a reliability prediction methodology for led arrays · bo sun 1, jiajie fan 2, (senior member,...

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  • Delft University of Technology

    A Reliability Prediction Methodology for LED Arrays

    Sun, Bo; Fan, Jiajie; Fan, Xuejun; Zhang, Guoqi; Zhang, Guohao

    DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2887252Publication date2019Document VersionFinal published versionPublished inIEEE Access

    Citation (APA)Sun, B., Fan, J., Fan, X., Zhang, G., & Zhang, G. (2019). A Reliability Prediction Methodology for LEDArrays. IEEE Access, 7, 8127-8134. [8600302]. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2887252

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  • Received November 4, 2018, accepted November 28, 2018, date of publication January 3, 2019, date of current version January 23, 2019.

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2887252

    A Reliability Prediction Methodologyfor LED ArraysBO SUN 1, JIAJIE FAN 2, (Senior Member, IEEE), XUEJUN FAN3, (Fellow, IEEE),GUOQI ZHANG4, (Fellow, IEEE), AND GUOHAO ZHANG 11Faculty of Information Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China2College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Changzhou 213022, China3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX 77710, USA4Department of Microelectronics, Delft University of Technology, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands

    Corresponding author: Bo Sun (bosun@gdut.edu.cn)

    ABSTRACT In this paper, a physics of failure-based predictionmethod is combinedwith statistical models toconsider the impact of current crowding and current droop effects on the reliability of LED arrays. Electronic-thermal models of LEDs are utilized to obtain the operation conditions under the influences of currentcrowding and current droop. AMarkov chain-based model is used to calculate the probability distribution ofeach failure mode, including the lumen decay and catastrophic failure. Two types of LEDs were selected fora numerical study. The proposed prediction method provides the realistic reliability prediction results. It isfound that the properties of LEDs have a great impact on their hazard rates of LED arrays. The equivalentresistance, third-order non-radiative coefficient, and radiative coefficient of LEDs are critical to the reliabilityof an LED array.

    INDEX TERMS Catastrophic failure, electronic-thermal model, LED array, Markov chain, reliabilityprediction.

    NOTATIONSX (t) Probability distribution of a system;xi Probability of State i;P Transition matrix of an LED array;n Number of LED strings in parallel;m Number of LEDs in series;hi→j Probability of State i transfers to State j in 1t;hs Hazard rate of an LED string;λ0 LED’s basic hazard rate;TA Ambient temperature;Ea LED’s activation energy;Tj LED’s junction temperature;Pth LED’s thermal power;Rth LED’s thermal resistance;PLED LED’s input power;PRa LED’s radiative power;η(I ) Efficiency of LED with Current I;Vf (I ) Forward voltage of LED with Current I;I (i) Current of LED in State i;Rs Equivalent resistance;V0 Zero-current voltage;η0 Basic efficiency;Ae 1st order non-radiative coefficient;Be Radiative coefficient;

    Ce 3rd order non-radiative coefficient;Ia Total input current of the array;ϕ(i) Relative radiative power of the array in State i;

    I. INTRODUCTIONDegradations including lumen depreciation and color shift,are usually considered as major failure modes of LEDs.The LED’s lifetime refers to the time at which an LED’slumenmaintenance degrades to 70% [1]–[3].Many reliabilityprediction methods for solid state lighting [4]–[8] focuson LEDs’ degradations. In recent years, many novel tech-nologies have been applied to produce more reliable LEDs.For example, the ultraviolet LEDs have attracted more andmore research concern [9], [10]. The under-etching pro-cess and glass substrate technology has been developed forGaN-based LEDs [11], [12]. ZnO nano-particles has beenused to enhance performance and lifetime of white-lightLEDs [13]. Meanwhile, many advanced packaging meth-ods have developed to extend LED’s lifetime. For instance,reliable phosphor materials for white-light LEDs have beenstudied [14]–[17]. Thin film structure and silicon substratehave been used to reduce LEDs’ thermal resistance [18], [19].

