achilles tendon elasticity decreases with intermittent · take...

Post on 05-Mar-2018






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IntroductionIntermittent claudication due to peripheral arterialdisease (PAD) is one of the common problems thataffect the limb mobility and quality of life. Thesymptoms are usually characterized by leg pain onwalking. The Achilles tendon (AT) is one of the thickestand strongest tendons in the body which is formedfrom the tendinous contributions of the gastrocnemiusand soleus muscles coalescing approximately 15 cmproximal to its insertion. Along with its course in theposterior aspect of the leg, the tendon spirals 30-150°until it inserts into the calcaneal tuberosity on an areawithout a periosteal layer.1 The gliding ability of the ATis aided by a thin sheath of paratenon rather than a truesynovial sheath. The tendon derives its blood supplyfrom three sources: the musculotendinous junction, thesurrounding connective tissue through the paratenonand the bone-tendon junction at the insertion site.2Although the posterior tibial artery provides the

majority of the blood supply, the angiographic andhistologic studies have shown that the AT has a poorblood supply throughout its length, as determined bythe small number of the blood vessels per cross-sectional area.3 Lagergren et al. reported that the areaof tendon typically prone to rupture is relativelyavascular compared with the rest of the tendon.4 TheAT has been shown to thicken in response to increasedactivity, however, the morphologic changes such asdecreased cell density, decreased collagen fibrildensity, and loss of fibril waviness that occur with agingpredispose the tendon to injury.5

Elasticity values vary between body tissues and or indifferent pathological conditions affecting tissues. Thedifferences in elasticity changes are difficult to detectwith only B-mode ultrasound because the echogenicityof the affected tissue and the neighbouring healthytissue is the same. Several ultrasound-based non-invasive methods have been developed for elasticityevaluation in the last decade, such as transientelastography, real-time elastography, and AcousticRadiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography imaging.ARFI elastography is an ultrasonography-based

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Achilles tendon elasticity decreases with intermittent claudication in patients byAcoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging (ARFI)Birnur Yilmaz

AbstractObjective: To investigate the value of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse elastography and its application in Achillestendon elasticity of intermittent claudication due to lower extremity arterial ischaemia.Methods: This prospective case-control study was conducted at the Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine,Baskent University, Istanbul, Turkey, from October 2015 to January 2016, and comprised bilateral Achilles tendonsof patients with intermittent claudication and healthy individuals. Shear-Wave Velocity (SWV) of each tendon wasmeasured using Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse elastography. Arterial Doppler ultrasonography at tibialisposterior artery was performed to establish the diagnosis of occlusive arterial disease, and the degree of obstructionwas recorded. SPSS 16 was used for data analysis.Results: Of the 84 subjects, 42(50%) were patients and 42(50%) were controls. The number of bilateral Achillestendons was 168, i.e. 84(50%) of patients and 84(50%) of controls. SWV of the Achilles tendon were differentbetween the two groups (p<0.05). The mean SWV was 5.24±0.45 m/s in the relaxed state in the patients and2.83±0.56 m/s in the controls. No monophasic flow pattern was observed in 23(54.8%) posterior tibial artery andSWV was 4.94±0.40 m/s in the relaxed state Achilles tendon in patients. Monophasic flow pattern was observed in61(72.6%) posterior tibial artery and SWV was 5.35±0.42 m/s in the relaxed state Achilles tendon in patients. SWVvalues were higher in monophasic flow patterns in the posterior tibial artery than in those without monophasic flowpatterns in patients group (p<0.01).Conclusion: The elasticity of healthy tendon decreased with intermittent claudication in patients.Keywords: Achilles tendon, Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse, Intermittent claudication, Doppler ultrasound.(JPMA 68: 16; 2018)

Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Baskent University, Istanbul,Turkey.Correspondence: Email:

technique of propagation of acoustic waves inattenuating tissues to establish values of elasticity. Withincreasing acoustic frequencies, the tissue does notrespond fast enough to the transitions betweenpositive and negative pressures and with this techniquewe have more valuable information about the stiffnessof tissue applied to. The Shear Wave Velocity (SWV)within the tissue can be calculated (measured in metersper second) by measuring the time to peakdisplacement at each lateral location, which isproportional to the square root of tissue elasticity. VTQenables objective quantitative assessment of tissuestiffness.6,7 The current study was planned to determinewhether arterial ischaemia may increase tendonrupture risk by changing tendon stiffness. It is useful totake protective measures to prevent tendon rupture. Todate, ARFI elastography has not been applied to studyAT in ischaemic lower limbs.

