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Aalborg Universitet

Structural Characterization of MOVPE Grown AlGaN/GaN for HEMT Formation

Popok, Vladimir; Aunsborg, Thore Stig; Godiksen, Rasmus Hjelmgart; Kristensen, Peter Kjær;Juluri, Raghavendra Rao; Caban, Piotr; Pedersen, KjeldPublished in:Reviews on Advanced Materials Science

Publication date:2018

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Citation for published version (APA):Popok, V., Aunsborg, T. S., Godiksen, R. H., Kristensen, P. K., Juluri, R. R., Caban, P., & Pedersen, K. (2018).Structural Characterization of MOVPE Grown AlGaN/GaN for HEMT Formation. Reviews on Advanced MaterialsScience, 57(1), 72-81. http://www.ipme.ru/e-journals/RAMS/no_15718/08_15718_popok.html

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72 V.N. Popok, T.S. Aunsborg, R.H. Godiksen, P.K. Kristensen, R.R. Juluri, P. Caban et al.

© 2018 Advanced Study Center Co. Ltd.

Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 57 (2018) 72-81

Corresponding author: V.N. Popok, e-mail: vp@mp.aau.dk


V.N. Popok1, T.S. Aunsborg1, R.H. Godiksen1, P.K. Kristensen1, R.R. Juluri2,P. Caban3 and K. Pedersen1

1Department of Materials and Production, Aalborg University, Skjernvej 4A, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark2Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus University,

Gustav Wieds Vej 14, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark3Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Wolczynska 133, 01-919 Warsaw, Poland

Received: February 02, 2018

Abstract. Results on structural, compositional, optical and electrical characterization of MOVPEgrown AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with focus on understanding how the AlN buffer synthesisaffects the top films are reported. The study demonstrates very good correlation between differentmethods providing a platform for reliable estimation of crystalline quality of the AlGaN/GaNstructures and related to that electrical performance which is found to be significantly affected bythreading dislocations (TD): higher TD density reduces the electron mobility while the chargecarrier concentration is found to be largely unchanged. The attempt to vary the ammonia flowduring the AlN synthesis is found not to affect the film composition and dislocation densities inthe following heterostructures. An unusual phenomenon of considerable diffusion of Ga from theGaN film into the AlN buffer is found in all samples under the study. The obtained results are animportant step in optimization of AlGaN/GaN growth towards the formation of good quality HEMTstructures on sapphire and transfer of technology to Si substrates by providing clear understandingof the role of synthesis parameter on structure and composition of the films.


AlGaN/GaN heterostructures are of high researchand industrial interest for the production of high elec-tron mobility transistors (HEMT) utilizing the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) induced at theinterface due to polarization effect [1]. Superior prop-erties of GaN as a wide band gap semiconductormaterial and the 2DEG formation are advantageousfor device implementation in power switching appli-cations [2]. Since GaN bulk single crystals are veryexpensive and hardly commercially available, tech-nological development of GaN-based devices relieson heteroepitaxy of films. One of the most widelyused approaches is metal organic chemical vapourdeposition also called metal organic vapor phaseepitaxy (MOVPE) [3]. Typically sapphire wafers are

used as substrates. The choice of sapphire is re-lated to low cost and acceptable difference of ther-mal expansion coefficient with respect to GaN [4,5].However, the strong industry interest in mass pro-duction of GaN devices requires transfer of III-Nepitaxy to Si [4,6-9]. One of the main problems ofheteroepitaxy is poor matching of lattice parametersof GaN to the most widely used substrates such assapphire and Si. The epitaxial growth generates de-fects among which threading dislocations (TD) arethe most prominent ones reaching very high densi-ties of 109 – 1010 cm-2. This seriously affects per-formance of the devices, in particular, it leads toincreased leakage currents, lowering of electron mo-bility etc. [10]. To improve crystalline quality of GaNand accommodate the stresses (and thus reduceTD density) a nucleation layer (typically AlN) and

73Structural characterization of MOVPE grown AlGaN/GaN for HEMT formation

then a buffer layer (or a stack of AlGaN layers withgradually decreasing concentration of Al) are syn-thesised. Although reducing the TD density to low108 or even approximately 5x107 cm-2 is found to bepossible by optimisation of epitaxy parameters asshown elsewhere [6,11], it does not solve the prob-lem completely.