    VOLUME 7, 20192169-3536 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.

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  • B. Sun et al.: Reliability Prediction Methodology for LED Arrays

    Graphene have been implemented by LED packa-ging [20], [21]. Remote phosphor technologies have beenutilized for LED lamps [22]. Optimization approaches ofLED packages have been developed [23], [24]. Via these newtechnologies, the effect of lumen depreciation has been highlyreduced. In 2013, it has reported that the lumen depreciationof an LED lamp is less than 3% after 25000 hours’ oper-ation [25]. Currently, LED often has a lifetime as long as25,000 hours [2], [26]. If such trend continues, it is reasonableto believe that the lumen depreciation could be reduced to aninsignificant level in future solid state lighting products.

    Beside the lumen depreciation with aging time, LED’scatastrophic failure, which will result in zero light outputand open circuit [27], [28], is seen as one of major failures.In many area lighting applications, the light source is an LEDarray with many strings. Although the current balancing tech-niques have been developed [29], mainstream applicationsstill connect paralleled LED strings directly. When one ofLEDs is failed, the entire string is disconnect from the array.The current in the remaining strings will redistribute, leadingcurrent crowding and current droop. The current crowdingeffect will bring a higher forward voltage and thus moreinput power [30]. The current droop will cause a decrease ofpower efficiency [31]. Under inferences of these two effects,the LED array will produce more heat and have an elevatedjunction temperature and thus higher failure rate [32], [33].Due to the large number of LEDs, the reliability test for anLED array is expensive and time-consuming. Conventionalsystem reliability models [33] usually suppose that the failurerate of each LED stay at a constant value. Such an assump-tion may result significant errors in reliability assessment ofLED arrays. It is necessary to develop a reliability predictionapproach with consideration of failure rate changing causedby current crowding and current droop for LED arrays.

    In this work, a physics of failure-based prediction method-ology is combined with statistical models to consider theimpact of LED’s catastrophic failure, current crowding andcurrent droop effects on of reliability LED arrays. Electronic-thermal models of LEDs are utilized to obtain conditions ofeach operation status under influences of current crowdingand current droop. LED’s catastrophic failure, current crowd-ing and current droop depend on current operation status, butare independent of the history of operation conditions. Theprobability degradation of an LED array can consider as aMarkov process. Thus, a Markov chain-base model is used tocalculate the probability distribution of each operation statusbased on operation conditions.

    This paper is organized as follows. Section II describesthe proposed reliability model of LED arrays based on theMarkov Chain. In Section III, physics-based models of LEDare described. Experiments and model parameter extractionsare introduced in Section IV. In Section V, two types ofLED are analyzed to predict reliability of an LED array viathe proposed methodology. Section VI concludes this workfinally.

    FIGURE 1. A typical LED array structure.

    II. RELIABILITY MODEL OF LED ARRAYFigure 1 shows a typical LED array. Supposes that thearray consists of n LED strings in parallel, each string hasm identical LEDs. The driving current distributes evenly inall working LED strings. Each string has the same operationconditions and thus the hazard rate. The catastrophic failureof each LED will be considered, which will lead an opencircuit [34].

    For a system has n+1 operation states, probability distribu-tion at time t can be denoted as a set X (t) [35]:

    X (t) = [x0(t), x1(t)...xn(t)] (1)

    As discussed in previous works [36], [37], an electronicsystem with catastrophic failures can be described by theMarkov Chain. Probability variations of the system at timet +1t can be obtained by the following equation [35]:

    dX (t)/dt = X (t) · P (2)

    where P is system’s transition matrix:

    P =

    h0→0 h0→1 · · · h0→nh1→0 h1→1 · · · h1→n...

