a message on the year of faith - cursillos of honolulu hawaii

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A Message on The Year of Faith

It seems like New Year's Day was not that long ago and now as I look at the calendar, the year is half gone! Not just any year, we are in a special year as Catholics! It is the Year of Faith. It began last October, and will come to end on the Feast of Christ the King this year, November 24th. One pope began the year, and another will bring to an end. So before the year disappears totally, let us take an in-depth look at the faith we hold as Catholics, with the help of the thinking of Fr. Anthony Wilhelm. On a personal level, I am excited by this special year, more than by the Year of the Priest, because our faith connects us all more deeply. By contrast, the Year of the Priest was not as far-reaching for me. Faith, like love, is a many splendored thing.

"Faith is confident assurance concerning what we hope for, and conviction about things we do not see." (Heb. 11:1, NAB). That little quote from the Bible has so much of what we need to understand. It reveals our saying "Yes" to God, and it deals with commitment as well. This commitment we make daily and we live it out through life, whether the times are good or bad.

What was true of the disciples is also true of us: faith begins with a personal encounter, or experience of Jesus Christ. But it doesn't end there! Very often this happens on a retreat, at a time when one is vulnerable, and perhaps more aware of what is happening around him, or her. God becomes as real as the joys and problems we face every day! This leads to a personally-chosen commitment to always follow Jesus Christ.

The faith journey leads one to an active relationship between God-in-Christ and oneself, where there is constant growth in knowledge and desire. This tender relationship forms the basis for growth in prayer and spirituality. We are moved to trust God, present beyond our senses, our minds, and our hearts. We know God is totally other, yet one with us (Emmanuel). Faith levels will vary from one person to the next, based on the extent one has surrendered to discipleship.

The faith needed for discipleship--given in grace--is the capacity to believe God in whatever is taught through the Church, and to live by those teachings. Growing in faith means growing in the revelation that God wants more and more of us. Despite its many weaknesses, we make our home in the Catholic Church. This does not mean that we shut out non-Catholics. I, for one, have learned much from my Protestant brothers and sisters, for example, finding my way through the Bible. Faith moves us into action, into living our beliefs, a deeper discipleship.

Motivated by our potential of eternity with God, our faith moves us to hope, which is a daily acting out from our faith, towards the goal of love. Faith does not mean that we have already achieved full salvation. The Letter of

James teaches us that faith needs to be accompanied by doing good. In addition, Paul writes about the need for us to work out our salvation.

As long as we are living, we will at times to nurture our faith, as well as deal with doubt. Faith is a gift from God, and we need to treat it well. Faith is like a garden, living, not like a collection of plastic flowers. Our faith relationship needs constant attention. It must be renewed, which is true of any relationship. You cannot walk away from your faith, come back in five years and expect it to be the same. There are many sad stories about faith that has withered away.

A publication of Cursillos of Hawaii P. O. Box 2303 Ewa Beach, HI 96706

July 2013

We must realize that uncertainty and doubt exist side by side with our faith, and that does not make us bad Catholics. Remember the parable of Jesus about the weeds living among the wheat? Every day is a day to choose where God leads us, to walk through weeds. There will also be times we discard childhood faith (like childhood clothes) for a more mature, adult faith.

What are some of the ways we can grow in faith? There are several. Pray for a stronger faith, paying attention to what happens after you do so. Publicly express your beliefs when the opportunity arises. Along with this, do some faith-sharing. Finally, help the mind to participate by learning more about our faith.

In what remains of our Year of Faith, how can we make a difference in our lives, and in

the lives of others, with this gift we have been given? Fr. David Lupo, SS.CC.

FUNDRAISER . . . A BIG MAHALO to all who participated to make it a great success! THANKS TO ALL OF YOU, operating expenses for the next fiscal year have been met. GOD BLESS always for supporting Cursillos of Hawaii!


The team for the 74th Men’s Cursillo has already begun their formation meetings, and we ask that you remember the team and candidates in your daily prayers for a successful weekend. The weekend begins on Thursday, September 12, and ends on Sunday, September 15, at St. Anthony Retreat Center in Kalihi Valley. Leading the team is Rector Ricardo Burgos and Assistant Rector Victor Canubida. Some Weekend reminders . . . Monday, September 9, 7:00 p.m., Palanca Mass for 74th Men’s Cursillo

St. John the Baptist Church, Kalihi CURSILLISTAS ONLY, PLEASE! Sunday, September 15, 4:30 p.m., Clausura (Closing) CURSILLISTAS ONLY, PLEASE! Monday, September 23, 7:00 p.m., Thanksgiving Mass St. John the Baptist, Kalihi ALL CURSILLISTAS AND FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE WELCOME!

The next Cursillo weekend is set for January 17–20, 2014. It will be the 76th Women’s Cursillo. For those interested in sponsoring candidates (men or women) for the upcoming weekends, sponsor forms are available at the ultreyas. For more information, please contact Leda Barbieto on Oahu (681-3898) or Jaime Balthazar on Maui (572-6403) or on the Big Island, Joyce Cabalse (345-1815).


No monthly palanca masses were scheduled for the months of June and July. We resume our monthly masses in August. Until then, we ask that you please continue to offer palanca for the Movement in your daily prayers and at mass. Aug 3 Our Lady of Sorrows 5:00 p.m. Wahiawa

Oct 5 Benedictine Monastery 7:30 a.m. Waialua

Once a month on a Saturday, a mass is offered

at a parish for the intentions of the Cursillo


Please come and pray with us!

The 23rd National Cursillo Encounter (a gathering of Cursillistas within the United States) will be held at the Hofstra University, in Hempstead, New York, from July 25 to July 28, 2013.