Additionally to TDs, the formation of point de-fects and non-abrupt interfaces significantly affectthe 2DEG by introducing scattering of charge carri-ers [12]. It is shown that growth of a thin AlN interlayerat the GaN/AlGaN interface helps to achieve sharperinterfaces reducing the Ga and Al inter-diffusion, thus,decreasing alloy scattering [13,14]. The abruptnessof the top interface can be judged from the surfacemorphology of the as-grown films. A smooth steppedsurface with low roughness would imply a layer-by-layer growth and sharp interfaces between the lay-ers. Since atomic force microscopy (AFM) is oneof the appropriate methods to study surface mor-phology, it can also be suggested as an indirecttool for estimation of interface abruptness in the verytop layers of heterostructures. Point defects suchas impurities and vacancies incorporated or formedduring the growth act as traps for charge carriers. Indevices, they can form pathways for parasitic cur-rents lowering the performance of the device, e.g.by lowering the signal-to-noise ratio [15]. Such im-purities are most conveniently studied optically. Forexample, the luminescence of several defect bandscan be investigated in GaN at low temperatures.

Thus, a lot of research is currently carried out tooptimize growth of III-N heterostructures, reducedislocation density, other types of defects and im-perfections with an aim to improve materials qual-ity. Since the synthesis parameters are very muchdependent on the reactor type, they need to be care-fully adjusted and optimized for the given epitaxialsystem and synthesis of particular heterostructures.

In the current work we present results of struc-tural, compositional, optical and electrical studiesof AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. In particular, it isinvestigated how the conditions of buffer AlN growthaffect the quality of the top III-N layers and the for-mation of 2DEG. The obtained results are intendedto optimize the MOVPE growth procedure towardsformation of HEMT structures on sapphire and tobe used in the following transfer of synthesis to Sisubstrates.


AlGaN/GaN heterostructures are grown on 2-inchsingle side polished (0001)-oriented sapphire

substrates with a maximum off-cut of 0.2° to m-plane. The synthesis is performed using an AIX 200/4 RF-S MOVPE low-pressure reactor utilizing sourcegases of trimethylaluminium (TMAl), trimethylgallium(TMGa), ammonia (NH

3), and silane (SiH

4) as well

as hydrogen (H2) as carrier gas.

In this work, four types of heterostuctures whichcan be used for HEMT formation are grown. For allsamples, a thin AlN nucleation layer is synthesizedat the same conditions (reactor pressure of 50 mbar,reactor temperature T

R = 720 °C, flux (F) of TMAl of

2.2 mol/min and NH3 of 13.4 mmol/min, baking time

of 6 min with TR ramping from 720 to 1150 °C and

then 2.5 min at constant temperature). The maindifference between the four structures is in the growthof following AlN layer which is carried out at T

R =

1220 °C constant FTMAl

= 21.8 mol/minbut variousF

NH3: 2.2 mmol/min for samples A; 5.6 mmol/min

for samples B; 6.7 mmol/min for samples C andlinearly decreasing from 2.2 to 0.2 mmol/min forsamples D. The change in ammonia flux leads togrowth of AlN layers of different thickness [1]. Thus,samples A and D are expected to have thicker whilesamples B and C have thinner AlN buffer layers.This issue will be addressed in more detail in theResults and Discussion section. To synthesizeGaN, TMGa with F = 31.1 mol/min and NH

3 F = 89

mol/min are supplied for 1 minute, then TMGa fluxis increased to 88.6 mol/min and kept at this valueto the end of this growth stage for all samples. Thereactor pressure for GaN growth is kept at 200 mbar.Finally, a nm thin AlN, three AlGaN barrier and cap-ping GaN layers (see Fig. 1) are formed at pressureof 70 mbar in the same way for all heterostructures.Total thickness of the stack is grown to be about 25nm. To control the synthesis, in-situ reflectancemeasurements are performed using aLaytecEpiCurve TT system. Two samples of eachtype (with different AlN layers) are fabricated.