    .... . .


    hn→0 hn→1 · · · hn→n

    (3)where hi→jmeans the probability of State i transfers to State j.In this work, the overall catastrophic failure of an LED is con-sidered. State x represents that the array has x failed strings.Since the overall probability of the array stays unchanged,thus for any certain i:


    hi→j = 0 (4)

    The catastrophic failure of the selected LED is unrecover-able, hence for any i ≥ j:

    hi→j = 0 (5)

    Therefore, the transition matrix P degrades to:

    P =

    h0→0 h0→1 · · · h0→n0 h1→1 · · · h1→n...

    .... . .


    0 0 · · · hn→n


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  • B. Sun et al.: Reliability Prediction Methodology for LED Arrays

    In the case of i = j, hi→j can be obtained by Eq. (4). Forany i ≤ j, hi→j in the transition matrix can be obtained by thefollowing equation [38]:

    hi→j = Cj−in−i · h

    i−js (i) =

    (n− i)!(n− j)! · (i− j)!

    hi−js (i) (7)

    where the hazard rate of each LED string hs depends onLEDs’ physics-based models which will be discussed in thefollowing section.

    III. PHYSICS-BASED MODELS OF LEDFor an LED stringwithmLEDs, hs(i) can be obtained by [33]:

    hs(i) = m · λ0 · eEaκ[ 1Tj(i)−



    where, λ0 is the basic hazard rate at the ambient temperatureTA, Ea is the activation energy of the selected LED, Tj isthe LED’s junction temperature. In this work, λ0 and Eaare obtained from the empirical models [33], and Tj can becalculated by LEDs’ thermal model.

    The interactions of the junction temperature of chips withina package are not significant [39]. Thus, module-level ther-mal interactions between LEDs may be neglected. Oncethe LED reaches thermal equilibrium point, the junctiontemperature Tj are functions of the component’s thermalpower Pth [40]:

    Tj = Pth · Rth + TA (9)

    where, Rth is the thermal resistance of the LED. In this work,Rth can be from data-sheet or experiments of the selectedLEDs. Without consideration of the lumen depreciation,the Pth can be obtained by:

    Pth = PLED − PRa = PLED · [1− η(i)] (10)

    where η(I ) is LED’s efficiency at current I , PRa is the radia-tive power of each LED which equals to product of PLEDand η(I ), PLED is the input power:

    PLED(I ) = Vf (I ) · I (11)

    For ideal diodes, forward voltage Vf (I ) can be determinedby the following equation [30]:

    I = Is · [eVf (I )/VT − 1] (12)

    For LED in high-current status, Vf (I ) is approximatelyproportional to driving current I [30]:

    Vf (I ) = Rs · I + V0 (13)

    whereV0 can be seemed as zero-current forward voltage,Rs isequivalent resistance of the LED.

    Theoretically, η(I ) is determined by both temperaturedroop and current droop [31], [41]. In comparison with thecurrent droop, the temperature droop becomes negligible.Hence, the η(I ) can be described the following function:

    η(I ) = η0BeI

    Ae + BeI + CeI2(14)

    where η0 is basic efficiency, Ae and Ce are the 1st and3rd order non-radiative power factor, Be is the radiative powerfactor. These current droop related parameters are dependenton material and structure properties of the LED, and will beextracted experimentally in the Section IV.

    As mentioned before, a current redistribution will becaused by the catastrophic failure. Failure of any of the mLEDs in the stringwill lead an open circuit of the entire string.Therefore, current of each working LED string is a functionof number of failed LED strings i:

    I (i) = Ia/(n− i) (15)

    where Ia is the input current of the entire LED array whichusually keeps at a constant value. Therefore, PLED, Vf (I )and ηI ) are also function of number of failed strings i. Thiswork uses the relative radiative power ϕ(i) as failure criteria,which is approximately proportional to lumenmaintenance ofthe entire LED array. According to Eq.(10) to (14), ϕ(i) canbe calculated by:

    ϕ(i) =m · (n− i) · PLED(i) · η(i)

    m · n · PLED(i) · η0=

    Vf (i) · η(i)Vf (0) · η(0)


    As discussion above, the basic hazard rate λ0 and theactivation energy Ea will be obtained from the empiricalmodels [33]. Other parameters, including LEDs’ thermalresistance, parameters of LED’s power and efficiency, willbe extracted experimentally in the following section.

