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VOLUME XXXVMarch 2017 Official Publication of El Zaribah Shrine in Phoenix, Arizona

Building Dreams, One Child at a Time

Inside this Edition

Membership & Donations 3Hospital News 4Unit and Club Reports 8Parade Information 9Units & Clubs Meetings 10Ladies Organizations 11Friends of the Arabian Tales 12Support our Advertisers 14Imperial Session 15Calendar (March) 15 Calendar (April and May) 16

2016 Dromedary Newspaper

Award Winner

The Dromedary Awards is an annual program

recognizing creative and effective temple communications


Membership: This is Who We Are, This is Our Future

There is NO April Stated Meeting.The Divan will be in Pasadena

for the opening of the NEW HOSPITAL!See you in May!

PAGE 2 - Arabian Tales Phoenix, Arizona

CONTACT INFORMATIONElected Divan POTENTATE: Randy Peters C 480-296-3957potentate@el-zaribah.org CHIEF RABBAN: J.C. Reece H 602-531-6545chiefrabban@el-zaribah.org

ASSISTANT RABBAN: Ken Neusch H 480-961-1308asstrabban@el-zaribah.org HIGH PRIEST & PROPHET: Dana Dobson C 480-603-7099hpp@el-zaribah.org

ORIENTAL GUIDE: Keith Seplak C 602-400-3878 orientalguide@el-zaribah.org

RECORDER: Jack Garrett, PP C 602-469-0771recorder@el-zaribah.org

TREASURER: Mike McGee H 602-670-5642treasurer@el-zaribah.org

Appointed Divan1st Ceremonial Master: Rick Fasano 623-414-09902nd Ceremonial Master: Bob Beffel 602-403-6771Temple Director: Scott Mudd 602-741-7454 Asst. Temple Director: Steven Ward 602-828-2789Marshall: Walt Lockie 480-380-4421Captain of the Guard: William Hedrix 623-236-6793Outer Guard: Jerry Benham 623-695-2367Chaplain: Jim Schelin 515-250-2407Chief of Staff: Mark Lueck 602-820-9118

Imperial DivanEd Stolze, Imperial Marshal C 623-810-9990

Office StaffJANE SHELDON: office@el-zaribah.org MARIA ARELLANO: rentals@el-zaribah.orgMEMBERSHIP: membership@el-zaribah.org HOSPITAL OFFICE: hospital@el-zaribah.org ARABIAN TALES: Arabian.Tales@el-zaribah.org



Wednesday, May 10, 20177:00 pm – El Zaribah Shrine Center

For the Purpose of Old and New Business

Jack Garrett, PP, Recorder Randy Peters, Potentate

(USPS: 013-933) EDITOR: Leo Balthazor, PP W: 602-231-0300 ext 26 | 552 North 40th Street, Phoenix, AZ. 85008 Cell: 602-740-5635 | FAX: 602-231-8737 | E-Mail: Arabian.Tales@El-Zaribah.org

REPORTERS: One member from each Unit and Club

LAYOUT & DESIGN EDITOR: Krista Harmsworth/Web Designs Arizona LLC | E-Mail: Arabian.Tales@El-Zaribah.org

COPY EDITOR: Bobbie Balthazor/Web Designs Arizona LLC | E-Mail: Arabian.Tales@El-Zaribah.org

TEMPLE PHOTOGRAPHERS: Michael Folker 480-924-1635 | Allen Nichols 602-617-4504

* NOTE: ALL ARTICLES MAY BE EDITED FOR CONTENT AND SPACE.* NOTICE - Proceeds of all El Zaribah Shriners functions are only for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children where so stated within the advertising material pertaining to that particular affair. Also, some donations are not tax deductible.

Arabian Tales (USPS: 013-933) is the Official Publication of El Zaribah Shriners, 552 N. 40th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008. (602) 231-0300

Published monthly except June, July & September.

Periodicals Postage Paid in Phoenix, AZSubscription Rate: $11.25/year | Members Rate: $7.25/year

POSTMASTER: Please send changes of address to Arabian Tales, 552 N. 40th St., Phoenix, AZ 85008 Attn: Leo Balthazor, EditorNo contents of this publication can be reproduced without the written authorization of the editor.

DEADLINE: All copy, advertising, and cancellations

are due by the 1st day of the

month preceding the month of publication.


MAIN OFFICE -- (602) 231-0300

RED FEZ -- (602) 231-8733after 4:30 p.m. | weekends & holidays

EVENTS COORDINATOR -- (602) 231-0300




Shriners International - PAGE 3March 2017

Nobles and Ladies,

Wow, it’s already March! February was a very exciting and special month for me.

First, we brought back the Friday Night Fish Fry which seemed to be very successful. We’re doing it again in March. The CIF BBQ was once again a success. The crowds were not up to our usual numbers, but we did sell all the meat. We could have used a few more Nobles to get the meat cut and ready, but the Nobles that did make it, did a great job. Thanks to all who helped prepare, cook, and serve that amazing brisket!

We had a few great parades. We had the Silver Spur Rodeo Parade and Yuma and Yuma Foothills Shrine Clubs Official Visits. The Yuma Clubs are great! We had a wonderful weekend. We had a new hospitality room at the Best Western we stay at each year. The big conference room at the bottom of the building, by the pool

was turned in to one big party room put on by El Zaribah and Al Bahr Temples. We had a lot of fun! Saturday, after the parade, the El Zaribah Divan cooked hamburgers, hot dogs, and brats for everyone. It was a nice lunch and everyone had plenty to eat. Thank you to Noble Ron Miller and Lady Earlene for all your hard work helping make all this happen.

Cindy and I thank each of you who attended the Pote’s Reception and Ball. It was everything I could ever “Dream” of for an occasion such as that. From the Bash B-4 the Ball on Friday, to the new song introduced by my granddaughters and me on Saturday. It was an amazing weekend for us. Our Staff is the best, and it showed by how everything came together for the whole weekend. Thank you, Thank you!

