accomplish magazine august/sept 2010

Post on 20-Feb-2016






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Featuring Michael E. Gerber, author of the E-Myth Revisited. This issue is packed with great articles and interviews with highly accomplished individuals!


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reaching nearly 700 mem-bers and growing every day! As the year comes to an end, be thinking of what you want to accomplish before its over. Make every effort possible to make it happen. Find a mentor, take a class, read a book or volunteer. If there is a strong enough desire, the universe will as-sist you with the right oppor-tunities and the right people to help you accomplish your dreams. One of my favorite books is called, “The Aladdin Factor” by Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield. Their motto is “If you don’t ask, you won’t get!” Go out and ask for what you want! Enjoy the holidays and spend quality time with your family. Create memories that will last a lifetime! To Your Success, P.S. ACCOMPLISH Maga-zine is available in full color print! Delivered to your home or office!

As the tree leaves start falling and the grass stops grow-ing, it re-minds me of the cycle of

life. For each passing year, there are dreams left behind unless we make them come to life. Over the past month, I have been by my 82 year old mother's bedside in the hospital. She has such a love for life and even during her most challenging times she still found ways to light-en the mood and make me smile. I've never known an-yone with as much strength as she had shown. Even as I write this, I am sitting next to her giving her my love and support. This experience has opened my eyes wider than ever before. I realized we take life for granted and should embrace each situation like it's our last. To focus on what matters and let things that clutter our mind disap-pear. Trivial things are just a nuisance but mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. When I created the concept

for ACCOMPLISH Maga-zine & Radio, it was to help others reach beyond their own limited beliefs and in-spire them to take a leap of faith for a more fulfilled life. Now, I realize it was much more than that. It's the new found hope that someone gets from one of our guests on our show or to know they aren't alone in their quest for success. Although this magazine is still in its early stages, we’ve experienced some incredible growth. ACCOMPLISH Magazine has made its way to TEN Countries including Canada, New Zealand, Eng-land, Kenya, Australia, Den-mark, Great Britain and the Netherlands. It’s also been featured in other magazines and recent-ly published in a collectors edition book called, “Becoming the Perfect Net-worker” by Ken Rochon. The ACCOMPLISH Radio Morning Show has hit the top 20 list for Business Talk Shows and has had thou-sands of listeners tuning in every morning at 10 am CST. Plus, our Facebook group is

“It is not your aptitude, but your attitude, that determines your altitude.”

- - Zig Ziglar


Beauty of Betty 8

Eagle or Chicken 10

Home Office 16

Sponsoring Events 24

Become an Expert 28

Marketing Online 32

Profits 34

Teamwork 36

Niche & Passion 38

Your Greatness 6

Time Management 40

Life Balance 42

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E I I I © 2 0 1 0 A C C O M P L I S H M A G A Z I N E

A U G / S E P T 2 0 1 0


Tom Haupt

Kristin Andress

Deb Scott

Ann Evanston

Eileen Roth

Caterina Rando

Joanne Lang

Julie Renee Doering

Denise Pellow

Darlene Willman

Karen Cortell Reisman

Broadcasting LIVE Every Weekday Morning 11/10c Start your day with us and hear from people who have Accomplished amazing things!

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P A G E 6

“Make a copy

of your goals

and give them

to your family,

friends or

someone you

want to

hold you


Take Risks!

Is This Your Decade for Greatness? By Tom Haupt

2010! What an extraordi-nary time to be alive! If I sound a little over the top, I do not apologize. I am very excited about what’s next! What’s next in my per-sonal life, my professional life and on this planet for all of us! This will be our dec-ade, and why not? In fact, if you’re on board, stand up wherever you are, go ahead, stand up and de-clare to anyone around you that this coming decade is yours! I love to challenge people in my leadership trainings on transformational personal and professional growth because taking risks and getting uncomfortable in life, is the first step of achieving all your goals and dreams. That’s right. I be-lieve to achieve what you want, you have to start by being and doing something different, if you want to have different results. I’m not suggesting for a mo-ment to purposely “embarrass” or “humiliate” yourself, I’m simply chal-lenging you to take a risk and step into the world of

infinite possibilities. In nature, the eagle’s eyes are specially evolved to give it extraordinary vision. In fact, it can spot a fish from two or three miles away! Would you like to soar like an eagle in the next decade and beyond? If so, before you go any further with this article, take a moment and write out your 1, 5 and 10 year goals. Also include your vision for you and your family. Be sure to be spe-cific and address your physical, spiritual, financial and relationship natures. Do that now. Here’s my challenge to you. It’s a big challenge and not for the faint of heart. Make a copy of your goals and vision and give them to your family, friends and to someone you want to have hold you accounta-ble. Someone you deeply respect and someone who won’t let you slide or be a pushover. Then ask them to check in with you a mini-mum of once a month until all your goals are achieved. Just think of the

focus you’ll have knowing someone you respect will be checking in each month! My vision is HUGE. It’s to create a legacy to support others in achieving their goals and dreams. It’s huge, scary and risky to say the least. Obstacles and chal-lenges may come up, how-ever, will you be willing to support me in my vision? If so, please email me anytime at and let me know how I or my staff can support you to step into your greatness and live your vision! Create yourself an extraordi-nary decade and remember to embrace risk, embrace success!


Tom Haupt is a best-selling author and world renowned speaker, facilitator and trainer in the arena of self-improvement and leadership training. Tom is the Founder and CEO of Tom Haupt International, an organization with a purpose to empower and inspire people to trans-form their lives as they step into their greatness. Tom continues his journey of self-discovery and breakthrough everyday and dedicates his life to supporting others in finding balance in their relationships, health, business and faith. He is a leading expert on creating results through risk.

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“My life is

better than I

could have

imagined it

would be.”

Join Imagine Being

Group On Facebook!