The VII World Encounter of the Cursillo in Christianity Movement, which occurs every four years, will be held November 20 to November 24, 2013, at St. Leo’s Catholic University College, in St. Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The theme for this World Encounter is “Friendship – Through Him, With Him, And In Him – The Heart of the Charism.” Anyone interested in attending, please contact Molly Anguay at 429-6873 or at manguay54@gmail.com.

Curs i l l o Pledge Campaign

The National Cursillo Center (NCC) have begun a $3/Year Donation Campaign, a solution to improve the

effectiveness of the NCC. The following is an excerpt of a message received from Hoang Tran, the National

Cursillo Service Administrator.

There are more than one million Cursillistas who have lived a Cursillo Weekend in the

United States. If 10% of the total Cursillistas donate $3/year to the National Cursillo Movement, miraculous things will happen:

- The NCC will achieve its financial and operational stability.

- The NCC will have the budget to revive dormant diocesan movements and to establish the

Cursillo movements in some areas.

- The NCC will have the budget to translate good books for each language and establish

effective communication channels by means of audio and video technology.

- The National Encounter will be more affordable for every Cursillista. Your donation will

help to offset some expenses of the Encounter and therefore drive the cost down.

- The NCC will credit back 25% of your donation toward your Lay Director’s ticket to the

National Encounter. For example, if 400 Cursillistas in your Diocese donate $3/year, the Center

will issue a national encounter voucher of $300 to your Lay Director.

- Similarly, the NCC will credit 3% of your donation toward your Regional Coordinator’s

ticket to the National Encounter.

- Indeed, your $3/year donation will send about 300 key leaders from all over the U.S. to the

National Encounter so that they can synchronize with the National Secretariat in terms of the

Cursillo charism, literature and materials, methodology, policy and future strategic planning for the

National Cursillo Movement. . . .

We’re ONE and inseparable in the Mystical Body of Christ. The National Cursillo Center is

experiencing challenges and really needs your support. A $3/year or $15 donation for the next 5 years will move our beloved Cursillo Movement forward to the next level. The miracle will happen

and it’s indeed in your hands now. Your prompt action is greatly appreciated!

Check out the National Cursillo Center website for more information. Your tax deductible donation may be made

online at www.natlcursillo.org/donate/. DE COLORES!

At last month’s School of Leaders, Fr. Paulo Kosaka shared with us on the Eucharist and on John 6:22-69. If you missed his presentation, or want to hear more on the Eucharist . . . we have GREAT NEWS for you! On Monday, July 29, at 7:00 p.m., at Ewa Immaculate Conception Church, our Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Paul Smith, will be presenting a more in-depth presentation on the Holy Eucharist and will also explain “transubstantiation.” Please come and be with us!


National Cursillo


Cursillo of Hawaii



In support, please join the National Cursillo Movement of the United States in offering palanca for the following intentions:

Mondays – National, Regional, and Diocesan Secretariats Tuesdays – Schools of Leaders Wednesdays – Cursillistas in the United States Thursdays – National Cursillo Movement’s Apostolic Actions Fridays – Cursillo Weekends Saturdays – OMCC Executive Committee



Oahu Immaculate Conception Church, Ewa

1st and 2nd Monday of each month, 7 p.m. (Contact: Vic & Nancy Canubida - 292-9396)

Maui St. Anthony’s Church, Wailuku 1st Thursday of each month, 6:30 p.m. (Contact: Jaime Balthazar - 572-6403)

Big Island St. Joseph’s Church Rectory, Hilo Tuesdays, 1:00 p.m. (Group Reunion) (Contact: Joyce Cabalse - 345-1815)

JUL 1 Ultreya 8 Ultreya 15 Secretariat

NO ULTREYA OR SCHOOL OF LEADERS 22 School of Leaders 29 School of Leaders – Presentation by

Fr. Paul Smith

AUG 3 Monthly Palanca Mass, 5:00 pm Our Lady of Sorrows, Wahiawa

5 Ultreya 12 Ultreya 14 Secretariat 19 School of Leaders 26 School of Leaders

SEP 2 LABOR DAY - NO ULTREYA 9 Palanca Mass for 74th Men’s Cursillo

7 pm, St. John the Baptist, Kalihi 12-15 74th Men’s Cursillo Weekend

St. Anthony Retreat Center 16 NO ULTREYA 23 Thanksgiving Mass for 74th Men’s Cursillo

7 pm, St. John the Baptist, Kalihi 30 Ultreya

DIOCESAN SECRETARIAT Spiritual Advisor Fr. Paul Smith

Lay Director and Publicity Molly Anguay 678-1657

Treasurer Dick Freitas 254-6085

School of Leaders Coordinator Danielle Burgos 683-0571

Military/Spanish Representative and Webserver Ricardo Burgos 683-0571

Postcursillo Bruce Anguay 678-1657

Precursillo and Weekend Representative Leda Barbieto 681-3898 Ultreya Representatives Vic & Nancy Canubida 292-9396

Big Island Coordinator Joyce Cabalse 345-1815

Maui Island Coordinator Jaime Balthazar 572-6403

Problems with the Call-Em-All automated phone service? If the Call-Em-All message skips or repeats, press the 1 key on your phone. This will allow the message to be played back from the beginning in its entirety. Please address any other Call-Em-All concerns to Nancy Canubida at 292-9396.

We would love to stay in touch with you!

Hosted by Cursillos of Hawaii

P L E A S E K O K U A !

IF CAN . . . In an attempt to cut postage costs, we have been providing THE TORCH via e-mail. For those who are not on

our e-mail list and would like to receive THE TORCH via e-mail, please respond to manguay54@gmail.com or

cursillosofhawaii.com. IF NO CAN . . . we will continue to send your copy of THE TORCH via regular mail. MAHALO!

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