Composition, structure, surface morphology,optical and electrical properties of the samples arestudied by several methods. AFM measurementsare carried out in tapping mode using Ntegra-Aurananolaboratory (from NT-MDT). Commercial siliconand WCO

2-coated cantilevers are utilized. On the

one hand, use of conductive cantilevers helps tominimize effects of charging and polarization whichoften occurs on GaN surfaces. On the other hand,the larger curvature radius of coated tips (ca. 35nm) compared to ordinary silicon one ( 10 nm) canlead to lower lateral resolution. However, this effectis found to be not critical for the performed meas-urements. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)images are obtained by a Zeiss 1540 XB field emis-

74 V.N. Popok, T.S. Aunsborg, R.H. Godiksen, P.K. Kristensen, R.R. Juluri, P. Caban et al.

sion microscope. AFM and SEM studies are car-ried out on the as grown as well as on etched sam-ples to estimate dislocation density. The etching isperformed by melting KOH pellets at 220 °C on ahot plate inside an alumina crucible. The samplesare dipped in the melt for 9 minutes and thenquenched in water at room temperature.

Rutherford back scattering (RBS) experimentsare performed using 2 MeV He+ ions. A Si(Li) detec-tor with 30 eV resolution is used to collect the ionsat a backscattering angle of 165°. The channels arecalibrated using Si falling edge and Au falling edge.The SIMNRA software package is used to simulatethe results to quantify the thickness and composi-tion of the layers. Secondary ion mass spectrometry(SIMS) is carried out using a Hiden Analytical SIMSWorkstation. Sputtering is done with oxygen ionsat 5 keV energy and a current of 200 nA. Chargeneutralization is performed by an electron flood gunwith 500 eV energy and a current of 750 A. Sec-ondary ions are detected using a quadrupoleanalyzer.

X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements are car-ried out using a PANalytical Empyrean and utilizingcopper K

1,2 lines. The samples are rotated around

the c-axis (perpendicular to basal plane of AlGaN/GaN/AlN) in order to average contributions from in-plane directions.

Optical properties of the heterostructures arestudied by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopyat room and low temperatures. In the room tem-perature PL measurements, the samples are ex-

cited by an unfocused Ar-ion laser with a wavelengthcorresponding to 3.53 eV. The laser beam comesunder 45° angle with the normal to the surface andthe PL emission is collected along the normal, thus,avoiding the direct reflection of the beam into thedetection path. Low temperature PL measurementsare carried out using a 4.43 eV photodiode with fo-cused excitation beam coming through a quartzwindow in a flow cryostat cooled by liquid He to atemperature of 37K. To obtain high resolution spec-tra of the exciton bands, the temperature is loweredto 21K. In all measurements, the excitation flux iskept at a low values to avoid saturation effects. ThePL signal is analyzed by an electron multiplyingCCD mounted on a fiber-coupled spectrometer us-ing both 150 lines/mm and 1200 lines/mm gratings.The recorded spectra have not been corrected forthe wavelength dependent quantum efficiency of thedetector.

Concentration and mobility of charge carriers areobtained from standard Hall measurements per-formed in the van der Pauw configuration using ahome-made setup utilizing a four point probe sta-tion, a permanent disc magnet and a translationstage for varying the position of the magnet withrespect to the sample. The contacts are depositedby indium solder on top of the heterostructures. TheI-V characteristics of the contacts are measured toverify their ohmic nature.


The surface morphology of the different sampleslooks very similar. As examples, AFM images forsamples A and C are presented in Figs. 2a and 2b,respectively, illustrating surface with terraces. Sur-face roughness varies slightly from sample to sam-ple yielding root mean square (RMS) values between1.7 and 2.4 nm on areas of 5x5 m. However, thereis a tendency that average height variations are abit wider for samples B and C (those with thinnerAlN buffer layer) compared to samples A and D.Samples B and C also show more nanometer-sizeprotrusions as those that can be seen in Fig. 2b.Imaging of smaller areas (see Fig. 2c) clearly showsa number of pits located at joint points of terraces,thus, allowing to associate the pits with V-shapeddefects decorating TDs. These dislocations arecaused by the compressive stresses in the AlN layerdue to the lattice mismatch with the sapphiresubstrate. During epitaxial growth the dislocationscontinue through the interfaces into GaN and fur-ther into the top layers of the heterostructures [16].The surface density of V-shaped defects is found to

Fig. 1. Schematic picture of the grown HEMT struc-tures on sapphire substrates. It includes thin (a fewtens of nm) AlN nucleation layer, AlN layer of vari-able thickness, GaN layer of 800-950 nm in thick-ness, about 1 nm thick AlN capping layer, a stackof AlGaN layers with thicknesses of a few nm each,where the middle layer is doped with Si, and about3 nm thick GaN capping layer.

