a multimodal framework for the communication of the disabled

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Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey, July 16 - August 10, 2007


Savvas Argyropoulos 1, Konstantinos Moustakas 1, Alexey A. Karpov 2, Oya Aran 3, DimitriosTzovaras 1, Thanos Tsakiris 1, Giovanna Varni 4, Byungjun Kwon 5

1 Informatics and Telematics Institute (ITI), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hellas, Greece2 Saint-Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Russian Federation3 Perceptual Intelligence Lab, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey

4 InfoMus Lab - Casa Paganini, DIST, University of Genoa, Italy5 Koninklijk Conservatorium, The Hague, Netherlands


In this paper, a novel system, which aims to provide alterna-tive tools and interfaces to blind and deaf-and-mute people andenable their communication and interaction with the computeris presented. All the involved technologies are integrated intoa treasure hunting game application that is jointly played by theblind and deaf-and-mute user. The integration of the multimodalinterfaces into a game application serves both as an entertain-ment and a pleasant education tool to the users. The proposedapplication integrates haptics, audio, visual output and computervision, sign language analysis and synthesis, speech recognitionand synthesis, in order to provide an interactive environmentwhere the blind and deaf-and-mute users can collaborate to playthe treasure hunting game.


Multimodal interfaces – Multimodal fusion – Sign language anal-ysis – Sign language synthesis – Speech recognition


The widespread deployment of novel human-computer inter-action methods has changed the way individuals communicatewith computers. Since Sutherland’s SketchPad in 1961 or Xe-rox’ alto in 1973, computer users have long been acquaintedwith more than the traditional keyboard to interact with a sys-tem. More recently, with the desire of increased productiv-ity, seamless interaction and immersion, e-inclusion of peoplewith disabilities, and with the progress in fields such as multi-media/multimodal signal analysis and human-computer interac-tion, multimodal interaction has emerged as a very active fieldof research [1].

Multimodal interfaces are those encompassing more thanthe traditional keyboard and mouse. Natural input modes areemployed [2], [3], such as voice, gestures and body movement,haptic interaction, facial expressions, and physiological signals.As described in [4], multimodal interfaces should follow severalguiding principles. Multiple modalities that operate in differentspaces need to share a common interaction space and to be syn-chronized. Also, multimodal interaction should be predictableand not unnecessarily complex, and should degrade gracefully,for instance by providing for modality switching. Finally, mul-timodal interfaces should adapt to user’s needs, abilities, and theenvironment.

A key aspect in multimodal interfaces is also the integra-tion of information from several different modalities in order toextract high-level information non-verbally conveyed by users.

Such high-level information can be related to expressive, emo-tional content the user wants to communicate. In this frame-work, gesture has a relevant role as a primary non-verbal con-veyor of expressive, emotional information. Research on ges-ture analysis, processing, and synthesis has received a grow-ing interest from the scientific community in recent years anddemonstrated its paramount importance for human machine in-teraction.

The present work aims to make the first step in the devel-opment of efficient tools and interfaces for the generation ofan integrated platform for the intercommunication of blind anddeaf-mute persons. It is obvious that while multimodal signalprocessing is essential in such applications, specific issues likemodality replacement and enhancement should be addressed indetail.

In the blind user’s terminal the major modality to perceive avirtual environment is haptics while audio input is provided assupplementary side information. Force feedback interfaces al-low blind and visually impaired users to access not only twodi-mensional graphic information, but also information presentedin 3D virtual reality environments (VEs) [5]. The greatest po-tential benefits from virtual environments can be found in appli-cations concerning areas such as education, training, and com-munication of general ideas and concepts [6].

Several research projects have been conducted to assist vi-sually impaired to understand 3D objects, scientific data andmathematical functions, by using force feedback devices [7].PHANToM™ is one of the most commonly used force feed-back device. Due its hardware design, only one point of contactat a time is supported. This is very different from the way thatpeople usually interact with surroundings and thus, the amountof information that can be transmitted through this haptic chan-nel at a given time is very limited. However, research has shownthat this form of exploration, although time consuming, allowsusers to recognize simple 3D objects. The PHANToM™ devicehas the advantage to provide the sense of touch along with thefeeling of force feedback at the fingertip.

