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Abernathy Weekly Review



Top Three AJHS Grads Featured Tonight

Matt Thompson, Elise Prather and Mike Schaap are at the top of the class which ends its jUDior high school education tonight. The ceremony begins at 7 PM in the school auditorium.

Matt Thompson, with a grade point average or 96.071, is valedictorian of the class. Elise Prather, with 93.524, is salutato­rian and Mike Schaap, with 93.262, is class historian.

Matt, 14, is the son of Fran­ces and Dan ThomF.n. He was on the junior high football, b~ctball and track teams and plays trombone in the band. His major interest is science and building models. He attended a space camp in Huntsville, Alaba­ma last summer, learning many of the things astronauts learn.

He has been in Abernathy schools since kindergarten. His place as valedictorian of his Junior high class beats the records of IWO older sisters who were both salutatorians of theirs.

To celebrate graduation, Matt and others in his class pulled several carefully planned practi· cal jokes on AJHS EnsJ.ish teacher Judy Young.

Elise, 13, also started her oduaaioa m·~. She is ·

the da~ter of Sharon and Laurin Prather. She was on the basketball and track teams and was a home room representative on the student council. She was a cheerleader in both 7th and 8th grades and was elected to be a junior varsity cheerleader in high school next year.

"It was fun,• she said of her junior high years, • ··a good experience.·

Mike, 14, is the son of Nancy and Craig Schaap. He also began his education here. He was a home room representative in 6th tvade, student council treasurer m 7th grade, and president or the student council this year. He was on the football, basketball and track teams and plays baseball in the summers. He was rust chair tuba player in the junior hil!h band and made first chair tuba in the All-Region Band.

He enjoyed junior high school and really liked all the teachers. but is glad to be getting through with this part or his education. The worst part of it, in his opinion, is the basset of practice for the graduation ceremony. He is especially looking forward to mard1~ in the biah acbooJ band.

New (Same) School Board Sworn In

Abernathy school held a public hearing on usc of Chapter II funds at 7:30 PM Monday night. No member of the public at­tended the hearing. Then school business manager Floyd Galloway administered the oath of office to Laurin Prather and Tommy Myatt, who were re-elected to

th1!bt=dnJ~: ~~l'ect~ ~e same officers as last year: Richard Howard, president; Laurin Prather, vice president; Thomas Pettit, secretary; and Robert Pope, treasurer.

The only actions taken were to call for depository proposals, electing Howard and Prather to attead the Texas Association of School Administrators and Texas

Association of School Boards convention as delegates.

Payment;of bills was approved and the enrollment report showed the figure down 19 from last year. "We've been cxperieo­s:ing a gradual drop; said superintendent Charles Floyd. "We lose about 20 per year. The 6th, 7th, and 8th .grades arc smaller and affect the overall enrollment.•

After e:recutive session to discuss personnel and legal matters, the board approved the resignation of Stephanie Man­gels, who teaches junior high and hil!h school math. Her husbancf finished his architec­tural degrree at Texas Tech and they arc moving to Dallas.

• "*. . I I .. --.~

. ~- --"· · ·· .

"IN ~Hf ,Atj{l. Qf THt PlAIN.S"

TOP JUNIOR IUOH GRADS SaJutatoriaD FJiac Prather (left), Historiu Mib Schaap (standing), Valcdittorila Milt Tbompsoa (risflt)

Coming Next Week! THE KIDS GET A HANGOUf

An enterprising bunch tries a kid . hangout as a business, complete with video games, splashy decor, and who knows what else.

ONE OF THE BIG GUYS COMES TO A PARTY The ~ of Diamond Shamrock came to a party here Wednes­day. Nice guyl We'll tell why.

SCHOOL GRADP.S REARRANGED Superintendent Charles Floyd explains some building switches for next year.


We Oat ran out of time to set it up. We'll try again next week.

SUGGES'IlONS FOR 1liE PUI1JRE Laurin Prather, a local who beads the Lubbock Board of City Development, gives his views on how Abernathy must promote itself.

Texanna Dames To Make Music For July 3rd A singing girl from~

teamed up years ago With a SU'I from a musically deprived bac:t· ground and made music: their -y of life. Their c:hildrea grew up making music: and the adD dose knit family gathered a bia following of fans u Tbc Super­natural Family Band. AD olf. shoot of that group, Tbc T~ na Dillies, will pial. for the &~feel dance that will top olf the ex-students reunion bc:te


Charlene Condray is the Abernathy singing girl, who &till sings but also playa keyboard when the family performs. She married Tommy Haoeoc:k, a notedly unusual personality who ~lays fiddle and guitar. Daughter

.J: ~r'U:1:reac !PS: Mexico and ia famous for sins­iDa Spanish 1011p u weU II playiaa piano, ac:cordian and ayulhesb:cr. Dai!Ptu. Conni ia a aiapr and IOIIP;riter who p~

guitar, steel guitar and dobro. Son Joaquin plays drums and percussion.

They've made records, per· formed all over and in all kinds of pi~M;CS, and made many top 10 or so lista in a variety of categories--country, folk, avant· garde/experimental, latin, and who knows what else.

A review in the Austin Chro­nide (by Erin MacArthur) said about the women of the family:

"The Teana Dames (pro-

nouneed Tejana) mesmerized the partiera With their harmonies and kept the audience on their toes with various styles of dance music:, R&R, blues, two­steps, waltzes, polkas (Spanish and German), all played with more energy and soul than you've ever experienced."

Charleoc was reportedly sinaio& on a Lubbock TV show when she was only 15 years old. Years later, she and her husband opened a new "Cotton Oub" Wbca the old oae burned down. He lllCMd the family to the wilda of New Mexico where they IMd without electricity and other modern trappinp for a time and they all played and WI& C¥CIJ Diabt. In one way or another, they've spent their timeinmuaic:.

It's the ladies of the family that are DOW in the limeJiabt. TCIIIIII (te-ba-nab or tex·a·oah) mcana (1.) a collection of the memorable sayings of TClW. (2.) a c:oDccdon of anecdotes or interadD, informatiou about Texu. DIIIIICI (dam%) means (1.) lady or (2.) a woman of rank, Dtioll ot autborily.

Tbc daoCo will be on the meat iD froat of the fire haD MODday July 3rd. It 11t1rta at 8:30 'PM lad -MD last till 1 AM Tuea4ay. Plaa to s..;.... )'OW' own ....... ~Just listen.

Julmillioa Ia free but dooa· docil wiD be ile:tcptcd.


New Deal Sewer System Groundbreak Tuesday Tea years of work will pay

off at 1 PM Tuesday June 6 when the City of New Deal officially breaks ground for the town's rust municipal sewer system. The public is invited to join Mayor Terry Martin and former mayors Ray West and Herman Lorenz at the site of the 1/2 million dollar project. The location is one mile east of town on County Road #57.

