a milliondollarsapprovedfor researehat80differentinstitotions · edward w. burke, jr., king...

Post on 30-Sep-2020






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A Million Dollars Approved for Researeh at 80 Different Institotions





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Some 90 different applications to do re­search in the natural and physical sci­ences received favorable considerationat the May meeting of Research Cor­poration's Cottrell Program AdvisoryCommittee.

Of the total amount, the committeerecommended $593,572 to fund 50projects under the Cottrell ResearchProgram, which supports basic researchin the physical sciences at graduate andpublic undergraduate institutions. Anadditional $451,283 was voted for an­other 40 research proposals in the Cot­trell College Science Program. Thissecond Cottrell subdivision is open tofaculty members in the natural sciencesat private undergraduate colleges.

Taking advantage of "my last meet­ing to be attended as president of Re­search Corporation," James S. Colesthanked committee members for theirservice to the foundation and the ad­vancement of academic science. Dr.Coles, who retired in June, remains amember of the grants advisory commit­tee which will consider pending appli­cations at its regular October meeting .

Cottrell Research ProgramNEAL B. ABRAHAM, Bryn Mawr College: Studiesof the onset and characterist ics of Instabilities inthe output of single-mode, high-ga in gas lasers­$13,900HARMON B. ABRAHAMSON, Unlyersity of Okla­homa at Norman: Sulfur monoxide complexes­$9,757HECTOR D. ABRUNA, UniYerslty of Puerto Rico :Electroanalysis with chemically modified alec ­trodes-$12,OOO

ROBERT G. AITKEN, Unlyersity of Colorado: Astudy of the crit ical behav ior of the re-entrantferromagnet-to-spin-glass trans ition in amorphousmetglas alloys by means of specific heat measure ­ments-$6,200

SANFORD A. ASHER, UnlYeralty of Pilleburgh: UVresonance Raman studies of aromatic molecules­$10,000

STEPHEN G. BAXTER, Tufte Uniyersity: The cyclo­addition chemistry of phospha-alkenes-$10,900

RONALD J. BIENIEK, Uniyerslly of Missouri-Rolla:Tractable theoretical methods for analyzing molec­ular collisions-$6,5oo

STEPHEN E. BRANZ, San Jon State UnlYaralty :Synthetic analogs of ionophore antibiotic A-23187(two-year program)-$10,000

WAYNE E. BRITTON, University of Texaa at Dai'ae:Electrochemistry of the perfluorcyclobutyl- andperfluorocyclopentylbenzenes and cyclooctatetra­enes-$5,712

GARY W. BRUDVIG, Yala Unlyersity: Electron para­magnetic resonance studies of the paramagneticcenters involved in photosynthetic O2 evolution­$15,800

DAVID S. CAFISO, UnlYeralty of Virginia: Molec­ular basis lo r membrane excitation-$12,500

ALAN CAMPION, Unlyers ity of Texaa at AuaUn:Raman studies 01 molecules adsorbed on metalsurfaces-$20 ,OOO

FRANK J. CASTORA, UnlYerslty of Maryland,Baltimore County: Evolution of mtDNA: Do differ­ent reg ions 01 the mitochondrial genome evolve atdifferent rates 1-$13,OooJ . DAVID COHEN. University of Oragon : Propert ies01 electronic gap states in hydrogenated amor­phous sil icon -$24,000

JUDITH G. COHEN, California InsUtute of Tech·nology: Novae in M81 and M101-$15,OOO

JOSEPH K. DAUGHERTY, Unlyerslty of NorthCarolina-Aahevllle: Investigation of electromag­netic conversion processes in neutron star mag­netospheres-$4,l10

JULIAN A. DAVIES, University of Toledo: Carbon­hydrogen bond activation in alkanes and arenes­$10,000

LANCE E. DeLONG, University of Kentucky: Stud­ies 01 superconductivity in exchange-enhancedPauli paramagnets-$18,008

ROBERT W. DUNFORD, Princeton Uniyerslty: Par­ity nonconservallon in singly ionized helium­$20,300

W. FARRELL EDWARDS, Utah State University: Astudy of magnet ic merging and reconnection usinga new elec tromagnetic lormalism-$l ,500

THOMAS ERBER, IlIInoil Inltltute of Technology:Hysteres is synchrotron radiat ion-$670

FEREYDOON FAMILY, Emory Unlyerslty: Develop­ment and app lication of direct renormallzat iongroup approach to polymers-$6,OOO

DONALD L. FEKE, Can Weltem Renrve Unlver­Ilty: Measurements 01 coupled primary- and sec­ondary-minimum coagulation rates in colloidal dis­persions-$12,800

CYNTHIA M. FRIEND, Harvard University: Surfacechemical and photochemical studies of hydrocar­bons adsorbed on group VIB transition metals­$24,650