The Beauty of Betty By: Kristin Andress

In our book, Imagine Being In a Life You Love, Betty’s story has resonated with many. Betty is 84 years old- and despite what most of us would call struggle and chal-lenge, she has loved her life. Betty’s aspiration was to be a wife and mom and she did - and does - just that, beauti-fully. Betty has five children. She did not get to meet her mom, who passed away shortly after her birth, but Betty says, “I envisioned my mom being tender of heart, grateful and touched by oth-ers’ kindness.” Betty is a reflection of her mom. This is an excerpt from Betty’s story: “Glen (who Betty married at age 16 in 1942) and I spent every minute we could to-gether. We especially loved carnivals and picnics. He passed of cancer a few years ago, after fifty-four years of marriage. I guess I attribute our success to simply loving each other. We both came from laid-back families that never fought or screamed at each other. We didn’t think people did that, and I, at least, was more mature than most sixteen- year-olds because I’d had many things happen in my life by that time. We just loved each other 100 per-cent. We lived in the moment, too. We thought anything was possible. Glen and I never thought about having any-thing on hold. We always made it, although I admit we were scared to death at times. But we always made it. I never had much in the way

of material things, but I have been rich in the things that matter most. I learned very young to ac-cept things the way they were and adjust to it. And, I applied this all of the rest of my life. I knew I had to be satisfied with the won-derful things I had in my life. I am happy. I've had a wonderful life. I haven’t done anything very im-portant, but I've loved the Lord and my family. I've loved many other people. The greatest gift is love. I don’t have any money, but I don’t care. I can’t take it with me, anyway. My life is better than I could have imagined it would be. I just wish Glen could be here.” That still pulls at my heart-strings even though I’ve read it so many times. And, Betty cannot believe her “simple” story is in a book, whereas I believe a book could be written about her story. In Imag-ine Being In a Life You Love, Betty is featured in the chapter titled, Be the Author Of Your Possibili-ties -- because Betty chose and wrote her own script. So often a successful life is defined by what others view of it or by wealth and title. But what do you take with you? Nothing…but what can you leave be-hind? A life well lived and the people you raised to live it well too - those who love, honor, respect and model your values and

integrity. These characteris-tics perpetuate your imprint. Your life can, in part, be gauged by your memories and by how you have chosen to perceive your own life. Really, at the end of your life will you wish have worked harder or accumulated more? Will that part of your life be the memory that bursts forth first? Probably not. The only thing Betty says she ever really dreamed of was to have the best hus-band in the world and a long, long happy marriage and a bunch of kids. Betty says, “And that’s exactly what I got! Although we were dirt poor after the war, we didn’t care. We were so happy together.” What does make you happy within? It is tough to avoid the stigma of the external, but I encourage you to give conscious thought to what you really love and who you really are. And, whatever it is that lights you up - it is per-fect for you. Experience the Beauty of Betty, and the beauty of the authentic “you”. That’s a true accomplishment. Thank you for the lessons, our beautiful, beautiful Betty. Note: Betty and her family “adopted” my mom after my parents divorced. When my brothers and I were with Dad, the Shaw family had my mom. I am so grateful to them. And, Betty is now my ‘adopted’ Grandma. Learn more about this story at


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Participate in the Discussions Participate in the Discussions Participate in the Discussions Share Your Accomplishments!Share Your Accomplishments!Share Your Accomplishments! Create & Achieve Your Goals!Create & Achieve Your Goals!Create & Achieve Your Goals!

Make NEW Friends!Make NEW Friends!Make NEW Friends!

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“Be careful

what you


perception can

be reality.”

The Chicken and The Eagle – Which one are You? By: Deb Scott

This article is designed to help you accomplish your goals. I love to use stories to help illustrate a point more power-fully. Stories can help you visualize yourself in the ex-perience, expanding your creativity to determine exact-ly where you fit. A good sto-ry can assist you in coming to a conclusion which you may never be inspired to understand, in any other way. Great sto-ries are; simple, fun, and easy to remember. This story is called, “The Chicken and The Eagle.” Before I share the sto-ry with you, take a mo-ment to answer the following questions. When I ask you to describe an Eagle, what adjectives spontaneously come to your mind? Mine are strong, in-dependent, and majestic. Now your turn: 1._____________________ 2._____________________ 3._____________________ Now, describe a Chicken, what adjectives immediately come into your mind? Mine are small, vulnerable, and noisy. 1______________________ 2._____________________ 3._____________________

Here’s the Story… There once was a small baby eagle, which fell out of its nest from on high. A farmer journeying through the mountains found the baby eagle and said to himself, “I will have to take care of this baby eagle or surely it will die. I’ll carry it back to my farm, and take care of it until it is strong enough to fly away.”

So the farmer brought the baby eagle back to his farm, and gently placed the eagle in a small cage in the chicken coop, sur-rounded by many free roaming hens. In the coming weeks, the eagle was strong enough to walk, and the farmer was very pleased. The farmer thought, “I wonder if I let the eagle walk free with the chickens, if he’ll learn to walk and fly more quickly surrounded by all the chickens?” So, the farmer let the eagle out of the cage, smiling to see the eagle smoothly transi-tioned in-between his many roosters and hens. Weeks went by, and the eagle continued to stay close to the chickens in the coop, never venturing to fly the slightest distance

away. Bewildered, the farmer asked himself, “Why should this be? The Eagle has strong wings to fly away, night or day. This eagle is free, and as healthy as can be. Why would this eagle stay on the ground in the chicken coop with me?” Do you know why the Eagle never flew away to leave

the chicken coop? The Eagle didn’t know it was an eagle; it thought it was a chick-en. The eagle was surrounded by chick-ens all its life, and that is all the eagle knew. The Eagle was not limited by its physical ability to soar on high

above the chickens; the eagle remained low be-cause of its mental inability to comprehend what it was designed to be. Be careful what you think, perception can be reality. Consider the three charac-teristics you wrote down to describe the chicken are your limiting beliefs of your-self, your illusions, your false perceptions holding you back from accomplish-ing your goals and dreams.


