a to z stories: dr. reeta sonawat has conceptualized and created

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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Alphabets Story Book

A a

Ant Aeroplane Axe


Aayushi and Ana are good friends.

One day Aayushi went to the aquarium with her mother. Anna was waiting for Aayushi to return. As she was very excited to know about the aquarium.

Ana asked “what is an aquarium?” Aayushi replied, “It is a place where all aquatic animals are kept”. Ana asked, “what did you see?”

Aayushi replied that there were many fishes like starfish, jelly fish, salmon, dolphin and tuna.

Anna asked “Did you enjoy?” Aayushi replied “Yes, you should also visit the aquarium”.

Aayushi and Anna are good friends. One day Aayushi went to the aquarium with her mother. Anna was waiting for Aayushi to return. As she was very excited to know about the aquarium. Ana asked “what is an aquarium”? Aayushi replied, “It is a place where all aquatic animals are kept”. Anna asked, “what did you see?” Aayushi replied that there were many fishes like starfish, jelly fish, salmon, dolphin and tuna. Anna asked “did you enjoy”? Aayushi replied “Yes, you should also visit the aquarium”.


B b

Bat Ball Buffalo


It was a sunny day. Baby tortoise was going to the beach. He found that the beach is full of water, pebbles, sand and boats.

Baby tortoise saw a baby butterfly with beautiful wings sitting on a flower bud.

He went to the butterfly and asked if she would like to go on a boat ride?

Baby butterfly blushed and they both went together on a boat ride.

They became best friends forever.

It was sunny day. Baby tortoise was going to the beach. He found that the beach is full of water, pebbles, sand and boats. Baby tortoise saw a baby butterfly with beautiful wings sitting on flower bud. He went to butterfly and asked if she would like to go on a boat ride? Baby butterfly blushes and they both went on a boat ride. They became best friends forever.


C c

Car Cow Cat


It was Christmas. Chirag and Cherry were planning to celebrate Christmas at their home.

So they brought a Christmas tree to their home.

They started decorating the tree with colourful lights, ribbons, stars and balls.

Cherry baked a chocolate cake with help of her mother.

After all preparation were done, they invited their friends and had a wonderful party and enjoyed their Christmas day.

It was Christmas. Chirag and Cherry were planning to celebrate christmas at their home. So they brought christmas tree to their home. They started decorating their christmas tree with colourful lights, ribbons, stars and balls. Cherry baked a chocolate cake with help of her mother. After all preparation were done, they invited their friends and had a wonderful party and enjoyed the christmas day.


D d

Doll Dog Deer


Dev and Dimple are siblings. They have a pet dog named Dino.

They took Dino to the park.

There they meet Daric. He has a drum in his hand. Dino was fascinated by looking at his drums.

Dino started day dreaming of himself playing with the drums, and that everyone was dancing.

It was late at night when they reached home, so they all had their dinner together and went to sleep.


Dev and Dimple are siblings. They have a pet dog named Dino. They took Dino to the park. There they meet Daric. He has a drums in his hand. Dino was fascinated by looking his drums. Dino started day dreaming of himself playing with drums, and that everyone was dancing. It was a late night when they reached home, they all had their dinner together and went to sleep.

E e

Egg Engine Elephant


Esha and Ekta were going to the zoo. Ekta was excited to see all the animals and birds.

But Esha came to know from her mother that Ekta is not well.

Esha went to meet Ekta at her house and told her mom to call the doctor.

Ekta was very happy to see Esha.

The doctor gave medicines to Ekta and then she became fine.


Esha and Ekta were going to zoo. Ekta was excited to see all the animals and birds. But Esha came to know from her mother that Ekta is not well. Esha went to meet Ekta at her house and told her mom to call the doctor. Ekta was very happy to see Esha. The doctor gave medicine to Ekta and then she became fine.

F f

Fox Frog Flag


Frank, a six year old child was working at the art table with his friend Freddy. They were drawing pictures of their favorite flies.

Freddy was colouring the wings when he found that he used all his black crayons.

“Oh, no” he said, “I can’t finish my pictures as I ran out of black crayons”.

