accgs business@breakfast socmed presentation

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Social Media:media designed to be disseminated through social interaction.

The Online Connection

Web sites with socialcomponents (forums,comment sections, user-generated content suchas photos, articles, and reviews) caused the social media concept to explode online, as it connected more people with other, like-minded people than ever before.

Portability Helps.

Sites and communities driven by the social media principle began to emerge, the largest example of which being blogs.

From there, other components started to evolve, such as:

• Micro-blogging (presence applications)• Sharing (photos, video, news items)

• Gaming (virtual reality, Internet-connected)

…all with a social component; i.e. conversation and feedback.

Which is the best fit?• Who are the users?

• Age• Sex• Your Industry• Tone

Facebook – The Mac Daddy• Facebook is growing in every age and gender

demographic; the fastest growing segment is women over 55

• 55% of Facebook users are female• Approximately 20% of users are under the age of

17, while 45% are between 18 and 34• Facebook attracts a more affluent user, with 29%

earning between $60 - $100k, and 29% earning more than $100k

• More than 42% of users have received undergraduate and 14% indicate graduate/ post-grad degrees

Twitter: It’s One Tweet World

The gist:Answer (Tweet)

the question “What are you doing?”

in 140 characters or less.

Users (Tweeps) follow and are followed by other users.

Twitter Allows Users to:

• Make connections• Locate resources• Promote themselves• Ask questions, get answers• Be part of a community

What a Bunch of Tools.

• Ease-of-use: tinyurl,

• Management systems: TweetDeck, JitterJam

• PR / marketing tools: PitchEngine, HARO, gradr

Info-sharing: twitpic, TweetThis

Mobile-use: UberTweet, Echofon, FourSquare

Social Media has allowed an ‘eco-system’ of tools and services to develop:

In the Workplace

• Involve employees as ambassadors to:- represent you professionally- create a social business presence

• “Write it once, publish it everywhere.”

• Screen potential employees

• Privacy settings…check them…often 

Connecting with the Media

PC World »Gadgets 10 Cool New Mobile GadgetsGood things come in small packages--and technology innovators are creating all kinds of them for people on the go. Some of these 10 intriguing mobile gizmos, including a connected GPS unit, external iPhone speakers, a Bluetooth headset, and a gadget charger, are fairly mainstream. The others, well, not so much.Dan Tynan, PC WorldApr 22, 2009 8:00 pmLuxus LX-ProScope HRIt may be the size and shape of a travel hair dryer, but the Luxus LX-ProScope HR is really a portable microscope that can magnify objects up to 400X. It even captures still images and QuickTime videos that you can watch on your PC. The Luxus LX-ProScope HR is good for medical professionals, hair care specialists, jewelers, students, stamp collectors, law enforcement agents--anyone who needs to get up close and personal with objects barely visible to the naked eye. Luxus even sells a full crime-scene investigation kit with multiple lenses and a carrying case for $950. Now you too can play CSI at home--but it's strictly BYOC (bring your own corpse).Price: $425Company: Luxus SoftwareAvailability: Now

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Connecting with the Public


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