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Your three eagle descriptions are what you are able to ex-press, become, and your skills and talents. These attributes will help you soar. If you want to accomplish your goals, you have to know: 1. Who you really are;

strengths and weaknesses. 2. What greatness you capa-

ble of becoming in the best version of yourself.

3. Who do you need to asso-ciate with, or let go, to help you become the very best person you were created to be?

We become who we associate with, and we attract who we are. When you understand what you are inspired to accomplish, you will be able to examine your skills to help you get there, and find a way to associ-ate with those who have al-ready crossed the finish line, If you’re the eagle, you are de-signed to fly high above vast land, strong and bold. Don’t settle for the chicken coop, when the sky is your brilliant limit!

“We become

who we


with, and we

attract who we


Deb Scott is a motivation and lifestyle consultant, specializing in working with business and corporate envi-ronments to transform poor interpersonal dynamics and low-energy groups into high-powered, successful, dynamic teams. A biology major in college, Deb became an award-winning sales and leadership specialist with 20 years of background in cardiac surgery sales. Now she applies her sales and business background to motivational speaking and consulting in the fields of sales, marketing, advertising, hiring, and teambuild-ing. “The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue – Turning Your Upside-Down World Right-Side-Up!” is her first book.

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Radio Show,

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Up Close & Personal Interview with Deb Scott

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Question Answer

Name: Nancy Ferrari


Type of Accomplishment Business/Career

Describe Your Accomplishment and Share Your Story

My focus in life has been within the health and wellness sector and with that said, I was invited to be a guest on a BlogTalkRadio Show. It was a great experience and decided that I would host a show of my own and see where it leads me. I discovered that this was what I've been destined to do, as communication comes naturally to me, and truly enjoy the abundance of guests who come my way. I am now hosting 2-3 shows per week, booked 2 months out, and am also associ-ated with Boomer Authority Radio Network. I will be speaking live from the Boomer Authority Ra-dio Network broadcast booth at the AARP Con-vention today and am very excited for all the abundance in my life. I am reaching for the stars, for they are closer than I believed. Watch out, Oprah .. your chair will be empty after this sea-son, and my goal is to make it my own!

What inspired you to achieve this?

Belief in myself was my inspiration. After ridding myself of fears and limiting beliefs, I now ap-proach life as an adventure and embrace life with all my being. I never looked at the oppor-tunity as a method to prove anything to anyone else, as I have nothing to prove. I listen to my inner voice, which never fails me.

What challenges did you have to overcome? What was the turning point that lead to your success?

The turning point was NOT to listen to adversity from others, those who always held me back from expressing my God given talents and al-lowed myself to move forward in life and shine.

What kept you motivated?

The love for what I do keeps me motivated. As the saying goes, "if you love what you do, you will never work another day in your life". I live with passion and purpose every day, live with positive intentions and am rewarded with the abundance of positive energy that comes back in return.

What advice would you give to some-one striving to accomplish the same thing?

Follow your instincts, trust in yourself and there is nothing you can't do. Be alive while you are alive!

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In each issue we will feature amazing sto-ries from people from across the country. Some have achieved great success while others share their lifetime dream and vi-sion. We believe, every accomplishment is important and want to hear your story. Simply visit to take our online interview. All stories, big and small, will be reviewed and may be fea-tured in a future issue of ACCOMPLISH Magazine!

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the interview

from our Radio

Show, simply

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Hear His Success Story

Up Close & Personal Interview with Jim Bouchard


To listen to this interview go to:

ON THE AIR Weekday Mornings


Jim Bouchard is an international speaker, media personality and author. His second book, "Think Like a Black Belt" is an Amazon best-seller. Martial arts transformed Jim’s self-perception and helped him realize his true potential. He began to see opportunities instead of disasters. In 2004 Jim was recognized as Master Instructor of the Year by the US Martial Arts Hall of Fame and he’s been featured twice in Inside Kung Fu magazine. Jim now tours nationally to teach his Black Belt Mindset philosophy for conference and corporate audiences. Think Like a Black Belt was published in May 2010. He appears regularly on radio and TV around the world sharing his message of excellence, discipline, confidence, leadership, focus and opportunity.

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Work From Home Tips

Home Office: Avoid Problem Areas & Choose the Best Place for your Home Office By: Eileen Roth

You know the phrase, every-thing in its place. The same goes for choosing a location for your home office. In the corporate environment, you are assigned a space. Wheth-er it is a private office or just a cubicle, it is your space. At home it is important to do the same thing --designate a space that will be your home office. Separate Rooms The best location is a separate room with a door that can be closed. Newer homes are often built with areas to use as an office, but older homes often mean giv-ing up a space or a bedroom for the office. The advantage of a separate room is the abil-ity to close off the rest of the house, and segregate your-self from the home environ-ment. You may even pretend that once you walk through those doors you are "at work" just as if you had walked into

a corporate office. Extra Tip: If you have the space, put a coffee machine or small re-

frigerator in your home office to prevent you from running to the kitchen every time you want a drink. This is particu-larly helpful if your home of-

fice is up or down a flight of stairs like a basement or second

floor. Shared Spaces If you cannot use an entire room for your home office, you should at least designate a space that you can call your office area every day. This room might be used for other things at other times, such as a guest room or a library room. While newer homes often provide a desk in a

large kitchen area, this is probably the least conducive place to have an office. The kitchen has the most traffic of any place in the house be-cause people are always go-ing in and out for meals, drinks, and snacks. If your family eats at separate times, there may never be time for any type of privacy, making telephone calls or concentrat-ing on work nearly impossi-ble.

