a new threat to water quality. noticed tomato seedlings with damage on the older plants end of dec...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Noticed tomato seedlings with damage on the older plants end of Dec 2014.This worsened & by end of Jan 2015, symptoms were bad on all older plants

3-4 weeks – not too bad

5-6 weeks - bad

Reps were called in & suggestion was 2,4D damage.

End of Jan Prof Mark Laing visited & confirmed he thought it was 2,4D drift.

Sent samples to SABS to test for 2,4D & Picloram

Begin Feb new plantings from Jan were showing symptoms.

Bad symptoms only on older plantings 5-6 weeks old

Theory is accumulates in growing medium and in plant especially with no rain.

Contacted Brain Law about Picloram.

• Brian Law had a problem about 10 years ago in his nursery.

• After many months this was traced to his borehole water which was contaminated by W for W in a watercourse about 1.5km away.

• When he got water from a new source problem disappeared

In Feb conducted trials using dam water & Umgeni water. After 3-4 weeks only dam water showed symptoms.

Begin March results back from SABS confirming no 2,4D but Picloram levels at 0,13 micrograms/litre & in plant at 0.01 micrograms/gram.

Other crops damaged.

Picloram affects all solanaceous crops.Crops damaged in nursery have been tomatoes, pepper, chillies and brinjal

All solanaceous crops moved into tunnels & only Umgeni water used.

Symptoms disappeared almost immediately.

Also if infected plants planted into pots after ± 3 weeks all symptoms disappear

Meetings held with local sugar farmers.

Chairman of Environmental Committee of Midlands N sugar area has banned use of Picloram in all cane areas north of PMB.

Picloram not registered in cane so should not have been used.

In addition Picloram also banned by TIPWIG in forestry as of 31 July

Installed Puricare system which ozonates & UV sterilises water.

This has some affect on the infected water.

Reduces it by ± 30 – 40%

Source of Picloram.

3 possible sources:

1) Farmers – cane & timber farmers using for noxious weed control

2) W for W – using for noxious weed mostly in watercourse

3) Roads Dept – used for spraying along road verges using a fire tanker behind


Common names for Picloram:

• Access

• Browser

• Tordon

• Plennum

• Kaput

Rob Osborne from Cedara took tomato seedlings from Top Crop & watered with 5ppm & 10ppm Picloram.

Results showed same symptoms.

Then poured this water through charcoal filter.

Cleared up all the symptoms of Picloram

Ordered activated carbon filter system through Conns Manufacturing in Cape Town.

This system should be in place June 2015.

Water will be clear of all impurities after this



1) Crop Life – the association representing chemical manufacturers and distributorsIf proactive & insure chemical used according to label, should solve problem. If not next step to hire consultant to appeal to Registrar. 2) W for W – engage with them & reduce or stop use of Picloram

3) Speak to local farmers & Roads Departm to only use Picloram for cut stump treatment

Next business venture going to start a bottling enterprise to compete with Aquelle!


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