a practical guide to lead generation and social media

Post on 08-May-2015






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Marketing and sales need to work together to find prospects and generate leads via social media. This handbook describes how social media participation can lead to actual leads and sales through content and relationship building.


Paul Mosenson, Founder of

NuSpark Marketing

For sales and business development people to find and nurture prospects through social media

For marketing people to support the sales efforts by providing content, landing pages, and analytics


How Social Media Affects Google Ranking

Strategic First Steps

Blogging for Leads

LinkedIn for Leads

Twitter for Leads

Facebook for Leads






Lather. Rinse. Repeat

Best Practices

Thought Leadership

“Hand shake” stock photo

Your challenge: Find the clichés in the upcoming slides!

Today, proper lead generation efforts need to balance “finding” with “being found”◦ Finding, aka Outbound: Advertising, trade shows,

cold calling. “Hunting for Business”

◦ Being Found, aka Inbound: Blogs, Content, SEO, Social Media. “Bait for Business”

Marketing Creates Educational Content

Marketing Promotes That Content (Ads, Website, Blogs, Social Media, Alliances, Referral Sources)

Sales People also promote content through social media profiles, conversation and discussion, and social media relationship building

Prospect Info Captured with Landing Pages optimized for conversions

Prospects nurtured until they are sales-ready

Go for the close!

Market Intelligence

Identification of Business Opportunities

Build Trust and Credibility with blogs and content

Market Research

Customer Support and Feedback

Search Engine Optimization Benefits

Sales and Marketing: Pay Attention!

•Blogs, Content, Video, Tweets, and Social Network updates are all indexed by Google

•Compelling content attracts audiences- generating links to your site. Quality links means higher search rankings

Search marketers who integrate social media show a 59% higher conversion rate (MarketingSherpa Search Marketing Benchmark


Social media increases the amount of SEO friendly content on the web

Social media generates inbound links

Social media improves the quality of your website traffic

Higher search engine rankings

More organic search leads

Higher quality leads

Increased conversion rates

More sales.




Blog-with links

Remember now…◦ Online Information is free (mostly)

◦ Prospects access information online

◦ Sales is no longer the information conduit

◦ Marketing is responsible for early/frequent digital communication

9 out of 10 business buyers utilize the Internet for solutions to their business problems (Forrester)

Researching your Target Industries and Target Companies

Sales People: Take Notice

Track industries; Track companies; Track Executives

Deliver intelligence via email or feed!

Follow trends, categories, or target companies on Google News.

Create an RSS Feed here as well

Create a Private List and Monitor any Trigger events by your prospects; such as new products or hires.

New Hires!

In the News

Whether it be one fan page or multiple (like SAP), “like” the pages and receive target company news and updates on your own profile.

Use tools like Technorati to search blogs and posts on targeted companies, industries, and topics

•Learn instantly about your brand or other brands and industries

•Hundreds to pick from; both paid and free

The Building Blocks to Make Prospects Interested In You

Attract Prospects

Educate Buyers

Overcome Objections

Establish Credibility and Trust

Build Buzz

Tells Your Story

Your Goals◦ Complement your business objectives◦ Integrate with other marketing efforts

Your Audience◦ Who are your targets and how to they find solutions?◦ What are their problems and how can you help them?

Your Uniqueness◦ What makes you different vs. competitors?◦ How will you communicate that uniqueness?

Your Measurement◦ How will you analyze the success of your efforts?◦ Will your plan include KPIs?

Recorded◦ Podcasts, Webcasts, Webinars, Demonstrations

Distributed◦ Blog Posts, White Papers, Technical Briefs, Case

Studies, e-Books

Traditional Digital◦ Email, Newsletters, Website Copy, News & Reports

A: Landing Pages or pages of your website that provide a direct link to the content by means of a web form. Once the form is filled out, those leads are sent to your email program/list builder or marketing automation platform

• Clearly promotes benefits in bullet-point form

• Very relevant to the campaign

• Striking image; bold headline

• Trust copy; testimonials, case studies, alliances

• Strong call-to-action with easily found form or phone number

Early messages are made to attract attention and “gain permission” to communicate

Middle messages are designed to overcome potential objections or offer deeper engagement: educate and inform please!

Later messages offer reassurance by offering content that supports buyer decisions

Blogs attract those who wish to link to you: That means better search engine ranking

Fresh content keeps your site updated and attracts frequent visitors

Your content establishes yourself as a thought leader in your industry

It’s the starting point for social media participation and dialog

Allow commenting, and respond quickly Comment on other industry blogs; establish your reputation Post frequently so your prospects keep you top-of-mind. In

fact, create a blogging editorial calendar Include offers for lead generation in your blog sidebars:

Need to assign a blogging advocate to manage the ideas, content, roles, and implementation

New blog posts need to be communicated to sales people to utilize with prospects

Again, without providing relevant, engaging content, social media efforts will stumble

Let’s Find Prospects

Include up to three external links (website, blog, free content landing page, RSS feeds)

Include Twitter stream in your profile

Promote your content using LinkedIn apps

Join up to 50; focus on where prospects are

You may send messages to group members without adding them to your network

You may participate in discussion groups; allowing prospects to view your activity, review your profile, and click a link to your website/landing page for lead generation

