a-star week 3 relationship selling. “don’t celebrate closing a sale, celebrate opening a...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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A-STAR week 3


“Don’t celebrate closing a sale,Celebrate opening a relationship”

- Patricia Fripp

Ꮼ Today everything in work and sales is relationship•Society-Increasing levels of high-

tech leads to increase need for high touch to maintain balance

•Most people are 100% emotional, completely dominated by their feelings

•The friendship factor is the key to all success in selling

Relationship Selling

Relationship Selling

Ꮼ Today everything in work and sales is relationship•The company’s most valuable asset

in the marketplace is its reputation

•And, your most valuable asset is the same; it’s your reputation

Relationship Selling

Ꮼ Key facts about sales relationship :•Sales relationship are hard to form

because of amount of competition in marketplace

•But easy to maintain once formed, if you pay attention to it.

•The decision to buy is the decision to enter a business (married) relationship with you & your company

Relationship Selling

Ꮼ Key facts about sales relationship :•The customer wants a relationship

first, before he or she seriously consider your products or services

•The Law of Indirect Effort , the more you focus on relationship, the more the sales will take care of itself

•In making sales, relationship is more important to customer than products & services

Relationship Selling

Ꮼ Key facts about sales relationship :•“Customer Intimacy” is the key to

high, predictable, repeat sales

•Indifference – (taking your customers for granted) is the main reason for lost customer.

Relationship Selling

Ꮼ The key to relationship selling is trust and high touch.

Ꮼ Relationship is more important where•The larger the sale

•The more people affected

•The longer the life of product, or the longer the time of decision to buy

•First time buyers

Relationship Selling

Ꮼ In modern selling, trust and a good relationship lowers perception of risk

Relationship SellingᏬ The most important RULE in relationship

selling is effective communication

•Ask good, well-prepared questions

•Listen attentively to answer, lean forward, don’t interrupt

•Pause 3 – 5 seconds before replying. Take time to consider what customer has said

•Question for clarification “What do you mean?”

•Feedback, paraphrase what customer has said in your own words

Relationship Selling

Ꮼ Rules of relationship :•The sales begin when customer says


•When customer agrees to buy from you, the customer feels that you owe him or her one

•Your account with the customer is now in a deficit position

Relationship Selling

Ꮼ Rules of relationship :•Do something quickly to assure the

customer that he or she has made the right decision

•Send a “Thank you” note

•Pay special attention to the customer than the sale

•Set up regular call-back schedule and follow it

Everything in selling today isRELATIONSHIP

Top salespeople = relationship experts.They know that quality of relationship

is determinedby amount of time & energy

they invest in that relationship

They are always looking for ways to REASSURE

their customers that the relationship is important to them.

The more emphasis you put on your sales relationship,the more sales you will make

& the more successful you will be

So… review your RELATIONSHIPrepair your RELATIONSHIP

retain strong RELATIONSHIPfor

referrals and more sales…

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