Patients and MethodsThis prospective case-control study was conducted atthe Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine,Baskent University, Istanbul, Turkey, from October 2015to January 2016, and comprised bilateral Achillestendons of patients with intermittent claudication andhealthy individuals. Patients were evaluated with ARFIelastography performed on their bilateral AT andDoppler ultrasound on their posterior tibial artery. Thesample size was calculated using the followingformula.8

Sample size (n) =Z2 p (100 - p) N

d2 (N-1) +Z2 p(100-p)


Z2 =value of Z at 99% level of confidence, i.e. = 6.6564

P =the prevalence of intermittent claudication diseasein PAD that is 33,3%.9

d2 =the margin of error = 5 % = 5 x 5 = 25

N =Normal SWV value of healthy Achilles tendon

Patients having diabetes, rheumatism, systemicinflammatory disorders and prolonged use of theAchilles tendon were excluded.

An equal number of controls were also enrolled in thestudy. Approval was obtained from the institutionalethics committee. Informed consent was taken from allparticipants.

Radiological evaluation of the changes in the heels ofthe study and the control group was fulfilled. The

patients and control subjects underwent an ARFIelastography examination using a commercialscanner (Siemens Acuson S3000™ (9-L4) probe,Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Mountain View,California, United States), which was performed by aUS physician with three months of experience in ARFIelastography. Linear probe was used for colouredDoppler ultrasonography and ARFI elastography.According to a previous study,10 the AT was assessedby three parts: the proximal (muscle-tendinousjunction), middle (2-4 cm above the insertion on thecalcaneus) and distal (placing the calcaneus) sections.In this study, we assessed the middle part of thetendon. Achilles tendons were evaluated byradiologists with patients being in a prone positionand the foot hanging over the edge of theexamination bed in a relaxed position. Longitudinalimages of each tendon were obtained by Ultrasoundand ARFI elastography. ARFI elastography imagingtechnology includes virtual touch tissue imaging andvirtual touch tissue quantification (VTQ).6,7 VTQ wasproduced of microscopic tissue displacements (1-10µm) with short-duration mechanical stimulationacoustic pulses in an area of interest (ROI) selected bythe examiner.11,12

The probe was held at a right angle to preventanisotropy.13,14 ROI was determined by a predefinedsize (5x5 mm) provided by the system. To perform SWVmeasurements, sites that were approximately 2-4 cmabove the insertion on the calcaneus were selected asROI.

The combination of gray scale imaging with Dopplersonography was used in assessing occlusive arterialdisease. Colour flow imaging makes it possible toevaluate the full length of the arterial segments of thelower limb and identify the absence of flow signals, sitesof increased velocity, flow pattern, evaluate the cross-sectional examination of the artery and estimate relativestenosis. On the other hand, pulsed Doppler sonographywas used to obtain the peak systolic velocity with aDoppler gate placed at sites of aliasing and then 2-4 cmproximal to the suspected lesion and then the velocityratio was calculated so that by both colour imaging andduplex ultrasonography were recorded.

SPSS 16 was used for statistical analysis. Mann-WhitneyU test and independent sample t-test were used whereappropriate. P<0.05 was considered statisticallysignificant.

ResultsOf the 84 participants, 42(50%) were patients and

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Achilles tendon elasticity decreases with intermittent claudication in patients by Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging (ARFI) 17

42(50%) were controls. The number of bilateral Achillestendons was 168, i.e. 84(50%) of patients and 84(50%)of controls. Among patients, 19(45.2%) were femalesand 23(54.8%) were males. In the control group,20(47.6%) were females and 22(52.4%) males. Theoverall mean age of patients was 58.4±11.83 years andthat of controls was 58.50±8.59 years.

SWVs of the Achilles tendon were different between thetwo groups (p<0.05).

SWV was 5.24±0.45 m/s in the relaxed state in thepatient group (Figure-1).

SWV was 2.83±0.56 m/s in the relaxed state in controlgroup (Figure-2) (Table-1).

In the patient group, no monophasic flow pattern wasobserved in 23(27.4%) posterior tibial arteries, andmean SWV was 4.94± 0.40 m/s in the relaxed state AT. Incontrast, monophasic flow pattern was observed in61(72.6%) posterior tibial arteries, and mean SWV was5.35±0.42 m/s in the relaxed state AT (Table-2).

SWV values were higher in monophasic flow patterns inthe posterior tibial artery than in those withoutmonophasic flow patterns at patient groups and it wasthe statistically significant difference in SWV meanvalues (p<0.01).