WSA will be here before we know it. This year it’s April 6-8 at the Westgate in Las Vegas. I strongly encourage each of you to attend. We really want to make the Western Shrine Association one of the great Associations from around the country. This year will bring competitions, ceremonial, banquet, and a special degree! There will be a representative from a Motor Corps

who will explain the benefits of having a Motor Corps and how to get it started. Who knows what else? After all, you’ll be in Vegas! Info is at www.westernshrine.org

We initiated 9 New Nobles at the March 4th Ceremonial. This year I had the Ceremonial earlier than in the past several years because I want to have time to let the New Nobles become more familiar with the El Zaribah family before we go dark in June. We had a new section of the ceremonial, which allowed Units and Clubs to draft/pick New Nobles into their organizations. Thanks to all who participated!

A reminder that we are putting together a bus trip to go to the dedication of the new Southern California Shriners for Children Medical Center. We will leave on Wednesday, April 12, attend the dedication on Thursday, April 13, and return that evening.

Remember to attend your Lodge meetings, your Shrine meetings, and be kind to each other. Thank you for being Shriners, Shrine Ladies, and Shrine Families. Remember, have fun while we work to help our hospitals keep “Building Dreams, One Child at a Time”.

Fraternally,RandyDa Pote, 2017

Who's Who...SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Randy Peters C 480-296-3957J.C. Reece H 602-531-6545Ken Neusch H 480-961-1308Dana Dobson C 480-603-7099

HOSPITAL COMMITTEE Dave Polner, PP H 602-791-0825 Dr. John Hayes H 602-944-3511Tom Sheldon, Clinics H 480-899-3854

BOARD OF GOVERNORS SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDRENPhil Houghton, PP and Jim Grone Los Angeles J. “Hut” Hutson, PP and Dave Polner, PP Salt Lake City Chris Hagenian, PP (Chairman) Mexico City

PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIRMAN: Rick Fasano C 623-414-0990

TEMPLE ATTORNEY:Michael Saltz C 480-628-6545

Note from the Pote...

Show your support!Arizona has MASONIC

license plates!

The initial cost is $25. Almost 70% ($17) of the fee goes to charities supported by

Arizona Masons.Many other states are trying to

get them, our state already offers them! Get yours, today!


PAGE 4 - Arabian Tales Phoenix, Arizona

February 2017Membership Report

Passed Through the Unseen PortalsCarlos J Andrade | Douglas Albert Hanson

Henry William HuddlestonBurton S Kruglick | Carl D Lang

William H WilliamsonThe above named Noble(s) were reported to the Recorder’s Office

since our last publication.The families and friends are in our thoughts and prayers.

Membership NumbersMembership 2/1/17: 1344Regular Members: 1172Associate Members: 172

Membership 1/31/17: 1339Regular Members: 1167Associate Members: 172



AssociatedDennis L Connor

RestoredWilliam R Hutchison Sr | Michael W Tackett

DemittedJohn A Madson


Associated DroppedJunior Harold Grimm

February 2017Donations

Hospital Patient Transportation Fund DonationsWhite Mountain Shrine ClubApache Wells Shrine ClubArno WarnkeHelen McKenzieKen Whetstone by Dorothy Netherton In Memory of Noble Al Darrall:Michael and Barbara Baney Shriners hospitals for children:Ronald and Connie OgleRon and Ruby AlphsWilliam BensonRichard Ceyler, Memory of John Beresic el zaribah shrine fraternal donations:Cremation Center of ArizonaApache Wells Shrine ClubApache Wells Shrine Club Scooters In memory of noble Bill Butler:Beverly StewartNeves #27 Royal Order of Jesterettes


Phoenix Outreach Clinic Both the Intermountain (Salt Lake City) and Los

Angeles Shrine Clinics in Phoenix are held at Maricopa Medical Center, 2525 E. Roosevelt St.,

3rd Floor.

Outreach Clinic Dates

Salt Lake CityMay 12, 2017August 18, 2017November 3

Los AngelesAugust 4, 2017

To refer a patient to Shriners Hospitals

for Children, call the hospitals directly.

Los Angeles888-486-5437

orSalt Lake City800-314-4283

Shriners International - PAGE 5March 2017

February was a very successful month for the hospital transportation fund and the Outreach Clinics.

At our Salt Lake City Outreach Clinic, Corporate Interior Systems (CIS), partnered with El Zaribah to distribute toys and participate in activities with the patients. CIS delivered over 50 toys, and made spring flower arrangements with the children. Our relationship with CIS is a result of our continued treatment of a 15-year patient since she was 4 years old. Her mother, an employee of CIS, decided to “pay it forward” for the excellent care and compassion El Zaribah and Shriners has given her daughter.

Deborah, Outreach Clinic Coordinator from Salt Lake City Shriners Hospital, made several positive comments about the awesome compassion and professionalism shown by the El Zaribah clinic volunteers. Their dedication and attention to every family and patient is something she has not seen in her other temple outreach visits.

Dave Polner, PPHospital Chairman


Every year after the circus tickets are all given out, El Zaribah holds a Christmas party for children suffering from Spina Bifida. Typically more than 400 children and adults attend. For the past eight years the Divan and their ladies have taken on the serving duties, as you can see from this photo. Our Chaplain, Jim Schelin, is missing from this photo because he was off working on some other task.


There is NO April Stated Meeting. The Divan will be in Pasadena

for the opening of the NEW HOSPITAL!See you in May!

PAGE 6 - Arabian Tales Phoenix, Arizona

Keep your Email Address up-to-date!

If you want to receive mailings via email, send an email to Arabian.Tales@el-zaribah.org .

Please make sure to include your name as a part of the email message, so we know who we

are contacting.

You will then be added to the El Zaribah online NewsWeb as well as any electronic mailings.

Are YOU looking for aBlue Lodge

to visit?Arizona Grand Lodge has

a great lodge directory with lodge locations, meeting days

and times, plus a map!Check it out...


Now, there are MORE ways THAN EVER to stay connected with El Zaribah Shrine!

Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

FACEBOOK: facebook.com/el.zaribahTWITTER: twitter.com/elzaribah

INSTAGRAM: #elzaribah and @elzaribahMention Us... @elzaribah

Tag Us... #elzaribah

Shriners International - PAGE 7March 2017



PAGE 8 - Arabian Tales Phoenix, Arizona

Culinary UnitKen ConnerScribe until relievedWe certainly have had lots of

opportunity to practice our serving skills this past month; Unit Head meeting, Stated meeting, CIF BBQ, Fish fry and the AMSAF meeting held at the Temple. I am just plain tired out. It’s rough when you have a reputation of having a clean apron all the time. My apron may have stayed clean but my shoes took a direct hit when we were cutting up the meat for the CIF Barbecue! Juice, at least I think it was juice, came out of a bag of meat I was opening along with some rendered fat, landed on my shoe with a disgusting splat! What a gruesome mess! At the event, later the same day, the table cloth looked like the garage floor must have after the St, Valentine’s Day Massacre. Red splotches everywhere.

We will do better, I promise, at the next event. But to be on the safe side, stand back from the table the next time you see Ralph with a ladle in his hand! If our newbie, Pat McNichols, tries to serve you, beware as he has missed all his training sessions. We cannot guarantee his performance.

We will be appearing again at the next Unit Head and Stated meetings. Please show up for our performance. You won’t be disappointed and hopefully won’t come out with spots on your shoes!

We are having a chance to own an organ, look for the ad somewhere in this Tales. One that plays music! It will be demonstrated at the next meeting. This is an almost $9000 value, more if you add in the sales taxes you won’t have to pay. That’s right, 3 zeroes behind the “9.” It will happen sometime this year! We work on a need to know basis here and I am out of the loop with the details. But it is a great deal and a chance you won’t want to miss. You may see it in the Red Fez room along with the details of the raffle. Dig deep and you may be taking this magnificent instrument Home!! Watch this spot for further coming information.

No matter what the Tales says, our regular meeting is the 3rd Tuesday of the month, it was approved years ago, and the Tales and front office can’t seem to get it right. But we meet in the Red Fez around 5:00 for dinner, your expense, then we plan our schedules and practice our skills. Come and join us. You will get to meet every Shriner who attends the meetings.

Mounted PatrolNate BoyerHowdy Y’aII, from all us

horsey folks!We hope all is going just hunky

dorey for you and your families.I am happy to report that all is well

with us. We have brought in a couple of new fellers into the Mounted Patrol and everything is good.

By the time you get this we will be getting very close to our Spring Round up and ride at the beautiful EZ Ranch, hosted by our own Scott Smith and his beautiful lady. Hopefully you can join us for all of, or at least part of, the weekend of May 4 through 7. Just call one of us and we will get you included, Jim Meredith, 602-540- 0029; Doug Kurbat, 602-918 -7077; or me, 602-376-7676.

We will get word to you as soon as we have a date set for our restarting of the old Mounted Patrol breakfast.

In the meantime, we look forward to sharing some good times at all of the affairs at our beautiful building. It looks like our new Pote and his lady are already scoring high on working hard to make it a wonderful year. Let’s all pitch in and help make our great El Zaribah even better and more full of fun and fellowship. Looking forward to seeing you all many times this year.

Vaya con dios. from all of us to all of you.

Oriental BandOriental Band ScribeHowdy you all from the

Oriental Band.We had a great time attending the

Buckeye Parade in January. We didn’t take the band float, as we only had three playing band members in this parade. Instead we played in the back of the pickup truck. The next parade we attended was the Apache Junction Parade in February.

Thank You & God Bless You All.

Temple GuardBill HedrixCongratulations to our new

Shriners, I hope to personally welcome you at our Temple Guard Picnic April 2nd. It is not a

requirement for you to be a Temple Guard member to attend the Picnic, or, to take the Hillbilly Degree, so please do come, and enjoy the day.

Thanks to the many Temple Guard members who filled roles in the Ceremonial and gave generously of their time. We are especially pleased that the Ceremonial Honoree, was the well deserving, Past

Motorcycle UnitBob HicklinParade season is here. If you

are a participant in the parades I don’t need to say this but parades are the highlight of belonging to a unit. There is nothing more rewarding than taking part in these special events. We start by meeting for breakfast nearby on a usual chilly morning this time of the year. After that we go in a group to the staging area and prepare for our performance. We do a walk thru with all riders in the drill team and our Captain (Frank Bass) determines what our routine for the day will be based on the width of the streets, number of riders and the weather. We then lineup and wait. Waiting is a great time to observe everyone else who will be in the parade, have some fellowship with other groups and enjoy what is always a colorful event. Every parade is different and a rewarding experience. When the Shrine units enter in sequence it makes you proud to be a Shriner and shows the crowd what we are all about. Some parades are longer than others but each one is welcomed by the crowds especially the kids. At the end of the parade our Divan is always waiting for our final salute to them for doing the great job they do. So, if you belong to a unit go to a parade and you will be hooked on them just like me.

The Yuma parade was great this year we had ten riders who made the trip, including Divan member Dana Dobson and Lady Katrina who rode to Yuma with us. It looked like rain all weekend but we had good luck and missed it all. At Apache Junction, we had twelve riders, the streets are wide, a great crowd, and a beautiful day.

The Motorcycle Unit had a booth at the Bash Before the Ball and served meatballs made by Griff, and Ladies Betsy and Andie. We were at the Spring ceremonial showing new Shriners what the unit is all about and trying to get some new members.

Until next month drive and ride safe and look out for that motorcycle next to you.


Shriners International - PAGE 9March 2017

Shrine Clubs. We entertained the Nobles and Ladies on Friday night with tunes from the five branches of the Military plus a couple of additional tunes.

The Drum & Bugle Corps also performed during the CIF Barbecue. Hopefully you were there to see us and you enjoyed listening to us.

We were saddened by the passing of our Chaplain’s Lady, Sally Wulff. She has been a regular at our evening practices and will be missed.

