2 + 6.8 x 10-4 x – 6.8x10-6 = 0

Solve for x = 2.29 x 10-3 M

pH = 2.64

the answer on the previous pages off by only a little – about 12%


Before After

[HA] [HA] (aq) [H+] [A-]

x lost

x gained

[H+] [A-]

Atmospheric Aqueous Chemistry

Atmospherically relevant aqueous chemistry usually involves

interactions between gases and water, in addition to the liquid-phase


When a gas is involved, we use its partial pressure rather than


G(g) + H2O(l) GH(aq) Kh = [GH]/pG

Kh for this type of situation is called the “Henry’s Law Constant”

Note that this equilibrium is a bit different than our analysis of

heterogeneous reactions from last lecture. Here, we assume that a gas

is partitioned between the gas and aqueous phases. In the atmosphere,

acids typically stick to water droplets, so we are mainly interested in

how many of those molecules come back out of solution once they are

dissolved. Most strong acids don’t return to the gas phase (i.e., K >>1),

but some (like CO2) do.

Example: Nitrogen oxides can interact with water to produce nitrous acid:

NO(g) + H2O(l) HNO2(aq) K1 = 6.5 x 10-2 M atm-1

HNO2(aq) H+(aq) + NO2

-(aq) K2 = 4.5 x 10-4 M

Suppose there were a raindrop in contact with these gases; what would

its pH be? [NO = 1 x 10-9 atm]

First, set up equilibrium expressions for the two processes:

K1 = [HNO2]/PNO K2 = [H+][NO2-]/[HNO2]

Both expressions contain [HNO2], so we can solve one and substitute into the


[HNO2] = K1 PNO then K2 = [H+][NO2-]/K1 PNO

However, this still leaves us with an equation with two unknowns. From

the second chemical reaction, we can see that for every H+, we must have

an NO2-. In other words, [H+] = [NO2

-]. This allows us to simplify the

equation for K2 to:

K2 = [H+][H+]/K1 PNO

Solving for [H+]:

[H+]2 = K2 K1 PNO

[H+] = (K2 K1 PNO )1/2

[H+] = [(6.5 x 10-2 M atm-1)(4.5 x 10-4M)(1 x 10-9 atm)]1/2 = 1.7 x 10-7 M

pH = -log[H+] = -log[1.7 x 10-7] = 6.77

What are the acids in the atmosphere?

Inorganic acids

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4): Source – sulfur-containing gases such as

SO2, H2S, and (CH3)2S (dimethyl sulfide)

SO2 + OH + M HSO3 + M

HSO3 + O2 HO2 + SO3

SO3 + H2O H2SO4

Nitric acid (HNO3): Source – nitrogen oxide emissions from

combustion and soils

NO2 + OH + M HNO3 + M

Hydrochloric acid (HCl): Source – Volcanoes, industry

Carbonic acid (H2CO3): Source – carbon dioxide, mostly natural, but

has increased due to fossil fuel burning

CO2 + H2O H2CO3

Sulfurous acid (H2SO3): Source – sulfur dioxide (as above)

SO2 + H2O H2SO3

Organic acids – Origins can be biologic or fossil-fuel emissions

Formic acid (HCOOH): Source – by-product of oxidation of complex

hydrocarbons; also made by ants

Acetic acid (CH3COOH): Also a by-product of oxidation

So “clean” water in the atmosphere is made slightly acidic through

contact with CO2, which forms an acid when it dissolves in water.

CO2 + H2O H2CO3 K1 = 3.45 x 10-2 moles L-1 atm-1

H2CO3 HCO3- + H+


2- + H+

For the atmosphere, we can typically stop at the second step above

in order to get a good estimate for the pH of water in contact with

CO2. The first step, dissolution of CO2 in water, can be calculated

using the expression:

K1 = [H2CO3] / pCO2 = 3.45 x 10-2 moles L-1 atm-1

Where pCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2, which is basically the

mixing ratio, or 0.000400 atm for “400 ppm”

