a math, science, and fine arts academy - spring high school ·  · 2017-08-13mrs. dunbar rms grade...

Post on 07-May-2018






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A Math, Science, and Fine Arts Academy


WHO’S WHO AT RMS??? Tracey Walker Principal of RMS Mayra Cisneros Principal’s Secretary Kevin Banks Associate Principal Gail Macari 6th Grade Assistant Principal Alma Villagrana 6th Grade AP Secretary Samson Moreno 7th Grade Assistant Principal Mary Figueroa 7th Grade AP Secretary Cecelia Brumsey-Williams 8th Grade Assistant Principal Melissa Criswell 8th Grade AP Secretary Atiya Rawls 6th Grade Counselor Tami Green 7th Grade Counselor Suni Combs 8th Grade Lead Counselor Ms. Jeffery RMS Receptionist Anna Cruz Attendance Assistant (LEP) Nurse Cole-Chatmon RMS School Nurse C. Ballard RMS School Librarian Mrs. Menasco RMS Grade Level RtI Leader Mr. Lancelin RMS Grade Level RtI Leader Mrs. Dunbar RMS Grade Level RtI Leader Mr. Kyle RMS Grade Level RtI Leader Mrs. Lanaux RMS Grade Level RtI Leader Ms. Gilliam RMS Testing Coordinator/New Teacher RtI Leader Mr. Miller RMS Instructional Technology Lead Ms. McNeil RMS ELAR Department Chair & GT Coordinator Mrs. Primer RMS Math Department Chair Mr. Spahr RMS Science Department Mr. Alexander RMS Social Studies Department Chair & Web Master Mrs. Pharris RMS CTE Department Chair Mr. Swenson RMS Fine Arts Department Chair Ms. Brittain RMS ESL Department Chair Mrs. Nnabuife RMS Special Services Department Chair Mrs. Zeno-Miller RMS Literacy Coach Mrs. Allen RMS Math Coach Mrs. Horace RMS Student Support Specialist Mrs. J. Stratton RMS Dyslexia Specialist Mrs. L. Shaw RMS School Registrar


The RMS Way

Campus Mission Statement The educators of Dr. Edward Roberson Middle School establish a learning environment that features authentic and engaging activities in the areas of Math, Science, and the Fine Arts that stimulate the students’ curiosity and impel them to work diligently.

Campus Vision Statement The Dr. Edward Roberson Middle School produce well-educated, well-rounded, culturally sensitive and socially conscious individuals, and cultivate their creative and innovative ability so they can flourish and become the leaders of tomorrow.

Campus Motto RMS CHANGE AGENTS: Empowering Students and Changing Lives

through Opportunities and Choices!

RMS Staff Creed We are RMS Change Agents. We are leaders of change and aim to

cultivate remarkable Razorback DNA!



I. ATTENDANCE--Students are expected to attend school daily. Regular and consistent attendance is a leading predictor of student success. Students who are not in attendance are expected to have an approved excuse such as, but not limited to, doctor appointments or documented illness. The principal or assistant principal may approve absence excuses if the circumstances are deemed unavoidable. In the event a student misses school they are responsible for obtaining and completing any missed assignments or make-up assignments from their teachers. PROCEDURES FOR PARENTS When your child is absent or tardy, parents should call the school attendance office as soon as possible on the day of the absence in order to report the reason for absence. Following an absence or tardy, a note from the parent required within 48 hours. Absences without documentation turned in within 48 hours may be counted as unexcused absences, regardless of the reason. Attendance notes should contain the full name of the student, the date(s) absent, the specific reason for absence each day (i.e. measles, flue, death in the family, etc.), and the parent signature with appropriate contact information.

STATE, DISTRICT, AND CAMPUS POLICY All students are required to be in school 90% of the time according to state law. All students who approach the 90% mark during each semester shall receive written notice from an RMS assistant principal regarding absences. Grade level teacher teams meet and call parents regarding excessive absences. Students are required to attend multiple Saturday School dates for Attendance and Credit Recovery. Additionally, parents are required to stand before an Attendance Appeal Committee in order to appeal the decision of loss of credit if the absences are recorded as excessive (beyond 10%) in nature. Parents, please note that a 10% absence rate equates to approximately 8-9 school days per semester, whether excused or unexcused. TARDY POLICY Students are tardy if the bell rings and students are not inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings. If students are tardy, report to the assistant principal’s office. Once students arrive, wait quietly. Students receive a tardy pass and should report directly to the classroom. Tardies are cumulative and start over each six weeks

● Teachers actively address the following areas with students regarding tardies at RMS: o Inside voices o Instruct students to “walk and talk” – do not allow students to congregate in the hallways o Walk to the right side. o Do NOT run

● Students are not admitted to class without a pass a tardy pass – ● Students are not allowed out of the classroom for the first and last 10 minutes of each class period.

If students are late to class students are required to go directly to one of four tardy stations: Near 6th Grade Office (Upstairs),

near 8th grade stairwell (Downstairs), near 8th grade AP office (Upstairs), and near the 7th grade attendance and AP office

(Upstairs.) After receiving a tardy pass from the tardy station, students are allowed and expected to proceed to class with a

printed tardy station pass. Teachers mark students tardy in the computer system once students arrive to class with a stamped


tardy slip. The tardy system is a scanner that automatically keeps track of students’ tardies and automatically assigns

consequences. These consequences include (parent phone calls, after school and Saturday detention, In School

Suspension/EC, and discipline referrals to student’s assistant principal.