75Structural characterization of MOVPE grown AlGaN/GaN for HEMT formation

be approximately 2x109 cm-2 for samples of type Aand D, while 4x109 cm-2 for samples of type B andC. Thus, one can conclude that dislocation densi-ties are approximately two times lower for the sam-ples with thicker AlN layers. This is caused by re-duced crystal misorientation and stress as a resultof the increased thickness, which is a well-knownphenomenon [17]. The TDs can be either of a-typewith Burgers vector b = 1/3<1120 >, a+c-type b =1/3<1123 > or c-type b = <0001>, typically referredto as edge, mixed or screw TDs, respectively [10].However, we did not study the exact types of dislo-cations in our case.

Chemical etching is known to help in better re-solving a dislocation termination at the surface. SEMimages for all types of samples after the etchingare shown in Fig. 3. One can see that the etchedpits have hexagonal shapes following the GaNpolytype (wurtzite structure). Every pit should cor-respond to an individual TD [18]. Samples B and Cdemonstrate higher pit densities compared to A andD. However, in all cases these densities are about2 orders of magnitude lower compared to those foundby AFM for V-shaped defects. Using AFM for theetched samples clarifies the difference. In Fig. 4a,one can see an image of one of the samples afterthe etching. Indeed, only a few hexagonal pits perarea of 4x4 m can be observed that correlates withthe SEM findings. However, if one looks into im-

Fig. 2. AFM topography images of samples (a) Aand (b) C on the scale 5x5 m2 as well as (c) A onthe scale 2x2 m2 clearly visualizing V-defects assmall dark spots.

ages obtained on smaller areas (with higher resolu-tion), it is possible to see smaller in diameter pitswhich are not developed into hexagonal structures.They are clearly identified in phase images. To il-lustrate the correlation a few corresponding pits aremarked by arrows in the topography image (darkspots in Fig. 4b) and phase image (bright spots inFig. 4c). Thus, it can be concluded that the etchingin our case does not develop all V-defects into hex-agonal pits. This can be related to the fact that dif-ferent types of TD have different etching efficiencies.Therefore, in the SEM images only a limited numberof dislocations are visible while AFM allows findingthe absolute majority of them even without etching[19].

Composition and thickness of the grown struc-tures are studied using SIMS and RBS. The advan-tage of SIMS is in high resolution of concentrationof elements. However, it is impossible to justify thick-ness of analyzed layers without reference samples.Although RBS can also give the composition of amaterial, its resolution, especially for light chemi-cal elements such as nitrogen in our case, is low.However, one can obtain thickness of the analyzedfilms very precisely.

SIMS spectra of samples A and D obtained atidentical sputtering conditions are presented in Figs.5a and 5b, respectively. Concentration fluctuationsin the beginning of sputtering are related to nm-thick

76 V.N. Popok, T.S. Aunsborg, R.H. Godiksen, P.K. Kristensen, R.R. Juluri, P. Caban et al.

Fig. 3. SEM images of samples (a) A, (b) B, (c) Cand (d) D. Frames of all images are 10x10 m2.

Fig. 4. AFM images of sample C. Topography onscale (a) 5x5 m2 and (b) 2x2 m2 as well as (c)phase images of the same area as in panel (b).Arrows in (b) and (c) show a few identical defectpoints.

top barrier layers (see Fig. 1). However, we are mainlyinterested in the composition of GaN and buffer AlNlayers. As can be seen, concentrations of Ga andN are approximately the same in the top GaN layerin both panels. Al is present in the GaN film at traceamounts and one can see a sharp change in Alconcentration at the AlN interface. Due to the differ-ence in ionization probabilities of Ga and N in SIMS,one cannot judge about stoichiometry of the syn-

thesized GaN. These conclusions as well as esti-mations of layer thickness can be drawn from theRBS measurements and simulations of the obtainedspectra. An example of an experimental RBS spec-trum and simulated curve is given in Fig. 6 for sam-ple D. From RBS, the thickness of stoichiometricGaN is found to be ca. 900 and 950 nm for samplesA and D, respectively. This is in good correlationwith the SIMS scans showing slightly longer sput-tering time for sample D compared to A.

