access to environmental microdata in germany iaos conference, chile, 2010 markus zwick federal...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Access to environmental microdata in Germany

IAOS Conference, Chile, 2010Markus ZwickFederal Statistical Office Germany

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- Access to environmental data

- Research Data Centers (RDC) in Germany

- Official Firm Data for Germany (AFiD)

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- interface organization between data producers and empirical science

- consulting and service for the use of official microdata

- possibility for access to microdata with low anonymisation level

Research Data Centers in Germany

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- better access for the empirical science to microdata which was created with public funds

- this is a part of the ‚freedom of research‘in the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of


Main Goal of the Research Data Centers

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confidential microdata

de-facto anonymised microdata

delete direct identifier


Degree of confidentiality

Degree ofanalysis potential

Level of Anonymisation

stronger anonymisationmethod

fully anonymised microdata

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German Microdata: Information Content and Degree of Anonymisation

Individual data Information content Form of access

not anonymous

full information content no access


no direct identifiers such as name and addresscomplete analysis content

controlled remote data processing

de facto anonymous

information reduced until effort of deanonymisation greater than benefitmedium analysis content

Data laboratoriesScientific Use Files

absolutely anonymous

information reduced until it can no longer be ascribed to respondents as far as it is possible to judge-low analysis content

Public Use FilesCAMPUS Files

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Access to microdata of the Statistical Office in Germany

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Access to European microdata

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Official Enterprise and Environmental Data for Germany (AFiD)

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- Development of an extensive treasure of data about units and enterprises in Germany

- Merging of economic and environmental microdata for longitudinal analyses and

- Integration of these datasets using the business register


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Module Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal:

- Analyses concerning environmental features like water usage or recycling acitivities in the establishment in connection with economic issues derived from AFiD-Panel Industrial Units

- Analyses concerning product-related consumption of water and resources

Environmental Modules

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Module Environmental Protection Expenditures:

- Can be combined with the AFiD-Panels Industrial Units or Industrial Enterprises

- Amount, structure and developments of environmentally related investments linked to information from the panel data sets can be examined

Environmental Modules

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Module Environmental Protection Commodities:

- Covers details to goods, construction works and services for environment protection purposes

- Can be combined with the AFiD-Panels Industrial Units to analyse a multitude of economic issues

Environmental Modules

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ESSnet project: „Decentralised access to EU microdata sets“

- feasibility Study of setting up a network of Safe-Centres

- ways of access to microdata throughout EU-countries

international Partners:

Office for National Statistics, UK; Statistics Netherlands Institution Nazionale di Statistica Italy; Hungarian Central Statistical Office;German Federal State, NRW

Project leading: Federal Statistical Office Germany

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Thank you for your attention

Markus ZwickFederal Statistical Office

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