“It is Okay, Freddy,” said Frank, “You may use my black crayon, I like to share with my friends” A friend in need is a friend indeed.


Frank, was working at the art table with his friend Freddy. They were drawing pictures of their favorite flies. Freddy was colouring the wings when he found that he used all his black crayons. “Oh, No” he said, “I can’t finish my pictures as I ran out of black colour” “It’s Okay, Freddy,” said Frank, “You may use my black crayon, I like to share with my friends”. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

G g

Giraffe Goat Glass


Granny is big and loves growing green vegetables. Granny is grumpy because a goat is eating granny’s green vegetables from the garden.

“Stop gobbling my greens!!” Shouts granny to the goat. “Maaa-R-Coooo..says the naughty goat”.

Granny made a shelf in the garden and started growing her greens in the shelf.

Goat can’t reach the shelf when he tries the same next day. Granny finally has a GOOD GOOD Day…


Granny is big and loves growing green vegetables. Granny is grumpy because a goat is eating granny’s green vegetables from the garden. “Stop gobbling my Greens!!” Shouts granny to the goat. “Maaa-R-Coooo..says the naughty goat”. Granny made a shelf in the garden and started growing her greens in the shelf.Goat can’t reach the shelf when he tries the same next day. Granny finally has a GOOD GOOD Day…

H h

House Helicopter



Henry likes to wear a hat. Every morning Henry puts on his hat and heads out of his house. But today, Henry has a horrible problem… he’s got hiccups!!! Hiiiccccc..

Ohhh dear, Henry’s hat flies off his head and gets stuck at the top of the house. Henry is not happy. Luckily Henry’s friends Hippy and Humpty come to help him.

Hippy said, “If I stand on you and Humpty stands on me, we will make a ladder and we will reach to the hat!”

Henry was on the top and he got hiccups again, making the ladder wobble. Due to his hiccup's all of them fell down.

Then Humpty said, “I will go to the bottom and Henry at the top”. Almost there! And they manage to get the hat. Henry has his hat. Hoooorrrayyy!!! Henry is happy again.


Henry likes to wear a hat. Every morning Henry puts on his hat and heads out of his house. But today, Henry has a horrible problem… he’s got hiccups!!! Hiiiccccc..Ohhh dear, Henry’s hat flies off his head and gets stuck to the top of the house. Henry is not happy. Luckily Henry’s friends Hippy and Humpty come to help him.Hippy said, “If I stand on you and Humpty stands on me, we will make a ladder and we will reach to the hat!”


Henry was on the top and he got hiccups again and making the ladder wobble. Due to hiccups all of them fell down. Then Humpty said, “I will go to the bottom and Henry at the top”. Almost there! And they manage to get the hat. Henry has his hat. Hoooorrrayyy!!! Henry is happy again.

I i

Ice cream Iron Ink


Inder is a five year old from Indore. Inder is very excited to spend his summer holidays with his cousin Ishaan.

Inder and Ishaan are very excited to spend the holidays together playing interesting indoor games like indoor cricket.

Inder’s parents take the boys to the Indore museum for some fun. Ishaan was very interested by all the amazing artistic museum products.

Ishaan left for Itasari with lots of interesting information about Indore and eagerly waits to visit again.


Inder is a five year old from Indore. Inder is very excited to spend his summer holidays with his cousin IshaanInder and Ishaan are very excited to spend the holidays together playing interesting indoor games like indoor cricket. Inder’s parents take the boys to the Indore museum for some fun. Ishaan was very interested by all the amazing artistic museum products. Ishaan left for Itasari with lots of interesting information about Indore and eagerly waits to visit again.

J j

Jam Jelly Fish Jacket


Julie and John are planning a holiday to their grandparents house for the weekend. John wants to take his favorite ‘Judy Blume’ book with him.

John’s mother Jessica is making the kids their favorite sandwich for the journey, while John with his father David is busy packing their bags.

Awww….. Julie cuts her finger with the knife while helping her mother in the kitchen. Ouch! she cries…“Mama, I cut myself”. Her mother applied medicines.“You are my strong brave girl” Says Jessica “ You are just fine”.