The family dining room table that needs to be cleared every night for dinner is not an office; it is the place to eat. If you think that is your only space, you would be bet-ter off having a desk in the master bedroom than to try working where people want to eat. Most people like to think of their bedroom as a place to relax and sleep. Use it if it is your only alternative. Perhaps you could purchase something to section this area off, like an Oriental screen, so you do not look at your bed when you want to work and vice versa.


Tip: Social people should sched-ule some time for networking and face-to-face meetings to meet their need for social interaction.

Tip: Set a consistent sched-ule so your family will know when you are working and when you are not. If you have an erratic schedule, it is more difficult for people to know when they can talk to you and when they cannot. It is also difficult for you to achieve your goals.

Tip: Put a sign on the door to your home of-fice that says "Do not disturb" when you are on a telephone call or truly focused.

Tip: If you work at home, you can skip the heels or tie, or even the suit, and dress "office casual" in your home office. The feeling you get from being in "work attire" may be all the impetus you need to get things done

Eileen Roth, author of Organizing For Dummies®, is your Tour Guide for Success. As you travel on the road of your L.I.F.E.™ , you want to organize your 4 lanes – Location, Information, Focus and Experiences. Sign-up for free monthly Organizing ideas for the 4 lanes:

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the interview

from our Radio

Show, simply

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Hear His Success Story

Up Close & Personal Interview with Michel Neray

ON THE AIR Weekday Mornings



To listen to this interview go to:

Michel Neray co-authored “The Great Crossover: Personal Confidence in the Age of the Microchip”, which made it to Jack Canfield’s Achiever’s Recommended Reading List. In 2005, his chapter, “Everything Starts With A Conversation” was selected as the lead for the book, “Sales Gurus Speak Out” and re-published in 2008 for ‘Awakening The Work-place Volume 3'. He is also a co-author of “In the Company of Leaders” (2008) with 40 top North American leadership experts and authors.

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Hear His Success Story

Up Close & Personal Interview with

Michael E. Gerber


To listen to this interview go to:

ON THE AIR Weekday Mornings


The World’s #1 Small Business Guru!

Michael E. Gerber is the founder of E-Myth Worldwide, the coaching, training and education firm he created in 1977 to transform the development of small businesses worldwide. Now approaching its 32nd year, Michael E. Gerber’s extraordinary work has achieved stunning results by transforming more than 65,000 businesses in over 145 countries, translated in 29 languages and use in 118 universities in the world. Gerber is the author of 13 business books, including the mega-bestseller The E-Myth Revisited. His revolutionary perspective has become the gold standard for small business development throughout the world, becoming what INC Magazine calls him: “The World’s #1 Small Business Guru,” and one of Business Week’s bestselling authors of past decades. Gerber’s passion and genius for understanding the plight of the individual entrepreneur is the crux of his tremendous appeal and success, and has formed the core value of his brand as it has evolved of three decades. Indeed, the unique ability of Mi-chael E. Gerber’s perspective to lead broken business operators as they overcome their “entrepreneurial seizure” and begin to work ON their business, not IN it, is the very heart of the small business revolution he has driven. Now 73 years young and unquenched in his passion to transform entrepreneurship worldwide, Michael E. Gerber has more recently refocused his attention from the development of existing businesses to the special needs of entrepreneurs in the startup phase. In December, 2005, he launched a new venture for entrepreneurs seeking to create world class startups. This manifestation of realizing dreams occurs in The Dreaming Room®, 2½ day intensives which Michael Gerber has led throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Based on his experiences with entrepreneurs in these “Dreaming Room” events, Michael authored Awakening The Entrepreneur Within. Of this new period in his life and career, Michael E. Gerber says: “There is an entirely new kind of entrepreneur awakening and coming alive in America today, and thou-sands are joining their ranks each week. I call the men and women joining this revolution, quite simply, ‘the awakened entrepreneur.’ The Awakening Entrepreneur ™ is inspired by the belief that to truly flourish, a business must touch the lives of each of its four primary influencers – its customers, employees, suppliers and lenders and shareholders—in a deep and meaningful way. Awakened Entrepreneurs seek a path that has, at its core, a higher, more inspiring meaning than just making money, or selling a product or seizing market share. Above all, they are trailblazers seeing to transform lives in all that they do. The companies are, unfailingly, a stunning reflection of this transformational resolve. I believe in that vision. I believe in that possibility for all who would pursue the entrepreneurial call. For this reason, everything that I do in business and every book I write from this time on will be aimed to further this cause by awakening the entrepreneur within the countless millions of people worldwide who are inspired by the possibility of creating world class companies – companies that fulfill that deep abiding vision in each of us to trans-form our world.” His latest book published this year, The E-Myth Enterprise, is written with that vision. Michael E. Gerber has founded eleven new ventures in the last four years. Michael lives with his wife, Luz Delia, in Carlsbad, California, where they are intentionally and joyously pursuing their shared vi-sion for transforming the world, one small business at a time.

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Hear his Success Story

ON THE AIR Weekday Mornings



Dr. Fine serves as Senior Vice President at Random App, Inc., an e-marketing software company that provides e marketing tools such as e newsletters and e CRM Software. He has held high‐level marketing positions with numerous Fortune 100 companies. As a national business speaker, Dr. Fine has presented to thousands of people around the United States. He has taught management seminars for Boston University and Inc. Maga-zine and has appeared on multiple radio and television talk shows. Dr. Fine has a PhD. in Business. Currently Dr. Fine co hosts a radio talk show “The How To Promote Your Busi-ness Show” on WGNU 920 AM on Wednesdays at 12 Noon CST - Dr. Stan The Business Doctor and Keith Wheeler, The Business CEO” Dr. Fine’s newest book is “How To pro-mote Your Business With Little Or no Money’ a self help book for small business owners to grow their business in tough economic times.