Please note that an administrator can intervene and accelerate consequences at any time based on the situation. AP

Secretaries process all grade level tardies. Tardies are cumulative and restart each six weeks. Please also note that students

beyond 15 minutes late are considered truant/absent from class, and this absence must be reconciled by a staff member and

the attendance clerk.


All RMS teachers have a “Make up Work” station in their classroom. Counselors gather work for students who have excessive

absences and plan the pick-up and return of the work with the parent. Students follow the policy outlined in the campus

handbook. Students have the number of days absent plus one day to complete the assignments. A student who missed

a test or a quiz is sent to another teacher’s classroom to finish the assignment. In addition, the teacher, student, and/or parent

can arrange for the student to come in before school, after school, or during lunch to take the assessment.


II. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE TO AND FROM SCHOOL--Students should not arrive on campus earlier

than 7:30 unless they are in a supervised activity (RMS Club/Organization and/or pre-arranged tutorial with a teacher). Doors

open to students at 7:30. Students who ride their bikes to school may chain their bike and are responsible for bringing and

using their own locks/chains. Students bring bikes at their own risk; the school and district are not responsible for lost,

damaged, or stolen bikes. School lets out at 3:30 everyday – please make plans for how students get home each day before

students get out of school. Students are not be allowed to use the phone every day to arrange for a ride. The office phones

are for emergency use only. Once students leave the building, students are not permitted back into the building. Students

who are staying for after school activities go to the cafeteria after the silent code release, wait for their sponsor/teacher, the

teachers take them to get their supper Fuel to Go, and walk the group to tutorial/intervention class. Students remaining in the

cafeteria after all groups have been picked up are taken to detention. Students who ride the bus regularly and have been in

45 minutes or more of extended day academic activities may ride the after school bus that leaves at 4:45 pm.

III. BADGES-- Students are required to wear an ID badge visible on their person. As students enter the building and enter classrooms, duty staff members and classroom teachers check for visible ID and correct lanyards. DAILY PROCEDURES Students who do not have visible IDs are noted and recorded on a live Google Doc. The classroom teacher and safety sergeant will help monitor and facilitate this each morning during breakfast to go. Each grade level secretary immediately and consistently checks the live google doc during Breakfast to Go and 1st period. Before 2nd period (Razor-sharp) ends, each grade level secretary administers a temporary I. D. badge, gathers appropriate fines, and/or issues appropriate I.O.U notices to students (having them sign indicating they know and have been informed. AP secretaries keep track of the I.O.Us and issue appropriate consequences to grade level assistant principals. Parent notifications are sent out and consequences are assigned. REPLACEMENT FOR ID ID badges and lanyards are school district property. Students who damage, deface, or break the ID must purchase a replacement ID for $5 and a lanyard for $2. The ID should be sticker and writing fee at all times. IDs must be on a lanyard and worn around students’ neck at all times. We require our students to wear a specific color lanyard: 6th grade must wear a gray lanyard, 7th grade must wear a yellow lanyard, and 8th grade must wear a black lanyard. TEMPORARY IDs, FINES, AND CONSEQUENCES If students forget their ID, students are issued a temporary one for $1.00 fine. The student is required to purchase a replacement I.D. after the accumulation of five temporary badges. The temporary ID should be worn on the top, center half of students’ body (no sleeves, bottom of shirt, or pants).


I OWE STUDENT ID FINES If students do not have the money to pay their temporary ID fee, students be required to serve a 1 hour detention if they accumulate more than 4 temporary I.O.U.s for nonpayment if we have not been notified in writing by students’ parent/guardian of an extenuating circumstance that requires an arrangement. If students bring the total amount owed the after being notified, and pay this amount to the grade level secretary prior to their consequence, students are removed from the detention list/consequence. All students caught not wearing their ID during the day are strongly addressed by all staff, specifically grade level assistant principals. IDs are used to support the safety and security at Roberson Middle School. Documentation is kept of students owing fees and a payment plan be worked out and communicated to the student and the parent with a deadline for payment. Fees are entered in eSchool and may prohibit students from participation in school-related events etc. IV. BEHAVIOR SUCCESS--We believe in promoting meaningful work with our students. Responsibility breeds

success at RMS. Therefore, we embrace leadership opportunities for all students to take part in in order to promote successful

behavior examples for our school community.


• School Safety General Agents- facilitate with hallway and school-wide responsibilities such as school-wide safety; school-wide ambassadorship, tardy station leaders. These are selected by the RMS leadership.

• Classroom Safety Sergeant (at least 2 at all times)-facilitate with classroom responsibilities of all others, makes classroom-wide decisions with the teacher, keeps all peers on task with CHAMPS reminders/encouraging words, tips, and suggestions/assists with the selection and management of all classroom safety specialist, and serves as the classroom messenger for the teacher when summoned, and serves as the overseer of the safety vest-check-in and out roster. The teacher for each class selects these. These roles should be managed closely, praised and redirected daily, and changed out about every 3 weeks to give all students an opportunity to experience being a true Change Agent.

