a2 evaluation

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Evaluation Presentation - print


Evaluation Sarah


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products ?How Conventions are used:

In the production of my newspaper I made sure that the common conventions used everyday newspapers such as the Sun, The Metro and The Star were maintained so I could ensure, in the development of my newspaper that it actually looked liked a newspaper that you would find in a shop.

Some of these conventions I have used consist of: Gutters, Date, Web address, Advertisements, Bold headings and a Masthead.

I Have placed examples of our mastheads ‘Flava’ that we earlier produced to show the difference of design and formality between our and those already on the market today


Using these conventions and others that I have not listed shows I have made good use of my knowledge into what a real newspaper product requires and have put our own stamp on these conventions to make them look better and more applicable to my target audience teenagers

Challenges to other newspapers: I made the choice to have predominantly bright colour throughout our


Wrote about issues and stories that our target audience can relate to

Maintained common conventions of newspapers but in a more exciting style

Included club advertisements. An example of this can be found on our blog and also how our research helped us: http://06whhs12e1.blogspot.com/2009/12/advertisement.htmlExamples of our advertisements:

Informal Headlines to go along side each article I produced Sub Section on the front page Editorial Slogan: ‘Your local youth newspaper’ Informal contents name ‘what’s hot’ More topics on the inside page with page numbers so it allows them to turn to

what ever story they want with the use of colours so it stands out and seems separate from the articles I have written

Pictures which related directly to our article topics

Analysis of these challenges:http://06whhs12e1.blogspot.com/2009/12/final-front-page-compared-to-front-page.html

Poster For our poster it was quite hard to get an idea about what we needed to

include as no newspapers on the market today have a poster to further advertise their newspaper so we therefore had to research everyday posters and identify what conventions they used and base our ideas around this.


Final Product PosterBeck’s Poster

Conventions used: Our poster contains the basic conventions that a poster needs for example a

masthead, slogan, web address and a main design which dominates the page and it is clear we have stuck to this from the

image of our poster compared to a real one on the market today http://06whhs12e1.blogspot.com/2009/12/development-of-posters.html

Challenges to other posters: Meeting the needs of a specific audiences through the informal background ‘hip, young, fresh’ which is an ideology of our target audience Different use of Fonts and designs gives the poster a bigger impact as it stands

out more The use of capital letters which many posters don’t do, which immediately grab

peoples attention whilst walking by

Bright colours red and blue which stand out on top of the wall Clearly state what it advertising for example a local youth newspaper Mentioned our product is free as a way of grabbing more teenager attention

to going to get a copy Including a web address in blue so it stand out and be easily seen

compared to other where there a really small font

Conventions used in our website:

Main background design and colour throughout our homepage and news page so there is consistency

Advertsiements Links Pictures Articleshttp://06whhs12e1.blogspot.com/2009/11/web-page-site.html

Challenges to other website:Range of coloursWelcome notice to viewers Very informingPromote our newspaper wellpoll

Final Product front page The Metro

Development of how I got to my final producthttp://06whhs12e1.blogspot.com/2009/12/development-and-construction-of-front.html

Final Product Second page

The Ilford Recorder

Development of how I got to my final product http://06whhs12e1.blogspot.com/2009/12/development-and-construction-of-front.html

How I used the Migrain model to help me produce my coursework

Media/ Medium - Newspaper as it provides teenagers with entertainment and news stories. Has a connotative meaning of young, fun, teenagers e.g alcohol, exciting news, camera angles, Mise en scene,

Institutions- could be the associated newspapers

Genre – variety within the newspaper general news, sports celebrity wide coverage

Representation- Of youth and a young newspaper represents diversity Not for certain teenager so not biased but for all as relates to all young people Audience- People who buy the commodities -Aim at young people aimed 15 to 18 years

old Informal feel to relate to our audience

Ideologies and values- to maintain readers attention about medias outlook on teenagers such as binge drinking to ensure our audience is attracted, community local stories and events.Narrative- texts structure has a beginning middle and end, headlines pictures, name of newspaper

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

My main product is a newspaper and my ancillary texts are my poster and website which further advertises and promotes my newspaper.

Whilst producing my newspaper I made sure I took into consideration the fact I had to produce a poster and website so I could think of ways I could include this within my newspaper and also links in my website and poster.

In my newspaper I produced an article on a night club ‘Faces’ and thought within this article I could include our website address in red at the bottom of the article so my target audience could then visit our website to find out more information.