    FIGURE 2. (a) The selected LED package and (b) test plat-from.

    IV. EXPERIMENT AND PARAMETER EXTRACTIONThis work selects a common-used type of LED pack-age [42], as shown in Figure 2 (a). Two types of LED chips,LED A and B, which have different current and temper-ature sensitivities, were integrated into the selected LEDpackage. The rated current and CCT of selected LEDs are20mA and 6000K. Input power of LED A and B are around56mW and 51mW.

    In order to determine to determine RS , V0, η0, Ae, Beand Ce, two groups of samples were tested in five cur-rent levels, from 20mA to 100mA. Simple size of every

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    group is 15. Each sample was placed on a thermal plate insidea 50cm integrating sphere system as shown in Figure 2 (b).Then, the electronic and optical characteristics of each sam-ple, including current, forward voltage, radiant power andefficiency, are measured at different conditions. For eachcurrent level, the temperature of each sample sweeps from303K to 343K.

    FIGURE 3. Voltage curves vs. driving current.

    FIGURE 4. Efficiency curves vs. driving current.

    Figure 3 displays the forward voltage curves as functionsof driving current. The forward voltage curves increase lin-early with each driving current. For each certain current,variations of Vf in different temperatures are less than 0.2V.Therefore, Vf is primarily determined by the driving current.Figure 4 shows the efficiency curves as functions of drivingcurrent. The power efficiency curves decrease with each driv-ing current. For each certain current, variations of Vf in dif-ferent temperatures are less than 3%. As a result, the T-droopcan be neglected in this work. Then, the measured forwardvoltage curves were fitted by Eq.(13), whereas the efficiencycurves were fitted by Eq.(14) by the least square method,obtaining parameters of the LEDmodels. Table 1 summarizesthe averaged values of the model parameters. Goodness offit for Vf (I ) and η(I ) are larger than 0.85. Therefore, fittingcurves have good agreements with tested results.

    In order to determine the thermal resistance Rth of theselected LED packages experimentally, the same groupof samples were tested in room temperature (300K) bythe T3ster system. The junction temperature incrementsTj − TA were measured in different current levels, from20mA to 100mA. The thermal power can be obtainedfrom Eq.(10).

    FIGURE 5. Temperature increment vs. thermal power.

    TABLE 1. Parameters of LED models.

    Figure 5 gives the temperature increment as a functionof thermal power. Then, the measured junction temperatureincrements were fitted by Eq.(9) by the least square method,the average value of Rth can be obtained. As shown inFigure 4, Rth of the selected LED is about 125.9K ·W−1. TheR2 value of Rth fitting is larger than 0.99. Thus, the thermalmodel has a good agreement with tested results.

    V. CASE STUDIES AND RESULTSThe proposed approach provides a general methodology foran LED array with considerations of current distribution andhazard rate changing. A 7 by 10 LED array (7 LED strings,10 LEDs per string) has been selected. An ideal constant cur-rent power supply provides driving current to the LED array.Since junction temperatures and driving current of LEDs willchange with the number of failed LED strings, the actualhazard rate and radiative power of LEDs will be differentfrom the pre-selected values. The LED is pre-selected withthe activation energy and pre-factor of Eα,β = 0.45eV andλ0 = 2.74 × 10−6 (TA=300K), according to the empiricalmodels [33]. The other parameters that appear in Eq. (8)to (14) are listed in Table 1. The relative radiative power isused as the failure criterion. If the relative radiative powerdrops below 70% of its initial value, lumen maintenance

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    FIGURE 6. The selected LED array.

    FIGURE 7. Relative input power.

    may degrade below 70%, the entire LED array is consid-ered failed. The catastrophic failure, which refers to all LEDstrings failed, can be seemed as a special case, owing that theradiative power drops to zero. The details of the results willbe discussed below.