We continue our weekly practice sessions every Tuesday evening at 5:30 PM in the Band Room. Feel free to drop by and look us over any time you can. We will, however, begin our summer break earlier than other Clubs, most likely in April, and then return in August to prepare for our annual performances at the Cornfest.

The money raised will be a great help in support of the Apache Wells Shrine Club.

The April Luncheon and Business Meeting will be held on the 13th at the usual time.

We will have a Steak Fry for members and guests on the 20th at the Gazebo with social hour starting at 5:00 PM and we will start the steaks at 6:00 PM. Bring your steaks and any beverage you desire and join the fun. Hope to see you there.

Finally, the May, luncheon and business meeting will be held on the 11th. Since the club goes dark from June through September, this will be the last chance to get together as a club until fall.

Drum and BugleAlto BugleThe Drum & Bugle Corps

performed in Yuma at the Silver Spur weekend and Potentate’s Official

Visit of the Yuma and Yuma Foothills

Temple Guard Captain, Erv Whetstone.Temple Guard is a Unit, and as such

expected to participate in Parades. If you would like to be in a parade, if you are not in a parade unit and would like to be, contact us and we will help find a spot for you. Temple Guard has the Formula 1 Go carts.

A reminder, The Temple Guard Meets on the third Tuesday of the month; easy to remember because it is the Tuesday after the Stated Meeting. We have an E-Board at 5:30, join us for dinner at 6:00, and the business meeting at 6:30.

Always vigilant, heavily fortified.

Apache WelLSJack Roberts, ScribeOur Club is very pleased with

the turnout for the February Golf Tournament as well as the March Flea Market and Pitchfork Fondue dinner. Many thanks to those who participated.


October 1 to October 6, 2017 in the French Quarter at the Beautiful, Historic Le Pavillion’ Hotel Leave Phoenix Sunday, October 1 Enjoy the Potentate’s Reception, Sunday evening, October 1

on the rooftop of the La Pavilion’ overlooking the Quarter 2 Excursions included: See the other flyer for details Many Other Excursions to choose from to witness the sights and 

sounds of “New Awlins”  Or on your own or with friends:

just stroll around the French Quarter  enjoy some Gumbo or Cajun Shrimp have a famous Hurricane drink!

Leave for Phoenix on Friday, October 6$1275/person ‐ includes transportation 

from & to New Orleans airport when traveling with groupAirfare not included ‐ group airfare specials from Phoenix

will be offered as the date gets closerFor Bookings and Details Contact:

Ms. Terry K Hartnett, Group and Luxury Travel Specialistthartnett@worldtvl.com | 918‐746‐7294/800‐324‐4987

World Travel | 7645 E 63rd Street, Suite 101 | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133

Once again, our Divan is working to get our newest Nobles introduced to our Shrine Family through our parades.

New Nobles sign up for the El Zaribah WebNet Google Group for event notification. When the new Nobles are available, they contact JC and Randy. All who can help us out, are assigned to a Unit or Club for that parade/event.

If you are a new Noble to El Zaribah, and would like to help us out and allow our Units and Clubs to utilize all of their parade equipment, cars, animals, etc. please contact J C Reece 602-531-6545 or Randy Peters 480-296-3957.

2017 Parade InformationDATE CITY TIME

7/1 PRESCOTT 8:00 AM8/19 PAYSON 8:00 AM9/9 CIRCUS 1:00 PM9/23 KINGMAN 9:00 AM

10/28 LAKE HAVASU 9:00 AM11/4 ANTHEM 10:00 AM

11/11 TEMPE 10:00 AM11/18 WINSLOW 1:00 PM12/9 GLENDALE 11:00 AM

12/30 FIESTA BOWL 10:00 AM


PAGE 10 - Arabian Tales Phoenix, Arizona

Unit or Club Time Location Divan Rep.Band Ea Tuesday 7:00 pm Band Room Chief RabbanClowns 1st Monday 7:00 pm Clown Room Assistant RabbanCulinary 3rd Tuesday 7:00 pm Culinary Room Oriental GuideDirector’s Staff 4th Wednesday 7:30 pm Director’s Staff Room Assistant RabbanEl Dulabs 3rd Wednesday 7:00 pm EI Dulabs Room High Priest & ProphetGreeters 3rd Monday 7:00 pm Greeters Room Assistant RabbanLegion of Honor 3rd Monday 7:00 pm LOH Room Oriental GuideMotorcycles 2nd Thursday 7:00 pm Motorcycle Room Oriental GuideMounted Patrol 1st Monday 7:00 pm Mounted Patrol Room High Priest & ProphetOriental Band 2nd Tuesday 6:30 pm Band Room Assistant RabbanPatrol 1st Wednesday 7:00 pm Patrol Room Assistant RabbanRoadrunners 3rd Tuesday 6:30 pm Roadrunners Room Chief RabbanTemple Guard 3rd Tuesday 6:30 pm Temple Guard Room Chief RabbanTransportation 1st Wednesday 7:00 pm Transportation Room Chief RabbanAir Patrol Saturday 9:00 am Various Locations Chief RabbanAl Jondi 4th Thursday 6:30 pm AI Jondi Room Oriental GuideApache Wells 2nd Thursday 1:00 pm Apache Wells CC Hall Chief Rabban Casa Grande 2nd Thursday 5:30 pm Fairways Club House High Priest & ProphetCigar Club 3rd Mon: Feb., May, Aug., Nov. Director’s Staff Room Oriental GuideComputer Club 1st Monday 7:00 pm Computer Club Room Assistant RabbanDrum and Bugle Ea Tuesday 5:30 pm Band Room Chief RabbanHermosillo Restaurant Swiss Haus, Dr. beating #62, Hermosillo Kingman Masonic SC 2nd Wed monthly at 5:30pm 2701 E. Andy Devine Ave Oriental GuideLake Havasu 1st Thursday 6:00 pm Yacht Club Oriental GuideMasonic Youth 3rd Wednesday 6:00 pm Red Fez Room Entire DivanMisfits When Called Various Locations High Priest & ProphetMobile Nobles 3rd Thursday 7:00 pm Venture Out/Art/Craft Room Oriental GuideMohave 1st Friday 7:30 pm Club Riviera/Bullhead Oriental GuideProvost 2nd Thursday 6:30 pm Provost Room Chief RabbanSand Baggers Golf Club 1st Monday 6:30 pm Director’s Staff Room Assistant RabbanSun Lakes 2nd Mon. (Nov. – Mar.) 5:00 pm Sun Lakes C’wood CC Chief RabbanWest Valley 3rd Wednesday 5:00 pm Briarwood Golf/ CC High Priest & ProphetWhite Mtn. 3rd Sunday 12:30 pm Show Low Café Assistant RabbanWinslow 2nd Friday 5:00 pm Club House High Priest & ProphetYavapai 2nd Thursday 6:00 pm Elks Club Prescott Valley High Priest & ProphetYoung Guns 3rd Wednesday 6:00 pm Red Fez Room Oriental GuideYuma 2nd Monday 7:00 pm Yuma Masonic Lodge High Priest & ProphetYuma Foothills 1st Monday 12:00 pm Fortuna del Rey Restaurant High Priest & ProphetZane Grey 3rd Wednesday 5:30 pm Tiny’s Rest Payson Assistant Rabban

