a love for charity

Post on 20-May-2015



Self Improvement



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A Love for Charity

By: Anastasia Bridgers


Charity and Mary was having tea time at Mary's house after Charity's

doctor's visit. Charity was 6 months pregnant with her second husband, Brian

Johnson's child. She was glad that she had a second chance to have a child, in

spite of losing her first husband, David Williams where she didn't bare him any

children. Mary has been a wonderful mother to her. She is not just a mother-in-

law, but she became her mother when she married David. In Charity's heart, she

is sorry she didn't have any children by David, but any children she has will be her

grandchildren because she adopted Mary as her mother.

Charity's parents died when she was 12 years old in a car accident when

they were on a getaway, and she stayed with her Aunt Sally. Aunt Sally raised her

to adulthood and she left home when she was 20 years old to move into an


Her Aunt Brenda made it clear not to call her “mommy”, but she was her

aunt and nothing more. Aunt Brenda didn't mistreat Charity, but didn't show much

affection towards her. Charity spent most her time in meditation, hobbies; such as

reading romance novels and journal writing and school activities to fill the void of

being loved in her life. Also, she had a strong relationship with God which her

parents taught her to love God with all her heart at an early age. She made it

through high school and was on her own with a job, as a cashier at Care mart; she

met David, later they married and the rest was history.

Charity had a second chance of love with Brian. There was a love for Charity.

Chapter One

Charity Williams was up cooking breakfast for David and her as they both

were preparing to go to work afterward. She worked as a customer service

manager at Care mart, a super store in Greenville, North Carolina. David, her

husband was a doctor at the Metro-Health Clinic. He worked long hours and

sometimes came home from work late.

“Breakfast is ready.” Charity shouted as David was still getting dress in their

bedroom. He came out of the bedroom, and they both sat down to eat breakfast.

Before David ate his meal, he was looking through the morning paper. “Baby, how

did you sleep?” Charity asked David. “Like a champ. I didn't hear the alarm clock

ring. Babe, thank for waking me up.” He replied. “You are welcome. Eat your

breakfast. It's getting cold, Babe” Charity told David. “I'm going to grab this piece

of toast...I got to go. See you, tonight” He kissed Charity good-bye and headed

out the door. Charity washed the breakfast dishes and afterward left for work.

She is blessed to have a man in her life like David. They have been married for 5

years and still no children. David and she are in good health, but they work

schedules permits them to spend much time together. As a result, there are still

no children.

She is 30 years old, and she is not getting any younger. “When will it be the

right time for a baby?” Charity would think to herself, sometimes. She would

wrap herself with church attendance, meditation and other activities to try to keep

her mind off of having children.

She prayed to God that in His timing she would have a child.

Charity is now at Care mart. Another long day at the job, she was glad to be

going home. She will have dinner alone because David has to work late at the

clinic. She is going to knock this day out, so she can rest and enjoy the comforts

of home.

Charity now home watching TV. She was waiting for David to come home

from work. He was going to pick up some burgers from Burger King, so they could

have dinner together. The telephone rang.... “Hello.” Charity answered. “Hi

sweetheart, it's Mommy. I called to see how my children were doing.” Mary, her

mother-in-law replied back to Charity. “I am glad that the two of you are doing

well.” Mary said. “Mommy, I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I want to have a

baby. David works a lot. We don't discuss this, but I want children. I am not getting

any younger. David is good to me, and I don't have any complaints about him,

but I want to have children. “Charity told Mary in a tearful tone. “Sweetie, I know

how you feel. I had David in my early forties, and I couldn't have any more

children after that. His father, rest his soul, is just like David in every way. Hold

on. With the help of the Lord, you will have children. God will give you want you

ask for if you just believe. Focus and look to him because He will direct you path.

Children will come. Wait on God; He will make it happen for you. “Mary told

Charity in a sympathetic tone. “I have talked to God about it, and I know He will

answer my prayers...David just pulled up in the driveway. I will have Dave call

you back...Bye, Mom. “Charity and Mary got off on the telephone. David came in

the house, and Charity had dinner waiting for him. David was glad to be home.