    As explained in Eq.(13), the current crowding lead by areduction of working LED strings will bring a higher forwardvoltage of each LED. Since the total current of the entire arraykeeps unchanged, input power of the array will be increased.Figure 7 displays the relative input power of the entire LEDarray as a function of i/n ratio. The input power of the LEDarray increases exponentially with the i/n ratio. At i/n = 6/7,the array relative input power with LED A and B increaseabout 43% and 15%. According to Eq. (11) and (13), incre-ment of input power is approximately proportional to Rs.Figure 8 displays the relative radiative power of the entire

    LED array as a function of i/n ratio. The relative radiativepower of LED A (Solid Line) decreases to about 65% whenthe i=6, leading lumen decay of the entire array. Meanwhile,for the LED B, the relative radiative power (Dash Line)increases about 3%. The current droop effect has little impacton LED B. The relative radiative power of the LED array willbe always larger than 70% in the selected current range.

    Due to the effects of current crowding and current droop,input power and thermal power will increase if several LEDstrings failed, leading a higher LED’s junction temperature.Figure 8 displays the LED’s junction temperature as a func-tion of i/n ratio. The junction temperature of each LED

    FIGURE 8. Relative radiative power.

    FIGURE 9. Junction temperature curves.

    increases exponentially with the number of failed LEDstrings. When only one of 7 LED strings works, the junctiontemperature of LED A and B rise to about 380K and 336Krespectively.

    The elevated junction temperatures will cause a higherhazard rate of each LED string. Figure 9 displays hazardrates of LED strings as a function of i/n ratio. When thejunction temperature of LED A and B rise to about 380Kand 336K, their hazard rates increase to about 1.249×10−3

    and 2.086×10−4 respectively. Properties of LEDs have greatimpact on their hazard rates, the constant hazard rate assump-tion may bring significant prediction differences.

    In Figure 10, cumulated failure rates of both LEDs areillustrated. The failure probability curves rise exponentiallywith time. In about 20000 hours, failure probabilities increaseto about 33.0% and 8.5% for LED A and B respectively.Moreover, consideration of LED’s properties is critical toreliability prediction of LED arrays. LEDs with better over-driving capability can compose a more reliable LED array.Therefore, the proposed prediction method, which considerselectronic and thermal characteristic of LEDs, may provide arealistic prediction results of an LED array.

    Then, a numerical study has been carried out to investigateimpacts of model parameters on the LED array’s failure

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    FIGURE 10. Hazard rates of LED strings.

    FIGURE 11. Cumulated failure rates of the LED array.

    TABLE 2. Failure probability prediction results.

    probability, including Rs, V0, η0, Ae, Be and Ce. Firstly, eachparameter has increased 20% respectively. Table 2 lists failureprobability prediction results.

    Parameter Be and η0 have negative effects on the LEDarray’s failure probability. Because increments of these twoparameters will reduce thermal power of each LED. Con-versely, increasing of Parameter Ce will produce more heat.Hence, it has a positive effect on the array’s failure probabil-ity. Similarly, higher Parameter Rs and V0 will bring higherinput power, leading a higher junction temperature. As aresult, these two parameters have a positive effect on thearray’s failure probability either.

    Secondly, parameters of LED A will be replaced by rele-vant ones of LED B respectively, to study their contributionsto differences between LED A and B. Table 3 gives thesimulation results.

    TABLE 3. Numerical study results.

