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About Your Leaders

Leader’s InvitationDear Friends,

Many of us have followed in the footsteps of Jesus by reading the Bible, but when we have the opportunity to stand in the very places where Jesus walked, and see the very landscape in which the Biblical stories take shape, we gain insights that are deeper and richer than we ever imagined. Once you participate in a Holy Land pilgrimage, you will never read the Bible in the same way. Every story will take on whole new levels of meaning. A Holy Land pilgrimage will provide you with lasting memories and with a new set of friends as you develop a wonderful bond with your fellow pilgrims. In abundant and numerous ways, this pilgrimage will be one of the greatest blessings in your life.

During this once-in-a-lifetime journey, we will walk in the footsteps of Jesus as we visit his birthplace in Bethlehem, sit on the hillside where Jesus offered his sermon on the mount, stand by the sea where Peter made his profession of belief, and walk the path that led Jesus to his crucifixion. Along the way we will have opportunities for worship, the sharing of communion, and the renewal of significant vows. We will also meet some very special people who are continuing the ministry of Jesus in the modern day land of Israel.

The tour continues a short journey to Jordan, where we will see from Mt. Nebo, the view of the Promised Land that God gave to Moses and the Israelites. On to Petra, a UNESCO World Heri-tage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which is the amazing ancient Nabatean city carved into the rock more than 2,000 years ago. There are so many wonderful experi-ences planned, we can’t possibly mention them all here!

Rev. Dr. Paul J. Kirbas is the Senior Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton and the Guest Professor of Theology at Wheaton College. He has been a Presbyterian Minister for 26 years, during which time he has led several pilgrimages to Greece, Africa, and the Holy Land.

Jennifer Kirbas is a seminary student at the seminary of Dubuque University in Dubuque, Iowa. She is a candidate for ministry in the Chicago Presbytery, and has served as the student pastor at the Yorkfield Presbyterian Church in Elmhurst, Ill.

led by Rev. Dr. Paul Kirbas and Mrs. Jennifer Kirbas, Ministerial CandidateGregory Drinan, Commissioner, Chicago Presbytery

March 6-19, 2015

For InformationContact the church office:

First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton715 N. Carlton Avenue

Wheaton, IL 60187office@firstpreswheaton.org


I am confident that this journey will be a wonderful and meaningful experience for you. I hope you will seriously consider joining us as we walk where Jesus walked.

Sincerely,Rev. Dr. Paul J. Kirbas

Sponsored by Abraham’s Children: A Mission of F

irst Presbyterian Church WheatonA Spiritual Journey to th

e Holy Land plus Petra

Customized Program ItineraryFriday, March 6 CHICAGO Departure. Afternoon departure on a British Airways flight for Tel Aviv with connecting service in London.

Saturday, March 7 ISRAEL Arrival. Upon arrival at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport, meet your Christian Tour Manager who will accom-pany the group throughout Israel. Transfer by private motorcoach to Nazareth for check in at the GOLDEN CROWN OLD CITY HOTEL. Group dinner at the hotel. (D)

Sunday, March 8 NAZARETH. Morning departure by motorcoach for a guided tour of Caesarea National Park, also Meggido, where Israeli ar-

cheologists discovered the remains of an ancient church, perhaps the oldest in the Holy Land. Continue on to Mt. Carmel (communion) and Cana (renew wedding vows). Group dinner at a local restaurant. (B,D)

Monday, March 9 NAZARETH. Depart by motorcoach to view Mt. Tabor, the site of the Transfigura-tion of Jesus and the Jordan River (baptismal services offered). Con-tinue on for a guided tour of Caper-naum, home of the apostles Peter, Andrew, James and John. Then on

to Tabgha to St. Peter’s Primacy, the site of the miracle of the mul-tiplication of the loaves and fish. Visit the Mount of Beatitudes, the location where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. Evening dis-cussion with students from Nazareth Academic Institute and faculty, arranged by the group leader. Group dinner at the hotel. (B,D)