Chapter 2

Charity was off work and was relaxing on a Friday afternoon. Charity and

David was going out to dinner and dancing when he got off work. She was lying

across her bed, and then she decided to do her meditation.

She was meditating on the goodness of God. She released all the negative

things and started to proclaim positive affirmations. Also, she focused on prayers

of praise and thanksgiving. Charity knows that God would give her everything

that she asked for. God knows what best for Charity, so kept her faith and trust in


The evening came and there was still no David. A knock came on the door.

Charity opens the door. Two police officers were standing outside. “Hello, Mrs.

Williams...May we come in.” “Yes, of course”, Charity said. The police officers

came inside of the house. “Mrs. Williams, there was an accident on the freeway

and your husband was in it. It was a collision. I am sorry; He didn't make It.”,

replied one of the police officers. A terror came inside of Charity, and she burst

into tears. “Thank you, officers”, she said sadly. The police officers left the house

after they told the news. Charity had to pull herself together, and call Mary,

David's mother. After her telephone call to her mother-in-law, she went to the

hospital to see David's remains. Her date night ended in a tragedy. What is she

going to do now? A part of her is now dead, and what now?

It was the day of the funeral. Everybody said their good-byes as they paid

their respects after the funeral at Charity's house.

Mary was sitting on the couch in the living room where Charity was sitting

beside her. “Mommy, I am going to clean the kitchen up. It is a mess. We both

had a long day”, Charity said. Mary took Charity hand. “Sweetheart, I am leaving

for Brooklyn and you are coming with me. All we have is each other. You are my

daughter, and I won't let you be in this world alone.” Mary told Charity. “Mommy,

I will go because I love you, and I don't want you to be alone either.” Charity

replied. Charity hugged Mary then went back to the kitchen to clean it up. The two

women lost someone who they loved dearly. David was a son and a husband.

Now, the two women have to cope without their loved one. Time heals all wounds,

but sometimes it is easier said than done.

The next day, Charity packed up everything and put into storage. Later that

night, Charity and Mary are going to take a plane to Brooklyn, New York where

Mary lives. Charity has to start a whole new life without David, but what bothers

her the most that she didn't have any children by David. She wonders if she will

love again, or remarry. All she has is Mary. All the family, she has is dead and she

was the only child like David. Her meditation and faith in God is what is helping

her deal with her loss. God is the only one who can heal her heart.

Charity is on the plane with Mary; she is meditating while Mary takes a nap.

“What am I going to do now? I am going to a new place, starting a new life and I

am alone.” Charity thought to herself. “Lord, you are right here for me, and I trust

you”, she also thought to herself. There was an announcement on the loud

speaker. The plane was about to land.

Chapter 3

Three months has past, and Charity's funds are getting low. She put a

transfer of employment from the Care mart in Greenville, North Carolina to the

Care mart, in Brooklyn, New York. She had been put on a waiting period for

employment for a customer service manager position which will be open soon.

She is on unemployment and the money of David's estate has run out. He was in

debt because of the clinic he owned, and the clinic was not making much money,

so she sold it. Charity has been at Care mart for 8 years. One weekend, Charity

went back to get her car in a garage in Greenville.

It hurts Charity's heart that she didn't have any children. She feels

emptiness inside, and God is the only one who can heal her heart. She thanks

God every day that she has Mary in her life. She don't know what she would do if

she had to deal the loss of David alone. Two women who are now mother and

daughter have to face their lost together. They cry together and laugh together. It

is just like the bible story in the Book of Ruth. Charity came into Mary's world. She

is living in a town which is strange and new to her. She is on the fresh start to a

new future, but in that future; will she be alone, or will she meet someone and

someday remarry? Will she have kids? These are the questions Charity has in her

meditation time. God is the only one who has the answers.

Chapter 4

It was a typical day at Care mart. Charity was the customer service

manager, and she worked at the returns and exchanges desk. She got a call to go

to register 10 for a refund. There was an elderly lady who wanted a refund. She

suddenly passed out in the aisle. Charity caught her before she fell and guided

her to a nearby bench. Rescue 911 was called to help the elderly lady. Rescue

carried the lady out on a stretcher, but before the lady left, Charity gave her

refund on some layaway items.