Representatives of the Texas Water Development Board, the Farmer's Home Administration and the Te~ Department of Community Affairs will be there.

All of these a~encies played big roles in gettmg the project,

plans, and financing for the city. State Senator John Moot· ford, U.S. Representative Larry Combest, and State Representa­tives Warren Chism and Foster Whaley have been invited to the ceremony.

"The sewer system has been needed a long time; said New Deal city secretary Paula Pur­dom, when annQuncing the groundbreaking this week. She explained that the 10 year effort to get the system began under the leadership of then mayor Ray West. Herman Lorenz continued the effort during his time in office and everything fmally fell into place this spring.

Oglesby Retiring, Collom Moving

Abernathy is losing two pastors this month. Frank Oglesby, pastor of }rust United Methodist Church, is retiring and will preach his last sermon here June .11. Edwin Collom, pastor of Northside Baptist ·Church. moved this week and will preach his first sermon (as pastor) at Coahoma F'ust Bapllst Church this Sunday (June 4). Both men came here in 1986.

Oglesby's ministry began 31 years ago at the Camp Springs­Ira church near Snyder. That was his fust appointment after graduating from Perkins School of Theology at SMU. Before that he attended McMurray Colle$0 in Abilene, served four years m the navy, worked in the oilfields around Kermit, and owned an ice business and service station.

He said before entering the ministry, he attended but was not really active in church but his family are church people.

He married his wife Helen in 1978 when he was pastor of a church at Spearman. He bas three children. Sandra Myers of Atlanta, Georgia, has two chiJ. dren. His son Terry is a Texas Tech graduate, works for Mobile Oil in Odessa and has a little girl. Sheree Oglesby is in nur­sing school at South Plains College.

Helen has two daughters, Karen of Garland, and Juanava Lieter of Mesquite. They each have two children.

"I don't believe I've ever had. a bad appointment; said Ogles­by, of hi~ 31 years of service. "I've enjoyed them all. Aber­nathy accepted us and has just been great.• He also pastored

the New Deal church the last year and a half.

"Both towns are blessed with good school systems and people trying to make them better placis for kids to grow up in.

He did his best to improYC both places. He Wa& \'Cry active in Abemathrl;irie ~--Uofts Club, Chamber of Commerce, and attended all the sports events. He is convinced that Abernathy ought to emphasize all the good things we have here and that we're near Lubbock. We ought to really work at showing diat it's a good place to raise a family.

He plans to ~retire for six months so he to Helen can travel and visit · eiDis and relatives. They have a home on 91st Street in Lubbock. Then Frank plans to work in real estate. He already has his license and jokes that be's ;~~:.~o a career for money

"You're never ready to retire but there comes a time you need to and that time has arrived for me."

Northside Baptist was Elwin ·Collom's frrst pastorate after graduating from Southwestern Theological Seminary in Fort Worth. He and his family have definitely mixed feelinJP about leaving.

"We're going to miss Aber· nathr.; he said. "People treated us like one of the old timers. We have nothing but good to say about the town but we're goin~ to another good one.•

HlS daughter Sarah, 2, was born here--or rather at Hale Center's hospital. · Joshua, 10, was in rust grade when they

&i~an~ is i~mt~~ ~u:'~ president of the Junior Baaket­balJ Association and helped coach Little League. Dianah worked parttimc at Grain Sor· ghum Producers Association.

Odessa is "home· to he and Dianah. Both graduated · from Odessa's Permian ~ School and he from the UJUVCrsity of Tex.u Permian Basin. He worked in the oilfield before eaterlna the ministry.

The Northside church will always be special to Elwin. "I appreciate die opportullity they gave me to pastor my fint church-with no experience."

Hia familY feels the SIDle -y-eveil motber and step-dad, D~ and J040 Norton. They liYc in Lubbock-on the south aide-bat ~ttQndcd Nort.."aide Bapciat wbiJe the CoDom'a ftftl bcie aDd f.'CW 10 attac:hccl to the Northside people tlall tbe1 joined the c:hwda 1Ut SUDday.

"So •'II adD llaw tkia to


AUSTIN~Rcp. Stan Schlueter, 'D-KUJceo, IISIIaJly playa 1 kM· key legislative game, but this semoo lhe powerful Calendars Commlrrcc chalrman cauaht all kJnds ~ public beat.

Tbe baslalngs grew louder u rhe sessloo, and tempers, srcw &boner.

Complaints canJc from irate lawmakers as they saw their pel bills djc in his committee, the last ·gate before floor debate.

Traditionally, Calendars is a graveyard <'A bills which the House leadership wants to kill. In assigning commiuccs, ihc first tltiog any speaker does is put a. top iiUlCr-circlc ally in charge <'A Calendars.

TI!it chairman's job is to stall bills which the leadership views as

has a long memory and plana 10 retum next sc:sslon..

. " -Sometblnl'• Different ,_ MJ&-be its dlC prepondcraace

r:l ocw HOU$C members, bccausc Schlueter Is certainly not out r:l dwactcr In rhc post, but aomethlng Is dirfcn:at.

Mli.Ybe liberals don't fear bJs loll& memory, aQd pcmaps lhat's a clue that the House ·is continuing 10 align along party lines, as it bas lhls decade.

After all, with rhc three llCW tellS recently woo by lhc GOP, ~bllean.s an: within striking dbllnce d electing their first speaker Ia 1991.

So are liberai.Democrats, whlch puiS conservatives like Schlueter and current Speaker Oib Lewis In the philosophical middle.

Lewis Is In his fourth term as spcakt, a feat matcbed ooly by Billy CJaycon, and the odds d his winning ail unprecedented fiflh lenD in '91 are slim. Already, several House members are quietly grousina they want a different speaker next time.

Republicans now arc ~bout IS 'I'OlCS sl1ort d a m:Uoriry. If they can COIIYCrt SOmC Democrats,

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Editor-l'llblilllcr 'l

~ oa Friday udl ~ Ill the AberDidly Wcckty Rcwiew oOlce II 916 Awno D. MliJillc lddreu: Dnrwet 160, Aharully, T-7931L (1116) 298-DS . · .

&uWillled ia ~- d 1m s-d-~ pmd II tllo pcllllolllcelll~, T-.

~- 1~-1 ·~~· ASSOCIA~

NGdce co diD l'lllllc:: ,.., - 'reflecllcxt tiJIOil tbe dw· .... ,..,...... « ......... ol·.., lirm, iDdhiclul at. c:wp­ondoa Will lie lld1 Cllll'llded if ellled to die llttaltioe 01 tbepallldior • . ' '


. . stJIICIUPl'ION JtA'D!S O.JI!If'ieU.Md.....,__..sWJo ........ -~-<Millie,._ ·Sti.OO

ddCat a couple more and aet IOIIIC CIOOSCrftti~~et 10 UOII wltb tbeir jJoor ";OtCS, lbcy caa elect a GOP ~la'91. ' AIDS BID CGIItroweralal

1hc House pa$Sed 141-0 a con· trowenial version of the AIDS ~II which angered pyllcsblan groups by rcDIOYiaj all llltl­~itllinatloo JaoM~WJittcn by Houston seiiamn CriJg~ing-100 aad Chef Brooks.

