a99 mnemonics & learning -...

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A99 Mnemonics& Learning





















Stage 1 ASPIRATION King 1-10

1 Ar Rahman The All Compassionate

2 Ar Rahim The All Merciful

3 Al Malik The Absolute Ruler

4 Al Quddus The Pure One

5 As Salam The Source of Peace

6 Al Mu'min The Inspirer of Faith

7 Al Muhaymin The Guardian

8 Al 'Aziz The Victorious

9 Al Jabbar The Compeller

10 Al Mutakabbir The Greatest

MNEMONIC The Kind & Merciful King sends Holy Salaams on the Mu’min who Guards against being Incomparable, Imposing & Proud. Paradigm Shift by being fully aware of the path taken. Letting MERCY precede anger. More COMPASSIONATE toward believers. Take KINGSHIP over inappropriate anger and desires in relation to others. SANCTIFY heart of any prejudgement or prejudice against others and develop PEACEFUL relations with others. When they sense themselves slipping back , they seek refuge in their EIMAN and GUARD against hurting others consciously striving to overcome the desire to be INCOMPARABLE which divides them from their friends IMPOSING Allah’s will on themselves and crushing KIBR within Stage 2 CREATIVE PROCESS Baby 11-19

11 Al Khaliq The Creator

12 Al Bari' The Maker of Order

13 Al Musawwir The Shaper of Beauty

14 Al Ghaffar The Forgiving

15 Al Qahhar The Subduer

16 Al Wahhab The Giver of All

17 Ar Razzaq The Sustainer

18 Al Fattah The Opener

19 Al 'Alim The Knower of All

MNEMONIC The Kool Babys Mum Forgives and Strengthens her baby through Giving Sustenance. She then teaches the Keys to Knowledge The next stage is to Create relationships in Perfect Harmony in shapes of Unique Beauty. An aspect of this involves Concealing Faults and Strengthening their will power and of those around them through Giving. Through this relationships grow in spiritual Sustenance as they seek out the Keys to the secret of Knowledge.


20 Al Qabid The Constrictor

21 Al Basit The Reliever

22 Al Khafid The Abaser

23 Ar Rafi' The Exalter

24 Al Mu'izz The Bestower of Honours

25 Al Mudhill The Humiliator

26 As Sami The Hearer of All

27 Al Basir The Seer of All

28 Al Hakam The Judge

29 Al 'Adl The Just

30 Al Latif The Subtle One

31 Al Khabir The AllAware

MNEMONIC A doctor listens to the heart constricting and expanding, checks the low blood pressure and highers it, honouring good diets and dishonouring junk food by hearing and seeing always arbitrating by being just and gentle, aware of his patients vulnerability. Recognising the tension between developing the positive and preventing the negative, one moves between CONSTRICTION & EXPANSION trying hard to ABASE falsehood and EXALT truth, HONOURING friends and DISHONOURING the false self in relation to others by HEARING & SEEING through the heart , always looking at relationships as an ARBITRATOR by being JUST and GENTLE. This results in an AWARENESS of responsibilities in relationship to others. STAGE 4 DEVELOPING MORAL CODE Teacher 32-40

32 Al Halim The Forebearing

33 Al 'Azim The Magnificent

34 Al Ghafur The Forgiver of Faults

35 Ash Shakur Rewarder of Thankfulness

36 Al' Ali The Highest

37 Al Kabir The Greatest

38 Al Hafiz The Preserver

39 Al Muqit The Nourisher

40 Al Hasib The Accounter

MNEMONIC The teacher who has Hilm is the most Awesome. She teaches Forgiveness & Thanks. Only then can her students reach their Highest and Greatest goal of preserving and nourishing the soul in preparation for Accounting The Teacher was given Haloumi by her student which was magnificent after she forgave him. She rewarded him with thanks of the highest, greatest type. The cheese was free from preservatives and was nourishing but isn’t good for the calorie counter! THE starting point is HILM (counsel to kindness (ihsaan) with justice) which develops AZHEEM (awesomeness) in behaviour manifesting a moral code of GHAFUR (forgiveness) of the faults of others and SHAKUR (thankfulness) for recognising on’es own faults. The good qualities are ‘ALI (raised ) & KABEER (magnified) towards others in order to HAFEEZH (preserve) them enabling the the MUQEET (nourishing) and maintaining of HASEEB (accounting) balance.


41 Al Jalil The Mighty

42 Al Karim The Generous

43 Ar Raqib The Watchful One

44 Al Mujib The Responder to Prayer

45 Al Wasi' The AllComprehending

46 Al Hakim The Perfectly Wise

47 Al Wadud The Loving One

48 Al Majíd The Majestic One

49 Al Ba'ith The Resurrector

50 Ash Shahid The Witness

51 Alh Haqq The Truth

MNEMONIC The mighty scholar was given a generous gift by his boss. A high tech watch! His prayers were answered. The multi functional watch could tell the time in vast location .Wearing this watch made him feel perfectly wise. He loved the watch with its majestic alarm because it raises (wakes) him to witness the true time of salaa. Spiritual strength JALEEL manifests itself through generosity KAREEM and vigilance RAQEEB to comply with the requests of others MUJEEB; gaining a vast knowledge of the self and the world WAASI and knowledge of Allah HAKEEM and thus love towards Him WADOOD – This perfects the moral code MAJEED resurrecting the sleeping through knowledge BAAITH to witness SHAAHID the truth HAQQ. STAGE 6 BEING GODS TRUSTEE Lawyer 52-59

52 Al Wakeel The Trustee

53 Al Qawiyy The Strong

54 Al Mateen The Firm

55 Al Wáli The Governor

56 Al Hamid The Praised One

57 Al Muhsi The Appraiser

58 Al Mubdi The Originator

59 Al Mu'id The Restorer

MNEMONIC The lawyer thought he had a strong and firm case for his friend who was accused of claiming to be the praised one. When the judge came to appraise the origins of the case he found it to be ridiculous and restored his friend’s credibility. As TRUSTEES in eiman, one becomes STRONG and FIRM and thus eligible to become a FRIEND of the PRAISED one. They seek to APPRAISE themselves by understanding the balance of their ORIGIN and ultimate RESTORATION.


