a huge welcome to mjs from marie staley- head teacher

Post on 19-Apr-2022






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from Marie Staley- Head

Teacher“Welcome to our virtual transition meeting; I hope you find it

really helpful. Please feel free to share this with your child - we

have added lots of photographs so it may be useful to keep

taking a look back as we get nearer to September. Transition is

really key to a great start at MJS, we work with our infant

schools to plan for our new year 3s in many different ways and

look forward to seeing them at the transition events.”

Presentation contents

Our Ethos - slides 3-6

Beyond the school day - slides 7-13

Year Group and Class set up - slides 14-18

Curriculum and Homework - slides 19-23

Food and Uniform - slides 24- 25

Transition arrangements - slides 26-27

1st day at MJS – slide 28

Our Values- these were established many years ago

but are revisited frequently as a way of living at MJS -

they are also our School Motto…





The Moulsham Rights or our School Rules -

these apply to any situation and as there are

only 3 - easy for all to remember…

The right to be safe

The right to respect

The right to learn

Our Behaviour Management system-the full policy can be found on the school website

Rewards House Points

Prize Time - a time each half term where we plan, earn and deliver a reward with the class

Golden Book Assembly - every Friday to celebrate the successes in Lower School

Secret Class - Mrs Staley spies on a class and lets them know what she has noticed

Pride of Moulsham Awards - a yearly celebration of the children who live out our school values; nominated by their peers

Attendance Certificates


Non Verbal Reminders



Time Out

Our Policy then goes on to

identify the more serious steps

right through to Permanent

Exclusion, which is extremely



Air, Earth, Fire and Water

Children wear their house colour as a PE top

House points can be earned for upholding

our school values

They are added together in the class to reach our

Prize Time target

They are collected as a year group for an end of term

House reward led by the Head of Year

Winning House of the year

Friends of Moulsham Junior School |e: FOMS_PTA@hotmail.com | Charity number 1044556

When your child joins Moulsham

Junior School you automatically

become a member of FOMS.

FOMS supports the school by

fundraising for extras and organising

fun events for the children and

their families.

Autumn and Spring Discos

Summer Fun Day

Fireworks Night

Discounted Adventure Island Tickets

How You Can Help

FOMS is run entirely by volunteers and is reliant on the support of the children and parents

of Moulsham Juniors. There are lots of ways you can help:

Join the Committee – we need new members as the children of existing members move through the

school. Plus new members means new ideas!

Share your skills: Are you a first aider, photographer, face painter, hair braider, baker, gazebo putter-

upper, organiser, retailer, accountant, champion tea maker – we guarantee everyone has something they

can do that would be of help.

Support FOMS events: Send your children to our discos, come to the Summer Fun Day and Fireworks

Night events, volunteer an hour or two of your time, display an event board outside your house, buy tea and

cake from a FOMS refreshment stall.

Fundraising: Ask your company if they do match funding, donate a small sum occasionally or regularly, or

buy Adventure Island tickets through FOMS and take the children for a fabulous day out.

Thank you!

Friends of Moulsham Junior School

email: FOMS_PTA@hotmail.com

Find us on Facebook

Charity number 1044556

Set out in “The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and

Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013”

The core functions of the governing body are:

• ensuring that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the

school are clearly defined;

• ensuring that the head teacher performs his or her

responsibilities for the educational performance of the

school; and

• ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s

financial resources.

What do governors do?

• We set the strategy and ethos of the school (“what are

we going to do and how”)

• We make sure the head and senior staff do their jobs


• We make sure the school spends its money wisely (and

on the right things)

I’d also add

• We act as critical friend (especially to the Head Teacher)

If you want the really short version “we help the Head run

the school”.

Or put another way:

Who can be a governor?

Anyone. You do not need a background in education or

any particular qualifications.

What do you need?

You do need the time

You do need the right attitude

Why be a governor?

Legal requirement.

Understanding of how a school operates.

Supporting your children and the community.

Smug satisfaction.