House DlCmbcn IOid the scna­IOrs to take it or leave it.

BasiCally, the House o;ersi~: • Sets up state procrams for

AWS testing, collllllellaa- IUid treatment.

• Eliminates AIDS COUIISCiillg grants 10 community sroups. wbid1 some Jcgislatorll feared was a pi~ 10 giw t.u money 10 g~,Y and lesbian groups.

• Mandates that warnings about AIDS infection, written for dif­ferent ~ge groups, be prlated on state materials and that sexual ab­stinence be taught at all public schools.

• Creates a criminal dfcnse for intentionally infecting someone with the AIDS virus.

By eliminating many <i the Senate provisions, tlJC HollSC saved many millions which will doubtless be steered to public education financing.

lnOamed ~ers House members 110ted to re­

quire the Public Utility Conunis-

Budde Up, Graduate• lt'a Your Future

T CUI Dcparlmcnl or Public Sal ely T uu Coalition lor Safety Belli

10 atve .

:C th:eue~~~ __ ne __ P_o_t_Dis,;..· _P_a_t_ch---~:------aagcm~ COIIIUJIICI' lld\iOCitel llid ' alicnat.ed the ori8lDal Sallte apoa· 'l'bcre were '51 frica4s Ill Tile ~ IIICI bcr limllY aDd sor. J?epat 'l'aelllly (!)I' full, Cellow- a...- ploatc. 1he a.,.

CQ!ISUIIICr Jd>'Otlltes said the llhiP . _. IIIII" pbe. Oa toa I!Gpp vilitcd the LBJ House bill wlll add $1 bililon JIQt Wciclaiclclly, 63 IDCIIIbcrl del Raudl. aeat-Awda.

tdcpbone llid declric bills wilikn - fat 'rililla&. the O!a .,od 'fricuds are still 1CM

10th Slate lllelli dlow l!ld a ~ fOOd cbaati!w IIIOIIeY 10 our building

acrossH. c_.:.,. N ........ ....._.... lund&. We _W fi'ftl - ~_ • .....-..... - fllad. Same doa't Willi to be ouso ..,............, 0 """-..."""""' ....,.,-,.. IIICIIIliOacd butw, ·Jovt them too,

R-Lubbock, called It a •ratepa}'er· ~ nose aot melltioaed lilt week frtcodly bill," but Rep. Ralpb Ia T~ ~ A.lbucluea"· are ,.._;_. V'dlaD•"""". the nLu • • _ D H~ .... - wa-ed ..... ........ New MCIKlO were \ere . &.AJIUI,.. _.,.. ,...-.........,, • """""''• .,. """ ~his mother, Dora. P.W. Clyde Belln'a, P.W. Rosen, the ~ec~~ lnftamc YOtcn by uext Rop:ra WOil the free meal. Bidd Totty'S, tllo HOI'ICC Davis's

Sen. Bob Olas"""' said be lfenllu ICuhJu pve the iavoa- and Jea&ie Rulh Neia. 1bc total .. -- tioa. WcdacsdaY wu Sl0,942.1S.

wouldn't cany the bUI, 111cl the Please keep brio&illa your old Remember, SlOO makes thou· three PUC commlsslolltl'll are split l!lUICS l!ld lellaci l'or Uoas AJJCb. 2·1 for It on party lines. Utilities Ollb,tobclptholeiauccd. 0a Tbunday JUlie 8, Erma fii\Of the bill. Thole ailiu& arc: Pete Robison May SpruieD will start . teachina

Clll'J'tnt law upheld by die Thus llllCI Klllhma Houstoa atilJ iD a_ p1intiDg class.. Bring a sad Supmuc Court holds ratepayers hospital. MJnaie SlnM will haw hmda. AIIO bring 1 121116 c:anvas must be given the t.u savings, ~ surgery. r Ftriday. aad whatever brushes l!ld paints wb.ich lower dleir rates. The Many talented people enter- you ha"'. For those who have PUC ~uld set rates uslug a !aiDed us Wcdlicsday. Vida uever painted, thC paints will be by podtctft:al t.u rate. Adki5SOil played piauo; Lcs furui&hCd the first time. Those

Other Highlights Talbot plaYecf a guitar and who want to just visit or play • Republican Charlie Hartland Preuch ~ IIOio; Cayton Boger pmes,--c:ome ou.

narrowly 'WOO a special dectlon played guitar; Merle Eugcr The menu for ueld Wednesday to fill the vacancy Ia a tradition- preacn~cd a poem; Erma May is spaghetti wilh meat sauce, ally Demccr.uic House scat iu tite Spruidl quoted a poem and Nortl1 Houston-Aldine area, malt- played a special piano selection; garlic bread, tossed salad and ing rwo scats the OOP has picked Hazel Toler quoted a poem; dessert. li will be Shtging Day; up Ia special elections this yc:M. lewcr Roger~' poem was ·owrarn!- alsoA ~-~urpotc cbeck.plant -·

• Gov. Bill Clements gave ma Told It Just Like It as; ,.,..,....UI "~ final approval 10 a snuset bill Marvla Toler played a keyboard given to Mrs. Elsie for our

continuing the Texas Department ~ :;~~~:h~~ =~ 0: c!~r. ~~~ d Agriculture for 12 years and buuch• of spcdal singing. retiring. Her hot rolls, among retaining the elected post d 1bc Oyde Bcnus traveled to lots of other good deeds, will be CoDlOiissioncr Jim Hightower. Lafayette, Louisiana to visit a missed.

• The Senate unaminously appi'OW'Cd a bill which lawmalccrs predict will ease the rural bcaltll­carc crisis by reopening wme abandoned small hospitals.

• The Senate tematively ap­proYcd a major.campaign finance bill that will make it easier to identify spccial·iruercst groups and large contributors, which arc backing candidates.

• TIIC ·Tellas Racing Commls· sion approved a grcyhotlnd trac,lc licence for Y.!llcy Racing Associa· lion, which plans a track south d Harlingen.

Flags Taken By Mistake

Four small American flap were-by mistake--removed from four graves at the Abernathy cemetery Monday cveuiug. This happened when flags placed to honor the waves of wteran.s were collected at suudown on Memorial Day.

The four flags were remov-..d • ,from pves locatod- west of the

·east Cllttlllce, on the north side of the east/west road. The OWDCrll may claim them at the Weekly Review office, 916 AV~~nllCD.