If you have an approved meeting change,please email us at arabian.tales@el-zaribah.org




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Shriners International - PAGE 11March 2017

World’s Greatest Philanthropy? Save the afternoon of May 21st and come to our next “Get to Know Us” event at El Zaribah. You may contact any Nile member or the Shrine office for more information.

Shriners, our thanks to you for supporting us in our efforts both fraternally and philanthropically. It is truly an honor to support the Shriners Hospitals for Children®.

LOSNAKaren MacDougall, High PriestessSphinx Court No. 65Hello springtime! I hope everyone is enjoying the

perfect weather, I’m sure it will be changing soon. Sphinx Court will be having our last meeting of 2016-2017 year on March 18th. It’s a Ceremony of Initiation and we hope to be bringing in eight new ladies. I hope the Divan will join us for a luncheon in the Fiesta Room after our morning meeting.

This is my last article for the Arabian tales. I can’t believe that my year as High Priestess is almost over. Thank you to all the Nobles who supported our events this year. I hope that you will encourage your Ladies to join us as we continue to support the Shrine Children.

Daughters of the NileLinda Sayre, QueenQadesh Temple No 35They say time flies when you are having fun, and this

past year has just flown by! I cannot believe it has been a year since I was crowned Queen.

In February, Past Queen Jeannie Patterson and I traveled with the Supreme Queen to Honolulu. What a great trip we had! We visited the Shriners Hospital where I had worked as a teenager helping the children. It sure has changed! I was amazed that they have helped over 1900 children from Guam, where I grew up before moving to Hawaii. This visit was a truly humbling experience and made me proud to be able to help even in a small way.

Our Clubs in Mesa, Sun City, and Payson work very hard sewing and donating many goods, toys, games, gift cards, and books as well as other items too numerous to list. Boxes and boxes of items were shipped off to our hospitals in Springfield, Massachusetts and Salt Lake City filled with these items.

The world has fifteen (15) new princesses this year. Wouldn’t you like to be a Princess and work alongside our Shriners in the











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PAGE 12 - Arabian Tales Phoenix, Arizona

Friends of the Arabian Tales

When will we

see YOU

as one of our

“FIVE STAR” Friends?

Donations to this fund will help offset the cost of delivering The Arabian Tales to you and

others.A $10 donation to The Arabian Tales publishes

your name for one year.

Contact or visit the Shrine office for details.

* Donation expires this month + Donation expires next month

Thank you for your generosity.If you would like to learn more about making

donations to Shrine Charities.

Please contact the El Zaribah Shrine Temple 602-231-0300 or www.el-zaribah.org

Five Star FriendsDonation of $100 or more in 2017

Bob and Carol Shepard(in memory of Robert W. Shepard

and Jeffrey S. Edwards)Jim and Jill Thomas

Arno WarnkeLee JarolimekKim Meighan

(In memory of her parents, Robert and Joan Meighan)

Wilbur KaufmanJerry Sanford by Lorie Ross

Four Star FriendsDonation of $75.0-$99.00 in 2017

Three Star FriendsDonation of $50.00-$74.00 in 2017

Larry Howard - $50.00El Zaribah Provost Club - $50.00

Two Star FriendsDonation of $20.00-$49.00 in 2017

Jack and Sally Wade - $30.00Ellis Nichols - $25.00

Marilyn Castleman - $25.00

One Star Friends Donation of $10.00-$19.00 in 2016

How do I become a member of the “Five Star” Friends Program?

If your name is listed below you are ready to become a

member of the “Five Star” Friends Program. You can also increase

your Star Rating by increasing your donation. If you convert

your donation into a 2017 annual donation, your donation will end in the month indicated. Let us know if you want to be part of the “Five

Star” Friends Program!

Burt Oien 1/18John Spooler 1/18

Earl Trundy 1/18***

Jim Schelin 1/19A. A. Warnke 1/19Jean Glover 1/19

Russ Hinkle, PP 2/18Dorothy Joerding 2/18

Aileen Randleman 2/18Erv Whetstone 2/18

***William Bender Sr 2/19

We are continuing our program to increase revenue and interest in the Arabian Tales. Donations to this fund will help offset the cost of delivering

The Arabian Tales to you and others.Please consider becoming a FRIEND of The Arabian Tales.