John comes running hearing his little sister cry. But Jessica assures him that Julie is just fine. John and Julie then happily leave for their grand parents place.


Julie and John are planning a holiday to their grandparents house for the weekend. John wants to take his favorite Judy Blume book with him. John’s mother Jessica is making the kids their favorite sandwich for the journey, while John with his father David is busy packing their bags. Awww….. Julie cuts her finger with the knife while helping her mother in the kitchen. Ouch! she cries…“Mama, I cut myself”. Her mother applied medicines.


“You are my strong brave girl” Says Jessica “ You are just fine”. John comes running hearing his little sister cry. But Jessica assures him that Julie is just fine. John and Julie then happily leave for their grand parents place.

K k

Key Kangaroo Kite


Kareem was a young boy from a small village in Kerala.

Kareem came from a small family that was poor, he lived with his mother and father.

From the time Kareem was young he worked very hard to support his family, so Kareem started working in the kitchen and would cook all the food for the house as his parents would work as labourers through the day.

As Kareem would spend all day in the kitchen, cooking became his passion. The knife was Kareem’s favourite tool to use, as it was sharp he knew he had to be careful.

One day Kareem’s father asked him “Son, what is it you would like to become when you grow up?” and without a second thought Kareem replied “A chef” as he knew that cooking was his passion.

Kareem's hard work saw the fruits of labour as he was the kind of boy who was focused and used all the knowledge he had to become a Master chef!

Master Chef!

Kareem was a young boy from a small village in Kerala. Kareem came from a small family that was poor, he lived with his mother and father. From the time Kareem was young he worked very hard to support his family, so Kareem started working in the kitchen and would cook all the food for the house as his parents would work as labourers through the day. As Kareem would spend all day in the kitchen, cooking became his passion. The knife was Kareem’s favourite tool to use, as it was sharp he knew he had to be careful.



One day Kareem’s father asked him “Son what is it you would like to become when you grow up?” and without a second thought Kareem replied "a chef " as he knew that cooking was his calling and passion. Kareem's hard work saw the fruits of labour as he was the kind of boy who was focused and used all the knowledge he had to become a Master chef.

L l

Lock Lamp Leaf


Lily was a ladybug who would love relaxing in the lawn with her friend Leanne. It was a long lawn which was filled with many different legumes, vegetables and fruits. In the lawn Lily and her friend would love visiting the ‘Laughing Lettuce and Lemons’.

There were a lot of lemons and lettuces and they all loved laughing, they would laugh so loudly that little Lily's legs would wobble. One day the lettuce and lemons were not laughing they were crying.

So little Lily asked them why were they crying and the lemon answered that because they had no water that day as it was not raining so they did not get any water and lettuces and lemon trees need water to grow. So Lily quickly flies up to look for water as her friend Leanne wonders what she is doing.

Lily is looking for rainclouds as rainclouds give rainwater and help the lettuces and the lemon tree to grow. She finds a big raincloud hiding up in the sky and tells the cloud about the story of the poor ‘Laughing Lemons and Lettuces’ and so the cloud decides to pour rain on them.

The Lettuces and Lemons are happy again and start Laughing Loudly!


Lily was a ladybug who would love relaxing in the lawn with her friend Leanne. It was a long lawn which was filled with many different legumes, vegetables and fruits, in the lawn Lily and her friend would love visiting the ‘Laughing Lettuce and Lemons’. There were a lot of lemons and lettuces and they all loved laughing, they would laugh so loudly that little Lily's legs would wobble. One day the lettuce and lemons were not laughing, they were crying.


So little Lily asked them why they were crying and the lemon answered that because they had no water that day as it was not raining so they did not get any water and lettuces and lemon trees need water to grow. So Lily quickly flies up to look for water as her friend Leanne wonders what she is doing. Lily is looking for rainclouds as rainclouds give rainwater and help the lettuces and the lemon tree to grow. She finds a big raincloud hiding up in the sky and tells the cloud about the story of the poor ‘Laughing Lemons and Lettuces’ and so the cloud decides to pour rain on them. The Lettuces and Lemons are happy again and start Laughing Loudly!