Methodists Lose Youth Director

Ytrst United Mcthodis& is also lollaa yoUlh director Shirley Miller who Jw bccu with the c:hurc:h &even months. Tbc \'Cry

talented JS:uatc of Duke ~ ~tis talciug

United~ Q~~ Lubbock. Sbe'D be workia8 Ia c:hild care. 1bc .AbcnJathy church ia wor~ to fiD the youda dlrcctc. poaitioa.

"Shirley ia oac of the mOlt capablo youth director'& I've ever worked with,• said Oglcaby.

A.B. Colwell To Celebrate 95th Birthday At Party

A.B. Colwell will celebrate his 95th birthday Sunday June 4th io the home of his daug.ltcr,

Mrs. W"alma Bristow, at 1501 Avenue M. AD friends are invited to drop by and help celebrate from 2:30 unti14:00.

The family requests •uo gifts please', u the presence of friends i.s the j!!C&tcsl gift.

Helping With the celebration will be Mr. Colwell's son Quin­ton or Lubbock and his other daupter, Murl Camp of Corpus ~~~\!a ~eat-grand-

Mr. Colwcll was election judge in the Lakeview Community for 50 years or so and farmed until 19?9. He now lives Ia John Knox Village in Lubbock.

We'll Be There ••. Will You? This big strong athlete, famed

for his baseball pitching. has decided Ia more. ~t. .rears t b a t clubb~

~If a lot m o r c productive t h a n clubbing his fellow man. We'll see if be ' comes out slugillg at the EI­Studcnts Reunion on July 3.

Alld this young lady, altho~ not llllill: IS young now, will have 'Lcr high heels on and be

1·10x13 ~Wall Photol

1· 8x10 2· 5x7 2· 3x5

16- King Size Wallets

ready to fill her dance card al the b. shindig. - Yo~ll be surprised how really

. lit~ ill!ttot former Abernathy H i g b . Schoo I wads have changed over the years... a I it I I e

waycr maybe (for those who still lmc a lot of hair) but arc still IS channing IS ewr. They'll

be here ... won'l you?

994 Deposit $10.00 Due at

Pic:k up (plus tax)

Vacation Bible

\----;:....J School

8- Regular Size Wallets $10!~


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Mildred Petty Services Mn. Ralp~ Stcpbcaa and Mr&. . of TCl!AS MemOrial H911pital ill

DiDio Hamsoa attended the Brady after a ~ illacss. She ~~~ of their . sister·!n·~W is slln'iYI:d by ber husband, Mildred (Mil) Petty Ill Louisville:, V emon Pc:tty o( Melvin. ~May'l'I.ThcfiiiiCfal . - ill St. Albert the Great Mn. Pc:tty was ~ partDer With Cadlolic Church with Father Mrs. Stcpbe111 111 Abernathy frallk Grauel offidatlns. Bun.l Floral and The Flower Box ill W!ll ill Calvary Cemc:tery. ·rc:ter~urg before moving to

Mrs. Petty, 69, died iD Heart MeiWa 12 )'W'S ago.

Jesse Sifuentez Services The fuaenl of Jcuc R. Sifu· Other survivors indude his

a1tc7. 69, of Oosbytoo, fatbcr wife:, Aurelia; scveo sona, Jesse ollalia Cutclloa. - at 2 PM Jr. of Fort Worth, Antonio, Joe May 30 ill Crosbyton Church of and Paul, all of Saa Alllonio, Oukt. Carrol RobcrUon of. Valentia, Mark and Moces, all of ficiatcd. Mllitary avesidc Crosbytoo; eight other daugb-acnicea were ill the &'!d;oa ten, Mary Lou Lopez, Brenda Cemetery. Martincl. Patty, Adelia and

Mt. Sifucotcz died at his Elaine Sifucotcz and Marprct homo ll 6:30 PM May 26. He Garza, all of Crosbyton, Carmen .. bceaiDalooatime. Padilla of Yakima, Washington,

He. wu born In San .Anaoaio and Rosa ·oaraof.~ a li!AtDq;wld ,lQ c.ro.lmata,,ila.1'!16l. bl'Olher,' ~:~. of Rei Krit:ct with ihe O.s. Army ill San Anton~; two sisters, Andrl-Wodd War R, was a cottoa gin ca Sifueotcz of Houston and worker arid a member of Iglesia Elvira Contreras of San Antooio; De Cristo. and 30 graaddlildten.

Services For Rev. Leland Spuder The funeral for the ~r1111d Revcrcud Spuricr was bonl

Ldand Spuricr, 80, of Tyler and October 21, 1908. He was pastor former pastor bcrc:, was Satur- · at Ab_crnatby F.arst UDitcd day, May 1:1 at .10 AM. He was Methodist Church from June klliCd ill a car acddcnt. The = Jo~':J:~:. :i!J the "-nl was ill Pollard United Survivors include his wife M'cthodlat Church. The RC\WIInd Ploy; three sons, Doo of New Clwfca M1llibn · ofticiatecl. Braunfels, Jack of Lollg'View and Burial was in Rose HiD Ceme· Gary of McKinney; ind a $later, tcry. Mrs. Freda Gordon in Nebrasb.


Kids Invited To End Of

School Dance Area JUYI and pis will be

milling at up at a party with loud music ud lotS of c:elc· bration at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center Monday oigbt, June Stb. Thill is the S«<OIa aDDuat all-area junior and senior 'high school end of the year clanc:c:, entitled 'The Bash'.

Doors open at 1 PM. Kids arc

~= .!ill tn I tilltbrc:a:id: cover ~ and .tickets will be sold at the door.

The eYeat is co-spoDIOfcd by CMc Lubbock Inc., the Parks and Rc:crcation Department, and Z102 Radio.

Oops! In the writeup last - week

about the FFA Banquet, credit was given to Gerald KcDcy for ~ coustaDtly eueourqing daapter prealdeot Trad Shaw to become a better public I~Qer. She intended tbc credit lo"go to ail teacher Scotty W'andbam.



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liomrllll6/298-"1ol3 Lullboc:k, TCIII '1!Ml4


If you uvc mc:t al ,aur padmalioa rcquiremcnU or will do so by August 31, 1989, Clilept for pusiDg the TI!AMS test, and wish to register to rdah the elit lcYd madacmatica. and( or &glish ~ ..u tcst(s). you must complete a rtgi&lrltiOII fonD. Au individual W11J.. NOT be allowc4 to test if the ia­dividual clid not ~ in advance. The completed ~ form must be n:cCiYed in Iowa City, Iowa 110 later than 5:00 p.m. JUIIC 23, ~.

FIX the July administntioa, the Clit lcYcl TEAMS tests will be administered 011 the followiag days:

EDglisla laDtpuiF .... July 19, 1989 Mathcmatica JulyM,l989

Packc:ts Uc' nailablc at the Guidance Ceutcr in the Abc:rnatby High SdaooL Ccalad Mr. awb 8oM:u foe illformatioo.