Deaf and mute users have visual access to 3D virtual en-vironments; however their immersion is significantly reducedby the luck of audio feedback. Furthermore effort has beendone to provide applications for the training of hearing impaired.Such applications include the visualization of the hand and bodymovements performed in order to produce words in sign lan-guage as well as applications based on computer vision tech-niques that aim to recognize such gestures in order to allow nat-ural human machine interaction for the hearing impaired. In thecontext of the presented framework the deaf-mute terminal in-corporates sign-language analysis and synthesis tools so as to


Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey, July 16 - August 10, 2007

CSCW Tool (Game)

Speech Recognition

text Text to Sign Language

Sign Language Synthesis

Avatar Animation

Haptic Device

Speech Synthesis

Sign Language Analysis


Synchronised Environment Parameters

Synchronised Environment Parameters

Haptic Force Feedback Interface

CSCW Tool (Game)

Voice Data






Figure 1: Architecture of the collaborative treasure hunting game.

allow physical interaction of the deafmute user and the virtualenvironment.

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents theoverall system architecture, and Section 3 describes the modal-ity replacement framework. Subsequently, Sections 4 and 5present the audio and visual speech recognition modules, re-spectively. In Section 6, the audio and visual multimodal fusionframework is described and the employed algorithms are ana-lytically discussed. In the following, Section 7 presents the pathsketching module using gesture recognition. Then, Section 8presents the sign language recognition module. Finally, Section9 presents the application scenario and conclusions are drawn inSection 10.


The basic development concept in multimodal interfaces for thedisabled is the idea of modality replacement, which is definedas the use of information originating from various modalities tocompensate for the missing input modality of the system or theusers.

The main objective of the proposed system is the develop-ment of tools, algorithms and interfaces that will utilize modal-ity replacement so as to allow the communication between blindor visually impaired and deaf-mute users. To achieve the desiredresult the proposed system combines the use of a set of differentmodules, such as

• gesture recognition

• sign language analysis and synthesis

• speech analysis and synthesis

• haptics

into an innovative multimodal interface available to disabledusers. Modality replacement was used in order to enable infor-mation transition between the various modalities used and thusenable the communication between the involved users.

Figure 1 presents the architecture of the proposed system,including the communication between the various modules used

for the integration of the system as well as intermediate stagesused for replacement between the various modalities. The leftpart of the figure refers to the blind user’s terminal, while theright refers to the deaf-mute user’s terminal. The different ter-minals of the treasure hunting game communicate through asyn-chronous TCP connection using TCP sockets. The interestedreader is referred to [8] for additional details.

The following sockets are implemented in the context of thetreasure hunting game:

• SeeColor terminal: Implements a server socket that re-ceives queries for translating color into sound. The codeword consists of the following bytes, “b;R;G;B”, whereb is a boolean flag and R, G, B the color values.

• Blind user terminal: Implements three sockets:

– A client socket that connects to the SeeColor ter-minal.

– A server socket to receive messages from the deaf-mute user terminal.

– A client socket to send messages to the deaf-muteuser terminal.

The deaf-mute user’s terminal implements:

• A server socket to receive messages from the blind userterminal.

• A client socket to send messages to the blind user termi-nal.

Also, file sharing is used to ensure consistency between thedata used in the various applications.


The basic architecture of the proposed modality replacement ap-proach is depicted in Fig. 2. The performance of such a systemis directly dependent on the efficient multi-modal processing oftwo or more modalities and the effective exploitation of theircomplementary nature and their mutual information to achieve


Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey, July 16 - August 10, 2007

Modality 1

Modality 2

Modality 3

Multi-modal processing/ recognition

Modality Translator

New modality Generation

Modality X Improvement (feature correction)

Figure 2: The modality replacement concept.

accurate recognition of the transmitted content. After the recog-nition has been performed effectively, either a modality transla-tor can be employed in order to generate a new modality or theoutput can be utilized to detect and correct possibly erroneousfeature vectors that may correspond to different modalities. Thelatter could be very useful in self-tutoring applications. For ex-ample, if an individual practices sign language, the automaticrecognition algorithm could detect incorrect hand shapes (basedon audio and visual information) and indicate them so that theuser can identify the wrong gestures and practice more on them.