Up Close & Personal Interview with Dr. Stan Fine, PhD

To listen to this interview go to:

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P A G E 2 4 Top 10 Reasons Why Sponsoring an Event is a Brilliant Marketing Strategy By Darlene Willman

In today’s new economy, budg-ets have been cut in almost eve-ry area, including marketing dol-lars. In the world of advertising, we are being bombarded every day with messages of new and improved products and services. Traditional ads that shout buzz words about how different they are from their competition or why someone should buy something, have lost their impact and prove to be a waste of money. A more effective alternative is becoming an event sponsor. Here are the top 10 reasons why it’s a power-ful way to promote your compa-ny. 1. Create, Develop and En-hance Credibility Companies in general have few opportunities to build trust and establish rap-port with their customers and prospects. Getting involved with an event and being seen as de-pendable and supportive will accelerate the process. Attend-ing an event is important but standing out in the crowd by being a sponsor will highlight you and your business with a captive audience. 2. Highly Targeted Marketing Events will have a certain mix of people that are in attendance. The event organizer is responsi-ble for creating the audience and will have a goal to bring together the right crowd that will benefit from their program. Make sure to ask who their typical audience is and determine if they will be specifically targeted to your pro-spects. 3. Leveraged Lead Genera-tion The majority of people who attend an event will most likely know others with similar inter-ests. Remember, not only will you be in front of them but may have a chance to be recom-mended to their connections as well. 4. Media Exposure All events have their own marketing efforts to make sure the event is well

attend and generally success-ful. When sponsors decide to be involved, they will automati-cally get the benefit of being promoted throughout the pro-cess. Some events have local media support while others may offer national campaigns. This could provide extended exposure and visibility in mar-kets they have not tapped into yet. 5. Brand Awareness & Recognition Logo placement in a variety of places such as flyers, brochures, websites, email marketing campaigns, tickets, signage, etc. will add to increase brand awareness. Being recognized as a sponsor will communicate value and support with the audience at the event. 6. Generate NEW Sales & Form NEW Business Partner-ships Most events will have tables available to display prod-ucts or encourage people to buy on site. Consider providing a limited quantity or special discount if purchased at the event offer. Create NEW pro-fessional relationships with other sponsors, vendors, speakers and attendees. 7. Community Involvement and Giving Back Larger, more established corporations that get involved with local events will be sending a message to the attendees that they are genuinely interested in provid-ing support. Companies that show generosity for a cause will spark more human interest and appeal to the audience.

8. Distribute Samples or Trial Offers Whether a compa-ny has been around for years or just starting, bringing sam-ples to an event is a great way to “test market” before invest-ing in a major marketing cam-paign. Consider giving trial offers to the attendees in ex-change for honest feedback.

This will provide useful infor-mation and allow the company to adjust accordingly. 9. CONTACTS - Access to Mailing Lists, Distribution Channels, Broadcast Oppor-tunities Acquiring a list of at-tendees may prove to be the most valuable asset available to a sponsor. If the event or-ganizer is unable to provide the contact list for privacy rea-sons, it is perfectly acceptable for them to send your market-ing message on your behalf. Before committing to becom-ing a sponsor, make sure you evaluate where they plan on promoting their event. With today’s advancements in so-cial media, it’s important to know what type of online pres-ence the event has. 10. Tax Deduction & Write Off Some events will be in the non-profit sector which would make a portion of the sponsor-ship a charitable donation. For profit events will allow companies to claim the spon-sorship as advertising if enough marketing is offered in exchange. Consult with a tax consultant before making any contributions. The U.S. Small Business Conference™ taking place Nov. 11-13 in Dallas, TX is now accepting sponsorship requests for 2011. If you would like to be involved and participate at some level, please send an email to to receive de-tails on a variety of sponsor-ship packages or to learn more about the U.S. Small Business Conference™ please visit our website for complete details at


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Hear His Success


Up Close & Personal Interview with David Siteman Garland

ON THE AIR Weekday Mornings



Entrepreneur, mediapreneur, speaker and author David Siteman Garland is the Founder of The Rise To The Top, The #1 Non-Boring Resource For Building Your Business Smarter, Faster, Cheaper and upcoming author of Smarter, Faster, Cheaper: Non-Boring, Fluff-free Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Your Business (Wiley Publishing). He writes/hosts RISE, a a web show for entrepreneurs, forward-thinkers, business owners and marketers, as well as The Rise To The Top TV show on ABC. His philosophy is simple: Money follows passion and not the other way around. What was missing was a new kind of TV and web show, one that was enter-taining and educational, and that was part of an online hub that resonated with forward-thinking entrepreneurs and others that struck out on their own without multi-million dollar budgets.

To listen to this interview go to:

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Become An EXPERT

Use Your Expert Advantage & Make Your Business Thrive By Caterina Rando, MA, MCC

Get that blog workshop scheduled, finish that arti-cle, get yourself on video. To create a clear ad-vantage in the marketplace position yourself as an ex-pert. As an business suc-cess coach working with entrepreneurs I tell my cli-ents over and over 'everybody wants to do business with an expert.’ Experts share expertise. Use value-based marketing to establish yourself as an expert. This builds a repu-tation for you as someone who knows what they are talking about. There are several things you can do to position yourself as an expert. Here are just a few to get you started: S E E Y O U R S E L F A S A N E X P ER T

If you do not consider your-self as an expert then you have two choices become an expert fast or find a new profession. You know a lot more than you think you know. No one else will see you as an expert until you first see yourself as an ex-pert. P U B L I C S P E A K I N G

is a very important way to gain exposure and poten-tial clients. Put together a list of a few topics you can discuss and send it out to the program chair of groups filled with your po-

tential clients. Whenever your are speaking you can invite potential clients who you would like to hear you speak. Speaking gives peo-ple an opportunity to meet you and get to know you be-fore they hire you. D O P U B L I C S E M I N A R S