Peel this sumna-l_.r,... ... -.llfclren,_IIOi....,... .......... ....,<-...........

Find out how hot the Hottest Brand Ooing is during our "2 PR.1!e PLUS 3" promotion. Buy 10 quaru of quality Conoco lubri· canta and get two free quarts on the spot .. Peel off tht "2 FREE PLUS 3" casutlcktr. mail it in and we'll mail you back a $3 rebate; -- -

Look for displays and ~ially marked ca.ee at partiQipating O:mo;o ~19\ltleta May 23 ,through July 1,, 198?. SyPER~~N IOW/30

...., .. _..fl2 .... l s WIS.

W.l."::,...-1: . ............... ,.. Si.iJ ·~'=~""'- $ .5I

WfSU Announces Honor Lists Charles ~· ~ a frcshmu ac;eo~ major, and Barbua A.

Watson, a JUDlor c:lcmentary education lllljor, arc on the Preaidtot'a List . at West Texas State University. Criteria for mating t1Je Prealdcnt's List is a grade point average of 3.8S IY better. · ·

Lisa D. Pc:ttit, a frcshmaa secretarial studies major made the Deans' List, indicating a grade point average of at least 3.250 and a minimum clas load of 12 hours.

CoUege Honor Rolls List Locals Two Abcrnathians attending Angelo State University ill San

Angelo arc listed 0!' the honor roU for the spt'inJ semester. Mark Wayne Kitchens, a management maJor, is on the 3.00 to

3.49 bonor roll. Kristy Renea Thompson. aa elementary education major, is on the 3.50 to 4.00 honor ron.

Bryan Dewayue Scott is on the President's List of Soutbweatc.m Oklahoma State University. He and llr7 others made tho honor roU for a grade of •A • ill 15 semester hours of undergraduate work:

Barbara A. Watson, a junior elementary education major at West TelliS State University, was recently awarded the Division of Education Scholarship. She was one o( 30 students recc:Mng schola­rships based on academic achievement and potential for contribu­tions to the teaching field.

Ritchey Daughter Gets Scholarship Jellllifer Ann Ritchey, daughter of Sherry and Tom Ritc:hcy of

Sweetwater and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W'alaon was ,warded the Ida M, Duff Memorial Scholarship, awarded aDDually to a Sweetwater High School graduating senior who will attend Te.ms Tech University. She maintains a 4.0 average.

Jennifer is a member of the National Honor Society, the varsity basketball team, vice president of the student council, and was chosen Senior Class Favorite. She was one of 11 students named to Sweetwater High School's Who's Who and received the Governor'• Recognition Award. She bas been president of the United Methodist Youth at F"arst United Methodist Church of Sweetwater for the past

twO~o~~ is a ~emorial to the late Mrs. Ida Mobbcrly Duff for her profound mterest in higher education ill Tmaas.

Hunt On For 1969 Class Addresses Help! We have loll the ad· to school with tbi& dua at any

clressea of the 1969 gaclultias time. Mail addrciscs to Rhctta dala. We would also like the Riley, P.O. Box '137, Abcraalhy, addreuea of anyoPC who Mill 79311.

· Addrl:sse& nccdcd arc for: ADta Ryan Kaler Joe Manus Esmerald SaliDas Keith Matthews Ron Strick1ancl Jencc Miller Mike W'alliams Varginia Ward Rccsc Woods Tato Bectencur Sofia Cutcllioo Ramos Glen Hammoad Jalia Hcmandcz Andy G001111man Kay Jonca Winfred Mullins Randy Kc11J Rosemary Hemandcz


"Stars" Sought For 4th Parade lf you\'e CYcr clreamed of

being a star, here's your dulllc:c. The Abernathy 4th of July pa­rade oommittcc Willits a variety of characters to march along with the floats--California Raisins, clowDs-an)1hilt& color­ful and fun. ~ver heard of "belly people'?

Paibt a big funny face oo a big boll, PCf,ch. a funny hat on top,

cut armnolcs and eyeholes and wear it in the parade. What fun it would be to have I beUy people drill team to march and wave big gloves at the crowd.· Kids might want to ride decors· ted bkyclei or make mini·Ooats of toy wagons. ' ·,'

Be creatiVe and add to the . fun. You m~t win a prize. All parade entries must eontad Chamber of Commerce President Ruben Garcia for a place in the parade lineup.

BRI!AIJNG UP '11IB OU> GANO ' .... Hll (left). (3rd ,.._ ript) Eadine w-. ... NIIJ Raain:z - J:1:lirias. Cafeteria ....., Collccla. Cedi . (W haD ldt)Jaatca to sec thaap.

Local Fanner Co-Ops Join To Provide Ag Awards

For many years, the 1oc8I yean, Tbia trip award was farmer cooperatives have provi· discontinued the ~ two or ded certain awards to deserving tbrcc )'W'S and in ill place, the Abcruathy High School FFA three local coopcratncs elcded stuclc:nts and shared the expense to award a· $300 U.S. SaviD3' equally. Quite often, when tbcsc Bond to the Outstancliog Voca· arc presented or later reported, tional Agric:ulltlrc Student of tbc the eorrccl sponsorship has not Year, in addition to a ,Plaque. been given or explained. Selection of the rccipteDI is

They . have always aponsored made by the Vo-Ag teac:hcrs. the OuUtanding Vocational ha -•·-&OO:c:uJturc Student of the Year The co-operatives ve ...., • ... • • -•·L sponsored those from the local Award, accompanied WUit

111 FFA Chapter wbo attend the apPropriate plaque. David Pettit Youth Leadership Conference rcccm:d the award this year at held each summer at Clarendon the FFA Banquc:t. · Colle

i. For many years, the eoopcra· JW11or ge. lives awarded a trip to a five- Ted Major, manager of Co-9,P d Coo live y th Leader Grain Company, ollercd tbfa st?, eofC::nce ~each Jun~ explanation to clarify that the in Kansas City, Missouri by above support of our local FFA Farmland Industries. Recipients

1 Chapter is a Joint venture

of this award were selected by shared equally by Abernathy various committees and on Farmers Co-O~ Gin, Consumers oc:casion, two trips were awar- Fuel Association and Co-Op ded. The past two or tbrcc Grain Company.

Families Needed To Host International Exchange Students

Applications arc being IC• ceptcd from familic& to host illtcmatioul IIJiclaarasc lllldcnts from 22 foreign countrica duriag the 1M-IIO· acbool· ,_., Tbe stucleilts' Will be .matched with families tfaroush an in-depth re~earch and interview proccu.