The basic idea is to exploit the correlation between modal-ities in order to enhance the perceivable information by an im-paired individual who can not perceive all incoming modalities.In that sense, a modality, which would not be perceived due to aspecific disability, can be employed to improve the informationthat is conveyed in the perceivable modalities and increase theaccuracy rates of recognition. The results obtained by jointlyfusing all the modalities outperform those obtained using onlythe perceived modalities since the inter- dependencies amongthem are modelled in an efficient manner.

A critical feature of the proposed system is its ability toadaptively assess the reliability of each modality and assign ameasure to weight its contribution. There exist different ap-proaches to measure reliability, such as taking into account thenoise level of the input signal. The common way of incorporat-ing these reliability values into decision fusion is to use them asweighting coefficients and to compute a weighted average [9].The proposed scheme aims at maximizing the benefit of multi-modal fusion so that the error rate of the system becomes thanthat of the cases where only the perceivable information is ex-ploited. Modality reliability has also been examined in [10], inthe context of multimodal speaker identification. An adaptivecascade rule was proposed and the order of the classifiers wasdetermined based on the reliability of each modality combina-tion.

A modified Coupled Hidden Markov Model (CHMM) isemployed to model the complex interaction and interdependen-cies among the modalities and combine them efficiently in orderto recognize correctly the transmitted message. In this work,modality reliability is regarded as a means of giving priority tosingle or combined modalities in the fusion process, rather thanusing it as a numerical weight. These issues are discussed indetail in the following sections and the unimodal speech recog-nition modules, based on audio and visual information, are de-scribed to illustrate how they can be combined.


Audio speech recognition is one part of the proposed audio-visual speech recognition interface intended for verbal human-computer interaction between a blind person and the computer.16 voice commands were selected to be pronounced by the blindperson. For the demonstration purposes one man was selectedto show eyeless human-computer interaction so the automaticrecognition system is speaker-dependent. All the voice com-mands can be divided into two groups: (1) communication withthe game process; (2) eyeless interaction with GUI interface ofthe multimodal system, as illustrated in Table 1.

Voice command Phonemic transcription Interaction type

Catacombs k a t a c o m s game

Click k l i k interfacek l iDoor d o r game

East i s t gamei sEnter e n t e r game

Exit e g z i t gamee g z iGo g o u game

Helph e l p interfaceh e le l

Inscription i n s k r i p s i o n game

North n o r s gamen o rOpen o p e n game

Restart r i s t a r t interfacer i s t a r

South s a u s games a u

Start game s t a r t g e i m interfaces t a r g e i mStop game s t o p g e i m interface

West u e s t gameu e s

Table 1: Recognition vocabulary with phonemic Transcription

HTK 3.4 toolkit [11] was employed to process speech sig-nal. The audio signal is captured by microphone of webcam-era Philips SPC900 and sampled at 11025 Hz with 16 bits on


Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey, July 16 - August 10, 2007

each sample using a linear scale. Mel-frequency cepstral coef-ficients (MFCC) are computed for the 25 ms overlapping win-dows (frames) with 10 ms shift between adjacent frames. Audiospeech recognizer system uses 12 MFCCs as well as an estima-tion of the first and second order derivatives that forms a vectorof 36 components.

The acoustical modeling is based on Hidden Markov Mod-els (HMMs) with mixture Gaussian probability density func-tions [12]. HMMs of phonemes have 3 meaningful states and2 “hollow” states intended for concatenation of the models (Fig.3). Each word of the vocabulary is obtained by concatenationof context-independent phonemes. The speech decoder usesViterbi-based token passing algorithm [11]. The input phrasesyntax is described in a simple grammar that allows recognizingonly one command each time.