“What a day.” Charity thought to herself. She had a few more hours left

before she got off from work. “I will be glad when this day is over.” she thought

again to herself, as she went back to the desk.

Charity came home, and Mary had dinner waiting for her. They had

spaghetti and meatballs for dinner that night. Charity told Mary what happened

at work that day. When Mary heard the details about Charity's day, she was glad

that the customer was not serious hurt.

After dinner, Charity retired to her room and listened to some jazz on her CD

player. The music really eased and soothed her mind. She was under a lot of

stress that day. She missed David. No matter how long he worked on his job,

David would rub and massage her down to relieve the stress in her body. He really

made her happy. He was a wonderful husband.

Now, he is gone...Who is going to comfort her and be there for now. Charity does

not like being alone, but she is not really for another serious relationship right

now. It is going to take time get over David. A part of her is missing. She was

David's rib, and his wife. As the music was playing, she was meditating on good

things to give her strength. She was thinking about on how David and she would

go out dancing, and how she enjoyed herself like she was a royal queen. “I need

time...I don't want another relationship, but I am lonely. I need to heal... God will

bring the right person in my life, when I am ready.” Charity thought to herself, as

the sounds of Ben Tankard. She continued to play the music, as she slept. Charity

needed some relaxation, so the music was healing her wounds.

Charity is in the single life once again. The only family she has is Mary, who

is her mother-in-law, but now is her adopted mother. Charity talks to God and

meditates to help her through this difficult time. She is sure of herself, and she

also knows that there is nothing her and God can't handle. Perseverance is a must

in her life. Her faith in God helps her conquer any obstacle. She wonders when

she will be ready to date again. Life goes on, but is there a love for Charity.

Chapter 5

It was a Sunday afternoon; Charity and Mary stayed for a church play based

on the Miracles of Jesus. The church was having refreshments before the play.

They were sitting at a table, while a tall slender man in his early forties came and

gave Mary a hug. “Brian, it is so good to see you. You don't come to church as

much as you used too”, said Mary. “I know Cousin Mary. I need to come more

often...Who is this?” Brian replied as he smiled at Charity. “This is Charity, David's

wife. Come sit with us”, replied Mary. Brian sat next to Charity. Charity began to

smile. She thought Brian was real handsome. “Mary, I am sorry about David. I had

to go out of town, and that is why I didn't make the funeral. I am glad that both of

you are alright.” Brian said to Mary. “That is alright. We are fine”, replied Mary.

They finished their refreshments and went in the church because the play was

about to start. Mary, Charity, and Brian sat on the same church pew. Charity and

Brian sat next to each other.

After the play, Brian asked for Charity's number, and she gave it to him.

They started calling each other on the telephone before they went on a date.

Brian Johnson was a doctor at one of the clinics in Brooklyn. He had a hectic

schedule, so he didn't get many days off to spend time with Charity, but he called

her several times a day to stay connected with her. Charity understood the

demands that a doctor has as his profession.

Charity was beginning to have serious feelings for Brian. It has been a year

since David died, but she still has feelings in her heart for her late husband. Life

does go on. She felt it was good to love again; also, to have passion for a man.

Charity didn't want to spend the rest of her life alone. When Brian holds her in his

arms, she feels the love and the passion that she needs in her life right now.

Brian is a gentleman; He honors he wishes to wait for the right time to make love

with each other. It feels good to be in love with someone again.

Brian has never been married, but he focused on his career instead of being

involved with someone. He dated, but he wasn't serious about anyone. He feels

that Charity is different. It is something special about her. He sees her as a

loving, wholesome, and very intelligent, beautiful woman. Every Friday, he sends

a bouquet of flowers to her job to show her that he loves her. Brian knows in his

heart the Charity is the right one for him.

Mary was off from work, so she decided to do some spring cleaning while

Charity was at work. She went through the closet to pull out some old clothes

that she didn't want. She came across a box of David's baby clothes, and some of

his baby pictures. She put the photo album on the bed, and start looking at the

baby pictures then she started to cry. “My baby is gone. Lord, I need you to ease

my pain”, Mary sobbed. Mary began to pull herself together. She wiped the tears

from her cheeks. Moreover, she put David's baby's things back in the closet, so

she had the memories of her son. She gathers the other old clothes in her closet

and put them in a big garbage bag for the Goodwill.