Host families arc asked to provide room, board and gui· dana: ill exchange for the students' sharing their uativc

c:ulturcs with their new Ca.milica. The students speak Ellfl)iah, bring their own &pCilding moacy and have their own medical inauriiiCOo-·· -· - · _ .. --- •

Coliiaet pcirsdii far' thO' V Ol)tb FlY Undcrstaading program is Michelle Walliams, 1-800-USA (872)-0200.

15th Air Force Plans Reunion


Riley Seed Company The Faftccntb Air Force

Reunion (all groups) will be August 13-t 7 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The contact for infor­matioo about the reunion is Faftcentb Air Force Association, P.O. Box 6325, March Air Force Base, California 9'2518.

Abernathy, Texas


·To: All Common Stockholders And Special Guests

7:30p.m. Tuesday·· June 6,1989

Abernathy Community Room •• City Hall

7:30 p.m.: Fish & Chicken By Danny's Fins & Hens, Lubbock Organ Music By Marvin Stephens, Abernathy

8:30 p.tn.: Bu.siness Meeting Audit Report Manager's Report Election of Two Directors

There wiU be door prize drawings

throughout· tlie evening •


• 1212 A'lellUC D • Abemathy • 298-4050 •

Good Homeowners insurance is the · best investntent

you ean make • • • next to

.:fti1ID h~.: Your 11omc II ~bay· the I!Ja"est Investment you'U 'eva make.

Protect it. We can help you find the bat poultilc lnsilr.-ar the bat poulble

price from aDIOIIIIbe many laisUl'lllte companies we rcpreMI\1, IU an tndepelldcut inlur.- aacncy, we can .provide you wi.tb )'Otu tlnd or c:overaac and ICrVIcc.

cui d. today.

... 1.7l!aiA.!fE.::=.. ~ ~qac!Cil, Mit~& Now ne.1, 'NIIioall

.-;;'m;-=Al ~+~.~~.,::c: ~ ..... (3}. a..~ two C1

. ... J: ~ma.~·m. AJ1. Dillrkt IDOit ftluble player, Att..soath' l'laial

_ _ (2). ~Hikt --d,_~ 1K!aonble. ~ ._If . wialcr of lriJII to- QaiaiO' IIIII W~ D.C., 11· 4-H Couacil; Rqpoaal

~ ~ lliDima off' and attead Tt:~~~~AAM Ulliftnily in tile &D.


ParcaU: Prildlla aDd Jc:ac Martin. ActMtiea: Band 4 yqn,. ~ Corp 2 :rean. . .fit& Captain 1 Jill', AD Re&iOn B,ud 2 :rean.· UIL 4 ~ ~ .....,. caleuWor and IYJIUII 4 """A·Hoaor 2 JW1. Nllional Honor'SOciely l yean. dau ulataiilriu.

P1ans: to bqpll '[- Ted! in JIIIIC of 1989 IIIII major iD AtcolmliDs ~ to Law Sd!OOI and bccomo, I COfJII)HIO lawyer, •

RONDIDUNN Parenta: Addy J,ois and Fraoklio Dllllll. Adivitics: BaUctball 4 ycua, Trac:k three ycua, FHA .2 ~ NadcHW Honor Society 3 yean, Vanity ~ 2 years, UIL 4 years, Band 1 year, OAo-Act Play 4 years, Student Cowlcil, 2 years, 0... oflicer, 2 yean, FHA oflker, 2 years. Sophomore Clau Favorite, FHA Sweetheart, Homecoaa.iDa Princcas, honorable mention a1J..star cast, UIL prosc ~aal qualifier, National Honor Roll, senior dau historian.

Plllla: to atend Tcxu Tech University and attend Methodist Hospital School of Nursing.

SHAWNA REED Pan:nta: Ronnie and Kay Reed. ActMtics: bas­ketball 3 years, tract 3 years, . FHA 3 years (oadimentarian 1 year), teDDis 3 years, Natioaal ilonor Society, band 3 years, A-Honor RoU 4 )WI, UIL !1«0unliJI8 1 year, UIL typing 1 year, UIL t'Crsuasive spcalillg 1 year, Who's Who in Al!Jeneao Hlah Schooba.

Plaas: to attend South Plains CoUege for 2 yean and receive an Auociatca degree in Radi­ology-then Texas Tech to pursue Bacllelqr's dcgrcc in Radiology.

KIMBERLY CROWLEY Puel!ta: Mr. and Mrt. Jerry Crowley. ActMtics: basketball 1 year, track 2 years, band 1 year, National Honor Socicly and Honor RoiL

Plans: io attend Jessie Lee's BcaUiy School.

TONY WASHBURN Parents: Clwlottc Washburn. ActMtica: foot-

Tbe New Deal High Scbool graduating class of 1989 ended their high sdlool careers in a cere­mony at Teua Tech Uaiversily's Allc'n Tbeatu Tburaday ~t, June 1. ·

J'op ranking graduates were Kathy Hufl'nulo, whose 97.41 gracje point average made her vale­dictorian; salutatonan Jennifer ,Martin, with a &fade J!Oint averi!F. of 95.40, and Rondi Dunn, :A historian, wath a grade point average of

Kathy is the daughter of Kirby and Lyon Huffman. She plans to attend Texas A&M Uni­versi!Y in the ran.

Jeimifcr is the daul!bter of Jesse and Priscilla Martin. She was in the band, served as captain of the Flag Clrps and made All-Region Band. Other actMties include UIL ready-writing,

spelling. calculator and lyping. She bas been 011 the A Honor RoD for four yean, is a member of tbe National Honor Sociely and Who's Who. Among American High School Students. She plan& to attend Texas Tech 1,./niversily after gradua­tion.

Rondi, the dausJ\ter of Franklin and Addy Lois Dunn, hiLS bcco in New Deal SchoOls for 13 }'ears and was in band one year, NatiooBI Hoaor Soc:i­ety three years, FHA two years and was FHA Sweetheart. She competed in UIL ew~nta, includ­ing one act play, aU follr years and made Honor­able Mention AU Star Cast. She was a varsity cheerleader two years, . sophomore dau faYOrite and, homecoming pri!ICC&S. After graduation she plans to attend Texas Tech University and Methodist Hospital School of Nuraing.

ball, Honorable mcntioa ofreoaive tackle, AD- ANNET'I'E GAROA IJNDA TAGi.B dia&rid. AD South Plains, hooorablc mention Puent&: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Garcia Jr. Pucnu: Arthur and Norma T1181c. ActMtica: tackle, 2ad team all-district, ODe-ad play-honor- ActMtics: band, FHA, A·B Honor RoiL basketball, 1 year, band 4 years (Jcttcrcd), lrack able mention, Beat Ador, AU-Star Cast, jour- Plans: to attend the lnternatioaal Aviation 1 year. . nallsm-darkroom 2 ~ yearbook editor, JV Airlioca sdi!IOI in Arliilgton, Texu ahd puraue a Plans: to go to Mr. Tom's IDStitutc of Hair

USA 80S'l1<':Z PlrcoU: Gary and S...,.,. llolticL ActiWica: Band. 1 yt:lll, cbeerleader 1 }'Cit, JV baWtbaiJ 3 )'CUI. 1af1icJ bubtbiU 1 year, PPA 2 years, FHA 1 year, tract 2 yeara, A-8 Hoaor roll. PP~ Sweetheart, FHA vice preaide!IL .