Figure 3: Topology of the Hidden Markov Model for a phoneme.

In order to train the speech recognizer an audio-visual speechcorpus was collected in an auditorium room using USB web-camera Philips SPC900. 320 utterances were used for trainingHMMs of phonemes and 100 utterances for the testing purpose.The wave audio files were extracted from the training avi videofiles using the VirtualDub software.

After expert processing of the utterances, it was found thatthe SNR for audio signal is quite low (15-20 Db) because offar position (about 1 meter) of the speaker in front of the mi-crophone and usage of the microphone built in a standard web-camera. Thus some explosive consonants (for instance “t” or“k”) at the beginnings and endings of phrases are not identifiedin the wave files. In Table 1, some words have several differ-ent variants of transcriptions, it is explained by periodical lossof explosive consonants in the speech signal. 30 % training ut-terances were manually labeled on phonemes by the softwareWaveSurfer, and the remaining data were automatically seg-mented by the Viterbi forced alignment method [11].

The audio speech recognizer was compiled as dynamic linklibrary ASR.dll, which is used by the main executable modulethat combines the modules for audio and visual speech recogni-tion (Fig. 4).

The audio speech recognizer can work independently or joint-ly with the visual speech recognizer. In the on-line operationmode the audio speech recognizer uses an energy-based voiceactivity detector to find the speech frames in audio signal. Whenany speech activity is found the module sends the message WMSTARTSPEECH to the window of the main application as wellas when speech frames are changed by pause frames the mes-sage WM ENDSPEECH is sent. After receiving one of the mes-sages the visual recognizer should start or finish the video pro-cessing, correspondingly. The audio speech recognizer operatesvery fast so the result of speech recognition will be availablealmost immediately after the message WM ENDSPEECH. More-over, the MFCC features, calculated while processing speech,are stored in an internal buffer and can be transferred to the vi-sual speech recognizer in order to fuse these parameters withvisual parameters of the lips region.



C fe





Audio Speech


Visual Speech




t spe




Figure 4: General data flow in audio-visual speech recognitionsystem.


For the lip shape modality, the robust location of facial featuresand especially the location of the mouth region is crucial. Then,a discriminant set of visual observation vectors have to be ex-tracted. The process for the extraction of the lip shape is pre-sented in [13], and is described in brief below so that the paperis self-contained.

Initially, the speaker’s face is located in the video sequenceas illustrated in Fig. 5. Subsequently, the lower half of the de-tected face is selected as an initial candidate of the mouth re-gion and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is used to clas-sify pixels into two classes: face and lip. After the lip regionsegmentation has been performed the contour of the lips is ob-tained using the binary chain encoding method and a normalized64x64 region is obtained from the mouth region using an affinetransform. In the following, this area is split into blocks andthe 2D-DCT transform is applied to each of these blocks andthe lower frequency coefficients are selected from each block,forming a vector of 32 coefficients. Finally, LDA is applied tothe resulting vectors, where the classes correspond to the wordsconsidered in the application. A set of 15 coefficients, corre-sponding to the most significant generalized eigenvalues of theLDA decomposition is used as the lip shape observation vector.

Figure 5: Lip motion extraction process.


6.1. Multimodal Fusion

The combination of multiple modalities for inference has provento be a very powerful way to increase detection and recognition


Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey, July 16 - August 10, 2007

performance. By combining information provided by differ-ent models of the modalities, weakly incorrect evidence in onemodality can be corrected by another modality. Hidden MarkovModels (HMMs) are a popular probabilistic framework for mod-elling processes that have structure in time. Especially, for theapplications that integrate two or more streams of data, CoupledHidden Markov Models (CHMMs) have been developed.