Paul Brennan 3/17*Liz Castronovo 3/17*

Alan and Joy Rash 3/17*Jim Tollefson 3/17*

Gary Erickson 4/17+Barry Johnson 4/17+

Bill and Dee Wright 4/17+***

Dean Bulkley 4/19

Jerry Bauler 5/17Michael Meier 5/17

***Dorothy Stanfield 5/18Richard Costes 5/18Mary Lou Salyer 5/18

(in memory of Barney Salyer) ***

Max Long 5/19Betty and Chuck Krebs 5/19

(in memory of Chuck Krebs, PP)

Robert Carne 9/17Don and Marilyn Castleman 9/17

Art Moss 9/17Donald Young 9/17

***Allen J Cronin 9/18

Don Obara 9/18Provost Club 9/18

***Marion Porto 9/19

Earl and Janice Ferguson 10/17Sally Olson 10/17

Tom Sweetman 10/17***

Jim Willittes, PP 10/18

Jim Hoover 11/17Joan Isaacs 11/17

Kenneth Kovac 11/17David and Georgianna Miller 11/17

Trudy Mullins 11/17Merrill Putnam, PP 11/17

Renate Sweat 11/17

Mimi Bohlman 12/17Martin Christy 12/17Junior Grimm 12/17Everett Jenks 12/17

***Gerry Hodgson 12/18

***Mobile Nobles 12/19

***Michael and Julie Clarke 12/24

Shriners International - PAGE 13March 2017

March Birthdays1 Milan Carnes Willis Hutton Mark Marsillo2 Phillip Powell3 Brian Bednar Frederick Boehm Sam Brooks Alfred Chambers David McHone Michael Ozee Leonard Shykind4 Leobardo Dominguez Christopher Gamache Lawrence Jones Zenas Prust John Sanderson5 Carl Dietrich J Michael Jones Gene Koonce John LeClair6 Douglas Holbert William Hoy Barry Johnson Matthew Morales7 Gerald Lassen8 William Baran Jose De Alva Mark Johnson Eddie Randleman Edward Seaver9 Walter Smith Gene Terrell10 Gregg Curry Don Jacober Ronald Patrick Delvin Dee Pierson Jack Stanton

11 Richard Atkins Tony Gonzales Eric Ritzheimer George Taylor12 Justin Garrard13 Spiridon Apergis David Dudley Charles Stoddard14 Harry Lipert John Merritt15 Michael McGee Charles Leon16 Jackson Cox Thomas Cutlip Raymond Hartman Paul Sawdy Thomas Haddox17 Bill McLemore Raymond Brown18 Michael Digiacomo Julius Horvath19 Roger Morehead Merle Shreffler Earl Trundy Richard Ware James Woodyard20 Ralph Cline Scott Eric Smith

21 Robert Duckworth Felix McGuire Kurt Webber22 Clayton Booth23 Erik Hoyer Kenneth Kovac Fred Paselk24 John Geyer Glenn Klitzka Carl Weatherly25 Vernon Nolte26 Sherwin White 27 Henry Salas Hernandez Jack Stanfield James Tollefson Edward Wessler28 Shelby Highsmith Alfred Lara David Morse Keith Smith Curtis White Howard Bachman Richard Whitaker29 Robert Bennett Lance Cohen James Price Terry Glen Quary Victor Hawley30 Steven Box William Box Henry Martz Henry Phelps Brian Wadsworth Roger Sturner31 Leo Balthazor, PP Kevin Hawkins Clifford Johnson Norman Landree Jaroslav Maliva

1986, A. Marshall Austin1992, Richard H. Russell1994, Jack M. Garrett1998, E.M. “Monty” Fox2000, Douglas H. Kurbat2001, Leo R. Balthazor2002, James L. Willittes2007, Russell Gunther2008, David T. Polner2009, James G. Miller2010, Philip W. Houghton2011, Thomas W. Calvin2012, Hon. J. Hut Hutson2013, Ed Stolze, Imperial Sir2014, Gerry Massey2015, Chris Hagenian2016, George Mather


1980, Merrill Putnam, Tangier Temple – Omaha, NE1985, Russell Hinkle, Saladin Temple – Grand Rapids, MI1988, William E. Sandvig, Zuhrah Temple – Minneapolis, MN1991, “Buzz” Pedroni, Aahmes Temple – Livermore, CA 1991, Tom Skoog, Ahmed Temple – Marquette, MI 1993, Elwin O. Studebaker, Kerak Temple – Reno, NV1994, Keith Smith, Hillah Temple – Medford, OR1995, Roger Nicholson, Tangier Temple – Omaha, NE1999, Joe Pendergast, El Bekal Temple – Anaheim, CA2000, Phil Pederson, Sabbar Temple – Tucson, AZ2001, Paul Meierhenry, Arab Temple – Topeka, KS2002, David A. Gutknecht, Tripoli Temple – Milwaukee, WI2006, Fred Kidston, El Kalah Temple – Salt Lake City, UT2009, Joel Ozment, Moslem Temple – Detroit, MI2009, Coy Love, El Bekal – Anaheim, CA

Questions or Comments?Please contact us!

E-Mail the Arabian Talesarabian.tales@el-zaribah.org

PAGE 14 - Arabian Tales Phoenix, Arizona

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Shriners International - PAGE 15March 2017

Upcoming El Zaribah EventsMar 2017 (Mountain Time - Arizona)El Zaribah Parades, El Zaribah Shrine, Unit & Club Activities

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1 1 : 3 0 a m - Ni leQueen'sParty @ FiestaRoom

5 : 3 0 p m - KingmanSC mtg @ 2701 East AndyDevineAvenue,Kingman,A Z

7 p m - Patrol mtg @ Patrol Room7 p m - Transportat ion mtg @ Transportat ion Room

3 p m - Dir . Staff Mtg @ Upstairs in Director'sStaff Room

5 : 3 0 p m - Fish Fry Friday @ FIESTA/RED FEZ ROOMS


9 a m - SPRINGCEREMONIAL@ Auditorium-Clown Room-Red Fez-Fiesta Room...8 am for Candidatesfor Fez Fitt ing/Costume Dressing

6 : 3 0 p m - Sandbaggers Shrine Golf Club @DirectorsStaff Room

7 p m - Clowns 7 pm meeting @ Clown Room7 p m - ComputerClub @ ComputerClub room7 p m - MountedPatrol @ Patrol Room