Plans: to attcild Soath Plaiu College for 3 ICIDC8tcrl dleo to Methodist Sdlool of Nunin& and ICCCM aa RN desrcc-

DIMN LYLEIILANCHARD Pucats; Choe and JUDC Blaudwd. A~: football 4 . yean, buhtball 3 yean, triG\ 2 yean, PFA -4 -~HOIIor roD ·· - yean, soJf i4

~ to attcud Teua Tech and major in Busioeu MantgemenL

PATRia.\STBWART Pan:au: Jac:kie IIIII Benny Shaw. ~ ·to 'IIIOI'k and go to collqc-JIUiior un·

BIU'ITNBGAJNEs Pan:au: Mike and Lana Gaines. ActMties: Na­

. tioaal Hoaor Soc:iety, vice prcaident band, band 4 )'CUI. hOIIot roiL

Plans: to plan to attend Soath Plaios C~tlege and become an clcmeotaJy teacher.

. PAUL MASON, JR. Parent,~: Paul, Sr. and Beverly Mason. ActMtics: buketball, football, track, FFA. · ~!h!.cod South Plains College and be a

NEAL HOGAN Pueau: ODeala Foster and Bill Hogan. Adivitics: football 3 yean, bakctball 4 years. golf 4 years, FFA 1 year, National Hoaor Soc:iety.

Plllla: to attend Tellis Tec:h.

JIMMY PI1TS . Parcou: Larry an4 VICkie Pitts. ActMtica: footbaD 4 yurs, track 3 yean, PFA 1 year, U1L namber aeose 1 year. or== to join the Army ~ go to eollege on

track 3 years, ~ champ discus, National ean:cr in Dallas. · Dcaigu. H-Soddy 3 years. MARl[ RIMIJ.A.

Plans: to aUCDCI Tixaa . Tech and major in MISSY SHERMAN JQAJ'IN RAMIREz Pucnta: David and Sarah . Revilla. ActMties; . Tbcalrc Ani-after Tedloprodl!dion and ac:tlllg. Parents: J~y and Vldd Sherman. Admties: Parcau: Dora and Paul Ramirez. Adivitica: . foOtbau 4 years, baJketbaiJ 4 years, tr~ 3

,;. 1,>1 """"7'l.o t:'KJtllll· ' •. " :t t~der 2 .yean, basketball 3- years, PHA ': 1hukctball. 1 year, track 1 year, A &: B ,~ ~r!•= '!J.A l year, &eahm~ class president, :- .• . · ' · JAMI!Sll. OOUJNS • • ' oftlter 2 years, FFA officer 1 year t.nt. . prose 3 ' ~ ·1\ill. · · • oaqr avu; NaliOIIal H011cw Socioty, .. , ,

Pueara: Mr. and Mia. Jim Earley. Activities: years, One-act play 3 yean, student ~cil 2 Plans: to go to South Plains College. ~ to ~u.end _Tcus Tech and majoc in bend 4 years, FHA Hcrv. 2 years, AU-Region band yean,. A-B .Honor roll 3 .yean, UIL typing 1 BIWDCII Administration. IOio and ensemble, Hoaor Roll, UIL accounting, )'CU,JOurnalism lycar,4-H2years. EDDIEGRJJIAS · · UJL onc-ICt play. Plans: ~o ~tend Texu Tech and major in Mass Parenti: Alva and YYOIIIlC Griffis. Adlvidcs: ZANE DAVIS

"'·"'"· d Clm 1 ·•··· offi 3 FFA ffi 3 foot Pareota: Kay Davis. Actmtics: fOOlball 4 yean, •- to atten Lubbock Christian Univenily muruca aons. ...... cer yean, o cer yean, • track 2 -·.. ..........rlifll"" 1 .,.. •• , "'""" -L·p'·'-dlen ~lelad Soutbwclicm Assemblies of Ood ball 4 yean, basketball 4 years, tennis 3 yean, 2years. •--... ..-~- .....,. ,_ ,...,... """ ...... Collqtc and set a degree in Putorial Science. LANCE GOweNS sllldcnt council 3 years, journalism 2 yean, band Plllls: lo attend .a. .. -Jo State Uaiversily and

Parents: Jimmie and Sandra Oowei!S. Ad.Mtics: l C track 2 years. · • ·....,. RITA REVIUA football, baslletball, golf, play, dass rep. 1 year, · · to attend Texas Tech and study aaimal DiiJor in photography.

Puenta: Mr. and Mrs. David Revilla. ActMtics: student council reprcsentalive 1 . year1, class adcDce. VANISSA TOVAR bukctball 1 year, tratk 1 year, UIL spciJio& reporter 2 yean, ~ 2 years, coitor of Pucnu: Sam and Domiop Tovar. ActMtica: acCountin&p•---: Rgiooa1 5pclliog. e~k 1 year, Honor roll, National Honor P·-n•·· Senda'MidoCHELLEand u--~a .. e-~' .i.-:.••'-: A bllkctbaU 3 yean, track 2 ~ JV daccrlcadcr -= to attend South Plains College and ~,. -~ "'" .__. w r· ·- ........ .....,. 1 year, Freshman HomeQolnlllf Duchess, Freshman major in either ac:count.iog or law enforcement. Plans!' "to lay off one year to · work and save hoaor roll 4 years, FHA 1 year, ~ basket· dUa IICCI'Ciar)', A-Honor roll, A·B Honor ron,

TAWNY A JtADBIT SHROI'SIIIRE Parcola: Charlea and Sandra Shropshire. Ae­tMdcs: YII'Sily baskelball 4 years, track 3 yean, bend 1 year, twirler 1 r.ear, FHA 3 years, vice llfCiideot lludent COUliCil, senior class treasurer, hiA parliameataria.n, senior and junior class favorite, Jr. bUketball Honorable mention, senior all-dialrid, National Honor Society, Who's Who Amana American Hi&h Sebool Studeoll, UIL ftalunan and 10phomore class class vice prcal­-A Honor RoU. M~t~.L~~~jf>u~h Plains Collese then

............ llflllll.

A Tille Of r.dia Third graders were treated to

an aftemooa in India this Vt'Uk. Tcacber Mrs. DcbbiC Wheeler prcanted slides taken durioa die time &be and her huabana ICtYCd u miasiooarics there.