DiscussionAT is echogenic and exhibits a characteristic fibrillarstructure on the longitudinal scan. The tendon issurrounded by a paratenon which is a dense connectivetissue structure that appears as echogenic borderssurrounding the tendon.13,14 AT is a relatively largesuperficial structure, easily imaged by ultrasoundwhich can be helpful in distinguishing between Achillestendinitis, paratenonitis, and retrocalcaneal bursitis.

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18 B. Yilmaz

Table-1: SWV values in Achilles tendon at patient and control groups.

n SWV Mean SD

Patient 84 5,2412 0,45667Control 84 2,8363 0,56384Total 168 4,0388 1,31003

p<0.05SWV: Shear Wave Velocity.SD: Standard Deviation.

Table-2: SWV values in Achilles tendon at patient groups.

Posterior tibial AT SWV AT SWV artery ( n) Values (Mean) Values (SD)

Monophasic flow (-) 23 4,9409 0,40637Monophasic flow (+) 61 5,3544 0,42466Total 84 5,2412 0,45667

p<0.01AT: Achilles TendonSWV: Shear Wave VelocitySD: Standard Deviation.

ARFI: Acoustic Radiation Force ImpulseSWV: Shear Wave Velocity

Figure-1: ARFI elastography of the Achilles tendons in a state of relaxation in healthymen at ages of 60 years (SWV = 2,37 m/s).

ARFI: Acoustic Radiation Force ImpulseSWV: Shear-Wave Velocity.

Figure-2: ARFI elastography of the Achilles tendons in a state of relaxation in patientmen at ages of 62 years (SWV = 6,44 m/s).

Many previous studies reported the enthesopathicchanges of the AT and the value of ultrasound inevaluating these changes.15,16 AT does not have a truesynovial sheath, but instead has a paratenon. Theparatenon is a connective tissue sheath that surroundsthe entire tendon and is able to stretch 2 to 3 cm withmovement, which allows maximal gliding action.Running produces forces up to eight times the body'sweight, placing significant repetitive stress on thetendon for prolonged periods.17 Tendonitis in athletesis usually caused by training errors or wearingimproperly fitting shoes. Also, could be due toabnormal biomechanics and friction from extrinsic orexternal pressure. To our knowledge, there has been noreported association of limb ischaemia with Achillestendinopathic changes demonstrated with ultrasound.So far, there has only been one case of a patient withspontaneous bilateral rupture of AT secondary to lowerlimb ischaemia.18 We have examined the tendinopathicchanges of AT by ultrasound in patients complaining ofintermittent claudication due to limb ischaemia.Ultrasonographically, the homogeneous thickness,uniform fibrillar echotexture, and sharply definedechogenic margins of the tendon are considered as themain features of normal appearance of the tendon.15

Loss of the fibrillar echotexture is always an abnormalfinding and it can range from a diffuse blurring of thetendon texture to focal aspects of fibrillar interruptions.Maffulli reported that a diffuse thickening of thetendon is a common condition in persons older than 35years.19

The arterial flow pattern is the triphasic flow in healthyindividuals. According to the degree of arterialocclusion, the pattern can change into to monophasicpattern. Tendinophatic changes in tendon begin withdysregulation of blood flow. Aging, vascularcompromise or a combination of these factors mayresult in increased predisposition to injury andmicrotears within the tendon. SWV measurement usingARFI elastography imaging provides quantitative andreproducible information about the tendon stiffness inreal-time. We selected the middle portion of the tendonfor ARFI elastography measurement because it is acommon site of rupture.20 This may correspond closelyto a significant reduction in the number of bloodvessels observed in the middle part of the tendon.21

We found that AT tendon stiffness increased in thepatient group. Since there is no similar study inliterature, no comparison can be made with the results.

In this study, there are some technical concerns withARFI elastography measurement of the Achilles tendon.

Due to the standard size (5x5 mm) of the ROI, thecoverage of a portion of the tissue around the tendonmay negatively affect the measurement. However, dueto the existence of individual differences in thethickness of the Achilles tendon, ROI sometimesincludes not only tendon tissue, but also some adjacentsoft tissues, which may introduce error. In order toreduce this error, ROI is held in the center of the tendon.

ConclusionThe elasticity of healthy tendon decreased withintermittent claudication in patients. It is useful to takeprotective measures to prevent tendon rupture. Thisstudy included only 42 patients with intermittentclaudication. More studies are needed to confirm thevalue of this new method of assessing the ARFIelastography of the tendon.

Disclaimer: None.

Conflict of Interest: None.

Source of Funding: None.

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