• Classroom Safety Specialist Agents- facilitates the flow and the success of the classroom by managing a specific role (i.e. attendance clerk, class tardy clerk, display helper, nurse friend, class ambassador, librarian, paper manager). The roles are determined by the teacher and selected by the teacher and sergeant agents.


-Paper Handler: passes out and/or collects class work, homework, blank paper, and so forth. -Positive Peer Praiser-compliments students for hard work, success on a task, a job well-done, or offers an

encouraging word. He/she also redirects poor choices by giving alternative suggestions in a constructive way. He/she demonstrates the “no put downs” philosophy at all times, and promotes “Good Things” to be shared out.

-Alphabetizer: puts stacks of notebooks or papers in alphabetical order so record-keeping is easier and faster for the teacher

-Messenger: delivers notes to other teachers or to the office -Display Helper: "frames" work with construction paper; helps design displays, tacks them up, and takes them

down -Peer Support and Leadership Roles

-Nurse Buddy: accompanies students to the nurse's office if they are sick or hurt -Librarian: keeps library neat and recommends a favorite book during a morning meeting -Ambassador: helps visitors or new students learn their way around and keeps them company at lunch and

recess; explains classroom projects or displays to parents or visitors with questions -Special Meeting Leader: decides on a topic for the class to discuss or debate, and moderates the discussion


-Current-Events Reporter: chooses, with teacher and parent approval, a news story to follow and share with the class throughout the week

-Class Journal Writer: records each week's most memorable classroom events or activities Room Maintenance Jobs

-Supply Chief: keeps supplies organized and replenishes them as necessary - Spill Crew: deals calmly and efficiently with spills of small items, juice, paint, and so on -Board Eraser/Board Washer: cleans all boards at the end of the day -Animal Caretaker: feeds pets and maintains cages or aquariums, with teacher's help when necessary -Plant Caretaker: waters and maintains plants -Recycling Chief: ensures bins are emptied regularly and reminds students to recycle whenever possible -Beautification Helper: Checks around under desks at the end of the day, collecting items that have been

dropped (i.e., paper clips, scrap paper, pencils, math manipulatives) and returns them to their rightful place POSSIBLE INCENTIVES AND REWARDS

• Immediate Praise, Feedback, and/or Recognition from Teachers and Staff and Students! • Weekly Recognition and/or Prizes (cards, snack/treats, Razor-back Cash for incentives, Snack Bar Coupons,

Homework Passes, etc. determined by the teacher, safety sergeant and/or other staff.) • Change Agents Fresh Fridays- Change Agent recognition announcements are put in by grade level leaders on

select Fridays. Grade level leaders and teachers vote on the specialists of the week and submit names are announced on Fridays.

• RMS Change Agent Awards-Each six weeks the top 2 male and female agents for each grade level receive school-wide recognition for being RMS Change Agents empowering change in a positive way for our school community!


THERE is no one I’d Rather Be, I've got RMS pride in me!

My mind's alert, my goal is high, My aim for success can reach the sky,

I am an RMS student, I embrace my future TODAY!

I am an RMS Change Agent…Agent of Success.... Ready, and on my way!

CAFETERIA BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS All students are expected to follow proper cafeteria etiquette at all times. Failure to follow the following instructions lead to administrative consequences:

• Walk – do not Run in the café • Go directly to the table assigned to students by an adult • Fill up one side of the table before moving to the other side of the table • Go directly to the line that students want to eat in once students’ table has been called • Students’ time is limited and there over 300 students in each lunch • Don’t waste time standing around conversing with friends • Get condiments before sitting down • Don’t skip seats • Use an inside voice • Get up only – to throw trash away or go to the restroom • If students want to go back in line to get additional food, raise hands and an adult let students know if that is possible


• Keep school/Classroom beautiful - Pick up and throw away any trash that students drop or that is in area (table or floor)

CAMPUS-WIDE BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS • Do NOT write on hands and arms! Students are instructed to wash it off and if the behavior continues, students are

sent to an administrator. • Gum chewing and candy/gum is destructive to our school. It is not allowed for this reason and reasons related to

other health concerns. Students are not allowed to sell any items, candy, or food (i.e. gum, candy, toys, materials) on school property. Even when participating in a campus-approved fundraiser, students must sell candy and/or items away from campus.

• Running in the hallways and to lunch is a great concern. If students are caught, they receive severe consequences. • Students are not allowed to have food, water bottles, and/or drinks in which the seal/packaging has been broken

(for use) outside of the classroom. All water bottles, food, and/or drinks are confiscated upon sight for safety reasons. If there a medical need and/or extenuating circumstance that requires a student to carry a water bottle, written documentation must be provided to the grade level assistant principal and school nurse. The principal shall apply the Student Code of Conduct and campus nursing guidelines to make all final decisions in these specific instances.

• No Name calling and horse playing. To avoid getting into trouble just remember to keep hands and feet to self and respect the rights and property of others. Students are expected not to touch any item that does not belong to students.

• Students line up against the wall on a level zero while waiting for their teacher to arrive. • Student enter the threshold of the classroom with a greeting communicated by the teacher. • Once the students enter the classroom, they should immediately get started on the Do Now.


