academic writing mid term

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  • 8/8/2019 Academic Writing Mid Term


    Assignment of Academic Writing

    Confidence in Becoming a Public Speaker

    By Diago Sofrano


  • 8/8/2019 Academic Writing Mid Term



    Someone have to know them self before making a conversation. It is very hard

    to become like we wanted, in this case we like to be a person that always ready to

    speak in front of public. But this is not impossible.

    A great speaker is when someone communicates according to his/her

    motivation, a motivation to give new acknowledgement to his/her audience. It means

    that motivation will be more important than age, rank, race, religion, knowledge,

    gender, and anything else when communicating. But the problem is not all people can

    speak well in front of public. This is just the same with my experience, that there are

    many problems that cant be explained when speak in front of public. This is why I

    wanted to take this topic to be my report.

    Everyone must be nervous to speak in front of public. As a result, rise a

    perception if want to be a good public speaker someone must have a basic skill called

    soft skill. However, lots of well-known public speaker said that they always nervous

    seconds before speaking in front of public. It means that limited soft skill isnt a

    reason for someone to be incompetence to speak in front of public. That self-distrust

    is affected with how far someone prepares themselves to speak in front of public.

    Another problem is the limitation of speakers materials. A speaker always

    hope get many support in the material that he/she will be presents. But much people

    tend to feel less-care about this, especially when they compare themselves with status,

    appearance, income, or the knowledge of the will-be-listeners that they will face.

    Frontally this will make depression. So a power from each individual to think

    positively will be needed. The potentials in them just have to be grinded.

    Based on the background above, the discussion of this report will be focused

    on how important the understanding of motivation to communicate and how

    important to self-prepare before speaking in front of public. For that I make some

    points like these:

    1. What is public speaking and the needs of it in the everyday life?

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    2. How to raise the self-confidence to becoming a public speaker?

    3. What strategy and preparation should use when speak in front of public?

    4. How to effectively communicate?

    The reasons I write this report are:

    1. To know what is public speaking and the importance of this in life.

    2. To help reduce the nervous so someone confidence to speak in front of public.

    3. To know the strategy and good preparation.

    4. To add some knowledge about the techniques to becoming a good public


  • 8/8/2019 Academic Writing Mid Term



    Many public figures that already known in this entire world, is known not

    because of their wealth or their position, but because their skill to inspirate and

    motivate millions of people. This skill is called Public Speaking. But at these times,

    this skill maybe wont make us do the same thing like those public figures in the past.

    However, it almost sure that this skill will make us reach a big success in many


    In Indonesia, people tend to appreciate and accept someone who can deliver

    their ideas in a language that public understands. This proves that communicating

    skills, public speaking especially, becoming a must-have skill for someone so they

    can compete in this life.

    The purpose for public speaking is not far from communicating; to deliver a

    message or idea to public with good methods so public can accept the message or

    idea, and then get the advantages from the message. Because of this, a public speaker

    is demanded to choose the best method to deliver their ideas.

    The methods of public speaking that I know are classified into three:

    1. Impromptu speech; means someone only make small

    preparation before speaking. In another words, a speaker speaks


    2. Manuscript speech; means someone can see a script when


    3. Extemporaneous speech; means someone without using any

    script can speak their ideas better. In this case the speaker is

    often made improvisation.

    Further more, to become a good public speaker someone must have a big

    confidence, an optimal preparation, a good vocabulary, eye contact and a good body

    language, and skill to take full control of the audience.

  • 8/8/2019 Academic Writing Mid Term


    Someone that feels humble or depressive is they who never try to show their

    potency. As a result, the confidence gets beated by fear and nervous which are always

    strikes before doing something. It have to realize that those fears will slowly fade if

    we often do something that we fear, and then making a mistake, and carefully takes

    the lesson from every mistakes weve made.

    In addition, fear and nervousness can be minimized by making several

    approaches. First is rational approach, means think to not to be a coward and

    strengthen their speaking motivation when speaking. Second is physical approach, is

    by doing relaxation and make temporary pain that is intended to divert the pain itself.

    Third is mental approach, which can be done by visualizing the audience and self-

    talking to convince yourself before speaking in front of public. And the last is

    practical action, is by making optimal preparation and act as if daring when speak.

    Duty of a public speaker is to convey ideas to the audience and the idea has

    the potential to influence the actions of the audience. Therefore, the optimal

    preparation is needed before making a presentation in front of an audience. I

    summarize the strategy and preparation into five:

    1. Knowing the audience, this can help us in choosing materials, preparing, and

    presenting it with the right strategy.

    2. The General; the number of audience, age range, gender, occupation,

    education, religion, and cultural customs.

    3. The Primary; consider your audience coming motivation, note the level of the

    audience knowledge, and consider the possibility of audience reaction or


    4. Organizing the materials. The more information you get, the better your

    preparation is.

    5. Knowing the place of speech. A good speaker will first identify the field

    where he/she will speak.

    6. Physical appearance. Audiences tend to give an assessment when they

    received the first impression given by the speaker.

  • 8/8/2019 Academic Writing Mid Term


    Speaking effectively is a way to deliver ideas to someone or public orally

    which is easy to accept by the listener. Basically, speaking effectively on any occasion

    consisted of three main elements; the opening, the content or core of the problem, and


    To become a good and attractive speaker who can give effects to the listeners,

    someone needs the techniques of public speaking:

    1. Interesting opening. The opening is a first impression, meaning that it can

    influence the audience's view of public speakers during the presentation. How

    short the presentation is, the opening should remain warm. The opening can be

    done with an illustration or emerging story, but relevant to the subject. When

    presenting, show a friendly face, friendly, and close.

    2. Use joke. Humor may contain risk. This is because by its universal nature,

    while each individual's tastes are very personal and individual. However,

    despite the risk of good humor can be an effective beginning to seek the

    attention of the listener. The materials of joke is very broad, because it can be

    taken from various stories, everyday cases, image ads, other people's

    experiences, research results, etc.

    3. Breath. Good position to control the breathing is standing upright in order to

    provide better space for the lungs. To speak in public, needed space for the

    voice that can deliver solid long sentences in the correct volume.

    4. The volume. The success in speaking is not always determined by the

    loudness. The volume of voice when speaking in public is only a little louder

    than talking volume daily. Speaking at full volume is only required in certain

    parts only. The rest, talking loud too often can cause throat damage and bored

    the audience.

    5. Vocal expression. The expression is an important factor in sound processing.

    Good sound would be more meaningful if accompanied by appropriate


  • 8/8/2019 Academic Writing Mid Term



    The need of speaking skill in front of public is absolute. This ability underlies

    the success of every person in various fields. A public speaker with his role as

    influencers and benefits for the listener is required to appear perfectly. All speech,

    appearance, and behavior can be an inspiration to his audience. Therefore, the

    elements of speaking motivation must be attached in order to avoid a public speaker

    doubt with his/her abilities.

    The calm of a public speaker is determined by the perfection of its preparation.

    Then each process is done by systematic exercise. Then, a public speaker will success

    if he/she had succeeded in running the strategy and apply the techniques of effective

    communication. Strategies and techniques are implemented before speaking,

    speaking, after speaking, and during the repetition of activities at the next opportunity.

  • 8/8/2019 Academic Writing Mid Term



    Gregory, Hamilton. 1990.Public Speaking for College and Career. U.S.A.: McGraw-

    Hill publishing company.

    Juniarti, Elly dan Pramana. 2006. General Public Speaking. Jakarta: Public Speaking


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