a new era, the revolution continues ch. 24 section 2

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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A New Era, the revolution continues

Ch. 24 section 2

Leadership of Lenin• Lenin followed a War economy during the Civil

War in Russia (Gov’t seized grain for army)

• After war people grew upset with system, Draught came and people even more frustrated.

• Wanted to bring back the Czar

New Economic Policy

• 1921, Lenin answers the frustration, abandons the War Economy and creates a new economic plan

• NEP: a modified version of the old capitalist system, Peasants allowed to sell their produce openly and retail stores, small industries allowed to be privately owned and operatedHowever, heavy industry, banking, mines will remain government controlled

• NEP saved the country’s economy

Russia to the USSR

• Lenin and the communists create a new state called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

• In 1924 Lenin dies, his death creates a power struggle among the (Politburo) the communists party’s main policy makers

A Country Divided

• After Lenin’s death the communist party was split over the future direction

• One group led by Leon Trotsky, wanted to end NEP, launch major industrialization of the country, wanted to spread communism a broad

A Country Divided

• The other group rejected a world wide communist revolution, instead wanted to focus on building Russia up as a strong Socialist state and stay with the NEP system

• This group was lead by Joseph Stalin

Country divided

• Trotsky was the commissioner of war, in charge of the armed forces• Stalin had a more Bureaucratic job as party

secretary. – He appointed regional, district, city, & town party

officials. Stalin used his position to gain complete control of

the Communist Party

Stalin Takes over

• By 1929 Stalin had removed the Bolsheviks of the revolutionary era and had absolute dictatorship

• Trotsky was pushed of out the party in 1927 and ended up in Mexico, He was murdered there in 1940, most likley by Stalins orders

The Five Year Plans

• In 1928 Stalin ends NEP and launches his first 5 yr. plan:– which set economic goals in Five-year periods– Purpose: to quickly transform Russia from

agricultural to industrial– The plan increased production and heavy

machinery as well as oil production

Collectivization• Due to the rapid growth in industry many moved

into cities but there was no in vestment in infrastructure.

• Many lived in miserable conditions

• Rapid industrialization led to rapid collectivization of agriculture. – Private farms were eliminated, government owned the

land and peasants farmed it.

Collectivization• Some tried to resist and hoard/ kill livestock

which Stalin responded by increasing the process. By 1930, 10 million households and 1934, 26 million

• The cost of Collectivization was huge, Hoarding food and killing lead to a widespread famine.


• Up to 10 million died in the famine from 1932-1933

• In the Ukraine estimated 5-7 million were forced into famine because of collectivization

• Stalin did make a small concessioneach collective farm worker could have one tiny privately owned plot

Great Purge• To achieve his Goals Stalin strengthened his

control over the party.• Any who opposed him were either killed or

sent to forced labor camps in Siberia• He removed all Bolsheviks and put many well

known ones on trial condemning them to death

Great Purge

• He went after army officers, diplomats, intellectuals and citizens

• About 8 million were arrested many sent to camps other killed like Trotsky

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