JOSEPH R. GANDLER, California State Unlyerslty,Frelno: Ac id·base catalysis : The conversion ofalcohols into carbocatlons-$6.605

REINHARD GENZEL, Univeralty of Callfomia, Berk­eley: Far-inlrared and submill imeter laser forastronomical spectroscopy-$20 ,OOO

RUSSELL W. GIANNETTA, Princeton Uniyerslty:Electron ic properties of charged 'He films-$12,OOO

FLORENCE K. GLEASON, Unlye ralty of Mlnnelola,Navarra: Isolat ion and characterization of anUbi­otics from freshwater cyanobacteria-$8,OOO

CHRISTOPHER M. GOULD, UnlYerslty of SouthemCalifornia: Electron transport in disordered mate­rials at ullralow temperatures-$16,500

CLIVE G. JONES, New York Botanical Garden,Cary Arboretum: Chemical ecology 01 sweet fern,Comptonta pereg rina (Myricaceae) (two-year pro­gram)-$10,OOO

ALISTAIR J. LEES, State University of New York atBinghamton : Excited state properties 01 substitutedgroup 6B metal carbonyls-$15,OOO

NATHAN S. LEWIS, Stanford Unlveralty: Catalys isof slugg ish electrode reactions by surface modifi ­cation : derivalization 01 electrode surfaces with en­zymes and prote lns-$15.000

ERIC A. MAATIA, Kanlal State Univeralty: Newsynthetic routes to sulfur-bridged complexes con­taining iron and molybdenum-$10,000

JAMES V. MAHER, Unlyerslty of Plttlburgh: Thestatistical physics of the turbulent mixing of fluids-$17,000

STEVEN H. MARGOLIS, Washington University:Low-energy trap ped particles in planetary radia­tion bells-$2.250

A. R. MARLOW, Loyola Univeralty, La.: Relativityfrom quantum theory-$620

DENNIS S. MARYNICK , Unlvarslty of Texae at Ar­Iinglon: Localized bonding patterns and structurein trans ition metal complexes-$4,400

ROBERT L. MERLINO, University of Iowa : Ener­getic upstream ing ions-a laboratory simulation­$12,500

DAVID L. MONTS, Unlyeraity of Arkanlaa: Use ofhydrogen bonds to probe intramolecular energyredistribut ion-$18,775

JEANNE E. PEMBERTON, Unlyerslty of Arizona:Surface enhanced Raman scallering at novelmixed-metal electrode surfaces and its relation tosurlace electronic structure-$14,ooO

ROBERT M. PIRTLE, North Texal State University:Iso lation of a mRNA coding for a major protein inthe Acanthamoebae plasma membrane-$10,OOO

ROBIN D. ROGERS, Northem IlIInoll University:Preparation and characterization of novel organo ­act inide complexes-$8,425

ANGELO R. ROSSI. Uniyerslty of Connecticut: Theelectronic struc ture of open-shell molecular ca­tions-$7,000

ERIC A. SCHIFF, Syracule University: Photocon­ductive characterization 01 amorphous hydrogen­ated sillcon-$15 ,OOO

ROBERT W. SHAW, Texal Tech Unlverllty: Elec ­tron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy andrapid kinetics of metalloenzymes-$12,500

JOHN W. SHRIVER, Southam IlIInoll Unlveralty:Thermodynamics of the myosin power-stroke fromtemperature dependent mechanical parameters ofmuscle libers- $11,540

WILLIAM R. SNYDER, Northem IIl1noll Unlveralty:Boronic acid analogs 01 phospho lip ids as inhibi·tors of phosphol ipase C-$15,6OO

JOHN A. TANIS and E. M. BERNSTEIN, WestemMichigan Unlyeralty: Correlated X·ray chargechanging intaractl ons in heavy lon-atom collisions-$9,550

MARK H. THIEMENS, Unlyerslly of Callfomla, SanDiego: Oxygen isotopic analysis of atmosphericoxygen-$15,000

DALE J. VAN HARLINGEN, University of IlIInola atUrbana-ehampalgn : Quantum noise in Josephsontunnel Junctions and SQU10 detectors-$21 ,OOO

MICHAEL ZEILIK, University of Naw Mexico:UBVRI photometry 01 RS Canum Venat icorum (RSCVn) stars-$2.000

Cottrell College Science ProgramVIRGINIA D. ADAMS, Pacific Lutheran University:Mechanisms 01 plant succession on pyroclastic,debris and mud flows resulting from the Mount SI.Helens erupt ion-$6,080

KODJOPA ATTOH, Hope Collega: Metamorph ism 01early Proterozoic rocks in northern Michigan­$9,000