5 : 3 0 p m - Drum & Bugle mtg @ BAND ROOM7 p m - BANDREHEARSAL

7 p m - Shrine Stated Mtg @ Auditorium

5 p m - CASA GRANDE SC OV @ FairwaysClubhouse,2054 N Thornton Rd, Casa Grande

6 p m - Motorcycles @ Room A MotorcycleRoom6 p m - Provost @ PROVOSTROOM


7 p m - BANDREHEARSAL7 : 3 0 p m - OrientalBand @ BandRoom

5 p m - W. VALLEY SC mtng @ BriarwoodCountry Club, 20800 N 135th Ave, Sun City West, AZ 85375, USA

6 p m - El Dulabs

6 p m - MasonicYouth Club @ Red Fez Room6 p m - Young Guns mtg @ Red Fez Room

Potentate out of town @ El Bekal Temple, Anaheim, CA5 p m - St Patrick's Day Party-Patrol @ RED FEZ/FIESTAROOMS


Potentate out of town @ El Bekal Temple, Anaheim, CA

5 p m - Sun Lakes SC Mtng @ CottonwoodCC6 : 3 0 p m - Legion of Honor7 p m - Greeters @ GreetersRoom


6 : 3 0 p m - TempleGuard @ TEMPLEGUARD Rm Room A

7 p m - BANDREHEARSAL7 p m - Culinary @ CulinaryRoom

7 p m - Dir . Staff Mtg @ Upstairs in Director'sStaff Room


6 : 3 0 p m - Al Jondi

5 p m - DirectorsStaff Pig Roast/Luau @ OUTDOORSOR RED FEZ/FIESTAROOMS

7 p m - HP85 Lodge Std mtg @ 2nd Floor Lodge Room


5 p m - BOWLINGPALOOZA @ Glen Fair Lanes, 6110 N 59th Ave. , Glendale

6 : 3 0 p m - MasonicAppendantBodyLeadersMtng @ El Zar ibahConference Room

5 p m - Bash Before the Clash @ El Zar ibahAuditorium

7 a m - El Zaribah Golf Classic @ Legacy

Sun M o n T u e W e d Thu Fr i S a t


Plan Now to Attend the 2017 Imperial Session

The 2017 Imperial Session of Shriners International is scheduled for Sunday, July 9 through Thursday, July 13 in Daytona Beach, Fla. Located on the beautiful east coast of Florida, the city is home to the “World’s Most Famous Beach;” a mecca for motorsports, the Daytona International Speedway; and a wide variety of family-friendly attractions.

Discover Daytona BeachDaytona Beach is internationally known for its beautiful, hard-packed white sandy beaches that span 23 miles. The Daytona beaches are perfect for shelling, swimming, surfing, parasailing, paddle boarding and kayaking. Visitors can enjoy a scenic drive like none other and bring their cars right up on the beach and cruise along the sand. Families will also love the many beachfront splash parks, beach volleyball courses and jungle gyms located along the shoreline.

The famous Daytona Beach Boardwalk and Pier is a combination of amusement parks, restaurants and shops, all right on the beach. A premier entertainment center, the boardwalk features outdoor and indoor rides, a classic arcade, a giant Ferris wheel, the Sandblaster Roller Coaster, go karts, and plenty of live entertainment including concerts and street performers. Fireworks light the sky over the boardwalk every Saturday night from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

A trip to Daytona Beach cannot be complete without a visit to the world-famous Daytona International Speedway, home of “The Great American Race,” the DAYTONA 500. The enormous 480-acre motorsports complex has earned the title of “World Center of Racing,” and features the

most diverse schedule of racing worldwide. Visitors can become a part of the Richard Petty Driving Experience, and race around the Speedway in an authentic NASCAR stock car, either riding alongside a professional driver, or taking a turn in the driver’s seat.

Daytona Beach offers so much to see and experience. Discover the area’s rich history by exploring its many parks, natural preserves and historic sites; climb to the top of the tallest lighthouse in Florida, the Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse and Museum; soften your spikes at any of the first-rate Daytona Beach golf courses; or take advantage of the many scenic cruising opportunities. Motorcyclists, motorists and bicyclists alike come from all over the world to ride the streets along the Atlantic, including the Ormond Scenic Loop – locally known as “The Loop” – a 33-mile route that combines tree-lined, canopied roads with acres of untouched natural beauty.

Join Shriners International for its Biggest Event of the YearThe 2017 Imperial Session of Shriners International will be held at Daytona Beach’s Ocean Center, a state-of-the-art convention center and entertainment complex that features more than 200,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor exhibit and meeting space. With its extraordinary design and features and recent $82 million expansion, the Ocean Center is a favorite among meeting planners.

Shriners International invites all nobles, ladies and their families to join us for the 143rd Imperial Session in Daytona Beach. With spectacular beaches, great weather, the famed Daytona International Speedway, and so much more, it’s easy to see why the city is one of America’s favorite destinations. Imperial Sirs Chris L. Smith and Gary J. Bergenske and the 2017 Imperial Session Committee members look forward to welcoming you to sunny Daytona Beach.

For more information, please visit imperial2017.com.

Imperial Sessions:

July 9 - 13, 2017 – Daytona Beach, Fla. July 15 - 19, 2018 – Daytona Beach, Fla. June 30 - July 4, 2019 – Nashville, Tenn. July 5 - July 9, 2020 – Kansas City, Mo.

