a new york farm

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Author : HG Abhiram (acbsp) Das

E-Mail : abhiram.acbsp@gmail.com

Date Produced : September 2016

Editor : RP Bhakti Raghava Swami

Serial No. : 46 of 54


From Harinam to Farm

" From the farms we should get sufficient foodstuffs and these can be sent to be used at our restaurants.”

“So if you start in the cities, nice restaurant, so ghee can be sold there.”

“So you can keep as many cows as possible and collect as much milk from them. You can utilize. And if some of the villagers trained up, they can open nice restaurant in the city. Utilize the ghee, curd, for making nice confectionary. People will purchase like anything.”

Dynamically enhance city preaching

Insatiable appetite of New Yorkers for wholesome foods

Offering a viable lifestyle, not just philosophy

Hugely attractive to the city dwellers

Greatly increase our credibility


DEMONSTRATE an attractive model

Every kind of variety existed

Drill down to principles and find the genius

A practical alternative to the fundamentalist vision of self-sufficiency

Dovetail craving for healthy organic food into business enterprises

First step into a food growing economy

Examples – Krishna Bakery, Gita Nagari Creamery

But we require some way to earn money

Food products most obvious and compatible option

NOT a return to a 18th century type self-sufficiency

Website sales platforms

Farmers’ markets


Contract growing for Whole Foods markets, etc.,

Srila Prabhupada predicted “millions will come to our farms”.

Thousands will join our farm communities.

More fully committed devotees than all of our current preaching programs put together.

That actually works to bring prosperity at all stages

Huge chain of employment and business ownership opportunities

More than 50 farmers markets held all around the city

Whole Foods Market

Hundreds of neighborhood health shops

City council is currently debating a grant of $50m to help preserve the Hudson Valley farm lands

Food trends like vegan and gluten free are more established in NYC than even in California

“The strengths and opportunities we have available to address these (modern) challenges are also impressive. With strengths like deeply rooted farming traditions, excellent soils, young growers eager to explore farming careers, and proximity to New York City markets, the Hudson Valley region is well poised to capture the momentum of the burgeoning local food movement.”

Produce food for sale and internal consumption

Productive community within 80 to 100 miles of the city

Not a place for devotees to retreat from active work

An active relationship with the outside economy

Not dependent on donations from outside

Potential size and scope limited only by us


Appropriate technology

Woodlands too

The alchemist

Ghee to ojhas

Milk to soften hearts

Energizes the soils

'nano nutrient' of her motherly nature

Grain sprouting operation

Extending lactation periods

Herd management systems

Gourmet cheese

Who will actually do the work?

A curriculum and apprentice program

Build genuine food production competency

Curriculum is already abundantly available

Recruits are waiting

sustainable community


joyful AND practical philosophy

completing the 100% equation

HG Abhiram (acbsp) Das

ABOUT THE AUTHORName HG Abhiram (acbsp) Das

Age and Gender 65, Male

Country/Province of Origin USA, Michigan

Educational Degree and Year Self-taught

Educational Institution Extensive Reading of History and Philosophy

Professional Work/Experience CEO and Founder of Several Companies

Affiliation with ISKCON Since 1969

Present Service in ISKCON Director of New York City Harinam Ashram

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