A CHMM can be considered as a collection of HMMs, onefor each data stream, where the hidden backbone nodes at timet for each HMM are conditioned by the backbone nodes at timet−1 for all the related HMMs. It must be noted that CHMMs arevery popular among the audio-visual speech recognition com-munity, since they can model efficiently the endogenous asyn-chrony between the speech and lip shape modalities. The pa-rameters of a CHMM are described below:

πc0(i) = P (qc

t = i) (1)bct(i) = P (Oc

t |qct = i) (2)

aci|j,k = P (qc

t = i|qAt−1 = j, qL

t−1 = k) (3)

where qct is the state of the coupled node in the cth stream at

time t, πc0(i) is the initial state probability distribution for state

i in cth stream, Oct is the observation of the nodes at time t in

the cth stream, bct(i) is the probability of the observation giventhe i state of the hidden nodes in the cth stream, and ac


is the state transitional probability to node i in the cth stream,given the state of the nodes at time t− 1 for all the streams. Thedistribution of the observation probability is usually defined asa continuous Gaussian Mixture. Fig. 6 illustrates the CHMMemployed in this work. Square nodes represent the observablenodes whereas circle nodes denote the hidden (backbone) nodes.




Hidden State

Figure 6: Coupled HMM for audio and visual information fu-sion.

One of the most challenging tasks in automatic speech recog-nition systems is to increase robustness to environmental con-ditions. Although the stream weights needs to be properly esti-mated according to noise conditions, they can not be determinedbased on the maximum likelihood criterion. Therefore, it is veryimportant to build an efficient stream weight optimization tech-nique to achieve high recognition accuracy.

6.2. Modality Reliability

Ideally, the contribution of each modality to the overall outputof the recognition system should be weighted according to a re-liability measure. This measure denotes how each observationstream should be modified and acts as a weighting factor. In gen-eral, it is related to the environmental conditions (e.g., acousticnoise for the speech signal).

The common way of incorporating these reliability valuesinto decision fusion is to use them as weighting coefficients and

to compute a weighted average. Thus, the probability bm(Ot)of a feature Ot for a word m is given by:

bm(Ot) = wA · bA(OAt ) + wL · bL(OL

t )) (4)

where bA(OAt ), and bL(OL

t ) are respectively the likelihoods foran audio feature OA

t and a lip shape feature OLt . The parameters

wA and wL are audio and lip shape weights, respectively, andwA + wL = 1.

In the proposed method, a different approach is employedto determine the weights of each data stream. More specifi-cally, for each modality, word recognition is performed using aHMM for the training sequences. The results of the (unimodal)word recognition indicate the noise levels in each modality andprovide an approximation of their reliability. More specifically,when the unimodal HMM classifier fails to identify the transmit-ted words it means that the observation features for the specificmodality are unreliable. On the other hand, a small word er-ror rate using only one modality and the related HMM meansthat the corresponding feature vector is reliable and should befavoured in the CHMM.

6.3. Word Recognition

The word recognition is performed using the Viterbi algorithm,described above, for the parameters of all the word models. Itmust be emphasized that the influence of each stream is weightedat the recognition process because, in general, the reliability andthe information conveyed by each modality is different. Thus,the observation probabilities are modified as:

bAt (i) = bt(OAt |qA

t = i)wA (5)

bLt (i) = bt(OLt |qL

t = i)wL (6)

where wA and wL are respectively the weights for audio and lipshape modalities and wA + wL = 1. The values of wA and wL

are obtained using the methodology of section 6.2.


In this revised version of the Treasure Hunting Game, the en-gagement of deaf-and mute players is improved by path sketch-ing based on gesture modality. The user can interact with theinterface by means of a gesture performed by his/her hand tonavigate on the village map and to explore the main areas ofthis map (e.g., temple, catacombs). This real time navigationprocess is implemented in the three steps: Hand detection, tra-jectory extraction, and sketching.

7.1. Hand Detection

Detection and tracking was a non trivial step because occlusionscan occur due to overlap of each hand on the other or of theother skin colored regions (e.g., face and harms). To solve thisproblem and to make the detection easier a blue glove was wornfrom the player. In this way, we could deal with detection andtracking of hand exploiting techniques based on color blobs.

The colored region is detected via the histogram approachas proposed in [14]. Double thresholding is used to ensure con-nectivity, and to avoid spikes in the binary image. The scheme iscomposed of training the histogram and threshold values for fu-ture use. To cancel the noise, we selected the largest connectedcomponent of the detected regions into consideration. Thus wehad only one component identified as hand.


Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey, July 16 - August 10, 2007

7.2. Hand Tracking and Trajectory extraction

The analysis of hand motion is performed by tracking the centerof mass (CoM) and calculating the velocity of each segmentedhand. However, these hand trajectories are noisy due to the noiseintroduced at the segmentation step. Thus, we use Kalman fil-ters to smooth the obtained trajectories. The initialization ofthe Kalman Filter is done when the hand is first detected in thevideo. At each frame, Kalman filter time update equations arecalculated to predict the new hand position. The hand posi-tion found by the hand segmentation is used as measurementsto correct the Kalman Filter parameters. Posterior states of eachKalman filter is defined as feature vectors for x, y coordinates ofCoM and velocity. The hand can be lost due to occlusion or badlighting in some frames. In that case, Kalman Filter prediction isdirectly used without correcting the Kalman Filter parameters.The hand is assumed to be out of the camera view if no hand canbe detected for some number of (i.e. six) consecutive frames.

7.3. Sketching on the map

The extracted trajectory is then superimposed to the map, so thatplayer can sketch directly the path on the map during the wholegame.

Hand gestures performed by player were encoded with re-spect to the elongation of the hand. Positions of the hand wereused as drawing controller, when player puts the hand in thevertical position with respect to the ground, drawing is enabled(Fig. 7a) and s/he can start to sketch trajectory on the map.When the hand is moved to the horizontal position with respectto the ground, the drawing is disabled (Fig. 7b). If the usermoves her/his hand to the top left corner of the map, the draw-ing is deleted and the user may start from the beginning.

(a) (b)

Figure 7: The detected binary hand. The elongation of the handsets whether the drawing is (a) on or (b) off.

The predefined locations on the map are used as the startand stop locations of the path. The drawing only starts when theuser is around the starting position and the drawing ends whenthe path reaches to the stopping position (Fig. 8).


Figure 9 depicts the steps in sign recognition. The first step inhand gesture recognition is to detect and track both hands. Thisis a complex task because the hands may occlude each other andalso come in front of other skin colored regions, such as the armsand the face. To make the detection problem easier, we haveused colored gloves worn on the hand (see Fig. 10). Once thehands are detected, a complete hand gesture recognition system

Figure 8: The sketched trajectory on the map.

Sign LanguageVideo

Hand Detectionand Segmentation

Hand Motioncenter of mass,


Hand Positionwith other hand

Hand Shapeellipse width,height, angle


HMM likelihood foreach sign

Final Decision

select the sign with themaximum likelihood

Figure 9: Sign language recognition system block diagram.

must be able to extract the hand shape, and the hand motion. Wehave extracted simple hand shape features and combined themwith hand motion and position information to obtain a combinedfeature vector [15].

Our sign database consists of four ASL signs for directions:north, south, east, and west. For each sign, we recorded 15repetitions from two subjects. The video resolution is 640*480pixels and the frame rate is 25 fps. A left-to-right continuousHMM model with no state skips is trained for each sign in thedatabase. For the final decision, likelihoods of HMM for eachsign class are calculated and the sign class with the maximumlikelihood is selected as the base decision.


The aforementioned technologies where integrated in order tocreate an entertainment scenario. The scenario consists of sevensteps. In each step one of the users has to perform one or moreactions in order to pass successfully to the next step. The story-board is about an ancient city that is under attack and citizens ofthe city try finding the designs in order to create high technology


Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey, July 16 - August 10, 2007

Figure 11: The seven steps of the virtual game.


Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey, July 16 - August 10, 2007

Figure 10: The user wearing colored gloves.

war machines.In the first step, the blind user receives an audio message

and is instructed to “find a red closet”. Subsequently, the blinduser explores the village using the haptic device.

In the second step, the deaf-and-mute person receives theaudio message which is converted to text using the speech recog-nition tool and then to sign language using the sign synthesistool. Finally, the user receives the message as a gesture throughan avatar, as depicted in Fig. 12. This message guides the deaf-and-mute user to the town hall, where the mayor provides theaudio message “Go to the temple ruins”.