There are benefits to creat-ing your own forum for pre-senting your work. You de-termine how long you will speak and what the format will be. You can target partic-ipation to people you know are potential clients for you. Many people will see your event promotion. The results will be people saying to you the ever-wonderful phase "I see your name everywhere." That is a big part of position-ing yourself as an expert. W R I T E A R T I C L E S

Get articles published wher-ever you can. Any publica-tion, from your alumni news-letter to your local daily pa-per, popular websites and national magazines your cli-ents read are a good venue for you to get your message across. Reprint all articles you have written. Send them to current clients and poten-tial clients. Your name in

print spells expertise. C O N S I S T E N T L Y P U B L I S H Y O U R O W N P R I N T O R E -N E W S L E T T E R

In addition to providing valua-ble content and you can also include offers and accolades for your great work, and an-nouncements about special event. W R I T E A B O O K O R A C H A P T E R I N A B O O K

Being the author of any book adds credibility to your mes-sage. If you cannot get a pub-lisher to take your book con-sider self-publishing or co-authoring a book with other experts in your field. Being published gives you more confidence and medial atten-tion. G E T S O M E M E D I A C O V E R A G E

Produce an electronic press kit. Send out news releases to your local paper, radio sta-tions and TV shows when you are doing something news-worthy. When you are a guest on a show always ask for an audio or video clip so you can post it on your website, send it out to your list for more ex-posure and expert building.

Your Name in Print Spells



Caterina Rando shows entrepreneurs how to build thriving businesses. She is sought after business strategist, speaker and founder of PowerDynamics Publishing which cre-ates books that build businesses. To learn more about upcoming projects visit our web-site.



People that will not remem-ber your name will remember your face. Then you will hear when they recognize you as an expert “I see your picture everywhere.” Whatever you decide to do to establish yourself as an ex-pert do it consistently. To es-tablish yourself as an expert remember the most im-portant part is to first be the expert you are capable of being. If anyone is going to be the expert...have it be you!

“Be the


you are

capable of


Up Close & Personal Interview with Caterina Rando

To listen to her Interview press the PLAY button below

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the interview

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Hear Her Success


Up Close & Personal Interview with Dawn Billings

ON THE AIR Weekday Mornings



Dawn Billings was selected as one of the nation’s 80 emerging women leaders by Oprah Magazine and The White House Project, as well as, chosen as one of 15 “Women of Achievement” by the Cobb County, Georgia, YWCA for her socially dynamic programs and life long dedication to the benefit of women and children. As the CEO and Founder of The Heart Link Women's Network®, an innovative women networking organization, with over 140 locations in US, Canada and Australia, Dawn is committed to helping wom-en entrepreneurs succeed. Author of over 20 books!

To listen to this interview go to:

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Heart Link Women's Network for

Women Entrepreneurs

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Ann believes in strategy. Strategy that can be repli-cated for success. For two years she quietly tested her strategy and it has achieved great results. See as a small business owner, being online is about creating: 1- visibility; 2-recommendations and referrals; 3-stronger ORGANIC search engine presence; 4-opportunity to estab-lish yourself as the true expert you are; 5-increased interviews, blog posts and publicity that comes to you; 6-raving fans (not just Facebook fans on your page, REAL fans) and customers.

Marketing Online: A Smart Business Strategy By Ann Evanston So many small business owners get on what I call the “marketing roller coaster.” One day they’re saying, “ Oh, my God, I need to mar-ket myself more.” Then they’re climbing that huge hill on the roller coaster saying “market, market, market, market.” After they eventual-ly get to the top and clients come in, they’re enjoying the rush all the way down the hill, and then “Holy cow! I don’t have clients!” and it’s back up the hill! Social networking helps you get off the roller coaster. It’s more like tending a garden — with consistent small ef-forts and attention, the seeds you plant will bring in a regu-lar crop of clients. If you take small steps each day, your garden will flourish. The truth is: social network-ing is a core business strate-gy. It’s not a fad, it’s not going away anytime soon. Here are some interesting facts: LinkedIn

was launched in May 2003. It has over 75 million registered users and 2.25 million login weekly.

Facebook was launched in February 2004. It has over 500 million users and over 60% of them log in dai-ly. The fastest growing population in Facebook is women ages 54-69.

YouTube was launched in February 2005. There are over 2 billion videos watched a DAY.

Twitter was launched in July 2006. There are over 100 million regis-tered users and 40% login daily to the tune of 3600 tweets per se-cond.

The Key to your success is knowing your target market and then develop a strategy

to show up where they are. For example: Are you a speaker or

coach where trust is important, then build your YouTube pres-ence.

Do you work primarily with fortune 500 com-panies, spend your time in the right LinkedIn groups.

Are your customers moms, get on Face-book.

Remember, network online like you do in person and it will build your business. Invest the time in your marketing online and it will reward you!


Ann Evanston, MA is a social psychologist who has taken her networking strategies and tactics and applied them in person and online with great success. Over the last year and a half she has received a book series deal (first released April 2009), 14 speaking en-gagements, and over $50,000 in closed business through social networking. She is ranked #2 of top influencers in the SF bay area on Twitter and has over one million Goog-le-able hits. In addition, she has been interviewed for the American Management Associ-ations podcast on using Twitter and countless other radio shows and teleseminars. All due to social media. Her success comes from understanding the social psychology of networking online, a point many people miss.

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How to Fly Above the Profit Line in Your Business Karen Cortell Reisman, M.S.

