a simple advice to the wedding planners

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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Some simple advice to the Wedding Planners

The most difficult job in this world is reading the mind of the others and what they are thinking and what they want from you. I have been in the wedding business for a decade and I always find it difficult to read the minds of my clients and what they are expecting. Wedding planner may sound easy but if you are in the business you would know how things are. As a planner’s the best thing you can do to satisfy your clients is by understanding what they are feeling and what help they need from you .

As wedding planners we would have associated with different types of couples, where each of their thoughts and ideas differs. Some of them wish to have a tight wedding as they would be running short of budget. Some clients try to save their budget by cutting costs in some of the accessories and transportation. On an average couples spend more cost on wedding venues and dresses so as a wedding planner it is better to plan perfectly when you’re finding the wedding venues and choosing the wedding dresses and attire. As an event planner it is our job to find the best wedding vendors who can offer the things at the best cost that your clients need.

A good wedding planner is the one who has the contacts of the majority wedding vendors and having the clear idea on them, so that it will be easy for them to pick the correct vendor based on the client’s expectation. As a planner it also essentials to know what are things that are available in the market and the best one to buy based on the different wedding themes and season. These are the some simple facts that most of us forget while planning a wedding; I hope this would help some of the newbies who are aspiring to become a professional wedding planners.

About The Author: Iwedplanner is the wedding planning website which guides the brides in planning the dream wedding with our wedding planning apps and various wedding planning tools like Online RSVP tool and more to plan an event. Logon to our website to get more ideas on planning a hustle free wedding.

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