2017-2018 Bell Schedule

Instructional Day for Students: 8:10-3:30

Work Day for Professional Staff: 7:45-4:00

Work Day for Para Professional Staff: 7:30-4:00

Period Time


Time Notes

Breakfast To Go 7:45-8:10 25 mins. (warning bell @ 8:08)

1st/8th 8:10-9:00 50 mins.

2nd/9th Razor-sharp Intervention 9:05-9:50 45 mins.


3rd/10th 9:55-10:45 50 mins.

4th/11th 10:50-12:45 115 mins.

A lunch 10:55-11:25 30 mins. 10:50-10:55 walk to cafe

Class for A 11:30-12:45 75 mins.

B lunch 11:35-12:05 30 mins. 11:30-11:35 walk to cafe

Class for B 10:50-11:30 40 mins.

cont. B 12:10-12:45

35 mins (75


Class for C 10:50-12:10 80 mins.

C lunch 12:15-12:45 30 mins.

12:10-12:15 walk to cafe C Lunch

releases from cafe

5th/12th 12:50-1:40 50 mins.

6th/13th 1:45-2:35 50 mins.

7th/14th 2:40-3:30 50 mins

Dismissal by Transportation Location &

Announcements & Teacher Safety Duty 3:35-4:00

VI. BEFORE SCHOOL DROP OFF--Students wait in our “front of school” car rider location if they are a walker

and/or car rider until our doors open at 7:30 AM. We do have early bird leadership team members on duty beginning at 7:00


AM to ensure the safety of students until we allow all students to enter. Bus riders do wait on buses to be gradually released

by the transportation administrator. All students gradually enter the cafeteria for Breakfast to Go.

VII. BREAKFAST POLICY--In order to ensure safety before school, RMS implemented a Breakfast- to- Go system

for all students. All students must exit from the car rider line, walker line, or bus ramp, enter the building through the appropriate

entrances and report to the cafeteria to get an a la carte breakfast. Once they get breakfast, students must report directly to

first period class with breakfast. All RMS teachers are on duty at their classroom doors to receive 1st period students by 7:45

AM. Breakfast- to -Go lasts until the first bell of the day.

Once students have passed the cafeteria, they have also passed their opportunity to eat breakfast and are not allowed to

leave classrooms. For this reason, we direct all students to the cafeteria first on their route to first period whether they initially

wanted breakfast or no. This is a “last chance” opportunity for students. In extenuating circumstances, the teacher notifies the

grade level counsel.

Students dispose of trash within the classroom. There are larger trashcans stationed in the hallway for the adult duty and

custodial staff to facilitate. All RMS staff members not teaching a first period class daily are scheduled in a duty location to

ensure close monitoring and the safety of students. The duty roster strategically places adults in hallways that students travel

in order to arrive promptly to first period. We have standby staff members that do not teach a first period class ready to

facilitate coverage needs should a teacher have an emergency and a sub is not available for breakfast- to- go. In the event

of the emergency, the administrative assistant and/or neighboring teacher assist with supervising the students. The students

line up along the wall & wait for an adult to escort them into the classroom.

VIII. BULLYING AND HARRASSMENT--Bullying and harassment or any form of bullying and/or harassment at RMS is strongly prohibited. Students, parents, and/or staff members should report incidents of bullying and/or harassment to the grade level assistant principal and/or school counselor immediately.

Anti-Bullying Policy 1. Prohibition Against Bullying and Harassment are prohibited in Roberson Middle School.


2. Definition of Bullying-“Bullying" means engaging in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that occurs on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, or in a vehicle operated by the District and that: 1. Has the effect or have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or of damage to the student’s property; or 2. Is sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student. This conduct is considered bullying if it: 1. Exploits an imbalance of power between the student perpetrator and the student victim through written or verbal expression or physical conduct; and 2. Interferes with a student’s education or substantially disrupts the operation of a school.

3. Definition of Harassment means written, verbal or physical conduct that adversely affects the ability of one or more students to participate in or benefit from the school’s educational programs or activities because the conduct is so severe, persistent or pervasive. This includes conduct that is based on a student’s actual race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion or any other distinguishing characteristics that may be defined by the state or local educational agency. This also includes association with a person or group with one or more of the abovementioned characteristics, whether actual or perceived.

IX. BUS TRANSPORTATION--RMS services the entire school district with transportation for all student addresses that fall within the 1-mile radius of the school. Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right. SEVERE BUS MISCONDUCT MAY RESULT IN: In school suspension, suspension from bus and/or school, Richey Academy (Alternative School), and/or expulsion for extreme circumstances. Bus referrals for minor misconduct:

BUS CONSEQUENCES FOR MINOR DISRUPTIONS: • 1st Bus Referral = Verbal Warning • 2nd Bus Referral = 1 – 3 Days Bus Suspension • 3rd Bus Referral = 4 – 6 Days Bus Suspension • 4th Bus Referral = 10 days Bus Suspension • 5th Bus Referral = 30 days Bus Suspension • 6th Bus Referral = Bus Suspension for remainder of the year

Bus consequences may vary at the discretion of the school administrator. Severe clause: Fighting and/or defiance or disrespect of authority may include ticket, suspension from school, and suspension from transportation for the entire/remainder of the year. BUS CHANGES In order for a student to ride, a different bus or change bus stops for a day:

• The student must have a note, signed & dated by his/her parent or guardian • The note must be verified and approved by an administrator before being allowed to change buses • The note should be brought to the grade level AP’s office NO LATER THAN THE END OF THE FIRST PERIOD

OF THE DAY (9:00 AM). • This note is ONLY for extenuating circumstances and is acceptable for 1 day • All permanent bus transportation changes must be approved and handled by the SISD Transportation Department.