Last week I spoke with Gary Kelly – the CEO of South-west Airlines about South-west’s flight plan, so to speak. Southwest Airlines (SWA) has had 37 years of profita-bility, even with a doubling of fuel costs. Here’s why: Peo-ple first, low cost, great ser-vice. People First SWA puts their people first. Who are their most important customers? SWA EMPLOY-EES. Gary said, “If your em-ployees are not happy, then the customers who use your services will not be happy. You HAVE to have a team that is thrilled to be working with you.” The SWA culture is wrapped around this prin-ciple. Employees are recog-nized via awards, banquets, parties, certificates AND EM-POWERMENT. Everybody at SWA has the power to make suggestions, make changes, and have fun.

Low Cost SWA knows the consumer wants value at a reasonable cost. And, SWA realizes we are tired of being charged for everything from a pillow to an exit row seat. Their

decision NOT to charge an extra fee for checked bags has become a huge selling factor and an even greater ad campaign - “Bags Fly Free”. Great Service Gary explained the SWA “foreverism” concept – how they aspire to create a posi-

tive lasting impression with everyone who flies with them. Sometimes things do go wrong. Every challenging situation is handled with a personal touch. Unhappy flyers get a personal letter and a fol-low-up connection with SWA. Every email is han-dled with a ‘servant heart’. I live in Dallas – and I’ve flown Southwest Airlines many times. They’ve grown from a fleet of 3 to 540 airplanes; and 100 employees to 35,000. Even after all of these years, and their tremen-dous growth; I see why this business has succeed-ed. Your business can have this same type of flight plan. Put your people first, make sure your prospects and clients understand the value behind your fees, and give great service with foreverisms. © Karen Cortell Reisman, M.S.


Ms. Reisman, author of 2 books, speaks to corporations and associations on how to com-municate so your prospects/clients listen, trust, and buy from you. She also presents “Letters From Einstein”: using personal letters from Einstein, a cousin, in a message on turning tough times into productive & positive times.

Watch Karen “live” at

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Up Close & Personal Interview with

Karen Cortell Reisman

To listen to this interview go to:

Hear Her Success


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Show, simply

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As a personal branding and social media strategist, Lethia Owens is passionate about teaching people how to think, work and live powerfully! She works with enterprising en-trepreneurs who want to build a million dollar brand using cutting edge online marketing strategies that attract massive leads, more clients and endless referrals. For more infor-mation on Lethia Owens International, Inc. please visit

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Learn to Delegate

It Takes a Great Team to Create Great Things By Joanne Lang

"No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit." – Andrew Car-negie Are you feeling overwhelmed, know you need help but can’t figure out what to delegate or how? I am receiving more and more calls from clients saying that they want to dele-gate but they don’t know where to begin. All they know is that they have too much work, can’t meet dead-lines and their business is suffering because of it. Here are a few ideas that will help you through the process: First, write down all your

challenges. For instance, what projects are not getting done and which deadlines not being met. Which projects are holding you back from earn-ing more in-come. Then prioritize your

list. It is common for business owners to generally be very good with the technical as-pects of their business and yet need help with their mar-keting and administrative tasks. Getting the help you need in these areas can mean the difference between growing your business to the

next level or remaining stag-nant. Here are a few suggestions of different projects that can be delegated: • Marketing projects: e-Newsletters, press releas-es, social networking, data-base maintenance, schedul-ing of appointments, busi-ness to business prospect calling, seminar assistance and seeking out and finding speaking engagements. • Administrative tasks: Setting up of new clients, data entry, bookkeeping, word processing, Power Point presentations, spread-sheets, internet research, event planning and schedul-ing of travel or meal arrange-ments just to name a few. You have your priority list in hand and your next step is to find the right Virtual Assistant to meet your needs. Here are a few tips on where to find that special person:

Get a referral from a business associate. • Go to your local Chamber of Commerce • Google Virtual Assis-tant and/or Personal Assistant and Virtual Assistant Directo-ries. Go to

and look at the Small Business ads.

There are many VA directo-ries. It is best to use a Virtual Assistant service or an organ-ization where they certify Vir-tual Assistants such as As-sistu – or the International Virtual Assis-tants Association (IVAA) – It is important to find a VA that is experienced and that meets the IRS requirements for In-dependent Contractor. Go to to see the guide-lines. To learn more about building your virtual team, go to


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You Have a Niche, a Passion and an Expertise or Not – Now What? By: Denise Pellow

You Have a Niche? You’ve spent time discovering your strengths, skills and accom-plishments. You’ve spent most of your career developing those skills, strengths, and experience. Now your gifts have come to light and you want to utilize them to help others or make a difference in the world, or maybe just make a living for yourself.

Having spent time researching what is working and what isn’t working in today’s economy or society, you found a world problem; you found a need in business or in parenting. Have you experienced a major chal-lenge in life or know someone who has and it touched your heart? Whatever your discov-eries have revealed, this is your potential niche. Knowing yourself and your skills are the basics of what you need to get started. You develop that niche through knowledge and time. We all know that when we’ve been rewarded for our efforts, time and energy have been put forth. We gleam upon enlight-enment; we relish immensely in the “ah ha” moments, but as we work on our passion; we grow in self.

You Have a Passion? You found that inner feeling you can’t shake! You know it’s

there and you can’t move or

work fast enough to develop it. You read, research, discov-er, write, talk, connect with others to get their reaction. You are obsessed; you can’t stop no matter what you do to distract yourself. People get sick of listening to you talk about that thing! What in the world has taken hold of you?

That inner feeling has be-come a calling; you know it in your gut! You feel the world is moving so fast you will miss it! You feel you don’t know enough, aren’t worthy enough, but you still can’t stop. So, you don’t! You keep going and going until some-one points out how passion-ate you are, they see it in your soul. That’s it! It sneaks up on you until you admit it your passion has now developed.

Whatever your passion is that is the key to success. Most of us work in careers that don’t fulfill our lives, but pay the bills. I once heard that only 10% of us who work enjoy our jobs. That’s sad, and if that is you it’s time to break free and work on that passion!