Tuesday, March 10 NAZARETH (Nof Ginosar). Morning departure by motorcoach for a guided tour of Nazareth, the childhood home of Jesus. Have a private guided tour of 1st century Nazareth and recently discovered excavations at St. Joseph’s Basilica. A guided tour of the Nazareth Academic Institute. Continue on to Nof Ginosar for a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee with communion services at Peniel. Group dinner at the hotel. (B,D)

Wednesday, March 11 NAZARETH/JERUSALEM. Depart by motorcoach for Jerusalem with a stop at Beit She’an, a Roman and early Byzantine city uncovered in the 20th century. Continue to Burqin, one of the oldest churches that commemorates Jesus and his healing of the ten lepers and stop at Sebastia for lunch on our own. Visit Jacob’s Well in Shechem, where Jesus met the Samaritan woman and informed her that he was the font of “Living Water”. Continue through what was Biblical Samaria until we reach Jerusalem. Check in at KNIGHTS PALACE. Group dinner at the hotel. (B,D)

Thursday, March 12 JERUSALEM. Early morning guided tour of Via Dolorosa, the route Jesus followed carrying his cross which ends at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built on the site of Jesus’ cru-cifixion. Continue to ancient Cardo, Jerusalem’s main street 1500 years ago. Return to hotel for breakfast. Late morning, embark on a guided tour to the Mount of Olives including the Chapel of the Ascension, the site where Jesus ascended to heaven 40 days af-ter resurrection. The garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed with his disciples the night before his crucifixion. Continue on to the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall, the Dome of the Rock and the Gates to the old city. Visit the Church of St. Anne erected in honor of the birthplace of Anne (Hannah), the mother of Mary and the Pool of Bethesda, the site where Jesus healed a paralytic. Continue on to the Garden tomb, the possible site of Jesus resur-rection. Group dinner at hotel and an evening meeting with ICAHD (Israeli Committee against Home Demolition). (B,D)

Friday, March 13 JERUSALEM (Bethlehem, Ein Karem). This morning we start with a visit to Bethlehem, tour the Shepherd’s Fields, the site where the Angel of the Lord visited the shepherds and informed them of Jesus’ birth, and the Church of the Nativity; built over the cave of the birthplace of Jesus. Visit a wood carver business or the Tent of Nations with a group lunch included. After lunch, depart by motorcoach for the village of Ein Karem for a guided tour of the Church of Visitation, which honors the visit paid by Mary to Elizabeth. Head back toward Jerusalem stopping at Mt. Zion to visit Caiaphas House, the palace of the high priest where the Lord Jesus was examined before the Council in Jerusalem and Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu, which commemorates the Apostle Peter’s triple denial of his Master. Group dinner at the hotel. (B,L,D)

Saturday, March 14 JERUSALEM (Dead Sea). Full day guided tour by mo-torcoach to the Dead Sea, including Masada, an ancient fortification situated on top of an isolated rock plateau on the eastern edge of the Judean Desert, overlooking the Dead Sea. Herod the Great built palaces for himself on the mountain and fortified Masada between 37 and 31 BC. Continue to Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, with an opportunity to swim in the Dead Sea. Return to the hotel to freshen up. Enjoy a group dinner at the hotel, followed by an evening meeting with a member of Israel Parliament (Member Knesset). Late evening guided tour of the Western Wall Tunnel. (B,D)

Sunday, March 15 JERUSALEM. Morning depart for St. Andrews Scots Presbyterian Memorial Church for worship service co-led by the Kirbas’s. Spend the afternoon at leisure for independent exploration. Depart for Emmaus for Vesper services, followed by a group dinner at nearby local restaurant. (B,D)

Monday, March 16 JERUSALEM/PETRA. Morning departure by motorcoach for Israel/Jordan border. Cross the Allenby Bridge and meet your Jordanian Tour Manager, who will accompany the group

throughout Jordan. Visas provided upon arrival into Jordan. Continue to Madaba, the “City of Mosaics”, and visit Mount Nebo, where Moses was given a view of the promised land that God was giving to the Israelites. Enjoy lunch at a local res-taurant in Madaba. After lunch depart for the PETRA GUEST HOUSE for check in. Group dinner at the hotel. (B,L,D)