Parents should call them directly for those matters Activity Bus Rules


• Only students staying with a teacher or sponsor may ride the activity bus • Only students that have stayed with a teacher receive an activity bus pass for the day at the end of their activity.

BUS DISMISSAL (RMS SAFETY SILENT CODE) The RMS bell schedule factors in a staff silent code dismissal process for the purpose of ensuring the safety and security of students riding buses. Each staff member is assigned an RMS bus route number, which in turn matches a room. Each day upon our 3:30 PM bus dismissal bell, students are expected to report to their assigned dismissal room The dismissal rooms are assigned teachers and the hallway areas are assigned a bus duty captain. As buses arrive, an administrator uses a walkie- talkie radio to communicate to the bus duty captain which bus locations are due to be escorted out of the building by the room captain on duty. This release is done in random order each day and is managed by all RMS staff. We have found this system to be a very safe and orderly way to release bus riders to our bus ramps. Car riders, walkers, and students who have signed up for tutorials, after school Rising STAAR interventions, or clubs and activity meetings/participation with a supervised adult MUST report to the cafeteria immediately at the 3:30 dismissal bell. Students not riding the immediate Please note that if students loitering after the dismissal bell will result in students receiving a consequence that could lead to parent-pick up. Staff members are instructed to now allow students inside bus location rooms beyond the dismissal tardy bell. Students that do not arrive to bus dismissal by the tardy bell are sent to Mrs. Brumsey-Williams and/or Mr. Miller on the bus ramp. Decisions and consequences are made based on the specific circumstances. Leadership staff will only make considerations for emergency type reasons/causes. The expectation is that all students dismiss from their last class and report to either their bus dismissal room or the cafeteria for car rider, walker, and/or tutorial Fuel-2-Go tables.

XI. CELL PHONE USE AND BRING STUDENTSR OWN DEVICE POLICY (B.Y.O.D.)- Classroom Instruction - Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

• Students may use cell phones within the classroom for instructional purposes only, if given permission by their teacher

Outside of Classroom Instruction • Students are not allowed to use their cell phones • Student phones be subject to confiscation

• If confiscated, the phone be turned-in to the school receptionist and a parent/guardian be required to come to the school to sign out the cell phone with the receptionist



• Students may use ear buds within the classroom for instructional purposes only, if given permission by their teacher

• Outside of classroom instruction, students are not allowed to use their ear buds and should not have ear buds out/in ears while in the hallways, cafeteria, and other non-instructional areas. THOSE STUDENTS USING OR WEARING EAR BUDS HAVE THEM CONFISCATED.


XII. CELL PHONE RETURN FEE- PARENTS HAVE TO PAY A $15 FINE TO RETRIEVE ALL CONFISCATED CELL PHONES ONCE THEY ARE SIGNED IN WITH THE CAMPUS RECEPTIONIST. XIII. DISCIPLINE POLICY- Students are expected to follow all school rules set by the campus and district at all times. Refer any student misbehaving to the appropriate staff by the following measures:

1st Offense— Verbal Reprimand

2nd Offense— Verbal Reprimand Parent Contact

3rd offense— Teacher/Student conference & parent contact mandatory

4th offense-Teacher refer student to the grade level RtI leaders, our student support specialist, and the grade level counselor for a family conference. Restorative practices and consequences may be issued.

5th offense-Administrative Office Referral to grade level AP. Consequences at this level and beyond are at the administrator’s discretion.

XIV. DISCIPLINE INFRACTIONS- The consequences may vary at the discretion of the school administrator. Severe clause: Fighting and/or defiance or disrespect of authority may include ticket, suspension from school, and/or placement at Richey Academy school of Alternative Education. Please see table 4 example…

Offense Level Examples Consequences

D 4 Defiance, Disrespect, Minor Disruptions, Dress Code Tardies, Throwing Objects, Truancy, Failure to Serve Bullying/Harassment

Detention E/C Suspension Possible Alternative School (A.S.)

C 3 Fighting, Theft, Vandalism, Gang Behavior, Substantial Disruption 1 – 3 E/C Days and/or Suspension Possible A.S. Possible Ticket from Officer

B 2 Drugs, Alcohol, weapon (based on guidelines) Mandatory Removal to Alternative School

A 1 Most Serious Offenses Mandatory Expulsion for 1 Yr. (Alternative School or JJAEP)


Failure to Serve Consequences Failure to serve an assigned consequence is seen as defiance of authority. Failing to serve a 1-hour detention = 2 Days of 1-hour detention; Failing to serve a 1 Hour detention for the second time = 1 Day of E/C or In School Suspension; Failing to serve a 1 Hour detention or the third time= Referral to administrator. XV. DRESS CODE- Appropriate student dress and grooming is that which is deemed in good taste, reflecting the standards of the community and students. Proper dress influences how others respond to and judge Spring ISD, its students, as well as contributes to a positive school climate at Roberson Middle School.