You Have an Expertise? What? You say not yet? Are you sure? We all develop an array of knowledge and profi-ciency as we work and grow in life, whether those strengths lie in writing, ac-counting, marketing, econom-ics or government. While we

work in our assigned careers, we are developing our exper-tise. You’re a pediatric nurse; you help sick children to heal every day. You are passionate about children and you see a need that would make their world a better place. This is just one example how a niche or how a passion can develop, out of a broader scope. What-ever the case may be, or whatever the challenges are, we can all develop an exper-tise from our cares and pas-sions.

If you are already an expert in your field, then by thinking outside the box is what it takes to be different and unique. When we do things differently than others; and we are gifted in our approach, this is what matters in making a difference for someone else.

In my next article… Part III. Not? - Now What?


Denise Pellow, in June 2006, created KidsBeSafeOnline LLC. She is passionate about educating parents regarding technologies and its interaction with youth. Denise is an entrepreneur, Internet safety speaker, advocate, and educator. Denise is also the author of The Five Dangerous Trends Concerning Kids, Technology and the Internet and most recently featured in March 2010 Better Homes and Gardens Magazine for Family 2.0 Our Gadgets, Ourselves.

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“We have

been taught

to multi-task

but does

that really

help us?”

Balancing Act!

I’m not sure if it’s possible to obtain complete life balance. I’ve been searching for the “magic formula” for years. Ask any coach about this and you’ll get a variety of an-swers. You’ll hear them talk about doing things in each one of the life quad-rants….career, health, family, personal, spir-itual, relation-ships. They’ll suggest you pick what makes you happy and work from there. I have tried to allocate a cer-tain percent-age of my day to each of the-se but found it really is al-most impossi-ble. Every day there are demands on our time that can through us off the life balance wheel. Sometimes derail us alto-gether! One book, “Time Manage-

ment Se-crets for Busy Women” mentioned

we fit into 3 different lifestyle patterns. One is home/family, the other is career and the final is personal. Depending on what kind of woman you are, you might find that your focus may be defined as traditional, transi-tional or achieving.

Traditional women need to focus their attention primari-ly in the home with their family, then on their career and then themselves. Actu-ally, it should be 50% home, 25% career, 25% personal. Transitional women usually have trouble make the tran-

The Quest For Time Management By Darlene Willman

sition from raising a family to developing a career and their personal attention. Their time should be split equally three ways. The final personality type is called Achievers. These

women are ca-reer women that want a family but focus on being the bread-winner. This is the one I fall into. I know I have found my-self consumed with my busi-ness and on occasion left little time for my family and sometimes nothing for my-self. During these times I found myself totally off bal-ance.

To discover how much time you spend in each catego-ry, write down everything you do in every half hour and track it for 2 weeks. You’ll be amazed at the results.

Track Your Time


Darlene Willman is dedicated to supporting small businesses. She continues to find and share resources, referrals, and business tools for businesses locally and across the na-tion. Having hosted over 100 networking events in her career and publishing over 100 articles, she is a predominant leader in her field.

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Life Balance

Your Secret Keys: Keeping Life in Balance Amidst the Flurry By Julie Renee Doering

Keeping life in balance while pursuing the dream life is vital to enjoying the journey. The Balance wheel we use in Spiritual life coaching is an awesome way to keep your world rockin’ in joy and love. • Social and Friends Social and Friends Social and Friends spend some time every week getting out for some fun and frivolity. It is my habit to go dancing on the weekends, and catch a movie with a buddy mid week. • Emotional Ease. Emotional Ease. Emotional Ease. Check in with yourself, how has the array of emo-tions been in the last week? Are you getting enough rest, are you mix-ing in some fun with your daily routines? Do you like your Life? • Career.Career.Career. Are you making your career the best choice for you? Can you take it to the next lev-el? What can you do to add joy, increase excel-lence and deliver more then anyone expects? • The Ones You The Ones You The Ones You Love.Love.Love. Are you in happi-ness with the ones who

are clos-est to

you? If not what needs to shift? Read The Four agreements, by Miguel Ruiz

• Finance.Finance.Finance. Boy this is not just about cash flow, do you have your investment portfolio, re-tirement and insurances in place? Do you have your will and trust and durable power of attorney together? Get it together and get in the flow! Suzie Orman’s Courage to be Rich is a great step by step guide book for get-ting it all done. • Spirituality.Spirituality.Spirituality. Do you feel connected to the universe? Do you have a prayer and meditation life? Do you join in a com-munity of spirit seekers? • Creativity; art, mu-Creativity; art, mu-Creativity; art, mu-sic, dance.sic, dance.sic, dance. This seems to be the hardest one for everybody. Tough to just play I guess. This is vital to fulfilling the recipe for

Joy and happiness, grace and ease. • Health and recrea-Health and recrea-Health and recrea-tion.tion.tion. Are you on a great food intake plan? Do you enjoy exercising daily are you taking regular vaca-tions? Eight Golden Keys to a life in Balance. The rewards are incredible. You will live in a different reality. When you live in this flow, this joy and fulfillment people will want to know what you do different. They will be attracted to you and you will find yourself in grati-tude every moment. Blessings and Light for a day of transformation.

Bliss is an Inside Job!


I get excited about a world filled with humans, being human, living in balance and joy! I love the thought that I could be at cause for a movement of awakening, born out of this era, where people are naturally seeking to find the inner truth of this moment and this reality. I imagine people living a life fully embodied and in balance, moving towards a spiritual awakening where facade (the things we identify as us like the things we own or the people of importance we know etc) falls away and the real human is present. In this reality love lives; truth, compassion and a person’s real worth emerges.

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P.O. Box 525 St. Peters, MO 63376


Because Everything is Possible

Special Guest, Loral Langemeier, America's Money Maker and the

Millionaire Maker!

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