abc training for business people

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Expectation in The Business

• Being Professional

• Dress Code

• Cell Phone Usage

• Etiquette

• Office Conduct

• Do's & Don'ts

• Your Business

• Compensation

• Get Certified

• Business Overview

• Face Time

• Appointments

• Field Trainings

• Prospecting

• Networking Events

• Team Building

• Communication- Speak eloquently.

• Competence- You’re good at what you do and you have the skills and knowledge that enable you to do your job well.

• Reliability- People can depend on you to show up on time.

• Integrity/Honesty- You are known for your consistent principles. You tell the truth and are upfront about where things stand.

• Respect for Others- Treating all people as if they mattered is part of your approach.

• Being Positive- No one likes a constant pessimist. Having an upbeat attitude and trying to be a problem-solver makes a big difference.

Being Professional

• Supporting Others- You share the spotlight with colleagues, take time to show others how to do things properly, and lend an ear when necessary.

• Staying Focused- Not letting your private life needlessly have an impact on your business.

• Listening Carefully- People want to be heard, so you give people a chance to explain their ideas properly .

Being Professional

The more you put into practice the points listed above, thebetter your chances will be to create a positive reputationfor yourself. This can ultimately translate into morebusiness, referrals, and the respect of peers, family and


You also benefit from feelings of increased self-worth anddignity. Plus you keep yourself marketable for the future.All in all, some very good reasons to be as professional as


The Professional Advances

Dressing professionally demonstrates respect, and alsoshows the people that you take business seriously. It canalso boost your own self-confidence.

• In the Office- The way you dress is important because itaffects how others perceive you. If your clothes are clean,neat and professional, it shows that you take pride inyourself and your business.

• When meeting with a client- Your professional dressinstills confidence in them about your abilities.

In both a Kitchen Table Presentation and in the office, it isalways best to error on the side of caution. When indoubt, select more professional, conservative clothing.

Dress Code

• Clothes are ironed, neat, and fit well

• Slacks worn without a jacket create a business casual look

• Button-up shirt with tie ensures that the outfit is dressyenough

• Black shoes, socks, and belt all coordinate

• A black V-neck top is great for versatility

• Neckline is not too low

• A hemline just above the knee is the perfect skirt length

• Coordinating closed-toe heels are more professional than sandals

• Gray pleated skirt is business-like, and a matching jacket could beadded for a more formal look, if needed

Business Casual

Many of these rules might seem to be common courtesy – or common sense . These rules should be upheld on all devices.

• The 'vibrate' function is your best friend- When working in a professional atmosphere, the vibrate function should be a default. No one likes a loud ringer – especially when left unanswered.

• No phone use during meetings- Don’t step out to take calls or send texts when business meetings, conferences, or brainstorming sessions are being held. Texting can be as annoying as talking.

• Letting calls go to voicemail isn't a sin- According to a survey of 1,500 adults by the Pew Research Center, 24 percent of them said they felt

obligated to take a call – even if it interrupted an important meeting. Voicemail, however, can be just as efficient in communicating with others outside of work.

• Maintain low tones- There are few things more annoying than a loud phone conversation, and that’s a loud annoying ring.

Basic rules of Cell Phone Usage

Handshake-• A good, well-timed handshake to pair with your smile is a sure way to stand out.

Here’s how important it is: A confident Agent with the best handshake is more likely to get business.

• A good handshake will grant you instant rapport when meeting someone new.

Eye Contact –• Always make eye contact with peers and potential clients. When engaged in a conversation, eye contact shows that

you care about the topic, and it shows respect.

Hosting - Respect peoples time-

Following up-• Following up correspondence is seen as a proper gesture. After working with a client or business partner it is good to

send a thank you email or note, recognizing their business or efforts.

• Being friendly and responsive is the key to hosting.• Introduce yourself and others to our guests.

• Call if you are running late to an appointment


• Respect time reserved for office

• Keep noise down In the cubicle area (associates can be studying or taking tests)

• Keep kitchen area clean

• Be mindful of other associates and their business

• Be professional


• Create a Business Plan

• Set Goals

• Get a Mentor

• Set time aside to grow your business

• Part Time 5-24 Week or Full Time 40 +

• Advertise (Spread The Word)

• Self Development (Read a Book)

• Study Products/Material

Your Business

Example:Certified Licensed Agent @ 70% ->

Helps Family• Husband (40) Needs 500k policy 20 yr. term (standard non-tobacco)• Wife (37) Needs 500k 20yr Term (preferred non- tobacco)

Premiums for husband $64.23 per month & $28.79 per month for wife

64.23 + 28.79 = 93.02 per month

93.02 x 12= 1,116.24 1,116.24 x 70% = 781.37

75% = 586.03 annualized (advance first 9 months)

25% = 195.34 annualized ( 65.11 dollars per month last 3 months)


Complete Steps to Success

• Overview or Flip Chart

• New Associate Contract

• Complete 32/52 Hours

• Business Plan

• Complete Top 25

• Complete Fact Finder/FLS

• 5 Field Trainings

• ABC Training

• Get Licensed

• Get Field Trained Certified

Get Certified & Licensed

Business Overview

Timing- Associates get to Overview 30 minutes before the Overview begins.