PAGE 16 - Arabian Tales Phoenix, ArizonaApr 2017 (Mountain Time - Arizona)El Zaribah Parades, El Zaribah Shrine, Unit & Club Activities

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7 p m - HP85 Lodge Std mtg @ 2nd Floor Lodge Room


5 p m - BOWLINGPALOOZA @ Glen Fair Lanes, 6110 N 59th Ave. , Glendale

6 : 3 0 p m - MasonicAppendantBodyLeadersMtng @ El Zar ibahConference Room

5 p m - Bash Before the Clash @ El Zar ibahAuditorium

7 a m - El Zaribah Golf Classic @ Legacy


5 p m - Divan Mtg @ CONFERENCEROOM6 : 3 0 p m - Sandbaggers Shrine Golf Club @DirectorsStaff Room

7 p m - Clowns 7 pm meeting @ Clown Room7 p m - ComputerClub @ ComputerClub room7 p m - MountedPatrol @ Patrol Room

1 1 a m - YUMA FAIR FOOD BOOTH @ Yuma County FairGrounds, 2520 E 32nd St, Yuma, AZ 85365, USA

6 : 3 0 p m - UNIT/CLUBLEADERMTNG (All NoblesWelcome)@ FIESTA ROOM



5 : 3 0 p m - KingmanSC mtg @ 2701 East AndyDevineAvenue,Kingman,A Z

7 p m - Patrol mtg @ Patrol Room7 p m - Transportat ion mtg @ Transportat ion Room

1 1 a m - WSA Annual Meeting/Convention @ WESTGATE RESORT-LAS VEGAS, 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas

YUMA FAIR FOOD BOOTH @ Yuma County FairGrounds, 2520 E 32nd St , Yuma, AZ 85365, USA

6 a m - M/c - Bike Show And Swap meet @ Fiesta RM & Red Fez and Entire Parkingl o t


7 p m - BANDREHEARSAL7 : 3 0 p m - OrientalBand @ BandRoom

9 a m - SouthernCaliforniaShrineMedicalCenterDedication/Divan Days @Pasadena, Ca

6 p m - Motorcycles @ Room A MotorcycleRoom6 p m - Provost @ PROVOSTROOM


EASTER 5 p m - Sun Lakes SC Mtng @ CottonwoodCC6 : 3 0 p m - Legion of Honor7 p m - Greeters @ GreetersRoom


6 : 3 0 p m - TempleGuard @ TEMPLEGUARD Rm Room A

7 p m - BANDREHEARSAL7 p m - Culinary @ CulinaryRoom

5 p m - W. VALLEY SC mtng @ BriarwoodCountry Club, 20800 N 135th Ave, Sun City West, AZ 85375, USA

6 p m - El Dulabs

6 p m - MasonicYouth Club @ Red Fez Room6 p m - Young Guns mtg @ Red Fez Room


7 p m - HP85 Lodge Std mtg @ 2nd Floor Lodge Room


7 p m - Dir . Staff Mtg @ Upstairs in Director'sStaff Room

6 : 3 0 p m - Al Jondi 5 p m - Ballut Abyad Pote's.Ball @ Albuquerque

5 p m - Divan Mtg @ CONFERENCEROOM6 : 3 0 p m - Sandbaggers Shrine Golf Club @DirectorsStaff Room

7 p m - Clowns 7 pm meeting @ Clown Room7 p m - ComputerClub @ ComputerClub room7 p m - MountedPatrol @ Patrol Room

6 : 3 0 p m - UNIT/CLUBLEADERMTNG (All NoblesWelcome)@ FIESTA ROOM



5 : 3 0 p m - KingmanSC mtg @ 2701 East AndyDevineAvenue,Kingman,A Z

7 p m - Patrol mtg @ Patrol Room7 p m - Transportat ion mtg @ Transportat ion Room

1 0 p m - Mtd Patrol Round Up @ E Z RANCH, Cordes Junction

6 a m - YAVAPAI SC GOLFTOURNAMENT@ Prescott Country Club, 1030 PrescottCountry Club Boulevard,Dewey, AZ, United States

Sun M o n T u e W e d Thu Fr i S a t

May 2017 (Mountain Time - Arizona)El Zaribah Parades, El Zaribah Shrine, Unit & Club Activities

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5 p m - Divan Mtg @ CONFERENCEROOM6 : 3 0 p m - Sandbaggers Shrine Golf Club @DirectorsStaff Room

7 p m - Clowns 7 pm meeting @ Clown Room7 p m - ComputerClub @ ComputerClub room7 p m - MountedPatrol @ Patrol Room

6 : 3 0 p m - UNIT/CLUBLEADERMTNG (All NoblesWelcome)@ FIESTA ROOM



5 : 3 0 p m - KingmanSC mtg @ 2701 East AndyDevineAvenue,Kingman,A Z

7 p m - Patrol mtg @ Patrol Room7 p m - Transportat ion mtg @ Transportat ion Room

1 0 p m - Mtd Patrol Round Up @ E Z RANCH, Cordes Junction

6 a m - YAVAPAI SC GOLFTOURNAMENT@ Prescott Country Club, 1030 PrescottCountry Club Boulevard,Dewey, AZ, United States

Little Q - CINCO DE MAYO @ FIESTA ROOM/RED FEZMtd Patrol Round Up @ E Z RANCH, Cordes Junction


7 p m - BANDREHEARSAL7 : 3 0 p m - OrientalBand @ BandRoom

7 p m - Shrine Stated Mtg @ Auditorium

6 p m - Motorcycles @ Room A MotorcycleRoom6 p m - Provost @ PROVOSTROOM

1 1 a m - Cigar Night @ FIESTA ROOM/REDFEZ

5 p m - Sun Lakes SC Mtng @ CottonwoodCC6 : 3 0 p m - Legion of Honor7 p m - Greeters @ GreetersRoom


6 : 3 0 p m - TempleGuard @ TEMPLEGUARD Rm Room A

7 p m - BANDREHEARSAL7 p m - Culinary @ CulinaryRoom

6 p m - El Dulabs

6 p m - MasonicYouth Club @ Red Fez Room6 p m - Young Guns mtg @ Red Fez Room

7 p m - HP85 Lodge Std mtg @ 2nd Floor Lodge Room


7 p m - Dir . Staff Mtg @ Upstairs in Director'sStaff Room

6 : 3 0 p m - Al Jondi

Sun M o n T u e W e d Thu Fr i S a t

Upcoming El Zaribah Events

top related