Tuesday, March 17 PETRA. Morning departure for a guided half-day walking tour of Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the seven wonders of the world. The area encompasses breathtaking pink-hued mountains, the focus of which is

the amazing ancient Nabataean city of Petra, which was carved into the rock more than 2,000 years ago. Enjoy the afternoon for independent exploration and/or relaxation. Group dinner at the hotel. (B,D)

Wednesday, March 18 PETRA/AMMAN. Morning free for indepen-dent exploration or relaxation. Noon departure by private motorcoach to Amman with a stop at Karak Castle, built in 1142 as a crusader forti-fication defending the Kingdom of Jerusalem, en route. Continue on to Amman for a traditional Arabic dinner at a local restaurant. After dinner, transfer to a hotel near the airport. (B,D)

Thursday, March 19 AMMAN/CHICAGO. Early morning departure on a British Airways flight for Chicago with connecting service in London.

Included meals: B=buffet breakfast, L=lunch, D=dinner

Itinerary subject to change due to local scheduling.

Click on hotel name or other places in blue for link to website for additional information.


Via Dolorosa


RegistrationPassport, Visa, Health, Travel Insuranceand Information

Program Cost

U.S. citizens need a passport valid at least six months beyond the tour return date. Passport applications are available at http://www.travel.state.gov/passport/passport_1738.html. U.S. citizens do not require a visa or vaccinations for entry into Israel/Palestine and Jordan. Non-U.S. citizens are responsible for their own passport and any visa requirements for the countries visited and need to travel with a permanent resident card or other proper documen-tation to enter back into the U.S. Without proper documents for any part of this program, entry could be denied at participant’s expense. For international travel information including country specific background, travel alerts and travel warnings, refer to the website of the U.S. State Department: www.state.gov/travel.

This travel program requires walking on uneven surfaces, steps along with inclines for significant distances and periods during some days in the program itinerary. Consult with Seminars International or your tour host if you have concerns or questions about the amount and level of walking in order to fully participate in the travel program.

Websites for additional travel and destination information:www.goisrael.comwww.visitpalestine.ps visitpetra.jo/Default.aspx

CISI group insurance included in program cost covers evacuation and major medical as described under the Statement of Condi-tions. Comprehensive travel cancellation insurance and coverage for preexisting medical conditions is not included. Travel cancel-lation insurance is highly recommended for health situations that may prevent you from traveling or interrupt your travels. Seminars International recommends Travel Guard as a reliable provider of travel cancellation insurance. Visit the Helpful Links section at www.semint.com/participant for Travel Guard program options. For specific questions about coverage, call Travel Guard at 800-826-4919 and use agency referral number 14847980 for Semi-nars International. When purchasing travel insurance, carefully and thoroughly read the coverage to ensure it meets your indi-vidual needs. Purchasing travel insurance within 15 days of enroll-ment may waive pre-existing medical conditions.

$4495 from Chicago

Supplement for single accommodations - $845Limited availability of single accommodations.

This comprehensive cost includes gratuities for tour manager, motorcoach driver, hotel luggage handling, meals

and honoraria for speakers.These costs are often not packaged into other travel programs.

For your registration to be confirmed, you must complete the enrollment form and make your deposit payment.

1st Enrollment Period May 1 - June 30, 2014.(20 positions held for First Pres. Wheaton, 10 positions held for Yorkfield Pres. and 10 positions held for Elmhurst Pres.)

After July 1 registration is on a first come first served basis until tour is filled at 40 registrations.

Due to the nature of the multi-church arrangements, applications will be processed in the order received for each church. Once the applications have been reviewed, participants will receive confirmation of their enrollment or placement on a wait list.

Step 1: $600 deposit due upon enrollment to secure registration, based on availability.

Step 2: Please click below to fill out the enrollment form per person. Your T# is 4488. Deposit payment must arrive within 10 days of completing enrollment form to maintain your place in the registration process. For additional assistance contact: Jeaneen Lincoln at 800-541-7506 or jeaneen@semint.com.

Make check payable to Seminars International Inc. and mail to Seminars International Inc., 55 E Monroe, Suite 2870, Chicago, IL 60603. Please add T#4488 and your church affiliation to the memo portion of your check.

