acid rain over water habitats - sixth b

Post on 27-May-2015






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Acid Rain over Water Habitats - Sixth B


Group 5 :Gabriela Navarro

Alonso Ojeda Fiorella Montoro

Giancarlo Mendoza

Acid rain is rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic. It has harmful effects Acid rain is mostly caused By human emissions n plants, aquatic animals, and infastructure. of sulfur and nitrogen compounds which react in the atmosphere to produce acids.

When the level of acid rain in lower than the ph of 5,6 like 4,5 all rivers and oceans all the animals that are around and in the lake , river and oceans become sick and finally die.

A pH scale is used to measure the amount of acid in a liquid-like water. Because acids release hydrogen ions, the acid content of a solution is based on the concentration of hydrogen ions and is expressed as pH.

What is water habitats

A hábitat is an ecological or environmetal área that is inhabited By a particular species (in this case ,the water) . It is the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds (influences and is utilized by) a species population.

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