In the SIMS scans (Figs. 5a and 5b), the GaNfilm is followed by buffer AlN layer. For sample A, itis grown under constant flows of TMAl and NH

3 while

for sample D the flow of NH3 is gradually decreased

with time (see Experimental for details). In bothpanels (a) and (b) one can see flat dependences ofAl and N concentrations on the sputtering time.Thus, it does not seem that the gradual decrease ofammonia flow during the growth of sample D affectsthe composition of the epitaxial layer. However, itcan be observed in Figs. 5a and 5b that the Gaconcentration does not drop abruptly at GaN/AlNinterface. RBS data also confirm formation of non-sharp interface with gradual decrease of Ga from 50to approximately 10 at.% over a thickness of ca.210 nm and 90 nm in samples A and D, respec-tively. Thus, both SIMS and RBS measurementsshow evidence of considerable diffusion of Ga intoAlN. The total thickness of the AlN film (including

77Structural characterization of MOVPE grown AlGaN/GaN for HEMT formation

the layers with diffused Ga) is found to be ca. 700and 800 nm in samples A and D, respectively, thatis in good agreement with the sputtering times pre-sented in Fig. 5a and 5b for this layer (longer timefor sample D).

As SIMS measurements of samples B and Cshow very similar concentration profiles, only theprofile for sample C is shown in Fig. 5c. This profileis obtained for scan areas different in size comparedto those in panels (a) and (b). This explains thedifference in the sputtering times. Similar to the pre-vious samples, the spectrum shows flat concentra-tion dependences of Ga and N in the GaN film andRBS yields the thickness of stoichiometric GaN ofabout 800 nm. This film is followed by approximately150 nm thick layer of AlN characterized by the pres-ence of a significant amount of Ga with decreasingconcentration from 50 to 10 at.%. Then, the Gaamount in the AlN layer quickly drops down similarto the cases of samples A and D. The total thick-ness of AlN (including layers with diffused Ga) isestimated from RBS to be around 500 nm. Thus,this layer is considerably thinner in samples B andC compared to A and D, as expected from the growth

Fig. 5. Concentration profiles of Al, Ga, and N as afunction of sputtering time obtained by SIMS forsamples (a) A, (b) D and (c) C.

conditions. The change of Al concentration at theGaN/AlN interface in Fig. 5c is not so sharp com-pared to the dependences in Figs. 5a and 5b. Onecan also see stepwise changes in Ga and Namounts at the interface. All these findings indicateless sharp interfaces with increased interdiffusionof elements in samples B and C compared to sam-ples A and D.

XRD spectra for all 4 types of samples are pre-sented in Fig. 7. Using the literature data [20,21],the peaks are associated with GaN(0002), AlN(0002),and AlGaN(0002). GaN peaks for samples A and Dhave about the same intensities indicating similarthickness and crystalline quality of the layers whichis in good agreement with the AFM and RBS data.The same tendency is found for samples B and C,but intensities of these peaks are a little lower com-pared to those obtained on samples A and D whichalso correlates well with the RBS measurementsshowing thinner GaN layer for samples B and C.Intensities of AlN peaks once again demonstratelower thickness of this layer when comparing sam-ples B and C with A and D. The intensity of theshoulder associated with AlGaN is low and it is about

78 V.N. Popok, T.S. Aunsborg, R.H. Godiksen, P.K. Kristensen, R.R. Juluri, P. Caban et al.

Fig. 6. Experimental RBS spectrum for sample Cand corresponding simulated curve used for thecalculation of atomic concentration of elements asa function of depth.