After her cleaning, Mary went in the kitchen to prepare for dinner. Charity would

be home from work soon. It has been a year since David has been gone; Mary

takes one day at a time. She has a daughter now, and she cherishes every

moment that Charity and her spend time together. “I know Charity will get her

own place soon. I am so used to her being here. I have to let her go like I let

David when came of age”, Mary thought to herself as she was fixing dinner.

Charity pulled in the driveway. Mary began to set the table, so her daughter and

she could eat their dinner. Mary lost a son, but gains a daughter.

Chapter 6

It was moving day for Charity to move into her two-bedroom apartment.

Boxes were everywhere in Charity's room. Charity was in the living room while

she was waiting for the movers to come get the boxes she had, and on the way to

the apartment she will get her furniture out of storage. Mary came in the room

and sat on the couch to join Charity. “Sweetheart, this is your big day. You are

leaving me; I feel the same way when David went off to college and moved out.”

Mary said, sadly. “Mommy, I am just across town. I will visit twice a week, and I

will call you every day. OK”, Charity said, reassuringly. Mary gave Charity a big

hug. Charity kissed Mary on the cheek. “You are not losing me”, Charity said with

a smile on her face. The doorbell rang... The movers were here to get the boxes

and pick up the furniture that was in storage. Charity left Mary and followed the

moving van to the storage bin to pick the furniture then to unload it at the


Charity is now at her apartment. The movers placed the furniture in its

proper place, and Brian came over with some Chinese food to help Charity unpack

her boxes. “Baby, I am sorry that I couldn't help you early than I did”, said Brian.

“I understand. You are here now. I am not upset, and I am happy that you are. We

are finished unpacking the boxes. I am moved in, Sweetheart. I love you”, Charity

replied, as she went over to him and gave a gentle kiss on the lips.

After dinner, Brian went home. Charity went in to her room to meditate

before she went to bed. She has to get the feel of being home alone. She lived

alone until she was married to David. Although she feels that needs to live alone,

Charity needs her own space, and she feels that adults have places on their own.

She values her time by herself because that time helps keep her straight.

When you maintain, it is a key to self-growth.

Chapter 7

It was a Saturday night. Charity and Brian went out to dinner and afterward

they went to the beach to walk along the beach, in the moonlight. “Baby, I love

you. I need to know how you feel about me”, Brian spoke softly, as he gently

kissed her on the lips. “I love you, too Brian. I have strong feelings about you. We

are not moving too fast. I know we been together 8 months, and I love every

moment of it. Brian, you are my heart, and you make me very happy.” she

responded. They were deeply in love with each other. There is a love for Charity.

After their stroll, Brian took Charity home. Charity kissed him good night and went

inside of her apartment. She went to the bedroom to put her night gown on, so

she could prepare for bed. She was off from Care mart on the next day. Charity

decided to give Mary a visit. Before bed, she did some meditation then she got

into bed and went fast to sleep.

Chapter 8

It was after 1pm when Charity came to visit her mother, Mary. Mary

prepared refreshments for the two of them. “Mommy, Brian and I went out last

night. He told me that he was in love with me. He wanted to know how I felt

about him. I told him that I love him, but I am still getting over the loss of David.

I also told him that I need some time, but he is in my heart. Mommy, I don't

know...I am scared that I might lose him”, Charity said as a tear came down her

cheek. “Honey, you are not going to lose Brian”, Mary said re assuredly as she

placed her hand on Charity's cheek. “He understands. Just pray and ask God to

heal your heart. Life goes on...Start a new life with Brian. Make up your mind to

do that. ”I will, Mommy”, Charity jumped up out her chair and gave Mary a big

hug. Charity spent the rest of the day with her mother.

Early Evening, Charity came home, as she walked in the house; her cell

phone rang. “Hello”. “It's me, Brian... I have to work today and tomorrow, but

Monday evening, we can eat out”, he said. “Baby, I have a better idea. We can

order pizza and eat in”, replied Charity. “OK, we can do that. I have to go. I will see

you on Monday, evening. I will call you, as well” ”Bye, Brian, I love you. “I love

you, my love. Bye.” The couple got off the phone.