The third step involves the blind user, who hears the mes-sage said by the mayor and goes to the temple ruins. In thetemple ruins the blind user has to search for an object that hasan inscription written on it. One of the columns has an inscrip-tion written on it that states, “The dead will save the city”. Theblind user is informed by an audio message whenever he findsthis column and the message is sent to the deaf-mute user’s ter-minal.

The fourth step involves again the deaf and mute user. Theuser receives the written text in sign language form. The textmodality is translated to sign language symbols using the signsynthesis tool. Then the deaf and mute user has to understandthe meaning of the inscription “The dead will save the city” andgo to the cemetery using the mouse where he/she finds a keywith the word “Catacombs” written on it.

In the fifth step, the text-to-speech (TTS) tool is employed totransform the instructions written on the key (“CATACOMBS”)to an audio signal that can be perceived by the blind user. Theuser has to search for the catacombs enter in them and find thebox that contains a map (Fig. 11). The map is then sent to thenext level.

In the sixth step, the deaf user receives the map, and hasto draw the route to the area where the treasure is hidden. Theroute is drawn on the map and the map is converted to a groovedline map, which is send to for the last level to the blind user.

In the seventh step, the blind user receives the grooved linemap and has to find and follow the way to the forest where thetreasure is hidden. Although the map is presented again as a2D image the blind user can feel the 3D grooved map and fol-

Figure 12: Sign language synthesis using an avatar.

low the route to the forest. The 2D image and the 3D map areregistered and this allows us to visualize the route that the blinduser actually follows on the 2D image. The blind user is askedto press the key of the PHANToM device while he believes thatthe PHANTOM cursor lies in the path. Finally, after finding theforest he obtains a new grooved line map where the blind userhas to search for the final location of the treasure. After search-ing in the forest streets the blind user should find the treasure.


In this paper, a novel system for the communication betweendisabled used and their effective interaction with the computerwas presented based on multimodal user interfaces. The mainobjective was to address the problem caused by the fact that im-paired individuals, in general, do not have access to the samemodalities. Therefore, the transmitted signals were translatedinto a perceivable form. The critical point for the automatictranslation of information is the accurate recognition of the trans-mitted content and the effective transformation into another form.Thus, an audio-visual speech recognition system was employedto recognize phonetic commands from the blind user. The trans-lation of the commands for the deaf-mute was performed usinga sign synthesis module which produces an animation with anavatar. On the other hand, the deaf-mute user interacts usingsign language and gestures. The system incorporates a modulewhich is capable of recognizing user gestures and translate themusing text-to-speech applications. As an application scenario,the aforementioned technologies are integrated in a collabora-tive treasure hunting game which requires the interaction of theusers in each level. Future work will focus on the extension ofthe developed modules in order to support larger vocabulariesand enable more natural communication of the users. Further-more, the structure of the employed modalities should be studiedmore to reveal their inter- dependencies and exploit their com-plementary nature more effectively.


This work was supported by the EU funded SIMILAR Networkof Excellence.


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Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey, July 16 - August 10, 2007

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Savvas Argyropoulos (S’04) received theDiploma degree in electrical and com-puter engineering from the Aristotle Uni-versity of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Thessa-loniki, Hellas, in 2004, where he is cur-rently pursuing the Ph.D. degree. He holdsteaching and research assistantship posi-tions at AUTH. He is also a graduate Re-search Associate with the Informatics andTelematics Institute, Centre for Research

and Technology Hellas. Since 2005, he has participated in sev-eral research projects funded by the EC. His research interestsinclude distributed source coding, video coding/transmission,multimodal signal processing, and biometric recognition.Email: savvas@ieee.org