So [H2CO3] = 3.45 x 10-2 x 0.000400 moles L-1

= 1.38 x 10-5 moles L-1

Based on the equilibrium for the second step:

H2CO3 HCO3- + H+

K2 = [HCO3-] [H+]/ [H2CO3] = 4.45 x 10-7 moles L-1

But each time H2CO3 dissolves, it makes one HCO3- and one H+, so

[HCO3-] = [H+]

[H+]2/ [H2CO3] = 4.45 x 10-7 moles L-1

[H+]2 = [H2CO3] x 4.45 x 10-7 moles L-1

= 1.38 x 10-5 moles L-1 x 4.45 x 10-7 moles L-1

= 6.14 x 10-12 (moles L-1)2

Taking square root, [H+] = 2.48 x 10-6 moles L-1

pH = 5.61


Remember back at the start of the course we stopped the

methane oxidation cycle at formaldehyde? This was because

it is very often the case that once an organic molecule begins

to be oxidized (as oxygen atoms are added to the chain), the

molecules become more soluble in water, and in the presence

of wet particles they will partition into the aqueous phase.

This changes the oxidation process, shifting the role of

oxidant from gas-phase OH to strong acid species (like SO4-

or NO3-) that are found in particles)

What’s in acid rain? Short answer – it depends on the location!!

North America:

Mostly sulfate (SO42-), followed by nitrate (NO3

-) and chloride (Cl-).

Some regional dependence – more chloride near coasts, more

nitrate in heavily polluted areas (such as LA)

Cations (to balance charge): Na+, Ca2+, NH4+


Similar to the US


In some regions, acidity neutralized by alkaline dusts from the

central desert.

Otherwise, afflicted with the same problems as industrialized


Remote regions: (northern Canada, central Australia)

Dominant acid is sulfuric, but source is biological, not industrial

(tested with isotope studies).

The Sulfur Cycle

Major emitted compounds

• Sulfur dioxide (SO2): volcanos, fumaroles, etc.; fossil fuel burning

• Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): biogenic emissions from anoxic soils and


• Carbonyl sulfide (OCS): oceanic biology; industrial by-product

• Dimethyl sulfide ((CH3)2S): oceanic biology

The Natural Sulfur Cycle - Schematically

Reservoirs and Fluxes

(We’ll look at these ‘box diagrams’ in detail next week)


1 tonne (metric ton) = 1000 kg = 1 x 106 g

1 Megatonne (Mt) = 1 x 106 tonne = 1 x 1012 g

1 Gigatonne (Gt) = 1 x 109 tonne = 1 x 1015 g

1 Teragram (Tg) = 1 x 1012 g

Natural sources: 90 Mt S

Anthropogenic sources: 100 Mt S

Sinks: 190 Mt S

Anthropogenic Components and Fluxes

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1985 19861984

1986 19871985

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1987 19881986

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1988 19891987

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1989 19901988

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1990 19911989

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1991 19921990

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1992 19931991

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1993 19941992

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1994 19951993

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1995 19961994

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1996 19971995

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1997 19981996

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1998 19991997

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


1999 20001998

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


2000 20011999

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


2001 20022000

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


2002 20032001

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


2003 20042002

Sulfate Ion Concentrations


The Nitrogen Cycle

Major emitted compounds

• Nitrous oxide (N2O): denitrifying bacteria in soils; industry

• Nitric oxide (NO): soils, biomass burning; combustion

• Ammonia (NH3): decay processes; fertilizers, animal wastes

Natural: ~ 20 Mt N yr-1

Anthropogenic: ~ 30 Mt N yr-1

Anthropogenic components


Natural: ~ 20 Mt N yr-1

Anthropogenic: ~ 30 Mt N yr-1

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1985 19861984

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1986 19871985

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1987 19881986

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1988 19891987

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1989 19901988

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1990 19911989

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1991 19921990

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1992 19931991

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1993 19941992

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1994 19951993

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1995 19961994

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1996 19971995

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1997 19981996

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1998 19991997

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


1999 20001998

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


2000 20011999

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


2001 20022000

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


2002 20032001

Nitrate Ion Concentrations


2003 20042002

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1985 19861984

1986 19871985

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1987 19881986

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1988 19891987

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1989 19901988

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1990 19911989

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1991 19921990

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1992 19931991

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1993 19941992

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1994 19951993

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1995 19961994

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1996 19971995

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1997 19981996

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1998 19991997

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


1999 20001998

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


2000 20011999

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


2001 20022000

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


2002 20032001

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


2003 20042002

Ammonium Ion Concentrations


Types of Environmental Damage

• Focus today on plants and animals.