The principal of each campus shall apply the Grooming Code and make all final decisions regarding what is acceptable and appropriate considering the age and activities of the students.

Guidelines and administrative decisions regarding appropriate dress reflect concern for health and safety of students and the influence of specific dress or grooming on the overall educational climate of the school.

Shoes • Students must wear appropriate underclothing and shoes. • Flip flops, house shoes, shoes without a back/strap or similar shoes are not permitted because of safety

considerations as students travel stairways and hallways Fitting of Clothing

• Students’ shorts, skirts, or dresses must be finger-tip length (with hands and arms fully extended pointing towards the ground)

• Students are not permitted to wear very tight, very loose, oversized, revealing or very short clothing • Examples of unacceptable clothing, according to this guideline include, but are not limited to: pajamas,

jeggings cutoffs, shorts or pants with holes, rips, or tears (even if there is something underneath), see-through clothing, spaghetti straps (shoulders must be covered), tank or crop tops

Head Gear • No headgear, including hats, doo-rags, scarves, wave caps, sweatbands, bandanas, etc., are permitted in

the school • No type of cap or hat is to be worn in the school

Messages on Clothing • Clothing with visual or written messages, which is likely to disrupt the school environment, is prohibited.

Examples of such prohibited visual or written messages include, but are not limited to, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, violence, vulgar or obscene language, and insults to race, religion, gender, or ethnicity.

Additional RMS Dress Code Expectations • Pants must be worn at the waist at all times (no sagging) • A male student may have groomed facial hair • Noisy or distracting jewelry or accessories may not be worn • Nose/facial/tongue jewelry is prohibited • No grills allowed • Sunglasses may be worn only when prescribed by a physician • No earrings for male students


Dress Code Daily Checks The principal, assistant principals, and staff members on morning duty greet and check student dress code as they enter the building. Students out of dress code are redirected and sent to the front office to call home and/or make further decisions.

XVI. EARLY DISMISSAL via PARENT REQUEST - Students are not released unless the parent or legal guardian arrives in person and shows proper identification. A parent or legal guardian must have proper identification upon check-in with the campus and must sign out in person with the student at the attendance office. The cut off time for early dismissal is 3:00 pm. Please call 281-891-7700 if students know in advance that your child has an appointment during the school day. Due to safety, there are no exceptions to this rule. Also, keep in mind that excess early dismissal for any student are to be addressed administratively by the attendance committee. XVII. ENTERING OUR BUILDING-The front office staff open the main doors and the cafeteria duty staff open the doors to the cafeteria AT 7:30 am each morning. A campus morning duty roster is made. Each year we assign “early bird” duty staff members that usually consist of coaches as well as one administrator. No student is released from the cafeteria before 7:40. XVIII. EXTRA SUPPORT (INTERVENTIONS AND TUTORIALS)-We offer extra support for all students at RMS. During the Day Support Interventions take place during the 40-minute Razor-sharp intervention block built into the instructional day. This block takes place during the second period of each day. Core content teachers provide interventions during class and during the build in Intervention Period (Razor-sharp). We also extend interventions to our elective teachers with content grade level certifications. All STAAR tested teachers are scheduled in what we determine as “closed sessions”. They provide re-teach and accelerated instruction of all grade level standards that are tested on the state exam. Students targeted for closed sessions are those who are close to mastery level on formative assessments as well as students who are not meeting mastery. Non STAAR tested teachers provide “open session” literacy enrichment to all other students not included in the closed sessions. We use a Drop Everything and Read with a twist model. Each grade level has a selected rotation of novels. We have embedded literacy lessons related to the novels for all teachers to teach. The lessons are planned out to target a literacy component and are centered around the “Say Something” LEP strategy. After School & Extended Week Rising STAAR Interventions We offer extra support for mastery of skills on the STAAR test to targeted students. The calendar for Rising STAAR interventions begins is from October-April. Parents are notified by the teacher if and when their child is targeted for intervention. We do provide after-school activity bus transportation for student who need it. After School Tutorials Students who need extra support in his/her classes with teachers are able to stay afterschool. Teachers identify student by using different checks for understanding such as classroom observation, exit tickets, classroom test, and district/state test. Students who are staying after school stay in the cafeteria with a designated staff member. We offer Fuel- to-Go for all students attending after school tutorials/interventions. Students are seated until instructed by a late duty staff member to enter cafeteria lines. Once they enter lines and grab their food, intervention teachers are there to escort them to their intervention/tutorial class.


Please keep in mind that all bus rules do apply. Also, keep in mind that activity routes are not identical to standard to-and-from school bus duty routes. Activity routes include satellite stops often at or near the closest elementary school in the neighborhood. Parents can always find activity route stops on the RMS web page (updated yearly.) Parents are also free to contact SISD transportation for any questions and/or concerns @ (281) 891-6490. XIX. GRADES- Grades for each grading period must reflect student’s mastery of the TEKS. A sufficient number of grades must be taken to support the assigned grade level average. Per district policy, all grades must be weighted as follows:

• Major grades count as 50% of the student’s grading period average. A minimum of three grades should be recorded as major grades.