60 Al Muhyi The Giver of Life

61 Al Mumit The Taker of Life

62 Al Hayy The Ever Living One

63 Al Qayyum The SelfExisting One

64 Al Wajid The Finder

65 Al Májid The Glorious

66 Al Wahid The Only One

67 Al Ahad The One

68 As Samad Satisfier of All Needs

MNEMONIC God gives permission to the angels to give life and take it away. He is the Hayyul Qayyum. You can find the angels in the most glorious places but they like to hang out in the One and Only one place where all needs are satisfied. Start by living (MUHYI) in the true sense (in reality) and not on false illusions which results in the death (MUMEET) of the false self; making once conscious of the immortality of the self (HAYY) when attached only to the One who is ever present (QAYYUM). The search (WAAJID) becomes solely for closeness to divinity and results in a richness (MAAJID) of character which is only found in the one who is attached to The One (WAHID) manifesting a unity of character (AHAD) which is incomparable to anything whether external or internal. Through this one becomes a model for others (SAMAD). STAGE 8 DEVEOPING MOTIVATION THROUGH AMILUS SAALIHAAT Guard 69-82

69 Al Qadir The Able

70 Al Muqtadir The Powerful

71 Al Muqaddim The Expediter

72 Al Mu'akhkhir The Delayer

73 Al Awwal The First

74 Al Akhir The Last

75 Az Zahir The Manifest One

76 Al Batin The Hidden One

77 Al Walí The Protecting Friend (Governor)

78 Al Muta'ali The Supreme One

79 Al Barr The Doer of Good

80 At Tawwib Guide to Repentance

81 Al Muntaqim The Avenger

82 Al Afu The Forgiver

MNEMONIC The guard was able to get a job at a powerful company. He had to hurry to get to work but was delayed by traffic. The first shift had left and the last shift had already arrived. His lateness became apparent although he tried to hide it. The Governor who had a high position gave him good advice telling him to do tawba which would allow the boss not to avenge him but forgive him. Realising that one is Able (QAADIR) and Powerful (MUQTADIR) ; one needs to always advance (MUQADDIM) and not delay (MUAKHKHIR) doing Amilus saalihaat. To be able to do that one needs to take the initiative (AWWAL) (be the first) in doing good and the last (AAKHIR) to reproach others. This will manifest (ZHAHIR) the goodness which is hidden (BAATIN) in the soul enabling one to be a protective friend (WAALIY) who confesses to believe in

the most high (MUTA’AALI) doing good (BARR) to others, being a repenter (TAWWAB) of sins and not being an avenge (MUNTAQIM) r but a forgiver (‘AFW). STAGE 9 BEING AN ‘ABD THROUGH SERVING CREATION Enricher 83-92

83 Ar Ra'uf The Clement

84 Malik al Mulk The Owner of All

85 Dhul Jalali WalIkram Lord of Majesty and Bounty

86 Al Muqsit The Equitable One

87 Al Jami The Gatherer

88 Al Ghan i The Rich One

89 Al Mughni The Enricher

90 Al Mani' The Preventer of Harm

91 Ad Darr Punisher

92 An Nafi The Creator of benefit

MNEMONIC He could only enrich others by being intensely merciful like MALIKUL MULK & DHUL JALAL WAL IKRAM. He knew that he had to be just when people gathered to see his wealth and benefit from it. He made sure that none was hurt but they had to suffer the pain of the waiting in the cue to benefit. Developing an intense sense of mercy (RA’UF) towards others, witnessing God’s power (MALIKUL MULK) and finding refuge in DHUL JALAL WAL IKRAAM. Demanding justice (MUQSIT) for others and uniting people (JAAMI’) with spiritual richness (GHANI) and therefore being an enricher (MUGHNI) ; avoiding harming others (MAANI’) whilst understanding that sometimes pain (DHARR) is for the greater benefit (NAAFI’) STAGE 10 BEING A TEACHER Guide 93-99

93 An Nur The Light

94 Al Hadi The Guide

95 Al Badi The Originator

96 Al Baqi The Everlasting One

97 Al Warith The Inheritor of All

98 Ar Rashid The Righteous Teacher

99 As Sabur The Patient One

MNEMONIC With a glowing lamp, the guide started on his journey to Baqee. He saw the graves of the inheritors of the rightly guided Prophet but had to do sabr at not being allowed in. In this final stage there is a manifestation of inner energy (NUR) thus allowing one to be a guide (HAADI) with an originality (BADI’) where all work is focused to be everlasting (BAAQI). There is a recognition that all one has is temporal (WAARITH) and eventually there is a return to Him. As right in guidance (RASHEED) there is a manifestation on patience (SABR)


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