All registrations close on November 3, 2014.

You need your complete passport details (unless you are in the process of applying for a passport) and information for an emergency contact person to properly complete the enrollment form. Passport Name: Double check your passport and complete the enrollment form with your full name exactly as it appears on your passport. Include your middle name or initial plus any suffics (Jr., Sr., or III) exactly as printed on your passport. If you do not have a passport by the due date, please enter your name exactly as it will appear on the passport. Name change fees will apply if you submit incorrect information.


55 East Monroe Street, Suite 2870Chicago, IL 60603-5713


travel@semint.com � www.semint.com

Statement of ConditionsProgram cost and group size: $4495 based on a maximum size of 40 participants. Above costs based on exchange rates and tariffs in effect as of April 11, 2014; subject to change in the event that there is a fluctuation of more than 4%.

Air transportation (included in program cost): Chicago/Tel Aviv - Amman/Chicago air based on confirmed airfare by British Airways subject to restrictions and cancellation penalties by the airlines; current taxes and fuel surcharge of $706.32 are included and subject to change until ticketed.

Surface travel/transfers: Transfers and touring by private, deluxe touring motor coach including luggage handling at hotels.

Accommodations and meals: Shared occupancy at hotels as indicated or similar with buffet breakfast and dinners daily including 2 lunches. Single accommodations supplement is $895. Upon request, Seminars International Inc. assists participants traveling as a single to arrange a roommate. If no roommate is found, a single supplement is assessed. Program arrangements: Tour manager throughout; speaker fees; Israel departure tax, local guide service as indicated only; inside visits include entrance fees; suggested gratuities for tour manager, meals, hotel staff, local guides and motor coach drivers included, luggage handling in/out at hotels. Note: Participants with special needs may incur surcharges for additional services. Handicap accessibility varies significantly from country to country.

Payment schedule: $600 per person due with enrollment.December 15, 2014 - Balance due upon receipt of invoice. Note: A 3% service fee will apply for all payments made by credit card.

Cancellation and refund policy: Should cancellation occur prior to 120 days before departure, the initial deposit will be refunded less a $100 fee per person. The following specified costs are non-refundable: 90 -120 days: half of deposit/$300; 60-89 days: full deposit; 46-59 days: 50% of program price; 15 - 45 days: recoverable costs only (possible forfeiture of entire program cost); cancellations received less than 15 days from departure will receive no refund. Cancellations must be submitted in writing; the date such notification is received by Seminars Interna-tional, Inc. is the cancellation date. Trip cancellation insurance is strongly recommended. NOTE: should the program be cancelled due to a change in travel conditions, a $200 administrative fee per participant applies plus any unrecoverable airline costs.

Group medical and evacuation insurance:Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) group medical and evacuation insurance coverage is included in the program cost.This insurance is for on-site occurrences and does not include trip cancellation insurance. Participants are strongly encouraged to also purchase trip cancellation insurance.

Schedule of Benefits Policy # GLM N0496486ACoverage and Services Maximum Limits:• Accidental Death and Dismemberment Per Insured Person $10,000• Zero Deductible• Basic Primary Medical Coverage $100,000 at 100%• Home Country Coverage Limit $10,000• Emergency Medical Reunion $3,000• Team Assist Plan (TAP): 24/7 medical, travel, technical assistance• Emergency Medical Evacuation 100% of Covered Expenses• Repatriation/Return of Mortal Remains 100% of Covered Expenses• Security Evacuation (Comprehensive) $100,000

Refer to http://www.semint.com/pdf/CISI.pdf for further information regarding your group plan.

Seminars InternationalSeminars International, with over four decades of experience crafting faith-based, educational, performing arts and special interest programs on seven continents, is proud of a proven record in providing attention to detail, safety, security, creativity and value. Our services allow leaders to focus on the educational goals of their travel program while we take care of the travel logistics providing peace of mind and 24/7 support from beginning to end.

Our ServicesCustom Design - We design customized faith-based international programs sensitive to the needs and interests of a group while focusing on value and affordability.