• Daily grades count as 50% of the student’s grading period average. A minimum of nine grades should be recorded as daily grades.


• Parents are to pick up and drop off students entering from Ella. • All vehicles exit RMS onto the access road leading to FM 1960. Entering and exiting is ONE-WAY during dismissal.

Students are not allowed to make a U-turn in our parking lot due to student safety measures. • Parents not be allowed to park at or near the RMS or Westfield parking lot or any area besides the RMS parent

drop-off/pick-up zone in order to walk up or have student walk to students. This stops the flow of traffic and causes a safety hazard for all children.

• Please be mindful that STUDENT SAFETY IS KEY, so these rules are strongly enforced by campus staff and Spring ISD police.

XX. MEDICATION & IMMUNIZATION FOR STUDENTS- Students must give ALL prescription and non-prescription medication to the school nurse immediately upon arriving at school. Students MUST NOT enter into any class with medication. All students are expected to have up-to-date immunization records. Parents much be mindful of the deadline and ensure that records are given to our school nurse as soon as possible to avoid students being un-registered for school. XXI. PARENT VISITATION Parents and other visitors are welcome to visit district schools. All visitors are required to register with the receptionist and provide Photo ID. Our campus has the V-Soft System which requires visitors to show photo identification. This system checks for registered sex offenders. Please note that the following guidelines apply for all campus visits:

• Call in advance (within 24 hours of students’ visit) to schedule to ensure that the visit does not conflict with testing, supervision responsibilities, or other scheduled activity.

• Sign in at the school office and obtain a visitor’s badge designating specific destination. • At the end of visit, return to the office to sign out. • A Photo ID must be shown anytime a visitor enters the building. • Visitors must be dressed appropriately, with no revealing or suggestive clothing. Clothing with profane or offensive

messages is prohibited. • The District absolutely does not tolerate disorderly conduct, including, but not limited to: refusal to comply with

campus policy, profanity, and verbal or physical intimidation.


• Video/audio recording of students is prohibited to preserve the privacy of all students unless special permission has been expressly granted in advance.

• Visitors are expected to follow all rules and policies established for students and staff. Campus administrators may ask violators to leave or not return to campus and may report violations of law to the police.

• Visits to individual classrooms during instructional time shall be permitted only with the principal's approval. Such visits shall not be permitted if their duration or frequency interferes with the delivery of instruction or disrupts the normal school environment.

• Student visitors are not allowed unless accompanied by an authorized adult and both follow sign-in procedures. • Trespassers are subject to prosecution. • Parents are invited to eat lunch with their children in the cafeteria in our designated area. Please sign in at the

school upon arrival. When lunch is over, parents must also return to the office to sign out. Visitation beyond the lunch period is considered classroom observation and must be prearranged (24 hours in advance) with the campus principal. Parents/guests cannot provide food for another student. Our school restricts lunchroom visits during test days.


Razorback Riches Teachers provide specific praise students on a daily basis. Teachers and staff issue students Razorback Riches (bucks) to purchase items from the RMS Principal’s Pile (store). Students displaying positive behavior, perfect attendance, hard work and dedication, and service to others can earn razorback Riches. Students have opportunity twice each six weeks to use Razorback Riches in the Principal’s Pile. Change Agents Reward System Students are also highlighted weekly as the Student of the Six Weeks using our Change Agents Rewards System. The principal highlight specific Change Agent students chosen each six weeks with a luncheon. Academic Competition(s) The principal implements our traditional “Razorback Word Wiz” of the week strategy to enhance learning and praise. Students 2 students (girl and boy per lunch) are randomly selected to explain the weekly academic words and earn a t-shirt on Fridays. Other competitions at RMS are centered on our STEAM academy programs. These competitions include but are not limited to Science Olympiad, SECME Engineering, Houston Rodeo Art, VASE, UIL Theater, Piano, and Guitar competitions, and the English and Spanish Spelling Bee. XXIII. RMS RESTROOM POLICY--It is our goal to maximize instruction. Restroom breaks are solely for emergencies only, unless directed by a physician with a note provided to our school nurse. To assist with the proper use of restrooms, students must remain in classes during the first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of each class. Students receive three restroom passes, per class (12 classes total), per semester! Students are to use them wisely, as they are not issued extra passes. Teachers do keep track of the restroom passes for all students inside of the students’ success agenda.

XXIV. SOCIAL MEDIA • Beware of Facebook, Twitter, Kik, and other social media sites • Beware of Posting Inappropriate Messages


• Beware of Posting Inappropriate Pictures, & Videos • Beware of Cyber Bullying • There could be Legal Ramifications • Permanent Once Posted on the Internet (Forever) • Records can be Subpoenaed