    As shown in Table 3, Parameter Ce significantly affectsthe relative radiative power and failure probability of theLED array. If Parameter Ce drops from 1.642 × 10−3 to2.075 × 10−4, the radiative power will always increase withthe number of failed LED strings, and array’s failure proba-bility decreases from 33.0% to 13.6%. It contributes about78% of the differences between LED A and B. ParameterCe and Rs have combined effects on the failure probabil-ity. Replacement of these two parameters contributes about97.1% of the differences between LED A and B. How-ever, owing to less input power, a less Rs value brings lessradiative power. As shown in Table 3, if the Rs value isdecreased from 7.352 to 2.354, the ϕ(6) value will reducefrom 65.5% to 52.4% (Ce = 1.642 × 10−3), or from121.2% to 97.0% (Ce = 2.075 × 10−4). Because of theweaken current droop effect, the rise of Parameter Be partlycancels the influence of Parameter Rs on ϕ(6), and enhancesthe impact of Parameter Ce and Rs on the failure probability.The combination of LED B’s Be, Ce and Rs contributesmore than 99.7% of the differences between LED A and B.In conclusion, as shown in the numerical study, ParameterBe,Ce and Rs have significant impact on reliability of an LEDarray. Consideration of these parameters may provide a morerealistic reliability prediction result.

    VI. CONCLUSIONIn this work, a physics-based prediction methodology iscombined with statistical models to consider the impact ofcurrent crowding and current droop effects on of reliabilityLED arrays. Electronic-thermal models of LEDs are uti-lized to obtain conditions of each operation status under theinfluences of LED’s catastrophic failure, current crowdingand current droop. Based on operation conditions, a Markovchain-base model is used to calculate the probability distri-bution of each operation status, including the lumen decayand catastrophic failure. A 7×10 LED array and two types ofLEDs have been selected for case studies. Finally, a numericalstudy has been carried out to investigate impacts of modelparameters on the LED array’s reliability.

    For LED A, when 6 of the 7 strings failed, relativeinput power increases about 43%, relative radiative powerdecreases to about 65%, junction temperature and hazard raterise to 380K and 1.249× 10−3 respectively. In 20000 hours,failure probability of the array is 33.0%. For LED B, when6 of the 7 strings failed, relative input power and relativeradiative power increase about 15% and 3% respectivelyjunction temperature rises to 336K and hazard rate rises

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    to 2.086 × 10−4. In 20000 hours, failure probability of thearray is 8.2%. For the numerical study, if Ce drops from1.642 × 10−3 to 2.075 × 10−4, the radiative power willalways increase with the number of failed LED strings, andarray’s failure probability decreases from 33.0% to 13.6%.The combination of LED B’s Be, Ce and Rs contributes morethan 99.7% of the differences between LED A and B.

    The proposed prediction method provides more realisticprediction results of an LED arrays. It has been found thatthe properties of LEDs have great impact on their hazardrates. Among LED’s parameters, the 3rd order non-radiativecoefficient Ce, equivalent resistance Rs and radiative coeffi-cient Be have significant impact on reliability of the selectedLED array.


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    BO SUN received the B.S. degree in microelec-tronics from the South China University of Tech-nology, Guangzhou, China, in 2008, the M.S.degree in electrical engineering from Lamar Uni-versity, Beaumont, TX, USA, in 2011, and thePh.D. in electrical engineering from the Delft Uni-versity of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands,in 2017.

    Since 2012, he has been a Reliability Engi-neer with the State Key Laboratory of Solid-State

    Lighting, China. He is currently a Researcher with the School of InformationEngineering, Guangdong University of Technology. His current researchinterests include the reliability and failure analysis of RF and mm-wavedevice and package and the lifetime prediction of photo-electronic devicesand systems.

    JIAJIE FAN (M’14–SM’17) received the B.S.degree in inorganic materials science and engi-neering from the Nanjing University of Technol-ogy, Nanjing, China, in 2006, the M.S. degreein material science and engineering from theEast China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai, China, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degreein industrial and systems engineering from TheHong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong,in 2014. He is currently an Associate Professor

    with the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hohai Univer-sity, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China. He is also a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowwith the Delft University of Technology (Beijing Research Centre), and theState Key Laboratory of Solid-State Lighting, China. His main researchinterests include reliability assessment for LEDs, prognostics and healthmanagement for LED lightings, failure diagnosis and prognosis for electricdevices and system, and advanced microelectronic packaging and assembly.He is a Senior Member of the IEEE. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEEACCESS and a Register of certified Six Sigma Green Belt at the Hong KongSociety for Quality.

