a2 topics

Post on 09-Jul-2016






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Week 1 - A day at work

Make sentences with the information given about the professions below.

Police Fire-fighter Pilot Farmer Doctor Waiter

-Responsible for people’s security

-Try to prevent crime

-Arrest criminals

-Patrol in his car

-Work day and night

-Risk their lives

-Maintain social order

-Wait at the fire station

-Get emergency calls

-Drive a fire engine

-Extinguish fires

-Rescue people

-Fly planes

-Carry passengers

-Travel a lot

-Stay at hotels

-Can’t spend enough time with family

-Earn a lot

-Get up early

-Feed animals

-Plant crops

-Water the fields

-Harvest the crops

-Sell the crops at the market

-Examine patients


-Prescribe medication

-Perform operations

-Greet customers

-Show them to their table

-Give the menu

-Take orders

-Serve customers

-Clean the tables

Which job would you like to do and why?

Which one is the most difficult?

Which one is the easiest?

What is your dream job? Why?

Week 2 – Traditions

American Funerals

At most American funerals, the deceased person's family sends out a death announcement

called an obituary. These obituaries inform people about the deceased, and the time and day

of the funeral event. At the church service, family and friends make speeches; they go in front

of the attendants and talk about their memories with the deceased. When they arrive at the

graveyard, there is another ceremony. During this ceremony, a churchman blesses the

deceased and prays for his/her soul. After that, family and friends say goodbye to the

deceased. Traditionally, family members and friends pick up a handful of soil and throw it on

the coffin; this tradition is a way of saying farewell. After the burial, the family gathers at

home or at a restaurant and have a meal and talk to each other.

Housewarming Parties

When people move into a new apartment or buy a new house, they throw a housewarming

party. They invite friends to this party. Thanks to this party, friends can congratulate them on

their new house. Traditionally, the guests bring gifts to the host. The host sometimes leaves a

list at a local store; this list includes some items, the host needs these items for his/her new

house. The most common items in this list are curtains and kitchen tools such as knives,

plates and so on. The guests can bring food and drinks, too. The host gives the guests a tour

of the new home. The name of the party is very old; it is called a housewarming party,

because, a long time ago, people actually brought firewood as a gift to help the host warm

his/her house in winter.

Week 3 – Past Habits

Write three sentences for each theme.

When I was a child, I used to _________________________.

Before technology, people used to _________________________.

Before the invention of TV, people used to _________________________.

Think about the topics below.

Transportation – Reading habits – childhood games

Week 4 – Movies and Books

(+) Subject + used to + Verb

(-) Subject + didn’t USE TO + Verb

(?) wh.. + did + Subject + USE to + Verb?

(+) I used to smoke.

He used to play tennis.

(-) I didn’t use to watch football games.

They didn’t use to work with our company.

(?) Did you use to read detective stories?

Where did he use to work?

Romeo and Juliet is a romantic film. It is set in the Italian city of Verona. It is about a tragic


A boy (Romeo) and a girl (Juliet) fall in love. But they come from enemy families; their

families hate each other. Romeo and Juliet know that their families will not be let them get

married. They are madly in love, so they decide to marry secretly. However, before their

wedding night Romeo kills Juliet's cousin in a duel. In the morning he has to leave her,

because if he returns to the city, Juliet’s family will kill him.

Juliet’s family chooses Paris as a husband for Juliet, and they tell Juliet to marry him.

However, Paris doesn’t know that she is already married. First she refuses and then agrees,

because she plans to fake her death and escape to be with Romeo.

She takes a sleeping potion and appears to be dead, so her parents lay her in a tomb.

However, Romeo doesn’t know about the plan, visits her grave, finds her 'dead', and kills

himself. Juliet finally wakes up, finds Romeo dead, and then kills herself.

What is your favourite book or movie? Please talk about it.

Week 5 – Conditionals

Type 0Type 0 – her zaman aynı şekilde gelişen durumlarda, doğa kanunlarını ifade ederken kullanılır.

Type 1 – Geleceğe yönelik ihtimallerden söz eder. If ile bahsedilen koşulun gerçekleşmesi durumunda ortaya çıkacak ihtimalleri ifade eder.

If simple present, simple present.

Type 1

If simple present, will/can/may/might/should

Type 2

If simple past, would + V

could + V

Exercise – Complete the sentences with TYPE 0-1-2.

If I had a lot of money, _________________________.

If it is sunny tomorrow, _________________________.

If something pricks your skin, _________________________.

If he passes his exam, _________________________.

If they come here, _________________________.

If I saw a zombie, _________________________.

If my best friend lied to me, _________________________.

If you lie to people, _________________________.

If I were you, _________________________.

If it was my last day on earth, _________________________.

If I were invisible, _________________________.

Week 6 – Narrative Tenses

When I came home, _________________________.

Type 0 – her zaman aynı şekilde gelişen durumlarda, doğa kanunlarını ifade ederken kullanılır.

Type 1 – Geleceğe yönelik ihtimallerden söz eder. If ile bahsedilen koşulun gerçekleşmesi durumunda ortaya çıkacak ihtimalleri ifade eder.

While he was getting ready, he _________________________.

While we were watching TV, _________________________.

He was talking on the phone, when _________________________.

He was speeding, when _________________________.

The Blue Bottle

One night, Millie was still awake, she was reading in bed. She finished her book and

looked over to her shelves to see what else she could read before going to sleep. On her shelf

there was something, she never saw this object before. It was a blue bottle. The blue bottle

was as tall as a small book, had a round bottom, and a thin neck. And although the bottle

looked as if it were made out of glass, Millie could not see inside it. Millie got out of bed and

went over to the bottle. She picked it up, carefully, afraid that it might break. She was

surprised, because it was heavier than it seemed.

She looked down into the bottle, but it was too dark inside to see anything. So she shook

it. She heard a rattling sound. There was something inside! She turned the bottle upside down

and shook it again, she wanted to see if anything would fall out. Something almost fell out

and then it didn't. Whatever was inside was now stuck in the bottle's neck. Millie shook

harder and harder. Finally, something small fell onto the floor. It was a ...

Week 7 – Have you ever ...?

Have you ever held or petted a wild animal?

Have you ever broken a bone?

Have you ever been on the radio or on TV?

Have you ever stayed awake for an entire night?

Have you ever got lost?

Have you ever felt embarrassed in public?

Have you ever helped somebody in danger?

Have you ever won a contest and received a prize?

What is the strangest food you have ever tried?

Have you ever raised money for charity?

Have you ever broken something and pretended it wasn’t you who broke it?

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Week 8 – Which one is better? Which one is the best?

(+) I/You/We/They have + V3

He/She/It has + V3

(-) I/You/We/They haven’t + V3

He/She/It hasn’t + V3

(?) Have I/you/we/they V3?

Has he/she/it V3?

Have/has just V3= çok kısa bir süre once

Have/has already V3= üzerinden belli bir zaman geçmiş

Yet*= olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde, cümlenin sonunda yer alır.

I haven’t seen him yet. = Onu henüz görmedim.

Childhood – Adulthood



Living with family or alone



The best season



Being single or being in a relationship/married



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