XXV. SCHOOL SUPPLIES VS. STUDENT SUPPLIES--Students are expected to have their supplies based on the standard supply list published throughout the summer. The administrative team has taken a departmental supply list and bought a supply bucket for each teacher that includes the departmental supplies for a class set per teacher. When students do not have their supplies, they may borrow supplies from the teacher on a case availability basis. Teachers should set up a supply station with paper, pencils, glue sticks, etc. Teachers set up a materials checkout system. Students support classroom materials by being responsible while using and monitoring each other. Here at RMS, students should not be penalized academically due to a lack of supplies. A student’s grade should reflect their knowledge. Please contact the principal, Ms. Walker, for any concerns and/or extenuating circumstance. XXVI. STUDENT NUTRITION AT RMS--Our mission is to support student achievement through leadership and innovative programs of excellence. We do so by providing quality, nutritious meals and partnerships with our students, staff and community. All students at every Spring ISD campus are offered breakfast at no cost, every school day! Students at RMS are expected to pay the required price for lunch daily unless identified and approved for free lunch services. The regular cost for meals is $2.00 or more for a la carte specialty items. Students who’s parents apply for and receive free and/or reduced lunch, receive lunch at a lesser or no cost charge. A new form must be turned in each school year. If you have applied and your child is eligible for free and reduced meals, a request to block meals will not be honored without first discussing it with the Child Nutrition Office - please call 281-891-6445. Parents may visit our Spring ISD Child Nutrition page for more information and/or may visit https://www.schoolcafe.com/ to apply and/or register your child’s lunch account. Does your child have a food allergy? Students with food allergies may have an alert posted in the cafeteria point of sale by having a medical authority complete the form found on the Spring ISD webpage under Child Nutrition. Please ensure that the information is complete and correct before turning it in to the nurse at your child's school. Please also note that turning in this form will restrict all foods containing the allergens listed when the student eats in the cafeteria. This form is not necessary for students who have mild food allergies or intolerances unless those ingredients need to be completely restricted from the child's diet. Lactaid milk is made available at every meal. All necessary forms can be obtained at our campus. XXVII. STUDENT SUCCESS AGENDAS (NEW SYSTEM)— We realize that the shift from elementary to middle school can be daunting for some students. We have decided to provide your middle schooler with a tool to help them keep track of assignments, due dates, class schedules, restroom passes, and important events for our school, all while fostering student and parent accountability. Please note the components and expectations for all student agenda planners this school year:

• All students must keep agendas on them at all times, especially during transition • Agenda booklets are our transition/hallway pass at RMS. • All students will receive a free agenda during the 1st weeks of school prior to the start date to use them.


• Agenda booklets are the responsibility of the student and parent. Agendas will not be allowed to be left in classrooms. They must go home each day. We ask that parents check agenda daily. Just like IDs, agendas are a system of safety and security at RMS. Students will need agendas to exit classrooms, transition in the hallways, and go to the restroom.

• Replacement Agenda booklets cost a fee of $5.00 for each student. • Besides hallway passes, the purpose for agendas will be to help your scholar stay organized by writing down the

agenda for each class, make notes for homework and important deadlines, keep track of grades, test results, and class schedules, and provide a way for teachers/staff to communicate with parents as needed.

• Students will have period checks in classes for agendas being used appropriately and accurately for specific instructional task. These checks may result in a grade for some classes, so please help your scholar ensure to bring and use the agenda daily. Likewise, as an incentive, students may earn praise and reward for being responsible with agenda booklets.

• Components of the agenda booklet for RMS are: Cover Page; Who’s Who @ RMS page; All About Me Page; Student SMART Goals page; Student Transition Page (Restroom & Hallway pass tracker); How Am I Progressing Page (page to keep track of grades on important tests); Calendar Page; Schedule & Focus Page; Additional Educational Planning Pages.

• We expect to have all agendas issued to all students by the start of the 2nd six weeks. Until all agendas are issued to all students, RMS will use traditional methods for restroom, hallway transition (i.e. writing out student passes etc.)

XXVIII. TRANSITION/HALLWAY PASSES--Any student in the hallway for any reason should have their agenda or a standard pass from a staff member. The agenda MUST be used as a hallway pass and must have the students name written in ink. When leaving any classroom or location, the agenda pass should have the staff member’s date, time, and sender initials or signature. Teachers are instructed to be at their doorways actively monitoring students as they travel. Administrators and leaders are to be in the middle of the hallways instructing students to move quickly, walk and talk, walk on the right hand side of the hallway students are traveling. Students may also go to the restroom during passing periods and during lunch. There are also designated restrooms available for specific grade levels and/or classrooms in authorized areas for students to use. Students should always use the authorized restroom location to ensure safety and timeliness. Adults monitor transition during lunches as well. Teachers escort their students to lunch in a single file line. Likewise, during dismissal, teachers follow their students out of the building at the nearest exit. Only students with passes are allowed to come into the building for extracurricular activities. Except in extenuating circumstances and only with a visible pass, students are not allowed to re-enter the building once they exit. Students must present a valid pass otherwise, they must exit the building. If students are late to class, they are required to go directly to one of four tardy stations: Near sixth Grade Offices; near 7th grade stairwell (Downstairs); near 8th grade AP office (Upstairs); near sixth Grade stairwell (Close to office #2705). After receiving a tardy pass from the tardy station, students are expected to proceed to class. The teacher marks the student tardy in the computer system once he/she arrives to class with stamped tardy slip. The tardy system is a scanner that automatically keeps track of tardies and automatically assigns consequences. These consequences include (parent phone calls, after school and Saturday detention, In School Suspension/EC, and discipline referrals to assistant principal.

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