But not for the money! Entirely voluntary.

Clubs- We have a wide range of clubs that run

before and after school

Some are run by external provides eg: Karate, Football and Tennis

Others are run by our Staff eg: Lego, Chess and Girls football

There is a termly timetable for you to sign your children up to

The fees vary with the external clubs

School run clubs are charged at £12 per term

Before school clubs start at 8am

After school clubs finish at 4:15pm

Booking information will be sent to you in September


5 classes established by working closely with our feeder

infant schools

Named after the previous 5 Head Teachers - Hughes,

Kemp, White, King and Sturgeon

Head of Year- Mrs Helen Miles/ Mrs Ramage

Teaching team- Miss Helen Bennett, Miss Jessica Cooper,

Ms Chantie Hadfield and Mrs Carole Brennan

Supported by a Higher Level Teaching Assistant and a team

of Learning Support Assistants.

3 Hughes-Mrs Miles & Mrs Ramage (HoY)

1. My favourite place to go on holiday is Cornwall.

2. I love musicals and always wish I was on stage when

I go to watch one but I don’t think I’d be very good

at it!

3. I trained to be a teacher in Devon so was lucky

enough to live by the sea for 4 years.

1. I have three children; one daughter and two sons.

2. I enjoy cooking!

3. I love going to the Theatre.

3 White Miss Cooper & 3 King Ms Hadfield

1. I come from the East Midlands so don’t have

the Essex accent (yet!)

2. I love sport, particularly playing netball.

3. One of my biggest passions is music. I love

going to concerts, festivals and the theatre!

3 Sturgeon Miss Bennett & 3 Kemp Mrs


1. I can drive a left-hand drive car.

2. I broke both my feet at the same time in 2007.

3. I have never eaten rice.

1. I’m originally from a small town in Ireland called Portlaoise but I have lived in

the UK for 6 years now.

2. I love to sing and recently took back up playing the piano after about 18 years.

It’s never too late to try again!

3. I am hoping to run the London marathon for charity in 2022.

Mrs Orchard- Pastoral Leader

Mrs Thatcher- Inclusion Leader

Miss Hodgson- HLTA in yr3


Our curriculum is really exciting!

We take a cross curricular approach.

The themes in year 3 are:

Gateway to India, From Diva Lamps to Dharma (Hinduism),

Stone Age Rocks, Secrets and Spies, Roman Raiders and

Despicable Dragons.

From Diva Lamps to Dharma


We love PE and enjoy visitors coming

into school




Hands on






Maths weekly

Spelling weekly

Half term homework project

Shrines dedicated to those

we admire following our

theme on Hinduism

School food

Our kitchen provides delicious meals for hundreds of


Cost - £2.20 a day.

24 hours advance ordering.

We keep the 2 week menu varied, nutritional and


Online ordering and payments (also for trips).


dinner at MJS!

Lunch service



We work really closely with Moulsham and Oaklands

Infants, our main feeder schools and make contact with

any other schools that children currently attend.

Please ensure that:

You read the Pack sent home.

You watch the tour with your child.

You share bits of this presentation with your child.

Transition- what next? Please find Yr3 2021

transition on our website under Parents

You will have received an initial welcome letter from us back in May

And then a large information pack

Your child will have spent time on our playground and eaten lunch in our hall

in June

Lots of information in this Power Point 1st July

A virtual tour on our website for you to share with your child w/c 5th July

3 forms for you to return to us by 3rd July

Move up afternoon 12th July

Link to the Transition section on our website: https://www.moulsham-


1st day at Moulsham Junior School

Thursday 2nd September, starting at 10am.

This enables us to meet you all at the year 3 & 4 gate and

bring your children to school whilst it is quieter.

Children will enter via the Year 3 and 4 gates, please say

goodbye here.

This is the place to drop off and collect each day - please

agree a ‘spot’ with your child.

It is really busy - please do not crowd around the gates.

Teachers come out at the end of the day.

Yr3&4 gate

Yr3&4 gate

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