Pre-Departure - Our services include customized participant travel e-packets and tour literature focusing on being prepared and responsible travelers.

While Abroad - Our network of on-the-ground international partners, along with our Chicago-based team, stand ready 24/7 to support and assist while on tour, particularly with an emergency situation.

Program Evaluation - Upon return we invite you to complete an evaluation to share feedback on how we may enhance your experience in the future.

Exclusions: Items not listed above, including but not limited to meals other than those indicated; beverages except at breakfast and where indicated with dinner; optional entertainment and excursions; any baggage charges; all personal items, such as telephone calls, laundry expenses, individual room service; trip cancellation insurance (information available through Seminars International); non tour related gratuities; departure taxes; passport and visa fees.

Management and responsibility: Seminars International (SI) acts only as an agent and neither SI nor any employee or appointee nor any other person, party or organization or agency collaborating with it is or shall be responsible or liable for any injury or loss, accident or damage, delay or deviation or curtailment, howsoever caused or arising or the consequences thereof, which may occur during any part of the travel or program or during such free time as the members may elect to spend independently on program. The airlines or commercial carriers concerned are not to be held responsible for any acts, omissions, or events during the time the passengers are not on board their planes or conveyances. The passage contracts in use by the airlines concerned, when issued, will constitute the sole contract between the airlines and the purchaser of this program and/or passenger.

Deviations policy: Some participants may wish to extend their stay, or originate or deplane from different cities. Based on specific guidelines mandated by group travel, every effort will be made to assist program members who require air deviations for a $100 per person service charge, plus any additional charges levied by the airline. Once the deviation has been booked, any changes may incur additional costs. Please remember that you are purchasing a group program. Thus, any deviation from the program arrangements will require staff time that is not calculated in the program price. No refund can be granted to participants who wish to omit portions of the itinerary. All deviation requests must be submitted in writing by Wednesday, November 26, 2014 to avoid any misunderstandings.

55 East Monroe Street, Suite 2870Chicago, IL 60603-5713


travel@semint.com � www.semint.com

Travel conditions in Israel/Palestine and Jordan

and Travel WarningSeminars International, Inc. has had numerous groups traveling to Israel/Palestine and Jordan and is in regular communication with the U.S. Department of State and our in-country partners for current updates. Israel, the West Bank and Gaza have been under a U.S. Department of State Travel Warning since October of 2000. Be assured we are constantly monitoring the conditions. The current warning, updated Feb 3, 2014, is available at http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/english/alertswarnings/israel-travel-warning.html. If the conditions for travel would change and the U.S. Department of State updates the warning informing U.S. citizens that travel to Israel/Palestine and Jordan should be deferred or Seminars International has information that safe travel was compromised, the tour would be adjusted, postponed or cancelled depending on the circumstances. Jordan is not under any Travel Warning or Travel Alert. This journey does not include any visits to the Gaza Strip and has been planned with every safety measure in mind from its inception. If any safety concerns would develop during your time in Israel/Palestine, adjustments will be made with the itinerary to avoid any areas that could be considered unsafe.


Financial risk should tour cancelIf any political/civil unrest would change the travel conditions and Seminars International, Inc. and the tour leadership has information the group could be in danger, the tour will be adjusted, postponed or possibly canceled. In the case of the program being cancelled for this reason, all in-country land costs associated with the tour will be refunded to each participant less a $200 administrative fee. Depending on the specifics of the situation, the airline may or may not reimburse each participant for their airline ticket. If the airline cancels flights, then the airfare is reimbursed. If flights are not cancelled and Seminars International and tour leadership, cancels the program due to a change in travel conditions, there is a risk the airline will not refund the airfare but allow you to use the value towards other flights within a 12 month period of time. There is no guarantee about the airline policy as it depends on the specifics of the situation and decisions made at the time. The airfare for this program is approximately $1300 per ticket including taxes and fuel surcharges. Please be advised of this financial risk. For those purchasing your own airline tickets, be advised the tour could be altered, postponed or cancelled due to a change in travel conditions and you would be responsible for requesting a refund or changing your own airline ticket.

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