a pilot on semantic textual similarity

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SemEval 2012 task 6

A pilot onSemantic Textual Similarity


Eneko Agirre (University of the Basque Country)Daniel Cer (Stanford University)

Mona Diab (Columbia University)Bill Dolan (Microsoft)

Aitor Gonzalez-Agirre (University of the Basque Country)

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Motivation Description of the task Source Datasets Definition of similarity and annotation Results Conclusions, open issues

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● Word similarity and relatedness highly correlated with humans

Move to longer text fragments (STS)– Li et al. (2006) 65 pairs of glosses– Lee et al. (2005) 50 documents on news

● Paraphrase datasets judge semantic equivalence between text fragments

● Textual entailment (TE) judges whether one fragment entails another

Move to graded notion of semantic equivalence (STS)

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● STS has been part of the core implementation of TE and paraphrase systems

● Algorithms for STS have been extensively applied● MT, MT evaluation, Summarization, Generation,

Distillation, Machine Reading, Textual Inference, Deep QA

● Interest from application side confirmed in a recent STS workshop:● http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~weiwei/workshop/

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● STS as a unified framework to combine and evaluate semantic (and pragmatic components)

word sense disambiguation and induction lexical substitutionsemantic role labeling multiword expression detection and handling anaphora and coreference resolutiontime and date resolutionnamed-entity handlingunderspecificationhedgingsemantic scopingdiscourse analysis

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● Start with a pilot task, with the following goals

1.To set a definition of STS as a graded notion which can be easily communicated to non-expert annotators beyond the likert-scale

2.To gather a substantial amount of sentence pairs from diverse datasets, and to annotate them with high quality

3.To explore evaluation measures for STS

4.To explore the relation of STS to paraphrase and Machine Translation Evaluation exercises

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Description of the task

● Given two sentences, s1 and s2● Return a similarity score

and an optional confidence score

● Evaluation● Correlation (Pearson)

with average of human scores

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Data sources

● MSR paraphrase: train (750), test (750)● MSR video: train (750), test (750)● WMT 07–08 (EuroParl): train (734), test (499)● Surprise datasets

● WMT 2007 news: test (399)● Ontonotes – WordNet glosses: test (750)

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Definition of similarity

Likert scale with definitions

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● Pilot with 200 pairs annotated by three authors ● Pairwise (0.84r to 0.87r), with average (0.87r to 0.89r)

● Amazon Mechanical Turk● 5 annotations per pair, averaged● Remove turkers with very low correlations with pilot● Correlation with us 0.90r to 0.94r● MSR: 2.76 mean, 0.66 sdv.● SMT: 4.05 mean, 0.66 sdv.

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● Baselines: random, cosine of tokens● Participation: 120 hours to submit three runs.

● 35 teams, 88 runs

● Evaluation● Pearson for each dataset● Concatenate all 5 datasets: ALL

– Some systems doing well in each dataset, low results

● Weighted mean over 5 datasets (micro-average): MEAN– Statistical significance

● Normalize each dataset and concatenate (least square): ALLnorm– Corrects errors (random would get 0.59r)

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● Large majority better than both baselines● Best three runs


● Statistical significance (ALL 95% confidence interval)● 1st 0.824r [0.812,0.835]● 2nd 0.814r [0.802,0.825]

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● Datasets (ALL)● MSRpar 0.73r TAKELAB● MSRvid 0.88r TAKELAB● SMT-eur 0.57r SRANJANS● SMT-news 0.61r FBK● On-WN 0.73r WEIWEI

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● Evaluation using confidence scores● Weighted Pearson correlation● Some systems improve results (IRIT, TIANTIANZHU7)

– IRIT: 0.48r => 0.55r● Others did not (UNED)

● Unfortunately only a few teams sent out confidence scores

● Promising direction, potentially useful in applications (Watson)

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Tools used

● WordNet, corpora and Wikipedia most used● Knowledge-based and distributional equally ● Machine learning widely used for combination

and tuning● Best systems used most resources


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● Pilot worked!● Define STS as likert scale with definitions● Produce a wealth of data of high quality (~ 3750)● Very successful participation● All data and system outputs are publicly available

● Started to explore evaluation of STS● Started to explore relation to paraphrase and

MT evaluation● Planning for STS 2013

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Open issues

● Data sources, alternatives to the opportunistic method ● New pairs of sentences● Possibly related to specific phenomena, e.g. negation

● Definition of task● Agreement for definitions● Compare to Likert scale with no definitions● Define multiple dimensions of similarity

(polarity, sentiment, modality, relatedness, entailment, etc.)

● Evaluation● Spearman, Kendall's Tau● Significance tests over multiple datasets (Bergmann & Hommel, 1989)

● And more!! Join STS-semeval google group

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STS presentations

● Three best systems will be presented in

last session of Semeval today (4:00pm)● Analysis of runs and some thoughts on

evaluation will be also presented● Tomorrow in the posters sessions

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Thanks for your attention!

And thanks to all participants, specially all participants, specially those contributing to the evaluation discussion (Yoan Gutierrez, Michael Heilman, Sergio Jimenez, Nitin Madnami, Diana McCarthy and Shrutiranjan Satpathy)Eneko Agirre was partially funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 270082 (PATHS project) and the Ministry of Economy under grant TIN2009-14715-C04-01 (KNOW2 project). Daniel Cer gratefully acknowledges the support of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Machine Reading Program under Air Force Research Labora-tory (AFRL) prime contract no. FA8750-09-C-0181 and the support of the DARPA Broad Operational Language Translation (BOLT) program through IBM. The STS annotations were funded by an extension to DARPA GALE subcontract to IBM # W0853748 4911021461.0 to Mona Diab. Any opinions, findings, and conclusion or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the DARPA, AFRL, or the US government.