Pre Game- Discuss what duties are going to be delegated, Go over agenda or other valuable information. If associate brings guest, make sure you arrive at 1pm on Saturdays and 7pm Tuesdays

Be ready to engage with guests- If you don’t have any guests we still need your presence. Your presence adds value to the team. We need to create an exciting atmosphere! Be energetic! If you don’t feel good, stay home.

Be friendly- Always introduce yourself to new guests and new associates.

Conversation- Get to know the new guests. What do they do?

Business- Don’t talk about the business. Don’t talk about commissions. Let the presentation and senior associates take care of recruiting.

Hand off- Introduce the guest to other associates. Tell the associates what the guest does for a living, and tell the guest what the associate does.

Matching- If you find that the guest has something in common with an associate, make sure you introduce them to each other.


We all know someone who can’t keep appointments. Maybe a co-worker, a friend, or even a client.

The one who always cancels things at the last minute. The person who shows up to the meeting that is already in progress. The individual that can be counted on to have a total disregard for everyone else’s time.In fact, they are so consistent, that everyone expects them to be late or a no-show.

How to Deal With The Late Ones

People who exhibit this behavior can be counted on for one thing: To waste other people’s time.Ironically, at first, people may think these individuals are just really busy. Maybe they are doing a lot of important stuff?But, it doesn’t take long for the reality to become obvious. People begin to understand that the person’s lateness is due to disorganization, lack of planning, and basically just drowning in their obligations.Unless you want to have your time wasted by these individuals, you need to defend your time. You need to have tactics to deal with these time-wasters, or they will waste your time. Every time!

• Make them Come See You – Stop wasting your time tracking down the person who is late or no-shows. And here is the secret: make them come see you on your time. Set a time on your schedule for them to come back to you. Stop chasing them, it isn’t worth your time.

• Schedule in Buffer Time – If the meeting with the client must start at 9AM, schedule the slowpokes at 830. If people question the early arrival, be straight with them that it is due to their track of not being on time.

• Pick Unusual Times – Schedule time with the timewasters at out-of-the-way times. Try the end of the day or very early in the morning. Or even before the start of the next day.

• Stop Dealing With Them Entirely – Of course, at some point, the most effective way to deal with the timewasters is to stop dealing with them altogether. This is true whether it is a co-worker, friend, or even a client. I have a rule that if someone cancels/reschedules a meeting more than twice, then I cancel it off my calendar. It obviously wasn’t that important in the first place. They can come see me to discuss the issue.

Dealing with The Person Who is always late:

Never cancel an appointment- Always keep your appointments! If you have to reschedule, make sure you let the client know early enough for them to plan their day


Always try to be 15 minutes early- Being early gives you time to prepare for the appointment. If traffic is an issue, the extra time will allow you to be on time.

Being on time- Professional people are always on time. Don’t make excuses. Its easy to lose a client due to tardiness. It’s harder to recover from a clients negative perception of

you due to your lack of discipline. Being on time says you care!

Dealing with The Person Who is always late:

• Responsibilities Of The Trainer & Trainee:

Meet in designated area 15-30 minutes before and Pre Plan for the KTP

• Who's driving – Trainer Decides

• Trainee- Edifies Trainer, Makes sure the meeting is done in the kitchen, eliminates/controls distractions, takes notes, does not ask questions, you can go over notes/questions post KTP.

• Trainer- Engages conversation with family/individual, makes sure that you are there for training and help them develop their business.

Bring The A-GAME!!!

FT (Field Training) KTP (Kitchen Table Presentation)

Be professional- Don’t be desperate!

Don’t assume- Don’t assume people have been given the information or talked to.

Don’t take things personal- If someone says no to you, move on to the next person.

Do your best- Always give your best effort. Don’t worry about closing someone. Build friendships/Business relationships!

If you attend a networking event as a group, be mindful of your business partners. If you meet someone who already spoke to your business partner, take the opportunity to edify that person. Make sure you tell them how professional he/she is. Thank them for their time and move on. Don’t try to sell or take the business away from each other. It wont look good for you or your business partner.

Hand out business cards- If you have 25 business cards before the event and you end up with 25 cards after the event, you did something wrong and you wasted your time.

Get business cards- Don’t be afraid to ask for a business card. People at networking events are there to give out their business cards just like you.

Networking Events

The most effective team leaders build their relationships of trust and loyalty, rather than fear or the power of their positions.

Lead by Example- To build a team you have to be willing to put in the work to expect others to do the same.

Commitment- Be committed to work with your team and share the responsibilities.

Trust- Trust your team and their efforts.

Team Building

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