M m

Mat Moon



Mohit was a mischievous monkey. He was born in Mumbai and raised by his mother before he was taken to be part of the zoo with many more animals.

In the zoo Mohit was the most entertaining monkey.

He would perform a show every Monday after he was trained by his master Murphy. Most people loved his show and would come to watch it regularly.

Mohit was acrobatic and dynamic thus pleasing many people. He would always be rewarded by fruits from the crowd.

Mohit liked mangoes the most.


Mohit was a mischievous monkey. He was born in Mumbai and raised by his mother before he was taken to be part of the zoo with many more animals. In the zoo Mohit was the most entertaining monkey. He would perform a show every Monday after he was trained by his master Murphy. Most people loved this show and would come to watch it regularly. Mohit was acrobatic and dynamic thus pleasing many people. He would always be rewarded by fruits from the crowd. Mohit liked mangoes the most.

N n

Newspaper Nest Nose


Once there lived three friends Neha, Nilesh and Neeraj who were nine years old. They lived together in the same society.

While coming from school on their way the friends saw a pigeon’s nest on the tree.

When they returned from school Neha saw a newspaper lying on the way, she picked it up and threw it in the dustbin.

After the school they came home rested for some time. In the evening Neha ate some nuts and went to play with her friends at Nehru park.

After playing they all went home. Neha had her dinner at night and thanked God for a lovely day and went off to sleep.


Once there lived three friends Neha, Nilesh and Neeraj who were nine years old. They lived together in the same society. While coming from school on their way the friends saw the pigeon’s nest on the tree. When they returned from school Neha saw a newspaper lying on the way, she picked it up and threw it in the dustbin. After school they came home rested for some time. In the evening Neha ate some nuts and went to play with her friends at Nehru park. After playing they all went home. Neha had her dinner at night and thanked God for a lovely day and went off to sleep.

O o

Onion Owl Orange


Once upon a time there lived a boy called Om in Orissa.

Om liked to eat omelet every day for breakfast in the morning. In his house in the backyard he grew onions which were oval in shape.

Near to his house Om had a friend called Omkar who had an orange plants.

One day Om and Omkar came to the market to sell onions and oranges. They sold it at a good price and came back to their home happily.


Once upon a time there lived a boy called Om in Orissa. Om liked to eat omelet every day for breakfast in the morning. In his house in the backyard he grew onions which were oval in shape. Near to his house Om had a friend called Omkar who had an orange trees. One day Om and Omkar came to the market to sell onions and oranges. They sold it at a good price and came back to their home happily.

P p

Pencil Papaya Pigeon


Peter had a bright green parrot.

The parrot use to eat green chillies.

Peter called his friend Penny home to show the parrot.

Penny likes to paint so she painted the picture of the parrot in pink color, because penny’s favorite colour is pink.

Penny gave the picture to Peter as a gift.


Peter had a bright green parrot. The parrot use to eat green chilies. Peter called his friend Penny home to show the parrot. Penny likes to paint so she painted the picture of the parrot pink in colour, because penny’s favorite color is pink. Penny gave the picture to Peter as a gift.

Q q

Queen Quill Quilt


A queen lived in a beautiful castle at very quiet place.

The queen saw a man selling quilts and she really liked them.

The quilt that she had was getting very old so the queen was really sad as it was her favorite quilt.

So queen asked the man, can you show me few quilt? Man replied, “Yes, your highness”.

Queen gets the same quilt as she had so she was very happy to get the same new quilt.


A queen lived in a big beautiful caste at very quiet place. The queen saw a man selling quilts and she really liked them. The quilt was very pretty and she never went to sleep without the quilt. The quilt that she had was getting very old so the queen was really sad as it was her favorite quilt. So queen asked the man, can you show me few quilt? The man replied, “Yes, your highness”.The queen gets the same quilt as she had so she was very happy to get the same new quilt.

R r

Rabbit Rainbow Rose


Rima wore her red rain coat and red gumboots and went out in the rain.

While walking she saw a rainbow in the sky. She played in the rain and came back.

She removed her rain coat and wiped her feet on the rug and sat on her red sofa with her cat. Then she saw a mouse.