GARRY R. BUETTNER, Webalh Coltege: A studyof (1) The oxidation of catechols ; (2) The Haber­Weiss react ion (two-year program)-$15,8()({

EDWARD W. BURKE, JR., King College: UBVphotometric study 01 br ight small amplitude var i­able stars-$4,100

AARON J. COX, JR., Unlyerslty of Redlandl: Highrepetition rate picosecond dye laser and photo­physical studies 01 triphanodioxazines (three-yearprogram)-$29,383

PRENTISS G. COX, Misliaslppl College: Iron up­take and metabol ism in cultured heart cells-$3,OOO

S'TEPHEN W. DIETRICH, Unlyera ity of Redlands:An investigation 01 the spec ific molecular interac­tions of aromatic sulfonamides with carbonic an­hydrase (two-year program)-$22,OOO

JAMES A. DUNCAN, Lewil and Clark College: Astudy 01 the thermal rearrangement of 7-(1,2­butadienyl) bicycle [2.2.1] hept-2-ene and relatedhydrocarbons-$l ,200

WILLIAM EISINGER , University of Santa Clara:Regulation 01 cell expansion by ethylene (two-yearprogram)-S13,200

JAMES E. FINHOLT, Carleton College: An Investi­gation of a newly discovered intermediate in theoxidation of Cr(H,O),H to (Cr(H20),(OH12hH bymOllCUlar oxygen (two-year program)-$10,400

WA NE GADE and JEAN GADE, College of St.Cat erlne: Lectins: their surv ival in the rhizophereand possible lunction as antifungal agents-$4,645

PAUL L. GAUS, The College of Wooeter: Synthesisand photochem ical reactions 01 ligand-bridgeddimers of tungsten pentacarbonyl and cyclopenta­dienyl manganese dicarbonyl (two-yea r program)­$12,400

SUSAN E. GERMERAAD, UnlYerslty of Santa Clara:Genetic translo rmation in Drosophila using clonedONAs (two-year program)-$15,100

THOMAS E. GOODWIN, Hendrix College: A con­vergent organochemical synthesis of maytansinemodel compounds-$6,800

ANN M. HIRSCH, Wellelley College: Localizingboron in plan ts : a key to its role In metabo lism1­$2,400

LAURA L. MAYS HOOPES, Occidental College:Methylation 01 a group 01 mouse moderately re­petit ive DNA sequences-$11 ,265

CLIFFE D. JOEL, Lawrence Unlyerslty: Possiblechemical mechan isms 01 damage in ret inal rodouter segments (two-year program)-$13,6oo

NOEL A. P. KANE-MAGUIRE , Furman University:Thermal and photochemical behavior of aromat icamino acid complexes (two-year program)-S14,OOO

NANCY H. KOLODNY, Wellelley College: NMRstudies of the dependence of dlnucleoside poly­phosphate confo rmation on divalent cations (two­year program)-$16,OOO

(Cont inued on page 4)



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Pre.i"ent~. Me••age(Continued from page 1)

well worthwhile if they result in just onediscovery-another "laser" or recombi­nant DNA technique for example-thathelps invigorate our industrial base.

Research Corporation's Grants Pro­gram has successfully targeted areascrucial to the advancement of science:assistance for younger investigators whoneed support to initiate independentresearch projects, and help for seasonedfaculty scientists who seek aid to doparticularly speculative work, or to shiftto entirely new fields. The foundation'sother area of emphasis is the support ofinvestigators and science departments atoutstanding liberal arts colleges, insti­tutions that continue to train a largepercentage of the students who go on tograduate work in the sciences. Facultyresearch projects in this setting give un­dergraduates a vital opportunity to dooriginal work in science. The founda­tion will continue its grants-making ac­tivities in all of these areas, and willsupplement them as its means permit.

In recent years a number of industrialfirms, foundations and highly moti­vated individuals have chosen to helpstrengthen academic science as a philan­thropic endeavor through the mecha­nism of Research Corporation's GrantsProgram. In closing I would like to ex­tend the thanks of the foundation andthe academic community to all of thosewho have contributed in this manner.It is hoped that others in industry andthe nonprofit sector will make similarinvestments in the nation's scientific andtechnological future. -John P. Schaefer

College Seience Grantll(Continued from page 3)c. A. LEWIS and MICHAEL R. McCONNELL, PointLorna College: A. Ultrastructural analysis of sperm­egg interactions and hybridization in Californiaabalone. B. Mechanisms of infection of gram­negative bacteria by bacteriophages. C. Morpho­logical and biochemical studies on the digestivetracts of two morphs of the tadpole , Scaphiopusmulliplicalus-$6,OOO

ARIEL G. LOEWY, Haverford College: Modulationof covalent Interactions between cellular proteins(two-year program)-$13,650