Fig. 7. XRD spectra obtained for samples A, B, C,and D.

the same for all cases because it corresponds tothe stack of nm-thick top layers which are grownunder exactly the same conditions for all samples.The XRD results very well support the data obtainedby SIMS and RBS, thus, making the conclusionbetter grounded.

Room temperature PL spectra are recorded suchthat the total integrated signal for each sample canbe directly compared. The excitation energy of 3.53eV allows probing mainly the GaN layer since itrenders the top AlGaN and AlN layer transparent.Penetration depth for this photon energy in GaN isestimated to be around 100 nm [22]. All spectra(see Fig. 8) show a sharp near band edge (NBE)luminescence peak at 3.430 eV. The next sharppeak at lower energy of 3.343 eV is most likely the

Fig. 8. Room temperature photoluminescence spec-tra of the heterostructures.

2nd order Raman line of the A1 longitudinal optical

(LO) mode in GaN having high intensity due to theresonant excitation energy used and because theGaN is transparent for this photon energy. In thelower energy interval, a characteristic band corre-sponding to yellow luminescent (YL) can be ob-served. This band is related to a deep acceptor im-purity present in almost any wurtzite GaN sample.The nature of this band has been extensively stud-ied and assigned to carbon and a carbon-oxygencomplexes substituting nitrogen in the lattice[23,24]. The observed intensity ripples of the YL bandare most probably caused by multiple reflections ofthe generated luminescence in the whole GaN stack.Samples B and C show about the same total PLintensity suggesting similar quantum efficiencies ofthe GaN layers. Samples A and D demonstrate ap-proximately 2.5 and 5 times higher PL intensities,respectively, compared to samples B and C. Theratios of YL to NBE are very close for all sampleswhile being slightly higher for samples A and D, whichcan be explained by the defects responsible for theYL band having a higher quantum yield comparedto the recombination of free carriers [15]. The in-crease in total quantum efficiency for sample A andD compared to sample B and C can be an indica-tion of either reduction in the amount of non-radiativerecombinations or lower TD density. TDs may actas non-radiative recombination sites expected todegrade optical and electronic properties of thematerial [25].

To distinguish between these two mechanismsaffecting the optical properties, the PL spectra aremeasured at cryogenic temperature, see Fig. 9. Low-temperature PL measurements typically allow tovisualize the contribution of defects affecting the

79Structural characterization of MOVPE grown AlGaN/GaN for HEMT formation

Fig. 9. Low-temperature photoluminescence spec-tra of the heterostructures. Insert show high resolu-tion exciton bands (see text for details).

luminescent transitions as well as the free excitontransitions which dominate over the donor and ac-ceptor bound exciton transitions having low activa-tion energies. The spectra show the YL bands verysimilar to those observed at room temperature. Ab-sence of additional to YL broad bands at low-tem-perature measurements indicates that the growthis free from other than carbon or carbon-oxide im-purities incorporated as deep carrier traps in thelattice which are sometimes seen in low-energy in-terval of PL spectra of GaN films synthesized byMOVPE [15]. At energies above 3 eV, an unidenti-fied luminescence band with varying intensity isobserved. This band is difficult to study and inter-pret due to its overlap with an ultraviolet lumines-cence band at 3.29 eV which is quite typical forGaN samples and related to presence of Mg [15].This band can be followed by a few LO phonon rep-licas redshifted with respect to the main transitionline. One can clearly see three LO phonon replicasfor sample B. They are also nicely pronounced inthe spectrum of sample D suggesting a long rangehigh crystalline quality of GaN [15].

However, the most interesting spectral featurein this case is an exciton band at around 3.49 eV[26]. Measurements carried out on a commercialfree-standing GaN crystal (spectra are not includedhere) show that this band is actually composed of 3distinct exciton lines: two of which are the freeexciton transitions and one belongs to a donor boundexciton transition. The measurements on theheterostructures do not provide this splitting but,nevertheless, show bands that are sharp enough tobe compared for different samples as can be seenin the insert to Fig. 9. Sample D shows the blueshift of the maximum for 0.006 eV and lower full

Table 1. Samples resistance, carrier concentrationand mobility measured by Hall method in van derPauw configuration.