    XUEJUN FAN (SM’06–F’19) received the B.S.and M.S. degrees in applied mechanics fromTianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 1984 and1986, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in solidmechanics from Tsinghua University, Beijing,China, in 1989.

    He was a Member of Technical Staff and theGroup Leader of the Institute of Microelectronics,Singapore, from 1997 to 2000, a Senior Mem-ber Research Staff with the Philips Research Lab,

    Briarcliff Manor, NY, USA, from 2001 to 2004, and a Senior Staff Engineerwith Intel Cooperation, Chandler, AZ, USA, from 2004 to 2007. In hisearlier career, he was promoted to Full Professor, at the age of 27, at theTaiyuan University of Technology, Shanxi, China, in 1991, and became oneof the youngest full professors in China at that time. He is currently a Pro-fessor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lamar University,Beaumont, TX, USA, and also a Visiting Professor with the State Key Labo-ratory of Solid-State Lighting, China. His current research interests includethe areas of design, modeling, material characterization, and reliability inmicro-/nano-electronic packaging and microsystems.

    He has published over 180 technical papers, several book chapters, andthree books. He holds several patents. He received the IEEE CPMT Excep-tional Technical Achievement Award, in 2011, and the Best Paper Awardof the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES,in 2009. He is an IEEE CPMT Distinguished Lecturer.

    GUOQI ZHANG (M’03–F’14) received the Ph.D.degree in aerospace engineering from the DelftUniversity of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands,in 1993.

    He was with Philips as a Principal Scientist,from 1994 to 1996, the Technology Domain Man-ager, from 1996 to 2005, the Senior Director ofTechnology Strategy, from 2005 to 2009, and thePhilips Fellow, from 2009 to 2013. He was a Pro-fessor with the Technical University of Eindhoven,

    from 2002 to 2005, and a Chair Professor with the Delft University ofTechnology, from 2005 to 2013. Since 2013, he has been a Chair Professorwith the Department of Microelectronics, Delft University of Technology.His research focuses on heterogeneous micro-/nano-electronics packaging,system integration, and reliability.

    He has published more than 350 papers, including more than 140 journalpapers, three books, and 17 book chapters. He holds more than 100 patents.He was elected as an IEEE Fellow, in 2014. He received the Outstand-ing Contributions to Reliability Research by the European Center forMicro/Nanoreliability, Berlin, in 2007, the Excellent Leadership Award fromEuroSimE, the Special Achievement Award from ICEPT, and the IEEECPMTOutstanding Sustained Technical Contribution Award, in 2015. He isone of pioneers in developing More than Moore strategy when he served asthe Chair of MtM Technology Team, European’s Nanoelectronics Platform,in 2005.

    GUOHAO ZHANG received the B.S. and M.D.degree in electromagnetics theory and microwavetechnology from Southeast University, Nanjing,China, in 1985 and 1988, respectively, and thePh.D. degree inmicro-electronics from theUniver-sity of Leeds, U.K., in 1996.

    He was a Senior Engineer with Epsilon LambdaElectronics Corporation, from 1996 to 1998, and aPrincipal Engineer with California Amplifier, Inc.,from 1998 to 2004. From 2004 to 2012, he was

    with Skyworks Solutions Inc., as a Senior EngineeringManager and a SeniorPrincipal Engineer. Since 2012, he has been serving as the Dean of the Schoolof Information Engineering and the Director of the RFIC Lab, GuangdongUniversity of Technology. He has focused on the development and commer-cialization of power amplifier (PA), LNA, antenna switch, and RF front-endmodule for wireless communication application. He has contributed over30 papers. He holds over 20 patents, authorized or pending. Throughout hiscareer, his research interests are in RF/analog mixed-signal integrated cir-cuits in deep submicrometer CMOS and heterostructure silicon–germaniumbipolar transistors. He received the Skyworks’ 2008 Innovation Award fordeveloping a novel PA structure for modern smart phones.

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