• First signs of acid-related damage came as "fish kills" in

Scandinavian lakes.

• Many regions show forest deaths (Germany, NE US), but

hard to separate conclusively from other pollutant causes.

Trees and other plants

Affected in two ways:

• Direct (primary) deposition – burning of leaves, etc.

• Secondary effects – related to reactions in soil and forest

litter; alters nutrients

Possible Mechanisms

1. Reacts with minerals to leach out some metals, such as Al,

which can be toxic to plants.

2. Changes nutrients available to plants

3. Affects decomposition of humus and subsequent organic


4. Otherwise disturbs plant physiology

Aquatic Life

• Acid or acid-created byproduct arrives by direct deposition or

via runoff

• pH changes in many lakes have been observed

• Fish are very sensitive to acidity, particularly in the egg and

larval stages.

• Some fish lose reproductive capacities under acidic conditions

(salmon, trout at pH < 5.5; most others at pH < 4.2; "dead

lakes" at pH ~ 3.5)

• Mountain lakes and rivers often have seasonally-varying

losses due to melting of acidic snows in the spring – gives rise

to a "burst" of highly acidic water.

Susceptibility to acidity

The Role of Soils

What is a buffer?

Something that acts to mitigate the effects on pH of acid or base addition

In the laboratory, usually a solution of a weak acid and its conjugate base

(or vice versa). In natural systems, the buffering capacity comes from

minerals in the soils, to varying degrees. Of particular importance are

carbonates (CO32-), such as limestone (CaCO3).

CaCO3(s) + H2O Ca2+(aq) + CO3



(aq) + H2O HCO3–

(aq) + OH-(aq)

H+(aq) + OH–

(aq) H2O

If enough H+ is added, CO2 can be released:


(aq) + H+(aq)H2CO3(aq)

H2CO3(aq) H2O + CO2 (g)

This set of reactions can effectively buffer pH’s from the mid-5’s to about

8.3. At lower pH’s other mineral systems are involved – silicates,

aluminum ions, iron ions.

Effects on Structures

Stonework and statuary

• Many buildings and monuments are made of limestone (CaCO3) or marble,

which is the metamorphic version of limestone.

• Add acidic precipitation. Result? Similar to the kid’s volcano made of

baking soda and vinegar

NaHCO3 (s) + HAc (l) CO2(g) + H2O(l) + NaAc(s)

(baking soda) (vinegar)

CaCO3(s) + H2SO4(aq) CaSO4(s) + CO2(g) + H2

(limestone) (sulfuric acid) (gypsum)

• Gypsum is the mineral used to make dry-wall materials and plasters; it is a white

powdery substance.

• These chemical processes cause degradation of statues, building facades,

gravestones, etc. Average rate of degradation for marble is about 10 mm/m rainfall.

Other Materials

• Metals: Zinc, copper and steel all susceptible to dissolution by acids, mainly by

sulfuric acid.

• Paints: Easily etched by acids; car finishes especially vulnerable

Strategies for Remediation

• Reducing emissions that lead to acid precipitation

• Use low-sulfur fuels in sensitive areas

• Remove sulfur from high-sulfur fuels before burning them

• "Scrub" the emissions from fuel-burning plants

• Disperse emissions using higher smokestacks

• Develop alternative energy sources

• Site power plants to minimize local impact

• Try to counteract effects of acidification by adding limestone to bodies of


CaCO3(s) + H2O Ca2+(aq) + CO3



(aq) + H2O HCO3–

(aq)+ OH-(aq)

H+(aq) + OH–

(aq) H2O

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