Mn. Wheeler ICn'Cd Indian disbcs raita and biranyi to the daueL She WU dn:ued iia a ari and demOIUtrated bow a ari il put oa by drcuing Mrs. Mary Hale, IIICIIhcr third &fade ~- Aleo ....... - Mn. Skny Prodor, tho adler third ~~r, ';,lid Mil. Sandra ...

money, then move to Hawaii wbere I plan to ball 4 yc8rs, track 2 years, student council class Who' Who Am Am • HJgh Sch 1 Stu relax and have women slaving over me for the reprcsentalive 1 year. dcou~ oog cncao 00

· •

rest of my life.' . Plans: to attend International A.viatiOII Airlioea Plans: to ~~feud Tcus Tech. in Arliilgton, Texas for 2·1/l years and pursue a career in Dallas. LAURA LEA PHILLIPS

Parents: Poy and Dorothy H8f'(ll'ove. ActMtics: basketball 4 yean, track 2 yean, band 2 yean, Homecoming Duchess, Homecoming Princess, Miss New Deal Runner-up, du.s faYOritc, student COIIIICil olf'accr, class officer 3 JCilSo FHA of· ficer, un.. one-ad play 2 yean, journalism, c:hculeading 3 years,·1.11L poetry and accounting.

Plans: to take the summu off and relax, ~on busincq school or lirlioe sehool.

BRENDA BRJSCO . Parenta: Charles and Catherine Brisco. Adivitiea: ,varsily basketball 4 years, track 3 yean, band 2 )'WI. FHA 3 yean, FHA historian 1 ~· A-B HO!lor roll 4 yean, un: pcrauash'e &peakio& UIL lypiPg.

Plans: to attend Texas Tech University and · purauc a c:arcer in medicine.

New Deal News I.

BRIDGETI'PA'ITERSON PIII'CIIta: Mr. and Mia. Clyde Pattcraoa. ActMtiea: ,

_ balketbaD 2 years, track 2 yean, FFA chapter ~11diJJ& tCIII!, FHA freshman class offiCer, ~:!::._and Sophomc,ve Homecoming Duehess,

Plans: IJDdc:ci4ed.

Houses For Sale

Qtth:iPKC 3 beclroml, 1 .... ......r Ilea, J'r:IJiecntc:d air~-. ..

•M•m•& 3 lleclronm, 2 .... ud 2 ~ 1 bada. $SSJm for ...

SOIJ AP!I!! F -21aoosesS~ Make olfcr.

Shipman Real Estate



6APARTMENI' UNll' for sale in Hale Ce.atcr for inveslmenl JI!OPCI'lY. 2 bedrooms, &tOYC, refrip.ator, Cupded.· Aerosa atrcct IIOith of Fust Baptist Church. Conlact Dr. Owlcs Basactt or Danny Murp­hree It Wayland Baptilt UlliYu­sily, IKI6-296-SS21 to make proposal.(22-2te-23)

FOR RENT 3 bedrooms. l full baths, tiYiag room and separate clcn. $275 a month plus deposit. 612 8th Street in Abero&thf. CaD 794-0892 or 298-2177.(rts) ·

. TIUa -a - fellan: Abc:r­uthy HiP Schoollllldala ,_ the ella « '39. 'l'llq an: Qdc Plwr Pdlil. {Mia. Hap) ud Harold McCaae.

AAA Body Works -Free Estimates-

317 Main 298-4078 Quality Body & Paint Works

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Satellite Catilicd commen:ial &: home .ioatallalioo &: scnice. No --,__best ratcL

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Co«ce&o-Mcala Wedoesday, ll AM

, -,~'Y:9NEINVtn!DI OIIIICI N'Jtc12ad &: <4th Moaday Digbls, 5:30-9-.30

2 Chile Rellenos $3.90 . plultu

VECCHIO'~-:;t<·:.l~ · 303 Avenue D

• Nothing runs like a Deere

JOE THOMPSON IMPLEMENT Abernathy lOS Ave. D Lubbock 298-2541 Abernathy, Texas 762-1038

llXPERIEN<ED PAINmR oeeds work. Low riles, rree estimates. 89S-4472.(18-4tp-21)

BAGWORMS ARB BACitJ Call now to have your tr~ &: ~ prol'~oaally aprayed. Safe, economical, JIWanleed. 298-2818, 796-2959. Terra VISta. (21-ltc-22)

W~tber bJDecdll n.t.TB m LO JtAJN So» " !II t: : ~ ~ 9.J 68 S-30 95 • ·S-31 VI 6S 6-1 !Q (0 trace


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the incredible oew portable CORALIE COX &tcam·typc CIIJicl. ~ 1]5' tem. It c1oca Ule job of profcs- - Agent sional carpet deaoerJ at • fnle- ... --------~ lion of the cost. Rent oae DOW • at Stnml'a Dcpartmall Stan. 318 Main, phone 298-2S31.(rta)

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Farm Bureau Insurance


296-6351 293-2304

Abernathy Weekly Review

Esl:.:tes 298·2086

JSTOWRC:I OPNAZAIU!NI! JOWL\ DEL NAZAIWNO Aven..,A&Stll $11 AIICOUC I! 2'J8.4068 2!18-2832 Sunday SdooollO:OO AM Sunday Wonhipll:OOAM

~:=:~AM E,.nl"i6.«1 Youth Ololr 5:00PM =~:~7:00PM PMWonllip6:00 Wcdncaday ' FIRST BAPTIST CHURal ~:t'~~iblc 4l171h

2!18-2587 UI~Youtb · S...day Sdlool9'~ AM M~PM Adult r W~I0:40AM

Moc:li., :30PM Bible Sa~ 5:00PM RCM:rad Allen SchJqol ~=...,~~

JlrGIIIetDciWsT-WOHI'BDBUJSOUVAS 110 Eaot 4111$4. PlltSI'BAmSTNBW DI!AL a.:n40 SIIIIIIIJ Sdloollli!CO AM ,...,1m I'M . :on_lllp JJ«<AM 1m PM ~1lCIJPM

Wf:""1ay:7:30PM ~~ raawu;P..adr Pllluro.c.t,_ NOit'l1lsmE'BAPTISTCHUaal

We make OONCREI'Btllcold-~~. W'O Pare CI!MI!Nl'- Cal Pew 1 Yan:l Ow 111) Yank

Piolsller A'¥lilahlc HaleCeab!t WEST BUILDERS SUPPLY IW-ll(J2







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Bnlekfast 8 AM to 10:30 AM

Offer good Friday thru Thursday

211 West Service Road Abernathy • 298-2393


___ WikLJEJ!..liNN .A.GENCY~·-- · 'J!J8..'1l177 Rt:z. Bolll59, Abemallly m-'1l177

· · Td like to tab care ·01 )io!lr crop insurance needs."

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~=-:w~~PM ASSEMBLY 01' 000 Rowruol 0.0. Florea 1<104A-B 2!18-20150 MI!1HODISTOIUJlCII

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