She carried her cat and ran behind the mouse, but the mouse ran away.


Rima wore her red rain coat and red gumboots and went out in the rain. While walking she saw rainbow in the sky. She played in the rain and came back. She removed her rain coat and wiped her feet on the rug and sat on her red sofa with her cat. Then she saw a mouse. She carried her cat and ran behind the mouse. But the mouse ran away.

S s

Soap Sunflower Sun


Sima lived near a sea shore. She loved to make castles of sand and collect shells.

It was hot summer, she wore a swim suit and went to the sea.

She was surprised to see underwater creatures like sea snake, sea horse, shells, swordfish, sea weed and starfish.

She went swimming along with the sea creatures.

She spend few hours in the sea and she came out after sun set.


Sima lived near a sea shore. She loved to make castle of sand and collect shells. It was hot summer, she wore swim suit and went to the sea. She was surprised to see underwater creatures like sea snake, sea horse, shells, swordfish, sea weed and starfish. She went for swimming along with the sea creatures. She spend few hours in the sea and she came out after sun set.

T t

Teeth Tiger Tree


Tony was watching television. He worn a red t-shirt and blue track pants.

He went in a taxi to meet his friend Tammy.

They met at the theatre and bought two tickets.

After the movie they were very hungry so they purchased tea and tomato sandwiches and sat in the garden on a tyre and ate their snacks.

Tony also spoke about his trip to Turkey. They had a good time with each other and later they went back home together.



Tony was watching television. He had worn red t-shirt and blue track pants. He went in a taxi to meet his friend Tammy. They met at the theatre and bought two tickets. After the movie they were very hungry so they purchased tea and tomato sandwiches and sat in the garden on a tyre and ate their snacks. Tony also spoke about his trip to Turkey. They had a good time with each other and later they went back home together.

U u

Umbrella Uniform Utensils

Umesh and Urmi’s Story

Umesh had heard a lot about Udaipur. His uncle had come from Udaipur and he had got many unique gifts for him from Udaipur.

Umesh took a u-turn and went up to give Urmi the umbrella that was brought by his uncle.

Urmi happily ran towards her friend, but she fell upside down. As Urmi fell down she got upset.

Urmi was feeling unwell, so Urmi’s mummy took her to the doctor and the doctor gave some medicines to Urmi.

Urmi took the medicines and then she unfolded the blanket and took a nap.

Umesh and Urmi’s Story

Umesh had heard a lot about Udaipur. His uncle had come from Udaipur and he had got many unique gifts for him from Udaipur. Umesh took a U-turn and went up to give Urmi the umbrella that was brought by his uncle. Urmi happily ran towards her friend, but she fell upside down. As Urmi fell down she got upset. Urmi was feeling unwell, so Urmi’s mummy took her to the doctor and the doctor gave some medicines to Urmi. Urmi took the medicines and then she unfolded the blanket and took a nap.

V v

Van Vase Violin

Vikram’s Trip to Vishakhapatnam

There was a small village named Vempadu in Vishakhapatnam.There lived a boy named Vikram. He was very fond of playing the violin. But as he lived in a small village he couldn't afford to buy a violin for himself.

Vikram saw a pamphlet in his house of a violin competition being held in the village. Vikram became sad as he did not have the violin with him.

While crossing the road he met his school friend Virat. Virat noticed the sadness in Vikram’s face. Vikaram narrated his entire story to him.

And then Virat gifted Vikram a new violin. Thus Vikram was finally able to participate in the competition and also won the first prize.

He was very happy and thanked Virat for helping him when he was in need.


There was a small village named Vempadu in and Vishakhapatnam. There lived a boy named Vikram. He was very fond of playing the violin. But as he lived in a small village he couldn't afford to buy a violin for himself. Vikram saw a pamphlet in his house of a violin competition being held in the village. Vikarm became sad as he did not have a violin with him. While crossing the road he met his school friend Virat. Virat noticed the sadness in Vikram’s face.


Vikram narrated his entire story to him. And then Virat gifted Vikram a new violin. Thus Vikram was finally able to participate in the competition and also won the first prize. He was very happy and thanked Virat for helping him when he was in need.