Sample Rs

n (/sq.) (cm-2) (cm2V-1s-1)

A 541 1.02x1013 1130B 1030 0.97x1013 622C 800 1.07x1013 730D 474 1.14x1013 1150

width at half maximum (FWHM) value compared tosample B. The observed shift can be interpreted asa difference in strain in the GaN layers of these twosamples, thus, indicating difference in TD and pointdefect densities affecting the crystalline quality. Itis also known that poor crystalline quality of GaNincreases the exciton linewidth [27]. Hence, com-paring the bands one can conclude about lower TDand defect density in sample D compared to B. Thisoptically-based conclusion is in very good agree-ment with those drawn from the structural andcompositional studies of the synthesizedheterostructures.

The results of electrical measurements are pre-sented in Table 1. They show quite similar values ofthe charge carrier concentration for all samples whichare on the order of 1x1013 cm-2 and are comparableto the state-of-the-art values [28-30]. The highestmobility values , found for samples A and D, are,however, lower compared to those published else-where (approximately between 1400-2185 cm2/V·s)[28-30]. The main reason for this is relatively highTD density for our samples which reduces the Hallmobility as found earlier in [14]. The lowest TD den-sity of about 2x109 cm-2 for samples A and D yields = 1130-1150 cm2/V·s. An increase of TD densityby a factor of two in samples B and C leads to de-crease of the mobility also roughly two times. Thehigher dislocation density in these heterostructuresis most probably related to thinner AlN buffer layerswhich are not able to accommodate the stressesdeveloped due to the lattice mismatch. As shownelsewhere, the dislocation density is inversely pro-portional to the layer thickness; with its increasethere is a higher probability for neighboring TDs toannihilate and fuse, thus, decreasing the total dis-location density [31]. Hence, it can be concludedthat further optimization of AlN growth parametersis required in order to achieve lower dislocation den-sities in AlGaN/GaN structures providing higher elec-tron mobility.

80 V.N. Popok, T.S. Aunsborg, R.H. Godiksen, P.K. Kristensen, R.R. Juluri, P. Caban et al.


In the current work, AlGaN/GaN heterolayers areformed by MOVPE and the structure, compositionas well as photoluminescence and electrical param-eters of the samples are studied with focus on theinvestigation of how the conditions of AlN buffergrowth affect the quality of the top III-N layers andthe formation of a 2DEG. Using SEM and AFMmeasurements the density of V-defects is found andassociated with the density of TD which is calcu-lated to vary between (2-4)x109 cm-2 depending onthe synthesis parameters. These values are higherthan the typical state-of-the-art literature data indi-cating moderate quality of the grown heterostructureswith the sheet resistance values for our samples tobe 1.5-2 times higher compared to the best reportedresults. It is worth mentioning that the high disloca-tion density mostly affects the electron mobilitywhile only moderately impacts the charge carrierconcentrations. In order to resolve the reasons for ahigh TD density, a thorough study of structure andcomposition has been carried out using RBS, SIMSand XRD. It is found that III-N layers are stoichio-metric in composition and thickness of the filmscorresponds to the expectations from the growthconditions. Synthesis of the heterostructures onthicker AlN buffer shows fewer dislocations and, thus,lower electrical resistance. The attempt of gradualdecrease of ammonia flow during the growth of thebuffer layer does not seem to affect the composi-tion of the epitaxial layer and the crystalline qualityof the top GaN film. Thus, this approach can beexcluded from further optimisation. One of the inter-esting observed phenomena is considerable diffu-sion of Ga from the top GaN film into the buffer AlNlayer. The origin of this effect is not clear and it re-quires special investigations in order to see how itaffects the crystalline quality of the GaN layer. Thephotoluminescence study indicates the presenceof carbon-related defects in GaN leading to typicalyellow band in the spectra. Analysis of the excitonband in low-temperature optical spectra supportsvery well the conclusions of structural analysis onlower TD densities in GaN grown on thicker AlN bufferlayers. The obtained results are an important stepfor further optimization of the MOVPE growth, inparticular, through the adjustment of AlN synthesistowards formation of HEMT structures on sapphireand transfer of technologies to Si substrates.


The authors acknowledge financial support from theInnovation Fund Denmark within the project Semi-

conductor Materials for Power Electronics(SEMPEL).


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