a2 media evaluation question 2 george wilshaw

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

George Wilshaw

Brand Identity in Film Marketing

The Brand Identity is how a company wants to be viewed by its consumers. A Brand Identity would be created in order to reflect the business’s message and what they want to bring to the market to appeal to their customer base. This could be through a magazine, poster or teaser trailer

The Brand Identity is essential during the films marketing campaign especially if it is a new film because the film company would want their film to be recognised, so if each product were to be different the market campaign wouldn’t get the message of the business as effectively as the business wanted.

Our Audience:

A Work in Progress is aimed toward 15 - 40 year olds as shown above. The research is from Pearl and Dean. Our audience is similar to that of Get Smart’s.

Our Font for our titles throughout all of our products is the same and so means that all of our products are connected and recognisable for our audience.

The titles relating to our film on our magazine are the same. The white, professional and simplicity reflects an office. We made it this simple in order to just straight to the point and it stood out with our background.

We maintained our Brand Identity because we used to same font type in our Trailer.

The question ‘worst staff in history’ saves the fact that there is a man holding alcohol which could suggest other narrative films and so we don’t want our reader to get confused about our brand identity.

Having the red box around ‘Exclusive Interview’ attracts the attention to the reader and so this was strategically placed around the centre of the magazine to highlight both our main character and title of our film.

In this image we used a prop that is seen in the teaser trailer and the setting is used in our entire teaser trailer and so the audience will be constantly reminded of the type of character and the setting of our film.

The character created here is made to be extremely arrogant and then is emphasized in the Poster maintaining a familiar face for our audience. Our Character and the genre are our USP because of how unique the genre is and the fact that people will see our character a lot.

Our title was placed in the same place to create some similarities between our films. However I feel that the poster will only be effective once the teaser trailer has been seen first because here we didn’t maintain the same costume and so the brand identity isn’t maintained.

In our trailer you can see that we have used the same font to ensure a professional look which is ironic because this film is making fun of a professional office.

Our Facebook has been strategically placed beneath the release date, which is also in the same font used in our teaser trailer, this is to highlight the fact that we have a facebook for eager people to read more about our film.

The use of social media will create a buzz for our target audience because the majority of our audience will use social media so our film is easy to access.

Additionally through the use of the ‘#WIP’ we have established an audience on Twitter and this may make some eager people to search the hashtag and start a trend this helps any business to create a brand identity.

To introduce our main characters the same font that was used to introduce them was used in the trailer

We used the main character ‘Neil’ to maintain our Brand Identity and it gives our target audience a character to get familiar with. Especially because he is used across all of our media products.

By using Neil to promote our Brand by doing this at the same time we develop his character and so in this image used he is seen with hands on hips to suggest he is big headed, full of himself by doing this our poster and magazine clearly states our genre however because the costume isn’t maintained the poster suggests different narrative themes unless this is seen last out of all three products however the character is portrayed in the same way so this isn’t necessarily a break in our Brand Identity.

‘Work in Progress’ Teaser Trailer:

Get Smart (Tv Show) Get Smart Movie is based upon the Tv show: Get Smart 1965-1970 and so the adaptation in 2008 was already remembered because of the nostalgia it created for people.Even though it is a late 60s show, it still manages to obtain an ever-growing fan base, even 4 decades later. This is because of legendary Don Adams as his rise in popularity during the 80s with the introduction of the classic kid's cartoon "Inspector Gadget" was another similar adaptation to Get Smart and so furthered the memory of this Tv show.

The Tv Show assisted in the marketing of the adaptation because people enjoyed the program emphasized by it airing 138 episodes.

‘Get Smart’ Marketing Campaign ‘2008’

Get Smart was an already well established brand because of the Tv show getting a lot of love so all the campaign involved them to do is reassure its audience that this adaptation was worth seeing.

This was done well with the choice of actors and the fact that it was still going to be a comedy this is seen by the foolish, arrogant looks that the characters give off through the covering of each character’s face.

The quote at the top: ‘Saving the World...and Loving it’ was a familiar phrase remembered from the Tv show so nostalgia is the main marketing tool.

‘Get Smart’ Marketing Campaign ‘2008’

Additionally people who have seen the Tv show will be well established with the characters so this means that people who remember how the characters of the Tv show were this means that they are already familiar with these characters. However due to the Tv shows age it is mostly likely that the film will attract a new audience and so this audience will be familiar with the actors and so they will need to create a brand Identity which they have done with a similar motif of the covering up of faces and both fonts on these posters are the same and in the same colours to make the audience remember ‘Get Smart.’

The fact that there are two posters where two actors with their face to not be covered up in the other one is suggesting that there are two main characters however the trailer suggests that Steve Carell is the main character however this isn’t an issue because it means that the audience are being getting more information about the characters on the road to the release date to build up excitement

Get Smart Teaser Trailer:

‘Get Smart’ Marketing Campaign ‘2008’In the Trailer different font from the trailer was used however

this isn’t necessarily a huge issue because the audience are reminded of the actors and because they are well known they have reassurance of the film being with familiar actors who have experience and have been in well known films.Furthermore with the ending screen the audience like in the poster are reinforced with the website like on the poster.

Now in the teaser trailer we are greeted with the main actors and the posters emphasize the foolish, idiotic antics that take place in the trailer and so the audience are familiar with the brand identity because the characters in the posters portray the comedic genre which can be seen again in the trailer.

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