accelerated file transfer - increase your transfer speeds without increasing bandwidth

Post on 26-Dec-2014






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View this overview about Accelerated File Transfer from JSCAPE. Boost your transfer speeds up to 100x without increasing your bandwidth. Be sure to download the full Accelerated File Transfer white paper from JSCAPE by visiting:


How to Boost File Transfer Speeds 100x Without Increasing Your Bandwidth

So you want to speed up your file transfers between your office and other locations . . .

Did you know that networks spanning long distances are subject

to high latency and other factors that result in poor network conditions?

Network conditions and file transfer performance

• Factors that can affect file transfer performance:– Latency– Packet Loss– Bandwidth– Congestion

• But first, what is a packet?

What is a Packet?• Information chopped into smaller pieces and

encapsulated into “packets” in order to send via file transfer.

• Along with information you send (the payload), each packet comes with additional information, the TCP Header.

• These packets are sent over the network to the intended receiver or destination.

• These packets are directly affected by the network conditions we are about to discuss.

Latency• Delay time for a packet

to get from one point to another.

• The longer the distance, the greater the latency.

• Properties of the physical medium can cause greater delay.

Packet Loss• Not all packets you send arrive at their destination.• Some of them are dropped/lost along the way. This

can happen due to a variety of reasons like: – Signal degradation– Faulty networking devices or drivers– Congestion

• If you're sending a document, even just a single lost packet can be a big problem because some text and other portions may end up missing.

Bandwidth• Bandwidth: theoretical maximum rate of data transfer

that a network or network device can handle.• In wide area networks, the actual rate of data transfer is

usually a small fraction of advertised bandwidth

Example:• Bandwidth between a host in LA and a host in Tokyo is 45

Mbps, but the actual throughput might be only 5 Mbps.• That’s just a little over 10% of what you'd have

expected in a world without latency and packet loss

Congestion• Congestion: when incoming data volume

exceeds networks maximum capacity. The moment the volume of incoming data exceeds a network's maximum capacity, congestion occurs.

• Once network congestion gets worse, it can lead to what is known as a congestive collapse.

• At this stage, throughput is reduced to levels where useful communication is no longer possible.

The Problem with TCP• TCP: Transmission Control Protocol or TCP. – In existence since 1974– Interwoven into the core fabric of the Internet– Every time you use email, view web sites, send files, or

administer IT systems remotely, you're most likely doing it over TCP.

• An old technology with limitations when thrust into today's communications environment.

• Majority of the protocols in use today, including FTP, FTPS, SFTP, SCP, HTTP, and HTTPS, still rely on TCP.

The Problem with TCPStrengths• Reliable Transmission• Flow Control

Problems• Acknowledgement of each

packet transmission• Acknowledgement times

grow in proportion to the distance between the network points involved with the transfer.

The Problem with UDP• Like TCP, UDP is one of the core protocols of

the Internet. • But unlike TCP, UDP is not designed to provide

reliability, ordering and data integrity.• Because UDP is not burdened with

acknowledgements and other processes for error checking and correction, transmissions are much faster, but much less reliable.

AFTP – Accelerated File Transfer

• JSCAPE developed the AFTP protocol--included in – JSCAPE MFT Server – AnyClient software.

• Bulk of the data transfers are done on a UDP channel while other tasks are done on a TCP channel.

• UDP does not have an acknowledgement process like TCP--not as affected by latency and packet loss.

Choosing a Solution

• Multiple protocols support• Platform independent• Business process automation• Task simplification• Security• Compliance mandate-ready

Download the AFTP White Paper

• Learn more about JSCAPE’s Accelerated File Transfer Protocol. Download the free AFTP white paper for more in-depth discussion of the topics presented here.

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