COLIN F. MacKAY, Haverford College: The photo­chemistry of carbon suboxide-$5,855


DON H. MADISON, Drake Unlveraity: Accurateinelastic electron-atom cross sections (three-yearprogram)-$15,500

MICHAEL R. McCONNELL, Point Loma College:The mechanism of infection of Salmonella analumby bacteriophage .IS (two-year program)-$12,300

TIMOTHY J. McNEESE, Lo)'ola College, Md.: Syn­thesis, structure. and react ivity of hydroxo groupVI metal carbonyl derivatives (two-year program)­$14,835

MICHAEL E. MICKELSON, Denloon Unlveralt)': Lab­oratory measurement of the infrared and visiblespectrum of hydrogen deuteride-$9,500

JAY M. PASACHOFF, Williamo College: Opticalobservations of solar prominences (two-year pro­gram)-$10,OOO

FRANK W. PERCIVAL, Weotmont College: Identifi­cation and concentrations of naturally-occurringbound auxins in soybean seeds and seedlings­$5,500

HAROLD W, PINNICK, Buckne" Univeralty: Synthe­sis of anatoxin-a (three-year program)-$15,OOO

LOUIS V. QUINTAS, Pace UnlveraU)': Randomgraphs and phase transitions in aqueous solutions-$5,400

C. GARY REINESS, Pomona College: Developmentof neuromuscular Junction in normal mice andmice with motor endplate disease (two-year pro­gram)-$20,OOO

RANDALL E. ROBINSON, Luther College: Syntheticand mechanistic studies of the copper(II)/hydra­zine system-$2,500MARTIN J. SERRA, Allaghen)' College: The separa­tion of euchromatin from heterochromatin by af­finity chromatography (two-year program)-$13,OOO

HOWARD W. SHIELDS, Wake Foreot UnlvaraU)':An EPR study of antibiotic bind ing with DNA (two­year program)-$10,800

DIANA B. STEIN . Mount Hol)'oke College: Chloro­plast DNA sequence studies in the Osmundaceae-$12,000

WIUIAM H. TAMBLYN, Franklin and MarahallCollege: The chemistry and synthetic applicationsof the octahydrotriborate ion and its organometal­lic complexes (two-year program)-$19,220

STEPHEN K. TAYLOR, Olivet Nazarene College:Frledel-Oratts reactions of epoxides-$4,400

LARRY L. TIESZEN, Augustana College: Carbonisotope discrimination in C3 and C. plants and theuse of stable isotopic labels to study Great Plainspaleoecology (three-year program)-$19,OOO

JERRY L. WALSH, Lafa)'ette College: Substitutionand isomerization in polypyrldyl ruthenium(II) com­plexes (two-year program)-$10,850

STEVEN J. ZOTTOLI, Williams College: Regenera­tion of a vertebrate central neuron (three-year pro­gram)-$15.600

Grants and Grantees(Cont inued from page 2)trolled molecular environment," Notonly has photooxidation of various or­ganic substances on zeolites been dem­onstrated, but entirely new techniqueshave been developed for studying cata­lytic processes.

_ .(lUIS v _ .,JUIN I.~_ ....lIce un.VItTBnw : Ml:lnaUIII


Research Corporation, 405 Lexington Ave.,New York, N.Y. 10174-0370

A foundation for the advancementof science and technology, ResearchCorporation serves educational andscientific institutions through grants­in-aid for basic research in the nat­ural sciences, and by furthering theapplication of scientific discoveries.

Grants ProgramCottrell Research Grants support

basic investigations in the physicalsciences at graduate universities andpublic undergraduate institutions.

Cottrell College Science Grantssupport academic research projectsin the natural sciences at privateundergraduate institutions.

In addition to these regular pro­grams, Research Corporation occa­sionally supports other importantscientific endeavors within its generalfields of interest.

Invention Adminiatratlon ProgramServices contributed to educational

and scientific institutions includeevaluating faculty and staff inven­tions, accepting assignment of thosewhich appear to be useful and mar­ketable , applying for patents throughqualified counsel, licensing issuedpatents to industry, and defendingagainst infringement when necessary.

Royalties received from patentsassigned to the foundation are ap­portioned among the inventor, theinstitution and Research Corpora­tion, with the institution's patentpolicy determining the inventor'sshare. The foundation's share is usedto help support its Grants and In­vention Administration Programs.

The Quarterly Bulletin is pub­lished three times yearly, with theAnnual Report constituting a fourthissue. Articles may be quoted inwhole or in part with credit to Re­search Corporation. Invention ad­ministration projects are reported inResearch and Invention, an occa­sional newsletter. Address corre­spondence to W. Stevenson Bacon,Director of Communications.

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