Say Hello to New Members

Monitor Group Activity for Participation Opportunity

A wide variety of search variables available to find prospects

It’s advised to pay for LinkedIn to add more search variables, such as company size, group inclusion, and seniority level

Searches can be saved, and emailed when there are updates

Communicate to prospects in a tactful, approachable manner; be respectful and offer sound advice or thoughts

Find Prospects With LinkedIn Search

Utilize Profile Organizer

Tag connections by category

Place prospects in custom folders

Keep notes of activity

Review your connection’s connections, and if you find prospects, ask your connection for an “introduction”

Download LinkedIn Toolbar

Or Use Sharing Options from Google Toolbar

Find your landing page that houses your content or blog

•Click the sharing icon in the toolbar

•Comment on the article or content

•Share the content withConnectionsGroupsIndividualsTwitter followers

•Ideally, copy page URL to custom bit.ly link or URL shortener for Twitter use and also for tracking purposes

Send messages to specific subgroups of your connections: By location, or by industry

(Avoid connections that are “friendly” competitors)

Or post to all connections with a simple status update, with your landing page being the link you attach

Target Your Message with your Landing Page Link to Specific Connections

Here’s a Salesforce example to utilize LinkedIn contacts further:

a. Create a campaign on Salesforce

a. Export LinkedIn connections

b. Import into Salesforce

c. This can work with email and marketing automation too

Let’s Find Prospects

Optimize Profile◦ Searchable keywords

◦ Important landing page or website for Lead Generation

Twitter profile with call-to-action free B2B Marketing Guide

•Utilize the list feature strategically

•Get ready to find and categorize prospects; samples of lists:

Industry A prospects

Industry B prospects

VPs and Above prospects

Director and Manager prospects

Current clients

Flexible targeting options including:

•Negative keywords



•Hashtags (#b2b, #marketing, #bmaevent)

•Sentiment or Question tweets

•Sort through results

•Revise search variables if needed

•Seek out people or companies you wish to target

•Save search

Then save the profile to a custom list as suggested earlier

If he follows you back, you now may engage with DMs or direct messages

Interesting content from others: 70%

Feel free to add your comments, i.e. “good read” or “this is interesting”

Your own content: 20%

Same as above, but the URL is your landing page for lead generation

Your own promotions: 10%

Once you establish your content and trust, offer audiences any “sell” messages

Read your prospects tweets when you can

Offer responses, replies, DMs, without overdoing it

Actively build your network

Tweet regularly

Suggest other content prospect may be interested in

Be helpful; Be a trusted advisor

Platforms to manage tweets/followers and schedule multiple tweets

URL shorteners such as Bit.ly to track tweets

Programs such as Twitilyzer and Klout to measure your activity and influence

A Summary of Lead Generation Best Practices

•Link you Blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn Profiles to your Fan Page•Promote Content Updates in your feeds, and utilize links to your landing page•“Like” your current customers and prospects, and engage with them when content is interesting•Consider a separate page or iframe to promote your content or offer•Use Facebook Insights and Analytics to measure social media activity within your fan page

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

YouTube, Flickr, Quora, and all the rest can contribute to lead generation as well. Depending on a social media plan, we can consider the right targets to reach your audience most likely to be interested in you.

Measure Landing Page conversions with Analytics◦ Track traffic from specific blog posts, Twitter,

LinkedIn, and all social media channels

Utilize CRMs such as Salesforce to track sales from social media campaigns

Use lead nurturing tools such as email and marketing automation to transform those marketing leads into sales-ready leads

Alerts sales of sales-ready leads; ready to close!

• By combining custom URL tags made with the Google URL builder, we can track specific content and social media campaigns

• Custom reports with a myriad of metrics and dimensions can be tracked and analyzed

• By measuring goal conversions, married to sales conversions and average sale, we can estimate revenue generated with social media

Goals: Track conversions and sales

Campaigns: Pay-per-click, banner ads, email, offline, social media, mobile

Ecommerce: Product pages, purchases, revenue, cart abandonment

Site Content: Top visited pages, events on pages, entrance pages, exit pages

Visitors: New vs. all, geography, browser, mobile, time spent on site, pages visited

We fully immense ourselves with your marketing goals, target audiences, and culture so that we truly understand your business

We focus on 24/7 customer service. We treat every client the same; no pecking order. No matter how large or small, every single relationship is equal in our view

We spend your budget like its our own; our goal is to maximize investment-seek the best deals, the best promotions, the best added-value. We strive to drive results like no other firm

We will continually optimize and audit to make sure you’re getting the absolute best value

We pride ourselves on win-win relationships. By creating professional one-to-one relationships with vendors, we typically get increased value and that means increased ROI for you

• This is what we do:– Audit each element of your marketing-to-sales

process. Those elements include how you generate visits, how you convert them into prospects, and how you convert those prospects into sales.

– Offer strategic recommendations that will make your current e-marketing strategy work better. Based on our analysis, we’ll provide you strategic direction and tactical execution.

– Execute the tactics: research & planning, implementing, measuring. All efforts will be optimized for success.

Contact Paul Mosenson


(610) 604-0639

Morton, PA





Social Marketing to the Business Customer, Paul Gillen, Eric Schwartzman


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