W w

Wolf Watch Well

Wally Likes to Wobble

Hello my name is Walph and this is my friend Wally he is shaped like the letter ‘W’.w w w w….!!!!

The letter ‘W’ is like a wavy sea and so is Wally, this is how one should write ‘W’, one line down then one small line up, then one small line down and then a big line up. Lets try writing it again. A big line down a small line up a small line down and a big line up.

Wally likes to wobble. Wobble..! Wobble..! Wobble..! Some more wobble wobble.

Wally goes to the beach. He wobbles near the water and the water wobbles too..! Wobbling water makes waves. Wally waves at the waves. Wobble wobble wobble.

The baby whale wobbles..! Wobbles…! Wobble.! Wobbles…! The Walrus also wobbles..! Wobbles…! Every one is Wobbling in the Waves and enjoying it.

After all that wobbling, Wally is too tired to walk home. He has an idea.. Wally steps on the wheels under his feet, and off he goes to his home.


Hello my name is Walph and this is my friend Wally he is shaped like the letter ‘W’. w w w….!!!! The letter ‘W’ is like a wavy sea so is Wally, this is how to write a ‘W’, one line down then one small line up, then one small line down and then a big line up. Lets try writing it again. A big line down a small line up a small line down and a big line up. Wally likes to wobble. Wobble..! Wobble..! Wobble..! Some more wobble wobble.


The baby Whale wobbles..! Wobbles…! Wobble..! Wobbles…! The walrus also wobbles..! Wobbles…! Every one is wobbling in the waves and enjoying it. After all that wobbling, Wally is too tired to walk home. He has an idea.. Wally steps on the wheels under his feet. And off he goes to his home.

X x

X-mas tree Xylophone X-Ray


Once there lived a boy named Xavier. He was very fond of celebrating X- Mass.

Xavier loves to play xylophone especially during the X-Mass. He used to gather everybody to decorate and played the xylophone.

One day his friend name Xian broke his xylophone because Xavier didn’t give him his xylophone to play.

Because of that Xavier was very upset and he cried a lot as the xylophone was his first X-Mass gift given by his father and it was now broken.


Once there lived a boy named Xavier. He was very fond of celebrating X-Mass. Xavier loved to play xylophone especially during X-Mass day. He used to gather everybody to decorate and played xylophone. One day his friend name Xian broke his xylophone because Xavier didn’t give him his xylophone to play. Because of that Xavier was very upset and he cried a lot as xylophone was his first X-Mass gift given by his father and it was now broken.

Y y

Yak Yarn Yolk


Yogesh was a young little boy. He wanted to wear a yellow colour yarn jacket.

It was his 7th birthday yesterday, so his mummy made yummy food for him and his friends.

When Yogesh saw so many gifts he shouted Yipeee..! One of his friend gifted him a Yo-yo and he liked the gift.

After opening all his gifts, he was very tired. He was yawning so his mummy put him in his bed. He said Yayy…!! I had a very good time with all my friends today.


Yogesh was a young little boy. He wanted to wear a yellow color yarn jacket. It was his 7th birthday yesterday, so his mummy made yummy food for him and his friends. When Yogesh saw so many gifts he shouted Yipeee..! One of his friend gifted him a Yo-yo and he liked the gift. After opening all his gifts, he was very tired. He was yawning so his mummy put him in his bed. He said Yayy…!! I had a very good time with all my friends today.

Z z

Zebra Zigzag Lines Zip


Once there was a girl named Zoya. She was very fond of animals especially Zebra.

She used to go to zoo and spend time with them.

Once she went for a picnic with her family. There she saw many animals such as lion, tiger, elephant etc.

While she was going ahead she saw a Zebra who was badly injured.

By seeing him injured she got upset and immediately cleaned his wound and made him comfortable and free from pain.


Once there was a girl named Zoya. She was very fond of animals specially Zebra. She used to go to zoo and spend time with them. Once she went for a picnic with her family. There she saw many animals such as lion, tiger, elephant etc. While she was going ahead she saw a Zebra who was badly injured. By seeing him injured she got upset and immediately cleaned his wound and made him comfortable and free from pain.


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