a level font and name resarch

Post on 12-Jan-2017






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I looked at a few different magazine covers with Mastheads that I found most appealing. I found that those with more detailed fonts were much more striking than the other magazines with simple sans-serif fonts.

The use of a more interesting font also often signified that the magazine wasn’t as large of a production as others and gave a more independent feel to the overall publication.

Initial Ideas:


After compiling a list of names that I could use for my magazine I decided between my favourites –Static and Fresh. Fresh highlighted the magazine’s aim to show off new and unknown talent however went against my aim to create a grungy feel to the magazine.

Static not only relates directly to music but also fits with this less than perfect image I aim to create. I ultimately decided on Static as it best identifies to the audience that this is a music magazine but isn’t within the pop genre.

The word static also allows me to play with different effects within my magazine as static is a common image that audiences will automatically recognise.

Font: Manhattan AvenueOverall I think this font fits the theme of magazine very well. It is different from the simple fonts of many pop magazines without being too messy and gives an interesting overall image. This font also reminds me of skateboarding brand fonts and this alternative style is the image I want to present.

Font: MarkinsonI also think this fits the theme of my magazine very well and is more visually interesting than a simpler font

Font: VintageI like how this font looks but it fits the theme of a crafty magazine better and isn’t as pleasing to the eye as some of the other fonts I looked at.

Font: ArigatoQuirky but too messy for the professional image I aim to achieve in my magazine.Font: DroidigaToo simple and although it is aesthetically pleasing, this font doesn’t fit the genre of my magazine very well.

Font: ReliableFits in the grungy, alternative genre but is too messy for the minimalistic look I want to achieve in my magazine.

After looking through a range of fonts I selected a few that I thought would best fit the genre. Eventually I narrowed it down to Nonchalance and Geo Sans Light as these were simple fonts that would both be easy to read and fit into the minimalistic look I’m aiming for.

I then compared them to the masthead font and how they would look within my magazine and decided that nonchalance was the most appropriate.

The sans-serif font means it is easy to read but the stylised letters stop it from being too simple and uninteresting

For the bulk of my text I will use a simple san-serif font that is easy to read but also attractive to look at.

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