Charity was glad that she has 2 people in her life, who loved her

unconditionally, her mother, Mary and her boyfriend, Brian. They were the only

family that she has. Also, she had her faith in God to help her through the

obstacles in life.

Charity has been through a lot in her life. She lost her natural parents in a

car accident, and her aunt, Brenda. Now, she lost her husband, David and they

didn't have any children. She desperately wants to be a mother. Moreover, she

knows that someday she will have a chance at motherhood. God put people in

her life her life to love her. Charity does have a family who loves her, and thank

God for that. Mary and her relationship have a relationship like the bible story of

the book of Ruth. Charity cherishes their relationship. There is a love for Charity.

Chapter 9

It was 8:30 Am.; Charity was just finishing her daily work-out at the gym.

She came home to shower and change clothes; afterward, she would do some

meditation. She meditated on the Word of God, and focused on positive things.

Moreover, Charity decided within herself that she would pursue and to prepare

within herself that she was ready for the upcoming marriage to Brian when he

asks her. Also, she decided to move on with her life, and that Brian was a part of

her future. She knows that she has to do everything in her power to make her

relationship work with Brian. Charity loves Brian. She has to put all drama aside

and make her relationship work.

The cell phone rang... “Hello”. “Hi Baby, this is Brian. I am about to get off

work. I told you that I have pulled the night shift”. “I know Brian”, Charity

answered. “Baby, I want to see you. I miss you. We haven't been spending much

time with you because I had to work. I want to come over and go to sleep. At

least, we are together in the same house”, said Brian. “Of course, you can sleep in

my bed, and I won't disturb you. We can spend quality time when you wake up.”,

replied Charity. “I will see you soon. Bye, I love you my love.” Brian said as he

hanged up the cell phone.

Brian came over and slept in Charity's bedroom while she stayed quiet in

the living room, so Brian could get some rest. Charity felt good to have a man in

the house.

Brian really respected Charity. He wanted to make sure Charity was ready to

make love when she was ready. He didn't pressure her; Moreover, he treated her

like his queen. Brian was a Christian, and he believed in commitment in a

relationship. He was totally committed to Charity.

Brian slept 5 hours in Charity's bedroom. He went into the living room

where she was looking at TV. “Baby, did you sleep well”, asked Charity. “Yes,

sweetheart. I slept like a Champ”, respond Brian. “I can order some Chinese food

and we can have that for dinner”, said Charity. They enjoyed the rest of the

evening together. Before it got too late, Brian went home. A bond between Brian

and Charity is growing stronger every day. Brian is her love for Charity.


Charity Johnson married Brian has been married a year. She moved out of

her apartment and now stays with her husband in a brick house in Albany, New

York. She is so happy that she has someone to love, in spite she lost her first

husband, David. There is a love for Charity with is her family.

It was a busy day at Care mart, but Charity didn't feel well at all for the past

2 weeks. She would throw up and sometimes she would get dizzy if she stands

too long. She didn't tell Brian because she didn't want him to worry about her.

After work, Charity went to Mary's house to talk to her about her situation.

She came in Mary's house and greeted her. She told Mary that she needed to talk.

“Mommy, I have been getting dizzy and I have been throwing up for 2 weeks. It

might be something I ate. I need to tell Brian”, Charity said. “Charity, I dreamed of

some fish in some beautiful, clear water one night. The next day, I brought a

pregnancy test for you. I have it in the bathroom closet. Go in the bathroom and

take the test. Come back and so me the results”, said Mary. Charity went in the

bathroom and took the test. She came out with tears streaming from her eyes.

“What is it child” ”Mommy, I am pregnant” ”WONDERFUL”, Mary screamed.

Charity has lost some loves in her life, but God has always had a love for


Enjoy the ride.....

About Author

Anastasia Bridgers is an author, poet, publisher, and motivational speaker, as a

profession. Her books are fiction and are family-based. Never look for love

because love will always find you. Love is a cosmic bliss from the universe.

Embrace it and cherish it. Nobody is going to take care of you, but you.

Enjoy the ride.

Anastasia Bridgers' books are available at Amazon.com and at other online


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