I have decided to use the same masthead and slogan on our poster, website and newspaper so people could identify it as the Flava logo.

I have kept the colour of the masthead the same colour blue so it can again be easily identified as Flava and so everything is linking back to Flava the newspaper.

The same web address on our poster ‘Flava. Com’ so when people see the poster they will be able to use the address to go on the computer and research the website which shows a link between our poster and our website

I linked our newspaper with our website as in our research into newspapers and there website I identified that although they have there articles in print form they still provide it for those to read on the internet so i then went down this route

Informal theme throughout

Same font and style of writing I kept the same on each individual product

Print screen of our newspaper on the website homepage so if people were unable to purchase a newspaper they could therefore view it on the internet

Rollover image of our advertisements which are both on our newspaper and poster

Used same pictures on my newspaper on my website to show connection

Provided a copy of our newspaper on our poster so they now its promoting a newspaper

How our final products link and similarities between them that further advertise each other

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

During the production of our newspaper, website and poster I made sure I got audience feedback on each and every time I produced something whether it be for the newspaper or the poster I made sure I asked my peers what they thought of it.

We carried out a questionnaire which enabled us to find out exactly what our target audience wanted in a new youth newspaper: http://06whhs12e1.blogspot.com/2009/09/questionnaire.html

Learnt it is the most crucial grounding of any product in order for it to be successful

Made sure we asked people other than our peers and friend to prevents our results being biased

Good to get different opinions as when showing others our product they noticed things that we weren’t aware of and made valid contributions e.g


PosterGood points Brick background is very usual

and set a youthful mood Flava logo stands out an

dominates the page as it the whole length of the page

The colour blue is very attractive and stands our on the brick background

States it free so its informative Use of red to place emphasises

and to highlight as it a very dominant colour

Include web address showing people that there a website which allows people to further there knowledge of what Flava about

Slogan is very large so can easily be read

Fact that there a brick wall means will be more tempted to look

Informal language

Bad pointsNo pictures of the newspaper so

people wouldn’t know what your trying to advertise

No statements of what our newspaper includes

It looks plain

NewspaperGood points Looks like a professional made

news paper The masthead is very attractive

and stand out on the page The fact there is a slogan ‘ your

local youth newspaper’ shows it for a certain audience so would persuade people to buy it

Good use of pictures which relate to the articles/ stories

Attractive advertisement about a club which is good as gives you places to go and is informative

Multiple stories on various topics Consistent colours used

throughout Informal Language

Bad points Heading on the main articles is

too long More pictures on second page Some things looked to squashed

on the page Advertisement takes up to

much of the page towards the bottom

Picture a bit dull (faces)

WebsiteGood points Looks very realistic can’t tell

that it not a real one Not to much information on

homepage clear in what the newspapers about

Includes advertisement and print screen of your newspaper allow people to view it

Use of various colours maintains your attention

Picture of club faces show what on around Essex

Background very dominant and really stands out on the page

Gets viewers involved e.g. include a poll

Good use of advertisements Provide weekly articles on the

website to be read Roll over pictures and search


Bad pointsFont is bland

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and

evaluation stages?Technologies I used: Microsoft excel – I used this to produce my graphs as I needed to display the

information I gathered in the research I carried out of what my target audience want to see in a newspaper. http://06whhs12e1.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2009-10-19T10%3A57%3A00-07%3A00&max-results=7

Photo shop – This helped me in the production of my newspaper,

advertisements and website .To begin with I only had basic knowledge of how to use this program but as time went on I learnt to used it independently and was able to produce a whole newspaper myself, it also helped me in my construction which I showed on the blog how much I develop.


Microsoft Publisher – I used this program very often to assist me in the planning of my templates for my newspaper designs and layout, website layout and poster layout which helped me to know where about to place everything. http://06whhs12e1.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2009-12-01T07%3A17%3A00-08%3A00&max-results=7

Microsoft Word – This program allowed me to plan my articles, where I was able to paragraph them and check my spelling and punctuation were all correct

Blogger and the internet- used this program to explain every stage of the development of the coursework including research, development of my main product (Newspaper) and my ancillary texts (poster and website). The internet itself helped me to carry out a lot of extensive research into newspapers, posters and websites E.g. site such as Wikipedia

Camera- enabled us to take good quality picture, allowed us to zoom and reverse zoom and take shots from various angles


Dreamweaver – this enabled me to produce a website efficiently and independently. Being able to produce pictures, articles, advertisement and many more

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