Konstantinos Moustakas received theDiploma degree in electrical and computerengineering and the PhD degree in virtualreality from Aristotle University of Thes-saloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2003and 2007 respectively. Currently, he is apostdoctoral research fellow in the Infor-matics and Telematics Institute, Centre forResearch and Technology Hellas, Thessa-loniki. His main research interests include

virtual reality, collision detection, haptics, deformable objectmodeling and simulation, 3D content-based search, computervision, and stereoscopic image processing. During the last threeyears, he has been the (co)author of more than 40 papers in ref-ereed journals, edited books, and international conferences. Dr.Moustakas serves as a regular reviewer for various internationalscientific journals. He has also been involved in many projectsfunded by the EC and the Greek secretariat of Research andTechnology. He is a member of the IEEE and the TechnicalChamber of Greece.Email: moustak@iti.gr

Alexey A. Karpov received the M.S.Diploma from St. Petersburg State Univer-sity of Airspace Instrumentation and Ph.D.degree in computer science from St. Pe-tersburg Institute for Informatics and Au-tomation of the Russian Academy of Sci-ences (SPIIRAS), in 2002 and 2007, re-

spectively. Currently he is a researcher of Speech Informat-ics Group of SPIIRAS. His main research interests include au-tomatic speech and speaker recognition, multimodal interfacesbased on speech and gestures, computer vision techniques. Hehas been the (co)author of more than 50 papers in refereed jour-nals and international conferences. He has also been involvedin SIMILAR Network of Excellence funded by the EC as wellas several research projects funded by EU INTAS associationand Russian scientific foundations. He is a member of organiz-ing committee of International Conferences “Speech and Com-puter” SPECOM.Email: karpov@iias.spb.su


Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’07 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey, July 16 - August 10, 2007

Oya Aran received the BS and MSdegrees in Computer Engineering fromBogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey in2000 and 2002, respectively. She is cur-rently a PhD candidate at Bogazici Univer-sity working on dynamic hand gesture andsign language recognition. Her researchinterests include computer vision, patternrecognition and machine learning.Email: aranoya@boun.edu.tr

Dimitrios Tzovaras received the Diplomadegree in electrical engineering and thePh.D. degree in 2-D and 3-D imagecompression from Aristotle University ofThessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, in1992 and 1997, respectively. He is cur-rently a Senior Researcher Grade B in theInformatics and Telematics Institute of theCentre for Research and Technology Hel-las in Thessaloniki, Greece. Prior to his

current position, he was a Senior Researcher on 3-D imag-ing at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His main re-search interests include virtual reality, assistive technologies,3-D data processing, haptics and semantics in virtual environ-ments. His involvement with those research areas has led to theco-authoring of more than 50 papers in refereed journals andmore than 150 publications in international conferences. He hasserved as a regular reviewer for a number of international jour-nals and conferences. Since 1992, he has been involved in morethan 100 projects in Greece, funded by the EC and the GreekMinistry of Research and Technology. Dr. Tzovaras is a mem-ber of the Technical Chamber of Greece.Email: dimitrios.tzovaras@iti.gr

Thanos Tsakiris received the BSc inComputer Science from the Aristotle Uni-versity of Thessaloniki in 2000 and theMSc in Computer Games Technologyfrom the University of Abertay Dundeein 2001. He is currently working inITI/CERTH as a research associate in the

fields of 3D Graphics,VR and HCI.Email: atsakir@iti.gr

Giovanna Varni was born in Genoa(Italy), in 1979. She received summa cumlaude her master’s degree in BiomedicalEngineering at the University of Genoa in2005. She is currently PhD Student at In-foMus Lab (DIST, University of Genoa)where she is working on multimodal feed-back and multimodal streams data analy-sis.Email: giovanna@infomus.dist.unige.it

Byungjun Kwon was born in Seoul, Ko-rea. He received his bachelor’s degree inFrench language and literature from SeoulNational University (1996) and master’sin Art- Science from Royal Conserva-tory, the Hague, Netherlands (2008). Hestarted his musical career in early 90’sas a singer/songwriter and has released7 albums ranging from alternative rockto minimal house. He creates music for

records, sound tracks, fashion collections, contemporary dance,theatre plays and interdisciplinary events. Recent works andperformances have been presented in many international venues.Now he lives and works in Amsterdam.Email: byungjun@gmail.com


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