SemEval 2012 task 6

A pilot onSemantic Textual Similarity


Eneko Agirre (University of the Basque Country)Daniel Cer (Stanford University)

Mona Diab (Columbia University)Bill Dolan (Microsoft)

Aitor Agirre-Gonzalez (University of the Basque Country)

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MSR paraphrase corpus

● Widely used to evaluate text similarity algorithms● Gleaned over a period of 18 months from

thousands of news sources on the web.● 5801 pairs of sentences

● 70% train, 30% test● 67% yes, %33 no

– completely unrelated semantically, partially overlapping, to those that are almost-but-not-quite semantically equivalent.

● IAA 82%-84%

● (Dolan et al. 2004)

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MSR paraphrase corpus

● The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is preparing a blistering report on prewar intelligence on Iraq.

● American intelligence leading up to the war on Iraq will be criticised by a powerful US Congressional committee due to report soon, officials said today.

● A strong geomagnetic storm was expected to hit Earth today with the potential to affect electrical grids and satellite communications.

● A strong geomagnetic storm is expected to hit Earth sometime %%DAY%% and could knock out electrical grids and satellite communications.

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MSR paraphrase corpus

● Methodology:● Rank pairs according to string similarity

– Algorithms for Approximate String Matching", E. Ukkonen, Information and Control Vol. 64, 1985, pp. 100-118.

● Five bands (0.8 – 0.4 similarity)● Sample equal number of pairs from each band● Repeat for paraphrases / non-paraphrases● 50% from each

● 750 pairs for train, 750 pairs for test

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MSR Video Description Corpus

● Show a segment of YouTube video● Ask for one-sentence description of the main

action/event in the video (AMT)● 120K sentences, 2,000 videos● Roughly parallel descriptions (not only in English)

● (Chen and Dolan, 2011)

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MSR Video Description Corpus

● A person is slicing a cucumber into pieces.

● A chef is slicing a vegetable.

● A person is slicing a cucumber.

● A woman is slicing vegetables.

● A woman is slicing a cucumber.

● A person is slicing cucumber with a knife.

● A person cuts up a piece of cucumber.

● A man is slicing cucumber.

● A man cutting zucchini.

● Someone is slicing fruit.

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MSR Video Description Corpus

● Methodology:● All possible pairs from the same video● 1% of all possible pairs from different videos● Rank pairs according to string similarity● Four bands (0.8 – 0.5 similarity)● Sample equal number of pairs from each band● Repeat for same video / different video● 50% from each

● 750 pairs for train, 750 pairs for test

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WMT: MT evaluation

● Pairs of segments (~ sentences) that had been part of the human evaluation for WMT systems● a reference translation● a machine translation submission

● To keep things consistent, we just used French to English system submissions translation

● Train contains pairs in WMT 2007● Test contains pairs with less than 16 tokens from

WMT 2008● Train and test come from Europarl

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WMT: MT evaluation

● The only instance in which no tax is levied is when the supplier is in a non-EU country and the recipient is in a Member State of the EU.

● The only case for which no tax is still perceived "is an example of supply in the European Community from a third country.

● Thank you very much, Commissioner.● Thank you very much, Mr Commissioner.

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Surprise datasets

● human ranked fr-en system submissions from the WMT 2007 news conversation test set, resulting in 351 unique system reference pairs.

● The second set is radically different as it comprised 750 pairs of glosses from OntoNotes 4.0 (Hovy et al., 2006) and WordNet 3.1 (Fellbaum, 1998) senses.

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● Mona, Dan, Eneko● ~200 pairs from three datasets● Pairwise agreement:

● GS:dan     SYS:eneko     N:188 Pearson: 0.874

● GS:dan     SYS:mona      N:174 Pearson: 0.845

● GS:eneko   SYS:mona      N:184 Pearson: 0.863

● Agreement with average of rest of us:● GS:average  SYS:dan   N:188 Pearson: 0.885

● GS:average  SYS:eneko N:198 Pearson: 0.889

● GS:average  SYS:mona  N:184 Pearson: 0.875

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Pilot with turkers

● Average turkers with our average:● N:197 Pearson: 0.959

● Each of us with average of turkers:● dan        N:187 Pearson: 0.937● eneko      N:197 Pearson: 0.919● mona       N:183 Pearson: 0.896

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Working with AMT

● Requirements:● 95% approval rating for their other HITs on AMT. ● To pass a qualification test with 80% accuracy.

– 6 example pairs– answers were marked correct if they were within +1/-1 of our


● Targetting US, but used all origins

● HIT: 5 pairs of sentences, $ 0.20, 5 turkers per HIT● 114.9 seconds per HIT on the most recent data we


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Working with AMT

● Quality control● Each HIT contained one pair from our pilot● After the tagging we check correlation of individual

turkers with our scores● Remove annotations of low correlation turkers

– A2VJKPNDGBSUOK N:100 Pearson: -0.003● Later realized that we could use correlation with

average of other Turkers

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Assessing quality of annotation

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Assessing quality of annotation

● MSR datasets● Average 2.76 ● 0:2228 ● 1:1456 ● 2:1895 ● 3:4072 ● 4:3275 ● 5:2126

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Average (MSR data)









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Standard deviation (MSR data)











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Standard deviation (MSR data)








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Average SMTeuroparl

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